Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 05, 1928, Image 5

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    Ge ————————————————————————————
Cider making is now on and a few
people have made their year’s: supply
of applebutter.
Rev. Samuel Stimer, of Concord
City, made a brief stop with friends
here, on Monday morning, enroute to
Quite a number of our people at-
tended the burial of LeRoy Fetzer,
at the Advent cemetery, on Sunday
Preaching services will be held in
both the Methodist and Baptist
churches, at Milesburg, on Sunday
evening, at 7:30.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Witherite and
little daughter, of Osceola Mills, were
brief visitors with friends here, on
Sunday afternoon.
The new store building of Lew
Davidson is nearing completion. The
windows are in, floors down and plas-
terers getting busy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and
two children motored up from Flem-
ington, on Monday morning, and spent
a brief time with friends.
After a week’s illness at her home
here Mrs. Irwin returned to State
College, on Sunday evening, where
she is assisting in the care of a fra-
ternity house.
Mrs. George Lucas is quite ser-
iously ill, at her home in Philipsburg,
and was unable to attend the fun-
eral of her son-in-law, LeRoy Fetzer,
on Sunday afternoon.
The Ladies’ Aid society of the
Bellefonte Presbyterian church will
hold their annual bazaar and fair in
the church chapel on Thursday,
November 22, beginning at 2 p. m.
Aprons, all kinds of fancy work and
eatables will be on sale.
Just to remind you that Wed-
nesday is a good day to shop in
Altoona Booster Stores for the
things that your local merchants
cannot supply!
Now that colder weather is
here, there will be many person-
al and home needs to be secured
for Fall and Winter and Booster
Stores can be depended upon to
supply your every need with en-
tire satisfaction.
Booster Stores
Lead in
Style and Values
While Booster Stores maintain
leadership in everything pertaia-
ing to style and value, they also
give special attention to quality
with the result that all merchan-
dise offered by Booster merchants
can be depended upon in every
detail—a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back goes with
every sale made by a Booster
The Highway Of Good Values
And Dependable Merchandise
Leads To Altoona Booster Stores!
Booster Association
Strand Theatre
Starting Saturday, Oct., 6
“The Terror”
The Second All Talking Picture
With Vitaphone Accompaniment
Mrs. John Priest is visiting friends
in Williamsport.
R. E. Parnell is away on a busi-
ness trip to Scranton.
John G. Strayer,
spent Monday in town.
W. B. Ward is quite seriously ill
at his home on Main street.
they had a picnic dinner of chicken
and many other good things.
Mrs. Jacob Roan, of Rochester, Pa.,
is visiting relatives in the valley.
Miss Margaret Allen spent the
week-end with friends in Tyrone.
J. T. Leathers has returned from a
two week’s trip to Louisville, Ky.
Carl Johnson, of Altoona, is a
guest at the Robert Brennan home.
Harold Glenn has enrolled as 2
student in Susquehanna University.
John Moffat spent last week at the
home of his grandfather, in Lancas-
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Reist made a
motor trip to Clarion early in the
week. ;
Paul Ward and wife, of Tyrone,
spent Sunday at the W. B. Ward
Mrs. Kate Fye Rhone, of Roches-
ter, Pa., is visiting Centre county rel-
Mrs. A. A. Frank, of Millheim, was
a recent guest of her sister, Mrs.
Mary Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward enter-
tained relatives from Lewistown over
the week-end.
The new arrival at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Havner, a week ago, is
a little daughter. :
Richard Meek, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. Meek, has enrolled as a student
at Gettysburg college.
Mrs. Clement Fortney, of Altoona,
spent the latter end of the week visit-
ing relatives in town.
Mrs. Elmer Campbell, of Linden
Hall, spent the latter end of the week
with friends in the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Homan has as
guests, last week, Mr. and - Mrs.
James Homan, of Pottsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Knode, of Char-
ter Oak, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas McMahon.
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Watts had as a
guest over the week-end Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil McDowell, of Somerset.
Dr. W. S. Glenn Sr. and wife have
returned from a three week’s motor
trip through the Buckeye State.
G. R. Dunlap and sister Kathryn
motored to Cherrytree and spent
Sunday with Randall Dunlap and
Mrs. D. F. Kapp has been dis-
charged from the Geisinger hospital
and returned to her home at State
Charles Light has returned to
Philadelphia to resume hjs study of
medicine at the University of Penn-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilliland and Mr.
and Mrs. George Porter spent the
week-end dmong old friends in
Shaver’s Creek valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Drake and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Wogan, of Altoona,
spent Sunday at the G. Mac Fry
home, at Rock Springs.
Farmer Ed. S. Moore is housed ur
with an attack of sciatica. Others
on the sick list are Russell Mothers-
baugh and Mrs. Wigton.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Price took their
daughter Helen to Ithaca, N. Y., last
week, where she enrolled as a physi-
cal education student at Cornell.
In celebration of their granddaugh-
ter Mabel’s 18th birthday annivers-
ary Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Musser
took her and a few young friends on
a drive over Tussey mountain, on
Saturday, to Greenwood park, where
Friends of Mrs. John Wieland in-
vaded her home, at Spruce Creek, last
Thursday night, and gave her a de-
lightful surprise party in celebration
of her 48th anniversary. Mrs. Wie-
land received many beautiful and use-
ful gifts.
After spending several weeks at
State College D. W. Meyers is back
home putting his Marlin in shape
for the hunting season as a member
of the Modock club, to which he has
belonged since its organization and of
which he is now the dean. Mr. Mey-
ers, however, is not very strong on
killing does.
of Gatesburg,
Last Thursday evening members of
the Graysville congregation gave a
farewell party for their pastor, Rev.
Minbick and wife, who left this week
or Cresson. A number of the mem-
bers made it plain to the minister
how loath they were to see him go
and Rev. Minnick responded with a
very touching talk. During his two
year’s pastorate he hus confirmed 20
members, taken in three by letter,
had nine baptisms, seven funerals
and five weddings. During the even-
ing the ladies of the church served
delicious refreshments.
Rev. William Gemmill, accompa-
nied by his son, Dr. William Port
Gemmill, of Pittsburgh, was in town
early in the week looking over the
scenes of his youth. The elder Mr.
Gemmill was a student ut the Pine
Grove Mills academy when the war
broke out and was one of fifty stu-
dents to enlist as Company G, 148th
regiment. Mr. Gemmil was made
second lieutenant. He was wounded
at the battle of Chancellorsville and
returning home entered college and
studied for the ministry. He is now
88 years old and still enjoys good
health, though he is thinking of go-
ing south for the winter.
At a regular meeting of Lady Fer-
guson Rebekah lodge, No. 137, on
Monday evening the following offi-
cers were installed by noble grand
Nora Musser, assisted by the district
deputy, Josephine Pennington, of
State College:
Post Grand—Nora Musser.
Noble Grand—Helen Peterson.
Vice Grand—Mary Reed.
Conducter—Miss Judy.
Fin. Secy.—Maude Miller.
Rec. Secy.—Mary Walker.
Treasurer—Margaret ‘Reed.
Chaplain—Margaret Quinn.
R. S. to N. G.—Bertha Albright.
L. S. to N. G.—Mary McCracken.
R. S. to V. G.—Etta Keller.
L. S. to V. G.—Lydia Bressler.
I. G.—Ruth Frank.
0. G.—Francis Homan.
Trustee—Anna Elder.
A number of town people attended
the Union county fair, Thursday of
last week.
Mrs. C. C. Bell, Mrs. F. B. Patton,
C. Earl Bell and baby, Catherine Bell,
of Huntingdon, were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull.
Miss Jennie Hull returned home
from Avalon, Pittsburgh, Wednesday
evening, where she had been the guest
of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. David
Benjamin Stover has been under
the care of his physician, Dr. H. S.
Braucht. Mr. Stover contracted a
heavy cold which settled on his
John Rupp and family, of State
College, were callers, on Sunday, at
the home of Mr. Rupp’s nephew, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Hinds, on Main
Miss Andrennce Winklebleck, with
a party of friends, motored to Balti-
more, Md., Washington, D. C., and
other points. The party left on
Tuesday, returning Saturday evening.
The birthday social held in the
chapel of the Reformed church, Fri-
day evening was well attended. The
sum of $57.44 was realized. Light
refreshments were served. Everyone
present appeared to ‘enjoy the evea-
We regret to note the illness of
Mrs. Ira Gramley who was stricken
with paralysis, Thursday about eight
a. m., and was found about two p. m.
lying on her kitchen floor. There has
hoi been much change in her condi-
Mrs. J. G. Eisenhauer was also
stricken with paralysis about two
weeks ago and has since been con-
fined to her bed. Her daughter, Mrs.
C. 0. Grove, came up from Williams-
port and remained for several days
with her.
Mrs. John Mohr Otto entertained her
son, Morgan Otto and his school
chum, Wilbur Gramley, of Monongha-
hela, both students in the Bellefonte
Academy. Mr. Gramley is an out-
standing player on the Academy foot
ball team, of which Mr. Otto is assist-
ant manager.
Saturday afternoon, about three
o'clock, fire was discovered in the
kitchen chimney of the Forster home.
Mr. Forster and sister, Miss Mary,
were in the dining room when they
heard a roaring noise, but thought it
was a heavy wagon or truck. On
going to investigate Mr. Forster saw
the fire and at once went for help.
The fire was soon under control and
not a great amount of damage done.
Had there been a high wind the fire
would have made a sweep of the
whole block, as the houses were close- |
ly built.
The Rebekah lodge held their in-
stallation of officers on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of
Pleasant Gap, were visitors in town
on Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner at-
tended the funeral of a friend, at
Milton, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerlin, of
Centre Hall, were guests of Rev. and
Mrs. Wagner, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rishel are re-
reiving congratulations on the arrival
of a son, Monday morning.
Communion services wil be held in
the Lutheran church, Sunday, Oec-
tober 7th, at 10.30 a. m. Preparatory
services Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dornsife and
sons, Chester and Samuel, of Wil-
liamsport, were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reitz, on
Sunday. ‘
Monday evening, returning from a
motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fisher, George Fisher became ill near
Centre Hall. Unable to secure the
services of a physician a driver was
secured from a garage and Mr. Fish-
er was brought to his home and Dr.
Kidder, of State College, called.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lee spent Sun-
day with Edward Jessup and family,
at Axe Mann.
Mrs. Hardman Gray and daughter,
of Milesburg, spent the week-end with
friends here.
Mrs. Elmer Justice and two sons
left, on Tuesday, for a week’s visit
in Philipsburg and St. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. William Billett, Mrs.
Thomas Martin and two daughters
anl Kathryn Lee spent Sunda t
State College. y 2
John Robb had his foot badly
mangled while at work in the quar-
ries, and is undergoing treatment at
the Centre County hospital.
Mrs. Samuel Justice, who is en-
deavoring to support herself by hon-
est toil, would like to have two small
or one large wash to do each week.
While visiting friends at Danville
Mrs. Edward Green was taken sud-
denly ill and had to be brought home.
She is some better at this writing.
Mrs. John Resides, of State Col-
lege, is spending a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly.
Marriage licenses. |
Ernest Apman and Elizabeth R.
Newell, both of State College.
John D. Swabick, of Colver, and
Mary Hovan, of Bellefonte.
Richard Brown and Maude E.|
Smith, both of Philipsburg. |
Ralph W. Marks and Cora L. Me- |
Collum, both of Mifflinburg. !
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
tz . ns .
OST.-—Horn-rimmed spectacles lost
somewhere on street between the
down-town Oriole store, Heverly's
corner and Logan St., last Saturday even-
ing. Finder will please return to Miss
Lula Dry or to this office. 72-38-3t
ARAGE FOR RENT.—Brick garage,
G within one square of Diamond in
Bellefonte, concrete floor, running
water and drain. Will accommodate six
or more cars and especially adapted for
one or two man repair shop. Posses-
sion can be given September 1st. Inquire
at this office. 73-32-tf.
mentary upon the estate of Nancy
M. Snyder, late of Ferguson town-
ship, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to same are requested to
make prompt payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present
them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
W. Harrison Walker, State College, Pa.
Attorney. 73-39-6t.
E “ons » NOTICE.—Letters testa-
of administration on the estate of
Lee A. Krebs, late of State College
borough, Centre County, Penna. having
been granted the undersigned, all persons
having claims or demands against the
estate of the said decedent are requested
to make known the same, and all persons
indebted to the said decedent are request-
ed to make payment thereof without de-
lay, to the undersigned administrator.
W. Harrison Walker 101 Summit St.
73-36-6t Attorney Lock Haven, Pa.
Allegheny St. Property for Sale.
The House and Lot, on north Allegheny |
street, Bellefonte, now occupied by W. G.
Runkle Esq. is for sale and anyone inter-
estedin a home in a good residential sec-
tion of the town should write for particu-
lars to
73-34-tf. Philipsburg, Pa.
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
3-36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
Nursery Stock
Buffalo Valley
Nursery Farms
It will Pay You to Inquire
Free SIK most Free
" Mendel’s Knit Silk Hose for ‘Wo-
men, guaranteed to
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe.
FREE If they fall. Price $1.00.
wear six
A new pair
101 South Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
<. Reconditioned...
Buy a used car with an “OK” that counts;
these cars have been carefully overhauled, new
tires replaced when needed. Trade your old car
in as part down-payment or sold through GMAC
or a big discount for cash.
1927 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan, 4 New Tires, downpayment $160.00
1926 Chrysler Coupe, downpayment - - - -
1924 Oakland Touring, downpayment - - - -
1922 Chandler 7 pass Touring, A No 1 tires - -
1924 International Truck 1} ton, all new tires -
1924 Chevrolet Roadster completely reconditioned
1922 Chevrolet Sedan, in good running condition - -
1924 Chevrolet Sedan = - - ae - -
1927 Chevrolét Landau Sedan, Fully equipped, down-
1926 Chevrolet Sedan, Fully equipped, downpayment
1926 Chevrolet Coupe, Fully equipped, downpayment -
1925 Ford Roadster
1924 Ford Sedan
1926 Ford Coupe
1926 Ford Roadster - - - - 5 -
1927 Ford Coupe Ruxsteel Axel, fully equipped oo.
160.00 -
These Cars Can be Seen Day or Night
Ask for a Demonstration :
Spring and High Sts. Phone Bell 405 Bellefonte, Pa
ee ee ————————
AS is the Ideal
the flame and
heat is maintained lesire
temperature by automatic heat con-
trol. Gas means quicker cooking as
well as better cooking. It saves
your time and costs you less.
A Perfect Dinner With
vegetables and
your food is cooking.
Kitchen Comfort
The insulated range is the latest and great 4
est advance in gas range design! The insu-
lated oven has many advan:
For one thing you can, oven-steam your
other foods—a method far
Oven-steaming preserves.
health-giving minerals and vitamines—
retains the natural, delicious. flavor in.
ry. BE
1 an
tables, fruits and all Ee
cheaper cuts of meat are:made tender
+2 savory. Scientific oven ventilation m :
2 all foods more delicions,and keeps odorsout
“% of the kitchen.
Oven insulation means kitchen com-
fort. It keeps the'heat in the oven and
out of the kitchen. Automatic oven
heat control makes it unnecessary to
watch foods while cooking. You cook
according to exact time and tem-
perature, insuring perfect results and
carefree cookery.
you cook with gas you
n adjust the flame to the de-
sired heat—high for quick action,
low to simmer, any size
You see the size of
know exactly how
at any desired
flame for