Bellefonte, Pa., March 1, 1929. a S— sm — - THE ROAD AHEAD. What shall we find in the road ahead As we go around the turn? We cannot tell till we reach the curve For people never return. There may be dangers awaiting us there, There may be refreshing streams, There may be rugged steeps to climb, Or treasures beyond our dreams. But this we know—that when we arrive At the turn in the road ahead, All will be well if we follow on In the way the Master has led. —M. V. THOMAS. e—————————— WHAT SHOULD CONSTITUTE AN EFFICIENT BLACKBOARD The department of public instruc- tion announced that the visual educa- tion committees at the State teach- ers’ colleges and normal schools have developed a blackboard technique that should be the means of improv- : ing instruction in the schools of the Commonwealth. The report of the committees show that the blackboard may serve the following purposes in instruction. 1. For diagrams, sketches, ings, decorative work. 1 2. As a screen for still projection —map outlines, picture and symbol, fade-outs. 3. For outlines, rections. 4. As a substitute for the bulletin board. 5. For group or class work. Some factors mentioned as import- ant to the effective use of the black- board as an instrumental instrument are: draw- summaries, di- Quality and color—Should be natur- | al, dark-colored, slate, free from de-' fects, and with a surface that takes crayon well. Dimensions and location— Should be 42 inches wide, and placed in all available wall space of the class- room except on the window side. At the front of the classroom, the bot- tom line of the blackboard should be 36 inches above the floor; at the side and rear, 26 inches above the floor for grades one to six, and 30 inches above the floor for grades seven to twelve. Care—Keep boards clean and in good condition. At the end of each day, rub boards down with soft, dry cloth, and remove all dust from crayon trays. Clean erasers daily. Each week- end a blackboard kit should be used to remove all loose dust and surface grime. Whenever necessary, recondi- tion surface. Crayon—For regular work, dust- less; for special purposes, colored. Among the underlying principles mentioned are: 1. All blackboard work should be— a. Related to information or in- struction. b. Definite, accurate, purposeful and postive. c. Clearly visible to students. d. An expression of teachers’ and pupils’ best. Rapid sketch work should be ac- curate. 2. Time can be saved and distrac- tions avoided by placing material, to be used by class, on the board in ad- vance. During the development of an idea, illustration, accentuation or emphasis should be used at the very moment it will clarify or clinch the mental picture. Some minor techniques mentioned are: 1. Regulate lighting so as to avoid glare. 2. Teachers should stand to one side rather than in front of work when using blackboard. 3. Write and draw legibly. 4. Use eraser or cloth rather than fingers in correcting errors. 5. Keep boards free from clutter- ing or miscellaneous collections of materials. eee. “Don’t Slow Down While Passing Cars.” Hesitation of motorists in the act of passing another car on the high- way especially when abreast of the other car, is dangerous and ¢provoc- ative of accidents, says Captain Wil- son C. Price, superintendent of the highway patrol. 3 “Motorists before attempting to pass another car, should make sure that they have sufficient clearance ahead to do so safely and, after sig- nalling their intention to pass should proceed to do so at acceler- ated speed,” Captain Price said. “Some motorists actually slow down when abreast of the car to be pass- ed, which is both wrong and danger- ous. Of course, such as the likelihood of an accident, a motorist should use judgment and discretion and it may be necessary for him to slow down and drop be- hind the other vehicle. But, when he has a clear road ahead and is de- sirous of passing, he should not con- fuse motorists following or the mo- torist in the car ahead by slowing down in the act of passing.” rien dp eer eeme————— File Requests for 700,000 Seedlings. Applications already have been re- ceived from 800 private land owners for almost 7,000,000 forest tree seed- lings to be planted this a ac- cording to a statement issued by State Legislature. A bill compelling trees will be planted on waste areas throughout Pennsylvania covering an area of 7000 acres. The trees include pitch pine, white pine, Scotch pine, larch, tulip poplar, Norway spruce, red oak, white ash and black walnut. The only species now available for distribution by the department are limited quantities of Scotch pine and larch. The trees in the State forest tree nurseries are sold for $2 a thousand, packed and delivered to the shipping office nearest the nursery. Definite instructions are furnished to each planter. in an emergency, : {| SPROUL FORESTS RICH IN EARLY LEGENDS Harrisburg—The Sproul State For- est, located in Clinton and Centre ! counties, has many places of historic ,and legendary interest according to ia report recently submitted to the i Pennsylvania Department of forests |and Waters by District Forester Charles Hogeland. One which came | to his attention recently as a conse- quence of investigations in connec- | tion with the department’s land pur- { chase program, is that the land was | once held by the Queen of Spain in the Queen’s Run and Tangasootac | sections near Lock Haven. { Fernado Munoz, a soldier of the | Spanish Royal Guard, later Séifor | Don Augustin Ferendo MundZ, to whom Queen Regent of Spain, Mary | Cristna, became deeply attached and lin 1833 married, was given the title | of the Duke of Riansares. The Duke visited Clinton county in 1870 in the | interest of the holdings of the For- mer Queen. But the title to the land in the meantime had lapsed. Short- ly after she had acquired the land, the Queen requested that the highest mountain be named after the man she had recently married. A few years ago upon this elevation (2293 feet above sea level) a forest obser- vation tower was erected and given the name of Mount Riansares. | After the death of Ferdinand VII | the queen mother, Maria Cristna, en- | deavored to extend the power of her ' daughter, Isabella II who had suc- ! ceeded to the throne of Civil War, { Isabella, to protect her estate sent 'a large sum of money to America to ‘be imvested. John and Christopher ‘Fallon were appointed her agents “here. With a portion of funds en- trusted to them they built the hotel at Lock Haven known as the Fallon | House. The famous hostelry is still one of Lock Haven's prominent ho- tels. In 1830 William P. Farrand locat- ed and developed several coal mines, ‘and laid out the town of Farrands- | ville, along the Susquehanna, five and ‘one-half miles above Lock Haven. It was planned to ship coal to eastern ‘markets by means of canals, and steamboats which plied the river at that time. The “Sunbury and Erie Railroad” was not completed as far west as Lock Haven until 1859. In 1853 a nail mill, with a capacity of ten tons of nails a day, was in operation at Farrandsville together with an iron furnace and rolling mill, as well as several saw mills and a plant for the manufacture of coal cars. Due to high transportation costs the projects were unprofitable and despite an in- vestment of more than three quarters of a million dollars, operations were stopped. This property changed hands a number of times until 1847, it, to- gether with lands across the river, was purchased by the representatives of the Queen of Spain. Among the buildings erected by the Queen were two of great magnifi- cence. They were placed on the mountainside overlooking the river near Farrandsville. The larger, built for hotel purposes, was destroyed by fire in 1892, and the other, a mansion built colonial style with massive col- umns, a large porch, and an arched stone entrance at the side was the dwelling of the superintendent. It was in use until about 1910, when it was dismantled. As an indication of the lavishness with which funds were spent on these projects, in every one of the large rooms was a fire-place, banked with mantels and side pieces of marble. The marble was shipped from Europe's greatest quarries. The stairway that led from an immense hall was made of the choicest woods by skilful artists. The main door was heavily wrought and opened on the arched approach. At the front, on the second and third floors, the rooms had French windows with folding ! shutters, all in white. Driving over the new highway from Lock Haven to Renovo, the remains of the old castle may be observed, high on the mountainside, reminiscent of by-gone glory. | Despite the thousands of dollars of the private fortune of Isabella II which were spent in these various ' projects, they were destined to fall. The iron ore was of poor quality and the coal veins were thin. Transpor- tation was costly. Gradually the un- dertakings were abandoned and the land sold for taxes. mining industry ceased and lumber- | ing became the great industry of this region, where millions of feet of vir- gin timber were cut and floated down the river to the sawmills of Lock Haven and Williamsport. Eventually the property came into the possession of James McHenry, Fredericks ahd Munro, who in 1873 constructed an extensive fire randsville. This plant was later used by the Harbinson-Walker Refractor- ies Company, who discontinued clay mining about a year ago and the land was offered for sale to the Pennsyl- vania Department of Forests and Waters. ———————— eee. Mrs. Coolidge Has Her Joke; She Must ‘Obey’ Till March 4. Sea Island Beach, Ga.—Mrs. Cool- idge showed today that she has quite as keen a sense of humor as the President himself. At the time of a ceremony at which the lawn on the Hotel Cloister, Mr. Coolidge sent for her while she was in the hotel. The messenger was Roy A. Baker, proprietor of the establish- ment. “The President desires you to come to the patio,” Mr. Baker said. “Well, I guess I must obey the President until March 4,” was her reply, with an emphasis on “the.” PEC Ne Changes Sought in Fish, Game Laws. A proposal to advance or postphone the opening days of the fishing and hunting seasons so that they will not occur on Memorial Day and Armistice Day is being backed by the Minnesota department of the American Legion. ——— fp ——— —Subseribe for the Watchman. After 1870 the brick plant at Far-' the President dedicated an oak on! WILD LIFE DAMAGE BEING STUDIED BY EXPERTS Among the events of the past year to which the Chief of the Bureau of Biological Surveys points with sat- isfaction in his annual report to the Secretary of Agriculture is the op- portunity now afforded by congres- sional legislation for more extended research in the relations of wild life to forestry—that is, the effects of birds, mammals, and other forms on forest production. Studies have been made in cooperation with the For- rest Service, and have included trap- ping operations, observations of in- jury to valuable forest trees, the col- lection of stomachs for laboratory study of all rodents destroyed. Stud- ies of the life histories and habits of forest animals, and, in addition, spe- cial investigations of the animal life in national parks. Considerable attention has been paid to the porcupine in the course of this work. These studies have demonstrated that the porcupine is seriously important from the econom- ic standpoint, and that where it ig abundant, control operations may be needed. In the Southwest porcupines occur commonly in the Tusayan, Co- conino, Carson, and San Juan Nation- al Forests. They may be found at considerable distances from trees, |and are partial to ridges, gullies, rocky breaks, caves, and bowlder | slopes. In this region they prefer j the bark of moderate-sized yellow | pines, to that of other trees, but in- | jure also other pines, firs, spruces, and junipers. | In certain parts of the Southwest | porcupine damage is probably sec- ond only to that caused by fire and { misteltoe. The porcupines damage i the tops of the larger trees and peel {or girdle the trunks so the tree is | either killed or the top deformed. | They retard growth by eating foli- | age. The most helpful factor in | planning control work seems to be | their habit of revisiting particular trees during their wanderings through the woods. By distributing | poisoned baits along the lines reg- 1 ularly frequented by porcupines, con- i trol is effected. mmr eee Meee eee Outlines Income Tax Deductions. { Deductions from the gross income ‘allowed car owners under the regu- ‘lations of the Federal Bureau of In- , ternal Revenue on account of auto- ; mobile ownership and operation are | outlined by the American Automo- | bile Association as follows: | All sums paid out for registration | fees, drivers’ licenses, State person- . al property taxes and municipal taxes may be deducted. The gasoline tax may be deducted { when it is a “consumers’ tax” under i the State law, but not when it is a | “distributers’ tax.” i Interest on money borrowed for the purchase of an automobile is deduct- ible, irrespective of whether the car is used for business or pleasure. If a passenger car is used wholly for business purposes, all expenses FARM NOTES. _ —A profitable orchard is one which is pruned, sprayed and cultivated. —The farmer who sows clean” seed will reap, but the farmer who sows foul seed will weep. —Keep in touch with your State college of agriculture for new and promising plant varieties. a. —On old land it is recommended to spread the lime on top after it is plowed and disk it in so it is well mixed with the soil. Don’t cut off the low limbs on young apple trees, for they bear one- third to half the fruit right where it can be picked without a ladder. —Equal parts of steam bone meal and limestone is the best mineral mixture to supply phosphorus and calcium to cattle; and these two are usually all that is needed. —Dealers and farmers expecting to sell farm seeds in Pennsylvania next spring should get tests made and labels ready now to avoid delay. This is the advice issued by the State bu- reau of plant industry. All dealers offering agricultural seeds for sale for seeding purposes must attach to each package weigh- ing ten pounds or more a label giv- ing: (1)—The commonly accepted name of the seeds; (2)—The percent- age, by weight, of impurity; (3)— The percentage, by weight, of weed seeds; (4)—The name and number per ounce of noxious weed seeds; (5) —The percentage of germination of the seeds, with date of test; (6)— the name and address of the vendor. The following seeds are declared as noxious: Wild onion or garlic, quack grass, dodders, Canada thistle, devil's paint brush, king devil, peren- nial sow thistle, horse nettle, bind- weed. It is unlawful to sell, offer or ex- pose for sale or distribution any agri- cultural seeds, or any mixture of them, for seeding purposes, when the seeds or mixtures contain more than 93 per cent, by weight, of weed seeds, or contain one or more seeds of dod- der or one or more seeds of Canada thistle to five grams of such seed or mixture. These provisions apply to every person or firm offering seed for sale for seeding purposes, farmer and pro- fessional dealers alike. Farmers may sell seed in bulk to dealers without the label. Anyone may test his own seed, but will be held responsible for the accur- acy of the tests. Should the inspect- or find the seed not to be as repre- sented the seller is liable to prosecu- tion and fine. Samples may be sent to the seed analyst, bureau of plant industry, Harrisburg, Pa. The law fixes a fee of 25 cents per sample, and fees should accompany the samples. The seed should be throughly mixed so that the sample taken from it is incident to maintenance; -including |$dpresentativé of the lot. The value depreciation at the rate of 20 per cent. per annum, may be deducted. When the car is used “chiefly,” or more than 50 per cent., for business, and incidentally for pleasure, the ex- pense may be deducted on a pro rata basis. Loss sustained by reason of dam- age to a passenger automobile while being used for pleasure is deductible. If a motorist pays damages for in- jury to a pedestrian, the ‘amount is deductible, provided that, at the time the injury occurred the car was be- ing used for business. There has never been a decision, however, on whether a fine paid by a motorist may be deducted. Loss sustained when an automobile used for business purposes is traded in for a new car may be deducted. The amount paid for insurance on automobiles used for business pur- poses is deductible and also the amount of finance charges on a pur- chased car which covers interest and risk on the loan, but not the amount covering the premium on insurance to protect the finance company’s in- terest. The amount paid for an automobile used for either business or pleasure is not deductible—New York Times. Visiting Sick is Held as Part of Min- i ister’s Duty. | | A minister of the gospel, killed or injured while enroute to visit a mem- ber of his church who is ill, is act- ing “in line of duty” and comes under the benefits of the Workmen’s Com- pensation Act. men’s Compensation Board which af- firmed an award made by a district referee to Ella R. Headlee, of Homer City. Her husband, pastor of a church there, was overcome by car- bon monoxide gas while making ad- i justments on his automobile. i The opinion pointed out that the pastor had no fixed hours of duty and that in preparing to visit a parish- | ioner who was ill, he was “furthering 8 business or affairs of his employ- er.” BE Nanty-Glo’s Evidence of Waning Prosperity. | From Nanty-Glo, Pa., Journal. In mentioning the big drop in pos- tal revenue at the Nanty-Glo office in the Journal a few weeks ago, it was | intimated that the coal companies ! bought their postal supplies else- where, through their head offices. Postmaster Cornely denies this, stat- ing that all the local coal companies bought their stamps here, in fact that they were the best patrons the office had. It seems the falling off was mostly due to the dull times that pre- vailed here as elsewhere—a sort of mute evidence to the contrary of the great prosperity we are told pre- vails in this country. Some books are to be tasted, oth- ers to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.—Bacon. This ruling was made by the Work- - | of the test rates on the careful taking ; of the sample, which should consist of from two to four ounces. —In the swipe feeding tests at the Iowa experiment station one of the important observations made was the effect of sunlight on nutrition. Those pigs that were fed out in the open so they got plenty of sunlight made about the same daily gain as the ones fed inside. But they did it more economically and on less feed. The pigs fed inside required an average of 425 pounds of feed for each hundred pounds gain to réach a weight of 225 pounds, while those fed out in the sunlight reached the same weight, with only 391 pounds of feed for each hundred pounds in- creased weight. The outside fed pigs made $1.02 more per head over and above feed costs than did those fed inside. Mr. Evaard, who was in charge of the experin ents, thinks that sunshine | was responsible for the difference. He is convinced of this because of the | fact that the outside fed pigs did not do nearly so well during the early part of the feeding season, when the days were short and cold. On the other hand, after the days became ; | longer and more mild, there was a ' marked improvement in their\ gains. During the early part of the feeding | season it took about 10 pounds gain for the outside feed pigs, but at the close, when the days were longer, these pigs ate about 70 pounds less , feed for each 100 pounds gain than did those fed inside. The conclusion drawn is that prob- ably in midwinter, during the short days and severe weather, it is well to feed pigs inside. When this is done, however, they should, by all means, have alfalfa hay as a source of vita- mine D to take the place of the sun’s rays, and to aid in assimilating min- erals. As soon as the days lengthen and the weather becomes more mild, the pigs should be given their feed outside. —Ordinary adhesive tape, used for | emergency mending on everything from a cut finger to a punctured tire, proves to be the long-sought means | for saving millions of young trees in nurseries from crown-gall, rookknot and similar malformations. The dis- | covery was made by Prof. A. J. Riker and his associates of the University of Wisconsin. The germs of crowngall and similar , tumorous diseases of plants, which have caused heavy losses for years in the nursery business, get into freshly made grafts through the freshly cut surfaces which are normally suppos- ed to grow together in a smooth un- jon. The usual types of wrapping used on grafted trees fail to keep them out. But an overlapping wrap- ping of adhesive tape excludes them effectively and permits success with over 90 per cent of all grafts made, Professor Riker reports. ! There are seventy negro doctors in | the United States. Making A Will A Duty HE making of a Will is a duty that T every man owes to himself. And the selection of a proper Executor is part of this duty. More and more prudent men are naming corporate executors rather than in- dividuals. The corporation does not die; it has trained officers to do its work. It is under strict supervision by the State. It offers many advantages, let Us act for you. The First. National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. How Assuring T is nice to know that whatever befalls you, you have the depend- able protection of funds to your credit at the First National Bank. Your account is invited. 8 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM RSS ERC CC ES CCRC NAAN SIAM OAR AAS) AR Any Men’s or Boys’ Winter Overcoat at exactly ! PRICE Our Entire Stock of Winter Overcoats—none reserved—at | one-half the Regular Price.... | | | | | Don’t let this go by!