Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 04, 1929, Image 7

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Bellefonte, Pa., January 4, 1929.
H eal t h,
The First Concern.
«With the exception of one ori-
ental country with its hordes of peo-
ple, to which even the term sanita-
tion and preventive medicine are un-
known, the United States last year
had more cases of small pox than had
any other place on e h. And this,
in spite of the fact that of all diseases
preventable by public health mea-
sures, smallpox is the easiest to con-
trol,” said Dr. Theodore B. Appel,
Secretary of Health.
«While Pennsylvania’s smallpox rec-
ord in the more recent years has
been a very enviable one, it must be
realized that vaccination alone has
been responsible for it. And in this
connection, the State's vaccination law
which requires that all school children
attending public, private and paro-
chial schools must be able to show
satisfactory evidence of vaccination,
has been an exceedingly effective
weapon against this dreaded disease.
«The misconception however that
only children need to be vaccinated
is a more or less general one. Small-
pox is no longer a childhood malady.
Of the cases reported in Pennsylvania
the vast majority for years have been
adults who had never submitted to
vaccinated of pre-school age or in is-
sionally is seen in children in this
State, it has occurred only in the un-
vaccinated of pre-school age or in 1S-
olated instances in cl .
parents had succeeded in evading the
vaccination law. . :
“Many adults, having been vaccl-
nated in early life, are resting under
the false security of lifelong secur-
the simple and painless ex-
pedient of effective vaccination
every individual in the nation, small-
pox, except for imported cases, would
be non-existant in the United States. !
That this disease still shows its pow-
er in this country is therefore an in-
dication solely of personal careless- |
ness and disregard.
«To aid intelligently in Pennsyl- |
vania’s fight against smallpox, the
following rules should be observed:
1. Have all children over one year
of age promptly vaccinated. Do not
defer until the health authorities in-
sist upon it. The compulsory vacci-
nation law applies equally to the pub-
lic, private and parochial schools.
2. If one is a mature person and
never has been vaccinated, be vac-
cinated without further delay.
3. If one is a mature person and has
not been vaccinated since childhood,
consult a physician regarding the
necessity of further protection.”
“Fumigation is futile” as a means
of attempting to control the spread
of communicable diseases, Dr.
Moore Campbell, chief of the bureau
of communicable diseases in the State
department of health, asserted. In-
stead of being an aid the method of-
ten results in causing more cases, he
“This practice,” said Dr. Campbell,
“js yet very general in rural com-
munities, where disease outbreaks oc-
cur in schools. The department’s
records show that this method of at-
tempted control is, in fact, often the ;
direct cause of more cases.
“It is the individual school child
and not the school room that needs to
be watched. To scatter the children
by closing schools makes it impossible
for the health authorities to maintain
a check on scholars who may show
symptoms of the disease only after
they have infected others by being
out of school.
“Quaranting the known cases and
keeping a close check on the other
scholars, with an immediate removal
and quarantine of suspicious cases is
the modern, scientific and effective
manner of meeting situations of this
character. Fumigation is futile.”
To the discerning, nothing in the
world gives away the age of a woman
so completely as her eyes, and among
the laity few of these discerning ones
understand the difference between the
eyes that are illtreated and the eyes
of age. The inference is obvious.
following suggestions are for those
who up to this moment have never
considered it necesary to prescribe a
toilet for the eyes, and who conse-
quently look years older than their |
actual age.
We tax these long-suffering organs
of sight more completely than any
other part of our wonderful selves.
We overstrain them in hundreds of
ways—when we drive a motor at
night in the dark, at the “pictures,”
and when we sit reading with our
chairs facing the light instead of in a
spot where the light will fall from be-
hind us directly onto our book. At
night time we neglect the warning
our eyes give us that they are tired;
we are interested in our novel and
nothing must hinder us from finishing
that laster chapter. Or perhaps we
are traveling, and, again interested,
we insist upon insulting our eyes by
making them do duty during a partic-
cularly “bumpy” journey.
And then, by and by, when sudden-
ly our organs of sight go on strike
against the unfair treatment we have
been handing out to them for years,
we are annoyed.
Those tiny blood vessels running
like fine scarlet lacework in the con-
juncitiva (white part of the eyeball)
have become irritated and inflamed be-
cause the eye has been working in in-
sufficient light, or at too high a pres-
sure. Rest and proper treatment is
necessary in order that the conjunc-
tivitis will disappear.
All reading should be discontinued
and the eye should be given a boracic
bath twice or three times a day,
The ed
The work of excavating and grad-
ling the new State highway between
Lock Haven and Hyner, a distance of
| nearly twenty miles, has been com-
| pleted by the William C. Horn Con-
| struction company, and has been for-
i mally accepted by the State Depart-
{ment of Highways, at an approxi-
i mate cost of $700,000, the largest con-
'tract for excavating ever given by
the State. In spite of numerous slides
of earth in cutting and blasting the
roadway from the rock of the
mountain sides for miles at a stretch,
there has not been one fatal acci-
dent in the two years since the be-
ginning of the undertaking.
Nineteen streams have been cross-
ed, and eight large steam shovels
have made six large rock cuts, at
which points the roadway 1s about
200 feet above the river. The larg-
est of these is at Ritchie, where a cut
ranging from twenty to a hundred
{ feet in depth extends for one and a
{ half miles, and $5000 worth of dyna-
i mite was used in making the three
| shots to loosen the mountainside. At
| Whetham a cut extending 4000 feet
iis seventy feet in depth; at Glen
{ Union the road was cut through a
| cliff for 4000 feet to a depth of fifty
| feet, and a concrete bridge forty-
| cight feet in length was built over
| Baker Run; at Ferney and at Kast
{ Ferney cuts averaging depths of thir-
| ty feet in each place extend for a mile
| at each point; at Farrandsville a cut
| 4000 feet in length is 150 feet deep.
| while the greatest grade, of but 8
| per cent., is in the fill and rise just
| west of the city limits at Sugar Run.
The new bridge spanning the Sus-
Hyner, and the
i quehanna river at
| Pennsylvania railroad tracks there,
land a deep fill connecting the State
{ highway with the southern end of the
| bridge will connect Lock Haven and
| Renovo for the first time by State
| highway, and the completion of the
| bridge and the road is expected ‘0
{bring thousands of tourists into that
| section.
3 a!
children whose | Advantages of Physical Examination. |
{ “The Christmas season with its
| spirit of good will and charity to oth-
l ers is past and the present season is
{an excellent time to consider a good
| others happy, it is not out of place
‘to turn the same attention upon our-
selves,” says Dr. Theodore B. Ap-
pel, Secretary of Health.
“And this could in no manner be
‘better expressed than by giving carve- |
the annual
! then acting upon it.
“If someone were to say that by
traveling a certain road, death would
likely follow, everyone undoubtedly
would detour. However, that is just
where the practical difficulty lies in
developing the necessary amount of
which frequently does not occur. deed toward one’s self. Having made |
enthusiasm on the part of the aver- |
age person for the annual physical |
lent on the question.
warning whatsoever.
The body is frequently si-|
It offers no
he "1 b
“Nevertheless, it is the latent .de- | Ae
fect that later comes to the surface |
in an irremediable form.
and other killers, has its surest foot-
“It may be blissful to be ignorant
of the beginning of a fatal malady
but it certainly isn’t folly to be wise
to a condition which if caught early
vight here that the and Cag (he most generous man in the world.
disease, cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes |
by the practiced eye of the physician |
can be arrested or cured.
“Life is sweet these days. To live
long in a fine state of health is the |
supreme blessing compared to which
all others fade.
“The annual ohysical examination !
may be the means of achieving this
end. Use it for your life’s sake!”
Pay Asked For Sick War Vets.
A move to
relieve distress among
in hospitals who cannot
“Long Eyelashes Joy
of Poet and Artist
There are two sorts of long eye-
lashes, those that turn up and tise
that droop downward. The first sort
have the charm that comes from that
delicious curl that lends piquancy to
the eye, while the others add as much
to the eye by shading it and making
it seem darker, more mysterious and
wore luminous.
So whichever sort of long lashes
you have you may be satisfied from
the point of view of beauty. How-
ever, it is said that those that turn
up betoken good health, while those
that droop are cre often possessed
by persons of delicate health, and ip
dicate melancholy.
Almost all poets and artists are
agreed in praising long lashes. Luigi-
no, the famous Italian Renaissance
writer says “lashes should be long and
black as Indian ebony,” but on the
other hand, another Italian writer on
feminine beauty says “the lashes
should be thin and not overlong nor
would 1 have them very black, which
makes the gaze fierce.”
Balzac could also see beauty in
short lashes, for of the charming
Camille in “Beatrix” he says, “The
lashes are short, but as black and
thickest as the hair of an ermine’s
When Modest Man Had
Right to “Limelight”
Brown is a very rich man, but his
aame is never mentioned in connec-
tion with the various banks, factories
and other enterprises in which he is
He writes books on economic sub-
jects, and magazine articles on in-
dustrial problems, but he never signs
{le never grants an interview. He
avoids photographers. He refuses to
speak in public.
‘He is the anonymous donor of vast
sums to charity.
There was but one occasion when
ae willingly allowed reporters and
photographers to approach him. He
posed in several positions while the
cameras caught him from all angles.
He read a prepared statement to the
reporters. What's more, he cautioned
them to spell his name correctly. He
had just won the deciding match for
the prize offered by bis club to players
with a handicap of thirty or over.—
ful consideration to the advantages of | [os Angeles Times.
physical examination—- | 2
Muckraking Days
The late Chauncey M. Depew was
talking one day to a New York re-
porter about the more tolerant atti- |
tude of the public nowadays toward
the great tinanciers.
“You don’t remember the old muck:
cuking times, I suppose,” said Mr.
Depew. “In those times it was a crime
vich. Our muckrakers—how
they muckraked!
“John D. Rockefeller, 1 suppose, is
He has given I don’t know how many
hundreds of millions for the benefit
of his fellow-men. And yet our muck-
rakers used to say that John D. was
mean, yes, meaner than old Scragg, |
the village miser.
“Old Scragg, you know, used to
skim the milk on top and then flop
it over and skim it cn the bottom.”
Sound Bores Holes
Sound waves of a frequency of 200,
000 to 500,000 vibrations a second,
. passed along a tapering glass rod,
caused the tip to bore a hole in a
| plece of wood and a plate of glass, a
' cently.
prove their illness is due to war ori-
gin, Representative Fish (R. N.Y)
introduced a bill providing that each
veteran in a Government hospital
shall receive compensation of $8 a
month. Mr. Fish said the hospitals
were filled with men unable, after the
lapse of time, to prove their illness
due to war experience, and that they
were for the most part in acute dis-
tress. He said there were 200 such
patients in the hospital at Castle
Point, in his district.
Mr. Fish said the Government
should not ask a veteran fighting for
his life ten years after the armistice
to exist on less than the sum mention-
“Tet the American people, through
Congress, keep faith with these sick
veterans by remembering that we
promised that nothing was too good
for them ten years ago,” he added.
Prisoners Playing Chess
| Matching college wit against prison
“cunning, members of the University
of California chess club and a similar
organization at Folson prison
announced the schedule has been un-
' der way for more than a month. Two
, moves apiece have been made—by
' mail—so far. While neither side will
' admit the possibility of defeat it is
; said that college chess players will
, change as the years pass, while those
‘playing on the. prison side of the
board are headed by a man serving a
life term.
| Emile Walters, noted artist of the
! modern school and summer session
instructor in oil painting for the last
' seven years at Penn State college, who
{ has spent the past four months paint-
i ing landscapes of Centre county sur-
| sounding State College, has gone to
New York City where he will give an
| exhibition made up chiefly of Penn-
i sylvania landscape views. Similar ex-
hibits by the noted artist will be made
in Boston, Springfield, Mass., and
Chapel Hill, S. C.
| —Subscribe for the Watchman.
Centre’s Landscape will be Exhibited. |
French experimenter discovered re-
When the waves were come
municated to a glass thread about one
one-hundreth of an inch thick and
more than a yard long, the frictional
effect was so intense that the flesh
could be burned. Further tests with
the “ultar-sonic” waves showed that
they accelerated various reactions and
produced crystallization.
Need of Sunday
The really laborious man cannot
afford to work on Sunday. My Sab-
, sible sense,
baths gave me my happiest moments,
and in a great stretch of years cruwd-
ed with professional and public caves,
they made family life in any respon-
a possibility. Literary
things, divine things, the significance
of life for oneself, for all dear to one;
for the great moving world; going to
church—why that was but part of the
' patural homage which one paid to
' that supreme need which every sansi-
tive soul feels for moral replenish-
. ment.—Lord Shaw of Dunfermliro,
| member.
Lawyer’s Advice
He strolled into a club in which he
had managed to gain admission as a
He looked around to see
if there were anybody there he knew,
| and after a while he discovered a well-
known lawyer reading by a window.
He walked across io the lawyer and
peld out his hand, palm down. On
hls third fnger glittered a diamond
he had just bought. “What do you
think of that?” he demanded.
wSeems to be a fine stone,” sald
che lawyer, “but if I were you Ig sell
it and buy a nail brush,”
Honoring the Judge
Rufus Choate, “The Wizard of the
Law,” once began one of his ubtruse
arguments before Chief Justice Shaw
—says Francis L, Wellman in “The
Art of Cross-Examination”—in the
following manner:
“In coming into the presence oJ your
| honor, I experience the same teeling
as the Hindu when he bows befoye his
idol. I realize that you are ugly, but
I feel that you are great!”
—There are 13 varieties of winter
apples grown in Pennsylvania and,
according to Henry A. Eby, county
farm agent, there has been a large
crop during the past summer. Many
apples sold in local stores are from
orchards in our own State.
The varieties are McIntosh, Smoke-
house, Grimes Golden, Delicious, Jona-
than, York Imperial, Rome Beauty,
Rhode Island Greening, Northern Spy,
Stayman, Winesap, Baldwin and Ben
Government statistics for 1924
show that there are 6,727,473 trees
of bearing age and 2,078,469 trees of
non-bearing age in Pennsylvania.
this number there are 210,477 frees,
which includes both bearing and non-
bearing, in Allegheny county.
Although the crop during the past
summer was not as large as in 1927,
thousands of bushels of apples from
trees in Pennsylvania, have
been placed in cold storage for con-
sumption during the winter months,
while there has been a big demand
for the apples by persons who have
stored them in their homes.
Some farmers use the apples from
their orchards for their own use and
store them in various ways. Some
build outdoor caves, others use cel-
lars of their homes, still others have
specially built storage rooms, some
have pits in the ground while others
place them in crates and store them
where they will not freeze.
Local dealers purchase the apples
from farmers and place them in
cold storage houses, using them as
they are needed.
The Smokehouse is an old Penn-
sylvania variety and is grown in the
southeastern part of the State. It is
of good quality and is rated as a good
eating apple.
The McIntosh is one of the best eat-
ing apples to be had. It is juicy,
high quality and of rich aroma. 1t
is one of the finest for apple sauce
‘and is rapidly taking the place of the
| Delicious apple which has been a fav-
iorite for many years.
The Delicious is one of the lead-
ing dessert apples. It is of a mld
variety and is not classed as a sweet
apple. It is too mild to cook and is
i good for eating only.
| One of the oldest varieties of Penn-
sylvania is the Grimes Golden. It is
one of the leaders of Lhe State and
is a fine eating apple, especially for
{ children. It was described as “not
large, but large enough.” It is prob-
ably the best for makinz a rich yel-
low apple sauce.
The Jonathan is an old time red
i variety and is an all around apple.
HI is good for eating and also good
| for sauce or pies. The York Imper-
{ial is a firm fresh variety and stands
|up well when baked. This apple is
‘ideal for all kinds of cooking.
The Rome Beauty is a good win-
Iter apple and usually holds out well
until April. It is good for eating and
!also for cooking. The Rhode Island
i Greening is a common old variety,
hard to beat when well matured. It
(is a sharp acid apple and keeps well
| from November until April.
{ The Northern Spy is found in old
| {arin orchards all over the State. It
tis a good all around apple and dur-
(ing the winter months is a good eat-
Ling apple and there are none better
i for cooking.
The Stayman is a new variety and
i ranks with the Northern Spy. It is
ia fine eating apple. The Winesap,
which is better known in the south-
| eastern part of the State, is of high
{ quality both for eating and cooking.
| The Baldwin has stood the test
{for many years and is one of the
i winter varieties which keeps well
tuntil April if it is well grown and
| stored away when harvested.
| The Ben Davis is an apple which
i should be used in season, which is
i from January until June. It is used
i for pies and sauce and is said to be
{not so good as an eating apple.
i —Oyster shell which is used for
poultry is made by crushing the whole
| shells, after which they are washed
{three times. Following the washing
| the crushed shell is dried in rotary
| dryers, the intense heat of which de-
| stroys all foreign and putrid matter,
making the shell sanitary and clean.
| The heating
{ odor and poisonous matter.
_ After drying the shell is Enid
iinto two sizes, for hens and chicks, |
The oversized mater- |
ial and dust is eliminated.
The feeding of oyster shell is a
good practice in poultry husbandry
as the high calcium content provides
hone-building material for growing
birds and egg-shell material for lay-
ing hens. For this reason the mater-
ial should be available in feeders at
all times.
—During the winter months lawns
may be given a dressing of manure to
good advantage. Avoid making paths
across the lawn in the snow and keep
off the lawn while the ground is wet.
When the ground has frozen hard it
is well to wheel in any rocks, ma-
nure, or other material which may be
used in the spring, thus avoiding cut-
ting up the lawn later.
—Are you planning for good hay
pastures next spring, summer, and
fall? Alfalfa is conceded to be the
best, furnishing a maximum of ideal
forage throughout the season, even in
dry weather. Other good pastures
are sweet and red clover, rape, and
mixtures of rape, oats and sweet
—Watch your evergreen trees.
Some persons who do not know the
law—and some who do—may try to
help themselves to your trees. The
law is plain and reasonably certain
in its operation to those who avail
themselves of it.
— Farmers who take an annual in-
ventory—and all would find it well to
do so—should not forget the dog.
He may be an asset or a liability,
for he has to be fed and an annual
tax has to be paid on him.
—An ice house is a valuable asset
to every farm. Winter is the time
to store up a good supply of ice for
use in the warmer months.
_ —Home butchering gives the fam-
ily a meat supply that is much cheao-
er than that purchased each day from
the meat market.
insures freedom from
We begin the New Year
with good wishes to all.
May it bring to every-
one, Prosperity and Happi-
The First. National Bank
Best Moments
EASURE yourself by your
best moments {not by your
worst. It will give you a
greater incentive to progress.& See
how much you can save by depositing
weekly with this bank.
3 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
A Joke? No! No!
Just a clean-up of Suits and
Overcoats left over from our
great sale.
‘See our window’s for prices
You may think them a joke,
but they are'lfacts.
Facts that will save you a
lot of money.