Ea, ES — Beworail atc Bellefonte, Pa., February 22, 1929. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. Carpenters are now at work repairing the floor in the recorder’s office in the court house. ——Of the 1008 supervisors of music in the public schools of the State Centre county schools have three. With another five inch snow fall and zero weather the goose bone prophecy of a mild winter is not be- | ing entirely fulfilled. ' — The Game Commission of Pennsylvania owns 131,278 acres of land in the State to buy 56,130 acres more. The regular Tuesday Kiwanis luncheon was addressed by Miss Mar- shall, secretary of welfare work for crippled children in Pennsylvania. The Westminster Guild of the Presbyterian church will hold a food sale in the Variety store tomorrow (Saturday) beginning at 10 o’clock. ——The epidemic of whooping cough and measles has run its course among the school children of Belle- fonte and the result is an increased attendance in all the schools. ——Harrison Dean, of Waddle, was arrested on Sunday night on the and has options : THIRTY-FOUR TRUE BILLS. | Complete Work on Wednesday and ‘Make Final Returns. | The grand jury for the February {term of court convened on Monday ' morning and G. F. Holdren, of Phil- ipsburg, was appointed foreman. During the three days they were in session they passed on 39 bills of in- dictment, 34 of which were found ‘true bills and five ignored. The list :is as follows: Harry Kimmel, William Minnick and Harold Wagner, larceny of a deer. Russell A. Sweetwood and C. W. ‘Zerby, larceny of a revolver. - Ernest Leitch, David Shade and Carson Price, larceny of chickens. Ralph Eyer, unlawful possession and transportation of liquor. { Wilbur Miller, larceny of goods from the Bodle home, near Bellefonte. Ernest Long, possession of liquor. William J. Parker, possession and transportation of liquor. John Burns, transportation and possession of liquor. | Emory Fink and Edward Orwig, ‘arson in connection with burning of Orwig’s barn. { A. C. Coble, operating motor ve- hicle while intoxicated. | John Lullen Jr. possession and ‘manufacture of liquor. i Samuel Rudy, breaking, entering Jessa JURY RETURNS I One Parole Granted, Two Refused by LAMB CLUB MEMBERS ! Judge Fleming. ! The first session of parole court under a new ruling promulgated by Judge Fleming was held on Saturday morning. The first case called was that of Howard Chambers, of Snow Shoe, sentenced on January 18th to pay a fine of $50 and three month’s im- prisonment in the county jail. Pa: role refused. Harry Jackson, of Harris township, serving a sentence for di:ving an au- tomobile while under the influence of liquor, and who only had about twen- ty-two more days to serve, was pa- roled and given time in which to pay the costs, so that he can support his wife and five children who have been kept by the township since he has been in jail. Mike Furl, sentenced on December 6th to pay a fine of $300 and serve six months in jail on the charge of illegal possession of liquor, was re- fused a parole. James H. Bickett, David Finkle- stine and Joe Compani each plead guilty to operating gambling devices in the shape of slot machines in their place of business, and each one was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs, and the confiscated machines ordered destroyed. Abe charge of indecent exposure and the court sentenced him to pay a fine of 850, costs of prosecution and placed a e of stealing the automobile of 2Rd larceny, in connection with rob- him on parole for one year, during John Meek. In lieu of $1000 bail he was sent to jail for trial at court. W. J. Emerick, the new pro- prietor and manager of the Bush house is said to be going to change the name of the noted old hostlery. ‘When he completes the extensive im- provements now in progress it will probably be rechistened “The Penn- Bell Hotel.” Keep in mind the . Bishop Hughes lecture in the Methodist church here on Monday night, March 4. Bishop Hughes is reputed one of the strongest platform speakers of the day and his “Biography of a Boy” is as much of a lecture classic as was Conwell’'s “Acres monds.” —H. Hagenbach, a piano tuner from Williamsport, fell on the ice in front of Potter-Hoy hardware store, Tuesday morning, and broke a leg. He was removed to the Centre coun- ty hospital where the fracture was reduced. The injured man is an ov- | er-seas veteran and has been follow - ing his avocation for some time in this community. ——The many friends of Col. H. S. Taylor will be glad to know that he has recovered sufficiently from his recent illness to partially resume his work. The Colonel has not fully re- covered from an attack of pleurisy he suffered several months ago. He has really been a very sick man for the past two months, but indications now point to recovery of his usual robust health. Three negro murderers, of Erie, who were scheduled to be electrocut- ed at Rockview penitentiary next Monday morning, have been granted a respite of one week to enable their appeal for commutation to be heard by the board of pardons at its meet- ing next Wednesday. The meeting of the board was to have been held this week but was postponed a week owing to the illness of Attorney Gen- etal Cyrus E. Woods. nard, rector of Grace church, Ridg- way, will be the guest preacher at the Friday evening Lenten service at 7:30 in Saint John’s Episcopal church. Mr. Maynard was the rector of St. John’s parish for eight years before accepting a call to Ridgway. The Rev. Stuart F. Gast extends a cordi- al invitation to everyone. The choir will sing the anthem, “Praise the Lord,” by A. Randeggar. ——Mrs. Mary McClellan, of Phil- lipsburg, was 104 years old on Wed- nesday of last week and the event was celebrated by a big gathering al the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Arnot. Five generations were gath- ered around the festive board. While she was born at Binghamton, N.Y. Mrs. McClellan has been a resident of Philipsburg for eighty-three years. Notwithstanding her great age she is still in good health, though natur- ally somewhat feeble. ——The ladies of Queen Temple, 148, Knights of the Golden Eagle of Bellefonte, gave a measuring party in the I. O. O. F. hall last Friday evening. It was in conjunction with their regular meeting and proved a delightful diversion. The features of the entertainment program were a lecture on “Liars,” by Mrs. Lila Cole, and “The Song of the Rolling Pin,” rendered by a sextet composed of Mesdames Rose Tate, Arthur Fortney, Samuel Roberts, Julia McNichol, John Sheckler and Grace Bilger. ——The Rain Bow Revue, a vaude- ville show which appeared in Belle- fonte all of last week, engaged one of the Johnston motor bus company busses to transport them to Sabina, Ohio. The bus, with two drivers and the members of the company on board, left Bellefonte about 6.30 o'clock on Sunday morning. Dark- ness overtook them, Sunday evening, in the neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio, with the result that the bus side-swiped a heavy trailer standing on the side of the road without any lights. The bus was thrown to the side of the road and several of the vaudeville party were slightly injured but none seriously. of Dia- The Rev. Malcolm DePui May- | bery of pig pen near State College. | William Matts, possession and sale | of liquor. | Lee Cowher, possession of liquor. | Joe Crushett, manufacture and pos- , session of liquor. | Andy Capotz, toxicating liquor. { Ambrose Pisci, possession of liquor. | John Hart, possession and sale of liquor. Al Courson, possession of liquor. James Farthingham, possession of liquor. Minnie Crawshaw, sale and posses- sion of liquor. Charles Irwin, possession of liquor. Lloyd Ripka, F. & B. Joe Caparrelli and daughter, Mag- gie Capparelli, possesion of liquor. Robert Knisely, fraudulent checks, two indictments. Paul Waite, assault and battery. William Manchester, fraudulent checks, two indictments, Russell Letterman, F. & B. Samuel Holt, operating gambling device. Harry Lindemuth, operating gamb- ling device. Toner Fisher, operating gambling device. Calvin Coble, F. & B. The following bilis were ignored: Stanley Gingery, fraudlent checks. John Long, fraudulent checks. Clinton Eckley, aggravated assault and battery. Gerald Crook, transportation and possession of liquor. William Fulton, assault and bat- tery. The report of the follows: We have acted upon thirty-nine bills of indictment, of which thirty- four were found to be true bills and five not true hills. Wa nave visited and inspected the county buildings and find the following: We recom- mend a new floor covering in the prothonotary’s office, as well as three rows of filing cabinets and two rows of book cases or racks. That floors in all offices, as well as walls, in the court house should be kept clean. Repaint all outside doors in the county jail, repair and repaint side porch. Removal of old paper and plaster in main hall of jail and re- surface with hard plaster. Fix pipe coverings in basement. The condi- tion of the jail quarters is deplorable and we recommend the following: Remove the rotton wood ceilings and old tin and replaster, brace up bal- cony; this is in very bad condition and we find some of the supports re- moved. A fire door, or escape, should by all means be provided in the back part of the main hall. this to be most necessary. For san- itary reasons, we recommend a show- er bath in the bathroom of the pris- oner’s quarters, as well as a radia- tor, for the health of the prisoners. We recommend that the commis- sioners, in selecting soap and clean- ers for floor covering, knowing that | certain alkaline soap and cleaners are very injurious to same, should purchase non-alkaline. We recommend that the floor cov- ering in the office of the county sup- erintendent’s office be repaired. i The rotton ceiling and old tin re- ferred to above is considered a har- bor to bugs and roaches. G. F. HOLDREN, Foreman. om Disastrous Fire at Lewistown. manufacturing in- grand jury is as Lewistown had a disastrous fire, on Sunday, when the Kennedy apart- ments, on east Market street, were totally destroyed, entailing a loss of $75,000. Seven families and two bus- iness places were burned out. A doz- en firemen were overcome by the flames and smoke and a temporary hospital was established in the Meth- odist church, in charge of the com- munity nurse, Miss Helen Cochran. —At the celebration of the inter- national day of prayer for missions, held in the Bellefonte Methodist church, last Friday night, Rev. Sny- der, of the United Brethren church, was the speaker and officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Robert Thena, president; Mrs. Frank Smith, secretary and Miss Isabella Hill, treasurer. We believe. | which period he must not take a "drink. If he is at any time caught | intoxicated he will be called into | court and given a prison sentence. Father and Son Banquet at Y. M. C. A. Bellefonte. | Everything is in readiness for the big time at the Bellefonte Y. M. C. | A. next Tuesday evening, February , 26th, when the father and son ban- quet will be served by the ladies ‘auxiliary at 6 p. m. J. Kennedy | Johnston, will preside, Rev. Homer | C. Knox will act as toastmaster while | { Prof. J. H. Frizell, of State College. , Vocal selections will he furnished by | the Kiwanis quartette and a quar- tette of boys, with Miss Freda Ed- miston presiding at the piano. There will be toasts to Dad and toasts to Son, with lots of group singing. hundred and fifty dads, and any who have been over-looked can consider this a personal invitation to attend. Just send in your check for $1,25, which will be the cost of the banquet for one dad and son, or call the Y, 14-R, and make reservations at once, as space will be limited. Boys who do not have any dad will be taken care of by dads who do not have any son, so that no one need be left out. The committee in charge is composed of R. L. Mallory, J. Fred Herman and L. C. Heineman. Mysterious Visitors Excite Mill Hall : Real Estate Owners. Mill Hall real estate owners are all het up over the mysterious visit there, recently, of three men who claimed to be real estate operators of Philadelphia. They were accom- panied by two photographers and took data and pictures of the site of the old axe factory which was de- stroyed by fire more than a year ago; pictures of the land, the dam, the house formerly occupied by the mill superintendent, the never-failing spring nearby, the site of the old woolen mill and its water power rights, the Mann Edge Tool company holdings and the railroad spur which is owned by that company and the Bellefonte Lime and Stone company, and its connections with the New York Central railroad. The men departed without making known the purpose of their work, al- though it is reported that they did intimate that their investigations might result in something good for Mill Hall, industrially. ———————— erent ——— Mining Company Buys Timber Land in Centre County. The Helvetia Coal Mining com- pany, which recently purchased a large tract of land in Gallagher town- ship, Clinton county, from the Pitts- burgh Coal company, has made an additional purchase of mountain land in Lamar, Porter and Logan townships, Clinton county, and Walk- er and Miles townships, Centre coun- ty, about 13,600 acres all told. A good part of the Centre county land is what is known as the old Wash- ington furnace tract. Most of it is covered with a good stand of second growth timber. The consideration is not given in the deed which has been entered of record in Centre county. ——E. C. Musser, superintendent of the West Penn Power company for the Bellefonte district, has been confined to his home the past week with a painful attack of rheumatism, and John L. Nighthart, the dean of barbers in Bellefonte, has been con- fined to his home for two weeks as the result of an attack of the grip. ——— ——George Estright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Estright, of Boggs township, and who is a marble work- er in the employ of M. R. Johnson, of Bellefonte, and Miss Annabelle Sprankle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Sprankle, of Milesburg, were married in Lock Haven last Satur: day. : GUESTS OF ROTARY. | Thirteen members county lamb feeding club, and the | fathers of most of the members, were entertained by the State College Ro- tary club at a dinner at the Centre Hills Country club Tuesday evening of last week. Roast lamb served at the dinner was grown by the club members, who were sponsored by the State College Rotarians. H. G. Niesley, assistant director of agricultural extension at the ‘College and a member of the Rotary com- mittee on rural and urban relations, was chairman of the meeting. He introduced county agent R. C. Blan- ey who briefly reviewed the work of the club, introduced the youthful lamb feeders and their parents, and presented ribbons to the winners in the county round-ups. Blaney reported that 1928 was the third year of lamb club work in the county. A year ago at the State farm products show in Harrisburg, the reserve grand championship was won by Jane Vial. At the show last month the Centre county club clean- ed up on the honors. The 43 lambs grown by the Cen- tre county boys and girls sold for | $849.46 at Harrisburg and they won Robb plead guilty to the | $151 in prize money. Alice Foust's ‘purple ribbon pen sold for $107.09 the speaker of the evening will be Invitations have been mailed to two and won $12 in prize money. Ribbons were awarded at the meet- ing Tuesday evening to the highest ten in the club, the places being de- cided on showing merit, record hooks kept, and daily gain of lambs. Awards were as follows: Lee Homan, first; Fred Luse, second; Clarence Hoy, third; James Campbell, fourth; Donald Campbell, fifth; Alice Foust, sixth; Edward Bitner, seventh; Charles Harter, eighth; Floyd Weigh, ninth, and Philip Smith, tenth. P. C. MacKenzie, superintendent of livestock at the college, who judged the lambs at Harrisburg, stated that they were the most uniform, best conditioned group of club lambs that he had judged in the past ten years. As a feature of the program W. B. Connell, sheep and wool extension specialist at State College, presented an illustrated talk on the various breeds of sheep and modern methods of flock management. After the program the club boys and girls held a short business meet- ing at which Fred Luse was elected president and James Campbell, sec- retary-treasurer. Messrs. Blaney, Connell, and W. L. Henning, of the college department of animal hus- bandry, made short talks. Plans are being laid for another lamb club this year. Wagner and Co. Installing a Miracle- Ace Hammer Mill. C. Y. Wagner & Co., are installing a MiraclesAce hammer mill in their mill in this place and expect to have it in operaton by the 15th of néxt month. While the Wagner mill here is one of the best ‘equipped in: the country the management has been more or less hampered because of lack of fa- cility to grind feed rapidly enough to meet their standard of service to the trade. The new mill will have a capacity of three tons per hour, and when it is operating it is hoped that before the farmer who takes grain to the mill has seen the last of his raw ma- terial leaving his wagon or truck the first bags of his feed, perfectly ground, will be swinging out to be loaded up. Many farmers who are buying pat- ent feeds might find it greatly to their own profit to have their own corn and oats ground. Because Wag: ner & Co., will add all the meals de- sired, grinding and making the mix at a very trifling cost. ———————— lee eae— P. O. S. of A. Install Officers. Officers for the ensuing year have been installed by Bellefonte camp, No. 889, P. O. S. of A.. as follows: Vice president, Thomas Stine, mas- ter of forms, Charles Sheckler; inner guard, Henry Bathurst; outer guard, J. L. Long. The appointees were as- sistant secretary, Doyle Hazel; chap- lain, Carl Fisher; right sentinel, Walter Bathurst; left senti nel, Clif- ford Jodon; refreshment committee, Edward Markley; Thomas Stine and J. A. Immel; entertainment commit- tee, Charles Sheckler and Charles T. Stine; press committee, Charles T. Stine and Clarence A. Stine; by- law interpretation committee, J. H. Barnhart, Sinie H. Hoy, M. R. John- son and Earl Corman; flag commit- ! tee, Henry Bathurst. A bean supper was served in the hall, last Friday evening, on which occasion president Brooks gave a talk on Abraham Lincoln and Charles Stine discussed George Washington. A bazaar will be held in the hall this (Friday) evening and tomorrow ev- ening. Oysters will be served both evenings from 6 o'clock on. Price, 35 cents. Guessing contests and oth- er entertainment will be on the pro- gram. Prizes will be awarded. ——Mr. and Mrs. George I. Pur- nell entertained with five hundred last Thursday night, at their home on east Curtin street, the Sycamore club, of which they are members, be- ing their guests. Georgette Purnell, their eldest daughter, was hostess for the high school set, at a Valentine party, given at the Purnell home Sat: urday night. . NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Dr. Joseph Brockerhoff has been at ‘The Chalfonte.” —Mrs. Louis Carpeneto and her daugh- ter, Miss Louise, have been spending this week in Philadelphia. —Mrs. J. G. Butterworth has been here for a week, called from Wilkinsburg, by the illness of her mother, Mrs. John Knisely. > —M. I. Gardner, of Clearfield, was a | Bellefonte visitor, on Wednesday, while on one of his frequent business trips to Centre county. —George McNichol was home from Har- risburg, for one of his frequent week- | i —Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker went over to Ebensburg, yesterday, for a ten day's visit, expecting while there to be under of the Centre Atlantic City for the past week, a guest at the .care of her occulist in Johnstown. —Mrs. Harry Garber, who is at her former home on Long Island, went over to New York the last of January, to look after some business relative to the setfle- ment of her mother’s estate. Upon com- pleting this business, Mrs. Garber will return to Bellefonte to be with her sister, Mrs. George Thompson for the present. —Mrs. M. C. Breese, of Downingtown, her sister, Mrs. Katherine Curtin Burnet, of New York, and the latter's daughter, Mrs. George Spencer, of Brooklyn, have made definite arrangements for spending the summer in Bellefonte, having leased end visits with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. | the Hastings home for the season. Mrs. James McNichol. —A pleasant caller at the Watchman of- fice, on Wednesday, was Mrs. T. W. Breese and Mrs. Burnet are daughters of the late Gov. and Mrs. Andrew G. Cur- tin, consequently, lived most of their life here. Romick, of Bishop street, who braved the | 2 snow and cold weather to come down on a business trip. | —Miss Lucy Potter and her niece, Mrs, H. Laird Curtin, are among those from this 1 lity, i —Mrs. John A. Woodcock, who has been city ota a Deen aie visiting with relatives in Cumberland val- | t y vy ley for the past month or more, is ill at the home of her sisters, the Misses Forbes, at Chambersburg. h —Mrs. A. W. J. Woche and her small son, who have been with the child's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bow- er, since before Christmas have returned to their home in New York. —William O’Brien, who has been spend- ing the week with Mrs. O'Brien’s mother, Mrs. George M. Gamble, is here from Phillippi, W. Va., looking after some bus- iness interests here and at Snow Shoe. —Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Keller and their three children have returned to their home in Williamsport, after spending the winter here and at Waddle, with Mrs. Harry Keller and the Stevenson family. —Thomas King Morris Jr. came in from Pittsburgh yesterday, to spend his Wash- ington birthday vacation with relatives here and fraternity friends at Penn State, expecting to return home Sunday after- noon. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCormick and Mr. McCormick's sister, Miss Anne, drove up from Harrisburg last week, for an overnight visit with Mrs. A. Wilson Nor- ris, at the apartment in the Blanchard heme on Linn street. —Miss Theresa Shields has been home from Blossburg since Saturday, here for a month’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shields. At Blossburg, Miss Shields has been one of the superin- tendents at the State hospital. —Miss Caroline McClure has resigned her position with the Deitrick-Dunlap Cadillac Co., in anticipation of going to Narberth, to accept a clerical position in a bank. At Narberth, Miss McClure will be with her sister, Mrs. Murdock Claney and her family. —Mrs. George Knisely has taken Mrs. George Lose's place in the William T. Kelley home, the condition of Mrs. Lose, who had been in charge of the Kelley house for a number of years, being such as to give her family no hope for a per- manent recovery. —Mrs. Clara Iddings and Mrs. Spencer Garman, drove to Altoona, yesterday morning, to spend several days with friends there and in Tyrone. The Wil- liam and Spencer Garman families are occupying the Mrs. Charles Cruse home on east High, while she is in Florida. —Mrs. Blanche Nolan, a former resident of Bellefonte, is now with'her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Nolan, at State College, after an absence of a year. Mrs. Nolan, who tbeen visiting during that time, with relatives in Ohio and Ni- agara Falls, has made no definite plans for the future. —Mr. and Mrs. Emery and their daugh- ter Isabelle, with Mrs. Harry W, Harper as a driving guest, motored over from Centre Hall, Saturday, to spend the after- noon in the shops and making a few busi- ness calls. The suggestion of spring in the weather, Saturday, brought many shoppers to Bellefonte. —Mrs. Rachel Noll was in from Pleas- ant Gap, Saturday, on one of her frequent all-day visits with her sister, Mrs. Hiram Fetterhoff, at the Harry Holtz apartment in the Rogers building, and on a shop- ping trip. Mrs. Fetterhoff is at present contemplating a visit with relatives of Mr. Fetterheff, in Harrisburg. —Miss Rebecca N. Rhoads, of Wash- ington D. C., was in Bellefonte, Tuesday, coming here from State College, where she has been for a week, with Mr. and Mrs. Irving G. Foster. Aside from Miss Rhoads many friends here, her property interests attract her to Bellefonte sev- eral times during the year. —Mrs. Frank Bradford and her granid- daughter, Joyce Bradford, came over from Centre Hall, Tuesday, being in Bellefonte only for the fifty minutes the train re- mains here. The trip was made solely for the pleasure of little Miss Bradford, who is Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradford's only child, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brad- ford’s only grand-child. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diffenbacher, of Roslyn Farms, Carnegie, spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Margaret McManus, at her home on Allegheny street, the trip in from Pittsburgh having been made especially for the visit. Mr. Diffenbacher was a nephew of the late W. S. Zeller, and the friendship for Miss McManus was formed during his visits here with his uncle at the McManus home. —George D. Fortney, of Boalsburg, was a Bellefonte visitor last Thursday and it was just our bad luck to have missed the little call he made at this office. Mr. Fort- ney is a highly esteemed friend and we haven't seen him for so long that our re- gret at having missed the opportunity of a little chat was very genuine. He is a gentleman who has been prominent over in Harris township for many years and his opinions on conditions over there are worth having. —A motor party, including Mr. and Mrs. George McCormick, Mrs. F. F. Pal- mer, Miss Caroline McCloskey and Witmer Lee, all of Potters Mills, drove to Belle- fonte, Tuesday, in the McCormick car, to spend the day in the shops and vis- iting. A part of the time while here the McCormicks were guests of Mrs. A. C. ‘Mingle and the family, Mrs. McCormick being a niece of Mrs. Mingle; Mrs. Palmer's extra time was spent with her cousin, Mrs. Aikey, who was a recent pa- tient in the Centre County hospital, while Miss McCloskey’s visiting time was given to Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson and her daughter, Miss Fannie. | | were joined by Miss Potter's sister, Miss Thomazine Potter, of Ashbourn and Mrs. Curtin’s sister, Miss Janet Potter, of Polk, who were at the shore for the week-end, Miss Janet Potter went over from Phila- delphia, where she had been in the in- terest of her work at Polk. —Mrs. Ollie C. Campbell came over from Barnesboro, Wednesday, called here by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Potter Tate, at Pleasant Gap, and also illness in the family of her sister, Mrs. John Lambert, on east High street. Mrs. Tate, who had not been well for some time be- came critically ill Tuesday, her condition remaining unchanged since then, while her granddaughter, Miss Marie Lambert, a clerk in the E. F. Garman dry goods store, has suffered a nervous breakdown and is now under the care of physicians. Mrs, Campbell will be with the Lambert family in Bellefonte and with her mother at Pleasant Gap indefinitely. DE _— Evangelist Boone Holding Successful Meetings at United Brethren Church. What promises to be one of the best revivals in the history of the United Brethren church is now in progress with evangelist C. E. Boone preaching. The hundreds in attend- ance every night is proof that his sermons are of the nature of those preached by the Apostle Peter when men were caused to cry out “What must we do to be saved?” Regardles of what church you are a member, or if you have never held membership in any church and are anxious to get better acquainted with God, or if you are in search of a Sav- ior and want to know Christ and His power to forgive sins, then you are welcome to these meetings. You will find the evangelist to be a kind and sympathetic friend in his message or in rendering personal aid at the close of services. Rev. Boone has had fourteen years in the fields as an evangelist, and has been instrument- al in leading hundreds of souls to the place of acknowledging the truth of Scripture that “His blood cleanseth from all sin.” ito ———eeee——— Bellefonte Central to Put Out Issue of $200,000 in Bonds. Subject to the approval of the In- terstate Commerce Commission the Bellefonte Central Railroad company has sold to William Marriott Canby, of Philadelphia, and Jay N. Schroed- er & Co., Inc., of Lancaster, an issue of $200,000 first mortgage twenty- year six per cent. sinking fund gold bonds, which will be offered shortly to investors. The company’s earnings during 1928 have been benefited in a marked degree by the change in the rate structure giving points on its line the same rates as those applicable to other points in the Bellefonte terri- tory. For the year ending December 31, 1928, the earnings of the company on the basis of the tentative division of rates with the Pennsylvania Railroad have been as follows: gross, $154,- 273.50; operating expenses, including car service, $106,569.27; net earnings, $47,704.23. Still After Encampment Site in Cen- tre County. Sponsors for the removal of the annual National Guard encampments from Mount Gretna, in Lebanon coun- ty, to a site in Centre county, have not given up hope, notwithstanding the fact that the 1927 Legislature de- feated a bill providing for its removal to this county. According to a report from Harris- burg a bill is again to be introduced in the Senate providing for the pur- chase of the Centre county site, and carrying an appropriation of $600,000 for that purpose. The proposed site in Centre county is in the Barrens, near Scotia, where there would be ample room for all branches of the service to camp at one time, and where the soldiers could make all the noise they wanted to without disturb- ing anybody. ————————p——————— ——The Potter-Hoy Hardware company will start a Cash Clearance Sale, March 1st, 1929. This sale will run through the entire month of March. A full detail of the sale will be given in next week’s edition. Watch for it —it will mean a con- siderable saving to you. 74-8-1t —— lp —————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Buckwheat ...