PE ER a —————— Bellefonte, Pa., December 21, 1928. Ee ———————— O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM ©O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie ! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting light, The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above, While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wondering love. O morning star together, Proclaim the holy birth! And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth. How silently, how silently, The wondrous gift is given ! So God imparts to human hearts, The blessings of His heaven. No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him still, The dear Christ enters in. © Holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell, O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel ! Be __ THE SHEPHERD OF BETH. Far up the side of a Bethlehem hill ish them always, my boy, for he re- | peated them to you as he learned i them out of that one Book Jehovah yhanded down to His people. And ‘ever remember as the son of your father, you are the descendant. of the shepherd king, and that you are liv- ing among those hills over which he oy} his sheep, and that you have of- ten stood on the spot where he was tending his flock when the prophet ‘ Samuel called Jesse and his sons to sacrifice, at the time the ruddy lad | was annointed king. And you should always be as kind, as faithful and as brave as that singing shepherd prince.” “God grant that I may,” answered the boy as he arose and took the lunch his mother had Just finished wrapping in a clean white napkin. With a kiss of thanks he passed through the door. As he left the house he paused a moment and said, “Mother, I wish the King would make haste and come, for the world is in need of him. And when he comes, as He is to sit upon David’s throne, surely He will visit the city of David, and then maybe I shall see Him.” The sun moved farther and farther downward as he roamed over the hills again, with lunch and Sling, floing as he imagined the boy David had done in days so long gone by. The last rays of sunlight were shot as shining arrows from the golden !bow of the west as the lad reached ithe top of the hill that overlooked the entire region. Bethlehem and the steep declivity that leads into the valley below were clearly visible. And standing there the words of the pro- phet came strongly to his mind: “But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come stood a quaint shepherd’s cot, with forth unto me that shall be ruler in the sheepfold nestling near. Along Israel; whose going forth have been the slopes were little terraced gar- from of old, from everlasting.” dens, shaded by olive orchards and ! “My father used to say,” he mused trees, while at irregular intervals 'half aloud, “that the importance of a were tenaciously clinging vineyards. city is not dependent upon the num- The fields adjacent, though rough and ber of its inhabitants, the size of its stony, were productive of much grain buildings, the height and circamfer- under the constant industry of busy ence of its walls, but rather upon the hands. Some of this group of hills were so character of its people; that one truly great man with heart stronger rugged that they seemed valueless than the brass that bars its gates, but for pasturage. And even then there was danger to shepherd and to sheep because of narrow gorges and steep declines. rand head Jopering above its battle- , ments, will lend Iu ory when all other glory fades.” His dream was suddenly interrupt- ster to its mem- e town of Bethlehem was situ- |ed; turning he saw slowly approach- ated at the extreme end of the most Important of these hills, Toward the ing down the narrow, winding road, a man from the mountain country, Sunset it looked abruptly down upon | leading an ass upon whose back sat a an extended plain where, more than | twelve hundred years before, Ruth, | the beautiful Moabitess, gleaned in young and most beautiful woman. The tired beast made poor headway. | “We must reach the city before the the fields of Boaz. The other end of | night grows dark,” said the weary, this long gray hill graduated into the | but resolute man. “I fear the inn lovely vale of the sunrise, while to- will be crowded and food and shelter ward Jerusalem on the other, the scarce, while already you are hungry descents were steep and the valleys and worn,” with a tender anxiety in deep. There was no road leading to this | secluded shepherd’s home, but plain paths beaten hard by numberless tiny feet, winding in and out to the pas- ture fields and to the not far distant village. “Mother, I am lonesome for father today,” said the lad as he entered the little home and came near to where Melrhesa was preparing a lunch of dried grapes, bread and butter, “I want to 80 over the pastures where father and I have strolled so often together and watched the flocks, I wish to visit the places where he used to tell me over and over again, and I never grew tired of hearing | them, the stories of how David, the shepherd boy, slew the lion and the bear that attacked his flocks, I have en with father even down in the valleys where the grass is green and the rugged hills and into the gorges where the shadows of night seem ever to hang, along the Slinpery paths ead his sheep. All of these stories come up fresh - my mind today, and make me think of my father, my kind and noble sire. 1 shall not forget that one night I was with him tending the flock | when we came across a little crippled lamb. Nothing would do but that I must carry it. Father lifted us up into his bosom. It was so good to be there. I was soon asleep. When I awoke his turban cushioned a rock for my pillow and his coat overspread me. The tiny sheep was still in my arms, In a moment, as soon as I could think, I was not afraid; I knew father was not far away, for he would where David used to never neglect his lambs.” e very fact that your father kept the sheep that were to be sac- rificed in the temple may be why he loved them so. You remember he i would talk of the paschal lamb, in the paschal season, and how he would rejoice over the springtime birth of | the flock,” she responded. “Yes, mother, and it is fresh in my mind how he would hide within his bosom the first to be born, calling it the ‘dear little lamb of God.’ He seeined to feel aboutitin a peculiar fashion. And while I may not know Just what, still I fancy I have a kin- dred feeling in my own heart. “And would you not love to hear him talk of the King whom he said would one day sit upon the throne of David ? Mother, father believed that the King would not long delay his | coming.” claimed: “Oh, t| his voice. “Surely, you have come on a long | ' journey,” said the boy with an inter- . ested politeness; “wil ; this?” said he, stepping toward them and holding forth his lunch. “For her sake, I will,” answered I the man, in kindly tone, as he re- ceived it from the outstretched hand of the generous lad. “You are very kind,” spoke up the woman; “what is your name and where do you live, my noble child?” “Thank you,” answered he. “They call me the Shepherd of Beth, and my home is here among the hills of David.” “What a rare and beautiful name, and how charming are these hills as a dwelling place—these hills of Da- vid. Yes, these are his hills and yon- der is the city of the King. We, too, are of the house and lineage of Da- vid. That is why we are come.” Then looking intently at the town beyond, she murmured softly, while a mysterious light shone in her won- derful eyes: “But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth “unto me, , that shall be ruler in Israel.” And stretching forth her arms, like a mother toward her child, she ex- | hou dear little Bethle- | hem town, I greet thee, I love thee, | I embrace thee this night!” | i The boy’s quick ear Saupht the in- | y he an- spiring words and eager swered, “Oh, that he would hasten, that I might see him, the King in his beauty.” “Yes he will come.” (With the chime of bells in her voice). “Yes, he will come. He may be nearer, even now than you think.” The man urged the slowly moving animal onward. The boy stood - ng as one transfixed, watching ther retreating forms wind down the path and up the side of the adjacent hill. As one enraptured, he became aware of the wonders of the evening. Great streamers of light shone up- ward from the sundown slopes, run- ning along the sky, Jeaching to the zenith, while the shadows from the valleys crept upward and upward till it was twilight on the hillerests; , standing out in bold relief was the i sacred town, until at last between the purple of the east and the crim- b son of the west, the gloom of earth and the glow of heaven, Bethlehem seemed like a sty 8 nded. Homeward stro oe boy under the charm of the enchanted evening, | “His conversations made us eager while the stars one by one slipping for the coming of the King,” she said. ' their silver sheaths, ran their long, “And, mother, there were times brilliant blades downward, piercing When he seemed to be with someone the blue. whom I could not see. You remem- On reaching home he related to his ber the evening he went away, never mother, in animated words, the to return, as we bent over him we heard him say, ‘Jehovah is my shep- things he had seen and heard, as she 0 | | urged him to pertais of Ms bolesed herd, I do not want’ And as fainter . meal. Long they talked until at la a Bo Wi grew his voice, he whispered, ‘Thy he said: “ other, the paschal season rod and thy shepherd’s crook they comfort me. Even if I walk in the gorge dark with the gloom of death, ear no evil, for thou are with m ’ e.! “Yes, my son,” replied his mother, as she dried her cheeks, “I shall nev- er forget his smile and the light in his eyes as he exclaimed with his last breath, ‘and I shall dwell in Jehovah's house forever.’ » “Oh, mother, I am not complainin, that the Shepherd led him away; wt n, hear his words and to listen to him I am so hungry to see him play on his once more.” “My son, no ad ever had so noble | d a sire. You should never forget his words of council, the truth of the wonderful stories he told you. Cher- is very near, and the s epherds must, right now, be keeping their night- watches lest something happen to the young lambs. May I go out and be with them, as I used to do when father was here?” “My child, it is night,” said Mel- { rhesa. “But, mother, while it is night, yet I do not mim od I So Jot walt L say eve as its ni u lke * Rony every ni fit i Is morning. : e © ry, made Brot day will not the evening the mo make every day? And as night has settled own upon our beloved country, is it not true that the will soon dawn? And if Herod is the last king, is it not time for Him to you not accept ‘Something tells me He is coming!” ‘he exclaimed. “And now I must be i of Bethlehem!” ,ressed the new found lamb, then {world has not given sufficient heed {to the language of childhood, Truth their hearts and lives. Is there not glorious morning ! come whose right it is to reign?” i His interest was so pronounced, ‘: were kne and his persuasion so persistent that bo at last with his assurances of return- lowed him to go. i Rested and refreshed by his stay’ at home, he hastened and ere long reached the white patches of sheep gently huddled together beneath the listening stars. y was the er group of the watching shap- herds, who listened to the lads voice as he talked kindly to the drowsy flock. They heard his joyous excla- mation, “Oh, you dear little lamb of God!” i And they called to him, saying, “Shepherd of Beth, we are gladdened at your coming!” In another moment he was before them holding fondly in his arms a tiny lamb, while the young mother followed close at his heeis. “See! See!” he almost shouted. “IU is the paschal lamb, and I am first to find it.” Every shepherd had to come and touch the wee creature and to stroke anxious, gentle mother. And then they wrapped it carefully in a blanket that it might not chill. “We have been speaking of Tim- mai, your father,” said Beneli, of the number, as at last they turned from the object of so much interest and care. “He was with us last paschal season. We remember how he always carried the Book as well as the staff. He seemed to know in his heart all the pastoral psalms and the prophecies concerning the Mes- siah. We miss him much tonight. So thrice welcome are you, our fine little Shepherd of Beth.” And thus they talked far on to- ward midnight of the One by Pro- moonbeam and stargleam aded together in the golden heaven and poured out by nds from a silver chalice to ing before the middle watch, she al- aRoink the jeweled bosom of the The boy paused on his homeward upon the shimmering from over the radiant hills came strange music, the newest and sweetest ever heard. of great joy!” rang fields, while out the triumpha is born this day in the city of David Christ, the Lord!” “Glory to God!” shouted back the might chorus from a Savior which is the seraphic cling with their link- joy-smitten summits. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will to men!” How long he looked and listened he never knew. His eyes followed the glow as it receded from the love- | ascending with the song and fainter grew, until hing was seen in the deep but one glorious star, be- ghtness all others pal- near it seemed, this new and wondrous luminary, liqud beams which drop splendor from its shining points. the Angel Heralds se taper in its er adrons, encir: touched hills, i that fainter fore whose bri pulsing with ped in limpid t this flaming ystal socket gleaming down upon sleeping Bethlehem ? At his mother’s call he hastened Would he ever cease Is there any into the house. his purling converse? language comparable to the mystic prattle of a heaven-brushed child? Through the later But it was to dream of a woman with wondrous eyes stretch- ; ing out her loving arms toward beau- tiful Bethlehem, to dream of shep- Did he sleep? behold more closely. He felt like | calling to them, like running after them. They had passed so near and Th yet in their eagerness had not seen him. The Shepherd of Beth stood ‘alone watching and waiting for the star which appeared not that night, and never again upon Bethlehem town and Judean plains did that strange celestial visitant ever shine. Fear and forehading struggled in his heart, as at last he turned from his disappointed watchings to enter his cot. His sleep was disturbed by . fitful dreams. The next day it was reported that the eager man and the beautiful woman with the wonderful babe were gone. They were there at sundown, but at sunrise no one knew where they were. As to the Magi it was said { they went away rather hurriedly in the early morning toward the fords of the Jordan and were seen no more. The following day a number of shepherds who had been to take some of the flock to the sacrifice, returned from Jerusalem with reports that ; brought terror to the inhabitants of | Bethlehem. It was that Herod had one of his moods. And when that brutish king, that stranger of human- ity, had one of his moods no one was safe. For it was when he was in one ' of his moods that all the Sanhdrin were executed save two; in one of his moods Hyreanus, his wife's grand- father, was killed; it was in one of his jealous fits that his best loved wife, Mariamme, was slain, and his sons | err et ee er} The un cry checked the blow, but did not entirely stop it. e blade came down with the flat side striking the heroic boy across his radiant forehead, and he sank beneath the stroke. A scream brought the astonished mother from the door with the swift~ ness of the wind and, snatching up her unhurt child, she dashed down the: slope of the hill. The soldier made no attempt to follow, but stood as one turned to stone. He gazed down spon the smit- ten boy as he mu betwien his teeth: “How horrible! Am I commissioned to wage war on de- fenseless women and helpless chil- dren, rather than against tyrants? Coward!” he Saver as he turned his eyes toward Jerusalem. “I am done!” And he flung down his pol- luted sword. Then tenderly he bent over the stricken lad. : ree or four furlo from Dav- id’s well, which is by the Bethlehem gate, situated on Ramah’s crest on the way to Jerusalem, is the tomb of Rachel who mourned for her chil- dren unborn, and for whom her chil- dren, Joseph and Benjamin, wept be- . cause of her untimely going. And now that hill was crowded with heartbroken ry And the prolonged wail of lamentation and great mourning was heard as the voice of one, Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they were not. And has it not always been thus, murdered, and the High Priest, Aris- | childhood and motherhood each griev- ; tobulus, was drowned in his bath. And now that this old diseased and fiendish monarch, green with hate, had one of his moods, it was no won- der Jerusalem and the country round . about were agitated. Tar de al Pe ets There’s a song in the air! There’s a star in the sky! There’s a mother’s deep prayer, And a baby’s low cry! And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King! There’s a tumult of joy O’er the wonderful birth, For the Virgin's sweet boy Is the Lord of the earth, Ay! the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King! phets long foretold, of the place and the time of His coming. And the boy waxed warm in his childish eloquence as he repeated the words he knew so well: “But thou Bethlehem Bohratah, though thou be little among the thou- sands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that shall : be ruler in Israel.” He related his meet- ing with the travelers from the high- | er country, and he pictured the beau- ; ty of the woman with the wondrous eyes, and how she had said, “He may e nearer now than you think.” ; “He is coming; He is coming ! ing in order to keep my promise to amon Good night, shepherds “Good night, little Shepherd of Beth,” they ear responded. He, stooping down, lo ly ear- assed from their circle, out among e sheep, and was gone. 3 “What a wonderful child,” said marches forward on the faith of little children. God often speaks through in the bleat of the lamb the Phaphoey of spring? Who can say out that 1 ance the voice of this shep- herd lad there is the foretelling of the coming of the Anointed of the Loxd ?” Suddenly the hills were over-spread with a ce Ww, mellow as the moonlight, pervading as the starlight, radiant as the dawning. With a glory unspeakable it rested upon the ve leaves, glistened on the snowy fleeces, lit up narrow defiles with- out shadow and softened the jagged roughness into beauty. It was as if snow-white lambs, : glowing hills vocal with radiant sing- ers, to dream of a star with brilliant ing and of the coming of the During the succeeding da people gathered in groups and talked of the shepherd’s of the star which so They spoke of a man with an earnest face, strong and eager in his care of a beautiful young mother and her , wonderful babe wrapped bands and eradled in a manger. Bethlehem was agitated over the arrival of a number of men richly gorgeous costume of the Magi, who told of while in their homes in the east country they had seen a remarkable star and had fol- lowed its guiding rays. With them was a retinue of servants laden wth costly gifts of gold and frankincense myrrh, as offering to the New Every night the Shepherd of Beth Id walk out among the hills to watch for the appearance of the star that did not rise as other stars, but which seemed to descend like a trans- parent censer let down by cords of light from the windows where the ne night as he waited for the star he saw a dark object moving along the slope of the hill upon whose top he stood. And now not far away, low of the Judean skies, he could make out the form of a man walking beside an animal with a dark shawled figure sitting upon its back, eagerly cudding something in loving They had come from the di- | he rection of Jerusalem and, making all possible haste, disappeared darkness toward E . ed something familiar about it all. His heart warmed and he longed to thrilling stories, strangely shone. in swaddling robed in the There seem- Another day, and a runner spread the news that soldiers were on their | road to Bethlehem. Had word been sent concerning violent confiscations of property on the excuse of nonpay- ment of taxes, in order that the men folks might be away? At any rate the Bethlehem men gathered much of their belongings and carried them to safe places among the hills eastward toward the caves of David. lang of arms at the gates and the quiry concerning the Magi, and the strange man and woman and babe. On being informed that they were nowhere to be found, he raged with anger, and ordered all the children two years of age to be brought unto him. Unspeaka le fear gri the hearts of the anxious mothers, and they hid their babes within their houses, but the heartless soldiery in- vaded the sacred hiding places and dragged forth the little ones without pity. they are slaying the children 1” rang out the ery along the terror-stricken streets. Never had such woe befallen that eity. 3 But those heartless minions of a hellish king stopped not there. Some of them went to the shepherds’ dwel- lings on the nearby hills lest some mother’s darling might be in hiding. One of these brutish ravagers ap- proached a cot in front of which an indulgent toddler was fondling a pet lamb. Up to the innocent little friends rushed with sword drawn. “Hold! You would net murder a babe, would you?” shouted a shrill, clear voice, as a lad flung himself he- Swen the descending sword and the C. . At last there was the elash and i Bethlehem ing. {ie middle life became old, and the ped aged fell asleep beneath the snow. i ing for the other? € young moon hung low and red beyond the hills, as the straggling stars pinned down the curtains of night upon that scene of tears. rough anxious days and sleepless | nights his mother watched beside and tenderly nursed the wounded Shep- i herd of Beth, while his heroic young life fluttered ’twixt the stayng an | the going. But at last the fever left him and he slept. In the morning he stirred; he spoke his first articulate words j Sziie all that dreadful time, “Mother, it seems that T have pass- “ed through a long and terrible night,” , he said. “Yes, but it is morning now, thank | heaven, and you are better, my child.” “And is it morning ? It seems that iit should be. Please, mother, move ' corner.” “You are in front of the door, my | darling,” she gently coaxed. “Mother, I hear your sweet voice and feel your kind hand, but I can- i not see your dear face,” he plaintive- i ly pleaded. With a fearful eagerness she bent i over him and looked into his expres- ;sionless eyes. An unbearable pain i seized her heart and gripped it till she gasped in anguish. She stagger- i ed backward against the lintel which | alone kept her from falling. Her nails bit deep into her palms. “Mother, what's the matter?” he exclaimed. “What hurts you? What horrible monster is dragging you from me? Why is it, I can hear and feel, but cannot see? Why the morn- ing turned to night? Oh, mother, I am afraid! Speak to me touch me, kiss me or I shall die V’ Strength came into her prayin soul. She knelt beside the little bed. Gently she stroked his nervous hands; lovingly she carressed the shining scar upon his forehead; fondly she placed her cheeks upon his sightless eyes and sweetly soothed him as only a mother can, as she whispered his own dear words back into his brave, true heart: “I love to think every every night will have its morning.” It was known that a soldier's com- ' plete accoutrement was picked up (bear by where the boy was struck. A strangely silent man took up his ‘dwelling among the fastnesses of the ‘hills, and did many kindnesses to | women and children, and who seemed never to tire in his service to the | Shepherd of Beth and his mother, i And one of the things he often did Was to lead the lad over the fields ‘and over the hills while he listened to the sacred history so beautifully ‘and lovingly repeated. Sometimes at his Tequest the lad | was left alone to sit and think as he | would wish. One evenin Melrhesa | found him in the early tw light, with the soft traces of tears upon his cheeks. And in response to her gen- | tle inquiry, he said: “Mother, I had ' hoped to see the King one day. Dees everyone have a grave in his heart Jere the fondest dream lies bur- i 92 “I am inclined to think so my son,” she answered. “Yet one should not linger so long at the graveside as to Samy the chill of the tomb away with “But to make an occasional visit and to lay there a few memory flow- ers is not wrong, is it mother? I am not grieving, but I sometimes live to dream beside the grave of my dream,” Then he added in a slow and mystical c : tone, “And if the dead live not whence little city lay at the mercy of the ‘then the whisperings of the voices I soldiers. The centurion made en- | hear? Mother, it is good to turn my face toward heaven, though my eyes , cannot see.” Many changed came and went in and the country surround- Children grew to manhood those years blushed and paled as they i played hide-and-seek with the faces ‘that passed beyond the skyline down into memory’s dim vale. Marvelous stories reached Bethle- hem and the hills surrounding, stories “ i . | concerning an austere man clothed in They are slaying the children; 150 wo Jos: ne ae the | wilderness, whose food was dried (locusts dipped in wild honey. Vast ! multitudes from Jerusalem, Judeah | and the land adjacent to the Jordan ! were attracted to this son of the for- {mer High Priest, Zacharias, who ! came not only with the authority of a high priest, but also in the power of a prophet, proclaiming “the king- i dom of heaven stands on the thresh- I old.” Near the close of his few short months of public ministration, there came to this rugged messenger a young man matchless in his comeli- ness, holding éonverse with him and demanding his priestly anointing. (Continued on page 7, Col. 1.)
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