Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 07, 1928, Image 7

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    A ———————————
Bellefonte, Pa., December 7, 1928.
Not only because most women are
interested in dainty salads that so |
often perfectly act as a pinch hitter
at meal time or for parties in the
home, but because the author of the
receipts below is an authorite, with a
Centre county back ground, we feel
that our readers will be specially in-
terested in the following:
At the request of the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Company
Miss Josephine B. Gibson, head of the
home economics department of H. J.
Heinz Co., of Pittsburgh, recently
broadcasted a talk on “Salads and
Salad Making” over K D K A, Miss
Gibson is a daughter of N. J. Gibson,
of Crafton, and is a grand-daughter
of the late Dr. William Gibson, pio-"
neer in the Presbyterian ministry in
the western end of Centre county:
Miss Gibson’s talk was, in part, as
“We are going to talk on the sub-:
ject of “Salads and Salad Making,” |
for we feel that itis of very great
interest to home-makers. :
“Every day salads are becoming
better appreciated in American
homes, and are filling a more definite
place in our diets. Figures show
that in the past few years, the
amount of lettuce used in this coun-
try has increased 400 per cent. This
shows that we are using a great many
more salads and they are indeed an
excellent addition to our diets, be-
cause they are not only attractive in
appearance, but are nutritious and
supply the roughage, minerals and
vitamins which are so necessary for
our well being.
“Salads range all the way from the
light ones of lettuce or other greens,
which should be served with the din-
ner, to the substantial combinations
of meat, fish or vegetables which may
form the main dish of the luncheon or
supper. Fancy salads may be used
as desserts or as refreshments for en-
tertainments. So we see that salads
play a varied and important role in
our meals. . ;
“This morning we are going to give
you receipts in which, we believe, you
will be interested. As we use more
salads, we must consider some which
do not require much time in prepara-
tion, and several of these which I am
going to give you are very easily pre-
“First, Tomato and Cheese Salad:
“At this season of the year, we are
using a great many tomatoes, and
am going to give you a recipe for a
tomato salad that is just a little out
of the ordinary. It is called Tomato
and Cheese Salad, and it is prepared
by cutting scalded and peeled toma-
toes in halves crosswise and inserting
between the halves, sandwich fash-
ion, a rough layer of Philadelphia
cream cheese, which has been
mixed with either one tablespoonful
of Heinz Spanish Queen Olives, chop-
finely, or one tablespoenful of
Bons Sandwich Relish, which is a
creamy dressing filled with chopped
vegetables, and furnishes the flavor
of both olive and pickle without open-
ing several jars. After placing the
layer of filling between the halves of
the tomato, with a sharp knife make
an incision in the top of the tomato
and garnish it by slipping in a sprig
of parsley. Serve in a bed of lettuce
with a spoonful of Heinz Salad
Cream Dressing.
. “In summer time when we have a
variety of fresh fruits and vegetables
it is not difficult to serve interesting
salads, but in the winter it is a
greater problem, and I am going to
give you a recipe for an excellent
winter luncheon or supper salad. It
is called Luncheon Salad and the re-
cipe is as follows:
~ “Heat one medium can of Heinz To-
mato Soup, add one tablespoonful
lain gelatin which has been soaked
in one-half cup cold water, two pack-
ages of Philadelphia cream cheese,’
and one cupful Heinz Mayonnaise
Salad Dressing. As the salad begins
to thicken, add one green pepper
chopped; one-half cup chopped celery,
and one-fourth cup Heinz Spanish
Stuffed Olives chopped. Pour into a
large mold or individual molds, chill
a serve in nests of crisp lettuce.
Garnish with a
Mayonnaise Salad Dressing and a
sliced olive.
bread and butter sandwiches.
“lI am going to give a recipe for a i
fancy fruit salad which is one of the f
best, we believe, that one can pre-
pare. It is
Salad, and the recipe serves eight
persons. The recipe is as follows. Two
slices canned pineapple, diced; ome
orange, diced; one banana, sliced;
one-fourth cup maraschino cherries,
whole. Mix fruit together and moist-
en with one-half cup Heinz Mayon-
naise Salad Dressing. Fold in one
cupful sweetened whipped cream and
freeze in the trays of an iceless re-
Irigerator, or place the salad in a
mold or in empty baking powder cans
and pack the cans in a pan or freezer
of ice and salt for three hours. Be-
fore packing the cans in the ice and
salt, however, they must be sealed to
revent the salt water from reaching
the salad, and this may be done quite
easily by wrapping an inch widestrip
of cloth, which has been dipped in
melted fat, around the lid of the can.
In this way the cans may be tightly
sealed. Then pack the cans in ice
and salt for three hours. Remove the
salad from the can by running a knife
around the inside of the can and cut
the cylinder of frozen fruit into slices.
Serve in a mest of crisp lettuce gar-
nished with one teaspoonful of Heinz
Mayonnaise Salad Dressing and a
whole cherry.
“This is an excellent salad to use as
the last course of dinner and allow it
to take the Blase of both salad and
dessert, or it is a very beautiful party
salad and may be served with nut
bread and cream cheese sandwiches.
We hope you will try this at your
next party.
“We will give you just one more
recipe this morning, and it is for a
salad that is suitable to serve during
the Hallow-een season. One cupful
chopped apple, one cupful chopped
celery. Moisten these ingredients with
Heinz Mayonnaise Salad Dressing
and place a mound of the salad in a
bed of lettuce. Over the mound of
salad, place half of a canned .
In this peach insert two whole cloves
to represent eyes, a whole clove cross-
| wise to represent a nose, and a thin
strip of pimento to represent a mouth.
{ This is not at all difficult, and makes
;a fine Hallow-een salad.
| “Attractive sandwiches to serve
{ with this salad are made by cutting,
with a sharp knife, eyes, nose and
mouth in a round of bread and plac-
ing these cut rounds of bread over
another round of bread spread with a
. Philadelphia cream cheese and then
with Heinz Currant Jelly. In this
Way te eyes, nose and mouth appear
; I
| When Miss Gibson, Home Econom- .
ics Department, talked over the
radio on Thursday, September 27, she
| stated that the Company would be
pleased to mail copies of Heinz Book
of Salads to those who asked for
them by mail and one will be mailed
, to you if you write for it.
Shall the cold voice of science strive
' to dictate to the old passion of love?
Dr. Bernard Hollander, famous
alienist, and President of the Ethy-
logical Society, put this question to
members of the Society in an address
on “Psychology of Love.” He sup-
plied his own answer: “Assuredly,
Marriage was not a matter of a
lover’s evening out, said Dr. Holland- .
er. It was an intimate association day
in and day out which only compatibles
could face without disaster. Yet man
still allows the almost unallowed pri-
meval instinct to guide him in this es-
sential matter.
guaranteed even if selections are
made by experts, says Dr. Hollander.
“Still, we know enough at least to
rob this most popular of all lotteries
of its worst lottery characteristics.”
“Nature,” he continued, “has
everywhere set the model. Civilized
man, in proportion to his advancing
galeure, has to improve upon the mod-
“As man the barbarian came to ap-
ply rules culled from the school of ex-
perience, so he became civilized, cul-
tured, intellectual and moral. Scarce-
ly in any other field has he allowed the
primeval instinct to hold sway, so lit-
in marriage cannot be
A rose to the living is more
‘Than sumptuous wreaths to the dead;
A rose to the living is more,
In filling love's infinite store,
If graciously given before
The hungering spirit is fled—
A rose to the living is more
Than sumptuous wreaths to the dead.
: —Nixon Waterman.
Flowers are sometimes worn tuck-
ed under a jeweled bracelet by women
who pride themselves on being just a
bit ahead of the mode. A small posy
of mixed flowers, or a gardenia or:
camelia, is the smartest choice. Some-
times both flower an chiffon hand-
kerchief are worn under a bracelet,
or an artifical flower is knotted in a
hankerchief tied around the wrist.
A bony neck eliminates the look
of youth quite as successfully as a
large girth and heavy shoulders and
women should therefore do all they
can to restore and preserve the
youthful contours of the neck, points
out Eileen Bourne in Liberty maga- ;
! An excellent exercise for filling in
the hollows around the collar bone,
according to the writer, is to “strech
the arms at full length at the sides,
even with the shoulders. First rotate
them about 20 times at the sides, then
clap them alternately in front and
back without bending the elbows. If
in doing this you keep your shoulders
absolutely even and your head up, you
will gradually develop firm flesh to
conceal all neck and shoulder bones.
No treatment is more certain than
“Of course, there is a slight benefit
to be had from massage,’ continues
Miss Bourne. “Rub in cold eream
with a very vigorous rotary motion.
Neck and shoulders can take a good
The ideal cellar is one which is so
divded that coal and wood may be
kept in one part, vegetables in
another, a closet for foods. If raw
or cooked foods are to be clean, dry
cellar, that part must be clean, dry
and light. As milk is a great convey-
or of disease producing “germs.” It
requires strict and absolute -cleani-
ness and should never be kept without
i a covering. Keep it in capped bottles
if possible,
Lime is the best of all disinfect-
{ants and should be used freely in the
‘cellar in the form
Where the cellar is in constant use,
for foods in summer and winter, it
of white-wash. |
tle influenced by the rules of organiz- : Should be whitewashed twice a year;
ed knowledge, as oi this all-essential | 2ir the cellar at night and close it
matter of the union of the sexes. during the day. The opposite method
“That men are not guided in| Will cause the walls to sweat and the
I choosing a wife by reason, appro- | cellar will be damp. Do not “stop”
priateness, a common-sense, good UP the cellar windows in the fall. In
judgment, or any of the other evi- | this way the house becomes contam-
spoonful of Heinz |
This salad serves eight
persons and is delicious with brown |
called Frozen Fruit!
dences of sanity that they display in
deciding the other problems of life is
illustrated daily by the unsuitable
matches all about.
“A man may praise domesticity
and economy in theory, vet in prac-
tice it is not the gir! able to manage
a household who gets her hand held,
but the maiden who has kept, her fing-
ers soft and white,
“Everybody is more or less led by
the delusion that he can avoid the
blunders of other people, and the
stream flows steadily on.
“Even the most perfect man and
the loveliest
defects; but sensible husbands and
wives look the other way. Where
they remain lovers throughout life,
their conjugal
much to a cultivated and happy blind-
ness, on both sides.”
. “There is much opposition to mak-
ing divorce easier, but none of the
present system of allowing anybody
capable of asking for a license, in per-
son or by proxy, to marry. Until
marriage is is made more difficult and
. broperly regulated, altruism would
j appear to lie in the direction of mak-
i ing divorce easier.
i “If we were to stop the marriage
of persons whose family records show
, the history of serious or bodily dis-
ease, a few people would be allow-
ed to marry. On the other hand, by
allowing, as we do, chronic lunatics,
imbeciles, epileptics and habitual
drunkards to get married, the con-
tamination of the race has become so
great and the care of the useless off-
spring so heavy a charge on the com-
munity that some effort should be
made to slay this curse on the land.
i A hen is not supposed to have much
common sense or tact, yo every time
Te lays an egg she cackles forth the
A rooster hasn’t got a lot of com-
mon sense to show, but none the less,
most roosters have enough good sense
to crow.
The mule, the most despised of
beasts, has a persistent way of letting
folks know he’s around by his insis-
tent bray.
The busy little bees buzz; bulls bel-
low and cows moo; the watch dog
barks; ganders quack; doves and pig-
eons ¢oo.
The peacock spreads his tail and
squawks; pigs squeal and robins sing,
and even snakes have got the sense to
hiss before they sting.
But man, the greatest masterpiece
that nature could devise, will often
Swop and hesitate before he’ll adver-
Edition of Highway Maps Exhausted.
The total edition of 150,000 tourists
maps issued during the current year
by the Pennsylvania Department of
ighways has been exhausted, that
Department announced. No more
maps will be JEinted until revision is
completed. and preparations made for
the 1920 touring season.
_ “Pennsylvania Highways,” the tour-
ist booklet issued by the De ent
is still available at a cost of 4 cents
to cover postage. This booklet con-
tains a map which is suitable for all
ractical Purposes outlining the entire
tate highway system and distin-
guishing between improved and unim-
proved roads as well as State and
Federal route numbers.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
good woman have their |
! inated with vegetable odors and furn-
ace dust. Colds and other ailments
' are common.
| In caring for the furnace arrange
with the caretakers to have once 2 '
‘day, sufficient, for a general raking,
see then that chimney drafts and
cellar windows are opened until the
dust is blown out.
but if you stop to think you must
“realize that it frequently carries with
it much foreign matter.
Stand in a room and watch tha
swaying of a sunbeam and you will
see a stream of particles of all shapes
| floating in the room, each carrying
! with it some microscopic friend. Rub-
bish should be burned, never allowed
good fortune owes ; to accumulate in the cellar, all decom- |
{ posing vegetable matter should be
| quickly removed. Many odors are
| unpleasant, but not harmful, such as
{the odors from carelessly cooking
| cabbage, onions or turnips, or rapidly
! boiling in covered vessels. A substance
important for the digeston of the
| vegetable, dissolves in the water and
{is thrown off in the steam. Passing
upwards, it scents the whole house
with a very disagreeable odor. This
'is not necessary. Cabbage has no
odor when well cooked.
The odor from heatine fats and
fish are also preventable. Cook fish
yin the oven, and open transoms or
| windows at the top when frying.
Keep doors shut that lead to other
parts of the house. When frying is
finished, stand the frying pan or ket-
tle outside to cool, or cover it closely.
A little thought and care on the part
of the cook, will prevent the steam
or odors of the kitchen from going
to other parts of the house.
To ventilate an ordinary house
properly, one should have ventilators
near the ceiling. A window open at
the top will answer. My way is to
open the windows in the morning
while the upstairs work is being done,
then close them for the day. If the
house is super-heated, as most of our
modern houses are, open a window or
two a few inches at the top. Do not
open both top and bottom. The air
simply forms a current, coming in at
the bottom and going out at the top.
In this way the air of the room is
not materially changed.
If, however, the lower part of the
window is opened and the space is
covered with a strong cloth or paper,
tacked down at the sides and across
the bottom of the window, the cold
air will be drawn up, and striking
the ceiling will drive the warm air
and floating dust out of the upper
portion of the lower sash, making
perfect ventilation. This is an ex-
cellent way to ventilate a sickroom
when the is near a window, for
the air cannot strike the bed. Cold
air is not necessarily pure air any
more than cold water is pure water.
The vaccuum has made our houses
much more sanitary. The old-fash-
ioned way of sweeping and dusting
was responsible for many of our ills.
Dust is dangerous.
Bunions are usually caused by nar-
row-toed shoes that force out the joint.
Get broad, very broad, shoes and wear
a pad of cotton between the big toe
and the next one, which will straight-
en the joint. As long as the toe turns
toward the foot it will be painful.
When the feet pain, rub them with
cold cream, dust with almond meal and
cover bias towels wrung out of
hot water. terward rinse with cold
water. You will be surprised at the
relief this will bring.
A ——
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Many persons
i look upon this dust as simply ashes,
Milk is perhaps the most ideal food
for a human being. It is our only
food in infancy and a food too little
used by adults. It has been called
“he perfect food.”
It is a food, however, that is hard
to keep, for it readily spoils at too
great a temperature,
We have preserved all other kinds
of foods, we have salted fish, canned
vegetables and fruit, canned meat and
smoked ham.
In 1851 a man went to England
with a meat biscuit he had invented.
On the ship on which he traveled
: there were cows to give fresh milk.
At that time most vessels resembled
floating , that is, most ves-
_sels that pretended to give human
j comfort. The inventor observed on
‘his return trip home in the summer
that the cows were sea sick, the milk
was bad and many babies died.
Coming home he devised a process
of drying milk and canning it. After
much difficulty the enterprise was suc-
It grew to geet proportions dur-
ing the Civil Was, when the govern-
ment bought the entire output of his
Since then preserved milk has been
a boon to all exporers whether in the
frozen regions of the north or in
darkest Africa.
Herbert Hoover preserved the
lives and health of some 1,200,000
Belgian children by condensed milk.
Our own Mr. Strauss has proved
himself a public benefactor by sup-
plying more milk for babies.
Any traveler in Europe is familiar
with the dirty milk that is supplied
everywhere from milkmen’s cans.
These have been replaced almost en-
tirely in America by the bottle.
Still about 6,000,000 children in
the United States between the ages of
two and fourteen are undernourish-
‘ed. They are stunted for lack of prop-
er food, usually for lack of milk.
The various companies handling milk
have done much good by disseminating
knowledge as to the value of pure
milk. Pure milk has as much to do
with preventing infant mortality as
any other one thing. In China, years
ago, when they had plenty of cows,
they created a great civilization, now
that they have cut down their supply
and eaten their cows, they kill as
many babies as they raise. You can-
not bring up a child, with success, on
| Those health departments in the
, various cities which are insisting on
pure milk, and the companies which
contributes their success to the distri-
, bution of pure milk, deserve all en-
couragement. Nothing could be of
{ more importance to the public health
| than the maintenance of a supply of
. pure milk.
Black Walnut Stand Shows Rapid
Harrisburg.—That black walnut is
one of the 1nost valuable timber trees
native to Pennsylvania, and grows
rapidly when planted on suitable sites
is shown by the result of a plantng
made by M. W. Nace, of McConnells-
burg, Fulton county, according to
special forest tree plantation studies
now in progress by the Pennsylvania
| Department of Forest and Waters.
{ Mr. Nace purchased 200 blark wal-
nut seedlings in the spring of
11921, which he planted in an old
i field. These trees were spaced seven
{by seven feet, and covered an
larea of about a quarter acre. The
soil was covered with sod and had a
western slope. ’
An examination of this plantation,
recently made, shows that 95 per
cent. of the trees are living and grow-
ing rapidly, and that the maximum
diameter at breast is 2.5 inches, with
a maximum height of 16 feet. The
maximum height growth in 1928 was
eight feet, while the average for the
entire stand shows a diameter growth
in 1928 of 1.2 inches, and an average
height growth of 8.9 feet. This data
proves conclusively that black walnut,
when planted in deep, moist soil, rich
in lime and decayed vegetable mater-
al, makes exceedingly rapid height
and diameter growth, Department of-
ficials said.
Mayo Gives Big Chimes as Part of
New Clinic to Honor Legion-
A great carillon tower with some
of the finest chimes in the world, were
dedicated here as part of a large new
clinic in honor of the American Le-
gion and other patriotic organizations
by Brig. Gen. W. J. Mayo.
Fine Job Printing
at the
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do In the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
rs nm——
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes insurance compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
ance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your Insur-
State College Bellefonte
——The Watchman gives all the| —If it is news you are looking for
news while it is news.
Free Six most Free || GHICH
take the Watchman.
Mendel’s Knit Silk Hose for W: eaten die
8 ose for Wo-
men, n to wear six ge hdd with Riobon
months without runners in leg or a ‘ake no other. Buy rou:
holes in heels or toe. A new Jails 11-01
FREE If they fail. Price $1.00. > oh SaAND |
1.= Saturday,
we mailed
checks to those
whose wise fore-
thought provided for
holiday expense
_ through our Christ-
' mas Savings Fund.
What a relief to know that the inevitable ex-
pense attending Christmas can be met with-
out further thought.
Now we are starting a new club. You
may save any amount from twenty-five cents
a week, up.
You will be happier next Christmas, if
you join.
The First. National Bank
| od
Never Absent
2 HE Corporate Executor is never
2 absent — it is free from indiscre-
4 tions—its judgment is never warp-
; ed by prejudice. When making your
4 Will — a wise appointment is the First
Hi ~~ National Bank as your Executor or Trustee.
z -
HE following Cars all carry an “OK” that
@&RY that Counts, They have been recondi-
tioned thoroughly, they have new tires and new
batteries and are ready for long service. All Cars
listed have been reduced 20% in price. A very
small down-payment gives you immediate delivery,
1920 Ford Touring - - - - - - $ 20.00
1924 Nash Touring - - - - - - - 90.00
1924 Cleveland 4 door Sedan - - - - - 150.00
1922 Chandler Touring - - - - - - 50.00
1925 Chevrolet Coach - - - - - - 240.00
1926 Chevrolet Coach - - - - - - . 260.00
1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan - - - - 350.00
1926 Chevrolet Touring - - - - - - 125.00
1926 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck - - - - - 240.00
1924 Ford 2 door Sedan - - - - - - 90.00
1926 Ford Touring - - - - - - - 85.00
1925 Chrysler Coupe - - - - - - 340.00
1927 Chevrolet Coach - - - - - 375.00
1926 Ford Roadster - - - - - - 125.00
1927 Chevrolet Coach - - . - - 375.00
1925 Ford 4-door Sedan Ruxsteel Axle - . 220.00
1924 Chevrolet Touring Deluxe model - - 80.00
1925 Chevrolet Roadster, fully equipped - - 240.00
1924 Chevrolet Coupe - - - - - 45.00
These cars can be seen and demonstrated day or night,
Spring and High Sts. Phone Bell 405 Bellefonte, Pa
TENSE Tale Ie Eee oon TooToo: