Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 18, 1929, Image 3

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    Demonic pon.
Bellefonte, Pa., January 18, 1929.
r Health,
The First Concern.
We sandpaper and scrape the parts
to be stuck together, use the glue to
hold, then we put the chair away for
a few days after cautioning all not to
use that chair until the vise is re-
moved. We take off the vise, test the
chair and find that the glue is hold-
ing. Then the chair is returned to its
normal use. We know, because of the
treatment and care used, that the
chair will be just as useful as ever.
A slightly damaged heart—true
heart disease—should be treated in
just the same manner. I am sure you
can easily imagine or probably have
seen such a simple procedure as
mending a chair botched by one who
does not know how, or who is careless
and indifferent. Repair of a slightly
damaged heart can also be botched by
one untrained or who is careless and
Of the things that may cause slight
heart damage we will mention but one
—the streptococus. It may be a
stranger to you, but is the germ that
causes us to have inflammations and
pus infections. If we could put this
germ out of existence we would have
less illness, but it is here and it is go-
ing to stay. We can, however, by
proper care lessen the damage it can |
caus. The streptococus present in 50 |
many diseases generates a peculiar |
poison in the body of those fli. This
poison attacks the heart valves and
muscles—why we do not know—and
causes true heart disease. We can,
however, effectively and conclusively
fight this poison by increasing resist-
ance. This resistance can best be in-
creased by rest, both mental and
physical. You go to your physician
because you have “caught cold” for
instance; he gives you some medicine
and tells you to go to bed for a few
days. How often have you said after
this advice, “I can take the medicine
but not the rest. I have my business
and family to look after.” The rea-
son for a rest in bed is to increase
your resistance to the poison of the
streptococus by lessening your exer-
tion. You can easily realize that exer-
tion expends energy and you need this
energy to fight this germ and the poi-
son created. By this care future
trouble may be prevented.
But this has caried us away from
our subject, how to repair a slightly
damaged heart. Nature itself has pro-
vided the “glue” for such a repair,
but we in our foolish energetic rest-
lessness will not allow ourselves to be
laid aside for a few days so that na-
ture’s “glue” can make a perraanent
job. Yet so wonderful is nature that
notwithstanding our lack of coopera:
tion, the heart is repaired but not to
that degree possible if we would do
our part. Just what should be done is
again an individual problem but in-
stead of being solved by the individ-
ual alone your physician is the guiding
factor. Have a thorough examina-
tion to determine if the cause of the
damage s still active. Receive and
follow directions no matter how triv-
al they may seem because I assure
you that often the little things are, to
your physician the most important.’
Our repaired chair used before the
glue has fully hardened will be use-
ful but will not last as it would if it
had been allowed to remain in the vise
for a longer period. The same is true
of an improperly repaired damaged
heart. Curbing restlessness for the
period fixed by your physician can
give a permanent jcb, but becoming
active too soon can and will bring
pain, discomfort and sometimes dis-
tress. An improperly repaired chair
wobbles and so will an improperly re-
paired heart. *
The third type of heart disease is
where the heart is badly damaged.
We have repaired two broken chairs
and go on to the third, only to find
the wood has decayed. The screws will
not tighten when the glue is applied
and the broken parts are putin a vise.
The wood crumbles and breaks. As
this chair has been a very special one,
always reliable, useful and in fre-
quent demand, so constantly in use
that there never was time even to see
if it is wearing out, itis put away in
a store-room or attic where it is some
times seen but never used. How we
regret when we look and think of what
it has been, that we did not have it
repaired when damage was slight, or
better still, that we did not give it
such care as would have prevented
the damage in the first place. How-
ever, the damage is done and cannot
now be undone, but we can learn the
lesson, and take better care of the
chair that takes its place.
The discovery that the liver con-
tains a hormone which is highly bene-
ficial in cases of pernicious anemia
has led to the widespread use of this
viscus under the impression, which
has become general, that liver is a
particularly wholesome form of ani-
mal food. As a matter of fact the
very opposite is the truth. Authori-
ties on diet have discouraged the use
of liver as well as of other viscera for
the reason that these organs contain
large quanitities of uric acid and oth-
er toxic substances and impose a
heavy burden upon the liver and kid-
Experiments on animals have shown
that the liver contains highly toxic
proteins. Rats fed on liver show evi-
dences of nephritis within a few days.
An eminent medical authority predict-
ed that persons who eat liver freely
| Odd Craatures Found
are practically certain to die of
Bright's disease.
in Subterranean Life
Subterranean animal life presents
rany curious features. The life of
the animals of the caves is unique.
The subterranean forms of life de-
velop, reproduce and die entirely with-
out sunlight. Among such forms of
life there is none of the mammal
form. except a species of rat; and
there is no cavebird. Then, too, none
of the subierrancan animals requires
much nourishment.
The greater abundance and variety
of this life is met in grottoes with un-
derground rivers. Usually the subter-
ranean life resembles the general
types of the country. It has entered
the caves and there become accli-
mated, undergoing curious adaptive
modifications. So it happens that we
generally find, in modified forms, the
life of our own time. In some cav-
erns, however, there seem to be dis-
closed the remains of an ancient an-
imal life that has everywhere else dis-
appeared from the terrestrial rivers
living only in the caverns.
The creatures of modern species
that have adapted themselves to un-
derground conditions are sharply dif-
ferentiated from the dwellers in the
light. Their skin is of a whitish hue
or else transparent. The eye atrophies
or altogether disappears. The optic
nerve and the optic lobes vanish, leav-
ing the brain extraordinarily modified,
Other organs develop in proportion ;
those of hearing, smell and touch be-
come enlarged to a degree. Sensitive
hairs, long and coarse, appear all over
the body.
Din of Modern Battle
Ended Drum’s Prestige
It was France which took the initi-
ative, years ago, in doing away with
the drum. Other nations followed
the example, and long before the
World war the drum had disappeared.
It still figures in military bands, of
course, but it plays no more part ir
warfare than the harp or the violin.
Thus ended a long and honorable
military career. The Greeks ascribed
the invention of the drum to Bacchus.
The Egyptians charged behind a rank
of drummers. Pizarro found drums
in South American temples. The
Puritans of New England used the
drum as a church bell and as a cal”
to arms against invading Indians.
The heroic drummer boy was the
stock figure of authors from Pliny
down to Kipling.
But France pointed out to the world
that the drum was a serious encum-
prance to marching, that rain spoiled
it, that its calls could not be heard
in the din of battle, that it took two
years to train an efficient drummer,
and that the instrument’s abandon-
ment would release many young mer
for active service.
The drum was accordingly done
away with.—Rehoboth Sunday Herald.
Happy Gorilla Family.
The gorilla is monogamous and di-
vorce and remarriage are not among
his problems. When domestic rela-
tions have once been formed they re-
main “until death doth part.” No com-
panionate or trial marriages in the
forest. The young cling to the family
group until matured, and often longer,
bringing their own mates to live in
the habitat of their parents. The repu-
tation of this type of ape for ferocity
is said to have been greatly exaggerat-
ed. As might be expected of an ani-
mal loving peaceful home life with its
family, the gorilla, naturalists assert,
rarely becomes dangerous unless at- |
tacked. In defense of its family or it- |
self. ‘however, it will savagely attack
an ageressor who forces it into battle
Earth’s Motions.
The Naval observatory says that it
cannot say that the earth has any cer- |
ain definite number of motions. “Pop-
alar Astronomy,” by Flammarion and
(ore, gives the following as the 11
nrincipal motions of the earth—other
authorities might regard their number
as greater or less than 11: Rotation
m its axis, revolution about the sun, .
srecession of the equinoxes, motion |
around the center of gravity of earth
and moon, nutation, variation in the
sbliquity of the ecliptic, variation in
the eccentricity, motion of the peri-
helion, planetary perturbations, mo-
tion of the sun around the center of
oravity of the solar system and the
sun’s motion through space.
Twain Liked Typewriter.
Mark Twain is said to be the first
author to submit typewritten man-
uscript to a publisher. In the autumn
of 1874, Mr. Clemens was strolling
down one of the streets of Boston
with a friend, when he was drawn
by curiosity to a strange-looking de-
vice in the window of a stationery
store. It made a deep impression up-
on Twain, who purchased this primi-
tive typewriter, and shortly thereafter
the manuscript of “Life on the Mis-
sissippl” was typed on the machine
which he had bought.
Diverted Enough.
An old proverb says the mind ought
sometimes to be diverted in order that
it may return the better to thinking.
Not much argument in that for the
average American. Most of our day is
given over to being diverted rather than
to thinking. There are few of us who
couldn’t at least do better work than
we do if we gave more time to quiet
and deliberate thinking and less to the
tind of hustle and hurry which is
mostly false motion.—Grove Patterson,
in the Mobile Register.
Former University Star Now
Shattered Idol.
Los Angeles, Calif.—On the foot-
ball field, as a star player for the
University of Southern California,
Capt. Johnny Hawkins played the
game and won, but when he stepped
out into life and played the game of
| burglary he lost.
| And so today he sits in his cell in
the Los Angeles county jail, a shat-
tered idol, convicted on five counts of
burglary, and facing a term in the
state prison at San Quentin of from
five to seventy-five years.
As on the football field, Hawkins
played the game for all it wus worth,
so as a burglar he was no piker. Po-
lice estimated his total thefts, in
about twenty burglaries, at about
$35,000. His burglaries were commit-
ted exclusively in homes of the weil
to do, and his plunder consisted al-
most entirely of wearing apparel, si}:
verware, jewelry and the like.
Said His Wife Was lll
Naturally, when the tens of thou-
sands of persons in southern Cali-
fornia who had cheered themselves
hoarse at Hawking’ athletic exploits
for his alma mater read of his being
caught red handed by the police in
the act of burglarizing a Los Angeles
residence last June 17 they were
shocked. There must be some mis.
take, they thought, there must be
some explanation.
Well, Hawkins was there with the
explanation, He asked his friends
through the newspapers, to withhold
judgment until all the facts were
known. Inferentially, be had a bona
fide alibi, There was no escaping
ne fact that the police caught him
in the act, and the bulk of his loot
was found cached in the attic of his
parents’ home in Whittier, a town
about fifteen miles southeast of Los
Angeles, where he had gone to high
As soon as Hawkins retained an
itorney the “explanations” he had
promised were forthcoming. The ex:
planations were two,
First, he had an uncontrollable
arge to steal things, due to a head
injury received while playing foot-
bail. Second, he had experienced
finanvial reverses since leaving col-
{cge and taking up the business of real
estate operator, and he had to steal
to obtain money to finance a ma jor
operation for his young wife.
These “explanations” Hawkins gave
.0 his friends through the newspa-
pers. There was a series of legal
jugelings, the outcome of which was
that Hawkins pleaded guilty to five
of thirty counts of burglary on which
he had been indicted. The twenty-
six-year-old athlete was permitted to
file an application for probation. The
pelief among those on the “inside”
was that he would receive probation.
Recently Johnny appeared before
Judge Charles Fricke of Los Angeles
County Superior court on his appli:
cation for probation. After his at-
torney had made his plea for mercy
and another chance for his client,
Hawkins himself was given an op
portunity to say a word.
Fails to Explain,
“Don't you think I would be a re-
spectable citizen after all this frou
| ble if I were given another chance?”
| he asked the judge.
“1 am sorry,” the judge repiied,
“put I don't think you would. Why
| gid you commit these burglaries?”
| And here was the big opportunity
| tor the former football hero to give
bis friends the “explanations” he had
“1 don’t know,” was his answer.
The talk of the ‘delicate opera-
Aen” on his head had gone no fur:
ther than talk. No explanation was
offered to Judge Fricke about the
wife's operation. There was only the
| report of the probation officer, wktich
| the judge said was not encouraging
Judge Fricke sentenced Hawkins to
¢he penitentiary on each of the five
counts. The former idol was a pic
| ture of dejection as he was led from
the courtroom manacled to a deputy
flawkins may ask for a new trial,
«nd failing to receive it he may ap
. peal. Until these legal aspects are
| disposed of he will be held in the
| county jail for about thirty days be-
fore being taken north to begin serv
ing his sentence.
Hawkins played on the University
| o£ Southern California fotoball team
| as a guard for two years, and in his
| senior year, 1925, he played quarter-
| back and was captain, He was rated
as an excellent player, but coast sport
writers say he was not popular with
his teammates, despite his selection
as captain, because he was “cantan-
kerous and domineering.”
Calf Has Two Heads,
Two Tails, Seven Legs
Truro, N. S.—Among the numerous:
attractions at the annual maritime
winter fair at Amherst, N. 8, is a
freak calf. The little animal has two
heads, two tails and seven legs, and
bas been the attraction for large num-
| bers of persons for several months at
| the farm of its owner in Kent county,
| New Brunswick.
Police Deg His Guide.
New York.—A police dog is sup-
posed to be the eyes of a motorist who
| left for Los Angeles blindfolded. It
| was announced when Jimmy Burns,
i pacing driver. departed that he would
| be guided solely by Pedro’s barking,
{ whining and scratching.
Oh, Yes!
W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
Call Bellefonte 432
HERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a
writ of Levari Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at The Court House
in the Borough of Bellefonte on
8 2 o'clock p. in., the following proper-
All those certain pieces or parcels of
land situate in the township of Rush,
County of Centre and State of Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as fol-
lows, to wit:
THE FIRST THEREOF: Beginning at a
post situate South eighty-four degrees
fast two hundred and nine feet from the
center of the first timber of Coaldale No.
12 drift; thence North seventy-two degrees
nineteen minutes Bast seventy-five feet to
a post; thence North seventeen degrees
forty-one minutes West three hundred
twenty-five and five-tenths feet to a post
thirty-three feet from the center line of
{he main track of siding; thence South
seventy-two degrees nineteen minutes
West seventy-five feet by line of railroad ;
thence South seventeen degrees fourteen
minutes Bast three hundred twenty-five
and five-tenths feet to place of beginning,
containing fifty-four hundredths of an
acre, on which is erected a tipple; said
lot being a portion of the tract warranted
in the name of Jacob Resh.
a post thirty-three feet from center of
railroad located North seventeen degrees
forty-one minutes West sixty-six feet,
South seventy-nine degrees nineteen min-
utes West seventy-nine and five-tenths
feet from the Northwest corner of the first
described lot; thence North fifty-five de-
grees West four hundred eighty-six feet
to a post; thence North thirty-five degrees
Kast four hundred and eighty-six feet to
a post; thence South thirty-five degrees
West four hundred feet to the place of be-
ginning, and containing four and forty-six
one hundredths acres; also being part a
larger tract of land warranted in the name
of Jacob Resh.
Expressly hereby excepting and reserv-
ing from the two parcels above described
all the coal, ores, fire clay, gas, oil and
other minerals and ores, of whatsoever
kind and deseription the same may be
wheresoever found, together with the right
to mine, dig, carry away and remove the
same, with the right to enter upon the
premises hereby conveyed for such pur-
poses, with the right of free ingress, eg-
ress and regress, together with the right
to build such roads, railroads, tipples,
chutes, buildings and other improvements
as are usual and necessary for mining,
shipping and transporting coals and other
minerals and other commodities, as well
as the right to move, carry and transport
by railrcad or otherwise, any coals taken
from these or other lands and any other
commodities over, across through and be-
yond the lands above named and without
being in any way liable for any damages
done to the surface or any part thereof or
any buildings thereon erected, either by
the owners of said reserved coal, ores, fire
clay, gas and oil or by their tenants or
agents, as fully as they, the owners, of
said reserved coal, ores, etc, might or
could do if this conveyance had not been
a pine stump corner of the John Hamb-
right, John Hoffnagle, Andrew Graft and
Sebastian Graff tracts, and which corner is
also the Southwestern corner of the said
Sebastian Graff tract; thence along the
division line between the Andrew Graff
and Sebastian Graff tracts, North thirty-
five degrees no minutes West 3795 feet to
a stone corner on line of the Jacob Rush
tract; thence along the Jacob Rush tract
and the John Wideman tract South Fifty-
three degrees forty-eight minutes West
9500 feet to a post; thence by a line
through the Sebastian Graff tract, of
which this is a part, South thirty-five de-
grees no minutes East 3754 feet to a post
on line of the John Hoffnagle tract; thence
along line of the John Boffnagle tract
North fifty-four degrees forty-five minutes
ast 2500 feet to a pine stump corner and
place of beginning. Containing two hun-
dred and sixteen acres, and being part of
the same tract of land that was conveyed
to the said James TF. Stott by Aimee E.
Drinker, Henry 8S. Drinker and Fanuy
Eby by their deed dated August 3, 197
and was recorded in Centre County, Deed
Book 119, page 388, etc, reference thereto
will at large and more fully appear; being
a part of the Sebastian Graff tract.
org’ right, title and interest in the bal-
ance of the unmined coal in the seam being
worked on May 14th, 1917, and thereafter
and previously operated by the Coaldale
Mining Company, and known as Coaldale
No. 12, being that portion of said coal “to
the big rock roll to the Southeast of the
present working as shown on the P. EB.
Womelsdorff maps;”’ being the same which
the grantors purchased on May 14th, 1917
from James C. Iurst, Trustee.
Being the same premises which James F.
Stott, et ux., by deed
recorded in Centre County
Vol. 121, page 140,
(2). The right and privilege of trans-
porting coal across the lands of Thos. G.
McCausland, et al, appurtenant
to Coal-
dale No. 12 mine, situate in the Township
of Rush, County of
Centre and State of
Pennsylvania; being the same right which
Thos. G. McCausland, et al., by agreement
Beginning at
in Deed Book
dated April 17th, 1918, granted to Jacob
(3). All the coal in
seam formerly worked by
ship of Rush, County of Centre and State
a distance of twenty-four feet to a post;
thence by a straight line to the place of be-
acre, more or less.
premises which Mrs. Catherine Holt, et.
baron, by their deed dated the 10th day of
June 1889, and recorded in Centre County
in Dec¢ed Book 59, page 100, granted and
conveyed unto William P. Duncan.
(b). Beginning at a post the easterly
coruer of a one perch wide lane leading
Southward from Presqueisle Street to land
late of Eleanor C. Casanova; thence ex-
tending by other land of which this was a
part and along the driving way of W
Wigton North 6) degrees Fast one hun-
dred and seventy-five and five-tenths feet
to another post; thence still along sai
Wigton land South 29 degrees 50 minutes
East two hundred and ninety-six feet to a
post in D. W. Holt’s line; thence along said
D. W. Holt's land . South 69 degrees 10
minutes West one hundred and seventy
foot to another post on the Easterly side
of the aforesaid one perch wide lane; thence
along the same North 30 degrees 50 min-
utes west two hundred and ninety
feet to the place of beginning. To-
gether with the free and common use, lib-
erty and privilege of the said one perch
wide lane from Presqueisle Street to Da-
laid out 20 feet wide, the
first described line of
driving way
entire length of the
the hereby granted premises,
right to pass over, along and
same as may be necessary at all times
hereafter forever. Being the same prem-
ises which Eliza S. Finlay, et. baron by
their deed dated the first day of June
1889, and recorded in Centre County in
Deed Book 59, page 189, etc., granted and
conveyed unto William P. Duncan.
The said two described parcels of land
became duly vested in the said William FP.
Duncan in his lifetime
of seized, died intestate, leaving to survive
him his widow, the said Lena W. Dunean,
and two daughters, Natalie W. Duncan
and Mildred Duncan, the latter daughter
now being married to Malcolm Macfar-
lane, as his heirs at law,
said parcels of land did by the Intestate
laws of Pennsylvania, descend and come
the said widow and heirs
grantors herein.
Being the same premises which Lena W.
Duncan, et al, by deed dated June 14th,
1920, recorded in Centre County, in Deed
300k 124, page 516, conveyed to Jacob
TOGETHER with all and singular, the
buildings, ways, waters, water courses.
rights, liberties, privileges, improvements,
hereditaments and appurtenances, whatso-
ever thereunto belonging, or in wise ap-
pertaining, and the reversions and remain-
ders, rents issues and profits thereof.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Jacob Smutzinger.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, p. m., of
said day.
H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
Jauuary 2, 1929
that a grown person run-
for a child that does not
# progress healthfully, finds §
8 of pure vitamine - bearing B
& cod-liver oil a na}
normal health and
strength. Take
: it helps sustain vitality!
B scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N.J. 22-41
down in body or strength,
Scott's Emulsion
15 help in restoring
>= Scott's Emulsion—
Free Suk HOSE Free
Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A new pair
FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
dated April 8th, 1918,
conveyed to Jacob
that certain vein or :
Jas. F. Stott at
Coaldale mine No. 12, situate in the Town- :
“This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes insurance compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
ance rates.
of Pennsylvania, granted by Thos. G. Mec- |
Causland, et al, to Jacob
timated to amount to 29,852 gross tons;
the area thereof being indicated in the
plan annexed to said agreement as exhibit
(4). All those two certain parcels and
lots of ground situate in the Borough of
Philipsburg, County of Centre and State
of Pensylvania, severally bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
(a). Commencing at a point which is a
common corner of lands owned by W. P.
Wigton and C. B. Finlay; thence South 69
degrees 10 minutes West, a distance of one
hundred and seventy feet along the
said Finley's
dary line of a certain one perch wide lane
leading Southerly from Presqueisle Street;
thence South 30 degrees 50 minutes East
Smutzinger, by
agreement bearing date April 17, 1918, es-
line of |
land to the Bastern boun- !
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your Insur-
State College Bellefonte
CHE Bisiets Jour Druggist fey
o es-ter on
BR Cheha Gold metallic
; D#4 boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon.
Take no other, OH SIEATER 8
DiaSEo%n BRAND P for $5
known as Best, Safast, Always Reliable
P. L. Beezer Estate... Meat Market
Good meat requires careful
selection. We save you this
trouble by selecting the meats we
offer for your approval with the
utmost care. Whatever kind you
like best will be sure to meet your
approval when it’s bought here.
Our stock is replenished fresh
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
ginning, containing one-twentieth part of
Being the same
| M.
vid W. Holt’s land; and also the aforesaid |
the |
upon the
and being so there- |
and to whom the .
at law being the
74-1-3t f
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business em-
| trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro
: fessional business will receive
| prompt attention. Offices on second floor
. of Temple Court. 49-5-1¥
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
i fonte, Pa. 58-3
| Bellefonte
Crider’s Ex.
State College
66-11 Holmes Bldg.
1% 8. GLENN, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa.
Office at his residence.
| D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
} tered and licensed by the State.
i. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg. High
. St., Bellefonte, Pa. T1-22-t2
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College.
! every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Carbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 8
a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40
We have taken on the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne Feeds
Together with a full line of our own
Purina Cow Chow, 34% 3.10 per H.
Purina Cow Chew, 24% 2.80 per H.
Wayne Dairy, 32% - 3.05 per H.
Wayne Dairy, 24% - 275nperH.
Wayne Egg Mash - 3.20 per H.
Wayne Calf Meal - 4.25 per H.
Ryde’s Calf Meal - $5.00 per H.
Wagner’s Pig Meal - 2.80 per H.
Wagners egg mash - 2.80 per H.
Wagner's Dairy Feed 22% 2.50 per H.
Wagner’s Dairy Mixture
of bran, cotton seed
meal, oil meal and
gluten, 30% - - 2.80 per H.
Oil Meal, 34% - 3.35 per H.
Flax Meal - ~- - 2.40 per H.
Cotton seed meal, 43% 3.00 per H.
! Gluten feed, 23% - 2.60 per H.
| Fine ground Alfalfa - 2.25 per H.
oes meat, fish and min-
eral - - - 2.75 per H.
i Orbico Mineral - - 2.75 per H.
| Meat meal, 50% - 4.00 per H.
j Tankage, 60% - ~- - 4.25 per H.
| FLL,
| We can sell the above feeds and
| mix with your corn and oats chop and
make you a much cheaper dairy feed
, than the ready mixed feed.
We have a full line of scratch feeds,
mixed and pure corn chop, bran, mid-
dlings of the best quality on hands at
the right prices.
We will deliver all feeds for $2.00
per ton extra.
Bl You Want Good Bread or Pastry
| OR
C.Y. Wagner & Co. ie
(Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces ¢
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully asd Promptly Furnished