i datos “Bellefonte, Pa, November Z, 1928 NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. A gang of men are now at work connecting Mackeyville with the West Penn Power company’s electric system. ——Dr. Coburn Rogers and his family are now occupying their new home on north Allegheny street, the property of the late Mrs. Evelyn Rog- ers; having moved there from Linn street. The Bellefonte curb market has almost run its course for this year, as only five cars were lined up in front of the court house, Wednesday morning, and one of them was a Jbutcher’s truck. Miss Kate Gessner was remov- ed from the Centre County hospital, last Friday, to the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Rishel, on Willowbank street, where she had been prior to being taken to the hospital two weeks previous. ——Today the “better sires” train will be in Bellefonte with several car- loads of thoroughbred dairy bulls. Farmers and dairymen should not miss the opportunity to look the ani- mals over and procure one if they need a good herd head. The following Centre coun- tians who expect to go into insurance business will take examinations in Williamsport tomorrow. Herbert I. atson and Frank R. Beals, of Wil- Hamsport; Alton C. Miller and Frank Ai Keller, of State College. i——Jimmie Wilkinson, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkin- san, was taken to the Philipsburg spital, on Tuesday night, for treat- ment for a form of blood poisoning it: his system with which he has been suffering for two weeks or longer. The filling at the old gas plant lot, on noith Spring street, in order to bring it up to the level of the ad- jacent school commons, of which it is to be a part, has necessitated fill- ing on the Mingle estate lot next to it. A concrete retaining wall is be- ing built on the Mingle line and the lot will be filled to the new grade. ‘——Joseph Beezer, of Spring town- ship, called at the Watchman office on Friday evening to state that the mar- riage certificate presented at the fed- eral court, at Seranton, on Monday of last week, by Elizabeth Turner, when she stated that she was the wife of Mr. Beezer, was a prefectly legal document. He admitted that they had been married but the priest who per- formed the ceremony had forgotten to sign the marriage certificate. His signature, however, has now been af- fixed to that important document. Ira R. Baumgardner, for a number of years past an employee of the West Penn Power company, on Saturday, purchased the Russ-Bell cafe and ice cream parlor from Mrs. Witmer Smith and took charge on Monday morning. He has been giv- en a month’s leave of absence by the West Penn management and in that time will decide on the question of devoting his entire time to his new enterprise or returning to his old job. At present he will have the assistance of Mrs. Baumgardner in his efforts to put the Russ-Bell on a good paying basis. Major H. L. Curtin, of Curtin, Centre county, has started a real program of woodland management The Curtin estate, which comprises around 2000 acres, was chopped sev- eral times in the past for charcoal for the old iron furnaces. Today a fine second growth of pine and hardwoods is growing on it, F. T. Murphey, of the Pennsylvania State College, re- ports. Last winter from a thinning and improvement cutting on about five acres, Major Curtin sold one car of 8-foot mine props and three cars of paper wood. The short, bushy and inferior trees were cut; the straight, tall and best trees left for future timber. Miss Martha R. Wike, who has filled the position of community nurse in Bellefonte the past seven months, left Bellefonte yesterday for her new field of work at New Haven, Conn. At that place she will become assist- ant to the director of the Crippled Children’s Aid Society, which has un- der it’s care an average of one hun- dred and eighty patients. Miss Wike left Bellefonte with only the kindest feelings for all with whom she came in contact while here, and goes with many pleasant memories of her brief stay in town. Her main reason for going was that her new position offefs a much wider field of labor than that of community nurse in Bellefonte. : Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Phila- delphia, who was so badly injured in an auto wreck, at Lewistown, on Oc- tober 13th, was taken to her home in Philadelphia, last Friday. She is still far from recovered but was taken to the city in order to have the advan- tage of expert plastic surgery in re- ‘storing her broken lower jaw. The trip to Philadelphia was made by au- tomobile and she was accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mis. H. W. Dahl, of Minneapolis, Minn., who came east following the accident and have been with Mrs. Moore and her husband, in Lewis- town, ever since. Dr. Dahl has now returned home but Mrs. Dahl will re- main with her mother until she re- covers. Mr. Moore is still in a pri- vate hospital, at Lewistown. While he is recovering slowly he is still weak and suffering from intense shock and it was not considered ad- visable to move him at this time. BIG JERSEY SHORE CROWD SEE BETTER SIRES TRAIN. Every Up-to-date Centre County Farmer Should Visit the Train in Bellefonte Today. On Monday R. C. Blaney, Centre county farm agent, went to Jersey Shore to witness the start of the New | York Central’s better sires train, and we give you his word for it that it is an exhibition worth seeing. The train is composed of some ten or twelve cars and at Jersey Shore there was a crowd of over five hun- dred farmers from Lycoming county present to inspect the blooded bulls. And as evidence of how favorably they were impressed with the stock ten bulls were purchased before the train got away from Jersey Shore. As stated last week, practically all the bulls are from eight to fifteen months old, though there were three Jersey bull calves. Mr. Blaney states that the stock is all fine looking and has the marks of the genuine purebred. As fast as bulls are taken from the train others are added, so that there will be a good supply on board when the train reaches Bellefonte today from Mill Hall. One entire car of the train is tak- en up with the State College exhibit, while others contain exhibits of the State and United States Departments of Agriculture. But the State Col- lege exhibit is said to be the best of any on the train. None of these ex- hibits include any livestock but the State College car shows feeds and feeding, with ratios of costs and re- turns, a cow testing exhibit and dairying and marketing of milk pro- ducts. The cow testing exhibit is un- usually unique and explicit. It con- sists of two wooden cows, one sleek and fat and the other skinny and poor. Through the use of a small electric motor it shows fifty cent pieces being fed into the skinny cow and dimes dropping into the milk pail. At the other cow the fifty cent pices going into the mouth drop out as dollar bills. Centre county farmers will no doubt be attracted to the train today through the generous offer of the Bellefonte Business Men’s Associa- tion to give away free one bull to the lucky ticket holder. There is no catch in this offer. Every farmer and every farmer’s wife will be given a ticket and the lucky holder can take the bull home with him. Anyone who is skeptic enough not to believe this should come to Bellefonte and be con- vinced. Your old bull will also be taken off your hands and Buffalo, N. Y., beef prices allowed for it. The train is scheduled to reach Bellefonte from Mill Hall at two o’clock this afternoon and will be here until 5:30 o'clock. It will stand on the side track near the passenger de- pot where there is ample accommoda- tions for a large crowd. A Little Story On Centre County Apples. It is an admitted fact that no ap- ples grown anywhere in the United States can rival in flavor the Penn- sylvania fruit. Whether it is the soil, the climate, or whatever it may be, there is a definite, distinct taste about a Pennsylvania apple that can- not be found in the choicest pick from the apple orchards in New York, Ore- gon, or the State of Washington. Such: being the case it is hard to un- derstand why the average Pennsyl- vania farmer does not give more at- tention te his orchard. The writer has not missed one curb market held in Bellefonte during the summer and fall. Apples have been in market since the early fruit in August, but we have failed to see one solitary display of what might be termed No. 1 fruit. The apples are gnarled and knotty, blotched and spot- ty, worm-eaten and rotten-specked. The farmers who bring them in are probably offering the best they have, but if such is the case there is some- thing wrong with their orchards. Either the trees need pruning or the crop should have been sprayed and thinned out. In the experimental or- chards, at State College, where the trees are properly pruned, the fruit sprayed and as much care given the apple crop as is given any other crop grown, the fruit is almost perfect and as high-class as fruit can be. And they have no trouble disposing of their crop at prices which yield good financial returns. lo ae County Library Book Truck Now in Centre County. The book truck sent out by the State to foster sentiment favorable to the proposed county library, for the establishment of which the people will vote next Tuesday, is now in Centre county. It reached Bellefonte on Wed- nesday and was parked in the Diamond that evening. Yesterday morning it was driven to the High school build- ing where it made a brief stop then went to Unionville, Julian, Martha, Port Matilda and over the mountain to Philipsburg. Today the truck will visit Moshan- non, Gillentown, Snowshoe and Miles- burg. Tomorrow's schedule will include Howard, Blanchard, Jacksonville, Nittany, Hublersburg and Zion, and tomorrow evening the truck will again be parked in the Diamond, in Bellefonte, and be open to all visitors. The engagement of Miss Betty Todd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Todd, and William A. France, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. France, both of Philipsburg, was announced on Wednesday of last week. eters Bellefonte to Celebrate Anniversary Seventeen Pheasants Raised from of Airmail. The committee weeks ago by the Bellefonte Kiwanis club, and of which George T. Bush is chairman, to arrange for a proper celebration of the tenth anniversary !of the opening of the government airmail route between New York and Chicago, with Bellefonte the only reg- ularly scheduled stop in Pennsylvania, is making some progress and feel con- fident that when the time comes it will mark another momentous day in the town’s history. It was on December 18th, 1918, ten years ago, when the first regular mail plane swooped in over Nittany moun- tain and landed on the Beaver field with a pouch or two of mail for Belle- fonte and took quite a number of out- going letters. Airmail was then in its infancy and the New York to Chicago route an experiment. But much has happened since that day ten years ago. The route has been extended to San Francisco, with sidelines to var- ious points in the United States un- til this country now leads the world in its mileage of airmail routes. Bellefonte was continued as a reg- ular stop for several years but was fi- nally reduced to an intermediate field, but still retained under government control, and is such today, even though the mail is now carried by the National Air Transport, a private corporation. That Bellefonte might again be made a regular stop is the hope of many people, and the com- mittee in charge of the celebration is working with this ultimate result in view. They have designed and had made a neat cachet for a letter, commem- orating the event, and which will be liberally distributed for sending broadcast over the United States that day. These cachets, already stamp- ed, will be sold at cost and business men generally, as well as private in- dividuals, are urged to make use of them. One man in New Jersey has al- ready arranged to mail in Belle- fonte, that day, five hundred letters and it is likely other places nearby will take similar advantage of the oc- casion. It is expected that every mailplane both east and west will stop at the Bellefonte field that day to deliver and take on mail. Other details of the celebration are being worked out by the committee and will be announced in due time. Lewis Rossman, Spring Mills, Killed on Milton R. R. Crossing. On Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Rossman, of Spring Mills, motored to Milton to see their daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry B. Mensch, and with- in one hundred feet of her home their car was struck by a fast freight on a grade crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad, Mr. Rossman being killed instantly and Mrs. Rossman so bad- ly injured that little hope of her re- : cevery is given by physicians at the Williamsport hospital, where she was taken as soon as possible after the ac- cident. Mr. Rossman was driving a Ford sedan and was right on the track when the train, said to be running fifty miles an hour, hit the auto. He was thrown clear of the wreckage and tossed about fifteen feet, falling be- tween the rails of the west-bound bY Press, clergy and laity than any | track. When picked up he had a large hole in the back of his head and injuries on his right hand. His. body was not mangled but he had a num- ber of broken bones and death was probably instantaneous. It is said that Mrs. Mensch heard the crash and ran to the crossing to find her father dead and her mother unconscious, Mrs. Rossman sustained a broken leg, bad cuts on the face and head and internal injuries. ; Mr. Rossman was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rossman and was born in Gregg township 69 years ago. Up- wards of fifty years ago he married Catherine Weaver and for many years they lived on a farm in Penns- valley. Some years ago Mr. Ross- man quit farming and had since been living a retired life at Spring Mills. His surviving children are Mrs. Nel- son Wert, of Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Bright Bitner, of Spring Mills; Mrs. Harry Mensch, of Milton; Bruce and Charles Rossman, of Millheim. He also leaves two brothers, Howard and Harvey Rossman, both of Spring Mills. He was a member of the Re. formed church for many years. Fun- eral services will be held at 9:30 o'clock this morning, burial to be made at Millheim, A ———— i ——————— An Entrancing Flower Show A visit to Half Moon Gardens right ' now would repay any lover of the beautiful in flowers. We have never seen more exquisite chrysanthemums than those that fair: ly fill one of the large green-houses up there. Great white, yellow, lav- ender and orchid blooms, some of them fully eight inches in diameter, are crowded so close together as 10 give one the impression that the en- tire interior is covered with an ex- quisite floral blanket. Half Moon Gardens flowers always last longest because they are never cut until ordered. When you get them there they are fresh from the earth, with all their pristine beauty and fragrance. ! —Mrs. McClellan, who since com- ing to Bellefonte from Denver a num- ber of years ago, has made her home with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Sheffer, is now critically ill at their home in the Roan apartment, on north Alle- gheny street, appointed some Pine Tree by Bellefonte Hunter. Last Saturday Dr. J. J. Kilpatrick and two companions went out into the Snow Shoe woodlands on the hunt of pheasants. The doctor had already spent several days in the woods in various sections of the county without experiencing any of his old-time luck in bagging birds. Traveling along through a rather dense forest of see- ond growth timber, on Saturday, the doctor was dumbfounded when sev- enteen pheasants took flight from one pine tree in which they had been roosting. They took to wing so quick- ly and unexpectedly that neither the doctor nor any of his companions got a shot. But they marked the general direc- tion of the course of the birds and fol- lowing up, with the use of the doctor's dog, they managec to bag three birds, the total for the day’s hunt. The doctor ascribes their failure to get more birds to the fact that when the birds came down they stayed where they lit, squatted down in the leaves and brush and kept. perfectly still. It is a fact admitted by all exper- ienced bird hunters that a pheasant will give off no scent if it keeps its wings tight to the body, as all the scent comes from beneath the wings. By nestling down and keeping quiet the best trained dog in the country might pass within ten feet of a bird and fail to raise it, So far comparatively few pheasants have been killed in the county but quite a number of wild turkeys have , been bagged. Game wardens place the number of the latter at one hun- dred or better, but this is probably an exaggeration, as it is a question if the | J: 0. number will eveceed fifty. Heverly, who has always been re- garded as a successful turkey hunter has been out in the woods three days so far this season and has not even seen a feather, let alone a turkey. Most of the turkeys so far killed have been bagged in the foothills of the Allegheny mountains, in upper Bald Eagle valley, and on the Seven moun- tains up near Pine Grove Mills, So much for small game. Deer hunters this year are not displaying the same enthusiasm as in former years. Centre county sportsmen are against the shooting of doe, although it is quite likely that some of them will go out and try their hand at the female of the species just to keep on a par with hunters from other coun- ties who will probably invade Centre county several thousand strong. To date, however, less than half the special doe licenses allotted to Centre county have been taken. The total number was a few over thirteen thousand while county treasurer Ly- man L. Smith still has over seven thousand on hand. fee. “The King of Kings” Coming to the | State Theatre. | One of the great events of the ‘motion picture season in Bellefonte will be the premier showing of Cecil i B. DeMille’s “King of Kings,” at the State theatre Monday, Tuesday and 1 Wednesday evenings of next week. , This picture has enjoyed a sensation- ' al success in New York, Chicago, Bos- ton, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, "and has been more widely discussed ' other motion picture since “The Birth {of a Nation.” The causes of the popularity of “The King of Kings” are not far to seek. Among them are the world’s greatest story, the reverent dramati- zation of the life of Christ; superb acting of eighteen stars; 500 well- {known players and 5,000 extra peo- ple; the restoring of a historical per- iod in buildings, scenes, properties and costumes exceeding in elaborate- ness even “Ben-Hur;” and above all a vision that truly realizes the in- finite tenderness, humanity and uplift of the New Testament story. . H. B. Warner will be found in the title role and among other well-known actors and actresses who carry the characterization parts are Ernest Torrence, Jacqueline Logan, Dorothy Cumming, Montagu Love, ' Boyd, Josephine Norman, Julia Faye, ' Victor Varconi, Theodore Kosloff. “The King of Kings” is a picture that should be ‘seen by everybody. | : Miss Grace Cohen Injured in Auto i Wreck. Last Friday afternoon Miss Grace Cohen motored up Bald Eagle valley on her way to the Triangle to meet her father, Walter C. Cohen, who was on his way home from the Clearfield hospital. About a quarter of a mile this side of the Triangle an automo- bile attempted to pass her from the rear but instead of turning out far enough to clear her car caught the rear bumper, side-swiped the machine and threw it into the ditch. Miss Cohen had the ligaments in her left shoulder torn and sustained slight cuts and bruises. The Cohen auto was considerably damaged and an- other car was secured to bring Mr. Cohen and his daughter home. Miss | Cohen was taken to the Centre Coun- ty hospital where she is now recover- [ine nicely and will probably be taken home the latter part of the week. The driver of the car was G. R. Zettle, of Northumberland, and it just happened to be the case that he and his bride were on their wedding trip. The young man, who stopped his car and rendered what aid he could, was charged with being under the influence of liquor, but it may simply have been a case of love in- toxication. I NE, William Sam DeGrasse and ' NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Miss Hazel Hurley was unexpectedly called to Paoli Monday night, by the sud- den illness of her brother-in-law, Paul Kerk. —Graham Hunter and his family are contemplating moving to Bellefonte from Shamokin, expecting to locate here per- manently. —Mrs. George M. Gamble has been at Battle Creek, Mich., having gone out two weeks ago, for a course of treatment at the sanitarium. —Miss Hibbs, a cousin of Mrs. E. H. Richard and who has been Mrs. Richard’s guest for a month or more, returned 10 her home at Norristown yesterday. —Mrs. John F. Marks is expected to re- turn this week, from a two weeks visit at her former home in Berlin, Pa., and with Mr. Marks’ sister, at Wilkinsburg. —Mrs. Louis Grauer arrived home, Mon- day, from Philadelphia, where . 1¢ had been since the middle of August, with her son Edward, and her two sisters, Mrs. Lichten and Mrs. Gordon. —Miss Martha Hunter, who is follow- ing her profession of commercial art, in Philadelphia, has returned to her work after a week’s visit in Bellefonte, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hunter. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shaughnessy had as guests within the week, their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaugh- nessy, who with their daughter, Nellie, were here from Pittsburgh, for Sunday. —Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Lemont, is on a three weeks trip to New Orleans, a guest of a school mate. Going down by water, they sailed from New York, with | plans for the return trip over the same route. —Mrs. Dock, who is well known to many in Bellefonte, through her visits with her cousin Mrs. N. EH. Robb, was here from McAllisterville, recently, for a . visit at the Robb home, on east Curtin , street. : —Councilman John Mignot, of the South ward, went down to Williamsport, on Monday morning, where he will be en- gaged for several weeks doing some spec- ial masonry work on a bank building in that city. —Mr. and Mrs. George Dunkle and daughter Marjory, former parishioners of the Rev. Homer C. Knox, at Harrisburg, drove to Bellefonte, Sunday morning, to spend the day as guests of Rev. and Mrs. . Knox, at the parsonage. —James 8. Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Meyer, who since his gradua- tion at State College has held a good posi- tion at Elmira, N. Y., came home, last Saturday, for alumni day and all it had to offer in the way of sports. —Miss Blanche Henry, who had been a guest of Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker for two weeks, returned to Ebensburg yes- terday. Miss Henry accompanied Mrs. Shoemaker to Bellefonte following a visit Mrs. Shoemaker had made there early in the month. —Mrs. Seth Daggett and a party drove to Centre county, Saturday from Wells- boro, Mrs. Daggett stopping in Bellefonte to spend the day with Mrs. Wells L. Dag- gett, at her home on Linn street, while the others went on to State College, for the State-Syracuse game. —Mrs. James B. Lane went to Holli- ' daysburg, Wednesday, where she joined ber son aud his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Lane, of McKeesport, for a drive to Virginia. The trip is being made for a | visit with Aurelia, Mr. and Mrs. Lane's daughter, who is at school at Sweet Briar. | —Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Buck, of Union- ville and their daughter," Mrs. Bosworth, of Buffalo, with her three children, will leave the middle of the month for DeLand, | Florida, where they will spend the winter. ! Their present plans for returning north will bring them back to Unionville in May. —Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCoy, with | their little daughter, Amy Jane, drove in from Ambridge, on Monday, and on Wed- | nesday, accompanied by Mrs. McCoy's { mother, Mrs. Oscar Wetzel, left on u mo- tor trip to Waterbury, Conn. to attend the wedding, tomorrow, of Merle Wetzel and Miss Evelyn Davies Carlson. They | will return home early in the week. | | —Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Sherer with J. F. Shields, as a driving guest, motored | over from Reading for Alumni day at ! Penn State. The men went directly io State College while Mrs. Sherer stopped in Bellefonte, with her sister, Mrs. George D. Green, of Lock Haven, joining her here for a week-end visit with their cousins, Mrs. Robert M. Beach and Miss Blanchard. —Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Krumrine, for- mer residents of Bellefonte and State Col- lege but for a number of years past lo- cated in Philadelphia, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilfillan, motored up, on Friday, to be here for the big time at State College on Saturday. Mr. Gil- fillan is the father-in-law of Charles Krumrine and is a prominent banker in the Quaker city. —John Tonner Harris, vice president and general manager of the central area of the Rell Telephone company, of Penn- sylvania, with Mrs. Harris, their son Jack { and Mrs. James Harris, of Reading, drove ‘up from Harrisburg, Friday, remaining here until Sunday. Mr. Harris, a trustee of Penn State, was up for home-coming day, he and his family during their stay ' being guests of his brother, Hardman P. , Harris, at the Harris home on Howard | Street, while Mrs. James Harris visited | with her mother, Mrs. Charles Smith, on | Bishop street. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Coates their danghter, Fleanor Frances, of Parkes- burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Way, of Coates- ville, drove to Bellefonte a week ago, the men both being graduates of Penn State spent Saturday at State College while the women visited in Bellefonte. Mrs. Coates, who was formerly Miss Eleanor McGuiley, was a guest at the A. L. McGinley home, and Mrs. Way, having been Miss Evelyn Troup, spent the time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Troup. The party made the return drive to Coatesville, Sun- day afternoon. —Mrs. James Krom and her daughter, Miss Margaret Humes, of Jersey Shore, who were the speakers of the evening, at the November meeting of the Bellefonte chapter of the D. A. R., held in the Pres- byterian chapel last night, were overnight house guests of Miss Myra Humes. Mrs. Krom talked on the State meeting held at Allentown last week, at which Mrs. Edwin Earl Sparks was endorsed for Historian General, of the National society, while Miss Humes’ subject was, “The Mountain Schools of the South,” in which she has been very particularly interested, her gen- erous contribution to this worthy cause being in accord with her interest. —Mrs. David K. Hughes and her son Billy are here from Wyoming, Pa., spend- ing the week with Mrs, Hughes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klinger, of Howard street, —William Troup and Donald Philips, both Penn State graduates, came over from Carbondale for Alumni day, visiting while here with William's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Troup. —Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Hoy’s week-end guests, included, Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. James Gilson, of Wilkinsburg. The party motored in Sat- urday remining until Sunday afternoon. —Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Berberick, who have been recent guests of Mrs. Berber- ick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. LU; McGinley, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams to Bellefonte, Saturday, upon their return home from a week’s visit with the Ber- berick’s in Washington, D. C. —Mrs. 8. H. Griffith arrived here from Philadelphia a week ago and has been g guest of her niece, Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, while visiting with relatives and friends in this locality. Since leaving Bellefonte, Mrs. Griffith has made her home with her children in Philadelphia and New Jersey. —Benjamin J. Beezer will leave Satur- day to spend next week with his sister, Mrs. Harold IL. Londo, at Green Bay, Mich., expecting Mrs. Londo and her small child to accompany him home, for 4 visit in Bellefonte, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beezer, of Bishop street. es pe State College Extension Worker Hurt i in Auto Wreck. | Miss Alice M. Shubb, of the State College extension service, and five other people were injured in an auto {collision on a curve on the State | Highway at Rosemont, at the west od of Yeagertown, on Sunday even- | ing. Miss Shubb, with Mrs, Marie ! Hermann, a trained nurse, of Harris- "burg, was on her way east from State College and, according to reports, at- tempted to pass another car on the , curve when she collided with an auto- tmobile driven by James E. Notestine, of Lewistown, who had with him his | wife, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. land Mrs. Andrew Supplee. { Both cars were badly wrecked and it was necessary to take the six peo- ple to the Lewistown hospital to have their injuries given proper attention. | Both Miss Shubb and Mrs. Hermann ‘suffered cuts and contusions on the face and head as well as a number of bruises, but fortunately no broken bones. Notestine had his throat cut by flying glass, but fortunately no vital spot was reached. However, it took ten stitches to close the gash. Mrs. Notestine was cut about the eyes while both Mr. and Mrs. Supplee were I cut on the face and head and the fing- |ers on one of Mrs. Supplee’s hands were badly mangled. None of them, however, are considered in a danger- ous condition. qn Bellefonte High vs. Huntingdon, With a slight rearrangement of the lineup the Bellefonte High school football team showed enough im- provement in its game at Tyrone, last Saturday, to warrant the belief that the boys have struck their stride and are about due for a winning streak, Tomorrow afternoon they will play Huntingdon on Hughes field and local supporters of the white and red should go out in force and give them all the encouragement possible. An- other crowd like that at the Mount Carmel game will demonstrate to the team that the home folks haven’t lost faith in their prowess and will prob- ‘ably inspire them to fight to the limit. ———— Hollabaugh—Daigneau.— A . quiet wedding took place at the Presbyter- ian parsonage, at Centre Hall last Saturday morning, when Sherwood Hollabaugh, of State College, and Miss Pauline Daigneau, of Mt. Gret- na, were married by the pastor, Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, the ring cere- mony being used. Following the cer- emony the young couple returned to State College where they remained until Sunday, when they journeyed to Lancaster, where they will make their future home. Mr. Hollabaugh is a graduate of Penn State, class of 1927, and is now teaching in the public schools of Lancaster. ———————r i ee——————— Leighty—Kuhn.— Thomas Leighty and Miss Effie Kuhn were married at noon, last Friday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woomer, at State College, by Rev. Frank Kuhn, of Elizabethville, an uncle of the bride. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Woomer home, after which the newly married couple left on a wedding trip to Can- ada. ——A few of their most intimate friends surprised the Fred Warners at their apartment, on north Spring street, Tuesday evening. It was a Hallow-een affair and the self invit- ed guests made themselves doubly welcome by taking along their own refreshments. There were enough of them for three tables of bridge. W. C. McCLINTIC $22.50 Suit Man Sales agent Richman Brothers Co., Cleveland, O., at Bush house, Belle- fonte, Friday afternoon and evening this week. Be sure to call and see our fine selection in all-wool, heavy over- coats—beautifully finished at $2280; rt ————————————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by CO. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat eeeisesessss cesseees $1.35 COM \esssranssacesessrvionsninsecssenss 110 Oats ®esscssvesssscssatsesascccsscocssse »30 BYG oretineitersrsesssnesnssescasensss LID BATIGY sciriieserenrsresasassninneees JSD Buckwheat: v.ucivrivriersariirsininns 88
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