i Door Mata Bellefonte, Pa., November 16, 1928. WINGS OF ADVENTURE. (Continued from page 2, Col. 6.) world knows—if it cares to remember that Barbare Lethbridge went on that flight instead of Creasy. I am certain that she always intended to go, and if the accident never had happened she ‘would have gone just the same as owner of the machine and as a lady’ not easily thwarted in any passionate purposes. But this accident to Creasy made things easier, and from her point of view, I think, pleasanter. I am indeed certain of it now, be- cause of the scene that happened in one of the sheds on the aerodome, of which I was an eye-witness, against my will, When I arrived I found a small group of press photographers stand- ing disconsolately on the edge of the field, staring at a solitary aeroplane out there beyond the hangers. “No trial trip today,” said one of them gloomily. “And I missed my breakfast—curse it all !” “Have you any idea where I can find Douglas Merton?” I asked. He eyed me suspiciously, as though I might be a rival reporter engaged on a Scoop. “He won't talk,” he answered gloomily. “I suppose you've heard about that accident to Creasy? Makes us look rather foolish, so early in the morning !” It was one of the other men who gave me the information I wanted. He spoke very civilly. “Merton is in that shed over there, rather peeved with things, I fancy. Lady Barbara Lethbridge is with him. Came down to see the trial trip. That’s her car, outside the shed.” The door of the shed was ajar, and as I went towards it I heard Bar- ‘bara’s voice clearly and distinctly. «My dear, my dear, !” she cried. «What matters at the journey’s end? ... It’s the beginning really. Either way !” Douglas Merton answered her. “Pm funking it for your sake. I daren’t do it. For pity’s sake, don’t ask me any more.’ “I do ask you,” said Barbara. “With my arms about you. With all my love means 4 1 was stricken at having overheard these words and walked away hast- ily. The real meaning of ther was not clear to me at the time. All that I realized was a love-scene between that woman of thirty-four and that boy of twenty-four, to which I had listened before - I had time to turn away. That, and the word “funk” from Douglas Merton. Perhaps the boy had lost his nerve for that adventure. Perhaps she was trying to screw his courage up to an enterprise which he guessed would end in silence and the sea. Foolishly I thought so, though now I know that the only funk in his heart was for this girl and her living beauty. I dared not go and knock at that half-opened door. I hung about be- hind the sheds, moody and pitiful about these two people—that boy es- pecially—to whom love had come with frightful temptation. Presently across the aerodrome be- tween the sheds I saw a movement as though something were about to hap- pen. Six or seven mechanics were busy about the big aeroplane. Some .of the press photographers and report- ers were running towards it. One of them with a movie camera was fixing up his tripod. Others had assembled outside the shed where young Merton had been alone with Barbara. I hur- ried towards them and saw those two come out of the shed and speak to the reporters. “Yes,” said Merton. “We've de- cided to do the trial trip. But I don’t know what all the excitement 1s about. You fellows are a perfect curse!” He spoke irritably and I saw that his face was dead white with a dark- ness under the eyes, as though he had been without sleep for a week of nights. = Barbara was gay and smiling. She jumped into the automobile and look- ed like a boy in her airman’s kit. heard her speak a few words to one .of the reporters. “We want to tell Mr. Creasy, poor man. It will cheer him up to know how his engine is behaving. That's all he thinks about!” “How far are you going this morn- ing, Lady Barbara?” asked the rvep- resentative of the Express. She waved her hand airily. “Just there and back again. A little spin. Come on, Douglas!” “Any room for me?” I asked. They were amazed to see me, and 1 thought Barbara looked disconcert- ed for a moment. Then she greeted me in the friendliest way. “Come on! Just in time to see 2 trial flight. Douglas is taking me up for a trip.” Merton sat between Barbara and myself, and did not speak a word as we drove over the grass to the aero- plane. Two or three reporters mount- ed the dashboards and rode with us. Barbara tucked her hand under Mer- ton’s arms, squeezed close to him and talked across to me. : “You heard of Mr. Creasy’s acci- dent? Shocking bad luck! Who gave you the tip to come today? It’s awfully nice to see you....The en- gine is running like a bird. The best that ever was. A record breaker!” “Yes, my dear,” I thought, “but all those gay words don’t hide your se- cret from me. This boy by my side is conscience-stricken because of his love for you. And you are utterly disloyal to a very decent husband. And I'm desperately sorry for both of you.” It was perhaps half an hour before they started, but I had no chance of a private talk with them until the last moment. The reporters and photographers crowded round and young Merton was talking to his me- chanics. Several times he took Barbara to one side and spoke to her in a low i | voice, as though trying to persuade her not to make this trial trip with ( him. Even the reporters noticed that something was the matter with him, because of his extreme pallor and evi- dent agitation. “Something wrong with the engine, I should say,” remarked a camera- man. “Doesn’t care to risk it with- out Creasy. I don’t blame him.” “Been having a jag, more likely,” was the bright suggestion of another reporter. “The morning after the night before. Nerves gone to blazes.” “] was in the jolly old war,” said another man. “I know blue funk when I see it. That fellow is a shirk- er. And if he’s like that on a trial trip, how’s he going to face the big gray sea? Not that I'm a little hero myself!” “Oh, shut up!” I said angrily. Lady Barbara was speaking again to young Merton away from the crowd. She put her hand on his arm in an appealing way. And suddenly he looked into her ‘eyes and then strode away and came towards his mechan- ics and gave some order. A moment later he had climbed in- to his seat and held out his hand to help Barbara up. “They're off!” shouted one of the reporters. The camera-men were busy now. Barbara stood up to let them get her picture. She was smiling and radi- ant. And on the other side of her was young Merton, white-faced, and with tightened lips. I ran round to Merton's side and he leaned over and spoke to me. “You might look in at Cheyne Walk. Tell the mater it’s all right— anyhow.” There was the roar of the engine, deafening with its quick explosions, the rush of a great wind, which swept my hat off, the scurry of that mon- strous aeroplane across the field until it left the ground and rose above a belt of trees, like a giant albatross. The squad of mechanics stood star- ing after it. The reporters and pho- tographers gathered together, talking excitedly. “Some power !” “They’ll be back in ten minutes.” “Better wait and see them make a landing.” “Fifteen minutes, and thirty min- utes and two hours. The reporters | besieged the telephone boxes. And | that afternoon, when I went back to London, the newspaper placards had three words at every street corner: ATLANTIC FLIGHT BEGUN How it ended is written in history, or at least in all the newspapers of : the world, after days and nights when | no news came; when a little woman sat holding her husband’s hand in| Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, pretending to | be hopeful; when a middle-aged hus- ! band stormed and cursed and wept in his study in South Audley Street; when a little lady at the Lyric Thea- i tre sang her part in the “Beggars | Opera” and sobbed between the acts; when false reports came from a dozen different places off the coast of New- foundland—until at last some fisher- | men of Nova Scotia found the wreck- | age of an aeroplane and the bodies of : a man and woman, clasped together, on some floating ice. I remembered some words I had ov- erheard and had no right to hear—Bar- bara’s words to young Merton: “What | matters at the journey’s end? . . .It’s the beginning really. Either way !” For the boy’s sake—accused of funk, and of treachery to the man who paid for his machine—I have told what I know, with truth and pity. —From Hearst’s International Cos- mopolitan. | Ex-Kaiser Still Signs Himself “All Highest” Amsterdam. — German visitors to | the home of the ex-kaiser at Doorn receive a card signed “by order of the all highest,” according to “De Tele- graaf,” in a spirited article condemn- ing royalist intrigues. | The article points out that Wiihelm Hohenzollern abdicated the throne and his rights ten years ago. It is absurd, it continues, for Wilhelm to continue to style himself “emperor and king.” “The practice may be nothing more than harmless vanity, but it might be- come a serious situation at any time,” the article warns while calling upon the Dutch government to see that Wil- helm does not misuse the hospitality extended to him. | The cards are issued when visitors sign the guest book. NE Bars Small Girls } New York.—Small girls are now barred as public school teachers. Ap plicants must be at least five feet tall. Those under that height are pre- sumed to lack commanding personal- ity. Edible Earth Tokyo.—A strange edible earth nitely exists on the slopes of the vol- canic Mount Asama, near the popular summer resort of Karuizawa. Pretty Pet Skunk Follows Small Boy Berwick—It may have been a tittle lamb that followed Mary i to school one day, but it is a skunk that follows six-year-old William Grassley. The boy stroked and fed the animal when it was found, just » tiny creature, in the cellar of the Grassley home, and it be came his inseparable companion. Thoroughly domesticated, it trails William about six inches back of his heels. Wherever he goes, so goes the skunk, and there usually is a crowd watching the perambula tions of the lad with his strange pet. The animal is a particularly pretty one. i one below the vent, one on the tail, FARM NOTES. —A series of cautions for the user of lights in the poultry house is found in the Ohio State poultry cal- endar. They are as follows: Grade and pen pullets according to age, condition, and laying qualities, so Sat each group may be properly han- Excessive fall production makes it hard to keep the flock in heavy pro- duction during the winter. Don’t use lights to produce more than a 14-hour day. Excessive use of lights means overproduction, followed by a slump. To avoid a spring molt, discontinue lights slowly in the spring. Use lights on breeders only after January 1 to 15, in order to help them back into production. Don’t crowd production over 60 per cent., otherwise the flock will become thin and molt. . Be regular in management and use of lights. Feed grain liberally when using lights. Always have feed and water avail- able when lights are on. Do not turn lights off too early in the spring. Do not stop feeding early and late in the day when lights are finally eliminated. —Buckwheat is a pretty good fat- tening feed for turkeys. Some prefer barley and corn, however. Either barley or oats, if mixed with butter- milk and the hulls removed, would be a preferable mixture. The buckwheat has the objectionable quality of hav- ing a woody, fibrous hull which is not good feed. A mixture of all three or four would do pretty well. Some records sent in give the costs of feeding one part ground oats with hulls removed and two parts butter- milk as being 6% cents per pound, while the cost of feeding on equal parts ground barley, oats, and corn, with the oats and bariey hulls remov- | ed and with the same relative amount , of buttermilk, averaged about the! same. A mixture of 200 parts corn meal, 100 parts ground oats, hulls removed, 50 parts red dog flour, 3 parts tallow, 706 parts buttermilk, | | averaged a cost of about 5 cents per | both pound. | Using equal parts ground oats and | barley, hulls removed, one part beef scraps and eight parts buttermilk, the | ___ cost was shown to be 4% cents per | pound. Of course, these costs were not figured lately, but the compari- sons remain. The Cornell fattening . ration of 100 pounds corn meal, 100 |; pounds buckwheat middlings, 100: pounds oat flour, 80 pounds beef scraps, and one part charcoal, is con- sidered, too, a very fattening ration. —Sodium fluoride is one of the best | substances to use for getting rid of | chicken lice. It can be purchased at almost any drug store. It can be ap- plied by the “pinch” method, or by mixing with four parts of tale or fine dust and using a dusting can or by making a dip. The pinch methods is most commonly used. In this method the hen is held in such a way that the feathers loosen up and one pinch is applied to the head, one on the neck, two on the back, one on the breast, one on each thigh and one on the! underside of each wing. This appli- | cation should be repeated in about eight days so as to kill the lice that | were in the egg form during the first | application. Blue ointment is usually mixed with | equal portions or grease. Three pea- sized portions are rubbed into the | feathers—one around the vent and the | f other two under each wing. | If head lice are present it is usual- | ly better to apply some lard with 10 to 20 per cent. kerosene thoroughly | -mixed with it or with 5 per cent. of | carbolic acid. | —The watier of producing capons for home :onsumption has not proper emphasis. Everyone is aware of the superiority of meat from unsexed larger animals and as a rule such male animals are never used unless operated upon. But the fact that ca- pon meat is as superior to rooste: meat as steer beef is to bull beef is | not generally realized. The farmer : fi and poultryman should not be content | with a low grade food stuff when it | is very easily posible to have the best. | The time will come, no doubt, when we will insist on capon quality in; fowls as much as we do npw for steer | eef. —The marketing season for tur- i keys is from about the middle of No- i vember to the last of December. { Confining turkeys during the fat- tening season has not proved suc- cessful. They will eat heartily for | two or three days, but after this they i will lose their appetite and begin to {lose flesh rapidly. Naturally, they | are wild birds and thrive only when i they have access to open range. Dur- abundance of feed on the average | farm; however, it is advisable to give them a small feed at night for the | purpose of bringing them home to roost. Grasshoppers and other in- sects, weeds and grass seeds, green vegetation, berries and grain picked up in the fields and about go to make up the turkey’s daily ration, and when all these are plentiful they are in splendid condition when the fatten- ing season arrives. . A satisfactory plan for fattening is to begin by feeding small grain night and morning, not enough at a time but that the birds will walk away still a little hungry, and grad- ually increase the quantity, addin some corn, until they are given al they will eat three times a day. Along at the close of the fattening season corn, supplemented with fresh sour milk, may constitute the full ration. New corn may be fed safely provid- ed the turkeys are gradually accus- Home to it, otherwise scours may re- sult. Various kinds of nuts are a natural fattening feed picked up by turkeys on the range. In parts of Texas many growers, properly situated, de- pend solely on acorns for fattening their turkeys, and when the mast is lentiful the birds are marketed in airly good condition. upon which man might subsist indefi- | ne the summer and fall they find an. 71-168-tf LUMBER? Oh, Yes! W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Call Bellefonte 432 Doors, Millwork and Roofing sms — NEW ENGLAND IN FIGHT AGAINST “RABBIT FEVER.” While prevalent in nearly every, sections of the country, tularemia, commonly called “rabbit fever” has not as yet made its appearance in Massachusetts or the other New Eng- land States, and efforts were being made to stop its entrance into this section. The United States Public Health Service has been cooperating with the state public health department by sending Dr. Edward Francis to tell how the disease has spread from one district to another. It is seldom that a disease known to be dangreous to the public health can be actually kept from crossing the borders of a State once it has gained headway through large sec- tions of the country. It appears, however, in the opinion of health au- thorities, that an opportunity has pre- sent time to do just that thing with respect to the introduction of tulare- mia into the New England States. The disease tularemia was discov- ered quite accidentally in the course of the routine examination of rodent animals by Dr. G. W. McCoy, in the Hygenic Laboratory of the United States Public Health Service, in 1911. The disease is known to market men as “rabbit fever,” the fact being, as the name indicates, that in this part i of the country it is kept alive and spread over extended areas largely by wild rabbits. There are two distinct types of the disease—one affecting glands in the neck or in other parts of the body, the other resembling typhoid fever. In forms, fever is a prominent sympton and is likely to persist for 2 several weeks. Laboratory workers handling rabbits have been found to Lei seme | contract the disease in the typhoid ’ form. It is not very fatal though oft- i | en serious. Among 420 reported deaths occurred. These include, how- ever, only cases reported to the , United States Public Health Service and represent only a small proportion of the cases which undoubtedly exist. ~The state department of conserva- | tion has been aware for several years that there has been a growing prob- lem with regards to tularemia in this State and has already taken steps to prevent its importation through in- fected cottontails, brought in for breeding purposes. =ty Excursion ni © 4: 00 { Philadelphia ; SUNDAY Leave Saturday night Preceding Excursion Leave Bellefonte ..10.00 P. M. * Milesburg 10.10 P. M. se Howard 10.29 P. M. o Eagleville 10.36 P. M “* Beech Creek 10.40 P. M. oe Mili Hall 1051 P. M “ West Philadelphia . 6.00 p.m. i Pennsylvania Railroad § '} CARS ) ...Reconditioned... USED 2] AT Decker Chevrolet Company Cars cannot be matched elsewhere for running | condition and low price. sportsman and family. 2 a big discount. Just the Car for the Down-payment very low: monthly payments very small. If by cash you get Ask for a demonstration to be convinced that you are getting a bargain. Listed below are the Cars that carry an “O.K.” That Count. 1927 Chrysler Sedan all new tires 1926 Chevrolet Sedan fully equipped 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan fully equipped 1926 Chevrolet Touring runs like new 1926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan extra good shape 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan very good condition 1923 Oakland Sport Touring curtains like new $159.00 130.00 145.00 64.00 140.00 60.00 94.00 1926 Chevrolet + Ton Panel Body Truck extra good value to the Farmers, Merchants, Huckster and Butcher 1923 Chevrolet Sedan all 31x4.40 Tires 1925 Chevrolet Coach extra good condition 1925 Chrysler Coupe cannot be compared with another car of its type on the market - - 130.00 44.00 110.00 160.00 1926 Ford Roadster all Balloon tires, where needed we .have a steel box at the same price 1925 Ford Coupe 5 wire wheels and balloon tires, good condition at a very low cost 64.00 extra - 72.00 Cleveland Touring not a blemish all good tires not a thing to be condemned on this car 70.00 1927 Ford Ton Truck, Ruxsteel Axle 6 tires like new, truck is in perfect running condition “try it” 1926 Chevrolet Ton Truck reconditioned thoroughly, re- painted, “Quality at low cost” - 1925 Ford Ton Truck Steel Cab and Body absolutely ready for service 1924 2-Chevrolet Tourings, each 100.00 120.00 very low cost 40.00 50.00 We have other Cars not listed from $8 to $50 DECKER CHEVROLET CO. Spring and High Sts. Phone Bell 405 Bellefonte, Pa P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market YOUR THANKSGIVING BIRD We have the Thanksgiving turkey you want. It is a bird! It has youth and the weight to meet your requirements. Drop in our butcher shop right away and select yours from among the many we have for other customers who depend upon us for their choice turkeys, fowl and meat cuts. Telephone 667 Market on the Diamond Bellefonte, Penna. cases, 17 esmmemsms [) © 0 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices Ix all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. : 51-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at= Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Promp tention given all legal business s®- trusteed to hiis care. High street. Offices—No. 5, East 57 M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. of Temple Court. Offices on sccond floor 49-5-1y x G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con- sultation in English and Germai. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle- fonte, Pa. 58-3 PHYSICIANS | i | CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte State College Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg S. GLENN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his residence. “AD. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- c tered and licensed by the State Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg., High St., Bellefonte, Pa. T1-22-t¢ VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op- posite the Court House, Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 8 a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone FEEDS! We have taken on the line of Purina Feeds We also carry the line of Wayne Feeds Together with a full line of our own feeds. 4 Purina Cow Chow, 34% $3.10 per H. Purina Cow Chow, 24% 2.80 per H. Wayne Dairy feed, 32% 3.10 per H. Wayne Dairy feed, 24% 2.80 per H. Wayne Egg Mash - 3.25 perH. Wayne Calf Meal - 4.25per H. Wagner's Pig Pig Meal 2.80 per H. Wagner’s Egg Mash - 2.80 per H. Wagner's Dairy Feed 22% 2.50 per H. We can make you up a mixture of Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten Vaod 2d Bran. Protein 30%, $2.80 per H. | Oil Meal, 84% - - - $3.10 per H. ' Cotton Seed, 43% - - 8.10 per H. . Gluten Feed, 23% - 2.50 per H. : Fine ground Alfalfa - 2.25 per H. i Orbico 30-30, Mineral, Fish, and Meat - - 4.25 per H. | Orbico Mineral - - 2.75 per H. | Meat Meal, 45% - - 4.25perH. Tankage, 60% - =~ 4.25 per H. | We have a full line of scratch feeds, ‘ mixed and pure corn chop, bran, mid- dlings of the best quality on hands at the right prices. > Let us sell you your Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten and Bran to go with your own feed. We will mix same for five cents per H. We will deliver all feeds for $2.00 per ton extra. If You Want Good Bread or Pastry TRY “OUR BEST” OR “GOLD COIN” FLOUR C.Y. Wagner & Co. 66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. —— Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces AUIS SSE SPP PSSA Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES | Cnvetinty and Promptly Furnished 06-15-t1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers