Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 05, 1928, Image 7

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    —————————————— ——————————————
{ Florida Relief Fund |
Bellefonte, Pa., October 5
Restocking of the woodlands of
Pennsylvania with hickory trees 1s
being encouraged by the department
of forests and waters. The hickories,
officials said, are among the most
valued and distinctive American trees.
All but one of the seventeen known
species belong to North America, and
six of these occur in the forests of
Pennsylvania. They are most com-
mon in the southern, southeastern and
western parts of the State.
Hickory is a tree that deserves io
be favored in the farm woodlots in
southern Pennsylvania, it was said,
and should be introduced in mixtur
with other forest trees, scattered
singly or in small groups, in young
forests or openings in older stands
where there is little or no shade.
Young seedlings tolerate shade but
after the stands become older they re-
quire opening up. The trees grow
slowly at first but then grow well and
by the twentieth year should average
twenty feet in height. It is prefer-
able to plant the nuts, since the trees
are difficult to transplant. The tap
root is very large, often becoming a
foot long in the first year. Fertile,
fresh soil should be selected. Nuts
are planted aninch or two below the
surface of the ground. Most of the
nuts, if planted in the fall, should
germinate the following spring.
Hickory is one of the hardest, heav-
iest and strongest of our woods, and
although the total lumber cut is not
large compared with pine and oak,
has special qualities for which no sub-
stitutes have been found. The phrase
“tough as hickory” was handed down
from the early American settlers who |
were quick to learn the peculiar mer-
its of the wood for agricultural pur-.
poses and fuel. It stands at the top
of the list as a fuelwood. A cord of
hickory wood possesses as great fuel
value as a ton of coal. It was valued
by the Indians for firewood and for
bows because of its elasticity.
The name “hickory’ is derived from
the Indian name of a liquor obtained
by pounding the kernels. The In-
dians pressed the nuts with stones, |
and put them, shells and all, min-
gled with water, into mortars where |
they were pounded by wooden pestals. |
The resulting liquor was called pow-
Real Estate Transfers.
Orlando W. Houts, et ux, to Russell
C. Miller, et ux, tract in State Col-
lege; $7,000.
H. E. Dunlap, Sheriff, to Miners &
Merchants Dep Bank, tract in State
College; $825. |
Susan V. Shipley to Mary F. Brink, !
et bar, tract in Unionville; $2,000. |
Henry J. Kelsh, et ux, to Graham
Mayes, et ux, tract in Rush Twp.;
$400. |
James F. Nichols, et ux, to J. W.!
Stein, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
John L. Holmes, et al, to Nannie
M. Meek, tract in State College;
Eleanor R. Gettig to Adam E. Zeig-
ler, et ux, tract in State College; $1.
Edwin C. Miller, et ux, to Chick-,
aree Rod and Gun Club, tract in Rush :
Twp.; $100.
H. E. Dunlap, Sheriff, to Alice E.
Buddinger, tract in Milesburg; $70.
August Glintz, et ux, to James
Halderman, et ux, tract in Benner |
Twp.; $1,000.
J. W. Henszey, et ux, to Maude
Henshey, tract in State College; $700.
Katherine E. Kemmerer to Maude, |
Henshey, tract in College Twp.; $500. |
Philip H. Johnston, trustee, to J. E. |
Halderman, et ux, tract in Benner |
Twp.; $225. !
Robert T. Hafer, et ux, to Gilbert
> Nolan, tract in State College; $10,- |
Mae Johns to Moshannon National
Bank, tract in Rush Twp.; $657.40.
H. H. Ashman, et ux, to Rembrandt
P. Dunsmore, tract in Philipsburg;
John Gilliland, et ux, to W. C. Shoe-
maker, et al, tract in State College;
Lizards That “Fly”
Natives of Boa and Badu, coastal
islands of Australia, are reporting ex-
periences with flying lizards. They
brought one in for a missionary to
examine and he found the creature
had a parchment-like skin stretched
from body to forelegs.
Experiments showed the reptile
actually could volplane from tree tops
of considerable height with uncanny
accuracy. Natives say it will not at-
tack the passerby if it is seen but if
one takes one’s eyes from the crea-
ture before out of its range of flight,
one hears a faint hiss and almost in-
stantly feels sharp claws in the back.
The natives previously had brought
to the missionary a snake which can
run forward or backward with equal
Discordant Note
The bureau of stundards says that
Helmholtz’ explanation of why a dis-
cordant musical note will offend the
ear is as follows: The essence of dis-
sonance consists merely. in very rapid
beats or changes in intensity of the
sound. Two consonant tones flow on
quietly side by side in an undisturbed
stream ; dissonant tones cut each dther
up into separate pulses. These pulses
may be too rapid for the ear to sepa-
rate, but their existence may be
demonstrated. The nerves of hearing
feel these rapid beats as rough and
unpleasant because every intermittent
excitement of any nervous apparatus
affects us more powerfully than one
that lasts unaltered.
I vessel,
vast and expensive machinery
. Slow Evolution From
Cave as a Dwelling
There was no fireplace in the cave
home of the caveman. The fire was
built outside the entrance, for it wus
very seldom that a cave had a hole
in the roof which would allow the
smoke from a wood fire to escape, and
a fire in a cave without & vent was
impossible. The fire at the cave’s en-
trance served another purpose. It pre.
vented ravenous beasts from entering
and preying upon the occupants. In
course of time man learned to build,
but his early attempts at architecture
were very crude. In some cases he
burrowed beneath the ground, almost
like a rabbit, and dug a kind of cave
in which to dwell. Then he learned to
build rough houses with trees, and
later he acquired the art of building
with mud and stones. The brick, as
we know it today, was not made until
very late in the history of mankind.
In the time of Pharaoh, it will be re-
membered, the Children of Israel were
fn the habit of making bricks with
clay and straw. They had not
learned the art of burning bricks, by
which the plastic clay would have as-
sumed a nonplastic and hardened form,
and the straw was necessary in order
to bind the clay together.
Clock Close Approach
to Perpetual Motion
The clock which an ingenious Swiss
engineer has constructed, depending
for its energy solely on changes in
temperature and air pressure, is cer-
tainly novel, but it is not an example
of perpetual motion. It does not cre-
ate its own energy, but utilizes exter
nal sources,
The nearest approach to a perpet-
ual motion clock is one invented by
Lord Rayleigh. It consists of a mi-
croscopic piece of radium in a glass
| tube supported in an exhausted glass
Two aluminum leaves at-
tached to the tube are expanded by a
positive charge from the radium uan-
til they touch the sides of the con-
taining vessel, when the charge goes
to earth and the leaves full back. This
operation is repeated every minute,
and will continue for many years. so
slowly does radium exhaust its mar
velous energy.
Ocean’s Strangest Creature
The ocean harbors no creature ore
strange and interesting than the sea-
elephant. Considering that the sea-
elephant measures 21 to 22 feet in
length and from 15 to 18 feet around,
he is actually bigger than our lap“
The male has an extraordinary
snout, or trunk, 18 inches from tip to
eye. When sleeping, this snout rests
in a chapeless mass on the sand.
When the animal is crawling, the
snout is flaccid and pendant. Often
the trunk will relax and fall into the
open mouth, or when the head is
turned up it may even fafl back.
Despite the ungainly looks of these
animals, they are able to bob along
on a level surface as fast as a man
can walk. In the water they are very
active and agile. Diving in graceful
curves and nosing into the crest of a
wave, they come np with their catch
—Field and Stream Magazine,
: Beauty
Beauty 1s the fragrance of life; it
yields an attraction apart from its
form, and glorifies the atmosphere of
its being with an enrichment that
adds to the universal grace of good-
ness. Beauty is truth, and truth is
goodness. Give us the beauty of sim-
ple, truthful human eonduct, and the
painful dissensions that characterize
our relationships would cease, and the
quired to keep law and order might
be turned into productive channels.
The opportunity is ours, and its neg-
lect is disastrous, as with all the laws
that exist for our progress and our
well-being.—Henry Brew.
Country’s Gold Coinage
Free and unlimited coinage of gold
exists in the United States. Standard
gold bullion may be deposited at the
mints and at the assay offices in any
i amount, to be coined for the benefit of
the depositor, without charge for coin-
age, but when other than standard
bullion is received for eoinage a charge
is made for parting or for refining, or
for alloy. as the case may be. Refusal
of gold bullion of less value than $100,
or when it is too base for coinage,
may be lawfully made at the mints.
Requisites for Collies
No color standard has been set by
the Collie club for individuals of the
breed, but the dogs of black or tan
with a white frill and collar, the
showy sable with white markings, and
the blue merles are most sought by
present-day fanciers. The collie stand-
ard requires that males of the breed
measure about 24 inches at the shoul-
der and females approximately 22
inches. The weight for a mature dog
should approximate 60 pounds and the
bitch 50 pounds.
When Drawer Sticks
When the summer moisture swells
the drawers of a dresser, sideboard
or cabinet, the handy man of the
house usually can make them work
smoothly without much trouble. The
edges of the drawer openings and the
parts of the drawer that stick may be
rubbed with a piece of paraffin wax
or wax candle; even 8 piece of hard
goap will answer. Usually this will
relieve all but the worst places, and
these may be touched lightly with a
plane.~Popular Science Monthly,
When the torreet letters are pineed in the white spaces this pussle wifi ;
spell words boia vertieally and horisemtally. The first letter in each word is
indicated by a number, which refers te the definition listed below the puzsle.
Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word which will fill
the white spaces up te the first black square to the right, and a number under
“yertical” defines a word which will fll the white squares to the mext black one
No letters go in the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words,
except proper names. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and obso=
lete forms are indieated in the definitioms.
2 17 18.1 4 e [7 I 8 [94 [20
13 12 I 13 14
15 16 17
18 ”
20 21 22 M 23
24 [26 26 27 29 9
bo 31 32 33 3%
55 36 MET 38 [M37
40 | [41 mez 43
45 46
47 4 4
[50 51 52
53 54 55
Horizontal. Vertical.
3_venicie i wo
13—Reverential fear
14—Common unit in which hay is
sold r
15—To pacify
17—Sets of type
18—Toe show mercy to
19—Division of a poem
21—Before (poetic)
29 Musical composition in several
30—Fabled bird
32—Bit of torn cloth
34—Shelled fruit
28—To vend
35—To pull 37—A command
39—Southern state (abbr.)
40—Paralysis (shaking variety)
44—Metal pin used to fasten plates
46—Wanderer 47—Doomed
48—A list book, alphabetically ar-
52—Citrous fruit
5§5—Democrat (abbr.)
3—To hang in folds
6—Top of the head
6—Female sheep
1—Point of compass
8—=Soldier's water containe?
9—Range of voice
10—Thing (Latin law)
12—To frighten
14—An extra payment
17—Cigarette (English slang)
20—Groups of letters
22—Boat plying between not &is-
tant points
23—Platform in a church
25—Preposition 27—Apparition
29—To carry 81—Money
33—Freight station
86—To vacillate
38—A competitor.
41—Conducted 48—Cold
44—Part of a track
46—Running contest
46—Capital of Italy
47—Southern state (abbr.}
48—Informal head covering
49—A jewel
Solution will appear in next issue.
Pennsylvania’s death rate of 11.4 in’
1927, was exactly the same as for the
entire death registration area of the
United States, according to a report |
prepared by the bureau of vital sta-
tistics of the State Department of
Health. The area includes thirty-
seven States.
Of these thirty-seven States, six-.
teen have a distinctly lower rate than
that of Pennsylvania, eleven, a some-
what higher rate, while nine others
have the same or approximately the
same rate as Pennsylvania. Of the
States immediately adjoining Pennsyl-
vania, New York, Maryland and Dela-
ware reported higher death rates in
1927, while Ohio, West Virginia and
New Jersey had lower rates.
Since the death rate is affected by
changes in population and by the
composition of the population, the
infant mortality rate, which is the
number of deaths under the age of
one year to every 1000 live births, is
considered a better measure of the
relative physical well-being of vari-
ous communities.
In 1927 the infant mortality rate
in Pennsylvania was 69.0 as com-
pared with rate was 125.8 in Arizona
and the next highest 81.6 in Wash-
ington. Among the States imme-
diately adjoining Pennsylvania the
highest rate was in Maryland and
the lowest in New York. Maryland,
West Virginia and Delaware had
higher rates than Pennsylvania, and
New York, New Jersey and Ohio, low-
er rates.
Detailed mortality statistics are
not yet available for many of the
registration States. The largest
States for which figures are now
available are Minnesota and Kansas.
Both of these States have low death
rates and low infant mortality rates.
But Pennyslvania has a lower ty-
phoid fever death rate than has Kan-
sas, and lower cancer rate than eith-
er of these States. These States have
better records than Pennsylvania in
most of the other causes of death.
In general Pennsylvania is usually
close to the average of the States in
the registration area.
Patrol Makes 2431 Arrests in Month.
Arrests made by the State High-
way Patrol during August, totaling
2431, resulting in the imposition of
fines totaling $30,973, of which $1678
was returned to the local authorities
and $29,295 to the State treasury, the
Department of Highways has an-
The gretest number of arrests 880,
were made for violation of Article 10,
the traffic provision of the Vehicle
code, and 143 arrests were made for
violations as regards the lighting
equipment on motor vehicles. Three
hundred eighty arrests were made for
reckless driving and 73 for operating
a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
State to Sell Trees to Land Owners.
Eleven kinds of trees will be avail-
able about October 1st at the State
nurseries for sale to private planters
the coming fall and spring, the De-
partment of Forests and Waters has
Under an act of the 1925 Legisla-
ture the State must charge a price
Solution of Last Week’s Puzzle.
A S detailed news of the great disaster
in Porto Rico and Florida is received,
the need for immediate help js emphasized.
Private letters from Florida tell of whole-
sale destruction with acute suffering and
We shall be glad to receive subscriptions
to the fund to be handed to the Red Cross.
The First. National Bank
Your Judgment Suggests Safe
Deposit Protection
OUR judgment tells you that
you should protect your val-
uables from loss. Renta Lock
Box today in our Safe Deposit Vault.
They rent for $2.00 and up per year,
and protect your valuables from fire
and theft.
equal to the cost of production for
private planting. Last year more
than 13,000,000 trees were sold to
private land owners, and the Depart-
ment expects to receive requests for
a similar number next season.
8 REE cl \[TIYIEN 1
Cockroaches Can Be Controlled.
It may surprise many people to
learn that the cockroach has one re-
deeming trait. According to ento-
mologists of the United States de-
partment of agriculture, this common
and offensive pest will prey on that
other disgusting insect, the bedbug.
It is not recommended, however,
that cockroaches be kept for eradi-
cating the bedbug. There are other
more approved methods for exter-
minating that insect.
The nuisance of roaches in offices
and in living rooms of houses can be
reduced, if not removed entirely, by
elimination of all attractive sub-
stances, according to Farmers’ Bulle-
tin 658-F, “Cockroaches.” If care is
taken to keep food from living rooms,
offices, desk drawers, and no attrac-
tive odors of food are permitted to
remain, the roach nuisance can be
restricted largely to places where it
is necessary for food to be kept. In
such places the storage of food ma-
terial in insect-proof containers or in
ice boxes, together with thorough-go-
ing cleanliness, will go a long way to-
ward preventing, serious annoyance.
Roaches may be controlled by the
use of poisons and repellants, fumi-
gants, and traps. One of the most 2f-
fective and simple means of ridding
premises of the pests is by the use
of commercial sodium flouride, a pow-
der easily obtainable. It may be used
in the pure form or diluted one-half
with some inert substance such as
powdered gypsum or flour. With a
dust gun or blower the sodium flour-
ide can be thoroughly dusted about
the runways and hiding places of the
roaches. The immediate effect is to
cause these
their hiding places and run about
more or less blindly, showing evidence'| f[
of discomfort, to be followed in the |g
course of a few hours by their death.
The dust acts both as a stomach poi-
son and as a contact poison.
A copy of the bulletin, describing
a number of other methods of reduc-
ing or eradicating the nuisance, may
be obtained from the United States
Department of Agriculture, Washing-
ton, D. C. :
——The Watchman gives all the
news while it is news.
L222 ESN 2 NSN SNS NETS 2 MUS MU US lef ef Ue Us U2 Ue Ue Ue
Troubadour Weabes
OUNG men who ap-
preciate fine materials
will fall in love at first
sight with “Nottingham,
Troubadour Weaves!”
They're new! They're distinctive!
They're colorful! Yet at the same
time they are subdued in character,
and refined in tone; the shadings are
subtle; the design is modest.
And so are the prices! Let us show
insects to rush out of | 2
— LE
X CIES went 2