Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 18, 1929, Image 7

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Pemorric, ald
Bellefonte, Pa., January 18, 1929.
(Continued from page 2, Col. 6.)
a tumultuous dream from which one
wakens to a sweet cool dawn. After
all, what was death that men should
fear it? A loosening of the soul from
petty cares—a sinking into quiet
sleep— the opening of an unknown
door that led to gentle Jesus.
Not a breath of air. The night was
suddenly heavy and dark asa cloud
passed over the moon. The room
seemed close and small.
She felt her cheeks. They were hot.
What was it he had said? “A slight
fever—quickening pulse . . . ”She felt
her wrist: trip, trip . . .
“Drowsy . . . .”
It was only because she was tired,
achingly tired, after the long vigil
with Jimmie .... That was why she
was tired and sleepy.
Not because—not because of any-
thing else. She believed and her God
had made covenant.
Huge black beetles and night-bugs
flapped their wings on the rusty
screen, and bats— she was sure they
were bats—circled and beat at the
windows. She shook the door to loose
it of the hideous crawling things;
the sudden gust of wind extinguished
the light and left the room in a soft,
sooty black.
The unexepected darkness made her
dizzy. She groped her way to the bed
— the old four poster
had laid out her mother when they
found her . . . Her poor mother, who
had died so young—but not so young
as she was, Hetty.
Her throat narrowed and tighten-
ed. - She could not breathe . . .
wouldnt do that —let her die. It
would be hideous to die.
She was cold. She drew the old
quilt around her.— Hearst's Interna-
A human interest
15-year old Pennsylvania boys and
girls in industry is told in a series of
charts just issued by Miss Charlotte
E. Carr, director of the bureau of
women and children, Department of
Labor and Industry. Under the Penn-
sylvania law juveniles must have com-
pleted the sixth grade in school be-
fore they are permitted to be employ-
ed. The report shows that one-third
of all the children of 14 and 15 years
at work in the industries of the State
have had an eighth-grade education
or better, while three-fourths have
had more than the law requires.
According to the chart, every
child 14 and 15 years of age
school to become a wage earner.
“Qpportunity for work, rather
economic need, would seem to
the survey states.
where textile
eastern cities,
clothing industries
consistently higher than in
cities, where the steel industry pre-
dominates.” :
The story contained in the chart 1s
given in percentages as follows: Girls
employed, 56 per cent.; boys 44 per
cent. These little workers are distrib- |
uted in various cities of the Com-
monwealth, with Reading leading 50
er cent.; New Castle, 3; Pittsburgh,
5; McKeesport, 14; Johnstown, 9; Al-
toona, 4; Wwililamsport, 8; Harrisburg,
5; York, 24; Lancaster, 29; Allentown,
41; Hazleton, 31; Wilkes-Barre, 30;
Scranton, 17; Bethlehem, 19; Allen-
town, 41; Easton, 10; Norristown, 18;
Chester, 11, and Philadelphia, 17 per
The following industries employed
these juveniles. Silk, 14 per cent.;
hosiery and other knit goods, 12 per
cent.; other textiles, 6 per cent.;
clothing, 11 per cent.; paper and
printing, 5 per cent.; food products, 5
per cent.; office work, 3 per cent.;
domestic service, 7 per cent.; trade, 12
per cent.; other manufacturing, 16 per
cent.; and other non- manufacturing.
4 per cent.
The rate of pay varies, as the fol-
lowing figures show: One fourth of
the workers earn less than $7.15 per
week, one half less than $8.56, while
one fourth received more than $10.54
per week.
The hours worked per week show
21 per cent. are employed 45 hours or
less, 25 per cent. 48 hours and more
than 45, 40 per cent. 51 hours and
more than 48, and 14 per cent. more
than 51 hours.
The series of charts contained in
this phamphlet can be secured from
the bureau of women and children,
Pennsylvania Department of Labor
and Industry.
U. S. Has Longest Air Mail Route.
In transcontinental air mail the
United States has the longest con-
tinuous and regularly operated air
mail in the world.
The American Air Transport as-
sociation gives these facts about the
cross-country flight of air mail from
the Statue of Liberty to the ‘Golden
Gate. :
The distance is 2,680 miles.
Mail planes fly 2,750,000 miles a
year, shuttling back and forth on it.
The planes traverse eleven States and
make thirteen stops, and often the
mail is sufficient to warrant running
planes in double sections just as
trains are operated. Planes carry
from one-half to a ton of mail and ex-
The route passes over three moun-
tain ranges: the Allegheny, Rockies
and Sierra Nevadas, and from sea
level on two seaports to 14,000 feet
in hurdling the Sierras.
There are more miles of lights and
beacons on this 2,680 mile hop be-
tween New York and San Francisco
than there are on all of Europe’s air-
Time required on the flight from
New York to San Francisco Bay ig 81%
hours elapsed time, or 27% actual fly-
ing time.
bed where they !
story of 14 and |
leaves ,
than |
influ- |
ence children leaving school to enter’
the !
the proportion of children employed is |
western ;
Pennsylvania Man Wants It
Removed to America.
Meadeville, Pa.—Near a lonely by-
way in rural England, unmarked save
for a small stone, lies the body of Wil-
liam Penn, founder of the state of
The Quaker leader's burial plot,
shadowed by mighty trees and sur-
rounded by an old fence, was discove
ered last summer by Arthur L. Bates,
former representative from Pennsyl-
vanla, who toured Europe with hip
Bates has started a movement te
have Penn's body removed to Pennsyl
vania and a suitable monument erected
to mark his grave.
He says Penn's grave, near an uns
improved dirt road 18 miles from Lone
don, is in danger of being entirely fore
gotten, The lettering on the tomb-
stone, he says, is almost illegible.
The burial plot, which, Dates re-
ports, appears to be a private one, also
contains the bodies of Penn's two
wives, Guliclma and Ilannah, an¢
their children.
The former congressman suggesis
that the condition of the state founs
der's resting place be called to the ats
tention of Governor Fisher of Pennsyls
vania in the hope that he may recoms
mend to the legislature the appoints
ment of a commission to negotiate
with British authorities concerning re
moval of the body.
Should officials of Great Britain res
fuse consent to removal of the body,
Mr. Bates suggests permission be obs
talned fo erect a monument on the
present grave.
Penn acquired what is now Pennsyly
vania—48,000 square wiles fronting on
the Delaware river—through a a
of King Charles 11, to square a debt
owed by the monarch to Dl'enn’s fa-
Accompanied by 100 English Quak,
ers, Penn arrived at his tract in 1683
and laid out the city of P’hiladelphia,
After watching his territory develop
Penn returned to England, where hq
died in 1718. His title to the statq
i was apparently good, for as late ag
1790 the property rights of his des
scendants were acquired by the Amer
ican congress for $850,000.
Study Seeks to Clear
Mystery in Cell Life
New Haven, Conn.—Seeking to learn
more about fundamentals of the prins
ciples and the evolution of life, res
search is under way in Osborn Zoolog-
fecal laboratory here into the puzzling
ability of a one-cell animal to recons
struct liself every 20 or 20 days.
The animal is the paingecium snd
the research is under direction of Dr.
Lorande L. Woodruff, professor of
The unusual factor in the periodic
renewal is that it vecurs without mate
ing or fertilization, which is the ore
dinary way of cell life rejuvenaiion.
Each renewal is accompazuied by in-
| crease in vigor of the animal
The application of such research
lies in the fact that anything which
may lead to knowledge that can be
used ultimately for the direct benefit
of mankind, because the human body
is a structure of countless separate,
co-ordinated cells.
Savant Gets $10,000
to Relieve His Poverty
London.—Tbe Daily Mail suys that
it has learned that the poverty of a
man who has given his life to combat-
| ing malaria has been relieved by the
purchase of his papers for $10,000 by
Robert Houston.
Sir Ionald Ross 30 years ago was
me of the men who discovered that
malaria is carvied by mosquitoes. This
discovery led to eradication of the
fever which was endangering the come
pletion of the Panama canal, He was
given his title, but no other public
Now at the age of seventy-one, seri-
ously ill and with the use of one arm
gone, he has been living close to waut
in a tiny flat here. He offered the
papers and books of his lifetime of
study for sale to relieve his distress.
Silver Fox Strays Into
Montreal and Is Caught
Montreal, Quebec.—A silver fox
strayed Into the streets of Ahuntsic, a
suburb of Montreal, and was captured
by a policeman, who led the animal to
the station as one would lead a dog.
The fox is valued at $500. Shortly
afterward it was resting contenteédly
in a box at the police station. Tire
are several fox ranches on Mont#bal
island, not far from Ahuntsic.
20000900009 000P00P0O00000®
8 Money Circulation Off
> to $40.46 a Person
Washington.—In the United
states on October 81 there was
:4,807,736,465 in money in circu-
> ation, or $40.46 per capita of 3
(he estimated population of 118,- y
489,000 the country had on that §'
date. The figures were &n-
pounced by the treasury.
The circulation statement
showed a steady fall in the per
capita currency circulation since
October, 1920, on which date it
amounted to $53.01 a person.
Last year during October the
per capita circulation was $42.12,
helps explain the life of single cells |
Lady Houston, wealthy widow of Sir |
PE ——
Fifty-Fifty Between
Thief and Financier
A. BE. Fitkin, New York financier,
told a story at a dinner in celebration
of his purchase for $240,000 of a seat
7m the stock exchange.
“The improvement in financial mor- |
als is almost unbelievable,” Mr. Fitkin
said. “Tl tell you a story that Tom
Lawson used to tél about the days of
frenzied finance.
“Once upon a time a bank robber
was interrupted in the midst of his
delicate work by the sound of ap
groaching footsteps.
“The bank robber put down lis
acetylene drill softly. He pressed his
gloved hand—gloved to obviate finger-
prints—to his thumping heart. Then
the door opened, and a beautiful old
gentleman with white side whiskers,
wearing a long black frock coat, ap
«wayvho are you, sir? said the oid
gentleman sternly.
«'m Buster Bill, the safe cracker,’
was the fierce reply, ‘and if you wani
to be bored full of holes like a swig
“But the old gentleman gave a Cry
of joy. He advanced with outstretched
«Oh, sir,” he said, 1 am the presi-
dent of this institution, and I was
afraid you were an examiner or in-
specior or something. But you are
only Buster Bill, a mere burglar, eh?
Oh, thank heaven for that! I'm sure
you and I between us will be able to
come to an arrangement which will
be more than satisfactory to our de-
“Phe two men shook hands cordial-
ly. Then they went at the safe to-
Twain Went Out With
Comet, as He Wished
While delivering a lecture on as-
cronomy a year before his death, Sam-
uve! Clemens had said:
“[ came in with Halley's comet in
i825. It is coming again next year
and 1 expect to go out with it. It will
be the greatest disappointment of my
life if I don’t go out with Halley's
comet. The Almighty said, no doubt:
‘Now, here are these two unaccount-
able freaks; they came in together,
they must go out together.” Oh! I am
looking forward to that.”
We know now that Mark Twain wai
aot to be disappointed. Wednesday
night, April 20, 1010, Halley’s comet,
the mysterious messenger of his birth
year, shone clearly in the sky in its
perihelion. And during the following
evening Mark Twain died.
Summer's Extension.
[ndian sunper is a name applied
.0 a short sea on of pleasant weather
which oceurs ia the Central and At-
lantic coust states usually during the,
months of October and November, but
more rarely in December. Indian sum-
wer is characterized by an almest
cloudless sky, calm or light air, huzy
atmosphere, and a mild temperature
in the daytime although cool at night.
This period may last two or three
weeks and may occur two or three
times during a season. The theory has
been advanced that early settlers may
have given the bright warm days of
autumn the name of Indian summer
because it was as gaudy as the In-
dians in their war paints. Another
idea is that at this season the Indians
often went to war because the bright
autumn colors served as camouflage
for them. There is no actual record
of the use of the term until 1774,
when it was in general use through-
out the Atlantic states.
Obscure Poets.
A friend sends me a cutting from
a recent issue of an English news-
paper that has an oddity all its own.
In a column of literary gossip occurs
the following: “An obscure American
poet once said, ‘Lives of great men
all remind us we may make our lives
sublime’ (or words to that effect). I
would rather say: ‘Lives of great
men all remind us we cun make our
lives sublime only if we organize and
discipline our mental and physical
outfit.” It does not quite scan, but
it is better sense.” Which reminds
me that an obscure English poet
once wrote: “To be or not to be, that
is the question” (or words to that ef-
fect). I would (not) rather say: “To
be or not to be, that is the question
only when you are not thinking of
something else.” It does not quite
scan, but it makes no better sense.
—William Lyons Phelps in Scribner’s.
From Foreign Parts.
Harry Whitehead and a friend were
strolling along the beach at Marble-
head, Mass., where they engaged in
conversation with a genuine ‘“‘Marble-
“By the way,” sald Harry's friend,
“I happen to know one of your promi-
nent citizens.”
“Who is he?” asked the Marble-
“Mr. So and So.”
“He ain't at all prominent, nor en-
ctled to prominence,” indignantly re-
plied the genuine Marbleheader. “That
man has lived in Marblehead only six-
ty-seven years. He's a ‘foreigner,’ born
in Salem.”—Salem ®Mass.) News.
Study in Birds.
In kindergarten little Mary held op
her hand and remarked to the teacher
in charge: “See, I am a little blue-
bird because I am all dressed in blue.”
Hearing this, and not to be out-
done, little William stood up and
sald: “I am a little redbird because
I have red underwear.” i :
i meantime,
Lost Vessels May Sail Years
on Aimless Cruise.
Port Townsend, Wash.—The water
logged bulks of four Japanese “death
ships” now missing almost two yeara'
from home ports are drifting some-
where in the north Pacific and mar-
iners gaze daily across the gray:
wastes expecting the lost craft to:
turn up. According to hydrographic:
records, it is now time for them to
escape the ocean eddies,
Five fishing velles, each manned by
about twelve men, were blown out
to sea in a typhoon which raged off
the Japanese Islands in December
Almost a year later in November,
1927, one of these ships, with its
tragic freight of bodies, came drif¥
‘ng up the Washington coast.
It was the Ryoei Maru. The boat
was towed into Puget sound by the
steamer Margaret Dollar. An exam-
ination here by quarantine officers ve-
vealed the fact that, in a desperate
effort to live, some of the crew bas
turned cannibal.
A few days later another of the
sandering fishing craft was sighted
off the coast. But the freighter that
discovered the hulk let it drift. no*
knowing its tragic story.
Four of the vessels, stoutly built to
cosist the Pacific storms, still drift
somewhere between the Pacific coa®
and Japan, say shipping men.
Charts of the United States hydro-
raphic office here indicate that
these ships may drift for years on
one of two great 1,000-mile current
One flows southward from the west
soast of North America, then swings
out into midocean, then turns north
toward the Orient. The other is di-
rectly west of Hawaii. A vessel whirl-
ing into either might drift there for
years without peing sighted.
Hydrographers estimated the Ryoe:
Maru drifted 20,000 miles in endless
zigzags and circles to reach the
Washington coast.
Dusty Books Provide
Job for Methuselah
London.—One lone man is working
on the job of renovating the 20,000,000
books in the British museum.
For 14 years he has been polishing
the dusty volumes, and there are only
19,790,000 more to fix.
If his present rate of progress con
tinues, he will complete the task in
just 1,320 more years—unless some-
body publishes another book in the
This patient, dauntless workman is
Afr. I. Moss. He sits on a high gal-
iéry in tbe famous treasure house of
the nution and tondles the cover of
one book afier another.
His skillful hands caress 1,600 vol
ames each month, 15,000 each year,
500,000 euch decade; that means 1,500,-
(00 in a century!
But Mr. Moss never stops to worry
about the time. He touches the books
one by one with a sponge, with a deft
and gentle band, restoring their youth
with a magic solution.
£xpert Directs Opening
of Safe by Telephone
Jre.—A 1ock expert, listen-
telephone to the almost
imperceptible sounds of falling tumb-
lers in a safe door, directed the open-
ing of a strong box here.
Miss Kathleen Kivett, office em-
ployee, telephoned Charles Braun, the
expert, in Weiser, Idaho, nearly 50
miles away, that she had lost the safe
combination. She said Braun told her
tc put the mouthpiece of the tele
phone next to the safe door and to
turn the dial. By the sound of the
tumblers ae directed her hand and
the door was opened in less than five
{ng over the
irish Students Find
Prehistoric Remains
Dublin.—Skeletons of prehistoric
.nen have been found in 4,000-yeur-
old limestone caves festooned with
stalagmites at Kilgraeny, County Wa-
terford, Ireland.
Two complete skeletons and re
mains of skulls, leg bones and finger
bones have been discovered during
excavations by university students.
The caves still bear traceg of habl:
Near by bave been found a bronze
gnife, eight inches long, a& bronze pin,
beads, bored boars’ teeth for neck-
wear, & quantity of pottery and two
millstones for grinding corn.
Page Diogenes!
Kinston, N. C.—Willie Langdon,
negro youth, saw an elderly white man
drop a dime. Before he could return
the coin, the owner had driven off
in his automobile. Willie cranked his
own flivver and overtook his man, 11
miles away. “You may keep the
dime,” the latter sald.
Gum So Popular |
Rumania Bars It
Bucharest—'The government
nag ordered the withdrawal of
all American gum-vending mu-
chines from the tobacco stands
of Bucharest, The unofficial ex-
cuse for the action is that the
sale of gum was found to be in-
terfering with the sale of to
bacco, & government monopoly.
A Corporate Executor
W-'. should you intrust the estate that
you have built up after years of work
and self-denial, to incompetent hands.
A banking institution with Trust
powers and large resources, istbetter’ qualified
for this important work than any individual.
The FirstiNational Bank
Thrifty Partner;
N account with this bank is a
thrifty partner — constantly
| giving the right inspiration for
financial progress. Start an account
: with us during Thrift Week.
3 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
ares mimes
3 & CAN © oh
Just a clean-up offSuits and
Overcoats left over from our
great sale.
See our window’s for prices’
You may think them!a joke,
but they areljfacts.
Facts thatiwill save you a
lot of money.