Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 26, 1928, Image 4

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    nt RE
Bellefonte, Pa., October 26, 1928.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - ‘Editor
To iCorrespondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name ‘of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notick’ ‘at the following rates: .
Paid strictly in advance - - 51%
- 175
Paid before expiration of year
Paid after expiration of year -
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa. as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the paper
discontinued. In all such cases the sub-
scription must be paid up to date of can-
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
JOSEPH B. ROBINSON, of Arkansas.
3 For Congress
.T. BE. COSTELLO, of Bradford
For {Representative in General Assen bly
. of Philipsburg
Mr: Holmes and the Gasoline Tax.
Aq important as trunk line high-
ways may be to the people of this
State they are not one whit more im-
portant, nor even as important as
rural roads, township and county,
which furnish the principal means of
communication for the vast majority
of the people of the State outside of
a few large cities. Centre county is
a particular example of the import-
ance.of rural roads. As important
as these roads may be, they have for
the past several years been consist-
ently pushed to one side with all fa-
vors still going to the through high-
In“1921 when a tax on gasoline was
first enacted in this State, it was
provided in ‘the Act that fifty per
cent.’ of the revenue derived from this
tax should be returned to the counties
in which the tax was collected. This
provision of the gasoline tax Act
remained substantially unchanged by
succéeding Legislatures until the ses-
sion ‘of 1927. In that year by Act
No. 160 the Legislature imposed a
permanent tax of two cents a gallos,
and what is called an emergency tax,
of ore cent a gallon on gasoline. By
the same Act, the share of the coun-
ty in which the tax was collected is
limited to twenty five per cent. of the
permanent tax, and no share of the
emergency tax. In other words by the
1921 Act the counties got fifty per
cent. of the tax collected, by the 1927
Act they get sixteen and two-thirds
per cent. of the tax collected, or just
one-third of what they received un-
der the former Act.
Do not the rural roads of our com-
munity need repairing? Would it
not be a benefit to the people of Cen-
tre county if as many of our county
roads as possible were perm3nently
improved by making them hard sur-
faced roads? How many of our coun-
ty roads are conveniently traversable
in the dead of winter, and why should
they not be year around roads if the
county could finance their improve-
ment ?
Do the people of Centre county be-
lieve that the Hon. J. L. Holmes had
their interest at heart when he voted
to take away from them two-thirds
of their share of the gasoline tax?
In the face of an organized opposi-
tion to this bill on the part of the
representatives of both parties from
rural counties, he voted for poorer
county roads that a “machine” bill
could pass. The finances available
for the unkeep and improvement of
our rural reads are little enough with-
out having a eitizen of the county
vote to have them reduced.
Because the people of Centre coun-
ty want a man in the General Assem-
bly who will fill that position with
dignity, prestige and ability, together
with an eye single to the best inter-
ests of the constituency he serves,
they should elect Andrew Curtin
Thompson to the Legislature.
eel eee eee
——The Right Reverend James H.
Darlington, Bishop of the Diocese of
Harrisburg, will make his annual vis-
itation uv Si John's Episcopal church,
Bellefonte, on Sunday. He will ar-
rive in Bellefonte soe time on Sat-
urday afternoon and Will be the guest
of the rector, Rev. Stuart F. Gast.
A parish reception will be given in
the parish house en Saturday even-
ing, at 8:15 o'clock, with the Bishop
as the guest of honor. At the eleven
o'clock service, on Sunday morning,
the Bishop will confirm a elass pre-
sented by the rector and will also be
the preacher. Through the courtesy
of the press Rev. Gast extends a gen-
eral invitation to the public to attend
this service.
——DMalcolm Pifer, ten year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pifer, of
Howard, was kicked in the face by
one of his father’s horses, last Sat-
urday morning, and is now undergo-
ing treatment in the Centre County
hospital. The horse had not been
worked for several days and when
taken out of the barn, on Saturday
morning, was somewhat frisky. Mal-
colm got too close to the horse and
when it threw up its heels one of
them caught the boy in the face, in-
flicting a gash on the bridge of the
nose. His condition is not considered
Clown of This Campaign.
The clown of the campaign is Wil-
i liam E. Borah, Senator in Congress
from Idaho. Posing as a ponderous
| champion of righteousness chairman
Raskob; of the Democratic National
- committee, has exhibited him to the
public as a miserable pettyfogger, dis-
torting facts, misrepresenting records
‘and perverting history. In every
speech he has made since the open-
ing of the campaign he has stultified
| himself and in most of them malign-
, ed others. In Minneapolis, referring
to the charge that Hoover had held
down the price of wheat after the
close of the war, he said, “there is
not one iota of history that does not
contradict this falsehood.” Mr. Borah,
himself, originated the charge.
In January, 1919, there was pend-
ing in the Senate a resolution ap-
propriating $100,000,000 to the food
control commission. Discussing it
Mr. Borah said “three of the vast
monopolies which control the food
supply of the country have directed
and controlled the food administra-
tion since its organization. He (Mr.
Hoover) permits these people to, in
effect, fix their own prices, and their
profits under Mr. Hoover, amounted
all the way from 25 per cent. to 40
per cent. for the last two years,” and
added that “no man who has such per-
verted views of decency ought to be
trusted with unlimited power to deal
with $100,000,000.” That statement
was the beginning of the charge
against Hoover.
But now with the fond expectation
of reward from Hoover in the event
of his election, or favors from the
party in case the vision of the port-
folio of the State Department van-
ishes, he is fulsome in his praise of
the Republican candidate for Presi-
dent. Then he declared that Hoover
went to Europe as the emissary of
the American packing houses to sell
their products at inflated prices.
Now he says it was a “desperate fight
to sustain the price of farm pro-
ducts,” and that it was “the most
magnificent exhibition of charity and
humanity in the history of the world.”
Apparently he imagines that the peo-
ple of the country, generally, and
those of the city of Minneapolis in
particular, are idots.
stl ft——eem—
One of Herbert Hoover's asso-
ciates in war work in Belgium says
Mr. Hoover was a Democrat then.
That was before the Presidential bee
got into his bonnet.
———— mm
The Constitutional Amendments.
The Republican leaders of the State
are divided on the merits of the con-
stitutional amendments to be voted on
at the coming election. State Treas-
urer Lewis seems to be opposed to
all the amendments and Governor
ly one, that providing for $50,000,000
for the Highway Department, which
also has the support of Highway Com-
missioner Stuart. Some of the Au-
tomobile organizations of the State
have declared against this amendment
on the ground that the revenues of
the department are ample to meet
necessary expenditures, and a good
many of the leading newspapers con-
cur in this opinion. There is a sus-
picion, moreover, that this proposi-
tion is tainted.
Some of the amendments have a
purely local interest but there are
others of State-wide interest and ob-
vious merit which should receive the
earnest support of all voters. Among
these is No. 2, which provides for the
issue of $8,000,000 in bonds “for the
necessary for the uses and purposes
of ‘the institution.” This splendid in-
stitution has been shamefully crip-
pled in its work through neglect of
the Legislature and it is high time
that the people of the State should
voice a protest by adopting this
amendment. Number 6, and number
10 are also propositions of the high-
est merit and should receive the cor-
dial support of the people of the
Resolution No. 3 provides for the
issue of bonds for the purpose of ac-
quiring land for reforestation. This
is really a proposition to invest mon-
ey in an enterprise which is certain
to be profitable. Numbers 6 and 13
provide for the adoption and use of
voting machines when desired by the
people. If adopted by the’ people,
and the necessary legislation is enact-
ed by the Legislature, election frauds
may be prevented in future, and all
honest voters desire that result.
Number 10 provides for funds to buy
lands and construct and equip build-
ings “for the care and maintenance
of penal offenders, delinquents, men-
tal defectives, epileptics and persons
mentally diseased.
It Must Have Been Some Address.
From the Denver Kiwanian of Oc-
tober 24 we take the appended notice
of an address delivered before that
body by the Rev. Wilson P. Ard.
It is evident that the able young
clergyman ‘is fulfilling the expecta-
tions that his pastorate here presaged.
Wilson Ard—he never fails us.
Great eloquence he sets before us—
but it isn’t just that—there is deep
thought making that eloquence a
thing of lingering substance; and
greater yet a throbbing quality from
within which reaches out to touch
hearts with refreshing warmth and
unleash hidden urges to better living.
“Seeing the Unseen”—What a sub-
ject and what an address. It was re-
lated to Kiwanis and to us as Kiwan-
ians. Words from this pen will not
attempt to comment upon what was
said. Those who did not attend miss-
ed a great, great deal.
Fisher has expressed approval of on- '
Constitution, “nor shall private
use without authority
or draft of such nature as he
entirely valueless to its owner.
property, impossible to efface.
erected thereon, and the owner is
For this and other reasons the
holders on Routes 27, 56 and 58, in this county
How many of these owners today know of the condemnation of their
lands? How many have received damages for this condemnation? Let
the three hundred twenty one (321) owners speak for themselves and
they will answer to a man that they have not been paid.
On the 11th day of this month the Hon. J. L. Holmes made a talk
in Bellefonte in which he stated he had been present and voted on ev-
ery important measure while he was in the Legislature.
in Centre county who had authority to raise his voice in protest against
this unconstitutional measure, did not choose to vote.
had sworn to protect and defend our constitution and represent his con-
stituency, raise hig voice to see that “just compensation was first made
and secured” for three hundred twenty one (321) land owners of Cen-
tre county? Never a word. Is this the faithful, efficient and conscien-
tious service, he boasts of having rendered?
people of Centre county will choose
to send Andrew Curtin Thompson to the next session of the Legisla-
Where Was Mr. Holmes
When This Was Going On?
In 1215 English speaking people first forbade the taking of private
property for public use, except “by the law of the land.” In 1789 the
people of the United States provided in our constitution that private
property could not be taken without “due process of law.” The people
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have written into their State
property be taken or applied to public
ways prized our constitutional guarantees of the freedom of our per-
sons and homes from an arbitrary exercise of power as one of the most
cherished fundamentals of American government.
In 1925, for the first time in the history of our State, our authori-
ties deliberately invaded the security of private property. By Act No.
382 of that year the Secretary of Highways by acknowledging a plan
sees fit, with the approval of the Gover-
nor, may designate the future location of the highways of the State.
The filing of this plan or draft in the office of the Recorder of Deeds
for the County in which the land concerned is situated, makes the land
The owner or occupier is thereafter
forbidden to erect any buildings or make any improvements within the
limits of the plan. It may be a hundred years before the road as des-
ignated be- constructed, but in the meantime there is a lien against the
No buildings or improvements may be
practically prevented from realizing
the value of his property by sale. Four generations hence the heirs of
the present owner may receive damages based upon the value of
the land at the time of the filing of the plan, but any increase of value,
or enjoyment of the land is kept from the owner by the State’s prohibi-
As a people we have al-
Is such practical confiscation compatible with our form of govern-
ment, or is it the arbitrary act of an.averdeveloped centralized machine
Already no less than three hundred twenty one (321) property
are affected by this Act.
The only man
Did the man who
Fraudulent Contract Stopped.
The conspiracy through which the
Sinclair oil corporations and the Re-
publican organization has been rob-
bing the government of its naval oil
reserves for many years got a hard
jolt, the other day, when the Attorney
General handed down an opinion that
the contract is invalid. The contract
was entered into in 1922 between the
Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing com-
pany and Albert B. Fall, Secretary
i of the Interior, and under it the Sin-
{clair company obtained $33,757,350
| worth of sil. It was for a period of
five years and contained a “joker”
| authorizing a renewal without ~om-
! petition for another five year period.
: The Attorney General helds that the ,
. original contract was fraudulent and
the renewal invalid. :
In the advertisement for the origi-
.nal contract no mention was made of
the renewal feature, which was in-
- serted subsequently by Secretary Fall,
‘apparently under a secret agreement
{ with Sinclair. When the contract ex-
ipired in 1927 and application was
{made for the renewal the attention
| of the then Secretary of the Interior
{was called to the fraud, but he dis-
| regarded the warning and signed up
| the renewal. Senator Walsh, of Mon-
{ tana, called the matter to the atten-
| tion of the President who referred it
[to the Attorney General in the hope,
| brobably, that some way might be
[found to oblige Mr. Sinclair. For
| seven months it was buried in the of-
fice of the Attorney General, who was
finally forced to act.
! A significant feature of this shady
! proceeding is the fact that the Secre-
i tary of the Interior who granted the
i renewal of the contract in the face of
full knowledge it was fraudulent was
Hubert Work, now chairman of the
! Republican National committee and
: manager-in-chief of Herbert Hoover's
| campaign for President. It was not
only a renewal of a fraudulent con-
tract legalizing the robbery of the
government but a renewal of the cor-
rupt partnership between Harry Sin-
clair and the administration at Wash-
ington to drain the naval oil re-
serves of the country. It has been
stopped, temporarily, through the vig-
ilance of Senator Walsh, but if Hoov-
er is elected President who knows
what will happen.
——Elihu Root, “the greatest Nv-
ing American,” who was to - preside
at the Hoover meeting in New York,
failed to appear. It may be recalled
that Mr. Root thinks pretty well of
Governor Smith.
—— eee een.
——Young Teddy Roosevelt is go-
ing to hunt big game in Asia. It is
to be hoped that he will have better
success than when he aimed to get Al
Smith’s’ job as Governor of New
rr ———p ee —
——Mr. Hoover claims credit for
the Republican party for every in-
crease that has occurred within seven
years except those in crime and di-
——In his New York speech Her-
bert Hoover practically offered the
power trust a blanket mortgage on the
entire water power of the country.
——Philadelphia is doing fairly
well in the matter of house-cleaning,
but the arrest of a few “higher-ups”
would vastly improve things.
Plane Crashed in Tree Top Near Polk
Pa., During Storm Last Thurs-
day Morning.
Pilot William C. Hopson, flying the
night mail from New York to Cleve-
land, was hurled to his death, at an
early hour last Thursday morning,
when his plane struck the top of a
dead chestnut tree in a strip of wood-
land, near Polk, Pa. Hopson left
New York at 9:45 p. m., Wednesday
evening, passed over Bellefonte on
time and was reported passing over
Clarion at 1:05 Thursday morning.
idents of the country west of Clar-
ion reported having seen several
flares dropped from the plane and
scout ships sent out from Celeveland
scoured that section all day, on
Thursday, without finding a trace of
the missing pilot or plane.
Early Friday morning, however, the
wrecked plane, partially burned, and !
the mangled and burned body of
the pilot were found in a strip of
woodland near Polk. A hard rain
storm had swept over that section of
the State about tt time pilot Hop-
son was on his trip and it is likely
he was flying low to keep under the
heavy clouds. But he evidently was
lower than he thought and his plane
crashed into the tree, breaking off
thirty feet of the top, was hurled
against another tree and crashed to
the ground, a mass of wreckage,
which burst into flames and was
mostly consumed. Of the one thous-
and pounds of mail carried in the
plane only about ten pounds were
salvaged from the charred wreck.
Pilot Hopson was one of the oldest
fliers in the service, having flown for:
eight years. He was known as a care-
ful but daring flier. A number of
years ago he was in Bellefonte and
wanted to go to New York. The pit
of the mail plane east was filled with
mail so Hopson climbed onto one of
the wings and made the trip to Had-
ley field. He is survived by a wife
and fifteen year old son, Robert Hop-
son, living at Omaha, Neb.
In Hopson’s load of mall were a
number of diamonds and in hunting
through the abandoned wreckage for
souvenirs, on Friday afternoon some
one found a diamond. Quickly the
news spread and hundreds of people
flocked to the scene on the hunt for
precious stones. One man found four
and others who found some sold them
for Lwo and three dollars each, stones
said to be worth from $85 to $100.
When the Postoffice Department
heard of the finding of the diamonds
an inspector was sent to Polk and he
has recovered most of the gems.
——Nathan Haugh, Miles township
farmer who, on Monday of last week,
was arrested for killing deer on his
own land which he averred were de-
stroying his crops, and entered into an
agreement to pay a fine and costs ag-
gregating $515, evidently rued his
bargain, as he failed to appear and
make settlement last Thursday. It is
understood he is going to appeal the
case to court. Mr. Haugh was arrest-
ed because he failed to declare the
killing of the deer to game wardens
within forty-eight hours.
eg rion v2 ae pi
——Tomorrow afternoon at 1.50
station W. P. S. C., at State College
will broadcast the State-Syracuse foot
ball game, play by play.
GARDNER.—Mrs. “Clara Strick-
land Gardner, wife of M. IL Gardner,
passed away at her home in Clear-
field, on Saturday morning, following
a prolonged illness.
She was a daughter of Cyrus J. and
Nancy Huey Strickland, and was born
in Bellefonte sixty-five years ago.
She was educated in the public schools
of the town and as a young woman
engaged in teaching. For a number
of years she taught in the second
grade of the Bellefonte schools and
proved a most efficient instructor.
Her inherent love for children and
school activities remained with her
always and her greatest pride was the
success in later years of the boys and
girls who had been her pulpils in their
youth. As a girl she united with the
Bellefonte Presbyterian church and
retained her membership there all hey
life. During her years of residence in
Bellefonte she was active in all kinds
of church work as well as in other af-
fairs, social and otherwise.
In 1889 she married Mitchell I.
Gardner and they lived in Bellefonte
until almost twelve years ago when
they moved to Clearfield. In 1918
they moved to Johnstown where Mr.
Gardner, as division chief, opened the
internal revenue office in that city.
In 1921, when Mr. Gardner left the |
federal service, they returned to
Clearfield and that had been her home
ever since. During her residence
there she made many warm friends
who showed her many kindnesses and
who sincerely regret her passing |
away. ;
Her only survivors are her husband
and one son, Harold Gardner, at
home; and one sister, Mrs. A. Lester
Sheffer, of Milroy. Funeral services
were held at her late home at 2 o'clock
on Tuesday afternoon, burial being
made in Hillerest cemetery, Clear-
Not enough for her are flowers
Her life is so blent with ours
That in all we dare and do
She is partner, through and through:
Suffering when we suffer pain,
Happy when we smile again,
Living with us, night and day,
That is ever mother’s way. * * »
il il
MUSSER.—Mrs. Alice Sarah Mus-
ser, widow of F. Pierce Musser, for
many years a well known resident of
Millheim, passed away on October
8th, at the home of her
Mrs. F. B. Breneman, at State Col-
lege, following an illness of some
She wasa dauhgter of Jonathan
and Susan Strohm Kreamer and was
born in Penn township on March
30th, 1854, hence had reached the age
of 74 years, 6 months and 8 days. All
her married life was spent in Mill-
heim, but since the death of her hus-
band fourteen years ago, she had made
her home with her daughter at State
+ College. She was a lifelong member
of the Methodist church and always
"took an active part in church affairs.
That was the last heard of him. Res- |
She is survived by one son and
a daughter; Randall Musser i6f Denbo,
Pa., and Mrs. Breneman. She also
leaves one brother and three sisters,
John H. Kreamer, of Harrisburg, Mrs.
Mary A. Miller, of State College;
Mrs. Cora Bowman, of Log Angeles,
Cal, and Mrs. Emma J. Frank, of
Funeral services were held at the
Breneman home, at State College, on
October 11th, by Rev. A. E. Mackie,
after which the remains were taken
to Millheim for burial.
Il Ji
WHITE.—John Henry White died
{ at his home in Bush's Addition, Belle-
fonte, last Saturday morning, follow-
ing an illness of several weeks with
a complication of diseases.
He was a son of John 4nd Mary
Stover White and was born in Spring
township almost 74 years ago. He
followed farming for many years,
principally in Spring and Walker
townships, retiring eight years ago.
In addition to his wife he is survived
by the following children: Lloyd F.,
Lyman H. and Epley White, all living
.near ‘ Bellefonte, and Mrs. Kathryn
Lehman, of Jersey Shore. He also
leaves two brothers and two sisters,
Samuel White, of Linden Hall; Mrs.
Elizabeth Kaufman, of Zion; Mrs.
Emeline Deitrick, of Hublersburg, and
Wallace White ,of Axe Mann.
He was a member of the Reformed
church where funeral services were
held at 2:30 o’clock on Tuesday after-
noon by the pastor, Rev. Robert
Thena, burial being made in the Belle-
fonte Union cemetery. ;
FOWLER.—Mrs. Agnes Fowler,
widow of Lyman Fowler, died as her
home in Milesburg, last Wednesday
night, following a brief illness with
pneumonia. She was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor and was
born in Milesburg 77 years ago. Her
husband has been dead for some years
but surviving her is one sister, Miss
Florence Taylor, also of Milesburg.
Funeral services were held on Satur-
day afternoon by Revs. Lehman and
Pifer, burial being made in the Trez-
iyulny cemetery.
——Tyrone sportsmen have organ-
ized a hunting club to be known as
the California
have leased a tract of land in Tay-
lor township, Centre county, and
Snyder township, Blair county, as a
private game preserve. The tract is
five miles long by two wide, and is
in one of the best game localities on
the Allegheny mountains. The mem- |
bership of the club is limited to thir-
ty and the land is to be posted against |
invasion of outside hunters.
——Abhout seventy-five people went
on the excursion train from Belle-
fonte to New York, on Saturday
daughter, |
Run Gun club, and!
Hay — ee]
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gilbert and
: children, of Sunbury, spent Sunday
‘with friends in town.
Wesley Smith and H. E. Crouse
"have each purchased radios, Mr.
{Smith an Atwater Kent and Mr.
: Crouse a Spartan.
! _D. R. Ream is again afflicted as was
i Job of old. For several months he was:
‘rid of his boil troubles until recently
{ when they again appeared.
Mrs. W. J. Smith, her son Wesley
and her daughter, Miss Martha, and
Miss Jennie Hull, motored to Belle-
fonte, Saturday, where they spent a.
few hours in the shops.
Mrs. John Mohr Otto had as a
guest her cousin, Mrs. Herman
Haupt, of Philadelphia and Atlantic
City, but who is at present at the
National hotel, Millheim.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Smith and
daughter Trila, and Mrs. C. S. Bower,
motored to Roaring Springs, last
Thursday, where they were guests of
Mrs. Smith's niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Ammon Mingle.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull had as
callers, Sunday afternoon, Mrs. C. C.
Bell, Mrs. F. B. Patton and C. Earl
Bell, of Huntingdon, and Mr. and Mrs.
i Thomas L. Kessinger and two sons,
‘John and James Finley, of State Col.
Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Stover, accompanied by Mr.
nnd Mrs. George E. Stover, motored
to Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. George Stover
stopping in Youngstown where they
will visit with their children, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Stover going on to Akron
i to visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
i Sterl Frazer. .
{ Mr. and Mrs. William A. Guise-
| wite left by motor, Thursday last, for
| Franklin, Pa., when they spent sever-
al days with Mrs. Guisewite’s aged
aunt, Mrs. Alonzo Wilt and family
thence to Akron, Ohio, where they
! stopped for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
|W. C. Wyle, and from there to
Willard, Ohio, where they will be with
Mr. and Mrs. William Bohn, the two
ladies being sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King are en-
tertaining their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry King, of Battle Creek, Mich.
| They arrived here, Saturday evening,
{ by automobile. Sunday there was a
happy family gathering in the King
home when all their children were
| at home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King,
‘ Battle Creek, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Fount Smoyer and son Arthur, of
, Bellefonte; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hen-
{ry and there children, of Milroy; Mr.
‘and Mrs. Paul King and daughter
Ruth, Penn Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond King and five children, of this
place. Mr. King left here over eight
years ago, this being his first visit
home in that time. It is needless to
say his family were glad to see in
and his wife, who they had never be-
fore seen.
Miss Margaret Dale and brother
Frederic spent Friday night in town.
George Fisher is able to leave his
room and spend part of the time down: |
Mrs. Harvey Searson, of Connells-
ville, visited at the Coxey-Ishler home
last week.
Mrs. Charles Ross and three daugh-
ters, of Linden Hall, were visitors in
town on Sunday.
Elmer Houtz and family, of Belle-
fonte, were guests of Mrs. Mary
Condo on Sunday.
John Musser, wife and sons, Dan-
iel and George, of Wilkes-Barre, were
visitors in town last week.
Rev. Wagner returned, Wednesday,
from Erie and Mrs. Wagner from her
visit at Garretson Beach, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Patterson and
Misses Mary and Rachel Segner were
among the excursionists to Philadel-
phia, Saturday.
Miss Marian Dale, of Oak Hall, ac-
companied by Miss Anna Mary Hess,
drove to Philipsburg, Friday, for a
week-end visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer spent
several days, last week, at the home.
of their daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks,
at’ Spring Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hosterman
gave a chicken dinner, on Monday
evening, the guests being the gentle-
men who assisted Mr. Hosterman
with the installation of I. O. O. F.
officers over the county.
W. A. Rockey was seriously injur-
ed by a fall from a tree. A number
of stitches were required to close a
cut on his head. Injuries to his back
are causing considerable suffering,
with also probable internal injuries.
Mrs. Harry Musser, of State Col-
lege, accompanied by Mrs. J. R. Irwin
and Miss Cathryn Dale, of this place,
and Mrs. W. W. White, of Linden
Hall, drove to Milton, Wednesday, to
attend she Lutheran Missionary cen-
vention returning home Friday.
| Mrs. McMahon, of S. Allen St., ¥&
visiting at charter Oak.
| Newton Hoy, of W. College Ave.,
i has been very ill during the past few
‘ days.
| Joseph Neff and family moved
from Lemont to N. Atherton St., last
! week.
The students were well represented
‘ at Philadelphia for the big game on
. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Corman, of
Lock Haven, visited a few days at
the Lyman Corman home,
| Mrs. Oscar Harvey and son, of S.
' Atherton street, were business cali-
"ers in Lock Haven last week.
The stork stopped at the home of
{ Mr. and Mrs. George Swartz and left
tan 8 pound baby girl, on Sunday.
Mrs. Mabel Peck, of Bellwood, and
ia friend, visited in town on Sunday
‘and also called at the Evergreens to
{ see her daughter, Miss Freda Peck.
' Miss Peck is the charming lady who
{ passes out the sandwiches at the Ev-
. ergreens but better known among her
| friends here as “Betsy.”