Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 21, 1928, Image 8

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Beware Wan
928, | Civil Cases On the List Being Heard
Bellefonte, Pa., December 21, 1928, | CiVi a
This Week.
¥EWS nop Last Thursday morning, after the
—This is the shortest day of the rendition of a verdict of not guilty as
year i Pe Sly of A t to Alfred Mulholland, Elmer Hender-
——The Model laundry, on south | Shot and Lee Arisman, who had plead
Water street, Bellefonte, was closed &uilty to the breaking and entering of
: i the Gill store, were called before the
by Sheriff Dunlap, on Tuesday. ill be | court and each of them sentenced to
——A Christmas service wi 2 'pay costs of
held in the church at Linden Hall, | days in the county jail,
7:30 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) i Commonwealth vs. Max Russell, in-
evening. The public is invited. .., | dicted for possession of liquor. Pros-
———A Christmas entertainment will ~ecutor Leo Boden, county detective.
be held at the Advent church on Sun-
day evening, December 23rd, at 7:30
Everybdoy is invited to be present.
——What could be sweeter than a
basket filled with luscious fresh fruit,
$1.00 to $5.00. Come in and see them.
—Carpeneto’s. 50-1t | A ’
Preaching services will be held | charged with operating a mot,
in the Dix Run Baptist church at 11 i cle without license. Prosecutor, W. J.
o’clock on Sunday morning, instead of | Graham, State highway patrol. The
7:30 in the evening. The public is defendant was sentenced to pay the
invited. | oosts and fine = som. . 2 Hist
14 ommonwealth vs. John F. Marks,
ae Soden Ens charged with passing another vehicle
in the Jersey Shore hospital, is af | 0ing in the same direction near as
present so much improved, that the (°™eSt of a hill and crossing the
A _ | white line. Prosecutor, T. B. Kleck-
id are very hopeful as to her re ner, State highway patrol. This hap-
d the road to Lewistown on
——And now, it is reported, game Dee On the
: ; the Seven mountains, and after hear-
Yarduns REYe been GG hol dog ing the case it was continued,
Out any reports as ; ; Court adjourned on Thursday noon.
deer killed, legal and illegal, but to 0 J >
make such reports to the State Game CASES ON THE CIVIL LIST. :
Commission alone. Court convened on Monday morning
——All the school children of io try ivi cases. Ihe first case call-
: ed was not on the list.
Beller his oom of fs The Bituminous National Bank of
nesday morning, and sang the old- | Winburne Vs. Jacob Smutzinger, R.
time Christmas carols, under the di. | P- Sommerville and Charles E. Greist,
rection of Mrs. Krader. guardians of Jacob Smutzinger, being
Don’t forget the beaut ful | 20 action on a mortgage given by the
Omistss anata, “The Glory sii an — endorsements
Bethlehem,” which will be rendered in was > contest in this case and a ver-
the Reformed church, at four o'clock | +. t Was tend red by the jury, as di.
on Sunday afternoon, by an augment- | 4i¢ : as on e . y 3 J 5, na
ed choir under the direction of Mrs, | rected by the court. in favor of the
Alberta Krader.
——TFred Loveland has resigned his
position in Joseph Thomas’ cigar and
confectionery store and on Wednes-
day went to work for W. J. Emerick
as clerk at the Bush house. Ralph
Moerschbacher has given up driving
a bus to become night clerk at the
same hotel.
—A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse, of Clear-
field, on Sunday. Both Mr. and Mrs,
Cruse lived in Bellefonte until the
transfer of the State highway district
offices to Clearfield a year ago. Mrs.
Cruse, before her marriage, was Miss
Mamie Shelton.
[$25 and underge imprisonment in the
county jail for a
' months, to be computed from the time
| he was first lodged in jail,
Commonwealth vs. Carl Markle,
or vehi-
ney’s commission of $1163.50.
J. C. Arnold, attorney from Clear-
field, was present in court on Monday.
George Searson vs, Boalshurg Es-
state and P. C. Shoemaker. being an
action in assumpsit. This ¢
to trial and owing to the
of the pleadings and testim
were offered by the plaintiff
fered a voluntary non suit.
Antone H. Burke and Mary L.
Burke, his wife, a co-partnership
trading as Burke Brothers, vs. C. W.
Hunter, being an action in assumpsit.
The plaintiff in this case was repre-
sented by foreign counsel, one of
whom was discovered
ony that
——Edward Thompson, of Belle- | and the other in court in Hollidays-
fonte, was arrested on Tuesday morn- | burg, and the local counsel, John G.
ing by chief of police Harry Duke- | Love, was ill in bed. The defendant
man on the charge of stealing a white | declined to make a motion for com-
gold wrist watch, at Blair's jewelry | pulsory non suit on the ground of
store, on Monday night. The watch | counsel being ill and the cause was
was found in his possession and re- j continued at the cost of the plaintiff.
J. E. Weaver vs,
action in trespass
tinued on accoun
B. C. Dotterer, an
. This case was con_
t of the illness of a
material witness for the plaintiff,
Harry K. Resides vs. J. G. Neidigh
and M. W. Neidigh, trading and doing
actively engaged in promoting its | business as Neidigh Brothers Lime
growth and welfare generally and his | 2nd Stone company, an action in tres-
wise counsel will be missed during | Pass. Continued. .
such time as he is unable to give at-| T. R. Griffith vs, Western Union
tention to business affairs. Cera Soran Continued.
: : raveler’s Insurance company vs,
stor, CE Ys fom 1 fad Eo | William Slee Sr., William Slee Jr. and
morning, John W, Briggs, who lives Herschel Slee, doing business as Wil-
up near Warriorsmark, fell through liam Ses on 2n action In as-
the hay hole with a lighted lantern ht ma
in his hand. The glass on the lantern ¢ Tamer D Re
broke, the hay caught fire and the | Yading as ti ecgoy Tout
barn, with all the season’s crops, farm | Fany: an action in replevin,
machinery, ete., were destroyed. My, | 1€d-
Briggs managed to get the stable
doors open and saved all his stock,
——Robert Burton, a Philipsburg
young man, was arrested on Satur.
day night on the charge of starting
the fire which destroyed the Odd Fel.
lows hall at Hawk Run, one night last
week. He not only admitted the
charge but confessed to having been
implicated in five fires in Morris
township, Clearfield county. He was
turned over to Clearfield county offi-
cers and lodged in the Clearfield coun-
ty jail.
——~Guests at the borough home
covered. Thompson was sent to jail.
——The many friends of W. L.
Foster will learn with regret that he
is quite ill at his home in State Col-
lege. One of the pioneer business
men of that town he hag always been
C. J. Decker,
hevrolet com-
Court adjourned on Monday after-
on acount of sickness, etc., until Wed-
nesday morning.
tress QPerermeaete—
The Postoffice Department is asking
for bids for a new postoffice in Belle-
fonte. The present location in the
Brockerhoff house block is regarded
as too small for the present
demands and the specifications
state that a building with not
i : I:ss than 3000 square feet of floor
hq ot en Jieined dey space is required. The lease on the
serve for dinner roast duck with eran. | Present site will not expire until Sep-
berry sauce. scalloped oysters, mash. | tember 1st, 1929, and the department
ed potatoes, creamed corn, cold slaw, | 15 asking for bids on either a five or
i te . Bi in not
celery, bread and butter, plum pud- | 22 Jeor Jase Dis mst be in
ding with hard Sauce, pumpkin pie, The department is also asking for
an a bids for Faptying the i on il tas
: routes in Centre county for a term o
above We sre almost persuaded to go four years, from July 1st, 1929, to
to the borough home, July 1st, 1933. Such bids must be in
——When you are spreading hand by Tuesday, January 8th. At
' Christmas cheer, don’t forget the | Present there are five star routes op-
basket sale at the J. 0. Heverly store, erating in Centre county. One from
for the benefit of disabled war veter- | Bellefonte to Lock Haven, one from
ans, These baskets are all hand Bellefonte to Millheim, one from Co-
made and woven by the soldiers at burn to Brush valley, one between
Perry Point, Md. If you are not in | Bellefonte and State College, and one
need of a basket, buy one and giveit from Tyrone to Bellefonte,
away, and show your good will to-
ward these boys, who sacrificed every-
thing they had. The sale is under the
supervision of the Legion auxiliary.
——When deputy sheriff Sinie Hoy
took Vilus Ream to the Allegheny
eounty workhouse last week, the
young man, who hails from State
College, where he has been short or-
der cook at the club diner, told him
that while he naturally hated the im-
prisonment part of his sentence yet
he was on a furlough and his wages
would be paid for the full time he is bon ngs
Ream iven a three compensation insurance and boi
alin Te work house | spection will be discussed by com-
for furnishing liquor to a minor girl, petent authorities.
Meeting of Threshermen.
The Centre county Threshermen
and Farmers Protective association
will meet in the grand jury room, in
the court house, on Saturday, Decem-
ber 22nd, at 10 o’clock a. m. Officers
will be elected and delegates chosen
fo attend the State convention to be
and 25th. A full attendance is desir-
ed as other important business will be
considered. The latest rulings on
, he suf-
prosecution and sixty
No Paper Next Week.
No paper will be issued from the
Watchman office next week. The em-
ployees are just as anxious for a
y else and in pur-
suance of an old custom they will be
given the week. The office, however,
will be open for business as usual
and we will be pleased to see our
friends at any time. And we take
this occasion of wishing one and all
a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
———————— eee
| ——The Brockerhoff house dining
| Verdict of guilty and sentenced to
* i pay the costs of prosecution, a fine of
period of two
room will be closed to the public from
December 22nd to January 1st, in-
clusive, on account of repairs. 50-1t
Bellefonte Responding Liberally To-
wards Purchase of Armory Site.
That Bellefonte is anxious to re-
tain its time-honored military organ-
ization is demonstrated in the splen-
did response being made by the busi-
ness men of the town to the commit-
tee in charge of raising the money to
purchase the new armory site just
east of Bellefonte, according to the
announcement of John S. Sommer-
ville, treasurer of the advisory board.
To date $1650 of the necessary $2500
has been either pledged or paid, and
the first payment of $500 has been
The officers and members of Troop B
, are much encouraged with the pros-
pects of getting a new armory and
"cavalry post.
he plaintiff to secure
plaintiff for $24,464.25, and an attor-
ase went
modern cavalry post in the near fu-
ture. The new site comprises ten
acres and is admirably located for a
When it has been fin-
ally secured and turned over to the
State Bellefonte will have done its
part. It is estimated that the cost of the
armory, stables and all will approxi-
mate $150,000, a good portion of
which will be spent right here in
Bellefonte for materials and labor.
Contributions to the fund to date
are as follows:
‘Friend of the Troop............ sy 500.00
. From Men of Troop.......0. 20 300 00
AMerieon Legion. So... 1 100 09
First National Bank...) >: 50.00
Bellefonte Trust C0 oo] 50.00
Bush: Honse......00 0. 000 i 50.00
rKivenis CVp,... 1. 2. ens 50.00
feorze A Beeger. > 2 1irricn 50.00
Potter Hoy Hardware......... 0." 50.00
Cohen. & Co.lui. li 50.00
Hazel & Co...... * ever ies 25.00
City Coal Yard... ........ 25.00
ea: agner........... errieeiet, 25.00
Robert Po Hanter,. 00 ln 25.00
Bellefonte Hardware. ...... vee 25.00
John 8. Sommerville... . [I 25.00
PW. Wostdh, [01 een 23.00
P. PiBlair & Son... 000000 25.00
i Gross Pharmaey........0 = 25.00
"Zeller Dirng Rigra [71017 reeks 25.00
Montgomery & Co...........000 25.00
Centre Oil '& Gas Co......... 25.00
» Beatty Motor Co.......... 00000 25.00
Sim Bam, 0 aren 25.00
i¥rank Foekman,.. 01 nn 25.00
Brockerhoff Hotel............. 5 25.00
Total nino ict $1650.00
to be in Florida '
Centre County Soccer League Being
The soccer committee, appointed by
C. M. Watts, president of the Centre
county Interscholastic Athletic Asso-
ciation, met at Centre Hall Monday
night. All schools now playing soc-
cer, except one, were represented.
The meeting was held primarily for
the purpose of suggesting such points
of importance in operating the sce-
cer league now in formation, A great
many things were discussed and as a
result a rather full set of rules were
drawn. These rules will be placed be-
fore the league executive committee
next spring for approval.
“Bill” Jeffrey, Variety soccer coach
at Penn State, who has been helping
in the formation of the league, de-
livered a beautiful silver loving cup to
the committee. Through steady of-
forts Mr. Jeffrey has obtained thig cup
from the U. S. Football Association
for the county soccer league. The
cup is now on display in the show
window of Montgomery & Co., in
noon owing to cases being continued Bellefonte.
Rebersburg High school is the win-
, ner of the cup this year and will be
held in Harrisburg on January 24th | The Singer
Presented with the cup by Mr. Jef-
frey following the Christmas recess.
Further information regarding the
rules of the league and the work of
the committee will appear later in
this paper.
Two Airmail Pilots Have Thrilling.
il il
J. O. Webster and H. P. Little, two
pilots for the National Air Transport
company, had thrilling escapes from
death or injury on Monday. Flying
east with heavy cargoes of mail they
got above the clouds and lost all sense
of direction and distance, Webster
kept on flying until his gas was
exhausted when he jumped from his
plane at an altitude of five thousand
feet and landed safe with his para-
chute near Suffield, Conn. His plane
careened to earth and was wrecked in
a swamp.
Little flew around until he saw a
hole in the bank of clouds which he
dove through and landed on a hill top
near Owego, N. Y. Neither he nor
his plane were damaged and he wag
later able to deliver his cargo of mail
in New York.
X-mas at Elizabeth T. Cooney’s
Shop. Also negligees, knitted dress-
er scarfs, hand bags, handkerchiefs,
ladder-back chairs, foot-stools, hook-
ed, crocheted, plaited rugs, and num-
erous other gifts, 49-2t
Hats, $1.00 to $5.00, for
: The New Singer Cleaner.
Sewing Machine Co,
‘has just placed on the market one of
the very best electric cleaners, at a
very low price. See it demonstrated
‘at the Singer shop, 20 W. Bishop St.,
| Bellefonte, or on the Diamond on
' Saturday. 50-1t
! —Doris
—Miss Mary Underwood will spend her
vacation in Erie,
Irvin Underwood and his family.
—Miss Josephine White will be up from
West Chester, to spend Chritmas and the
IToliday week, with h
lotte Powell.
—Mrs. Elsie Rankin
from Atlantic City,
Helliwell will be up
to join her father, W.
B. Rankin and his daughter, Miss Mary,
in their Christmas celebration.
—Hardman P. Harris is arranging to
80 to Harrisburg to spend the Christmas
day with his brothers, Wilbur F. an John
Tonner Harris and their families,
—Mrs. Frank BE. Naginey will spend
Christmas with her sister, Mrs. George
Brandon, in Scranton, expecting to go
over Monday, for a Holiday visit,
—The Martin Cooney family will have
as their Holiday honor guest, their sis-
ter, Miss Margaret, of Cedar Hurst, N. J.,
who will be here for her entire Christ:
mas vacation.
—Miss Margaret Brockerhoff will come
up from Philadelphia,
and brother,
erhoff, for t
to join her uncle
Dr. Joseph and Henry Brock-
he Christmas celebration at
the Brockerhoff home on Bishop steet.
—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams ex-
pect to spend Christmas in Bellefonte,
though anticipating going back home to
PLiladelphia, to join in the elaborate New
Year program Philadelphia always pre-
pares for that day.
—Idward Grauer will be up from Phila-
delphia, to celebrate Christmas with his
mother and sister, Mrs, Louis Grauer and
Mrs. Gideon Payne. The latter's daughter,
Millicent being the only child in the fam-
ily, is much of the attraction.
—J. B, Klinger, of Lemont, and Shuman
S. Williams, of State College, were in Wil-
liamsport, last Saturday, taking examina-
tions for license as insurance agents, The
former will go into accident and health
insurance, while the latter has taken up
—The family Christmas party at the
I'ox home on east Bishop street, will in-
clude, in addition to the Fox family in
Bellefonte, My, and Mrs. Howard Gear-
kart, of Millville, N. J., and the Parrish
family, both Mary and Joseph expecting to
come home for the Holidays,
—Mrs. H. C. Valentine and
Valentine are arranging for ga family
Christmas barts, whieh will include Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce S. Burlingame, of Cage-
novia, N. Y; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Val-
entine and their small son, of Lancaster,
and Bond Valentine, of Philadelphia.
—At the C. C. Shuey home for Christ-
mas, Mr, and Mrs. Shu
families of their two daughters. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Donachy with their
danghter and son, Sara and Charles Jr.,
are to be here from Kingston, Pa., and Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. North and their son
“Billy” from Syracuse.
—Charles M, McCurdy, his sisters, the
Misses Grace, Virginia ang Mrs. J.B.
Scott, with the latter's son, Charles, will
all be Christmas guests at the Denithorn
home in Pittsburgh, going out to cele-
brate the day with Charles McCurdy Deni-
thorn, the grandson of Mrs, Scott and
only child in the McCurdy family,
Cobb, a first year student at
Temple University, in Philadelphia, arriv-
ed home Saturday for her Holiday vaca-
tion and will pe joined by her two
brothers, Arnold, of Conneaut, and War-
ren, of New York city, w
to Bellefonte to complete the Christmas
day family home party, to be entertained
by Mr. and Mrs, Myron M. Cobb,
—HBdward Shields, who took his wife
to Philipsburg ten days ago, where she
is under treatment in the Philipsburg
hospital, ig expected here from Reading,
Sunday, to be with his two children over
Christmas. The Shields children are here
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Shields’ par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shields and
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Galbraith, during
their mother's illness.
—At the Shoemaker home on Christmas,
will be all of Mrs, Thomas A. Shoemaker’s
children, save her oldest daughter, Mrs.
R. W. Ebe, who with Dr. Ebe and their
children, will come in from Pittsburgh
later in the week. Augusta will be here
from Pittsburgh, Ellen from Devon, Pa,
Mary from Washington where she is in
her senior year at Trinity college, and Mr.
and Mrs. Collins Shoemaker from Julian.
—Col and Mrs. J. L. Spangler will have
2s Christmas house guests, their niece,
Miss Margaret Brisbin and Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Harris, all of Philadelphia. Mrs,
James A. McClain, who has been with her
mother, Mrs, Spangler, since the late sum-
mer, will go to Philadelphia to be with
her sister, Mrs, Blackburn, for the Holi-
day scason, and will be joined there by
her daughter, Emily Eliza McClain, who
is now in school at Washington.
—Misses Louise and Eleanor Barnhart
both arrived home last Saturday. The
former had finished her term of Kinder-
garten work in Youngstown, Ohio, but
Miss Eleanor was a few days early be-
cause her school, Syracuse University, had
to be closed on account of the flu epidem-
ic there. They will spend the holidays
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
‘K. Barnhart, of Linn St., who will also
have for Christmas day guests, Dr. and
Miss Cora Campbell, of Seward, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Loeb, of Punxsutawney.
—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. P. Gray, with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Florence Truby Pitt-
man, were in Bellefonte Saturday. They
came down to attend to some business af-
fairs preparatory to going to Florida for
the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gray left for
St. Petersburg on Wednesday and Mrs.
Pittman, who had spent the summer and
fall with them at Stormstown, went to
Chicago where she will be for the winter
with her niece, Mrs. C. S. Craigmile, who
lives at Hinsdale, a suburb. Before their
departure several farewell dinners were
given in their honor, one at the home of
Commissioner N. I. Wilson, where veni-
son was the piece de resistance.
—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sherry came in from
Pittsburgh last Friday afternoon and re-
mained until Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sherry, of
south Spring street. Leo is a superin-
tendent in the finest printing plant in
western Pennsylvania and as they are jam-
med up with work for delivery before the
first of the year he was fearful that he
could not get here for Christmas so he just
brought Mrs. Sherry over for a little pre-
Christmas visit. He said, however, that
it will have to be very unusual work that
will keep them from coming over next
May for then his father and mother will
celebrate their golden wedding anniver-
sary, if both are spared until then.
a guest of her brother, 3
er aunt, Miss Char-
Miss Mary :
ey will have the
ho are coming |
} —Mrs. W. H, Page braved the cold and
windy weather, on Tuesday, to make her
yearly visit to the Watchman office.
—DMrs. Charles Young came down from
Altoona, on Monday, and visited between
trains at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Gates, on north Spring street.
—At the William Chambers house, the |
‘Holiday guests will be Mr. ang Mrs.
Chambers’ two daughters,
the Edison Electric Co., of
and Martha,
—The two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner
Geiss, George, with the P. BR. R. Co., and
David, a second year student at Drexel,
will come up from Philadelphia before
Christmas, to spend next week at the
Geiss home
—Mrs. Doblebower, of Clearfield, and her
two children, Eleanor and John, who have
been visiting with the children’s grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Porter Lyon,
will be Mr. ang Mrs. Lyon's guests for the
. Holiday season.
Miss Mary, with
New York City,
a third year student at Penn
—Miss Lois Foreman came home from
Warm Springs, Ga., to remain over the
Christmas season with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. R, Foreman, on north Spring
street. Her many friends will be glad to
know that she is improving in health.
—It is expected that William H, Keller
II, will be home from Washington, D. Cy
for the Christmas day party his mother,
Mrs. Harry Keller will entertain, at hep
home on east Linn street. Mrs. Keller's
guests will include the Ellis Keller family
and the Orvis Keller family of State Col-
—Mr. and Mrs.
expect to be here
with Mrs. Seidel’s
tJ. Willard Barnha
The Barnhart family party will be only
the daughters at home and the Seidels as
the Harpers are
They will celebrat
—Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Bradley
anticipate entertaining Mrs, Bradley's sis-
ter, Mrs. Frederick Peek, of East Aurora,
N. Y., who will be here tomorrow for a
visit, and Mp, Bradley’s brother, John
Bradley, who is coming up from Phila-
delphia to be a dinner guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Bradley on Christmas day, expecting
to return the same evening, y
to celebrate Christmas
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
—Three of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hoy’s
sons and their families will celebrate
Christmas with their parents; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hoy and their daughter, Ada-
line, of Wilkinsburg, and Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Hoy and their daughter, Adalaide
of Tyrone, will drive
day. Mr. and Mrs,
fonte, joining the party for Christmas.
—Mrs. George M. Gamble, with her
daughter and son, Elizabeth and “Mac,”
are anticipating spending Christmas with
Mrs. Gamble's daughter, Mrs, Ww.
O'Brien and the family, at Phillipi,
| Va, Should the illness now in the
Gamble family not permit of their going
to West Virginia, they will then 20 to
Lancaster, to be with the Ostertag family,
=Mr. John I. Knisely was brought
home Wednesday, from the Huntingdon
hospital, where she had been a patient for
"two weeks. Her daughter, Mrs. Butter-
worth, of Wilkinsburg, who has been in
charge of the Knisely
mother’s illness,
Bellefonte until
to Bellefonte Satur-
John Hoy, of Belle-
Mrs. Knisel
for Christmas.
! —Dr. and Mrs. John Sebring’s two
' daughters, Miss Henrietta, heaq of the
chart department in research work of the
Curtis Publishing Co., and Miss Mary, in-
structor in English, at the Beaver Country
Day school, at Chestnut Hill, Boston, and
Mrs. Sebrings sister, Mrs. Mann, will
Dr. and Mrs. Sebring’s guests. Miss Hen-
rietta and her aunt, will arrive here from
. Philadelphia Saturday, while Miss Mary
[will reach Bellefonte Sunday.
{ —Miss Rachel Stutsman arrived home
' yesterday from Detroit, Mich, to visit
i with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O
| Stutsman for several days, on her way to
: New York. Miss Stutsman is an instrue-
(tor in the Merrill Palmer school of De-
troit, and received her degree from the
Chicago University, Tuesday. Her sister,
Miss Ruth, a member of the faculty of the
; University, of Nebraska, is also expect-
“ed in Bellefonte for the Holiday vacation.
| —James Ww. Swabb, of Linden Hall, was
in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, looking after
some business matters and made a brief
call at the Watchman office, Speaking of
hunting he said that about as many deer
were to be seen out in the open during the
Season as in the woods. He perambulated
two days with a
didn’t get close enough to any does to get a
, shot, and didn’t give a hoot, anyway, be-
cause he wasn’t particularly anxious to
: shoot a lady deer, at that.
i! —Mrs. Charles Cruse and her sister Mrs.
I. B. Maitland of Williamsport, will go to
Tyrone the day after Christmas, spend the
‘night there and leave early Thursday
morning with their brother, Allen 8.
Garman, his wife and Mrs. Garman’s
mother, Mrs, Piper, in the Garman car, for
Miami, Florida, where they expect to
spend three months. As it is now arrang-
ed, the party will occupy two apartments,
Mrs. Maitland and Mrs. Cruse will spend
the time together, while Mrs. Piper will be
. with her daughter and Mr. Garman.
| —Among the college set home for the
: Christmas holidays, there will be, Mary
Harvey, from Briarcliff Manor, New York;
Henrietta Hunter, from Wilson college,
Chambersburg; Eleanor Barnhart, from
Syracuse; Anne Dale and Lois Kurtz from
Fairfax Hall; Louise and Catherine Meyer
from Hood; Mary Rogers, from St.
Joseph's; Dorothy Wilkinson and Jean
Witter, from Indiana; Rebecca Dorworth,
from Miss Wrights; Betty Zerby, from
Smith; John Curtin Jr, from Lehigh;
Alan Katz, from U. of Penn; Cameron
Heverly and Merril Waite, from Gettys-
burg; Ivan Blanchard, from Kent, and all
of Bellefonte’'s Penn State girls and boys.
—Hon. John T. McCormick, of State Col-
lege, was a Watchman office visitor on
Tuesday, and his pre-Christmas visits are
always marked with cheer for the editor
as well as a number of hig family connec-
tion. And at this particular season he al-
ways radiates with good humor and kind-
ness, although he admitted that he had not
yet had time to make plans for Christmas
day, but we'll bet a good stogie tkat
there'll be a party at his house some time
during the Holidays. It's just his nature
to play host whenever there's an excuse :
for doing so and this year will be no dif-
ferent from any other, even if he will be
eighty years old on January 23. He still
drives his own car and a man who can do
that won't stall at a little thing like a
Christmas party.
Fred Seidel, of Hazleton,
rt, of E. High street, '
not coming this year,
e at their own home in
home during her
will continue her visit in |
y has fully re- .
covered, Mr. Butterworth joining her here |
be |
gun on his shoulder but i
—At the Allen Waite home, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Rhinesmith of St. Mary's will
be the Christmas honor guests.
—James Cook arrived home from (olo-
rado, Tuesday, for a Christmas visit of
two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Cook.
—Miss Martha McClure,
who will be home Saturday to stay until
Christmas afternoon, will be the guest of
honor at the William MeClure home,
—Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Wagner and their
small son, drove up from Watsontown
Sunday, to visit for the day, with the
child’s grandfather William R. Brachbill.
—The D. M. Kline's Christmas party,
to be given at their home on east Linn
street, will be ga family party, at which
Mr. and Mrs. William Ott will pe guests.
—Mrs. J. B. Ward's guests next week,
will include her son Arthur, of New York
City, and a friend of Miss Isabell Ward,
Charles Warren, of Starkey Seminary,
Lakemount, N. X.
i —Mr. and Mrs. Barry Case drove up from
Washington, Tuesday, to spend Christmas
and visit with Mrs, Case’s mother and sis-
ters, at the William McGowan home on
Spring Creek, until after the New Year.
—Mr. and Mrs, Nelson E. Robb’s two
daughters, Miss Leila, from Ardmore, and
Mary, a student at Wilson college, Cham-
bersburg, will both be home for the
Christmas holidays.
—Miss Olive Mitchell left, yesterday, for
Clifton Springs, N. Y., where she will
take a course of treatment for the benefit
of her health. Her present plans are for
staying two weeks or longer,
—Miss Celia Moerschbacher, with the
McCreery stores of Pittsburgh, will be
{ home Sunday, to visit until Christmas af-
ternoon, with her mother, Mrs. Charles
Moerschbacher and her daughter, Mrs.
—To complete the Christmag family
,barty at the barsonage, Mr. and Mrs.
' Knox’s oldest son, John and hig fiance,
Miss Blanche Filson, will drive up from
Harrisburg, Saturday, to remain until
Tuesday evening,
—Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kelly, with their
daughter and son, Mary and Frank, will
arrive in Bellefonte tomorrow from Greer,
W. Va, for their customary Holiday visit
at Mr. Kelly's former home, ag guests
of William mT, Kelly,
—Miss Janet Potter, a district field
worker, at Polk, will be home so spend
Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Potter and to help with
the family party entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Potter that day.
—dJ. Harris Hoy, who has made it a
custom since leaving Bellefonte, to Spend
a part of the Holiday season with his
sisters, the Misses Anna and Mary Hoy,
and Mrs. W, F. Reynolds, arrived home
from Chicago yesterday.
—James H, Carpeneto, son
Carpeneto, is expected
of Wilkinsburg,
of Mrs. Louis
home tomorrow, to
vacation with the
family, James has been located in Fair-
mont, W. Va., but expects to be transfer-
red to Wheeling, after the first of the
—Mr. and Mrs, William ¢. Smeltzer will
have as their Christmas guests their sons,
Norman Smeltzer, of the General Electric
' company, Schenectady, N. Y., and Prof.
Clarence Smeltzer and wife, of Philadel-
phia. Prof. Smeltzers ig g member of the
faculty of Temple University.
—J. Harvey McClure, vice DPresident and
general manager of the Cincinnati Hamil-
ton and Dayton Railway Co., will come
to Bellefonte today, for a Christmas visit
of a day or more, with his father, James
McClure. Mr. McClure always makes g
visit back home at this time.
| —1 B Hamilton and hig nephew, Clar-
ence, who has been in Bellefonte with his
! uncle for some time, will be Christmas day
| guests of Mrs. Broderick at State College.
| The following day, Mr. Clarence Hamilton
1 will leave to spend several days with his
brother ang friends in New York City.
| ii=—Mrs.: R.o Qu 0 Hayes, who has been
with her daughter, at Syracuse, N. XY,
i for the past two weeks, will drive to At-
!lantic City with Ellen and a friend for
! the Holiday week, expecting her two sons,
John and Thomas, to 80 over from New
York, to join them there for Christmas.
—Mrs. Osear Wetzel’s Christmas party
will include her entire family, Mr. and
Mrs. McCoy and their small daughter, of
Ambridge, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs, Merle
Wetzel, of Waterbury, Conn. It being
Mrs. Merle Wetzel's first visit to Belle-
fonte, since her marriage several months
ago, she will be the guest of honor at the
family house party.
—Among the twenty-
, the George Waite famil
‘for Christmas are Mr. and Mro. John
| Waite and their small daughter, from
| Johnstown ; Gilbert Waite, from Jersey
{ Shore; Fred, from Trafford City; Mr. and
‘Mrs. Joseph Waite and their family and
| Mr. and Mrs. George Waite with their
, family, from Williamsport.
—Katherine Johnston, ga student at
Westminister college, New Wilmington, ar-
| rived home last Saturday for her vaca-
tion, however, the Holiday party at the
| J. K. Johnston home will not be celebrat-
j ed until New Years. At that time Mr. and
| Mrs. Wayne Stitzinger, of New Castle,
with their children, ang Mr. and Mrs.
of Red Lion, will all be
one numbers of
¥, expected here
Hugh Johnston,
in Bellefonte,
—We had a very pleasant caller, Wed-
nesday afternoon, in the person of Mr,
Herman Wieland, of College township,
: who had come down to Bellefonte with
his neighbors, the Willis Poorman family.
Mr. Wieland farms just north of the Col-
lege on the old Wieland homestead. We
were just beginning to get started on
| what promised to be a very enjoyable con-
versation when he realized that his friends
“might want to be going” and departed.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyons, who will
! be among those to celebrate Christmas
with a family party, will have as their
guests, their children; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
{ola Lyons, of Tyrone, and their two
daughters, Bthel and Olive; Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Lyons, of Milesburg, and their two
daughters, Elaine and Margery; Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Confer, with their five chil-
: dren, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lyons and their
three chidlren, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mal-
lory, and Eva and Frank, all of Belle-
S————— i —————
Bellefonte Grain Markets,
Oorrectod Weekly by 0. Y. Wagner & Ce.
Wheat Trrrssstrsiriisiiiriveseeesees $1.40
Corn terreriereserenattiave rita neranes BO
Oats Srosnanyitanasnnsesrarnaranseess 50
Rye Setessesectnescrarserscsnsnsessees L110
(Barley Lol aL GL Sa
Buckwheat Ri
Pes INr rere seater.