Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 07, 1928, Image 3
ET TE HET TA, ee meres eee seem ea et oo oi itn otis it betes cect a®seestesostotseostecdecteetsilesteeteetoitoitotoetoideitestesteatsteateitoctoatoateatestratoideitoatolsileetesteets ats adoatostoatratrateedeadnatsaleefeguatrafetraeifecfocieateaosiend GQOOGIIUTIO IG OCI IEG OOO 000 00 09000 00% 00" %' Seegeegeatoedoodoedoededseloadoafoctocfoegeefosfoeirateatoateadeeioedradaadeatoalocfocdeedsadeednednadoeleeloedeelneta asa o aioe enue ia artes out et et tet ter tet tet oe % 3 3 & $ 3 ' 3 & 3 3 ’ . “3 o& oo 3 & & : 9 «oe : OH, WHAT A BIRTHDAY FAUBLE’S 42d AN- : $ _ — 3 2 3 3 yi 3 NIVERSARY SALE IS. 2 3 % 3 & % When we decided to celebrate the store’s 42nd Birthday with an Anni- % 3 EX + versary Sale we said to ourselves : This sale must be different——It must 3 % be bigger——It must be better——Greater values——Larger assortments— 3 + Better Service--with the result that when our doors were thrown open the % & L C4 3 crowd that jammed our store to its capacity found the greatest array of real % $ honest-to-goodness bargains ever placed on sale in Bellefonte. % be 4 : oo 3 Think of it——The very best heavy Fleece Union Suits at $1.39——=Part 3 Z Wool Union Suits $1.66--cheap at $2.50——Cleremont Shirts as low as 3 oo L ¢ $1.39 Men's Dress Hose 11c——Boys’ Golf Hose 39c--regular fifty cent 3 & 0 + kind, all new, latest patterns——But its the store’s 42d Birthday and it just 3 3 . 3 + had to be. Men’s Suits $21.75 that thirty dollars would be little enough to % % pay for them——Men’s Overcoats as low as $13.75, but you should see the 3 + ones priced at $21.75--our regular $32.50 coats, but its our Birthday— % 3 and then all our new and beautiful Christmas goods, all of standard quality, 3 % is included in this great Anniversary Sale. 3 % Traveling Cases with or without fittings——Scarfs, hundreds of them % 2 R i ba 3 5 Bath Robes——Gloves——Neckwear——Sweaters——Leather Coats—— ¢ 4 Boys’ Overcoats Everything that man or boy wears, at savings so big that ! & % a big part of your Christmas savings can go right back to the bank-----You % $ know we are celebrating. Its the store’s 42d Birthday-------For 42 years we have been Belle- 3 3 fonte’s leading and most progressive Men’s Store------ --Our leadership was never more apparent 3 3 than right now- All through’the store, in every department, you will see prices so low that you % 2 will stare'open-eyed in astonishment. 3 9.0 %% 3 | : 3 3 Its the Fauble Store’s Anniversary Sale 3 3 3 3 3 3 ITS DIFFERENT. DON’T MISS IT. ) & 3 3 3 o> 3 & & & $ & * 7 06% 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 DOV 00,00.90.00,90 & * &. 0 / C2 adele 0, 8, 0, Sedledind P, % ® Fauble’s 9, 0. 0. 06 0 0 0 0 RR NNN ERENT N NH THI ITI TITER TITHE IHF ase 0 00 eee 0 00a 0 0a ee 0 ATO SSO EO UIE I SEIS II AGI OP OI TGI 0 EGP 0 9040, 90,900,060, CRAKE XQ Xa Xa Cg Xg Xa Xa XX XD CaS aa Xa) a5 Cae aa Xa Xa Xa Xa) O00 0000000000000 900, 9, “, $ © ho” %? 9% %' ro % o® %%% 0’ %% %* %' ®,