EE 8 — EER RA, State College Sheep Win High Honors ‘FOOTBALL SCHEDULES High honors again came to the Pennsylvania State College show flock of sheep at the International live- | FOR LOCAL TEAMS. i Several new games appear on Penn stock exposition in Chicago last week. | State’s 1929 football schedule, which Winnings included first in the John Clap Specials; first and reserve champion on purebred Southdown earling; amb; first prize ewe lamb; second on pen of three ewe lambs; second on Southdown grade lamb; second on Shropshire yearling wether; third on pen of three yearling ewes; fourth on Southdown grade yearling; and sixth on yearling ewe. Jack Coyne, the college shepherd, won the shepherd’s prize, repeating his achievement of two years ago. This Has Been A Great Christmas Season Altoona Booster Stores People from the surrounding trade area for many miles have come to Altoona to do their Christnias Shopping in Booster Stores because they have found that they can always do better on account of the wide variety for selection and high quality of the merchandise displayed by Booster Merchants. Altoona Booster Stores CAN SERVE Late Christmas Shoppers "WITH ENTIRE Satisfaction Those who still have gifts to buy will find that Booster Stores still have plenty of gift merchandise from which satisfactory selec- tions may be made in gifts for personal use or for the home. All through the busy Christmas Season Booster Stores are main- taining their high standard of service all day long, but where it is convenient, it would be a good idea to shop as early in the day as possible. Booster Stores Are Open Evenings Until 9 o’clock Including Christmas Eve For the convenience of those who cannot do their Christmas Shop- ping during the day. Altoona Booster Association Strand Theatre ALTOONA, PA. WEEK STARTING Saturday, December 22 “The River Pirate” Fox Movietone Production Color Reel: “IN A PERSIAN MARKET” With Sound VITAPHONE AND MOVIETONE ACTS and Movietone News 73-34-tf. HOME MADE CANDIES Peanut Brittle Hard Candies Turkish Caramels DAVISON’S CANDY SHOP IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 248tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry , Was announced last week. All told nine games will be played, five at “home and four champion Shropshire ewe ! away. The complete schedule follows: Sept. 28—Niagara University at home. Oct. 5—Lebanon Valley at home. Cet. 12—Marshall College at home. Oct. 19—New York University at New York. Oct. 26—Lafayette at home. Nov. 2—Syracuse at Syracuse. Nov. 9—Penn .at Philadelphia. Nov. 16—Bucknell at home. Nov. 28—Pitt at Pittsburgh. BELLEFONTE HIGH .SCHOOL FOOT- BALL SCHEDULE. Sammy Confer, right half back on the Bellefonte High school football team during the 1928 season, has been re-elected captain of the team for 1929. The schedule for next year pro- vides for ten games, seven of which will be conference games. The list is as follows: Sept. 28—Howard at home. *Oct. 5—Altoona at Altoona. Oct. 12—Mt. Carmel away. *Oct. 19—Windber at home. *Oct. 26—Huntingdon away. *Nov. 2—Tyrone at home. *Nov. 11—Lewistown at home. Nov. 15—Juniata at home. *Nov. 23—State College away. *Nov. 28—-Lock Haven away. (*Conference games.) —Subscribe for the Watchman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—Allen parlor furnace, like new. Apply TONER A. HUGG, Milesburg, Pa. 73-49-tf XECUTRICE’S NOTICE.—Letters test- E amentary having been issued to the undersigned upon the estate of Anna J. Valentine, late of Spring town- ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to same are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against said es- tate must present them, duly authenticat- ed, for settlement. CAROLINE M. VALENTINE, W. Harrison Walker, Executrix, Attorney. 73-49-6t Bellefonte, Pa. ARAGE FOR RENT.—Brick garage, within one square of Diamond in Bellefonte, concrete floor, running water and drain. Will accommodate six or more cars and especially adapted for one or two man repair shop. Posses- sion can be given September 1st. Inquire at this office. 73-32-tf. Allegheny St. Property for Sale. The House and Lot, on north Allegheny | M street, Bellefonte, now occupied by W. G Runkle Esq. is for sale and anyone inter- ested in a home in a good residential sec- Li of the town should write for particu- ars to THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Philipsburg, Pa. FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% | 18-3 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent RTT, HUN TER’S Book Store BELLEFONTE, PA for Christmas Bive Books Our Complete Stock em- braces Everything in Books from the 5c. Children’s Book to the $2.50 Copy- right. Nothing can be more ac- ceptable. for Christmas give Writing Paper Our Stock has never been better selected. We have Papers from 25c. a Box to $5.00. All the new sizes and the tissue linings. Plenty of $1.00 Specials. Nothing can be more use- ful. . | fonte, IN THE CHURCHES ON SUNDAY. BELLEFONTE M. E. CHURCH. Corner Spring and Howard Streets. 9:30 A. M., Sunday school. 10:45 A. M., Morning worship. - Prelude, In Bethlehem Town. By Mueller. Anthem, “Behold I Bring You Good Tidings.” By Geibel. i Hymn No. 107. The Apostle’s Creed. Prayer : A niiem, Christmas Hymn. By Ash ord. . Psalter, Page 79, Christmas Read- ing. Offertory, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle- luia! By Armstrong. Hymn No. 113. Sermon, “God With Us.” Prayer * Hymn No. 111. Benediction. i Postlude, Christmas Postlude. By Hosmer. ; 6:30 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. Christmas Entertain- ment. Hymn, “Little Town of Bethlehem.” Prayer, Rev. Homer C. Knox. CHRISTMAS CANTATA. “A Make Believe Santa Claus.” Characters. Bobby... nn ion Donald Johnson Bobby's Mother..........,.. Beulah Shultz Bobby’s Father........ Homer C. Knox, Jr Bobby’s Grandmother..... Katherine Coble Dream Lady............ 5... Pauline Saxon Interlude. Announcements and Offering. : Harmozic Duet............ “Silent Night.” Budd and Russell Moyer. Mr. Santa Claus...... Edmund MeCafferty Mrs. Santa Claus........... Eleanor Wion Betty Keeler Donald Meek Mary Gehret hs Buddy Coble BEMNY. sous. iit rai, Budd Moyer Benediction. REV. HOMER C. KNOX, Pastor ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 A. M., Sunday school 10.45 A. M., Morning services; Ser- mon: “Wise Men From The East.” 7:00 P. M., Children’s Christmas festival service. 7:00 A. M., Christmas Day, Decem- ber 25, Christmas Matins. Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. BOALSBURG. Quite a number of people about town are ill with the grippe. John Ishler entertained a number of men friends on Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Hosterman, of Greens- burg, is visiting at the home of H. . Hosterman. Mrs. Mary Condo went to Belle- fonte, Tuesday, to make her home with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Houtz. Miss Anna Sweeny was the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Olewine, of Belle- on Saturday. R. C. Young and family will occupy the Brown residence, recently pur- chased at private sale by Mr. Jones, of State College. Charles Fisher, Penn , State fresh- | man, is spending’ his’ vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, in Danville. : The Woman’s missionary society of the Reformed church met at the home of Mrs. Grant Charles, at State College, on Thursday evening. Christmas services will be held in | the Reformed church on Sunday even- ing, December 23rd, and in the Luth- eran church Monday evening, Decem- ber 24th. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs return- |! ed home from Altoona on Sunday. Mrs. Jacobs spent several weeks in Altoona during the illness and death of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Felty. WINGATE, Roy Fishers butchered five nice | hogs last week. Ryland summers, of Tyrone, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Summers, last week. H. B. Witherite and Howard Goss, of Osceola Mills, were callers at the | Mrs. Irvin home on Sunday evening. | A Christmas entertainment will be held in the Methodist church at Miles- burg this (Friday) evening. The pub- lic Is invited. Joe Davidson’s new barn was raised last Thursday and the carpenters are now hard at work pushing the struc- ture to completion. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer Davidson and two children spent several days here during the week. On Monday they motored to Lock Haven to con- sult a physician. Mrs. Irwin has returned from State ! College and will spend the Christmas vacation at home. On Sunday she and her two daughters motored out to Clarence to visit the Irvin Reeder family. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—An Apollo range in good condition and at a reasonable price. Inquire of Mrs. John Curtin, west Linn street. “vm BAER SONTONNATAS, * A 00 Round Trip SPECIAL EXCURSION MUMMERS’ NEW YEAR'S DAY PARADE PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 Pennsylvania Railroad WE FIT THE FEET COMFORT GUARANTEED Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 30 Years in the business SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED BUSH ARCADE BLOCK Bellefonte, Pa. Ladies’ Pure Silk Hose | io All 1 Colors Endicott-Johnson’s Full Fashion $1.00 to $1.50 Also a Wonderful Value in Ladies’ 50ct. Hose $3.85 to $4.45 Men’s High Cuts $5 $6.50 $7.50 $10 $14 Slippers IN ALL THE COLORS for Ladies, Men and Children 98cts. to $3.50 Rubber Footwear for the Entire Family Dolly Madison and Edwards Arch Support Shoes ... FURNITURE... rices That Reflect Value $ 51.50 Dining Room Suit EIGHT PIECES Living Room Suits $45. to $265.00 Cogswell Chairs - $24 t0 $ 60.00 J. K. Rishel Bed Room Suit, was $275. now $135.00 Large Dining Room Suit was $325. now - = THIS IS SOMETHING EXTRA FANCY $240.00 Everything in Furniture ... KF. W. WEST CO
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