Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 22, 1929, Image 3

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    Benoa itd |
Bellefonte, Pa., March 22, 1929.
Borough Council Agrees to Pay Half
the Cost of Same.
Every member of borough council
was present at the regular meeting,
on Monday evening, with the excep-
tion of president John S. Walker, who
‘was confined at home with illness.
In his absence J. M. Cunningham
‘was chosen to preside.
Borough solicitor N. B. Spangler
and street commissioner W. E. Hur-
ley were present regarding the claim
of Mrs. Daniel Clemson for injuries
Sustained by falling in an open man-
hole on the street, but as they were
unable to furnish accurate data they
were requested to get the information
and the matter was considered at a
conference held in Mr. Spangler’s of-
fice on Wednesday evening.
J. L. Carpeneto reported that after
a trip to Danville, Northumberland
and Tyrone, in company with mem-
bers of borough council, inspecting
quadruple combination fire fighting
apparatus, the committee of the Un-
dine Fire company had arrived at the
conclusion that it would be wise to
purchase a 750 gallon pumper instead
of one of 600 capacity. In explana-
tion he stated that the present pump-
ers have a capacity of 600 gallons
each or a total of 1200 gallons. The
requirements of the Underwriters
Association for Bellefonte are a capac-
ity of 1750 gallons. If the new ap-
paratus is only of 600 gallons capac-
ity it would make only 1800 at the
maximum, which would be only fifty
gallons in excess of the requirement.
But if a 750 gallon pumper is pur-
chased it will mean 200 gallons ex-
«cess, which will take care of all de-
mands in Bellefonte for years to
Mr. Green, representing the Amer-
ican La France Fire Engine com-
pany, was present and briefly ex-
plained to council the merits of his
apparatus, dwelling on the fact that
it is all built in their own factory
and is guaranteed during its nor-
mal life time. His price quoted was
Mr. Welsh representing the Buffa-
lo Fire Apparatue corporation, stated
that the quadruple combination put
out by his company is an assembled
one, but every part is standardized
and manufactured by responsible
firms. They gave a guarantee of
three years and the price is $10,500.
Mr. Badger, of the Fire and Police
committee, reported that the com-
mittee is in favor of the purchase of
a 750 gallon pumper. Other council-
men suggested that the Undine com-
mittee secure prices and specifica-
tions from other manufacturers, and
to assure them of the cooperation of
council a resolution was passed pledg-
ing council to the payment of $4800
on the purchase price of a new appa-
ratus. ;
- Secretary Kelly read a communica-
tion from the State Board of Health
in which it was detailed that the
board had been apprised of the ac-
tion of council in doing away with
the local board of health and the
election of Dr. S. M. Nissley as health
officer, and stating that it will be nec-
essary for him to undergo an exam-
nation as to his qualifications for the
job; further suggesting that he
might find it necessary to take a
course in a school at Carlisle. The
matter was referred to the Special
The Street committee reported re-
pairs on quite a number of streets.
putting them into shape for summer
The Water committee reported a
few minor repairs, the collection of
$107.00 on the 1927 duplicate, $1293.
on the 1928 and $20 for rent from the
Beatty Motor company. :
Mr. Cunningham also stated that
some changes had been made in the
booster pump which has eliminated
the vibration and noise complained
of, but as there is only a two inch wa-
ter pipe out in that section the
volume of water is hardly sufficient,
and he suggested extending the four
inch main as far as the booster pump,
a distance of about 400 feet. The
matter was referred to the Water
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that the Undine pumper has
been equipped with new tires and
the Logan pumper will be so equipped
in a few days.
The Finance committee reported
a balance of $57.71 in the hands of
the borough treasurer. Renewals
were authorized on notes aggregating
$13,200, and a new note for $3,500
was authorized to meet current bills.
Mr. Cobb, of the Special committee
reported that he had secured from
the West Penn Power corporation def-
inite figures on the lighting of the
proposed airport sign. Robert F.
Hunter specified six one hundred watt
lights which transposed into candle
power would be eight one hundred
candle power lights, which will cost
$208 per year, burning twelve hours
a night. The matter was left in the
hands of the committee.
Mr. Cobb then called the attention
of council to the announcment of the
milk dealers’ association, published:
two weeks ago, that owing to the
adoption of the milk ordinance they
| hanna league is a thing of the past
will be compelled to increase the price
of milk two cents per quart on April
A Comparative Statement of the
County’s Farm Products from
1844 to 1924.
A marked increase in the produc-
tion of potatoes, milk and eggs on
Centre county farms during the past
40 years is revealed by statistics just
compiled by the Pennsylvania De-
partment of Agriculture.
Rye, once an important crop in the
county, is now being produced on a
very small scale while oats is in-
creasing in importance as a grain’
crop and wheat is being produced on
about the same scale as 80 years ago. :
Other interesting statistics based
upon U. S. census figures and State
estimates for three periods centering, |
around 1844, 1884, 1924 are given in
the following table, the figures for
the value of orchard products being |
reduced to the 1913 base by means of
index numbers: i
Number of farms
Improved land in farm
Expenditures for fertilizer ..
Value of implements and machinery
Crop Production
Value of orchard products
Trees of Bearing Age
Apple .
Livestock Numbers
Milk cows
Other cattle
Eggs produced
Milk produced
Butter made on farms .
Honey and Wax
1844 1884 1924
tsp 2,300 2,100
114,200 184,700 146,300
abbas sndoit $27,700 $100,100
$165,200 $461,600 $1,827,700
260,100 872,300 843,700
373,600 442,400 ,700
207,400 382,900 692,100
125,000 38,000 9,400
7,900 24,100 12,300
81,600 166,100 298,100
14,900 35,500 46,600
$5,000 $90,500 $53,700
donttonetinsiie 99,000 17,400
SS 6,100 12,800
8,300 6,200
205 450
8,700 12,600
13.800 7,200
15,700 3,300
21,300 17,100
97,600 180,100
484,400 986,500
3,546,100 5,894,800
757,700 14,800
36,800 21,600
1st. This he characterized as untrue
and misleading. He stated that one
of the dealers had informed him that
he would have no expense at all, as he
was already equipped to meet all re-
quirements. That before the ordi-
nance had been heard of the associa-
tion had been considering the in-
crease in price so as to pay the
farmers who produced the milk a
cent more per quart for their milk
and have a cent more per quart for
themselves. Mr. Cobb stated that
while council may not have the pow-
er to regulate the price of milk he
wanted the public to know the real
reason for the increase, and that it is
not because of the milk ordinance.
Mr. Reynolds reported that the
Beatty Motor company is desirous of
leasing from the borough about 350
square feet of ground in the rear of
their present plant on which to erect
an open shed for summer work. The
matter was referred to the Water
Bills totaling $3261.65 were ap-
proved for payment, after which
council adjourned.
With the robins hoppin’ around and
spring weather in the offing baseball
enthusiasts are beginning to display
a little more energy, as was evidenced
at the meeting held in the grand jury
room, last Thursday evening, to con-
sider the question of a ball team for
the coming season.
A representative crowd of fans
were present and the committee ap-
pointed a week previous recommend-
ed that the following men be chosen a
board of directors: Judge M. Ward
Fleming, Fred B. Healy, John L.
Knisely, Mark Williams, Francis
Crawford, Harry Walkey and Edward
L. Keichline. The board organized by
electing Judge Fleming president;
Mr. Healy, vice president, and Mark
Williams secretary and treasurer.
The sentiment of all those present
was strongly in favor of a team this
year. The directors will hold another
meeting tomorrow at which time a
committee of two.will be appointed to
attend a meeting of representatives
of the Centre and Clearfield league to
be held in Philipsburg next Monday
night for the purpose of making over-
tures for admission into the league.
Of coures at this time there is no
predicting what the outcome will be.
Developments in the Centre and
Clearfield league have not yet reach-
ed that point where it has been decid-
ed just what teams of the old league
will come in this year, and whether
there will be a place for Bellefonte or
One thing is sure, the old Susque-
and if Bellefonte is to have a ball team
this year it will be necessary to make
new affiliations. Whether a connec-
tion can be made with the C. and C |
league will not be known until after
Monday night's meeting in Philips-
burg, but if such should prove to be
the case it would undoubtedly be to
Bellefonte’s advantage and also put
new life into the organizations across
the mountain. It is a well known fact
that there has always been a keen ri-
valry between Bellefonte and Philips-
bur, as well as other towns across the
mountain, in all kinds of sports, and
if they are again hitched in a ball
league it should result in redoubled
interest for all concerned.
Colorful “gents” who have been ar-
raying themselves in shirts, ties and
socks that make the rainbow look
like a phony nickel, will have to pipe
down or be entirely out of style.
The epidemic of vivid green, pur-
ple and yellow shirts, ties that
screamed, and especially the hats with
a brilliant rooster feather stuck in
the band is over according to Joseph
H. Pinto, of New York, president of
the National Association of Retail
Clothiers and Furnishers.
“Color restraint is the key word of
fashion to the well-dressed man of
the forthcoming spring and summer,”
said President Pinto.
Men will never go back to sombre
black again, but they will agree on a
According to a dispatch in the
Pittsburgh Press from Fairmount, W.
Va., one man in every four employed
in the bituminous coal mines of the
United States in 1926 either was kill-
ed or injured, and this is one of the
prices which the mine workers pay
for the disorganized coal mining in-
dustry, according to Van A. Bittner,
chief international representative of
the United Mine Workers of America
in Northern West Virginia.
Bittner declares that the average
operator, suffering from keen compe-
tition, is unable to take ‘even nor-
mal precaution to safeguard the life
' and limbs of his men.”
He adds:
‘The report of the Bureau of Mines
of the United States shows that 2,500
men, employed in the bituminous coal
mining industry in 1926, lost their
lives and that more than 275,000 were
“The obligation of the coal mining
industry to the public is to produce
coal at a fair price to the consumer.
The duty of the public to the coal
mining industry is to pay a fair price
to the producers of coal for the ser-
vice rendered. The coal miner who
produces coal for the comfort of so-
ciety is entitled to a wage that will
allow him and his family to live in
accordance with recognized American
“The American public must be
brought to realize the tremendous
service rendered by the producers of
coal. TH ie ds
“In the mines in West Virginia |
alone in 1927, 595 men were killed |
and 2,674 were injured. This death |
injury rate is appalling and must be |
given proper consideration by the
consumers of coal. |
“Under these conditions no set of |
men in American industry are en-
titled to higher wages and better
standards of living for themselves
and their families.
“It is the duty and solemn obliga-
tion of the American people to real-
ize and consider all of these elements
in the bituminous coal mining indus-
Now that spring is here, pruning
shears of various shapes and makes
are located and again brought into :
the light of day to serve their annual
duty. |
“How many of us realize what we |
are doing when the cutting is be- |
If the growth of a tree or a shrub |
were similar to the growth of the hair |
on our heads, then their “bobbing,” |
would be an easy matter]
but as plant growth differs greatly |
from hair growth we should govern |
the pruning of both accordingly. . |
The first question that should come
to mind when the pruner approaches
a tree or a shrub with a saw or a pair
of pruning shears in hand is, “What
is the purpose of that particular tree
or shrub?” The second question is
“Why prune it?”
If the answer to the first question
is that the tree or shrub is grown for
flowers, this important fact should
be remembered in pruning. Pruning .
only for two reasons—(1) to produce .
more blooms, or (2) to reduce the:
size of the plant—answers the second
question. iN
Will merely cutting the top of the |
plant or “bobbing” it result when
these answers are clearly in mind be-
fore tackling the plant to be pruned? |
Or will the parts of the plant which |
should be removed in order to serve IU
the purpose for which it is being
grown be selected more carefully?
There are two general groups of
flowering ornamental trees and
shrubs —(1) spring flowering, and
(2) late summer or fall flowering.
Common sense indicates that these
plants require different times of the
year in which to be pruned, if they
are to serve their purpose. The spring
flowering plants form their flowering
buds during the previous season, So0
that they will be ready to burst into
flower with the first few warm days
of spring. Naturally these plants
should not be pruned until they have
done their duty.
The rule, therefore, for pruning any
flowering tree or shrub is very simple
and can be expressed in a very few
words. Do not prune until the plant
has flowered.
happy medium of modified color
good taste and harmony.” }
Call Bellefonte 432
a Oh, Yes!
U M BER £ W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
T1-16-t Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
: PENNSYLVANIA NEWS “I Can't” lacks in nerve: he’s too faint KLINE _ WOODRING.—Attorney-at
With a record of but one minor in- of heart Law, Belletonte Fa A
jury—back in the “link and pin”
coupler daps—and that through no
falt of his own, Thomas S. Minary,
Jr., Safety Agent of Tyrone division,
has set a fine example for the office
he so ably represents. He has been
in the service on Tyrone division for
over forty-eight years, starting his
career as a messenger, working as
car cleaner, freight brakeman, flag-
man and conductor. His promotion
to the position of Safety Agent re-
cently was merited.
He is a very busy man attending
the various safety meetings on the
division; going here and there better-
ing conditions; talking with the chil-
dren in the public schools; keeping a
line on practically every division ac-
tivity, and numerous other duties.
Mr. Minary is a son of the late
Thomas S. Minary, who was one of
the old original yardmasters in East
Tyrone back in the 80's. His brother,
William F. Minary, retired the first
of this year after a long and con-
scientious service as a passenger con-
ductor on this division.
He was a Sunday School superin-
tendent of the Lock Haven Lutheran
church for a period of twenty-five
years, and is at present active in that
church as a Sunday school teacher.
William C. Snyder, passenger con-
ductor, Tyrone, completed 50 years of
service on March 12 and received the
gold button. Mr. Snyder has been
continually in the train service for
fifty years, having started as a
freight brakeman and come up
through the ranks, switching into the
passenger class in April 13, 1891.
Mr. Snyder will have over a year to
serve, as he is not eligible for re-
tirement until June, 1930.
Clyde Baughman, Tyrone; Curtis
W. Solt, Hannah; John E. Pike,
Woodland; John H. Garland, Sandy
Ridge; R. F. Artz, Port Matilda, and
G. R. Patton, Port Matilda, all extra
operators on the Tyrone division,
have benefited materially by a recent
order issued and are now full-fledged
operators on the Philadelphia Divi-
sion, reporting out of Harrisburg.
Zack Steele, conductor, Tyrone, has
been bothered with a rat in his cel-
lar for over a year. Although every
' known means has beem resorted to to
get this wily rodent, he still occupies
his cellar kingdom in the Steele home.
Has. anyone a suggestion?
To pitch in like a man and do his part.
He's none of the spirit that fights and wins
He admits he’s beaten before he begins.
“I Can't’ sees as mountains what bolder
Recognize as mole hills: ambition dies,
And leaves complaining in helpless wrath
When the first small obstacle blocks his
“I Can't” has a notion that, out of spite,
He's being cheated of what’s his right.
The men who succeed, by hard work and
He envies,
snd sneers at as ‘Fools for
“I Can't ”’ is a loafer, who won't admit
That his life’s the mess he has made of it;
The treasure that’s sparkling beneath his
He thinks he can’t reach—and won't even
“I Can’t” has a feeling the World's in
To him for a living he’s failed to get;
But, given a chance to collect, he'll rant
About past failures and whine, “I Can't.”
—Charles R. Barrett.
meanness pe eens
Bees Buzz Busily for 800,000 in U. S.
More than 800,000 people in the
United States are keeping bees and
the value of the honey crop runs
from $40,000,000 to $50,000,000 an-
nually, figures compiled by H. F.
Wilson of the agricultural staff of the
University of Wisconsin reveal.
Wilson says beekeeping has splen-
did prospects for the future and great
possibilities in almost every State.
However, he insists, the industry
lacks leadership and finance.
| antes es salty
Glycerin Mixture
Stops Constipation
The simple mixture of glycerin,
puckhorn bark, saline, etc. (Adler-
ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower
bowel and relieves constipation in
| TWO hours! Brings out old waste
matter you never thought was in
your system. Don’t waste time with
pills or remedies which clean only
PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika
give stomach and bowels a REAL
' cleaning and see how good you feel.
| Zeller’s Durg store.
Kor help in any
emergency . . .
and Save Time?
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
30 years in the Business
Beezer Estate..... Meat Market |
when you know that your efforts
in the kitchen are going to be
crowned with success. And they
will be crowned with success ev-
ery time, at least so far as the
meat course is concerned, if you
order your meats from us. For
though our prices are no higher,
our meats are the kind that make
every meal a feast.
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
Exchange. 51-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Promp!
tention given all legal business em-
trusteed to hiis care.
High street.
Offices—No. 5, Hast
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pre=
fessional business will receive
prompt attention.
of Temple Court.
Offices on second floor
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Com-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-8
Bellefonte State College
Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regls-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg., High
8t., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-t2
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone -44
We have taken on the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne Feeds
We have purchased several car loads
of Chick Feeds for this spring deliv-
ery. We can make you the right
price on same.
Wayne Dairy, 329; - $3.00 per H.
Wayne Dairy, 249, - 2.70 per H.
Wayne Egg Mash - 3.25 per H.
Wayne Calf Meal - 4.25 per H.
Wayne All mash starter 4.00 per H.
Wayne All mash grower 3.60 per H.
Purina Cow Chow, 34% 3.30 per H.
Purina Cow Chow, 24% 3.00 per H.
Wagner's Dairy, 229, - 2.50 per H.
Wagner's egg mash - 2.80 per H.
Wagner’s Pig Meal - 2.90 per H.
Wagner’s Dairy Mixture
of cotton seed meal, ii!
oil meal, gluten and ay
bran, 30% - - 2.80 per H.
Oil Meal, 849, - - 8.830 per H.
Flax Meal, 169, - - 2.40 perH.
Cotton seed meal - 3.00 per H.
Fine ground Alfalfa - 2.25 per H.
Meat meal, 459%, - 4.00 per H.
Tankage, 60% - = 4.25 per H.
Oyster Shell - - 1.20 per H.
Stock Salt - - 1.20 per H.
We carry at all times Scratch feeds,
mixed and pure corn chop, bran, mid-
dlings of the best quality at the right
prices. :
We can make you up any kind
a dairy mixture with your corn and
oats chop, at a much better price
than commercial feeds will cost you.
We will deliver all feeds for $2.00
per ton extra.
If You Want Good Bread or Pas
,. TRY :
C.Y. Wagner & Co. ie
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
. Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully:and Promptly Furnished