Dieworaaic fat ne [Vote For Smith Is Worth $50 An Acre to Farmer, Says Republican Banker Bellefonte, Pa, October 5, 1928. You r H ea 1th, The First Concern. —We know that chronic irritations in middle age may cause cancerous changes. For instances, smokers’ cancer of the lip, cancer of the tongue from broken teeth or a rough plate, etc. But there must be some other factors beside chronic irrita- tion or even more would have can- cers. What these underlying factors are that cause the tissue cells to be- gin to multiply, is not fully known, but we know there must be some- thing wrong with the chemistry of the body. Before the Belgian Academy of Medicine, Sloss and Reding recently presented researches which showed that changes in the sugar regulatory mechanism are manifest in a pre-can- cerous stage. There was an over- amount of sugar in the blood of the cases studied. Other experiments which have been carried on in ani- mals, show that cancer may have some relationship to lack of vita- mins; therefore a prolonged incorrect diet probably has a great deal to do Ta this changed chemistry of the ody. Now another factor was brought out by Dr. James Ewing at the Con- ference on Cancer Control, held at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., in 1927. It is that lack of physical exercise tends to development of cancer. In dis- cussing the question, Dr. Handley, of London, said that the lack of physi- cal exercise caused a chronic lym- phatic stagnation or obstruction and this excess of lymph overnourishes the cells, thus giving them the ten- dency to multiply. He pointed out that the fluid that bathes our tissues TYequires to be constantly changed, Just as does the water in which flow. €rs are placed. And this can be at- tained only by regular exercise. So then, when we understand and Practice exercise and correct diet and avoid chronic irritation, we will prob- ably prevent cancer, as well as many other disorders. —To imagine you are sick is next door to being sick. So far as the im- mediate victim is concerned, it is just as bad as being sick. To the family and associates imaginary illness is worse than the real thing, because usu. ally it is accompanied with greater Yous! complaints and demands. ere is a disturbance calle the doctors “neurasthenia” or gy chothenia.” The former word is from he e284 and means “debility of the nerves, € other means “debili vee debility of _ This ailment is an obstinate funec- tional disturbance of the nervous sys- tem. That is, there is no destruc- tion of tissue, no visible or measure- able disease, no actual change in the body or any of its parts. But for one Treason or another the body or its parts do not function, do not operate, do not work as they should.. ‘We speak of the victim of this dis- agreeable condition as a “neurasthe- nic.” The neurasthenic can’t work, at least he can’t work long, at his usual mental op physical job. He tires out almost at once, even though he may begin the day in good Spirits and determined to apply himself. KANKAKEE, I1ll.—“Fifty dollars per acre for your vote!” That slogan in big black type is appearing in local newspapers at the - head of full page advertisements Tennessee, Kansas, Nebraska and Mon- In Indiana, Iowa, South Dakota, tana for permission to reprint it.” the advertisement, Mr. Snow said: “Mr. Farmer, in pre-War days ! which are being paid for by F. G.| every acre of good land was worth from $25 to $75 more per acre than it | is worth today, and for what reason? Snow, local farmer and banker. Mr. Snow, one of the leading Re- publicans in the community, points out that farm lands on the average are worth $50 less an acre than they were seven years ago and calls upon all Republicans to repudiate Hoover: and the Coolidge policies. He said: “Though 1 have always been a strong Republican, I would be a sec ond Benedict Arnold to the people who patronize my bank if I support: ed my party’s Presidential nominee this year. The prayer of the farmer today is not for rain but for the elec tion of ‘Al’ Smith “As the head of a large bank in the farming district I daily come into con- tact with numerous farmers who face ruinous conditions. The advertise- ment is my contribution to defeat Herbert Hoover, prices on wheat and hogs, to the dis- advantage of the farmer, during the war. “I have had many requests from the farmer's arch- | enemy and the very man who was | responsible for maintaining the fixed | Farmers are now paying a tariff-pro- tected price for nearly everything they buy, and because of a small sur- plus, are compelled to sell what they produce at prices unprotected by the cariff, for their tariff is absolutely in- ~ifective because of a small surplus. “Nearly four years ago Mr. Coolidge was elected President on a platform containing a strong farmer-aid plank, Since his election he has done noth- ing to relieve the depressed agricul tural conditions, but has twice vetoed a farm-aid McNary-Haugen bill which was backed by a 1aitel agriculture and twice approved by Congress. “I do not care whether you are Catholic or Protestant, wet or dry, the fact remains that the steady confis- cation of farm lands is still going on to an alarming extent. I claim that a vote against Hoover is a vote for a $50 average increasz in the price of the farmer's land, anl a chance tg return to prosperity for the tenant farmer as well,” 8 FOR PRESIDENT! Gov. Alfred E. Smith ree “YOUTH ENDANGERED” PHILADELPHIA.—James F. Lucas, vice president of the Lucas Paint and ‘Brush Company of Philadelphia, a well-known Republican for fifty years, has announced that he is “opposed to to the election of Herbert Hoover. Hn added: “I shall vote for Governor Smith be- cause I believe his election would end conditions which are endangering the future of the younger generation.” DANIELS REBUKES STRATON ere are many, many symptoms all included in this i The first is a tremendous exaggera- | tion of himself, if you know what I | mean. How he feels, what tender solicitude should be given him, what wealth of attention should be show- ered upon him—these are all he thinks about. You nwst listen to his tale of woe or he is hurt to the verge | of tears. | The victim may suffer from one of the many “phobias” or fear—fear of a crowd, fear of a high building, fear of an East wind, fear of death, fear of some particular disease, fear of fi- mancial failure, fear of something. Every such patient should be care- Tully studied . to see what is wrong. If there is such an unhappy person in your household, help the doctor by | thorough study of the habits and Symptoms. Eye strain, with: the needed cor- Tection of vision or muscle balance, 1s a factor that must not be over. looked. Habits of sex, habits of eat- Ing and drinking, habits of hygiene— all these are important, The simple life, simple eating, rec- | reation, entertainment, are vital to all | of us. They are doubly significant. Good sense and good living will help | to avoid all ailments.—By Dr. R. S. | Copeland. M. D. | —If American girls have any | gard for the opinion of that serious minded hard hitting young man, Gene Tunney, the market on high heeled shoes is about to drop. The heavy- weight boxing champion has turned from Shapespeare to physical advis- er. He believes walking is the form of exercise ‘best adapted to all ages | and both sexes, but adds: “I have no advice for those who try to walk on the high, narrow heels some of our girls wear. Any effort to walk any distance on such stilts as those will injure, perhaps cripple the wearer, to say nothing of the way it thrusts the internal organs out uf | place.” When Tunney advises walking, he doesn’t mean strolling. “I mean real walking, with head up, chest out, spinc straight and feet moving along | at the rate of four or five miles an hour. A slow, dawdling walk gives you practically no exercise,” he em- phasizes. RALEIGH, N. C.—Rebuking Dr. John Roach Straton for expressing the belief that “my old friend,” Josephus Daniels, would bolt the Democratic party, the former Sec: retary of the Navy has again empha- tically declared, in a letter to the New York pastor, that he will support Gov- i ernor Smith. Mr. Daniels wrote: “1 believe 1 ean serve the cause of prohibition and temperance better by remaining in my party than by sup- porting Mr. Hoover, who sat in the Cabinet with Harding with all the cor- ruption and with Coolidge with all the favoritism—the two administrations. which, by flagrant failure to enforce the law or to give it legal and moral support, have done more to harm pro- hibition than its open foes.” ' WN. C. T. U. WORKER FOR SMITH KNOXVILLE, Tenn .—Mrs. Lucy Reed, member of the W. C. T. U. for thirty years and an active prohibition worker, is an ardenc 8apporter of Gov- ernor Smith. As a genuine Dry she dislikes the illegal! “wetness” of the Republican party, she says; snd #he adds that Governor Smith “iz zonest and will enforce the laws.” Checks for Small Amounts There is a federal law stating tha “no person shall make, issue, circulate. or pay out any note, check, memoran- dum, token, or other obligation for a less sum than $1, intended to circulate as money or to be received or used in lieu of lawful money of the United States and every person so offending shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both, at the discretion of the court." Many individuals, and even the gov- ernment, make checks for an amount less than $1, but they are not in- tended to circulate, but are only in- tended to pay the amount of the check to the person the check is made pay- | able to. A check is not lawful money and consequently cannot be passed as lawful money. A check is a personal credit instrument used In place of money. hypocrisy” and, accordingly, opposed FORMER BOSTON MAYOR IN FIRST VOTER DRIVE Orsanization of the first voters has been started by the Smith-Robinson League of First Voters under the chairmanship of Andrew J. Peters, former Mayor of Boston, and Mrs. John Harlan Amen, a daughter of Grover Cleveland. Strategic points have been selected .chroughout the country for regional beadquarters to direct the organize tion of the young voters. “The new voter in the coming elec- tion occupies a position of unusual importance in the political alignment of the country which exists today and may well hold the balance of power,” former Mayor Peters said in accepting Chairmanship of the Men's Division. “The candidacy of Gover- nor Smith makes an especial appeal to young men and women, because Governor Smith stands pre-eminently as the champion of the rights for equal opportunities for those young men and women to expand and de- velop in the life of our American community.” WILL CARRY MISSOURI Governor Alfred E. Smith received the following telegram of thanks from Judge Charles M. Hay, who recently won the Democratic senatorial nomi: nation in Missouri: “l sincerely appreciate your mes- sage of congratulation. We will carry Missouri for both the state and na- tional tickets. Heartiest good wishes.” The telegram was received aboard the governor's train returning from the funeral of his lifelong friend, George E. Brennan, Democratic lead: er of Illinois. Won and Lost Three young men were dining. After the meal one of them wagered an- other that the latter could not balance a glass of water on each hand. The challenge was accepted. Placing his hand palm down, flat on the table top the challenged one let his com- panions place a glass of water on each of his outstretched hands. “Easy,” said he. “You win,” replied the other two and they placed the meal checks in his coat pocket and departed. Amid the laughter of other diners, the hoaxed youth had to invoke the aid of a waitress before he could be relieved of his embarrassing burden.—Boston Globe. In Mexico HusYands in Mexico do net lateh keys. When they have been out late to the lodge they ring an electric bell or vound on a ieavy wooden gate. This wakes up the wife or servants and all the neighbors, but no one kicks very hard, for it is an ancient custom. Mexican wives do not wait up for their husbands to come home, armed with rolling pins, The husband can’t sneak upstairs with his shoes in his hand. He makes enough noise when he arrives to wake up people for many blocks and then wifey gets up and attends to his case. —Brooklyn Standard-Union. ‘arry Electricity in Coat Bobby, age five, had been left in the care of his aunt while his mother was doing some shopping. “Why,” sald Bobbie, “does mother want a coat with electricity in it?” “A coat with electricity in it,” said che aunt, “surely you must be mis- taken.” “No, 1 am not,” said Bobbie. “She said that she was going to buy a coat and have it charged.” Hardly Worth While Fault finding is an easy habit to ac- | quire. No talent, no brains, no char- acter, no education is needed to estab- lish yourself as a grumbler, and the rewards are usually commensurate ! with the investment.—Grit. Odd Power Credited to Precious Siones Superstitions still persist about the magical properties of many stones. i On account of that associated with | the opal, the proposal is frequently ' made by jewelers’ associations to re- move it from the list of “birth stones.” Strange places have been looked in- to for stones possessing unusual re- quirements. The gizzard of a rooster is said to have revealed a stone which rendered wives more agreeable to their husbands; the shell of a crab yielded a stone for sore eyes. Beads of paste or glass were in common use in ancient Gaul under the name of serpents’ eggs. They were thought to be generated from the breath of the serpents, being shot into the air from their hissing jaws. Soldiers wore ser- vents’ eggs to make them invincible. It was long believed that a sap- phire would heal diseases of the eye: and such a stone was once given to the treasury of St. Paul's by a well- meaning London g-ocer, to be used for that purpose. There were stones to heal wounds, to aid the complexior and to prevent drunkenness. St. Tsidore, bishop of Seville, is said to have known of a stone which, when powdered and drunk with vinegar, made men insensible to torture. There Is no record, however, that he ever tried it, £ AWA ir. pi Life Never Alway Sunshine or Sorrow Life itself is short; time is fleeting: And we should learn to accept our lot with reasonable complacency. That does not mean that one should sit quietly and dumbly when beset by crushing adversity, Make the best possible fight against the enemy; but in the end, after you have done your very best, try to rest content, what- ever the outcome may be. Sometimes our experiences are bitter; other times they are sweet. But if we do our part, play the game of life intel- ligently and honestly, we can usually be assured of fitting rewards. And when aflliction that we may think is undeserved is meted out to us; we may chafe at its hardship, though at times it cannot be avoided, try as we will. But whatever adversity or mis- fortune may come to you there should be many exquisitely delightful remem- brances, and you should at all times try to live within their ecstatic im- agery.—True Story Magazine, € The Rain Gauge The earliest rain measure, or gauge, was irst used in Korea, in the Fif- teenth century. Galileo, Sir Chris- topher Wren and others experimented with measures, but the first gauge of which there is any authentic descrip- tion was made in England by a Mr. Hooke in 1695. The rain was collected by means ox 4 funnel into a flask, weighed, and the weight converted into inches—a differ- ent method. It was not until 1891 that the late G. J. Symons designed a satis- factory pattern of gauge. In his “storm” gauge an inch of rain is represented by 24-inch in the tube. Floats make reading easy. If one tube fills it overflows and registers accu- rately in the second. Going Into Detail A certain gentleman who bought a house as close to the station as he could possibly get it soon repented of his choice. The following is a letter he wrote to the railway company complaining about the noise made by shunting op- erations throughout the night: “Gentlemen, why must your engines ding and dong and fizz and spit and pant and grate and grind and puff and bump and chug and hoot and toot and whistle and wheeze and jar and jerk and sparl and slam and throb and roar and rattle and yell and smoke and smell and shriek all the night long?” —Exchange, Weasel Fights Pests The weasel, whose white winter coat forms the ermine of commerce, is found in various forms from the Arc- tice to the 'Tropics, says Nature Magazine. It would seem as if na- ture had .a mind a machine for keep- ing in check the hordes of mice and other rodents that without some re- straining agency would devastate the earth, for the weasel has been evolved in a variety of sizes. the smallest of which traverse with ease the burrows of the lesser mice, while the largest approach in size the mink and mar- ten, and prey on larger species. “Lvoof” There is one thing harder to under stand in Lwow than the Hebrew. Po- lish, German, Italian and Russian heard on its streets—the pronuncia- tion of the city’s name. Most of us would pronounce the “L” and follow ir up by a well emphasized “wow.” Du: the Poles will tell you to press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say “L” as we do, then forcefully bii- ing the lower lip with the upper teeth, to say “voof” (Lvoof). World’s Best Literature A party of men were playing poker in the vast library of the pretentious new home of a movie director in Hol- lywood, when one of the players asked te be left out for a few rounds. “What's the matter?” the host asked anxiously. “Oh, maybe it will change my luck if ] stay out a few hands,” said the guest, and added: “I'l just around and cut the leaves of so; your books here,”—The New Yori The first marriage in the White House was in March, 1811, during the first administration of James Madison. Supreme Court Justice Thomas Todd was then united in the holy bonds with Lucy Payne Washington, widow of Philip Steptoe Washington, a nephew of the late father of his country, and sister of Mrs. Madison. In the second White House mar- riage, Anna Todd, a cousin of the two | sisters, was joined with Edward Brake Jackson of Virginia, who later became a congressman. The Dog’s Jungle Hang-Over. The reason a dog turns around sev- eral times before lying down is said | to be because his ancestors found it necessary to do so. The First Wedding In White House. | The dog, being | a domesticated animal, is a survivor of wild forefathers that lived in jun- | gle-grass. If they wanted a com- fortable bed they had to turn around several times to level the grass. To- day’s dog goes through the same pro- cess instinctively. 16-Day Excursion FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 $12.60 Round Trip from BELLEFONTE Proportionate Fares from Other Points For details as to leaving time of trains, fares in parlor or sleeping cars, stop-over privileges, side trip to Atlantic City, or other informa- tion, consult Ticket Agents, or David Todd, Division Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Fine Job Printnig at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is mo style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office. New? Dry Cleaned? The only difference between a brand new suit and one that has been dry cleaned by us is the difference be- tween $1.75 and whatever you usually pay for a new suit. Try Us and See Phone 362-R Stickler & Koons 8 West Bishop St. Cleaners - - Dyers - - Tailors Hat Renovators AAAI PSPS PPP NS CHICHE adi: $ Ask D t for Ladies our . Chi-chosstors) Diamond ran in Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Bax of Druggist. Ask for ONI.0! OND BRAND PILLS, for 35 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE STER S PILLS dN youngster away from home! Why not a pat on the back, a word of encouragement ? Did you ever consider that he is no farther away than the telephone on your library table? Let us take you to him. No fuss, no bother, no delays, no complications. Within forty or fifty miles. it’s just like a local call. The number is in the directory, or “Information” will give it to you. Then—tell the operator. She’ll do the rest. JESSE H. CAUM, Manager