Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 16, 1928, Image 1
Bemorralit Aan INK SLINGS. —Well, the box ¢f oranges is on the way, but advance advice is to the effect that it is “a little box.” Don't laugh. What else might we have ex- pected but a “little” from Hoover's election. : —Votes of prejudice might keep a man out of office, but they can’t keep him from praying to the same God the rest of us do. And if you think Al Smith doesn’t have a speaking ac- quaintance with your Creator all you need do is read the concluding para- graphs of his last message to the peo- ple of the United States. —Just for the pleasure of drop- ping a litle fly in the ointment we want to remind those Democrats in Centre county who voted a straight Republican ticket because Al Smith is a Catholic that they voted for a Catholic, after all. Auditor General- elect, Charles Waters, who ran on the Republican ticket is a member of the same church that Al is. —The death of Warren Worth Bailey, editor and owner of the Johns- town Democrat, removes from the journalistic ranks of Pennsylvania, one of its most virile writers. Col. Bailey was more or less of a free lance, but he was always frank, fear- less and fair—qualities so rarely found in modern journalism now-a- days, that his loss is indeed a real one. —My, how we would enjoy an- nouncement that James M. Beck has really been defeated for Congress in Philadelphia. He was hanging by an eyelash when we heard last of the count in his District. Mr. Beck is another of those gentlemen who thought the Democratic party was good enough for him after it had giv- «en him the chance to find out how good he thcught himself to be. '——Centre county polled the third largest favorable majority for the State College bond issue. Lackawan- na was first and Blair second. In proportion to the total votes cast, however, Centre led, as was fitting. ‘The few votes that were cast against the proposal in State College borough are supposed to have been polled by persons owning properties there that might depreciate in value should the College enter upon an extensive pro- gram of building dormitories on the campus. —Just now we are thinking about our friend J. C. Dunlap. In Septem- ber he wrote us to be sure to send his paper out to Indiana, because, he said, “one needs all the Democratic company obtainable in this locality.” Indiana “is Governor Fisher's town, you know, and they lcve John so much out there that they were prob- ably starting to make good that mil- lion majority prediction of his when brother Dunlap sent us the S. O. S. Imagine a Ferguson township Dun- lap in a hot bed of Republicanism, especially in a campaign so intense as was the recent one. He needed comfort ther He needs it now, and the good Lord knows we’d share ours with him now—if we had any. —A lady has written from State ‘College to remind us of another dere- liction. Really, we're becoming alarmed. The old bean doesn’t seem to function alertly any more and the will to work might even be envied ‘by a drone bee. All we seem to be good for is to put washers on drip- ping spigots by day and see how many stations we can tune into at night. Such probably is the price of having run in high too long And here we are stretching out what was intended to be only a two line para- graph reminding you that it is only thirty-nine days until Christmas. ‘That is what the State College correspondent took all the trouble to write about. She says she missed it. —Sam Gray writes from West Chester to say nice things about the manner in which we took “ the beat- in’ up” he helped administer. Re- morse seems to be gnawing at his vi- tals, for he would have us believe that some time he will help us win, just to see how we would react to such a miracle. We have heard so much of this stuff that we can scarcely re- strain the urge to prophesy victory for Democracy in 1932. Republicans all about us are geting so sympathet- ic that if we weren't sophisticated we'd be naming the next President now and betting the only over-coat we own that they will put him in just so we can drag out some roosters. We know them. They're not as sincere as the dear old Republican lady of town who said, when she heard that Hoover had won: “Isn’t it too bad, now George Meek won’t be able to get any of his roosters out at all.” —=Since we have run into a per- sonal vien we shall let our thoughts wander there long enough to tell of a child’s expression, made eight years ago, that we have pondered over of- ten since and it struck us with pro- phetic force early Wednesday morn- ing of last week. We had made an engagement to meet with a few of the unterrified to plan a campaign for the county ticket. As it happen- ed it was our night to stay home with the young hopeful It was either miss the meeting or take him with us. We did that. On the way home he asked us what the five or six gen- tlemen who were at the meeting were. Upon being informed that they were Democrats he asked: “Is that our party.” We answered “yes” and to this he replied: “Father, there are not many of us, are there?” STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 73. BELLEFONTE. PA Results of the Election. { The overwhelming majority of votes cast for Herbert Hoover arid the equally preponderant majority for him in the electoral college def- initely settles some of the important questions at issue in the campaign. The Eighteenth amendment to the constitution and the Volstead law will continue in present form with all the attendant evils of bootlegging, hi- jacking, racketeering and moonshin- ing. Farmers’ relief as expressed in the McNary-Haugen bill is “dished,” and the vast and valuable water pow- ers of the country will pass into the hands of the power trust to be ex- ploited as expert monopolists only know how to do such things. This will be literally continuing the Cool- idge policies. It is not easy to measure the rela- | tive importance of the various ques- | tions discussed during the campaign | in determining the result of the vote. | It would be a reflection on the intelli- | gence of a real temperance advocate ! to assume that they preferred Mr. Hoover's plan of treating the prohibi- | tion question to that of Governor | Smith. The experience of eight years | has proved the futility of the Hoover plan, and the practically unanimous support of it by the bootleggers in- dicated their appreciation of its serv- ice to them. Governor Smith’s plan was more or less startling but simi- lar systems had accomplished excel- lent results in other countries, not- ably in Sweeden and Canada. The prosperity isspe was simply an appeal to public credulity. Even President Coolidge admitted, in a public statement a few days before the election, that the choice for Presi- dent would have no influence on the country in that respect. Only those who wanted to be fooled were influenced by that pretense. But the farmers and the prohibitionists are likely to experience a rude awakening. Mr. Hoover’s promises of agricultural aid was a mockery and | his pledge to the temperance folk will be disappointing. The power trust and big business will realize their ‘expectations in full measure. After the inauguration of Mr. Hoov- er the way will be clear for them to perfect their monopolistic organiza- tion. ——Those southern recreants who call themselves Constitutional Demo- crats ought to specify which amend- ment to the organic law they are con- cerned about. The first and fourteenth were flouted in the recent election. Mr. Hoover’s Southern Tour. President-elect Hoover's contem- plated “Good-Will” tour of the Latin- American Republics is not entirely a new departure in diplomatic activi- ties. During the administration of President McKinley, Secretary of War Elihu Root toured Central and South American countries, and while Mr. Roosevelt was President Attorn- ey General Philander C., Knox made a similar tour. But both of these en- terprises were ostensibly in the in- terest of trade and the Knox adven- ture developed what was subsequently known as “Dollar Diplomacy.” The more euphemistic title of “good will” tour was invented while Colonel Lind- bergh was “gallivanting” through the clouds in various countries. But it can hardly be claimed that the proposed excursion of Mr. Hoov- er through some of the Southern Re- publics is strictly in pursuance of President Coolidge’s “policy” with re- spect to those people and govern- ments. It is true that Mr. Morrow, Ambassador in Mexico, substituted friendly phrases for threatening notes in that country and the President and everybody else approved of Colonel Lindbergh’s amiable gestures where- ever he appeared. But the previous custom of the administrations was to send marines and battleships with orders to kill and destroy opposition. That system proved a failure and it is gratifying to feel that under the new administration it will not be fol- lowed. Whatever the inspiration it may be hoped that the enterprise will do much good. Mr. Hoover is familiar with affairs of Europe, Asia and it is fit that he should have some un- derstanding of conditions in the South American continent. There has nev- er been close relations, either social or commercial, between the people of North and South America and if the impending tour of the President-elect will serve to establish greater in- timacy it will be worth while. It may be assumed that Mr. Hoover had this object in mind when he determined to make the trip, and he will enter upon it with assurance that he has the best wishes of the American people. ——=Secretary of State Kellogg im- agines that public sentiment will stop wars sooner or later. But fighting the League of Nations will delay the con- summation. Worthy Hope Disappointed. In the campaign just closed the Democratic party of the country un- dertook “a noble experiment” and failed. There was a time when big- otry ran so high and intolerance so rabid that men and women were mur- dered because of their opinions. Grad- ually this slavery to passion has been abating under the influence of a broader diffusion of intelligence and a better understanding of Christian conduct. The Democratic party un- dertook to wipe it out finally and for- ever by nominating a Catholic for President of the United States. not because he was of that religious faith, but for the reason that Albert E. Smith, by meritorious public service, had earned the admiration of the peo- | ple throughout the country. Governor Smith had been in public service for a quarter of a century be- fore he was nominated for President. For nearly one-third of that time he had been Governor in the most popu- lous and wealthy State in the Ameri- can Union. In no instance during this long period of service had he been influenced in any public act by relig- ous prejudice. It was believed, and with reason, by the leaders of his party, that in view of his merits and achievements, he would command the support of all voters of his political (faith and he was nominated unani- mously. It was not only a reasonable but a just expectation. It expressed a fundamental principle of the party. The Democratic leaders and the Democratic people who bestowed up- on him the honor of a nomination for President believed that if elected Al- fred E. Smith would so wisely and justly administer the government that the fear of foreign or sectarian in- fluences, inimical to religious liberty, would be driven out of the public mind forever. Every fair-minded man and woman will agree that it is “a consummation devoutly to be wished.” But the hope of it has been disap- pointed. Hundreds of thousands of voters, under the pretense of oppos- ing Governor Smith for other rea- cause he is a Catholic. It is a sad ending of a worthy aspiration. It is the penalty of intolerance. ——— ——Mr. Lightfoot, of St. Louis, | who voted for Hoover, proposes to | reorganize the Democratic party. It’s : a good idea, all right, but comes from a wrong source. Any reorganization should eliminate the recreants. : Chairman Collins Deserves Praise. | After all there are a few bright spots in the much too dark political horizon. It is encouraging to know that our candidate for President poll- ed nearly twice as many votes in Pennsylvania as were cast for any previous candidate for any office. There is no sign of decay in that rec- ord. We see no reason to dispair in it. An army a million strong has no reason to surrender unconditionally even though the opposing force is considerably greater. And our army of a million is perfect in morale, ad- mirable in spirit and commanded by competent, courageous and resource- ful officers. In fact the Democratic party of Pennsylvania is particularly fortu- nate in its organization at this time. Its chairman, Mr. John R, Collins, of Potter county, has amply proved his claim to leadership by his masterly management of the campaign. Against odds which would have ap- palled a less courageous captain he converted a disorganized force into a strong, militant and efficient organi- zation, able and ready to meet any condition that may arise and fully capable to function whenever called | into action. It was a splendid achieve- ment and marks this modest man as a leader who deserves the gratitude of his party. The Democratic party of Pennsyl- vania is not dead or even seriously infirm. It made a gallant fight for a righteous cause and increased its strength wherever its energies. The break in the “sol- id South” of Philadelphia and the de- crease in the Republican majority in Pittsburgh, are permanent improve- ments in the political conditions in the | State which will be of great advant- age in the future. The local organi- zations in both cities performed their parts well and the rank and file of the party were zealous and effective. | But honor and praise are especially due to chairman John R. Collins. i ee ——————————— i -——President Coolidge still be- | lieves that the Kellogg-Briand pact is the greatest peace movement ever attempted. President Coolidge has great faith in his own achievements. ! ments. ————— e————————— ——Fascism is “riding for a fall” in Italy, according to Mr. Edward Corsi, a prominent Italian-American, ' who has completed a survey of condi- tions in his native country. { it concentrated ! — . NOVEMBER 16. 1928S. a Need a New Constitution. i ‘Not only Governor Fisher but a great many other Pennsylvanians have grown weary of the patchwork system of amending the constitution of the State. Since the adoption of the instrument in 1874 at least a third of the provisions have been al- tered by amendments and some of them have been changed two or three times. The result is such confusion that as a whole it is practically in- comprehensible to the lay mind. But the people of the State have not shown a willingness to correct this evil. The expense of a convention and the submission of its work for adoption may have been the influenc- ing cause to this frame of mind, but whatever the cause two attempts to call a convention have failed. The time for the submission of the amendments this year was improhi- tion and there were too many of them. It is almost inconceivable that a majority of the voters of Pennsyl- vania are opposed to properly equip- ping State College to render such ser- vice to the educational progress of the people as it might. But the de- feat of amendment No. 2 works pre- cisely that result. It is true that for some unexplained reason the political machine was opposed to the adoption of the amendment, but there ought to have been enough independent voters free from control of the machine to put it over. But in the confusion which attends a sharply contested National election it was forgotten. If disappointment over the failure of the fourteen amendments submit- ted this year will influence the people to favor a constitutional convention, it will be worth the price. The patch- ed-up instrument under which we are operating causes needless confusion in the operation of the courts and adds materially to the cost of litiga- tion. A constitutional convention will cost considerable and submitting it for approval will add to the expense. But it will be a profitable investment for various reasons. It will enable : . the people to get provisions into the sons, actually voted against him -be- 'fahdarm ental law that are greatly needed. The present constitution is archaic as well as eonfusing. New Armory Project Backed by Business Men. In conformity with action taken at a meeting of the Associated Business men of Bellefonte, last Friday night, an option was taken, on Saturday evening, on ten acres of land on the Harry Lutz farm, east of Bellefonte, as a site for a new armory and drill field for Troop B, of Bellefonte. The site had already been approved by the State armory board, and the offer of the Bellefonte school board to pur- ‘chase the old armory for $17,000 has also been accepted by the armory board, and the only thing that now ‘remains is raising the money to take up the option on the new site. As a start toward the necessary fund Troop B has pledged $300 and if every business man in Bellefonte will contribute according to his means there will be no difficulty in raising the money. Bellefonte has been the location of a State military organiza- tion for half a century and should take a certain degree of pride in re- taining the organization. At the present time the upkeep of the troop here means an annual expense of $20,000. This money is paid by the State for the upkeep of the horses and to the men for attendance at drill. All this money is spent in Bellefonte and Centre county, and be- cause of this fact there should be a willing response to the appeal for contributions to the fund to purchase the new field. ——The Daughters of the Ameri- .can Revolution have expelled Mrs. McFarland, of New Jersey, because | she objected to a “black list,” but the i roots of her family tree are unimpair- i | —If you lose money dabbling in the market your a gambler. If you hap- pen to make some your the wise in- vestor whose advice many seek. per RM ass m—— ——Some prominent Democrats of Pennsylvania are planning to organ- ize a State-wide Democratic club in Philadelphia. a —— A ——————. ——Mr. Pinchot has acquired a ship to sail the South sea but mean- time he is keeping an eye on Wash- ington. I ———————— A rns ——1If the Ku Klux Klan is just to itself it will demand a seat in the cab- inet for Mrs. Mabel Willebrant. ——The clection is over and the Phiiadelphis grafters are organizing to check the reform movement. ———The Democrats were badly beaten in 1872 and look what happen- ed in 1874. The Hoover We Know and the One We Dor’t. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Charles Modein, 35, sexton of Sewick- ley Methodist Episcopal church, ended his life by hanging in the church. He fash- ioned a noose from the rope with which he had tolled the bell for the last four years. His body was found suspended in the basement. —Seven armed bandits on Monday morning entered the Delaware Inn, on the outskirts of Easton, and robbed the pro- prietor and two patrons of more than $1000 in cash and a diamond pin valued at $100. Telephone wires were cut and it was several hours after the robbery be- bore the police authorities learned of it. —Pleading guilty to a charge of breaking into the homes of Judge John E. Fox and Mrs. Charles E. Kunkel, in the Front street residential section of Harrisburg and : stealing clothing, jewlery and wine from the judge's home, Walter A. Carney, alias From the Philadelphia Record. Here’s a sobering thought for the American people: They do not yet | know the man they elected President ' John A. Savage, of Kingston, was sentenc- ed to from five to ten years in the Eastern Penitentiary. —Valiant fighting by students with | often of the United States last Tuesday. And here’s one for Mr. Hoover: The most important task confronting him, the biggest opportunity, is to show the American people he is not the man they decided to elect, and not the man he has represented himself to be during the last six months. Apparently paradoxical, if not ab- surd, these: assertions will be found upon reflection to be quite logical statements of fact. They would not have applied to Governor Smith. Had he been elect- ed no one would have been in any doubt as to his convictions and pur- ) Both were submitted to pub- lic scrutiny with a frankness which ' poses. left no uncertainty in the minds of either his supporters or his opponents. His defeat, in fact, was due in no small degree to his outspoken utter- ances, which projected his personai- ity and his views with vivid clarity. Mr. Hoover, on the contrary, pur- sued a totally different course. He emphasized principles, but was stud- iously vague upon their application. He carefully framed his declarations to fit the exigencies of the campaign and of the various sections to which he appealed. He was cautious, cal- culating, always the strategist rather than the crusading leader. It was as if he avoided any definiteness of engagement which might check the currents flowing in his favor. _ This interpretation is not necessar- ily to his discredit, does not impute de- ception. It simply recognizes that Mr. Hoover, convinced that he and his party could best serve the nation, made his election the supreme ob- Jective. In justification he could tell himself, and probably did so, that only in the Presidency would his abilities be fully available to the public. That was, indeed, his manner of ap- proach from the beginning. His cap- ture of the nomination was manifest- ly the result of assiduous planning and : gars) gxevution. oii admi : in it a product of his organizing skill, and hailed him as a new figure in public affairs—the political engineer. That role he emphasized equally in the party contest. Those who had pictured him as an inspired humani- tarian and idealist had to adjust themselves to his exhibition of the most practical kind of politics. But henceforth he will be under far less compulsion to trim his sails to catch the winds of popularity. As President he will have power to ac- complish as well as to suggest; he will be in a position to lead public thought, not merely to follow it. Altering the State Constitution. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. Governor Fisher's criticism of the present “patchwork” method of amending the Pennsylvania Constitu- tion is a reminder that thorough-go- ing revision must eventually be faced. It will substitute the deliberations of a competent convention for the prej- udices of a free-for-all. In the end, of course, the handiwork of the ex- perts will still have to meet approval at the polls. But the verdict will be preceded by a campaign of education which was not possible this year in the overshadowing importance of the national election. Moreover, the issue will come before the people in a sin- gle, clear-cut proposition to accept the reform as a whole or to reject it. Interest will not be decentralized through fourteen separate channels, as was the case last Tuesday. The political clash of 1928 has been loosely called a battle between city and country. The description has some cogency in its application to the Pennsylvania referendums. Rural districts and urban districts nearly neutralized each other in their re- spective attitudes. The State College loan, for instance, which the State Grange indorsed, was supported out- side the big cities and rejected within. Conversely, [Jrojects of metropolitan "appeal found their native strength more than matched by the external agrarian opposition. | This partisanship based on geo- graphy proved an unfortunate mood in which to approach questions re- quiring a judicial impartiality. As appens when emotion prevails ' over reason, the attempt to interpret some of the proposals in terms of sec- tionalism involved palpable errors irers saw | | their campus apparatus saved from de- struction the gymnasium at Susquehanna, at Selinsgrove on Monday, when several thousand dollars damage was done. Sev- ‘eral collegians were overcome by smoke and cut by broken glass in their success- ful efforts to hold the fire in check until the fire company arrived. i —The last of the concrete on the Wil- liam Penn highway was poured Monday between Mifflintown and Thompsontown, on Route 31, which has been under construec- tion most of the summer. The stretch of new road is 9.4 miles in length, and when thrown open to traffic will provide a stretch of forty-seven miles of concrete road between Harrisburg and Mifflintown. —When Mrs. Morris Bucher entered the home of her son-in-law at Columbia, Pa., she did not know that heavy paper on the floor covered the opening from which the large register grate of a pipeless furnace had been removed. Stepping on the paper, the woman plunged into the cellar, land- ing on top of the furnace. Weighing more than 200 pounds, the strength of three men was required to pull her from the hole. —When Willard Michael attempted to tighten a bolt on a running machine, after removing the guard, in the Berwick plant of the American Car and Foundry Com- pany, he was painfully injured. He thought that his injury was sufficient pun- ishment for his folly but to his consterna- tion he learned that his act was to cost him a fine. A deputy factory inspector ar- rested him for removing the guard and he was fined $25. —A certificate of incorporation of the Hahn Home, provided for under the will of the late Anna L. Gardner, of York, Pa., the estate now being worth $400,000, was granted by the court this week. The Hahn Home is to be built in or near York and will be a home for aged unmarried women of good character and habits who by reason of business reverses or diminu- tion of estate do not have the means for living in the manner to which they had been accustomed. { —Mayor Joseph Cauffiel, of Johnstown, announced, Tuesday that beginning next Sunday “and every Sunday thereafter as long as the blue laws are on the Common- wealth statute books,” he will force the loeal street railway company to suspend operations; will close all drug stores, restaurants, news stands, filling stations and will put the lid on everything in town.” The mayor's edict countered a demand made by the city council today that he clean up vice conditions,” —Three cases of importance have been decided by jury in the civil courts of Mif- flin county. The suits were instituted by the borough of Lewistown against three : churches, St. John’s Lutheran Church, i Methodist church of Lewistown, in which | the borough made an effort to collect | paving assessments for building of side- walks about their cemetery properties. The churches showed no profit was being de- rived from these properties and Judge Thomas F. Bailey instructed the jury that they must find for the churches. ! —HBphraim Wirick and Ambrose Berke- bile, alderman and constable of the Sev- venteenth ward in Johnstown, were given jail sentences on Monday when arraigned before the Cambria county court at Ebens- burg as the result of their ocnviction of extortion. Wirick was sentenced to serve from four months to one year in the county jail, and Berkebile was given from nine months to one year. Both defendants were also remaoved from office. Their ar- rest and conviction grew out of the illegal collection of fees in liquor and gambling cases. —Taken from the wild mountain region six miles from Pottsville, where she had built herself a shelter of poles and boughs, Anna Sincosky, 23, of Cumbula, Schuylkill county, told police that she had been forc- ed to flee to the mountains to escape what she termed “the road house gang.” The girl, who claimed she had existed in the mountain region for five months, was dis- covered by a hunter, Martin Goss, of Selt- zer City. She was scantily clad and was badly bruised, apparently as a result of an attack she told authorities she had suffer- ed at the hands of two men several days before. She was committed to the Schuyl- kill county prison on a technical charge. —A second oil well is being drilled in the vicinity of Mount Union. Pittsburgh capitalists are now drilling a test well in Shavers Creek valley, on lots adjoining the farms of Booher brothers, of Mt. Union, R. D., and ten miles north of Petersburg. Late report of the operations state that i the drillers are down nearly 1000 feet. The Juniata Valley Oil and Gas Company, of of fact, notably in the measure to al- | , ter the basis of county debt limits. As { these developments become more widely realized, the force of Governor Fisher's remarks ly apparent. | A Monument to McCoy. From the Harrisburg Telegraph. His admirersinthe United States and the Philippines will read with in- terest and approval a cable from Man- agua that both Conservatives and Lib- erals in Nicaragua have ynitel to raise funds for a monument as a tribute to Brigadier General Frank R. McCoy, who supervised the recent presidential election. “Plaza McCoy” would be established as the site of the monu- ment. Thus American soldiers, ma- rines, sailors, aviators and statesmen | carry good will throughout the world. "And on top of it all comes the tour of the President-elect to further bind the Triendly relations of | Americas will be correspond- | which Morley Queen, of Mount Union, is the president, and made up mostly of New ! York capitalists, started drilling on Wed- | nesday for a test well on the farm of T. H. Gates, known as the Vale View farm, near Newton Hamilton. Both companies are enthusiastic over the prospects of success. —@Going to the Pennsylvania Railroad station at Elizabethtown to meet his wife, Harry Weidman, 38, noticed the body of a woman lying across the rails beneath a coach of a train that was just about to move. Weidman heard the signal of the conductor and the hiss of steam from the locomotive as he raced across the platform and dragged the unconscious woman to safety. He carried her to the light and discovered he had saved the life of his wife. Mrs. Weidman had been visiting in New York and her husband had gone to the train to meet her. When the passengers | alighted from the coaches Weidman failed ‘to find his wife and was pnzzled. It is be- ; lieved the woman tripped after alighting the two from a coach and fell in the darkness, un- noticed by others.