Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 07, 1928, Image 1

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——1It doesn’t matter much who
pays the expense of Mr. Hoover's
trip. The results promise to be worth
the price. :
——The reformers of the Senate
will find little encouragement in the
selection of Jim Watson as majority
floor leader.
——Representative Britten, Repub-
lican of Illinois, who wrote to the
British Premier on a public question
without consulting the State Depart-
ment is in bad with the administra-
——The administration at Wash-
ington is in a quandary. If the Kel-
logg peace pact is ratified it will be
claimed there is no need of the naval
construction programme, another pet
—The Harrisburg Telegraph tells
the world if it wants to be cheerful
at Christmas it must provide its own
share of Christmas cheer. That’s all
right in principle, but what if some
one tells an enforcement officer that
you are making cheer.
—1In his campaign Mr. Hoover call-
ed the Eighteenth Amendment “a no-
ble experiment.” When he learns
that twenty-two thousand new plans
have been submitted for taking it out
of the experimental stage he will
probably secretly come to the conclu-
sion that it is a damn nuisance.
—Poor old Santa Claus isn’t going
to realize how overhead has increased
until he stacks up in front of the
family fire place Christmas night and
sees the line of hip stockings hang-
ing there to be filled. It wasn’t =o
bad when the girls wore garters be-
low their knees, but its different now.
—~Chicago is talking of financing
an expedition to Mt. Ararat to hunt
the wreck of Noah’s ark. She wants
it for her proposed world’s fair in
1933. After it is over, we presume,
it will be put into the rum running
business on the Lakes to make up the
deficit that usually follows in the
wake of such shows.
—Gosh, only eighteen days until
Christmas and when we staggered
home at eleven forty-five last Christ-
mas eve, weary under the strain of try-
ing to pick something suitable from
the remnants the wise ones had left,
we swore we’d shop early this year.
We're going to start today and we
advise you to do the same.
—They are setting the stage to
seat Mr. Vare in the United States
Senate. Because of the condition of
the gentleman’s health, however, it is
not to be undertaken at this session.
It will be done after the new Senate
is sworn in. When that time arrives
Jim Reed, of Missouri, will not be a
member of the upper House of Con-
gress and if you want to believe that
the postponement is because of Vare’s
health you can gulp down all the
flap-doodle they'll give you about it.
—Thomas Fortune Ryan, one of
the greatest stock market manipula-
tors of his day, has gone, but the
kick he got out of playing with mil-
lions was as nothing compared with
the thrill a few ladies we know of
are having riding a ten share lot of
a stock that has been sky-rocketing.
We use sky-rocketing advisedly. Be-
cause the would-be ladies Hogen-
heimer don’t seem to know that
things that go up are sure to come
down and that one never gets poor
taking profits.
—Mert Fallon, of Danville, has
been committed to jail because a
milk can with a goose-neck attach-
ment was found on his premises. Mert
said it was a home-made radio loud
speaker, but some officer of the law,
who doesn’t know that necessity is
the mother of invention, told the
court that it was a still. And the
court believed the officer. That ain’t
no way to treat budding genius. Of
course the loud speaker is now still.
But that’s probably only because
Mert faded out.
—Thanks to the generosity of a
friend who hag a friend who can hit
things when he shoots at them we
have a nice piece of young - doe.
We've often heard, and we have a
hunch that it must be true, that it
takes less sherry to make young doe
“click” than it does old buck. For
that reason, if for no other, we should
be especially grateful if we had any
sherry. But since we haven’t we'll
have to await some one else’s obser-
vations as to whether sherry mellows
out young doe as it once did the fe-
males of another species.
—Harrisburg news is to the effect
that “Senator Scott is expected to see
to it.that State College gets adequate
appropriations from the coming Leg-
islature.” Does this mean that they are
already looking for a goat or are they
helping the Senator build fences that
will withstand the 1930 storms? It
reads to us like a statement freighted
with considerable significance. Gov-
ernor Fisher has already announced
hig intention of providing amply for
State College, but a Governor’s sec-
ond Legislature isn’t always as amen-
able to his desires as his first, so that
Senator Scott is apparently going to
Hopes and Troubles of Congress.
Reports from Washington indicate
that Congress is impatiently hurry-
ing to the consideration of tariff leg-
islation. A meeting of the House
committee on Ways and Means has
been called for today for the purpose
of laying the lines of a new tariff law
increasing the schedules of the Ford-
ney-McCumber act. Of course it will
be impossible to compass this result
within the limit of the present short
session. But Representative Hawley,
of Oregon, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Ways and Means, believes that
he can have a satisfactory bill worked
out by the fourth of March ready for
the extra session, which is likely to
be called soon after the inauguration
of the new administration.
There is a double purpose in this
activity along the line of tariff legis-
lation. The Republican organization
is under deep obligations to expectant
beneficiaries of increased tariff taxa-
tion and are anxious for speedy relief
from the burden. Then the hope of
satisfying the farm bloc by laying
high duties on agricultural products
is a strong incentive to expedition.
It seems that a considerable number
of eggs were imported from China
and elsewhere during the high price
periods of recent years, and the pro-
posed law will levy a prohibitive tar-
iff tax on eggs. Rates will also be in-
creased susbstantially on other farm
products which will materially in-
crease the cost of living but yield no
advantage to the average farmer.
Other legislation pressing the at-
tention of Congress is likely to cause
some confusion. The Boulder dam
measure will be pressed with energy
and may occupy considerable time,
which will be wasted, for the reason
that if passed it will be vetoed. The
supporters of the Kellogg peace pact
and these who favor the administra-
tion naval programme are in a
quandary for the reason that the op-
ponents say if one is adopted there
will be necessity for the other, which
puts the success of both in jeopardy.
There will be no trouble concerning
the several supply bills which will be
“log-rolled” with fless -and “dis-
patch, and all that remains is to pro-
vide for the “lame ducks” of both
——Senator Moses is willing to
forego the distinction of floor leader-
ship if he will be given the chairman-
ship of the Committee on Rules.
Moses wants to know where he is
“when 'the light goes out.”
Senator Reed Shows True Form.
Senator Dave Reed, of Pittsburgh,
will enter upon his new term of of-
fice in true Republican machine form.
Even before he has been officially de-
clared elected he has announced his
determination to get from the new
administration all the patronage that
is coming to “the banner Republican
State.” He was sadly disappointed
in his expectations heretofore. He
tried to pack the tariff commission
and made a strenuous effort to hand
the Interstate Commerce Commission
over to the Mellon coal corporations.
But President Coolidge had other in-
terests to take care of in one case and
the Senate refused to confirm his
choice in the other. Now he imagines
he “can work” Hoover by beginning
Past disappointments, however,
have not dulled Senator Reed’s ap-
petite for spoils. He is no longer
satisfied with a place on the tariff
commission for the benefit of the
Steel trust and a seat on the Inter-
state Commerce Commission for the
use and in behalf of the Mellon coal
corporations. He also demands a
seat on the Supreme court bench,
though for what purpose is left to |
conjecture. Of course there are var-
ious interests that might be conserv-
ed by an obedient Pennsylvania Re-
publican lawyer sitting in that court.
Both the Steel trust and the coal
corporations are likely to have im-
portant litigation in the future and
the last Pennsylvanian on the bench
President-elect Herbert Hoover is
a high-class business man and of late
has devloped some symptoms of a
crafty politician. He is on record as
favoring most of the policies which
serve the purposes of monopoly and
he could hardly pick a safer guide in
the selection of men to promote such
enterprises. Senator Reed is head of
the legal staff of the Steel trust,
spokesman in the Senate for the Mel-
lon interests, and it is not improbable
that Mr. Hoover will give his rec-
ommendations along those lines
friendly consideration. The corpora-
be held responsible for the size of the
appropriation that goes up to the
Governor for approval. . There’s some
pretty politics here. The Senator is
a very positive person. He isn’t ac-
hand, but if he doesn’t change his
mind on that where will he stand with
the anpropriation that he “is to be
held responsible for?”
tions in which he is interested were
| generous supporters of the Republi-
can ticket in the recent campaign and
he may be able to “bring home the
i bacon.”
customed’ to eating out of anybody’s '
——Mr. Coolidge has Congress “on
his hands” again and the indications
are that it will be a hard bunch to
showed what might be accomplished, | tion of the grafters.
Reasons for a Modest Inauguration. |
It has been semi-officially announec-
ed that the ceremonials attending the
inauguration of President-elect Hoov-
er will be conducted on modest lines.
Mr. Hoover has himself expressed the
hope that “it will be as simple as pos-
sible.” If this request is met in full
measure it will be a great disap-
pointment to the business element of
the population. Inauguration day
has come to be a harvest season for
the merchants, hotels and caterers of
the capital city, and if the coming
ceremonial were to be reduced to lines
laid down by Jefferson not only the
present joy but the future hope would
be taken out of the lives of those de-
pending upon such events for creat-
ing profits.
There is some mental speculation
among those concerned in the matter
as to the reasons which have influenc-
ed Mr. Hoover to prefer a modest
ceremony. Previous to his nomina-
tion the general public had an im-
pression that he is averse to meeting
crowds but the elaborate preparations
for and spectacular incidents that at-
tended his speech of acceptance sort
of dispelled that notion. It was not
only the most expensive but the most
ambitious event of the kind that had
ever been pulled off in the country.
But there are reasons, and good ones,
for Mr. Hoover’s desire for a modest
inauguration. He is ashamed of is-
sues that procured his election and
the elements that gave him his ma-
Mr. Charles Michelson, Washington
correspondent of the New York
World, has been analyzing the sub-
ject. He reasons that an elaborate
programme would involve a parade,
and the Ku Klux Klan has already
asked for a place for 50,000 hooded
marchers in the procession. The Anti-
Saloon League would also claim a
place in the parade and the colored
voters who did so much to break up
the “Solid South” would compose a
considerable part of the pageant. This
would recognize the claims of these
elements of the electorate that they
achieved the victory. To refuse their
claims we ‘be disastrous and to
grant them little less damaging. The
only safe course is to cut out the pa-
——Suspicion is already in the air
at Washington. The “Old Guard”
imagines the President-eleet is giving
it “the cold shoulder.”
Public Opinion Openly Flouted.
The Republican machine’s contempt
for public opinion is plainly shown in
the elevation of Harry C. Davis to the
important position of executive mana-
ger of the party in Phladelphia. Mr.
Davis has been Director of Public
Safety in that city since the begin-
ning of the Mackey administration,
and though he has not been accused
of participation in the grafting and
other criminal activities in the De-
partment, he was denounced by one
of the judges concerned in the expos-
ures as “unfit to hold any public of-
fice,” and was finally forced to resign
his office as head of the police force
because of incompetency or unwill-
igness to check the orgie of crime
that had been revealed.
For a period of more than three
months a special grand jury, encour-
aged by Judge Lewis and ably assist-
ed by district attorney Monaghan, has
been investigating the department
directed by Mr. Davis. As a result
of this inquisition several police of-
ficials have been indicted, one Repub-
lican ward leader convicted and an-
other held under bail for trial. But
director Davis contributed nothing
toward these achievements in the in-
terest of good government. He was
in position to render important serv-
ice. He was invited by the district
attorney to join in the inquiry and
urged by the judge to give it encour-
agement. But he was deaf to all such
appeals. He wouldn’t squeal and de-
tests a “rat.”
But Mr. Davis suffers no impair-
ment in estate by his silent protec-
The office is
one of some dignity and considerable
emolument but there are better jobs
available to a faithful servant of the
machine. It requires nerve to place
a man openly under suspicion in an
important position, but Bill Vare had
the nerve, and even before Mr. Davis
had relinquished the directorship he
was appointed executive. manager of
the Republican machine, an office of |
more power and probably consider- |
ably advanced pay. Besides he will !
get oceans of enjoyment in ordering
Vauclain and other millionaires
around during the campaigns of the
future as Vare will require them to |
——Commander Byrd has started
on his voyage to the South Pole again,
this time for keeps. He sailed from |
Dunnedin in Sunday.
——The Watchman gives all the
news while it is news.
NO. 48.
Milk Control a State Affair, Says
Borough Solicitor Spangler.
In a lengthy communication sub-
mitted to borough council, at a regu-
lar meeting on Monday evening, bor-
ough solicitor N. B. Spangler speci-
fied that he had made a thorough in-
vestigation of all the Acts of Legis-
lature regulating boroughs and local
boards of health and gave it as his
opinion that the maintenance of a lo-
cal board of health ig entirely option-
al with borough council and not
mandatory. The opinion was given
in connection with the proposition
now before council to pass a milk
control ordinance. Solicitor. Spangler
stated that there is nothing in the
borough code relating to the control
of milk by boroughs, but there is a
State law governing the production
ang sale of milk and placing the bur-
den of inspection and control on the
State board of health.
President Walker stated that inas-
much as Bellefonte maintained a lo-
cal board of health, it would be only
proper and right that it should con-
trol its own milk supply. He further
stated that there is a wide-spread
demand among residents of Belle-
fonte for a better and purer supply
of milk, and he believed it the duty of
council to pass a controlling ordi-
nance. Mr. Reynolds stated that while
he is in favor of the ordinance he felt
that the board of health should be
limited in expense by council and not
given liberty to contract large bills
for council to pay.
Mr. Cunningham stated that the
milk dealers of Bellefonte are now
considering a proposition which, if
put into effect, will assure a pure milk
supply for the town without any ex-
pense to the borough, and he felt that
council ought to consider everything
very carefully before passing the
proposed ordinance.
President Walker finally referred
thé" matter back to the Special cum-
mittee and borough solicitor to have
‘an Swrdinance .prepared and submit it
to couneil for consideration.
Secretary Kelly read a notice to
council that a hearing in the matter
of W. G. Runkle, bankruptcy pro-
ceedings, will be held in the office of
W. Harrison Walker on Monday, De-
cember 17th.
The Water committee reported that
the electric booster pump installed on
Logan street to supply water to resi-
dents of Blanchard street, hag com-
pletely solved the water problem in
that locality. The committee also re-
ported the collection of $34.75 on the
1926 water duplicate, $212.48 on the
1927 and $1727.77 on the 1928, a to-
tal of $1975. :
The Finance committee reported a
balance in the hands of the borough
treasurer of $26,489, and asked for
the renewal of notes totaling $15.500,
specifying that one note of $10,000
at the Bellefonte Trust company is to
be paid on maturity.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that all the new hose ordered
has been received. The committee
also reported that burgess Harris
suggested installing reflector traffic
signs at High and south Water streets
and Spring and Linn streets. Such
signs will cost $45 each. Mr. Emer-
ick suggested waiting until the High-
way Department puts up its new
signs and the matter was left in the
hands of the committee. The com-
mittee also reported that burgess
Harris is not much impressed with
the change in the lighting system at
the Pennsylvania railroad crossing,
on High street, and council suggested
as a remedy the placing of an over-
head light across the street at the
corner of the Potter-Hoy wholesale
Bills totaling $11866.48, which in-
cluded the payment of $9612 to John
Curtin, trustee, on account of the
Gamble mill property ordered at the
last meeting of council, were approv-
ed for payment, after which council
Philipsburg Couple Celebrate Their
Golden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs, Miles Morrison, of
Philipsburg, celebrated their golden
wedding by entertaining a number of
friends at a big dinner, last Wednes-
day evening. Mr. Morrison, who was
born and raised near Loyeville, and
Miss Amanda Hartsock, of Halfmoon
valley, were married on November
28th, 1878. They have three children,
Mrs. Martha Lewis, at home; Mrs.
Edgar J. Grove, of Detroit, Mich., and
George Morrison, of Philipsburg.
Among the guests at the celebration,
last Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Hartsock, of Buffalo Run,
and Mrs. Frank Clemson and daugh-
ter, Miss Sarah, of State College.
———The tariff mongers in Congress
are eager to increase the rates so
ag to reimburse the contributors to
the campaign fund #8 soon as possible.
Four Other Hunters Also Targets for
| Stray Bullets.
The 1928 deer season will go down
as one of the most tragic in the his- |
tory of Centre county. At this writ-
ing one man is dead as the result of
being shot in mistake for a deer, an-
other man is lying at the point of
death in the Centre County hospital,
and several others have been shot,
though not fatally.
The dead man is Charles Guiser,
member of a well known Nittany val-
ley family, who was shot about noon-
time on Tuesday by his brother,
Harvey Guiser,
years past has been engaged in
farming in South Dakota, but every
fall returned to Centre county for the
hunting season and to spend most of
the winter.
On Tuesday morning he and his
' brother Harvey went over into Rag
was placed on the watch on an old
road and Harvey made the drive.’
. When he came out onto the road
Charles had disappeared and seeing
something moving in the underbrush
some distance away he supposed it,
Going |
was a deer and took a shot.
to investigate he was horrified to find
his brother lying on the ground, dead.
, The bullet had hit him in the left side
“of the neck and come out through the !
i right cheek. Harvey secured help as
"quickly as possible and had his broth-
ier's body removed from the mountain
and taken to the Neff undertaking es-
tablishment, at Howard, where an in-
quest was held on Tuesday afternoon
by coroner Heaton. At the inquest
Harvey stated that his brother wore a
fawn colored macintosh and this is
what led him to think it was a deer
he shot at. A verdict of accidental
death was returned by the jury.
Charles W. Guiser was a son of
John and Caroline Yearick Guiser and
was born at Mingoville 47 years ago.
His survivors include five brothers
and one sister, Harvey, of Hublers-
i burg; Samuel, of South Dakota;
Frank, of Somerset county; Calvin, ox
Mingoville; John, of Pittsburgh, and
i Mrs. Harmon Bowes, of Romola.
i Funeral services will be held this
afternoon, burial to be held at Hub-
The other man seriously shot is
Charles C. Orndorf, 63 years old, a
retired farmer of Woodward. On
Monday morning he went up onto
Sand mountain for a day’s hunt by
himself. He had not been in the
woods long when he became frighten-
ed at the fuselage of shots heard in
all directions. He decided to go home
and was on his way down Sand moun-
tain when he was shot in the back,
and coming out in front.
He did not lose consciousness and
was able to call for help. Four other
hunters went to his assistance and
carried him down the mountain and
summoned a physician.
was dressed temporarily and he was
then sent to the hospital in Belle-
fonte. Mr. Orndorf was unable to tell
who fired the shot that hit him, but
game protector Thomas A. Mosier is
conducting an investigation.
While hunting down near Spring
Mills, on Saturday, Arthur Mervine,
of Tower City. was shot through the
calf of the leg by a stray bullet.
William Frankhouse, of Terre Hill,
hunting near Potters Mills, was shot
in the body, on Saturday, and taken
to the Lewistown hospital. His con-
dition was not considered serious.
Gilbert Neff, of Howard, was
wounded in the neck, on Tuesday, by
a spent slug shot from the gun of
his brother Willard. The wound, how-
ever, was not serious.
Yet Forty.
At the rate of one deer a season
M. C. Wieland, of Pine Grove Mills,
must have started getting his when
he was bordering twenty years of
age. He is not ye t forty and has
bagged his eighteenth venison.
He brought down the first doe on
old Tussey mountain last Saturday
morning, carried it into Pine Grove
cut it up and we know it was a good
eating, because we were fortunate
enough to have received a nice roast
of it.
Real Estate Transfers.
Maize H. Brouse to R. S. Brouse,
et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Emma Hazel, et al, to Walter P.
Fetterolf, tract in Miles Twp.; $200.
John Kaufman, et al, to Walter P.
Fetterolf, tract in Gre .; $250.
.Bellefonte Cemetery Association to
i J. L. Seibert, tract in Bellefonte; $50.
! Robert M. Foster, et ux, to Mary
Sey. Peters, tract in State College;
of Hublersburg. |
Charles was a bachelor and for some
i valley for a few hours hunt. Charles !
the ball passing through the stomach
His wound
Has Gotten Eighteen Deer and is Not ;
No Accurate Count Obtainable but
Kill Exceeds 1000. Many
Bucks Also Killed.
Never before in the history of Cen-
tre county has there been such a
slaughter of deer as that of the first
few days of the present hunting sea-
son. While it has been utterly im-
possible to get any accurate count of
the number of deer killed—legal and
illegal—it is a safe guess to say the
number is considerably in excess of
one thousand.
The only district in the county from
which anything like a fair report has
‘been received is from the Potters Mills
section of the Seven mountains. For-
est ranger William F, McKinney, who
has charge of that section, gives fig-
ures to show a kill of 561 legal deer
up to Tuesday evening, while he had
record of 28 illegal deer killed. Just
eighty hunting parties are camped in
Mr. McKinney’s district and of this
inumber fifty-three are from outside
‘of the county. The number of deer
‘hung up by the fifty-three clubs to-
tals 325. The twenty-seven camps
made up of Centre county hunters ac-
count for 121 deer, while 115 were
(killed by day hunters in ranger Mec-
Kinney’s district.
One of the biggest kills reported in
{that district was by the Shamokin
club, which had 16 strung up. Other
big kills were as follows:
| Camp Foust, of Yeagertown, 14.
{ Brandywine club, Phoenixville, 13.
Sinking Creek club, Milesburg, 17.
i Soto Box club, McKees Rocks, 11.
| Fulton Hunt club, 11.
Ickesburg Hunt club, 13.
Camp Lost Creek, McAllisterville,
Camp Sassafras,
Bradford club, Centre Hall, 10.
Slack party, Centre Hall, 8.
| Big Chicanes, Manheim, 8.
i Palmyra Hunt club, 8.
i Sunset Club, Centre Hall, 8.
! Gentzel camp, Shamokin, 7.
i Decker gun club, 6.
{ Camp Shawnee, Paxinos, 7.
{ Lakemont hunt club, Altoona, 7.
Camp Mohawk, Richfield, 7.
Mexico gun club, Mexico, 7.
And so they run down through the
list of eighty camps, a few of whom
had only two deer while just four had
failed to make a kill.
{ Down in the Spring Mills section
‘ranger Luther Smith reported a kill
{of 42 deer by the various hunting
parties, while a large kill was made
in the eastern end of the county in
charge of Carl Motz, but no definite
‘figures on the total were obtainable.
{ The Woodward gun club, of which
editor Thomas H. Harter is a mem-
ber, killed three on Saturday and sev-
en on Monday.
{ Up in the Pine Grove Mills section
kills were made by Billy Corl. a high
‘school boy; Frank Homan, Samuel
| Tate, J. I. Reed, James Kline, A. L.
Bowersox, Charles Homan, Sinie
Reish, Blair Miller, Ed Martz, George
Wieland, Dice W. Thomas and his two
sons, Kenneth and Charles, Samuel
Rudy, Clayton Neidigh and Allen
Wieland. The total kill reported on
the Tussey mountain in that section
and in the Barrens, is over a hun-
| A snow white deer was reported
‘killed on Tussey mountain by a State
College hunter.
So far no definite reports have been
received from the Allegheny moun-
tain section but it is quite probable
that the kill there has also been above
normal, though nothing like that over
in the Seven mountains.
Naturally with so many hunters
running wild in the woods, and all
anxious to get their doe, the illegal
kill of deer has also been unprece-
dented. Up to Tuesday Thomas A.
Mosier admitted having brought in
‘over thirty deer, most of them spike
bucks. And we want to state right
here that there was nothing about
any of them to indicate any deteriora-
tion in the race. They were all of
‘good size and fat, showing that there
is plenty of feed in the mountains.
A hunter up in the Barrens, on
Monday, came across eight bucks
which had been shot and left lie where
‘they fell, and it is hightly probably
that not near all the illegally killed
deer will be found, or the killers ap-
prehended. On Tuesday Mr. Mosier
stated that twenty men had voluntar-
ily paid their fines for making illegal
kills and two others had promised to
settle, but this represents only a small
proportion of the illegal kills.
The only woman who so far has
killed her deer in Centre county is
Mrs. Mary Kane, of Roopsburg. She
went out with a party in the Seven
mountans, on Saturday morning, and
bagged her doe on’ the first drive. The
party got four, all told, but there
was more jubilation over the one shot
by Mrs. Kane than the other three.
Last Saturday morning Roland Fye,
of Colyer, was driving in a horse and
buggy into Nevel’s camp when some
hunter shot his horse in the hip. The
animal was so badly wounded it had
to be killed.
Just what the end of the present
deer season will be is hard to fore-
cast, but one thing is certain it will
result in thinning out the does to an
alarming extent, and unless they are
far more plentiful than is generally
believed will result in a woeful set-
back to future deer hunting.
~The Boulder dam bill, first
measure on the Senate calendar, will
indicate the attitude of the new ad-
Hiistration on the water power ques--