Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 26, 1928, Image 3

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Bemorraiiy Watdwon
Bellefonte, Pa., October 26, 1928.
Your Health,
The First Concern.
—3ince it was organized in 1913
the Institute has examined over 600,-
000 people and las accumulated price-
less data bearing upon the best n.eth-
human bodies, interpreting the condi-
ods of analyzing human lives and
tions found and conveying counsel
as to the upbuilding of health. Dur-
ing this period of time the Institute
has been in tontact with leading re-
search workers and progressive medi-
cal men in the consideration of this
material and constant study has been
made of the best methods of conduct-
ing these physical examinations and
as to the significance of the findings.
The purpose of the Institute’s ex-
amination is not the diagnosis of so-
called “disease” but the detection of
physical impairments, pre-disposition
to disease, or faulty living habits, the
correction of which would have a
beneficial influence on the life of the
person examined.
The health publications of the In-
stitute, which you will also receive as
a subscriber, cover a wider range of
practical subjects relating to good
health and the prevention of disease.
All of this health literature, before
publication, is referred to the special-
ists on the Institute’s Hygiene Ref-
erence Board and criticism, so that
the information as finally published
vepresents the consensus of opinion
of the highest medical and health
authorities in the United States.
—Not long after I was asked to
write a certain article which, I frank-
ly admit, would have appealed to prac-
tically every body. The idea behind
it might have been expressed in some
such title as:
Naturally, everyone who read that
question would have liked to know the
answer that would apply in his own
case. And this was to be given by
warning people of the diseases most
likely to attack them at specific ages:
at twenty, thirty, forty, and so on.
They were to be told what prob-
ably would be the first symptoms of
these diseases and were to be advised
to regard such symptoms as danger
But I did not write the article—
and for this reason: The time to be-
gin looking for danger signals is be-
fore you have evidence of serious
trouble. . In most cases, there are at
least caution signals long in advance
of actual disease.
If these caution signals are heed-
ed, the disease may be escaped; or,
at any rate, deferred, sometimes for
many years. The earlier these warn-
ings are noted—and heeded—the long-
er, more comfortable, and more
useful your life journey will be.
The trouble with many persons is
that, like a reckless or careless rail-
road engineer, they run past these
caution signals. The red light of
warning is hung up before them, per-
haps by their physician. Or it may
be that nature sets the signal against
them by making them conscious of
something wrong in their physical
They may have no serious disease
at present. The threatened wreck
seems to be far ahead of them; and
in the meantime, they tell themselves,
everything will probably clear up. So
they keep on past the warning sig-
nals, until the wreck comes.
There is another class, also; an
amazingly large one, composed of
people who do not even suspect that
there are any of these signals for
caution along their route.
Most of the persons who come to
us at the Life Extension Institute for
a physical examination, do so be-
cause they have had, or think they
have had, warnings of danger. But
an extraordinary number of them as-
sure us that “nothing is the matter,”
and that they want to be examined
merely as a sensible precaution.
Their attitude is absolutely correct.
It is precisely the one I wish every
man and woman would take. But
the point I want to make right here
is that the great majority of these
people who say that “nothing is the
matter” with them do not know
whether there is or not! In practi-
cally every case there is at least a
caution signal. And in very many
instances there are real and immedi-
ate danger signals.
I could describe hundreds of these
cases. One man, for example, came
to us for an examination, although
he declared that the only thing the
matter with him was that he had
calluses on his feet. He did not
think they were a danger signal, of
course; but they hurt him, made him
think about his body, and so prompt-
ed him to have himself gone over.
His motive was largely curiosity to
see how he would show up. an
the examination proved that he had
a biood pressure of 240—it shoul
have been nearer 140; that he had
marked thickening of the arteries, en-
largement of the heart and other very
undesirable conditions, he was the
most astonished man in New York.
Yet the only trouble he had noticed
was calluses on his feet! Plenty of
real danger signals had been present,
but he had not known they were
Even when people do think that
they perceive danger signals in re-
gard to their health, they are very
likely to misinterpret these warnings.
If they ahve a pain in the back, for ex-
ample, they jump to the conclusion
that they have kidney trouble. Yet
it probably means nothing of the sort.
Air transportation has reached
into the daily activities of the popu-
lation of the United States far more
extensively than is generally appre-
ciated, according to a survey made.
It has shrunk the map of the con-
tinent to the sixe of Texas. Mail,
express and passengers, speeding 100
miles an hour through the air, are
working rapid changes in business
and social habits.
More than a quarter of a million
letters daily were being carried over
23 air routes before the new 5-cent
rate went into effect. This new rate
increased the mail 30 per cent. Air
mail planes fly approximately 19,000
miles daily, or four-fifths of the dis-
tance around the earth, it is shown
by the American Air Transport As-
Increases in the rate of call money
brought air mail into greater use by
banks. With call money rates fluc-
tuating between 6 aa¢ 8 per cent.
banks and financial institutions sep-
arated by the distance from coast to
coast, save three days in time, and
three days of interest on millions of
Each day approximately $24,000,-
000 in negotiable papers, bearing in-
terest, arrives in Wall Street by air-
plane from all parts of the United
States. It has been estimated that
in a year capital arriving in New
York by air would total $7,200,000,-
000. Interest saved on this sum by
air mail should reach $432,000,000,
figuring interest at only 2 per cent.
Recent increases in call money
rates would substantially expand the
daily total of interest involved. This
accounts for the banks and invest-
ment houses being rated as the larg-
est users of air mail and the second
largest users of air express.
Motion picture companies, distrib-
uting their containers of films, have
taken a commanding lead in the use
of air express. This makes every
theater patron, anxious to see the
latest releases, a beneficiary of air
The greatest increase in mail
poundage carried through the air,
which has grown from a few hun-
dred pounds daily to more than three
tons every 24 hours, has become since
night flying over 7500 miles of light-
ed airways put the mail planes on a
24-hour schedule.
Short haul air mail business he-
tween Boston and New York, Chi-
cago and St. Louis, Chicago and
Minneapolis, and other closely situ-
ated cities is growing rapidly no less
than the long hauls which have been
carrying more than half of the total.
Towns and cities all over the Unit-
ed States are responding to the re-
quest of the Department of Com-
merce for more airports. The first
six months of this year approximate-
ly 557 have developed airports.
Shooting Ducks, Geese and Coons Per-
Pennsylvania sportsmen who have
made a careful study of the often re-
vised regulations governing seasons
and bag limits realize that now the
first legal hunting may be done. The
real small game season, because of
the ruling: which limits hunting to
three ‘days a week, did not begin un-
til Thursday morning, the 18th.
Shooting of wild ducks, geese and
raccoons then became legal. The sea-
son for both ducks and geese will
continue until January 15. The bag
limit for the former of the combined
kinds is 15 for a day and 60 for the
season. The daily limit for wild geese
is five and 30 for the season’s legal
total. Wild fowl is one of the few
kinds of game which may be hunt-
ed every day except Sunday until the
close of the season.
Raccoons may be hunted until No-
vember 30. Trapping them is legal
only during the month of November.
Hunters who took the field will do
well to go armed with a copy of the
regulations and spend their spare mo-
ments making sure that they are fol-
lowing the various provisions of the
revised game laws.
The season for squirrel, wild tur-
key, ruffed grouse, made ring neck
pheasants and partridges will continue
until November 30, but shooting will
be permitted only Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of each week.
Rabbits, the chief objective of the
great majority of hunters, will not
be legal game until Thursday, No-
vember 1. The three-day rule will
apply to them during the month of
November, but they may be hunted
six days a week during the first 15
days of December. The day limit
bag for rabbits is five and that for
the season 30 ;
The bear season also will begin No-
vember 1, with the three day rule ap-
plying during that month and the
six-day plan for the first 15 days of
It is not believed that the Com-
mission will alter its ruling on an
open season for dee deer during the
first 15 days of December.
America’s Grape Crop.
America’s grape crop will be the
largest in the history of the country
this year. How do you figure it out
that California once saw the ruin
of its vineyards? Evidently vine-
yards never started in real earnest
until Mr. Volstead started out of the
Middle West for Washington.
With evidence of a record grape’
crop this year producers and ship-
pers are being urged by the Bureau
of Agricultural Economics, United
States Department of Agriculture, to
practice “careful grading and pack-
ing and wide distribution to prevent
an unprofitable season.”
The total grape crop is forecast by
the Department at 2,844,764 tons
as against 2,606,712 tons last year.
Of this quantity, California will pro-
duce 2,538,400 tons of grapes of all
classes compared with 2,406,000 tons
in 1927, All States outside of Cal-
ifornia expect a combined crop of
306.000 tons of grapes, or 53 per
cent. more thann their ligh* produc-
tion last season. Eight other West-
ern States with probably 11,587 tons
show very little increase over 1927,
but the leading eastern and mid-west-
ern sections report sharp gains.
| two are Catholics.
help the poor, get boys out of scrapes
| tions others
In going to the Tweed days for
something with which to asperse the
Good Governor of New York State,
the Republicans remind us of Simeon
Ford’s fussy boarder at the old Grand
Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Cen-
tral Station, who complained on be-
ing served with ox-tail soup that “it
seemed like going a good ways back
for soup.” They have no nice fresh
Tammany scandals to serve up because
there are none to be had. When
Charles F. Murphy took the organiza-
tion in hand after Richard Croker
vacated, he cleverly got rid of the
term “Boss” which smelled bad and
sounded worse even though sanction-
ed by Thomas C. Platt—but there
again Platt was a Republican, and
Republicans are respectable enough
to get away with anything. You do
not hear much, do you, about the
“implied obligations” of the Republi-
can party to which Platt gave such
close attention and from which he
drew liberally for campaign and other
funds? Whatever might be said
about Croker, he was honest until
William C. Whitney greased him to
get the Broadway street railway
franchise, already foul with scandal,
in which Tammany had no share. But
coming down to Murphy and from
that time on it is impossible to dis-
cover a stain on the record of the or-
ganization. Croker cut some slices
personally out of the first subway,
but more as an investor than a graft-
er. The big things were gone when
Murphy came into power, though he
was credited with a share in the prof-
its of the excavations for the new
Pennsylvania station which was not a
matier of public concern. Judge Ol-
vany who succeeded him has carried
no other title than leader and has
shown no signs of developing into a
boss. He has sold the old hall that
Tweed built and is building a new
one on the corner of Seventeenth
street and Fourth avenue where the
building stood in which William
Lloyd Garrison died in 1867. The
structure carried a tablet to that ef-
fect and we wonder if Mr. Olvany
will have it gummed upon the face
of the new tiger’s den and if he does,
what grandson Oswald Garrison Vil-
lard will say about it. Olvany has
sent good men to Albany, and the
city government, now under Hall
control for the first time since May-
or Van Wyck’s wretched day when
Croker bloomed in full flower, has
functioned to everybody’s satisfaction,
even the vaudeville Mayor getting
praise on all sides. Indeed, he stands
so high that the sedate New York
Times which prints only fit things had
him trailed by special correspondents
during his recent tour abroad and
gave him the space due an Emperor
at a shuddering cost for cable tolls.
What more do the Roanokers need to
know than that? The Hall, we may
frankly state, is a political and bene-
fit association combined and is only
two weeks younger than our sacred
constitution having been founded in
1787, by one William Mahoney, a rev-
olutionary soldier, sometimes credit-
ed with serving on both sides, in
which he was not necessarily alone.
At any rate, he was with us when we
won, which is the main thing. We
need not rehearse all of its lon
history. It stood by Aaron Burr an
Jefferson against Alexander Hamil"
ton and the centralizing Federalists.
It was in pretty good hands until
Fernando Wood and Tweed took turns
at using the power it possessed. Wood
was a Philadelphia printer, and with
his brother Ben owned the old Daily
News and made money out of the
lottery business and the policy game
that succeeded it. Fernando was
twice mayor of New York. One of
our most useful and engaging citi-
zens of today is his son, Henry A.
Wise Wood, so named out of the re-
spect Fernando bore the Governor of
Virginia for hanging old John Brown. |
He at least bred well, whatever else
the old sinner may have done. Tweed
we lay to Warner and the Republican
campaign committee. We have also
said enough about Croker, also about
Murphy, though we do not mind add-
ing that the latter was the shrewd-
est and wisest man who ever played
politics around our village. He had
read the Sermon on the Mount and
knew how to take an enemy with him.
When he stole Grout and Fornes from .
the reformers and used them to elect
George B. McClellan mayor, he won
laurels that have never faded—not
that McClellan was of any use to him
though he did well by the city and
is a placid professor at Princeton
nowadays. The Hall of today is run
by the leaders of the thirty-six elec-
tion districts who also have to see to
paying the bills, something they nev-
er fail in doing. A general committee
of about fourteen thousand members
is behind them, while Olvany leads
and carries on a successful law busi-
ness which has not been damaged by
his taking part in Tammany politics.
His father was a leader of the Amer-
ican or Know-Nothing party in the
old Ninth Ward who became a Re-
publican. Murphy made him a judge
because he was prominent among the
Masons whom the Pope is believed to
abhor. He was a Protestant until
about six months after he became
leader of the Hall, when he went over
to Rome. Of the thirty-six district
leaders four are Jewish and thirty-
So far as known
they are all capable men who look
out for the interests of their districts,
and perform other useful and patri-
otic functions which include getting
out the vote on election day. They
also have to see that voters register,
a formality not required up-state,
where a voter’s name stands on the
voting list until transferred to a
tombstone. Even then in close elec-
have been known to
vote for him. This is one of the
things you Roanoke people ought to
think about when you hear New York
knocked the way they are doing it:
down South. Every restriction that
can be thought of has been placed
upon the city by legislation to make
voting pure, while the woods have
been left wide open. That is one of |
the reasons why Al Smith has never |
carried the truly rural counties, which
are over-represented in the Legisla-
ture and so keep that body Republi- .
can. When these fellows begin talk-'
ing about election frauds, it is only
Oh, Yes!
W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
Call Bellefonte 432
fair to say that the only box-stuffers and bigoted it may feel. —Wall Street
sent to jail in three decades have been
prosecuted under Tammagy rule. We
would like to see what would happen
to the Philadelphia Republican major-
ity if it had to be rolled up under
metropolitan restrictions. To wind
up, we need only to say that Tam- |
many is today a very human and
helpful organization, which stood by
the South whenever it deserved it,
and sometimes when it did not, just
to serve the Democratic cause, which
the South now is seemingly disposed
to forget. The Governor of New
York does not ‘deserve to have
Tweed’s old clothes draped on him and
the South should be ashamed to have
any part in the process, however dry
Disturbed Sleep
Is Nature’s Danger Signal
Mrs. B. F. Myers, Shirleysburg,
Pa., says: “I am willing to tell or
write my complete experience with
Lithiated Buchnu (Keller Formula).
How I was bothered with bladder
weakness disturbing me 10 to 12
times each night. My husband was
also benefited.” It acts on bladder as
epsom salts do on bowels. Drives out
foreign deposits and lessens excessive
acidity. This relieves the irritation
that causes getting up nights. The
tablets cost 2 cents each at all drug
stores, Keller Laboratory, Mechaniecs-
burg, Ohio or locally at Parrish’s
Drug Store.
Famous Cough
| Prescription
Contains No Chloroform Or Other
Harmful Drugs.
The use of medicines containing
chloroform or dope to relieve cough-
ing is dangerous and unnecessary.
Now anyone can get quick sure re-
lief with a famous prescription called
Thoxine, which contains no chloro-
form or other harmful drugs and is
safe and pleasant to take.
Thoxine is thoroughly efficient be-
cause it has a double action—soothes
the irritation—goes direct to the in-
ternal cause, and stops the cough al-
most instantly. Far superior to cough
syrups and patent medicines. Also
excellent for sore throat. Quick re-
lief guaranteed or your money back.
35 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00. Sold by
Parrish’s Drug Store. 42-48
Free Sik HOSE Free
Mendel’s Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes In heels or toe. A mew pair
FREE If they fail. Price $1.00.
Itisthe well known package
It stands for
high quality
As Made in Shredded Wh
1 full-size
eat Factories for 34 Years
Children like the crisp, crunchy
shreds of whole wheat—makes sound
teeth and healthy gums.
out of
Four out of five tele-
phones in Pennsylvania
are now on the storm-
defying telephone high-
Heavy cable on short
sturdy peles protects
your calls to your out-of-
‘town friends.
P. L. Beezer Estate..... Meat Market
without something from our shop.
Hams, of course, fresh or cured;
steaks that just meltin your mouth,
tender and juicy. So many kinds
and cuts of meats, but all you need
is to know it came from us, and
you are sure of success.
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
Exchange. 61-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business em~
trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
J M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-8
Bellefonte State College
Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg. High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. T1-22-t¢
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
| Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
! posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
1a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone -40
We have taken on the line of
Purina Feeds
We also carry the line of
Wayne Feeds
Together with a full line of our own
Purina Cow Chow, 34% $3.10 per H.
Purina Cow Clow, 24% 2.80 per H.
Wayne Dairy feed, 32% 3.10 per H.
Wayne Dairy feed, 24% 2.80 per H.
Wayne Egg Mash - 3.25 per H.
Wayne Calf Meal - 4.25 per H.
Wagner's Pig Pig Meal 2.80 per H.
Wagner's Egg Mash - 2.80 per H.
Wagner’s Dairy Feed 22% 2.50 per H.
We can make you up a mixture of
Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten
‘Feed and Bran. Protein 30%, $2.80
per H.
Oil Meal, 34% - - - $3.10 per H.
Cotton Seed, 43% - - 3.10 per H.
Gluten Feed, 23% - 2.50 per H.
Fine ground Alfalfa - 2.25 per H.
Orbico 30-30, Mineral, i
Fish, and Meat - - 4.25 per H.
Orbico Mineral - - 2.75 per H.
Meat Meal, 45% - -
4.25 per H.
Tankage, 60% - - -
We have a full line of scratch feeds,
mixed and pure corn chop, bran, mid-
dlings of the best quality on hands at
the right prices.
Let us sell you your Cotton Seed
Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten and Bran to
go with your own feed. We will mix
same for five cents per H.
We will deliver alt feeds for $2.00
per ton extra.
If You Want Good Bread or Pastry
C.Y. Wagner & Co. i
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished