Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 05, 1928, Image 3

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Bellefonte, Pa., October 5, 1928.
Written by the Hon. John W. Davis,
‘Candidate for President in 1924.
As a Democrat, I am, and always
have been, deeply interested in the
success of the Democratic party, be-
cause I think its principles and poli-
cies are for the good of the entire
country. Problems change from time
to time, but the division between the
liberal and the conservative points of
view is constant and lasting.
The creed of the liberal is based
upon a profound conviction of the
worth of every man, no matter how
humble, and his right to equality be-
fore the law. He believes that men
and women can be trusted to dispose
of their own destiny. He wishes for
every one the largest liberty consist-
ent with the public order. Unhamp-
ered by special interests, he is not
afraid to try new experiments when
existing conditions are wunsatisfac-
A conservative, on the other hand,
instinctively thinks of himself and his
kind as wiser than the rest of man-
kind. He believes the mass of men
are not to be trusted unless restrain-
ed by law. He shrinks from any
change of the existing order that
might disturb him or his friends.
In this contest of opinion I am a
liberal, and I shall be a Democrat as
long as the Democratic party contin-
ues to take the liberal side. I stand
therefore, with the Democratic point
of view on the tariff taxation, farm re-
lief, water power, local self-govern-
ment, foreign affairs and the other
issues of the day.
I am convinced, moreover, that a
change in the administration of na-
tional affairs at this time would be a
healthy and a wholesome thing from
every point of view. If American
political history teaches one thing
more clearly than another, it is that
long-continued domination by any
party always leads to abuses within
the party itself. To stamp them out,
we must have a change.
An occasional vacation is a good
thing for political parties as well as
for individuals, and equally profitable
to those whom they serve. Judging
by the sins of omission and commis-
sion in the last eight years, by what
it has done as well as by what it has
failed to do, the Republican party
needs a rest.
I am writing not about issues but
about the candidate. I have been a
resident of New York for the last
seven years, during six of which Al-
fred E. Smith has been Governor of
the State. I have had occasion to ob-
serve him at close range as well as
to learn something of his past record
and history. I may claim, therefore,
to speak with knowledge concerning
him. How far my high estimate of
him agrees with the opinions of other
citizens of the State can be gathered
from the continuous victories he has
His career is one of the rare ro-
mances of American life. Born in
humble surroundings, driven at the
early age of thirteen years to support
himself and his widowed mother—to
whom he was until her death sucha
son as all mothers might desire—he
has become one of the most distingu-
ished in New York's long line of distin-
guished Governors. Deprived of the
benefits of an early education, he has
made himself nevertheless an expert
in matters of government.
Nineteen times he has been a can-
didate for office and but one defeat
has been scored against him. In ev-
ery office he has held he has won the
praise of political foes as well as po-
litical friends. Such things do not
happen by accident. To achieve them
a man must have character, ability,
tireless industry, courage and the rare
gift of leadership. .
With all these Governor Smith
combines one of the most direct and
honest intellects it has been my for-
tune to encounter.
Woodrow Wilson once said that
“the eight horses that draw the tri-
umphal chariot of every ruler and
leader of free men” are these:
Force of character.
Readiness of resources.
Clearness of vision.
Grasp of intellect.
Courage of conviction.
Earnestness of purpose.
Instinct and Capacity for leader-
Governor Smith has them all.
His four terms as Governor have
been marked by an extraordinary ser-
jes of achievements, winding up wi
a complete reorganization of the cum-
bersome and antiquated machinery of
the State Government. None of his
tasks has been easy, for he has been
confronted at every step by a deter-
mined and partisan opposition. Over
and over again, in true Democratic
fashion, he has appealed to the peo-
of the State over the heads of a hos-
tile Legislature, and the people have
rallied to his support. He knew, and
he made them know he knew, what
he was talking about, for he has the
faculty of putting things in a fashion
that a plain man can understand.
Above all, the people recognized
that he had the courage of his convic-
tions and was willing to stand or fall
fighting for them. In this day, when
dodging and evasion, half truths and
sounding phrases are the stock in
trade of the Facing-Both-Ways in
politics, such open speaking as his is
truly refreshing. Here is a man who
is not afraid to be quoted on farm re-
lief, water power, Prohibition or any
other question. He does not need an
official spokesman.
Take Prohibition: he recognizes, as
all candid persons must, that the real
question for the country to consider is
whether we are on the right or the
wrong road to do away with the evils
of intemperance. If we are on the
right road, we must follow it no mat-
ter how rough the going. If on the
th | any friends of mine.
| that what the Democratic
that we must retrace our steps and
start again.
Governor Smith believes that the
wrong road has been taken. He has
the courage to say so; and, because it
is his habit not to criticise without
suggesting a remedy, he proposes
what he thinks is a better plan. But,
in my judgment, those who expect
him as President to be lax or luke-
warm in enforcing the existing law
will be most grievously disappointed.
What about his training for the
Presidency? If there is a better
training for the duties of that office
than eight years as Governor of the
largest State in the American Union,
I do not know what it is—especially
when his experience has been backed
up by twelve years of legislative life.
No man ever has and no man ever
will enter the Presidency with knowi-
edge of all the questions that lie
ahead. The important thing for him
to do is to know how to meet and
handle . those questions when they
In this respect an experience as
the head of a Government depart-
ment, or as an organizer of industry
or of wide-spread charity, is not to
be compared, in my judgment, with
one of service as the head of a great
State. It is one thing to give orders
to men, but very different to know
how to persuade those who follow on-
ly of their own free will.
Compare his political experience, if
you will, with that of Lincoln, or
Cleveland, or Woodrow Wilson: Lin-
coln, eight years in the Illinois Leg-
islature, one term in Congress and an
unsuccessful race for the Senate;
Clevland, Mayor of Buffalo, Governor
of New York and President-elect
with-in three short years; Wilson, one
term as Governor of the State of New
Jersey. If you will turn to the rec-
ord, you will find that each of these
was charged during the campaign
preceding his election with an insuf-
ficient training for the Presidency.
Gov. Smith is a Roman Catholic. I
count it to his credit that he is a sin-
cere Catholic and not a mere pretend-
from the same deep sources as his fi-
delity to his country. No one knows
better than he the demand that either
has a right to make upon him. Nev-
er in our time, or indeed, before, has
the American doctrine of the sepera-
tion of the church and State been
more nobly proclaimed than in his
justly famous letter to Marshall, pub-
lished in the Atlantic Monthly.
If I were called on to write an
argument for the American position,
I would not know how to do better
than to repeat the nine articles of his
creed as summarized by him in that
letter and to follow them with these
questions: (1) When we talk of re-
ligious liberty in this country, do we
mean liberty for all religions or only
for our own? (2) Is there so little
room in Heaven as well as on earth
that we must trample on others to
make sure of a front seat?
The effort to picture Gov. Smith as
a tool of Tammany Hall is grotesque
to those who have watched his con-
duct as the Chief Executive of this
State. Mr. William Allen White's
attack on him as a legislator is no
longer bait to catch gudgeons, thanks
to his own retraction and the Gover-
nor’s reply. But it is worth while,
as the best description of his legis-
lative service, to quote what the New
York Tribune, then and now the
strongest Republican paper in New
York or the East, had to say in Sep-
tember, 1915, when he was leaving
the Legislature to become Sheriff of
New York County. It wrote:
“The City of New York could af-
ford to pay Alfred E. Smith all the
prospective emoluments of the Sher-
iff’s office as a consideration for his
continuing to represent a local As-
sembly district at Albany. In the
past ten years there has been no Re-
publican, Progressive or Democrat in
the State Legislature who has ren-
dered as effective, useful, downright
valuable service to this town as ex-
Speaker Smith.
“The peculiar value of Mr. Smith’s
services at Albany has lain in the
fact that he was always loyal to his
own city, his own county and his own
district. He has fought for some
scores of things that were good, and
he has fought with equal vigor against
things that were injurious to this
town, * * * * x x «A {me leader, a
genuine compeller of men, a man of
wit and force and an instinctive grasp
of legislative practice, he has made
a real reputation for himself at the
capital and has deserved well of the
large constituency which is his town.”
Finally, I understand the charge
has been made in some quarters that
the Democratic organization in the
City and State of New York was not
loyal to the national ticket in 1924.
I do not wish this to be believed by
It is not true.
Those who make it point to the
fact that Gov. Smith carried the State
against Theodore Roosevelt Jr.,
while I lost it to Coolidge. There are
many things which explain this fact,
without imputing it to any action or
inaction on the part of Gov. Smith or
the State or city organizations. The
outstanding reason is the great per-
sonal following which Gov. Smith
rightly enjoys in the City and State
of New York. It is based on confi-
dence in him and admiration of his
career as a servant of the people. It
has carried the State for him four
times and beyond a doubt it will car-
ry the State for him again next No-
In 1924 Gov. Smith was most re-
luctant to accept a renomination. He
felt, as many other men have done,
that the time had come whne he ow-
ed it to his family to retire from pub-
lic life and make some provision for
the future. I personally urged him
to permit himself to be renominated
for the good of the party in the
State and Nation. When he argued
that those not familiar with the situ-
ation in the State might misunder-
stand it if his vote should outrun
mine, I told him that there could be
no room for misunderstanding on that
subject, least of ull on my part, and
would ask of him first of all, as of
wrong road, common sense dictates
His fidelity to his church springs |-
every candidate, was to carry the of-
fice for which he was nominated.
Throughout the campaign I enjoy-
ed his cordial support and assistance,
and I am equally sure that I had the
support of the organization in the
Island of Manhattan, ‘to which the
term “Tammany Hall” is usually ap-
plied, and the support of the organ-
ization in the other boroughs of New
York City and throughout the State.
The best proof of this may be found
in the fact that while the total regis-
tration of both parties in the five
counties composing the City of Great-
er New York increased from 1920 to
1924 by only 126,000 votes (speaking
in round numbers), I received in the |
City of New York 144,000 more votes
than had been cast for the national
ticket in 1920, while President Cool-
idge received 160,000 less than had
been cast for President Harding. In
the State of New York I received
169,500 votes more than were cast for
the national ticket in 1920 and Presi-
dent Coolidge received 51,000 less.
Senator La Follette, on the other
hand running on the Progressive and
Socialist tickets, received 265,000
more votes than had been cast four
years before for Eugene V. Debs.
No doubt many enrolled Democrats
failed that year to vote the national
ticket, but this was true not only in
the State of New York but through-
out the Union. It is not necessary to
thrash over old straw by pointing out
the various reasons why this occur-
red. It is quite unfair to attribute it
to disloyalty on the part of the Dem-
ocratic Committees throughout the
country or to Democratic candidates.
No organization, not even one as pf-
fective as the organizations in the
State and City of New York, can ac-
ahi miracles or sweep back the
This year I hope, and I believe,
that the tide is with and not against
us, and that November will bring us
safely into port.
Experiments in rearing ring-necked
pheasants, made this spying for the
first time in Pennsylvania, have been
very successful considering the many
difficulties with which the Board of
Game Commissioners were faced at
the outset.
Large game within the Common-
wealth, such as the white-tailed deer
and black bear, are holding their
own; cottontail rabbits may be pur-
chased almost anywhere at reasonable
cost. But ring-necked pheasants and
wild turkeys may be purchased only
in limited numbers and at excessive
prices. Therefore, because of their
inability to secure a sufficient num-
ber of birds for stocking purposes
each year without the expenditure of
an over-whelming outlay of funds,
and because they sensed the need for
maintaining their own future game
supply, the Board of Game Commis-
sioners decided to experiment, on a
moderate scale, with a ring-necked
pheasant rearing program.
New York evinced her friendliness
and interest in the program by do-
nating 5,000 pheasant eggs for our
use. New York’s State game farms
have been successful in rearing ring-
necks. An additional 5,000 eggs were
purchased elsewhere.
Not having available lands at the
time upon which to establish per-
manent plants, the Board distributed
the 10,000 eggs among those of our
game refuges which contained open
territory sufficiently extensive for the
task at hand. Game refuge keepers
were detailed to handle the work
along with other activities, and this
of course entailed considerable in-
struction, and extra duties. Despite
all handicaps the work went steadily
forward. Refuges were equipped
with hatching coops, exercising and
breeding pens. Setting hens, which
were very hard to secure for some
reason or another, were finally pur-
chased and distributed.
Of the original 10,000 eggs, 1000
were distributed among interested
sportsmen and farmers who were
willing to devote their time and effort
to further the program.
Two excellent locations were chos-
en. They were enclosed with fine
mesh wire fencing, and breeding
pens and feeding houses erected, by
this time most of the birds were
ready for release. Of the 9,000 eggs
alloted to the refuge keepers over
6,000 pheasants were successfully
reared. This was conceded to be very
good taking everything into consid- |
eration. Most of the fatality occur-
red through the trampling to death
of the young chicks by the hens, and
of course many eggs were infertile.
Of the 6,000 birds successfully
reared, 4,000 were released in suit-
able territory throughout the Com-
monweath, and the remainder ship-
ped to the breeding plants where
they will be held over, together with
approximately 4,000 additional breed-
ers purchased in the meantime for
carrying forward the work next year.
If the same success is experienced
next season the Commission will ex-
pect to have at least 40,000 eggs
available for distribution.
arene se fe meet.
Children Take Pride
in School Grounds.
The Young Citizens’ league, which
under the leadership and direction of
E. C. Giffen, of the Oklahoma state
educational department, has grown
into an organization of about 75,000
of the school children of the state, de-
voted to the preservation and beauti-
fying of school grounds, along with
their individual drilling in the funda-
mentals of citizenship, is preparing
for two major events of the spring.
One of these is the laying out of
local programs for improving school
grounds and premises. The other
major program is the annual conven-
tion at Pierre. The expense of at-
tendance is a matter of the pupils’
own financing through school enter-
tainments. The movement is attract-
ing attentien of educators of other
States, and inquiries are constantly
being made as to details of the or-
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Oh, Yes!
W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
Call Bellefonte 432
American history was Thomas Jeffer-
son, author of the Declaration of In-
Jefferson founded what is now the
Democratic party. He obliterated the
powerful Federalist party of Wash-
ington and Hamilton. He held the
presidency for eight years and then
obtained equal terms for his two
lieutenants, James Madison and
James Monroe, whom he once called
“the two pillars of my happiness.” He
dominated national politics and na-
tional affairs from 1800 until his
death in 1826.
Alexander Hamilton did not live to
oppose or support him in the election
of 1804. Hamilton was killed in a
duel by that unscrupulous master
strategist, Vice President Aaron
Burr, whose unfair election to the
presidency he had blocked in 1800 and
whose candidacy for governor of New
York he defeated early in 1804.
Hemilton’s astonishingly bitter en-
mity toward Burr has been laid to
their rivalry for the affections of a
woman. Hamilton professed hatred
of Burr's character and his shady
political methods, but no ordinary ex-
planation can account for the enmity
which led him to prefer and accom-
plish Jefferson’s election over Burr
when the tied contest was thrown into
the house. Hamilton had previously
urged high-handed methods to rob
Jefferson of the election on the
ground that “no scruples of delicacy
and propriety” should count against
the task of preventing “an atheist in
religion and a fanatic in politics from
getting possession of the helm of
Jefferson’s overwhelming victory
over the Federalists in 1804 proved
the collapse of the Federalist party.
The 1804 election was held under the
new law by which electors voted
separately for president and vice
president, preventing another Jeffer-
son-Burr mixup.
The Republican congressional cau-
cus, forerunner of the nominating
convention, unanimously renominated
Jefferson in February and picked a
northerner, George Clinton, of New
York, for vice president.
Disgruntled Federalists agreed to
support Charles C. Pinckney, of South
Carolina, and Rufus King, of New
York, but realized the futility of a
strong national fight and made none.
Pennsylvania went for Jefferson 20
to 1, New Jersey 13,119 to 19 and
Ohio 6 to 1. There were close con-
tests in New England, but Pinckney
carried only Delaware and Connecti-
cut, with 14 electoral votes to Jeffer-
son’s 162.
After that Federalist leaders be-
gan to merge with the Republicans,
but feuds broke out in the Republi-
can ranks. There were serious State
fights in New York, Pennsylvania and
After his second election, Jeffer-
son promptly announced that he
wouldn’t run again. His wishes re-
garding Madison were understood.
This hurt Monroe and incensed Clin-
ton, who wanted to step from the
vice presidency to the presidency as
Adams and Jefferson had.
Virginia’s Legislature had a caucus
of its own, nominating Madison.
The greatest political leader in |
ARISTOCRATIC POWER BROKEN Loud protests arose at the practice
1 of nominating by congressional cau-
| cus, but one was held and nominat-
ed Madison by 83 to three each for
Clinton and Monroe, with Clinton for
vice president. Criticism followed,
but harmony was gradually achieved
and Madison and Clinton defeated the
renominated Pinckney-King ticket,
122 to 47, Pinckney carrying Dela-
ware and all the New England States
but Vermont.
In 1811 a group of young
congressmen including Henry Clay,
John C. Calhoun and William Craw-
ford took control of the house. They
pushed Madison and Monroe, the
secretary of state, into the War of
1812. Madison was renominated,
with Elbridge Gerry of Vermont for
vice president, a month before war
wag declared.
Then DeWitt Clinton, party boss in
New York and nephew of the late
Vice President George Clinton, an-
nounced his candidacy. He was sure
of New York and of a coalition with
the Federalists and hoped to make
deals with Republican leaders in oth-
er states to beat Madison. It was
shady politics. Martin Van Buren,
later president, was Clinton’s cam-
paign manager. Some Federalist
leaders refused to enter the deal but
the majority did.
The electoral vote was Madison
128, Clinton 89. Madison won with a
solid south, plus Ohio, Pennsylvania
and Vermont. Clinton had the rest
of New England, New York, New
Jersey and Delaware. Soon the dis-
gusted Federalists were meeting at
the famous Hartford convention
where they proposed the nerth’s sep-
aration from the Union. It proved to
be the party’s swan song.
Opposition to the “Virginia dy-
nasty” was hotter than ever when
Jefferson and Madison backed Monroe
for nomination in 1816. It was all
internal, for popular revolt against
the power of theNew England clergy
was breaking up the last Federalist
stronghold. © Monroe
Crawford of Georgia at the congres-
sional caucus, an institution of in-
creasing unpopularity. There was no
election contest. Of 19 states, only
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Dela-
ware chose Federalist electors by leg-
islative action. These voted futilely
for Rufus King of New York.
Completely without opposition and
with few persons even bothering to
vote, Monroe wag re-elected 231 to 1
in the electoral college in 1820, and
the two hundred and thirty-second
elector was quoted as explaining his
vote for John Quincy Adams by his
desire that no man should share with
Washington the distinction of a unan-
imous election.—By Rodney Dutscher
—Special service writer for NEA.
60 Years of Horses.
1894—Largest number of horses
and colts reported on Pennsylvania
farms during the past 60 years—659,-
1897—Lowest average value per
head—$44.27 and lowest total value
1914—Highest average value per
head—$139 and highest total value
1928—Smallest number reported in
60 years, 359,000 head—Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture.
barely beat | ywayne’s 329% Dairy Feed 3.10 per H.
Law, Bellefonte, Pa.
all courts.
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business em-
trusteed to hiis care.
High street.
Offices—No. 5,
J M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
Practices im
Office, room 18 Crider's
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-80
D R. R. L.
Bellefonte State College
Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg. High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 2
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
ever, day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 8
a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone 05.40
Wayne’s Egg Mash - $3.25 per H.
Wayne’s Calf Meal - 4.25 per H.
Wayne’s 24% Dairy Feed 2.80 per H.
Wagner's 30% Dairy Feed 2.70 per H.
Wagner’s 22% Dairy Feed 2.50 per H.
Wagner’s Pig Meal - .90 per H.
Cotton Seed Meal, 43%, 3.50 per H.
Oil Meal, 34% - - - 3.00 per H.
Gluten feed, 23% - - 2.50 per H.
Alfalfa - - - = 2.25 per H.
Tankage, 60% - - 4.25 per H.
Meat Scrap, 45% - - 4.25per H.
Wagner's Egg Mash, Wagner's
Scratch Feed, Cracked Corn, Chop,
Bran, Middlings on Hand at
All Times, at the Right
With the large crops of corn and
oats let us grind your feed and make
up your mixtures with cotton seed
meal, oil meal, gluten and bran. We
will do this at the small additional
cost of 5 cents per hundred.
If You Want Good Bread or Pastry
0. Y. Wagner & Go. In
¢6-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Meat! What family menu would
be complete without this essential
part of a good dinner. Meat builds
health and restores energy. We al-
ways have the various kinds of
meats that are most wanted. All
are of prime quality—fresh, tender
and flavorful.
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
service, Courteous at ts.
A Restful Night
Add enjoyment to your trip East or West,
Ad a a delightful break in your journey.
Each Way Every Night Between
Buffalo and Cleveland
offer unlimited facilities, including large
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A trip you will long
Connections at Cleveland for Lake Resorts,
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Daily Service May 1st to November 14th
Leaving at 9:00 P. M.; Arriving at 7:30 A. M.
Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency
for tickets via C & B Line.
New Low Fare $4.50 3%
Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Com
TC es ae ridge. Bello; N. T
il! |
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing -
such insurance. We inspect:
Plants and recommend Accident:
Prevention Safe Guards which:
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte,