Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 30, 1928, Image 6

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    Bemooeic fon
Bellefonte, Pa, November 30, 1928.
Your Health,
The First Concern.
The regular use of hot water, es-
pecially in the morning, is a rather
common practice. In some instances
this may a useful temporary mea-
sure, but is not to be recommended as
a steady custom, especially if the
water be extremely hot. In fact, the
continued use of extremely hot bever-
ages may impair the condition of the
mucous membranes of
(the tube leading to the stomach.)
Ar crect posture, whether standing
or sitting, deep breathing and exer-
eises to improve the tone of the
abdominal muscles will prevent much
ill-health. We are convinced that the
mental attitude plays a large part in
poor posture. This may be due to
worry and care and disappointment,
but lack of physical vigor and pep is
in most people a complicating factor.
Good posture is one of the best physi-
cal assets. It is a substantial busi-
ness asset. It is a social and pro-
fessional asset. It costs nothing.
Many serious diseases come from
infection in mouth and tonsils and
throat and nose. Do not let decayed
roots remain in your mouth. Have
them pulled without delay. They may
cost you your life. If you have head-
aches, have your eyes examined. Eye
strain may break down your health.
Wear glasses if they are needed and
save brain and nervous system from
Train your skin to resist drafts and
changes in temperature by cool bath-
ing, and cold sponging of neck and
chest. = Have your nose and throat
examined, and obstruction or chronic
infection corrected, if you have fre-
quent colds.
For men as well as for women, the
period between forty-five and fifty
five seems to be a climacteric, a state
in existence when the individual is
tested for fitness to continue in the
“Lopsided” brain work and bad
mental hygiene, i.e., too much work,
too little play, or too much play, too
little work, are important factors in
bringing on premature disease. The
brain worker needs some physical
work and mental play. The manual
laborer or mechanic needs some phys-
ical play and mental work.
Tuberculosis is practically always
acquired; one is not born with it;
neither does one inherit the “germs”
of this disease, except in rare instan-
ces. These germs must gain entrance
to the body and find a favorable soil
in which to thrive. Infection may oc-
cur in adult life, but how frequently
it is impossible to say. There has
been an exaggerated fear of contract-
ing tuberculosis by mere proximity to
a consumptive. A tuberculosis sub-
ject who uses proper care in expec-
torating and in disposing of sputum is
net a menace and there is practically
nou danger of contracting the disease
from the breath of the consumptive.
It is the sputum, either in mass or as
sprayed out when coughing, that is
the vehicle of infection.
All advertised consumption cures
should be avoided. Hypophosphites
have been shown to have practically
no value. Drugs have a limited range
of usefulness. The cure of thedisease,
like its prevention, lies chiefly in fresh
air, sunshine, good food, proper rest
and sleep, avoidance of physical or
mental exhaustion or harrassing
A simple elementary measure of |
prevention is to examine the body pe-
riodically in order to note the earliest
possible sign of tuberculosis. It is a
sad fact that the majority of cases
apply for sanatorium treatment when
far advanced in the disease. Always
take the benefit of the doubt.
So-called rheumatism, neuritis,
sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago and prac-
tically all ailments of this nature
have been found to be secondary, in a
large percentage of cases, to focul in-
fection. The chronic changes in the
heart, kidneys and blood vessels
which are very much on the increase
are the results, to a large defree, or
due to this cause.
The commonest sites for the devel-
opment of focal infection are the
roots of the teeth, tonsils, middle ear
and cavities in the skull, communica-
ting with the nasal passages. Less
frequent sites are the reproduction
organs, gall bladder, appendix, intes-
tinal tract, diseased joints, wounds of
long standing, especially those in-
‘volving bone.
The gall-bladder, appendix and in-
testinal tract are sometimes the site of
focal infection; but inmost cases of
this nature there are definite diges-
tive disorders that direct attention to
these points, and the diagnosis of such
conditions can usually be made by
summarizing the data obtained on
physical and X-ray examination, to-
geether with the history.
Needless to say any focus of infec-
tion in the body is a serious menace
to health and should be removed. This
we believe to be an additional argu-
ment in favor of a periodic health ex-
amination for it is only in this way
that the whole body is thoroughly in-
vestigated and such conditions re-
Do not be afraid of night air.
Sleep with your windows open.
: Jeeep out in the air as much as pos-
Wear loose, light-weight clothes.
Let your skin breath.—Exercise
once a day with little or no clothing
Stand erect and breathe deeply.
~If it is news you are looking for
take the Watchman.
the esophagus
Time, the consoler, Time the rich car-
rier of all changes, dries the freshest tears
by obtruding new figures, new cestumes,
new roads, OR our eye, new voices on our
ear. As the west wind lifts up again the
heads of the wheat which were bent down
amd lodged in the sterm amd combs out
the matted and dishevelled grass as it
lay in night-locks on the ground, so we
let in Time as a drying wind into the
seed-fields of thoughts which are dark
‘and wet and low bent. Time restores to
them temper and elasticity.—Emerson.
| —Both French and American dress
designers are making an effort this
! season to restore the much-discussed
! normal waist line, but as for the last
‘three years, with only partial success.
The adjustment of this line to the
prevailing taste in silhouettes is a
difficult problem. The slender figure
that is now so fashionable may no
be achieved with a belt that circles
the natural line and the “easy” fit is
obviously here to stay. The long
waist, accordingly, is again prevalent
this season, but with less unanimity
than before.
i —The grave risk of repetition, I
ifind myself again advocating the
short fur jacket. But the ones I've
(seen since my last effervescent en-
, coniums have brought me almost to
the point of speechlessness. Even
i those who dislike fur daytime coats,
and insist that all of them are bulky,
ican find no answering argument to
{the quietly distinctive lines of the
hip-length jacket swinging in a dig-
nified rhythm over the modish velvet
—The season’s black and white
pertness could find no better expres-
sion, than in the short coat (nothing
more or less) of ermine, worn over
the gently flared skirt of black velvet.
The collar may be continued rever of
self-fur, or, in luxurious and enviable
cases, of dark sable that slinks hap-
pily over the shoulders scarf-fashion.
But to leave ermine pipe-dreams
and descend to more approachable
realities, the short coat of baby leop-
ard, with deep patch pockets is a
probable. If has
shawl collar of beaver and deep beav-
er cuffs.
cial favorite for the short coat.
long haired pelt, in cocoa caracul
makes an extremely wearable coat,
with neatly tailored shoulders, wide
revers, and a throw scarf of the same
fur, that may be comfortably loop-
ed over at the throat. Brown velvet
ed hose, and brown suede shoes, and
what better outfit could you design
for early frosty days.
To ascend the heights again, I find
myself thinking of a mellow brown
mink with a soft throw scarf I saw
at the Ritz one luncheon. The frock
with it was a sepia cashmere, pleat-
containing a
blouse was
by a
c.uster of tiny ones. The
coat was open.
Beaver is a favorite and practical
medium for the short fur coat, and
of course, nutria in the still less ex-
pensive. Sheared lamb and the var-
ious members of the
have launched a novelty in the
duction of leather trimmings,
and beiges. Occasionally,
ers have advanced the reds and greens
to match the fur.
These short jackets of fur, particu-
larly when worn over a circular
broadcloth skirt, have a chic that is
son, especially since they are spon-
sored by most of the leading Paris
designers. Unlike many of the new
jacket suits which bear some type of
sweater blouse as a waist, these fur
jackets are worn over one-piece
frocks, the broadcloth of the skirt
continuing up to complete the frock.
—Only a few changes have been
made in the styles of sleeves since
last season. For daytime and inform-
al evening wear the long tight-fitting
cleeve is usual. Lucien Lelong uses
small buttons to fasten the sleeve
from wrist to elbow and cuts the neck
round, square or pointed.
Redfern is making some new styles
of sleeves. One, cut wide at the
hand, is slashed to the elbow. Su-
zanne Talbot adds a flaring cuff at
the elbow of a tight-fitting coat
sleeve. Beer makes his coat sleeves
straight and slightly wider at the
bottom. Drecoll is showing an even-
Ing coat with sleeves closed at the
wrist and up-turned flaring cuffs,
Wwe use to indicate articles of dress
or materials that are usually mis-
pronounced. Here are a few of them:
Brassiere should be in three syl-
lables with the accent divided among
them as bras-eeair. And not bra-
Beige is
not beeje or
very soft.
Georgette is two syllables—George-
et, not george-i-et.
_ Lame, as applied to metallic mate-
rials, is lamb-ay, not simply lamb or
like the English lame.
Ensemble is pronounced as much as
possible in two syllables. It is hard
to give it with English equivalents,
is may suggest it, “ansambl,” with
the first n in the first syllable pro-
nounced without letting the tongue
touch the roof of the mouth.
Decollette is in three syllables, day-
coll-tay, pronounced with equal stress
on all three syllables. It is often mis-
pronounced like this: deckle-tay, with
the stress on the last syllable. If
you cannot get the right pronuncia-
tion, better use low neck or neckline
Moire is pronounced moi-ray. The
moi amounts to m’wah said rapidly
and does not rhyme with toy.
Nacre—meaning mother of pearl—
is pronounced as much as possible in
one syllable, but when speaking Eng-
lish mother of pearl is preferred,
Paillette is pronounced pie-ette.
Bandeau is band-o.
—Tweed suits and separate coats
take entirely different kinds of furs
Hie season. Suits favor short, curly
one syllable—baje—and
beeaje. The j sound is
possibility, and in some lucky cases |
a man-tailored
—~Caracul has always been a spe- |
The |
skirt, brown soleil cloche, dust-color- :
Mistale Thet Causes
Rift in Marital Life
That th» clinging vine type of wom-
an is more likely to lose the love of
ior husband or at least hore him to
distraction, 1s the answer given by
Anne Byrne McCall to a woman who
has written for advice to the Woman's
Iome Companion.
“It is the growing reluctance of a
husband to express his ffection in
words, caused by persistent demands
that he do so, that causes the rift,”
says the writer. “Silence in affection
is not advocated in that statement.
Every woman not only wants to ho
loved, but she wants to be told that
she is loved. Dut it is a pity for
her to force or twist the issue so
that it becomes not a question of hosw
a man may or can express his affee-
tion, but it becomes rather almost a
questior Hf how he may defend hip
sel! or preserve his independence.
“It should not he forgotten that
there are many ways cf expressing
love and that one man's silence might
express more of his affection than the
constant declarations of a different
“The demand by a wife for constant
reassurance that a husband loves her,
when she knows perfectly well that
he does, is not the way to keep a
deep and Ierge and self-forgotting
Good Hezl:h KMatter
of Correct Posture
Not only gracefulness, but also our
health and the prevention of excessive
fatigue, depend a great deal upon pos:
ture—the way we stand, sit and walk.
warns a heaith expert in the Farm
Journal. That is why it is most im.
portant that the persen who has much
work to do, and yet wants to have
vaergy left to enjoy life and to give
pleasure to others, should
against habits of incorrect posture,
Consider first the standing position.
fhe weight should be on the balls of
the feet, the chest up, the chin slight
ly back but in line with the cliest, the
leet exactly parallel, the arms dropped
easily at the sides. To see that your
body is in perfect balance when vou
ure standing. rise on your toes and
sink down again. When you stand
with your chest drooping, your stom
ach out and your spine curved. you
appear at a disadvantage; and what
is worse, this position causes your
vital organs to be displaced.
In walking, the first thing is to star
cight with the correct standing po-
| ~ition. The toes should point straight
ed all around in wide groups, each :
fitted snugly to the skirt
series of diagonal silk strips,
that showed in a wide band when the i
sheep family
in greys
the design-
but in most cases the attempt is made
to the front or be turned in the fruc-
tion of an inch. To stand or walk
with the toes pointing out produces
awkwardness and often leads to foot
troubles, such as fallen arches.
Lax Justice
The way rich transgressors manage
to keep out of jail led Governor Mar-
tincau of Arkansas to say in Little
Rock :
“It reminds me of a story. A man
was traveling in New Mexico, and in
a little town embowered in palms
and flowers the mayor seemed to be
quite a character. He held all the
offices—judge, coroner, police captain
~ and so forth—and whatever turned up
bound to give them a successful sea-
—There are numbers of little words
to be done, he was there to do it.
“After lunch, as he and his guest
sat smoking in the garden, he turned
to his clerk and said:
“ ‘Higginson, by the way, sneak ove:
co the roulette parlor and tell Don
Juan Sereda I want to try him for
that murder case.’”
Blue Baboon
A grotesque but humane method of
repulsing wild animals is being prac
ticed in Kenya colony, Africa. Rle
phants, hipppopotami, bushpigs and
baboons were surprised recently when
they found among their number a
queer animal resembling a baboon, ex- |
cept that it had all its hair shaved off
and wore a coat of bright blue,
They were so startled that they nc
tonger return to raid the colonists, and
the idea is recommended by the offi
cial who captured the baboon and re-
leased it after transforming its ap
pearance with a razor and paint brush,
A Londoner was hurrying along the
embankment to keep an appointment
for which he was already late. He
was stopped by a party of Americans,
one of whom asked courteously if he
would point out Cleopatra's Needle.
“Why, certainly,” responded the
(.ondoner; “it’s just here.”
He indicated the famous obelisk,
and at the same time removed his hat
to wipe his brow. Whereupon the
Americans also uncovered and gazed
at the needle with reverence.
Biology Omits This
A Chicago boy was visiting on a
farm in Indiana for the first time. Le
was particularly interested in the ani-
mals and fowls of the barnyard, al
though bis knowledge of them was
Seeing some ducks and geese In a
mixed flock, he inquired:
“How long does it take ducks to be-
come geese?”
One Way
Mrs, G. was busy making jelly, in
between the ringings of the phone and
the doorbell.
With her patience worn just a little
thin, she opened the door to the fifth
“Are you the lady of the house?”
éhe was asked.
“No. 1 just work here,” she an.
swered, closing the door on the hur.
rledly retreating figure,
guard |
{ besides being
; found no one at home,
Cathedral Made Dear
by Old Associations
After Canterbury cathedral had
been restored from the great fire of
1174, pious Englishmen so revered
the beauty of this stronghold of’ the
Church o! England that they came
from far and near and even those not
so religiously inclined made their
“Canterbury pilgrimages.” For 300
years this was kept up and many an
inn sprang from existence to prosper-
ity in the shadow of the sacred edi-
fice. In time some of these pilgrim-
ages became less of a religious exer-
cise than a favorite summer execur-
sion and their history is shadowed
in our word “canter” which is the
shortened form of “Canterbury gal-
Another interesting thing assoclat-d
with this cathedral is the division of
the Bible into two chapters. Stephen
Langton, who died in 1223, was ecar-
dinal and archbishop of Canterbury
a statesman of no
mean fo.ce. This was the age of the
beginnings of organized learning and
Cardinal Langton, after distinguishing
himegelf as a teacher, gave his time a
standardized text of the Vulgate—there
being up until then almost as many
versivns as there were Bibles. It was
in this wo.k that he made the no-
vation of dividing the lengthy books
into chapters. thus making specified
passages much easier to find.—Detroit
Ccllecior Had MNoled
Pussy’s Rubber Heals
There is a saying to the effect that
“Possession is nine points of the law,”
but in these days of repossession
many strange experiences are the lot
of the man whose job is to bring back
the goods. One such individual tells
the story of a case wherein he had
repeatedly made calls, but could nev-
er find the party at home. At least,
the bell ringing was always ignored.
Noticing one day that the threshold
of the front doorway was worn quite
| thin, so that one could look into the
hallway some few inches, the collec-
tor decided to leave his card, and aft-
er noisily walking down the steps re-
turned again very quietly and saw his
card being picked up.
H: said nothing and when he finally
guined admission, later in the week,
he remarked to the woman that he
had called several days earlier and
She replied
very sociably that “I knew you must
have been here because I found your
card. It was in the middle of the hall
floor where the cat must have pulled
it in and was playing with it.”
The collector looked at her very
coolly, remarking, “Yes, 1 know. I
saw his rubber heels.”
An airplane flew over an Irish asy-
lum, much to the consternation of the
inmates. Next day two of the latter
were discussing the strange machine
“One said:
" “Do you know, I dreamt last night
I made one of those contrivances and
flew to Australia in sixty minutes.”
“That's strange,” said the other, “for
1 had a similar dream, only I went to |
Melbourne in sixty seconds.”
“How did you go?”
“Right through the earth.”
“Look here, my friend,” said the
other, “ you're not a lunatiec—you’re
a blithering idiot.”
Be Charming
In the world there is no duty more
(mportant than that of being charm-
ing. Without the jeweled presence of
I i 2 1d |
the humming bird, low gloomy would | mets at a banquet recently held in
! Paris.
be the recesses of the forest! Is it
not one of the most delightful duries
of life to shed joy around you; tc
scatter happiness with your every
word and movement; to cas! a lizht
into the dark corners of our life; to
‘be the gilded cord that leads our des.
tiny, and to be the true spirit of
beauty and harmony ?— Victor Hugo.
Ancient Roman Art
One of the most beautiful examples
of art as practiced by the ancient
Romans is known as the Trajan’s col-
Situated in Rome, this tower, which
consists of twenty-three tiers, soars
¢ into the air, an imposing figure, cov-
ered with about 25,000 gloriously
sculptured figures.
The tower was built to celebrate the
victories of the Emperor Trajan, whose
remains are buried beneath this beau-
tiful structure.
Times Have Changed
“Ah,” sighed the old-time actor, as
he came back from a last appearance
on the stage, “there was a time when |
I had the whole audience sobbing |
every time I recited that pathetic
poem. Now they sit there like a lot
of mummies |” ;
“Bo,” said the stage hand, “the only
way you can make a modern matinee
mob turn on the water tanks is to
make them peel onions during the re-
cital of your sob stuff or spray ‘em
with tear gas.”—Cincinnati Enquirer,
Off They Come!
A particularly stout lady attired in
a very tight riding-habit was taking
her morning canter in the Row, ac-
companied by her husband. Suddenly
a button, unable to stand the great
pressure. flew off the lady’s coat.
“Dear. dear,” said the lady fretfuily,
“what makes these buttons come off?”
Her escort quivered with excitement,
for he had thought of something fun-
“Ahem! Force of habit, my dear,”
he grinned in reply.—London Answers.
.peculiar virtue in the Agra curry.
| declared that he liked nothing better
Agra Store Utensils
Have Call in India
Many and varied are the utensils
that Hindu stonecutters put on the
market. Chief among them sre curry-
stones and grindstones. Every well.
conducted Indian household must have
one or both, and the currystone from
Agra must sooner or later be import-
ed into all kitchens. There is some
stone. It Is so ground and polished
a8 to resist the onslaughts of the heft-
fest bottle washer, and the acrid
masala does not penetrate its pore?
and break it.
Stone pestles and mortars are popu-
lar for the same reason. They are
much sought after by apothecaries
and the weird contingent of charlatans
who make medicine for India’s mil-
lions. Marble pestles and mortars are
very useful for pounding up drugs,
and stone ones are generally used for
blacksalt, alum and other hard sub-
stances that require less care than
eye of newt and toe of frog. But stone
pestles and mortars are not the mn
nopoly of medicine,
They are turned out by the hundred
for the use of the housewife. They
are heavy and cumbersome; yet
housewives will travel miles to pro-
cure them, pilgrims will tug them
home if they pass by that way, and
at the biz Indian religious fairs one
sees a pile of grindstones, currystones,
pestles and mortars, hailing from Agra,
Aligarh, and Jeypote,
Why Some Wives Have
Thoughts of Murder
“These eggs don't taste as fresh as
they might, dear, Where did you get
them? Why do you have the
gas ‘burning so high? Look at that
--what was our gas bill last month,
anyway? . . . I wonder if we
could not have lunch promptly at 12
today, Ethel? Where on
earth is my pipe? I left it here on
the piano last night, What
did you move the gateleg table over
in the corner for? . . . That pie-
ture is all right where it Is. What's
the difference whether it is over the
piano or the marble-top table? Be-
sides, the wall is already so full of
nail holes that it looks like a ecrib-
bage board. . , Don’t you think
you had better let up on that candy,
Magnolia ? Remember that you
gained a couple of pounds last week?
Ill bet that with a month's
practice I could do all the housework
that is done around here in less than
two hours a day. . . . This is the
fifth accident we've had with the new
car, and every one of them has oc-
curred with you ‘at the wheel—and
every one of them has been the other
fellow's fault. Remarkable I"—Kansas
Value of Timidity
Anatole France, in his younger days,
found it profitable to assume a pose
of timidity. Once before starting on
a lecture tour, he said to his press
“l want you to work up a reputa
tion for me. I don’t know that I am
particularly timid, but I should like
to be thought so, A timid man can
do anything. If he is silent when
he ought to speak, people say, ‘How
charming! He's so timid, you know.’
If he speaks when he should be si-
lent, they set it down to nervousness.
A timid man can dare so much with
impunity. So please tell all the peo-
ple in advance that I am timid.”
Gourmets Eat Horse Meat
Horses, mules and donkeys sup-
plied the only meat served to gour-
Among the Important dishes
were cheval a la delacroix and pate
to foie trouffle of donkey, the last
named arousing special praise from
the delighted epicures. Responses to
toasts were filled with praise for the
meats that had been consumed, and
M. Buffon, the toastmaster, reminded
the guests that the horse was the
favorite dish of the Hindus 4,000
years ago. Brillat Savarin, famed
throughout France as a gastronomist,
than roast dog.
Those Noisy Atoms!
The: billions of atoms in a bar oi
iron turning somersaults made noises
that rivaled the roar of Niagara and
nearly deafened scientists at a recent
Although s¢ mall that over one hun
dred million of them would form a
line less than an inch long, these tiny
particles of matter are not too small
to be heard when their sound is ampli-
fied by a new apparatus that magnifies
the noises to ten billion times their :
original strength,
The Modest Doctor
Dr. Joseph Collins, well known neu-
rologist, and author of “The Doctor
Looks at Literature,” was once being
cross-examined in an accident case
in which he was giving medical evi-
“You are a neurologist, aren't you,
doctor?” queried counsel,
“1 am, sir.”
“A neurologist, pure and simple?”
“Well, I am moderately pure, and
altogether simple,” replied the doctor.
Kansas City Star,
Co-Operation First
Team work is that little cog which
takes all the separate parts of a ma-
chine and co-ordinates them into ga
smooth-working whole. It is just an-
other word for co-operation, without :
which very little is accomplished in
life. —Grit. !
| New Fype Warning Signals Will Help
to Protect Crossings.
The Department of Highways is
continuing the movement to protect
railroac crossings and has received
bids for fifty advance warning sig-
nals of the continuous flashing type.
The new signs are to be installed at
grade crossing approaches where vi-
sion is obstructed and the driver sud-
denly comes upon the tracks. The
bids included also fifty markers for
dangerous bridge or underpass ap-
proaches at grade separations.
Highway Department specifications
for the new signs require that they
be modeled after the standard sign in
use at present in Pennsylvania and
most other States, consisting of met-
al with a cross and the letters “R R”
imposed on the ‘target portion. The
cross on the new signs will be illum-
inated by a flashing device in continu-
ous operation, the letters equipped
with the familiar reflecting device so
that they will flash into view at night
only when the lights of the approach-
ing vehicle strike them. During day-
light only the flashing cross will be
illuminated, although the letters will
be plainly visible.
The new signs will be yellow with
black outline, emitting = an amber
flash. They will be placed well in ad-
vance of the dangerous spot. At the
actual danger point the standard rail-
road warning with red flashes will be
in operation only when a train ap-
proaches and closes the track circuit.
About 1500 grade crossings in the
State has “blind” approaches. The
railroads and the department will
share the cost of installing the signs.
The second type of marker, for ap-
proaches to grade separations such as
bridges and underpasses, will be of
the diamond-shape type, similar to
those now in use at “Thru-Stop”
highway intersections. The new
signs, however, will include a flashing
diamond over the word “slow” which
will be in continuous operation, self-
illaminated day and night.
Pennsylvania is the first State to
undertake a systematic, complete
marking of dangerous approaches to
grade crossings and grade separa-
tions. Its own specifications were de-
veloped for the advance signals.
PRR ay
We are celebrating! It’s the
Fauble Stoves’ 42nd birthday Satur-
day, December 1st. Come see how
we celebrate. Come early. 9 a. m.
the doors open and the greatest sale
of our history begins. It’s at Fau-
ble’s. 47-1t
ta pt
Mechanical Intelligence.
Compiling statistics is no longer a
tedious task for the offce force of the
registrar of the Pennsylvania State
College. A mechanical “statistician”
which registrar William S. Hoffman
claims can take the place of seven
human assistants, now collects almost
any kind of information the registrar
desires in the space of a few minutes,
By sorting cards which are number-
ed according to a code, this machine
can in a few minutes tell the names
of the fraternal organizations, of the
members of the student body, their
religious affiliations, father’s occupa-
tion, class in college, county in which
they live, and the scholastic rank in
high school besides the differentia-
tion according to college scholastic
Another mechanical device which is
operated in conjunction with the
“statistician” enables the registrar to
determine the scholastic standing of
any group of students in a short time
by ther sorting of the code-marked
——Have your breakfast early and
be at Faubles promptly at 9 a. m.
Don’t miss this sale. 47-1t
Free Sik HOSE Free
Mendel’'s Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A new pair
FREE If they fall. Price $1.00.
Fine Job Printing
at the
There is mo style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes insurance compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce Insur-
ance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your Insur-
State College Bellefonte
Ohi-ches-ter 8 ond Bran
i Gold metallic
i] Ben oe Blue ibbon.
ake no other. Buy of
Bini A peng