Demorraiico atone Bellefonte, Pa., October 5, 1928. EG NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. —L. Frank Wetzler, of Mileshurg, was elected vice moderator of the Centre Baptist Association at its an- nual session in Philipsburg, last "Thursday. ——A son was born yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Win- slow, of Patton. The little lad is a grandson of Mrs. Charles Cruse and Mr. and Mrs. Winslow’s second son. ——Any person desiring a com- petent, courteous man to clean up yards and gardens preparatory to the ‘winter season should Hollabaugh, of Coleville. Phone 329R. The regular monthly meeting the Nittany valley Dairyman’s of League was held at the court house, | Bellefonte, last Saturday afternoon. ‘Only routine business was transacted. Both Bellefonte and Mill Hall are be- ing considered as the place to locate a shipping plant. ——J. Harvey McClure, James I. McClure, of this place, has had more honors thrust upon him out in Ohio. We have frequently com- ‘mented on Harve’s great business i achievement in having managed the successful rehabilitation of the Cin-