SPARROWS INSTEAD OF (© by D. J. Walsh.) HE young Russells had come t Oakville in the procession ol eager workers the recent establish- | went of a factory had brought j there. They were very young indeed , and fresh from the city. Indeed, it was the first time in her life that I'each Russell had ever set foot in a small country town. She found a keen dif: | {ference from what she had been used | 'to. “But 1 like it, Billy; 1 really do,” | ‘ghe told ber husband. “It's so quiet | ‘and orderly. I'm sure we cud save ilots of money here. Aud do you know ‘what I'm thinking?” “No; what?” returned Billy. He wag, continually being astonished by the ‘wisdom of I'ach’s little blond pate. She was only a confectionery sules- | girl when he married her, as delec- | itablc and unsubstantial seemingly asa ipink french cream, but she was making | ‘a wonderful wife. Billy was a very | igood sort of young fellow himself, isteady and grave and honest, but he | would have told you frankly that he lewasn't a marker to Peach.” And sf he thought now. i “I've been thinking that 1 wish we jhad a real home,” said Peach. “You jknow, Billy, a little house where I icould learn to cook and do things like ithat. It's nice here at Mrs. Killen's, {but it costs so much, I'm sure we could live cheaper in our own home. {And {f we're ever going to have a home we want to establish It while we're young.” “You're right, Peachie,” agreed Bil: Iy. “We'll look up a house.” One March Saturday when they haa half a day’s leisure they went forih to look for a house. They had gath- ered a few facts to guide theni, but they were as ignorant as ever were a a pair of young birds attempting to build their first nest. Not that Saturday did they find what they wanted, and perhaps they never +-ould have found it at all if it had not voen for Mr. Kling, the kindly real + tate man, As It was, the instant they ~~w the house they knew they must Luve it. It was gray and sinall and compact dike a buble bee's nest, only neither Billy por Peach had ever scen a bun ‘ble bee's nest, so they could not draw that comparison. Within it had Just the kind of rooms that a pair of young married people would delight in—a darling tiny kitchen and dining room, a sizable living room, a wee den to snuggle down in cold winter evenings. Upstairs there were two closets, all freshly papered and white painted. There was land enough about the little house for flowers and vegetables and a lawn. ¢] can just see you with your coat off pushing a lawnmower while I sit here on the porch darning your socks 7 whispered Peach. “Oh, Billy, let's have it!” «It will take lots of saving and economy, Peachie,” said Billy. “But it will be fun to save and economize! I'll be the best little saver and economizer you ever Saw, Billy. ‘Honest, I will.” What could Billy say to that except that she should have the house? Mrs. ‘Duke smiled wryly. I forgot to say that Mus. Duke was the woman who owned the house and lived in it. She was very old, in Peacl’s eyes, and she had never been anything that was worth looking at. She sniffed and cackled and sighed-- ghe was just that kind of woman. She made Peach feel that she was making a sacrifice when she gave up her dear little house. “I've lived here twenty-six years,’ ehe spiffed, “and Mr. Duke has beewn ‘gone from me sixteen. That's a long {ime to be a widow, my dear. I wouldn't sell out only my sister wants me to come and live with her. 1 hope you'll be goud to my dear little house. I always wash the paint spring and £all with gasoline and water. Be care ful about always taking hold of the doorknobs. And if you have rubber heels put on your shoes your floors will stay nice longer. And you must al ways lower the winder in the kitchen when you bile meat. And then"—a heavy sniff—“there’s my birdies, my dear little wrens. They come every spring und nest under the veranda. How they'll miss me! I hope you'll be good to them, my dear. My poor little wrens! If you'll just throw them a few erumbs now and then. It's a hard world for little birdivs. I hope you'll feed my wrens.” 5 Peach nearly wept as she heard this. She promised everything, especially to feed the wrens. She did not know what wrens were. Almost the only bird names she knew were the swan and the ostrich, and she had seen them in the city parks. She made up her mind there and then that she would protect and care for Mrs. Duke's little birdies, even as Mrs. Duke her- self would have done. Within a week Mrs. Duke was gone and the Russells were in the little gray house. They had nothing, being so newly married, to make a home out of aside from love and energy and high enthusiasm. But there was a really well-stocked furniture store and a second-hand shop, both open to their patronage. Perhaps Peach bought most at the second-hand shop. She found such bargains there and they cost so little. And Billy discovered that he was something of a genius with hammer and gluepot. Such a good time as they had with their home-making! Such adventures, tle and ‘ures of the such trials which, however, alwuys turned out tv be joyful occasions. And Peach's new cook book! What a mys tery it was at first! But che had the sense not to attempt the impossible ai first. And the first time she placed & simple lit*le meal of baked macaron and cheese before Billy he did nol know that she had practiced upon ¥ for days unbeknown to him! i One morning Peach was awakened by a great twittering about her oper bedroom window. She opened her eyes 1t was scarcely light but she could seé a little bird sitting on the window-sil looking in at her. This was oue of Mrs. Duke's wrens! The friendly little creature! She meant to cultivate him Next night when she went upstain to bed she found the same little bir¢ —or so she thought—sitting on the cord that held the electric light buil before her little dressing table. Fright ened, the bird flew down from the cord and went under the bed. It tood both Ler and Billy and an hour’s work to get him successfully out of th window. Billy begun to complain that thy chirping of the birds kept Lim awake mornings when he should be sleeping They aroused him as soon as it was dawn. “They make such an infernal rack et, Peachie. I'd rather hear the olf elevated.” “They're not so musical as 1 thought wrens were,” admitted Peach. | When one day she found a funny, messy nest built on the window-ledg( of her bedroom she felt surprised. If pained her that Billy should tear the nest ruthlessly away. But the birdy came right back. Billy tore that nes| away seven times before he convinced the birds they were not wanted. But the birds did build in the biv | ter-sweet vine at the end of the porch i and within the porch itself. They were increasingly noisy and nasty. . And in no time at all the nests were full of young birds! Onc day Mrs. Ross came to sit uy the porch with Peach. Mrs. Ross was elderly and agreeable and she had tak en more than a neighborly interest in Peach. “Why don’t you rout out thos dreadful sparrows?” she asked. “They will simply drive you out of the house if you don't.” “Sparrows!” gasped Peach. She list: ened, amazed, while Mrs. Ross guve her a learned dissertation on the sub: ject. “Sparrows!” she repeated. “I thought they were wrens!” “Come over tomy house and I'll show , you a wren,” replied Mrs. Ross laugh- : ing. But it was not until, fascinated ana charmed, Peach listened to the spon- taneous outburst of the tiny golden- throated prima donna in Mrs. Ross’ birdhouse that she realized how she had been deceived. When she told Mrs. Ross about Mrs. Duke's injunction to “feed my wrens” the woman laughed merrily. “Myra Duke,” she said, “played & good joke on you. Probably she is laughing in her sleeve over it at this minute. Oh yes, she knew the dif- | ference. And I'll tell you how I know. She didn't like me and she knew I loved my wrens. So she cultivated . these pesky sparrows thinking they | would drive away the other birds. Get rid of the sparrows and the wrens will come, mark my words.” The young Russells acted on her ad- vice. They got rid of the sparrows. Then the real wrens came. Odd Mineral That Is Mined Only in Utah Gilsonite is one of the oddest min- srals in the world. According to the bureau of mines, it Is mined only in | Utah and is a brilliant, black, as- phaltic substance used in the manufac- ture of varnish, paint, electrical in- | sulation, inks, telephone mouthpieces, electric switch handles and knobs and buttons of various kinds. This queer mineral was discovered | the first white man settled in the val- ley in 1878. At first it wus thought .n Ashley valley several years after | i to be a variety of coal a peculiar odor and instead of reduc- ing to ashes melted and became a tar- . like substance. éiyarious theories have been ad veins of gilsonite in Utal,” says the bureau of mines. “The most plausible theory appears to be that the forma- tion of this great synclinal basin re- sulted in gigantic cracks in the brit- nonelastic sandstone meas- Uintah formation with enough heat to distill the oily matter in these carbonaceous measures from | the underlying Green river shales.” Gardens at Night The delights of the garden have oeen heretofore limited to the hours of | daylight, when the beautiful colors and arrangements of the plants could be observed, but this delight is now to be enjoyed at night as well, by the use of flood lighting. The lights are bid den and are located to make spots of light and shade throughout the land- scape work with The modern art of illumination engi neering has gone among the rose pushes and thickets with its flaming brush and daubed and tinted with a delicacy of lime and color that is win- ping for this tourain the reputation of being “the painted garden.” Avoid Meddling Meddling never pays any dividends except trouble. It brings no friends, creates no jobs, results in no galn. There is & Spanish proverb which apt- ly describes it: “He that mindeth not his own business shall never mind mine.” —Grit. proving the claim. ! each day. When fit : burned, however, it gave off large a day as railroad weightmaster at quantities of dense black smoke with | i college. i | slants used by florists are so prepared i | the fond. | fascinating effect. GIRL WORKS ISLAND CLAIM [N FAR NORTH Cerne 2 1" dian Collaee Craduate » - t - Lives in Cabin. Torcnio.— Women are “sitting on the top of the world” in many fields of activity, but to Miss Kutlileen Rice, graduate of the University of Toronto, goes (he unusual distinction of active cperations as a mining prospector. Mining is one of the chief topics of conversation in Canada at present, but while the Dione wonian, the busiuess woman znd the professional woman discuss how many shares of this or what they own, biiss Rice is working her claim ler part in the romance of mining is a definite one. At pres ent Lier base camp Is on an island in lierb lake. or to use the more melodi Lake. ous Indizn wuame, VWekusho porihern Manitoba. From this base she has worked since 1421. Here she lives in a log cabin that barks back to the days of the pioneers, and nere she pioneers on one of her most prom- ising claims, a copper and nickel vein on an island, within a sione’s throw of her cabin Huard work bas been tangled up in the romance, and Miss Rice had considerable difficulty 1 Now. however, she is receiving encouragement, for engi- neers on the ground have prououncer the prospects good Tqtes a Gun. Kathleen Rice is one of those “girls of the great open spaces Who tote guns,” seen often on the screen das be- ing typical of Canada. but very rare, indeed, in the Canada of real life. Most women would be satisfied to gain distinction in man's field by prospect- ing in the sunnuer, Lut Miss Rice adds further laurels to her outdoor reputa- tion by trapping in the winter. In this way she actually is successful enough to make her stake for summer operations. While she uses a gun like a veteran, she never shoots for sport. Once, when a moose fell to her rifle she preserved the meat for future use. Devotion to animals is one of Miss lice's outstanding characteristics. Al- ways, in the North, she Is seen with and known by her famous dogs. De- spite the unwritten law of the north country, she ignores and never uses the lash. In this matter she has the full approval of the dogs, who not only shower her with devotion but re- pay her by being the best trained dogs within hundreds of miles. Lone Venture. It is now 15 years since Miss Rice, daughter of Henry Lincoln Rice, B. A, of Toronto, went North on a lone ven- ture, The spirit of adventure was financed by a college chum from Chi- cago, who staked her when she home- steaded in the name of her brother, Lincoln Rice, of St. Mary's, Ontario. The young Canadian girl was tited of cities and classrooms. She longed for the North; felt “the call of wind-swept places,” so she left her position as a mathematics specialist in an Ontario high school and hiked to an unknown land. The rest of the story is teem- ing with adventure; her richest gold quartz claim is on the shore of Herb lake, in the line of strike with the Bingo, Rex and Kinski mines. Be- cause Starr is a family name, she calls it the Starr claim, The name con- nects the Rice family with the earliest New England settlement. This claim shows not only gold but other high mineral values. She was one of the first prospectors In the North to find vanadium. Danish Student Called “Busiest Man in Pitt” Pittsburgh Pa.—Christian Neilson, a Danish student at the University of Pittsburgh, has won the distinction of being called the “busiest man In Pitt.” Neilson, registered for a premedical course, is doing two full-time jobs He carries on a full sched- ule of studies and works eight hours Aliquippa, near-by steel center. He travels 50 miles each day to go to and from the university. Injured several years ago while with . the Danish merchant marine, he was vanced aus to the formation of the lett mt Baltimers in fecuperaie Later he came to this district, completed a four-year high school course in three years with highest honors and entered When he was left in Balti more he could not speak a word of Inglish. Now he speaks the language flawlessly. : Puts Color in Leaves and Finds Trick Pays Jacksonville, Fla.—Green oak leaves | cake an autumnal turn In about five minutes in the factory here of Dr. tlenry Dux, who rouges nature's | cheeks so successfully that he finds | a ready market for his goods. in Doctor Dux’s factory leaves and as to make them last indefinitely with- | out becoming brittle and without los- ing their natural beauty. The head of the factory, a licensed | physician, says the process of treat- ment of the le.—ecs, plants and ferns "that come to his workshen for beau- | tification is secret. Find Old Ballot i.exington, Va.— “For President, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi,” is the heading of a faded ballot presented to ! {the Lee museum of Washington and Lee university. The ballot, found in an ante-bellum home at Petersburg, Va, was used in the first and only Presidential election of the Confed- | eracy and bears the date November 15, 1861. the remaining ones. Zones in Space Where Silence Is Absolute When rising from the earth's sur- | face, the air becomes lighter and mv :e : rarefied. All of iis compouenis de- | crease in amount; at SO miies up thera is lictle or no oxygen and the density of the air at that altitude is about one one-hundredth that at the sea lever; at 50 miles, the nitrogen ceuses, and there is practically no water vapor above five miles. Above 25 miles the, air is too rare to transmit sound and absolute silence there prevails. AS the air is very rare at that altitude, and as no motes or dust are there,| the light waves pass almost unobs structed, and there is nearly total darkness and absence of all color; the temperature, too, is very low, prob- ably approaching that of outward space, this region is then one of dark, cold silence. The fact, however, that meteors sometimes become luminous at the height of 100 miles and more, | shows that there is an atmosphere of. sonie sort at that height, probably hydrogen, helium or kindred unknown | gases. Rival Lovers Submit to Cruel Punishment A quaintly wild custom for the cap- cure of young maids’ hearts has sup- vived in the Sudan down to the press ent day. Where it is a case of two young men enamored of tiie same girl, they subject themselves to the ‘‘moba~ tanab,” a love test of a savagely cruel nature, The rivals hail down blows on one another’s backs either with a whip or stick, the weapon having been agreed upon by them in advance. The one who bears up the longest under the i punishment takes home the bride and i receives the title of “Achu-el-Banat” | (Brother of the Daughters). Although these contests have been prohibited | by the police, they continue to ba | leld in secret. i 1 i i i New Kind of Disease It was at one of those Sunday din- : ners that only Hoosier mothers can prepare. Every one proceeded to eat ! too much, as Is usually the case on such occasions. At last Uncle Otto, re- | fused the sixth—or maybe it was the ninth—helping. When urged to partake of cake and dessert, he declined with the tactfw remark: “It looks mighty tempting, but I have limitations.” Hearing this, William, his nephew, age seven, asked: “What kind of disease is that, Uncle Otto?”’—Indianapolis News. Famous Italian Caves Italy claims to have the two deep- est subterranean caverns in the world. The deepest is the famous Abisso del Preta, near Verona, and the second deepest is the cave of Verco, near the River Isonzo. Hitherto both have re- ! mained practically unexplored, but the Alpine society of Julian Venetia re- cently led an expedition to the bottom of the cave of Verco. The mouth of the cave is 1,900 feet above sea level and the depth from the mouth to the lowest pit is about 1,700 feet. The cave contains several lakes and streams. Tides Within Earth? Edmund Halley was the first to note the decrease in the spinning rate of the earth, and Sir George Darwin, sec- ond son of Charles Darwin, ascribed this phenomenon to the friction pro- duced by the tides piling up on shore . and dragging across the bottom of shal- ; low seas. That, however, would ac- | count for only two-thirds of the ag- gregate loss of speed, and Professor Boss believes that the difference can be ascribed to the existence of similar tides within the earth as well as in the ocean. Handkerchief’s Beginning | The necktie worn by the men of to- | day was evolved from the bunch of fabric adopted in long ages past, which was worn as a protection for the clothing. It served as a napkin at meals and general utility at other times. To shield its offensiveness it took the form of a fancy lace-trimmed article and subsequently men who were more exquisite than others took to carrying one of these in the hand, which finally led to the idea of the handkerchief. Has Legs to Spare An argument for the harmlessness | of the centipede is deduced from the fact that when the creature is grasped it does not try to defend itself, but seeks rather to escape. It often does so by “leaving its legs behind.” That fs, the creature automatically throws off a number of legs that have been | caught by the enemy and limp off on | It can easily spare a dozen or more of its thirty legs, for the lost members are re- placed. No Expenditure for Ice A natural cold-storage plant cem- curies old has been a boon to the rein- deer industry at Elephant Point, Alas- ka. A tunnel was cut for 100 feet into an immense glacier, then a shaft sent up through the top for circulation of air. Several individual chambers or rooms were gouged out of the ice to hold in cold storage about 5,000 rein- deer carcasses to await the arrival of refrigerator ships to transport the meat to Seattle. CONFUCIUS’ GRIP alin TORET em re em © mm CN CHINA SLIPS Policy of Religious Freedom Dooms Old Creeds. Nanking, China.—Confuciunism, un- der the nctionalist regime, has lost jits last claim to be the state re- ligion of China. The Nanking government has de- screed that nothing be done to pre: vent veneration to the memory and teachings of the great sage, but the old influence of Confucius has crum- bled under the weight of modern istic nationalism. This summary of Nanking's atti- | tude toward the ancient faith and code which has molded Chinese thought and conduct for more than ! two thousand years was given the Associated Press by a direct descend- ant of Confucius who is also a mem: ber of the nationalist government. He is Dr. H. H. Kung (Kung Hsiang-shi) of the seventy-fifth generation In di- rect line from the sage, whose Chi- nese name was Kung Fu-tzn. Doc- tor Kung, alumnus of Oberlin and Yale universities, is minister of in- dustry and commerce and, while proud of his Confucian lineage, is + | FE Christian. “Many persons, especially abroad. | erroneously conceive of Confucianism | as a religion,” said Doctor Kung. «Confucianisin actually is a code of philosophy. a standard of ethical con- duct for which no claim is made of divine or supernatural sanction. “However, the policy of the nation- alist government is complete religious freedom and toleration, and we shall do nothing to interfere with those who still worship Confucius. “Certainly we shall do nothing to | cast disrespect on the memory of this great man, who is venerated as the great sage and teacher of the Chinese people.” Noted Scot to Judge there’s only the price of oS AACHE a paper of pre Fad J ee AER RX pins between Pn Re ai good light FY RET and bad for all evening. WEST PENN POWER CO Steers at Exposition hicago.— Visitors at the Interna+ tiona! Live Stock expesition, to bq held in Chicago from December 1 to 8, will have the opportunity of seeing Walter Biggar of Dalbeattie, Scotland, judge the individual street classe® wgain, It will be the fourth time that Mr. | Bigzar has crossed the Atlantic in this capacity. Opinion is that this di- vision of the exposition requires a fund of knowledge of animal form and a great deal of care and good judg- ment in exercising it. Ring-side audi- ences, reporters of the show, and ex- | Libitors themselves are united in their opinion that the work has never been performad more faultlessly than by this Scottish judge. It will evolve upon him to pick the grand-champion steer of the show. From $1.10 to $3.60 a pound have been paid for these grand-champion selections of Walter | Biggar, in the auctions of fat cattlr that foliow his judging. A Canadian of note among live stock circles who will visit the Chi- | cago show in the capacity of judge is William Dryden of Brooklin, Ontario. He will serve as one of a committee of three to pass upon the Aberdeen- Angus breed, and another illustrious Canadian is W. L. Carlyle, who will | journey to Chicago to tie the ribbons in the Clydesdale horse classes. Mr. Carlyle is the manager of the Prince of Wales ranch at Calgary, Alberta. Canada. Soldier's Pay Is a Gift, Court Rules in Canada vancouver, B. C.—lolding thal a soldier cannot sue for his pay, Justice Audette, in exchequer court, dismissed the suit of John Williams Cooke for $3,275 claimed due as pay and allow- ances for time he was held as a pris oner in Germany. says he was prisoner, he was classified on army rolls as a deserter and his pay stopped. The case was decided on the crowns | contention that there was no con- _tractual relation between soldier and . crown, the undertaking of the latter to pay being voluntary and the pay ! itself a gratuity, since the soldier, as | a citizen of the state, could not enter | into a contract with himself. 2,976 Languages Berlin.—A total of 2,976 languages spoken throughout the world is given by Der Deutsche as the result of care- fully compiled statistics from the vari- ous countries. This number includes the many barbaric means of expres- sion used in various obscure corners of the earth. Liberia Floods Uncover Rich Diamond Field Monrovia, Liberia. — Recent heavy rains have disclosed the existence of what appears to be a rich diamond field. In the wake of disastrous floods which: changed the landscape in many sections of the country four dia monds of excellent quality have heen found. A report of a survey made by an English engineer 20 year: ago says: “I have every reason to believe that on this spot a new diamond field will one da) pe found having the same char acter as the great Kimberley mines.” The report designated the exact locality where the re. cent discoveries were made. During the time he FOR BETTER LIVING —USE ELECTRICITY FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% 33 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent "ASK MOTHER! . @ There are many, very & 8 many, mothers who through Scott's Emulsion ' 1 power of 3 of que Yiiaming. beating § cod-liver oil to help nourish ¢ : & and strengthen the § : SA poptly developed i P child. Itis abundant r1 in the vitamines that \ are so essential to the welfare of dren. nd dle. ildren and ad af Ci Race & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. DEED UR Free siik HOSE Free Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo- men, guaranteed to wear six months without runners in leg or holes in heels or toe. A mew pair VREE if they fail. Price $1.00. YEAGER’S TINY BOOT SHOP. Employers ‘This Interests You '| The Workman’s Compensation | Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compulsory. {| We specialize in placing such in- | surance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insur- | ance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your Insur- ance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. State College Bellefonte Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is mo style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of werk. Call on or communicate with this office. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAN Ladiest Ask your Pi s Dlamon Iinsia Bed and Gold metallic Take no otner. Ba of IAMOND BRAND P. for as Best, Safost, geansknown Always Relisble SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE aS