Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 22, 1929, Image 6

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    Pera Wit HE
Bellefonte, Pa., February 22, 1929.
The First Concern.
“Much is heard these days of the
tired business man. And it is all true.
Too frequently members of this large
class of individuals burn the candle at |
both ends by working hard all day
and playing hard all evening. But in
the last analysis they have only
themselves to blame,” said Dr. Theo-
dore B. Appel, Secretary of Health.
“While it is true that conventions
and customs play their part in luring
men, women and children from their
hours of rest, the mature person is
quite in the position, for the most
part, to control his life so that the
needed hours of relaxation and sleep
are obtained. On the other hand, the
question is not so simple for the
youngsters. They largely follow
their immature inclinations. And in
this regard many parents seemingly
fail to realize that children should
spend the late evening hours, as well
as the night in bed, that health-
building sleep and rest and good food
are absolute essentials for a growing
mind and body and that it is their
duty to see that these things are pro-
“Today's high speed with its night
allurements is constantly taking an
increasing toll among the pupils of
high and pre-high school age. Thus
fatigue steps in and health walks out.
“Recent figures tabulated by the
Department’s bureau of child health
show that of 42,515 pupils in the
fourth class school districts in fifteen
different counties, more than 19 per |
cent were found to be ten per cent. or !
more under-weight. Eliminating the
comparatively small number of chil-
dren who are naturally under-weight
because of their size, the majority of
deficients showed unmistakable signs
_of under-nourishment and fatigue.
Subsequent investigation indicated
that most of these young people's
food and rest habits had been practi-
cally self-determined.
“It follows that parents must be
made to realize that the body, wheth-
er young or mature, must be sulject-
ed to certain fundamental rules rath-
er than to the whims of this fast
moving world. Until they do so
neither they nor their children are
likely to get out of life in terms of
health, happiness and joy what na-
ture intended that they should get.
“Fatigue and under-nourishment
! Juniors Maintain Lead With Seniors |
Trailing Because of Lack of
| Application.
A survey of the grades of the four
classes in the Bellefonte High school
| for the third term shows very little
{ change except for the addition of
several names to the Honor Roll. As
| usual, the juniors head the list not
{ only in number of names, but also in
| total points.
This period marked the end of the
| first semester, too, so grades assum-
led additional importance. Numer-
| ous failures among the seniors caus-
ed considerable alarm, when they
{realized that chances for graduation
| were endangered. After school classes
‘have been organized in hopes that
{these pupils will be able to attain the
| standard of work required for grad-
this group continue to maintain the
high standard of scholarship which
years of high school work.
The sophomore class continues to
more than anything else, as this class
contains many members who are
really honor students, but fail to di-
rect their talents in the right direc-
The freshmen have apparently be:
group show a slight gain. But, again,
there is opportunity for improvement.
Many freshmen might have seen
their names on the Honor Roll by in-
creasing their efforts in only one sub-
The Honor Roll for this third term
is as follows:
| Seniors:
Grace Zeigler
Warren Wilson ..
Caroline Kalin ...
Anna Rhoads
Eleanor HOY .....coooooeevriemecssemsnenens
Emily Keatley ......
Jane Musser .............
Barbara Sloop
David Fortney
Paul: Taylor .................
Samuel Bricker
Reynolds Shope
Glen Blackwood
Christine Smith
Helen Crust
Anna Jannet
George Walker
Martha Brugger .............cccconoeeeeeeeeee 91
Dorothy Yorks 21.
Austin Burst... oo
| The sixth annual National Oratori-
| cal Contest is well under way, but to
! date only one B. H. S. student has
There are few causes for alarm in |
the junior class, as the members of
they have shown during their three |
drag behind the other classes, possi- | i
bly because of lack of application |
come adjusted as the grades for this |
are evidence of extreme foolishness ! shown any interest in the work, al-
on the part of grown-ups, but where | though the contest is open to all high
children are concerned, they almost school students under 19 years of age.
assume the proportion of a crime.
“If people are disinterested regard-
ing their own health they should at
least protect that of their children,
for they cannot protect themselves.
In Hygenia, Dr. S. E. Van Duyne,
physician to one of the best known
girl's schools of this country, recently
has considered the evidence against
high heels.
She has found that young girls do
mot like to admit that shoes are in
most instances the causes of corns,
warts, callouses and bunions.
It is the opinion of most orthopedic
surgeons that high heels are bad be-
cause they throw the leg into a posi-
tion in which the circulation is inter-
‘fered with, the posture bad, and
‘strain placed upon ligaments which
never were meant to bear it.
“An examination of the members of
the senior class in this school reveal-
ed that 39 per cent of 212 girls had
deformed feet on entrance into col-
At the time of graduation 82 per
cent had deformed feet, in many in-
stances associated, according to Dr.
Van Duyne, with the fact that more
than half of these girls wear spike-
‘heeled shoes for dress occasions,
shoes too short for many other occa-
sions, and low-neeled shoes with
broad toes and straight lines for
Of the 38 girls who had practically
normal feet, 37 either did not wear
high heels or else wore them less than
one-third of the time.
Twenty one per cent of the girls
suffered with backaches, the large
majority of them being wearers of
high heels.
Furthermore, Dr. Van Duyne was
convinced from her study of these
girls that the wearing of high heels
was associated with fatigue and with
much discomfort to the girls in"other
Special emphasis should be placed
on the fact that the wearing of high
heels leads to much more danger of
injuries from falls. When the heel
is raised the tendon which holds the
large bone of the heel tends to con- |
tract so that a return to low-heels
will at first cause considerable dis-
comfort and pain.
In a comparative study of the
world’s leading food crops, the bana-
na, according to a representative of
the United States Department of
Agriculture in Hawaii, has been
found to lead in total production and
also in fuel value per acre. A fair
yield of wheat is estimated at 1,620
pounds per acre. In the banana it is
32,000 pounds per acre. The com-
parative fuel values from an acre are
2,673,000 calories for wheat and 8,-
320,000 for bananas. Sweet potatoes
approach closest to the banana with a
yield of 6,160,000 calories per acre.
The banana is the richest of all
fruits in protein, having approximate-
ly four and one-half times as large
a proportion as the apple and nearly
five times that of the pineapple. Ba-
nana flour is richer in protein than
potato flour. In food value it is al-
most equivalent to wheat flour.
This yearly contest was originated
| six years ago for the purpose of in-
| creasing interest in the Constitution
jof the United States. The oration
| must deal with the Constitution, and
! since the committee has published a
list of subjects, the difficulty of
selecting a title is solved.
. For the purposes of the contest, the
| United States is divided into seven
regions. The winner in each regional
contest will take part in the finals,
which will be held at Washington, D.
C., on May 25. The winner in that
contest will represent the United
States in the International Oratorical
- Contest, to be held at Washington,
next October 26.
In other years, the seven finalists
in the National Oratorical Contest
have received a trip to Europe with
all expenses paid. This year they will
be given a 12,000—mile tour of Latin
America. Leaving Jacksonville,
Wlorida, on July 4, they will pass
through the Panama Canal and sail
down the western coast of South
America, stopping at important cities
and making trips inland on the way.
They will follow very closely the
route taken by President-elect
Hoover on his good-will tour of Latin
America, and will return to New
York City late in September.
It is not too late to register for the
contest. If you are interested in this
work, consult with Miss Lewis; she
has a complete list of subjects, ma-
terial for the oration and copies of the
winning orations for the past years.
The task of preparing the speech is
not too enormous, as the length of
the speech is limited to ten minutes.
| Two years ago our debating team
tied State College for first place in
the League; last year we won first
“used car”
as soon as
you drive it
That's the reason we have some
cars on our floor that in reality are new cars. They
look like new, perform like new and ARE NEW—
all except the price. Come in and try them. Every-
one sold with our guarantee of dependability.
Small Down Payment and Small Monthly Payments
Essex Coach, late model, run 8000 miles.
Oldsmobile Coach thoroughly overhauled.
Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, like new.
Chevrolet Imperial Sedan, very reasonable.
Chevrolet Coach, run 4000 miles.
Chevrolet Touring, thoroughly overhauled.
Ford 4-door Sedan, Ruxsteel Axle.
Ford Touring at a very low price.
2 Ford Coupes at a very low price.
Ford Coupe, paint like new, all good tires.
Chevrolet Touring, late model, excellent condition.
Chevrolet Coach, thoroughly remodeled.
Ford 2-door Sedan, finest condition.
Very good condition.
Phona 405
These Cars can be Seen, Day or Night, at
Corner HIGH and SPRING Sts.
Feprua is a Latin word meaning to
cleanse. The early Romans had a
feast day on which they went
through expiating their many sins
and cleansing themselves for ap-
proaching religious festivals. They
called this feast day Februa and they
named the month .in which it came
In the earliest Roman calendar of
ten months there was no February.
Februa and they named the month
comitting sins that they had not time
to say they were sorry for any of
But about 700 B. C., January was
prefixed to the beginning of the year
and February tacked on to the end of
it. At that time February had thirty
days. Then came Julius ‘Caesar in 46
B. C. and reformed the calendar,
making the year begin January 1.
To perpetuate his exploits, he renam-
ed Quintilis, originally the fifth
month, as its name implies, but at
that time the seventh, after himself
and took one day from February to
give July 31 days, so it would be as
long as*any other month of the year.
He provided however, that February,
thus left with 29 days, should have
30 days every fourth year.
Later Augustus Caesar wanted a
month named after him, so he se-
lected Sextilis, then the eight month,
but originally the sixth, and called it
. August. To make this month as long
as the one named for Julius, he took
another day from February, leaving
(it only 28 days except in leap years.
| February 19—Jefferson Davis inaug:
| urated as President of
i the Southern Confed-
! eracy, 1861.
February 20—Panama-Pacific Expo-
sition 1910.
February 21—General Sherman bur-
ied 1891.
. February 22—Washington’s birthday.
February 23—Battle of Buena Vista,
February 24—Capture of Vincennes,
Ind., 1779.
February 25—First revolver patented,
February 26—Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, born 1807.
February 27—15th Constitutional
amendment proposed,
place. If our school can make de- |
bates, why couldn’t it furnish some }
orators? Come on, students, let’s
"try to win that free tour of South
America !
meen Ql eee
2,000,000 Travelers Visit France in
{ A report by the commercial at-
, tache of the British embassy points !
| out that the golden stream of tourist
traffic brought almost 2,000,000 per-
| sons to France in 1928. The report
emphasizes that France took advan-
tage of the post-war opportunity and
| was rewarded during 1928 by tourist
expenditures ranging from $250,000,-
000 to $500,000,000.
| Hotels in France have been multi-
| plied, enlarged and renovated in an
| extraordinary fashion. American and
| English visitors have been especially
sought. The great prosperity of the
hotel business from 1919 to 1924
made it easy to find capital for in-
vestment in hotels in France.
In extremely cold weather it is a
good plan to hang a burlap bag in
front of the chicken roosts, as it helps
guard against drafts, and also raises
the temperature several degrees.
renner fp ene ——
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
February 28—First American rail-
road chartered, 1827.
February 29—By stage, 1732, New
| York to DBoston—14
Distribution of Game Under Way.
Whenever weather permits game
protectors and sportsmen through-
out the State are releasing the annual
distribution of game birds and ani-
mals furnished by the game commis-
Rabbits, numerically at least, al-
ways head the list in distribution
plans. Fifty thousand of them were
purchased. A scarcity of fox squir-
rels was reported during the last sea-
son and as a result 500 were purchas-
ed and released.
The Commission has contracted
for 121 wild turkeys, 12,000 Bob-
white quail, 8025 ring-riecked pheas-
I ants and 3540 Hungarian partridges.
The turkeys and pheasants have
been received. The quail will be im-
ported from Mexico and the Hun-
‘garian patridges from Czecho-Slova-
kia. Because of the high tariffs on
| taporiant birds and the constantly
increasing difficulty in ob
( them, the Commission intends to rely
in the future mainly upon its own
propagating farms.
Penn State Selected for Second Na-
tional Engineers’ Meeting.
The second national meeting of the
Oil and Gas Power division of the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers will be held at the Pennsylva-
nia State college in conjunction with
the third annual oil and power con-
ference of the college from June 24
to 27, it was announced by F. G.
Hecler, professor of engineering re-
search at Penn State.
It will be the second successive
year that the annual meeting of the
organization has been held here. Over
250 members attended the session
last year which “was ;the first time
that representatives of’ all ‘large
Diesel-engine manufacturers ever
gathered together to discuss the prob-
lems of their industry.
One of the features of the meeting
will be an exhibition of oil engines,
parts, and accessories. Over 20 com-
panies participated in the exhibit last
year, the first of its kind ever held in
the United States. Plans for the ex-
hibit this year are far more extensive.
Practically every representative
manufacturer of Diesel-engine is ex-
pected to attend the conference. An-
other feature of the meeting will be a
discussion of fuel oil specifications
with a view to establishing uniform
reed fp eee.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winifred W. Braman, et ux, to
Charles E. Fisher, tract in State Col-
lege; $1.
Irma M. Kessinger, et bar, to W.
W. Keichline, tract in Walker Twp.;
J. Merrill Kessinger, Exec., to Irma
M. Kessinger, tract in. Walker Twp.;
S. W. Gramley, et ux, to School
District of Haines Twp., et al, tract
in Millheim; $800.
George P. Johnstonbaugh, et ux, to
W. R. Shope, tract in Marion Twp.;
1 | losses—make you money.
—Some poultrymen use the incuba-
tor for hatching turkeys, but the tur-
key or chicken hen is better.
—Sprouted oats is the handiest
substitute for out-door green feed.
You can sprout the oats in pails. i
§ i
—The hen’s crop is small and the!
winter nights are long, consequently |
the heavier feeding should come near
the close of the day. |
re |
——Hundreds of successful poultry- |
i men are now feeding cod liver oil in |
the winter to their layers and feel
that this is a paying practice.
y . . your bed-
--Each hen should have four
square feet of floor space; this can be !
made more possible by raising all fix-
tures two feet above the floor. | room can be
—Forest improvement cutting ;
betters conditions for growth, in- !
creases the proportion of good trees, !
and insures better individual trees. |
well lighted
—Farly hatching of chickens this
spring and proper handling of the :
pullets will bring them into laying |
condition next fall during the months |
of high-priced eggs. |
- {
—Dirt, wet and darkness breed lice, |
mites, mange and other parasites.
And these things are drains on your !
profit. Cleanliness and sunlight save |
for a week
for no more
than the cost
—A hen throws off about a tea |
spoonful of moisture in her breath |
every three hours. This means a!
damp house, and probably roup or !
chicken pox, if the house isn’t venti- |
lated. |
...of a lead
— The ventilation problem in the |
poultry house is much easier to solve |
if the hens are given enough floor |
space. Three and one-half square!
feet of floor space should be alowed |
for each hen. !
tags |
-—If winter pruning of shrubs is |
idone cut only those that produce |
flowers on terminal growth. Roses |
and hydrangeas are in this group. |!
All other shrubs should be pruned !
after flowering. |
—d |
—One way for farmers to avoid |
paying high prices for clover seed to:
get legumes is to apply more lime
and sow alfalfa where it can be!
grown, say specialists at the Pennsyl-
! vania State College.
| — remem
—If the hen must go out of her |
way to avoid drafts, or walk around |
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
wet places in the litter, or if her work- |
733 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
ing hours are cut short by a lack of
light, or if she is crowded her egg
production will he lowered.
Norway's Seas
. Many fathoms under the
—Do away this year with the old-
fashioned garden of beds and paths,
State College vegetable specialists
urge. Throw the whole garden into
one hed. Plant and sow in long rows
and use a modern wheel hoe for culti-
vating. This method insures greater
returns with less work.
—How about the sire at the head
of your herd? Is he from a line of
breeding better than your present
herd? If not, you better stop using
him right now and plan’ to buy or get
the use of a bull that will put your
herd’ ahead. How about joining an
association or uniting with your
neighbors in getting one started?
—During the winter months when
the farm chores are not pressing,
some extra profit may be made on
fat beeves if sold dressed rather than
on foot. It is not advisable to at-
tempt to do this, however, unless
there are suitable slaughtering facili-
ties at hand and an experienced man
is available for supervising the work.
—-In a general way we all know
they are not especially well adapted
| for fattening purposes. The question
| often arises, what are oats actually
worth, pound for pound, as compared
‘with corn? This matter has been
tested by a number of our corn-belt
experiment stations. One test, con-
cluded by the Ohio station in January
of this year, shows that when oats
‘were fed with tankage and alfalfa
| meal to 48-pound pigs, they consumed
420 pounds oats, 12 pounds tankage
“and 14 pounds alfalfa meal per 100
i pounds gain. Another lot of pigs of
the same age and weight, fed in the
, Same manner, consumed 330 pounds
corn, 40 pounds tankage and 12
pounds alfalfa meal per 100 pounds
gain. The oat lot gained 1.08 pountis
per head per day and the corn lot 1.10,
| making the gains practically identic-
William H. Hall, et ux, to Harry gq
W. Hall, et ux, tract at Snow Shoe;
Robert B. Gates, et ux, to Athalia
Dearmit, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
Comparing the oat consumption
| with that of the corn, one pound of
‘corn was equal to about 1.25 pounds
‘of oats. However, owing to the larg-
that oats are a good feed for pigs, but |
$400. "er consumption of tankage by the
Bellefonte Cemetery Association to ' corn lot in this case, the oats really
Katherine McClure, tract in Belle- ! showed a higher feeding value than
fonte; $50.
James H. Weaver to Charles H, |Speaking within the ordinary limits of
Smith, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1. evi pi i) oats are gn.
‘less per bushel than half
ay un ay Le Mrs, Bortua a bushel of corn. Or, stating the
$710 ? TSus0 Pi same facts in different words, pound
E BE. Wi | for pound, oats are worth about 25
ha iser, et ux, to Guy Z. 8tov- per cent less as a hog feed than corn.
er, tract in College Twp.; $17,000. |This is due largely to the hulls which,
Linn R. Daugherty, et ux, to Ralph of course, have no feeding value and,
J. Loder, tract in State College; $1. in fact, for hog-feeding purposes, are
| a detriment.
Cir It should be noted in connection
with the tests herein referred to that
For 9 Years Gas | both lots of pigs were also fed min-
: 'erals, alfalfa meal and tankage.
Ruined Her Sleep one feeding test with oats, in which
| alfalfa meal was not used, the results
Due to stomach gas I was restless were very unsatisfactory. Alfalfa is
and nervous for 9 years. Adlerika g splendid feed in that it adds not on-
has helped me so that now I eat and ly mineral matter and protein to the
Seon igo00. pe Touchstone. | ration, but also, Vitanine D. the pit:
: re- | rachitic vitamine. en the ration
lieves gas and that bloated feeling ' contains an abundance of vitamine D,
% buat you Sap go Jom Sisen ell | the pig iy able fo assimilate g Jauger
wer amount of mineral matter. e
bowel and removes old waste matter 'gpsence of the needed amount of min-
you never thought was there. No eral matter or when a hog fails to as-
matter what you have tried for your rachitic vitamins. When the ration
stomach and bowels, Adlerika will &weak bones, due to the disease known
surprise you. Zeller’s Drug store. ag rickets, often develop.
lis usually asigned to them. Roughly .
seas, Nature provides an
abundance of sustenance for
the codfish that makes its
liver-cells prolific in vitamine-
bearing oil. :
8 a Ce
Scott's Emulsion
i serves thousands of children §
i and grown people with j
cod-liver oil in a form
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N.J. 22-87
Free sik Host Free
Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear Six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A mew Bar
FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
‘This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes insurance compulsory.
We specialize in placiig such in- -
surance. We ins
recommend Accident
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
ance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your Insur-
State College Bellefonte
Fine Job Printing
at the
There 1s mo style of work, frem the
cheapest ‘“Dedger” to the finest
that we can not de in the most sas-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class ef werk.
Call en er communicate with this
Xaa10st Ask your Drageies br
Hien red
yorum no he Best Sadeet, Always Beiiable