Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 14, 1928, Image 8

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    Demon Jean,
“Bellefonte, Pa., Decomber 14, 1928.
——Twenty-five people came to
Bellefonte on the excursion train
from Philadelphia, on Sunday.
——A nine and a half pound son
made its arrival in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Musser yesterday
——Beginning last Wednesday even-
ing all the stores in Bellefonte will re-
main open evenings until after the
holiday season.
——Walter Harm has purchased an
interest in a retail coal yard at El-
mira N. Y., and will move there and
locate permanently.
——DBellefonte didn’t get any of the
snow storm that swept over the east-
ern portion of the State, on Satur-
day, but we had real winter weather,
just the same.
——A flue fire at the home of Lee
Solt, on south Spring street, early
Monday morning, called out the fire-
men but the flames, which had com-
municated to the roof, were quickly
extinguished. Not much damage was
——Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ishler,
of Buffalo Run valley, are mourning
the death of their seven year old son,
Richard Crider Ishler, which occurred
last Friday following a week’s illness.
Burial was made in the Meyers ceme-
tery, on Sunday.
——A beautiful Christmas cantata,
“The Glory of Bethlehem,” will be
rendered on Sunday afternoon, De-
cember 23rd, in the Reformed church
by the choir, assisted by other solo-
ists, under the direction of Mrs. Al-
berta Krader. Don’t forget the date,
December 23rd, at 4 o'clock.
Charles C. Orndorf, the Wood-
ward hunter who was shot through
the abdomen last week by an un-
known hunter, is still living and has
a chance of recovery. At the Cen-
tre County hospital yesterday it was
reported that he had had a good
night, Wednesday night, and his con-
dition was good yesterday.
enrollment record has
been ef biishe § this fall at the Penn-
: . iate College, according to
official figures just announced. A to-
tal of 4069 resident students includes
3219 men and 535 women in four-year
courses leading to the bachelor de-
gree. There are 143 graduate stu-
dents, 118 in two-year courses and 54
special students.
——Frank M. Crawford, treasurer
and member of the board of directors
of the Potter-Hoy Hardware store,
has tendered his resignation effective
January first. He has been with the
company for twenty-eight and a half
years, having risen from a salesman
to the position he has filled for some
time past. He has as yet made no
plans for the future but as he has
other business interests in Bellefonte
it is safe to say he will not be idle.
——On Monday night robbers
broke into the wayside store of Har-
ry Ebbs, on the John Hartsock farm,
in Buffalo Run valley, and stole a
quantity of merchandise. On leaving
the store they drove towards Storms-
town where they ran into another car
causing a wreck of both machines.
This led to their arrest and they gave
their names as Elmer Hummell and
Charles Swisher. A third man with
them was also arrested but it devel-
the robbery and he was released.
Hummell and Swisher are in the Cen-
tre County jail.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hun-
ter, cf Bellefonte, have announced the
marriage of their second daughter,
Miss Martha Hunter, to Wallace Kel-
ly, of Philadelphia, the wedding hav-
ing taken place in New York on Fri-
day, November 9th. Mrs. Kelly is a
graduate of the School of Applied
Arts, in Philadelphia, and since her
graduation has had her own studio
where she has devoted much of her
time to commercial art. Her husband
is a rising young sculptor and has
already attained a degree of promi-
nence in artistic modeling. They will
reside in Philadelphia.
A telephone message from
Ashland, Ohio, last Saturday morn-
ing, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mignot
apprised them of the fact that they
are now grandparents, a little daugh-
ter having arrived in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cantwell at 4:30
o’clock that morning. Mrs. Cantwell,
before her marriage, was Miss Mar-
garet Mignot, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Mignot. The latter, by the
way, with their son Philip, will go to
Ashland to spend the Christmas sea-
son with their daughter and husband
which will give them a chance to see
their new grand-daughter, who has
been named Sallie Marie.
-——Mrs. John S. Walker and Miss
Mary Hunter Linn, of Bellefonte, and
Mrs. Frank T. Gardner, of State Col-
lege, attended a group meeting of
mothers’ assistance fund trustees for
Blair, Centre and Clearfield counties,
held at Tyrone last Friday. At the
meeting was Miss Blanche Stauffer,
acting State supervisor, and most of
the time was devoted to an examina-
tion of statistics of the work from all
parts of the State. Miss Stauffer
presented a report to be used in prep-
aration of a plan that Governor Fish-
er, in co-operation with the Welfare
Department, is framing for presenta-
tion to the next Legislature. The re-
port and plan were endorsed by all
Complete List of Cases Heard and
Disposed of.
The regular December court of
quarter sessions opened on Monday
morning at ten o’clock, with Hon. M.
Ward Fleming on the bench and the
various officers in their respective
Considerable time was taken up in
hearing motions and petitions, after
which the list of traverse jurors was
called and absentees noted. The re-
turns of the different constables of
the several districts who had any re-
port were taken.
The civil list of cases for next week
was then gone over and the following
cases disposed of:
Charles M. McCurdy, president of
The First National bank of Belle-
fonte, now to the use of the Belle-
fonte Trust company, vs. the Belle-
fonte Trust company, executor and
trustee under the last will and testa- |
ment of Louisa T. Bush, deceased,
garnishee, George T. Bush, defendant,
and Solomon Nissley, claimant, being
an action in attachment execution.
James E. Starrette vs. Harry
Spector and David Swabb, trading as
Williamsport Auto Parts company.
Being an action in trespass. Contin-
ued at the cost of the defendant.
S. B. Stine, Inc.,, vs. Stine Coal
Mining company, being an action in
assumpsit. Continued.
Samuel S. Leitzell vs. Chester M.
Pringle, an action in trepass. Con-
W. S. Shelton vs. C. M. Smith, an
action in assumpsit. Continued.
Anne W. Keichline vs. Horatio S.
Moore, an action in assupsit. Contin-
J. M. Quigley vs. John F. Ivory
Storage company, Inc.,, an action in
foreign attachment in trespass. Con-
The list of criminal cases was then
taken up and the first case called was
that of the Commonwealth vs. Blaine
Stone, indicted for statutory offense.
Prosecutrix, Mary E. Beckwith. The
defendant plead guilty and the usual
sentence was imposed.
Commonwealth vs. Paul Panick,
indicted for statutory offense. Prose-
cutrix, Mary Spilla. This case went
to trial and resulted in a verdict of
guilty and the usual sentence was im-
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Harps-
ter, indicted for statutory offense.
Prosecutrix, Virginia Carson. Verdict
late Monday evening of guilty and
the defendant given the usual sen-
Commonwealth vs. Earl Rider,
indicted for a statutory offense. Pros-
ecutrix, Grace Braucht. Defendant
appeared in open court and entered a
plea of guilty and received the usual
Commonwealth vs. Harry Jackson,
indicted for driving a motor vehicie
while under the influence of liquor.
Prosecutor, A. E. Yougel, chief of
police of State College. Defendant ap-
peared in court and entered a plea of
guilty and was sentenced to pay the
costs of prosecution, one dollar fine
and three months in the county jail.
Commonwealth vs. Vilas Ream, in-
dicted for furnishing liquor to a min-
or, namely, Verna May Martin. Prose-
cutor J. C. Martin. This minor has
been in the juvenile court several
times and is in the hands of the court
officers. The defendant appeared in
court and entered a plea of guilty and
{was sentenced to pay the costs of
oped that he had nothing to do with | prosecution, a fine of $50, and three
months in the Allegheny county work
Commonwealth vs. Francis G. Wo-
mer, indicted on a statutory charge.
Prosecutrix, Edna Wolf. Verdict of
guilty and the usual sentence in such
cases imposed.
Commonwealth vs. Blmer MecCart-
ney, indicted for aggravated assault
and battery by automobile. Prosecu-
tor, C. W. Grassmier. The prosecutor
charges the defendant with hitting
him with his automobile on Route 64
east of the borough of Milesburg, on
the evening of July 28,1928 the pros-
ecutor alleging that he was walking
on the right hand side of the road, as
far as to the right as he could pos-
sibly get, and that he was hit by the
defendant’s car and thrown against a
barbed-wire fence. The defendant
denies hitting the prosecutor but that
the prosecutor called to him after he
had passed and that he, the defend-
ant, stopped and that the prosecutor
assaulted him by striking him. The
jury was out for some time and on
Tuesday evening returned a verdict of |
not guilty but the defendant to pay
the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Hillary Viard,
charged with breaking and entering
property owned by Maude Yingling,
the prosecutor, in South Philipsburg
borough and taking therefrom differ-
ent articles of personal property. Offi-
cers with a search warrant searched
the premises of the defendant and
found a suit case, two rugs, a table
cover, a lounge cover, a sugar bowl
and a lamp identified by the prose-
cutrix as the property of her mother
vested in the prosecutrix by virtue of
the will of her mother. This case
went on trial Tuesday afternoon.
‘ing and larceny. Prosecutor, William
F. Gill. This case is from Philips-
burg. The defendant was charged
with entering the store of William F.
,Gill and taking rifles, flash-lights,
knives and watches on the night of
September 25, 1928, with Elmer Hen-
dershot and Lee Arisman. The last
two named plead guilty last Thurs-
day and Alfred Mulholland went to
trial. The jury retired on Wednes-
day afternoon and verdict on Thurs-
' day morning of not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Ernest Hall, in-
dicted for possession of and trans-
porting liquor. Prosecutor, Leo Bo-
den, county detective. The defend-
ant plead guilty and was sentenced
i to pay the costs, a fine of $300 and
put on parole for a period of three
i Commonwealth vs. William Krum-
‘rine. Charged with malicious mischief.
{ Commonwealth vs. Kenneth Jordan.
Commonwealth vs. Ellis Poorman.
{ Commonwealth vs. William Nei-
digh. Prosecutor Alfred V. Verboken,
. State police.
i These four defendants are young
, boys, and on Hallow-een night did a
lot of damage to what is known as
, the Krumrine school house, in Fergu-
i son township. They appeared in open
| court and plead guilty and were sen- |
’ : » Bul Ly ition and non-support, was sentenced |
i tenced to pay the costs and make res-
i titution of the damage done and
placed on parole for a period of two
Commonwealth vs. Emory Fink, in-
dicted for breaking, entering and
larceny. Prosecutor, Harold Stanton.
The defendant plead guilty to taking
two auto tires, storage battery and
socket. Sentenced to pay costs of
prosecution and undergo imprison-
ment in the county jail for a period
of three months.
——Help your wife on X-mas by
ordering your family dinner at the
Bush Hotel. Turkey served from 12
to 2 at $1.25 per plate. 49-2t,
A serious shortage of water de-
veloped at Rockview penitentiary on
Monday evening, and the situation
was such as to be almost alarming.
With no time to investigate the cause
therefor prison officials sent hurry
pipe and an engine and pump and a
temporary pumping station was es-
tablished on Spring creek and water
pumped from there.
The penitentiary gets its water
from a big impounding dam in Me-
Bride’s Gap, and while the stream
there is naturally low, as are all the
streams in the county, owing to the
light rainfall during the past two or
three months, it has always had a
sufficient supply for all ordinary uses.
summer and the water flows down the
gap in an eight inch pipe. An in-
vestigation showed that the pipe line
had sprung a big leak and more wa-
ter was flowing away than was used
by the penitentiary. The leak has
again filling up.. But the auxiliary
pumping station on Spring creek will
be maintained for a time as an
emergency supply.
Next Tuesday will be Airmail Cele-
bration Day.
Next Tuesday will be the day for
celebrating the tenth anniversary of
the inauguration of the airmail in
Bellefonte. The Postoffice Depart-
ment will arrange to take out by
plane that day all letters mailed at
the Bellefonte office and marked air-
mail. The committee
intends sending out the special let-
early, so as to enable them being
handled properly, but with the re-
quest that they be held until the
George T. Bush, chairman of the
four thousand letters to be mailed
that day, while three thousai.i of the
special envelopes have already been
taken by the people of Bellefonte and
vicinity to send out to friends and
acquaintances in distant places. It
number reaches ten thousand. Surely
a big advertisement for Bellefonte.
While they last the special envel-:
opes can be obtained at Montgomery
& Co's, Baney’s shoe store and Thom-
as’ cigar store, near the depot. The
post card can also be purchased four
for a quarter. It has a map of the
marked and Bellefonte given unusual
100 only, all-metal smoker's
pedestals, complete with glass ash
trays, X-mas special, 50c. No phone
orders. None delivered—W. R,
Brachbill Furniture. 49-1¢
Ward Markle, of Pleasant Gap, Giv-
en Gas Refrigerator.
The drawing for the gas refrigera-
i tor given away free by the Central
Pennsylvania Gas company, took
place at the company’s offices in the
| Odd Fellows’ building, Bellefonte, at
Rockview Penitentiary Runs Short af
calls to various places for four inch
The big dam was just completed this
been repaired and the big dam is’
in charge of
the celebration urges everybody who:
ters to get them into the postoffice’
committee, has now on hand almost |
will not be surprising if the total
United States with airmail lines well |
Many desertion and non-support
cases as well as pleas of guilty, were
heard at a special session of court
by Judge Fleming, last Thursday. The
list follows:
Lawrence Marshall, who in 1925 !
was ordered to pay $20 a month |
to the support of his wife and chil-
—H. H. Roan, of State College, made a
| business trip to Harrisburg, on Wednes-
! day.
| —Mrs. Emma C. Bathgate, of Lemont,
: went to Harrisburg, last week, to spend
{ some time with her daughter, Mrs. John
I. Bennett.
—Mrs. Theresa Hibler Sears has
closed her home at Milesburg, and gone
to New York city, to spend the winter
dren, and who had defaulted in the | with Mrs. Amelia Riffle and her family.
payments to the extent of $220, was
—Mrs. W. H. Miller and her sister, Miss
brought into court and after hearing | Annie Noll, went over to Altoona yeter-
the evidence in the case Judge Flem-
day morning, to visit with their nephew,
ing decided to continue the old order ; Wilkey Horner and his family until Sun-
of $20 per month and suspended | 92
further sentence on condition that :
—Mrs. David Washburn has been spend-
Marshall pay the amount now due ‘ing the week with her mother, Mrs. Kel-
in installments.
; Thomas B. McClure, of Bellefonte,
charged with non-support. Order for
support refused upon payment of
costs and defendant awarded the cus-
tody of his three children.
Glenn R. Weaver and Robert A.
Hoover, charged with a violation of
the motor vehicle code. Nol pros en-
tered upon the payment of costs.
Harold Poorman, of Spring Mills,
charged with the larceny of an auto-
mobile tire. Sentence suspended up-
on the payment of costs.
{ H. M. Lucas, charged with deser-
to pay the costs of prosecution and
($15 a month toward the support of
his wife during such time as she has
'no employment.
Henry Sents, charged with deser-
tion and non-support, failed to appear
in court and a bench warrant was is-
sued for his arrest.
Cora Harris, charged with assault
and battery, was ordered to pay the
costs and further sentence suspended
jon condition she remove ‘from Centre
; county.
| William Mills Sr., charged with
non-support, was ordered to pay the
costs of prosecution and $10 a month
to the support of his wife.
William Thomas and Gilbert Wood-
i ler, at Madisonburg, while Mr. Washburn
and A. L. McGinley are on a hunting trip
in Little valley.
i —George Ingram, yard manager at the
Bellefonte Fuel and Supply, is ill at his
home on Lamb street, having been off
duty for a week, suffering with what is
thought to be a nerve condition.
—Mrs. Frank McFarlane closed her
apartment yesterday and went to Phila-
delphia, where she will visit until some
time in January, with her sister, Mrs.
Kinsloe and other relatives in the city.
—Dr. Morris BE. Swartz spent a few
hours yesterday with his many friends
in Bellefonte. Being a native of the town,
Dr. Swartz has always kept in touch with
everything here, by frequent short visits
back home,
—>bliss Effie Miller, of Philadelphia, was
one of ‘the people who took advantage of
the excursion, on Sunday, to come to
Bellefonte for the day's visit with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mil-
ler, of east High street.
—Mrs. Herman Stutzenbach was here
from Philadelphia on the excursion, Sun-
day, to spend the day with her father, El-
and the
mer Yerger and his daughters,
Cain family. It was Mrs.
Christmas visit back home.
—Mr. and Mr. Levi Roan, of Williams-
to Columbus, Ohio, last week, to at-
tend the funeral of Mrs. Roan’s sister,
Mrs. Straw, which was held from the
ring, charged with larceny. Sentence ;
spended upon the payment of costs.
i Donald Marshall: charged with lar-
payment of costs.
E. T. Parsons, who plead guilty to
violation of the liquor laws and vio-
lation of the motor laws, was given
a suspended jail sentence in the first |
case and $200 fine and costs, and in
the second case was ordered to pay
the costs of prosecution, $200 fine and |
stand committed until the sentence
is complied with. 3
Mike Furl, charged with operation
‘of gambling devices and illegal pos-
session of intoxicating liquor, was
given a suspended sentence in the
first case, and in the second was
‘sentenced to pay the costs, a fine of
$300 and imprisonment in the county
jail for sixteen months.
E. F. Ramus plead guilty to the
illegal possession of liquor and oper-
ating a motor car while under the in-
fluence of liquor and was sentenced to
pay a fine of $200 in each case and
the costs of prosecution, jail sentence
being suspended.
Carl Lengle, charged with forgery.
Sentence suspended upon the pay-
ment of costs.
| James Hill, of State College, charg-
ed with larceny. Sentence suspended
upon payment of costs.
Earl Lucas, charged with false pre-
tense. Sentence suspended upon pay-
ment of costs. :
——Why pay double the value
to E, and the price is only $4.85, 49-1¢
An Elusive Half Dollar.
On Sunday afternoon a group of
young men and boys standing on the
south. Water street pavement, near
i the High street bridge, saw a bright
‘object in Spring creek which looked
men finally decided to climb down the
wall to see what it was. When he
' got down he discovered that it was
a silver half dollar, but it laid ten feet
out in the stream and in fifteen inches
of water. He didn’t want to wade
out and get it so some one on the
i pavement threw him down a crooked
stick. He fished for half an hour
with the stick trying to coax the
half dollar close enough to reach it,
‘but talk about the elusiveness of
| money. He would pull it in a few
inches when it would side-slip and
roll about as far away as ever. :
Finely it rolled under some moss
alongside of a stone and try as he
might he could not dislodge it. Then
, he gathered two good sized stones and
‘| piled them one on top of the other
out in the stream to stand on, then
fish the silver out with his hand.
Throwing in the stones made the
water muddy and by the time it
cleared off he had lost all track of the
stone under which the half dollar
rolled. All told he worked almost an
hour, his shoes were full of water,
his clothing wet and he finally had
‘| to give up the hunt, and the half dol-
lar is still in the creek for the man
who is able to find it.
——M. H. Hall, manager of the
Western Union Telegraph office, in
In the case of Commonwealth vs. 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, and Bellefonte, announces that his com-
Hillary Viard the jury rendered a
verdict of guilty.
At this time Hillary Viard was
called and sentenced to pay costs of
prosecution, a fine of one dollar and
not less than one and one-half nor
more than three years in the western
Commonwealth vs. Alfred Mulhol-
land, charged with breaking, enter-
resulted in the refrigerator going to
| Pleasant Gap as the property of
Ward Markle. }
In making the drawing two hun-
dred coupons were put in a box
after being well mixed fifteen we
drawn out. Then five were drawn
from the fifteen, three from the five
and one from the final three, which
proved to be that of Mr. Markle. |
pany will again issue gift orders
which made such a decided hit with
i the public last year; especially per-
sons desiring to send a Christmas re-
membrance to friends a long distance
from home. Greeting messages ac-
companying the gift orders will be
sent free of charge. Further partic-
ulars can be obtained at the local
office of the company.
H. V. Lykens, Thomas Leitzell and ,
Sentence suspended upon the |
like silver money. One of the young
home of her mother, Mrs. Young.
—Mrs. Harry Holter Curtin, of Curtin,
was a guest last week of Mrs. George
Spencer, in Brooklyn, having gone over
for a week's visit, and to do some Christ-
mas buying. Mrs. Spencer is better
known in Bellefonte, as Miss Maragret
—After spending the week in Bellefonte,
serving as a juror, J. W. Hartsock was
dismissed Thursday morning, and return-
ed home at once. Mr. Hartsock is one
of the leading citizens of Half Moon valley
and among Centre county's best known
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garbrick and Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Reber, of Coleville, drove
to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving, all re-
turning shortly after, save Mrs. Garbrick
who remained until yesterday, driving
in then with her brother, Frank Criss-
man and a friend, now guests at the Gar-
brick home in Coleville.
—Dr. and Mrs. 8. M. Nissley went out
to McKeesport Sunday, called there by the
death of their nephew, Jimmie McCarthy,
| whose death followed an operation. in the
McKeesport hospital.
about ten years old, and well-known in
Bellefonte, through his frequent visits
here with Dr. and Mrs. Nissley.
—DMiss Caroline Valentine has been a
guest of her cousin, Mrs. George R. Meek
since her arrival in Bellefonte last Sat-
urday morning, expecting to be there until
making definite arrangements for the win-
ter. Her cousins, the Misses Mary and
Sara Valentine, of Chestnut Hill, and
Thomas Jacobs, of Philadelphia, who ac-
companied her here, returned home early
in the week.
—W. A. Stover, retired, and I. V. O.
Hiuseman, carpenter, of Millheim, who
are serving as jurors this week, were
pleasant callers at the Watchman office on
The child was
price on arch support shoes for wo- Tuesday. Mr. Stover, by the way, did
men because you have a very narrow : ot take his annual deer hunt this year
| foot. Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop car- i because he just put off getting a license
+ . . | until it was too late so naturally stayed
ries these shoes in widths from AAA fat home.
; opinion that one illegal deer was killed
i for every five does shot.
Both men, however, are of the
—DMrs. Della Williams, who is in Los
Angeles for an indefinite stay with her
brother, A. G. Osmer and his family, ac-
companied Mr. Osmer to the coast upon
his return home, following a short
visit he had made to Centre county, late
in November, Mr. Osmer had been "in
Lincoln, Neb., on business and while there
unexpectedly decided to come on east so
that while Mrs. Williams had planned to
go to California the trip made with her
brother was an unlooked for pleasure.
—Mrs. Frank HE. Wieland, of Linden
Hall, has been with her daughter, Mrs. E.
Fred Brouse, at Norristown, for more than
a month and during Mrs. Weiland’s
visit there has come to the Brouse home
a little son who has been named Frank
Weiland, for its maternal grandfather.
The child is Mr. and Mrs. Brouse's second
son. Mr. Wieland and his younger daugh-
ter, Miss Mildred, an instructor in the
schools of Altoona, will go to Norris-
town as soon as the Altoona schools close,
to spend the Holiday season at the Brouse
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin drove in
from Pittsburgh yesterday, for the fun-
eral of Merwin A. Nolan, who died at his
home in Nittany, Tuesday, while there
from Pittsburgh for his Thanksgiving
vacation. Since going to Pittsburgh, Mr.
Nolan had made his home with Mrs, Mar-
tin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shoe-
maker and after the death of Mr. and Mrs.
Shoemaker, lived in the Martin family.
‘While here Mr. and Mrs. Martin have been
guests of Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker, Mrs. Mar-
tin being a cousin of the late Thomas A.
—W. W. Orndorf, of Howard, was in
town on Saturday. We hadn't seen “Bill”
for nearly a year, but he looked as
though only a minute had elapsed since
last we had the pleasure of a chat with
him. He is working at the creamery
down at Howard and as people demand
milk and butter every day in the year
“Bill doesn’t even have Sundays off. He
wasn’t “crabbing” about that, however,
for he was a farmer over in Little Nittany
valley before he moved to Howard and
farmers of his day were raised in a school |
that had no patience with the modern idea C
that all the tools should be dropped when
the whistle blows whether there is a load
of hay or grain in the field and a thunder
storm coming up, or not.
port, but formerly of Centre county, went )
| Bellefonte Academy Defeated the
The Bellefonte Academy football
{team won the mythical title of State
champions for prep schools by defeat-
-ing Perkiomen, on Franklin field,
‘Philadelphia, on Saturday, by the
score of 14 to 0. It was a satisfac-
| tory victory for the Academy but an
i expensive test for both schools. An
eastern snow storm struck Philadel-
i phia on Friday night and it snowed
call day on Saturday, with the result
| that considerably less than one thous-
and people were present at the game,
{In fact the total receipts were only
i $548.
Harry (Spooks)
Temple, captain
iand fullback on the Academy team,
| got in his work in the first period of
| the game when he captured a fumble
and ran twenty-seven yards for a
i touchdown. Hardy booted the pig-
'skin over the goal bar for the extra
| point. There was no more scoring
until the fourth period when the
Academy made another touchdown
through straight football plays. The
nearest Perkiomen ever got to the
Academy goal line was within fifteen
yards. The American Legion drum
corps furnished the inspiration for
the Academy players.
——Patent leather, tan calf and
{gun metal oxfords for growing girls,
jonly $2.95 at Yeager’s. 49-1t
Big Annual Grand Bazaar.
A special feature of the grand
bazaar to be held in the auditorium
of St. Mary’s church, Snow Shoe, to-
morrow (Saturday) will be the chick-
en and waffle dinner and supper to
be served by the ladies of the parish
to all in attendance.
Numerous booths filled with time-
{ly X-mas suggestions will greet the
| early shoppers. Beautiful fancy work
and millinery, aprons and paintings
for the ladies, wearing apparel and
novelties for the men and a Christ-
mas tree loaded down with presents
for the children, while Santa Claus,
himself, will be on hand, taking re-
quests of the little tots for Christ-
mas. Every member of the family
is invited to attend and enjoy the day.
——Hand-woven pedestal ferneries.
While they last $1.00.—W. R. Brach-
bill’s Furniture Store. 49-1t
——To prove that they have con-
fidence in what they sell officials and
employees of the Central Pennsy]-
vania Gas company, to the number of
forty or more, partook of a dinner, on
Tuesday evening, prepared entirely
with gas at the demonstration school
being conducted by Mrs. Luella M.
Fisher, in the hall of the Undine fire
company building. They had ham
and eggs fried on a gas range, po-
tatoes cooked by gas, hot biscuits
baked in a gas oven, salads cooled
and ice cream frozen in a gas refrig-
erator and after all was over the
dishes were washed with a gas dish
_—Latest styles and colors in are-
ties for women, only $1.95, Yeager’s.
. 49-1¢
——Bellefonte is to be all dressed
up for the Christmas season. Curb
trees are being put up through the
business section of the town, that is
from High street bridge to the Dia-
mand, and from Bishop to Howard
streets, the trees to be wired and
lighted by the West Penn Power com-
pany. This company, on Wednesday,
installed fourteen 750-watt flood
lights at the soldier’s monument for
the purpose of lighting up the monu-
ment and the court house.
——~Come in and get your brakes
tested free on a new Jumbo brake
tester.—Beezer’s Garage. 49-1t
BE —
——Twenty or more of the em-
ployees of the West Penn Power com-
| pany motored to Altoona, last even-
ing, to see the vitophone picturiza-
tion of Al Joslin in “The Singing
——Yes, Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop
sells children’s shoes, Buster Brown
quality, and at prices less than poor
quality. 49-1t
——E. L. Hollobaugh’s high grade
sea food market is now open in a room
under Governor cafe, on Allegheny
| street. Oysters from registered oys-
‘ter beds, fresh Spanish mackerel,
| fresh hallibut steak, black bass, dev-
‘iled crabs made by one who knows
how, fresh eggs, creamery butter.
Special today and tomorrow, 5 Ibs.
fish for $1.00. He has on hand at all
times clams in and out of the shell,
fresh shrimp and fresh crab meat.
Also seallops. 49-1%
——Clever Hats, $1.00 to $5.00, for
X-mas at Elizabeth T. Cooney’s Hat
Shop. Also negligees, knitted dress-
er scarfs, hand bags, handkerchiefs,
| ladder-back chairs, foot-stools, hook-
| ed, crocheted, plaited rugs, and num-
erous other gifts. 49-2t
——Before buying your Christmas
radio call Carl J. Gray, 27-R for a
demonstration on the Bremer Tully.
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by 0. Y. Wagner & Oe.
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