Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 21, 1928, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., September 21, 1923.
autumn, but let us hope it will not
mean cold weather for some time to
——Joseph Thomas is making ar-
rangements to add a scda fountain to
the equipment of his cigar and candy
store on High street.
Announcement has been made
of the marriage, at Columbus, Ohio,
on September Tth, of Miss Virginia
‘Garman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert T. Garman, of Tyrone, to Rob-
ert Stewart, of Ashland, Ky.
Thirty applicants have filed
bids for carrying mail from Belle-
fonte to Millheim and return in the
event the afternoon train on the
Lewisburg railroad is discontinuad,
but so far there seems to be some un-
«certainty as to whether the train will
be taken off.
H. G. Work, formerly cashier
«of the Farmer’s National bank of this
place, is located permanently at Me-
dia, Pa.,to which city the family has '
moved. Mr. Work resigned his posi-
‘tion here to accept more lucrative
‘work with the State Banking Depart-
ment, Building and Loan division.
A flue fire at the DeLallo home,
«on east Beaver street, last Friday af-
ternoon, called out the firemen but
‘the blaze was quickly extinguished
without doing much damage. The
Logans also responded to an alarm
of fire, at Axe Mann, on Saturday af-
‘ternoon, but a bucket brigade had the
fire about out when thev reached
Cows are said to be scarce and
high priced. Recent sales indicate
‘that they are selling high, but the ex-
perience of a local buyer would indi-
«cate that there are plenty to be had
if attractive offers are made for
them. Al Baum bought forty-one in
less than twenty-four hours, one day
last week, when commissioned to pro-
«cure a lot for a Belleville dealer.
The quarantine card was re-
‘moved last Thursday, from the home
«of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witmer, of
Halfmoon Hill, whose little daughter
May has gone through a siege of in-
‘fantile paralysis. While the disease
itself has spent its course and all dan-
ger of infection is past, it left the lit-
tle ‘girl badly crippled in the legs and
‘there is grave fear that she may nev-
«er be able to walk.
——Annulment proceedings have
‘been instituted at Cumberland, Md.,
by James B. Moritz Jr., aged 17
years, for legal separation from his
wife, Eleanor Louise Keller Moritz,
aged 16. The complaint of the youth-
ful husband states that while he and
Miss Keller were both students at the
Bellefonte Academy they were induc-
«ed to go on a motor trip to Cumber-
land, Md., by John Keller and Mrs.
H. J. Altman, uncle and aunt of the
girl, who made mistatements as to the
age of each, They were married on
April 28th, 1928.
The Bellefonte Academy is now
in full swing. While the boys came
in mostly last week, it was not until
Monday morning that the general
Schedule of class work wag begun.
The Academy and student houses are
comfortably filled so that a good
school for the year is assured. Among
the students is ample material to as-
sure a good football team and those
students who are not trying for the
‘team are given physical culture train-
ing by L. C. Heineman, of the Y. M.
C. A. During the summer vacation
Mr. Hughes completely remodel-
ed the interior of the old Quaker
«hurch, which he bought last spring,
installed the library in one room and
‘will use the remainder of it for class
room work.
—Bellefonte had a distinguished
visitor, on Wednesday night, in the
Person of Hon. Robert von Mosch-
zisker, Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, who was a
guest at the home of Charles E.
Dorworth, Secretary of Forests and
Waters. At the invitation of Secre-
tary Dorworth an informal reception
was given the Chief Justice and hun-
dreds of residents of Bellefonte and
Centre county visited the Dorworth
home to pay their respects. Troop
B, of Bellefonte, marched to the Dor-
worth home in a body and filed in
soldierly order through the house
Laght refreshments were served.
'The reception was preceded by a din-
‘ner #0 which a few intimate friends
were invited.
"The Johnstown Tribune issued a
‘64-page edition, last Saturday, in
celebration of its 75th anniversary.
dn addition to its regular news sec-
tions two sections were devoted to a
brief history of the paper from the
days of its swaddling clothes up to
its present metropolitan standard,
and to the history of Johnstown and
its leading industries. The Tribune
is one of the leading papers between
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and in
most of its features stands on a par
with the city newspapers. Its regular
afternoon edition consists of anywhere
from sixteen to thirty-two pages and
with a circulation of well onto 35,000
it covers Cambria and Somerset coun-
ties to the smallest village. Close to
one hundred men and women are em-
ployed in its making, among the num-
ber being Edward L. Gates, a for-
mer Bellefonte news paperman, who is
telegraph editor on the Tribune.
Today marks the beginning of
Clyde A. Smith to Build Government
- Telephone Line in Colombia,
South America.
| Clyde A. Smith, who in the days of
the old Commerical Telephone com-
pany was head lineman and general
all around mechanic, but who since
the merger with the Bell company
has been living at Centre Hall, jn
Tuesday signed a contract to go to
Colombia, South America, and con-
struct a government telephone line
across practically the entire length of
the country, a distance of from 800
to 1000 miles. The story of how
“Skip” came to be picked for the
job sounds almost like a romance.
When the government of Colombia
decided to build the line the officials
naturally turned to the United States
for equipment and a contracting firm
to do the job. After diligent inquiry
‘and investigation the contract wus
| finaily awarded to Stromberg & Carl-
ison, of Rochester, N. Y. Then the
| latter firm began to look around for
ian all-around man to take charge of
the job. They found plenty of spe-
cialists, men who could string a line
land men who could install an ex-
change but not a man who was mas-
ter of all. Finally they appealed to
+a well known telephone technical en-
iigneer for information as to some
{ man who would fill the bill. ;
The engineer told them he knew of |
but one such man in the United States
land gave them the name of Mr.
Smith. Consequently a representa-
tive of Stomberg & Carlson came to
Bellefonte on the hunt of Clyde and
locating him at Centre Hall went
there and induced him to take the
That it is some job is evidenced by
the fact that it is estimated it will |
take in the neighborhood of five years :
to do the work. Mr. Smith will not |
only have charge of stringing fhe
line but installing and equipping the |
various exchanges. According to the |
company’s representative a large por- .
tion of the line will be underground |
cable. At some points exchanges will |
be one hundred miles apart, while in |
the more thickly populated districts |
they will be as close as twenty-five
As the contractors are anxious to
begin the work as soon as possible
Mr. Smith will probably leave about
the first of October for Colombia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gross Located
in Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gross, of
Bellefonte, are now located in Los
Angeles, Cal., where they expect to
make their future home. Harold is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gross, .f
Bellefonte, and is a plumber and
steam fitter. He learned his trade
with Thomas Caldwell and later
worked for Walter Eberhart. Final-
ly he decided to go to the Pacific
coast and on Monday, September 3rd,
he and his wife went to Hollidaysburg
and took passage on one of the Grey-
hound busses which runs between
New York and Los Angeles.
The fare for the transcontinental
trip is $62.50, which does not include
meals enroute. The busses, however,
are equipped with a kitchenette
where any foodstuffs purchased by
passengers can be prepared for eat-
cushions and they are so arrang-
ed that they can be placed in a re-
clining position and make a very com-
fortable couch while traveling st
night. The schedule of the bus is so
arranged that stops of anywhere
from twenty minutes to five hours
are made enroute, and yet such good
time is maintained that Mr. and Mrs.
Gross landed in Los Angeles in just
six days from the date of leaving
ing. All the seats have rubber air,
Mr. Gross has had several letters
from his son since he landed in the
California city. In the last letter |
Harold stated that he had not yet
landed a job, but was looking over the
city and felt confident that he would
be at work within a week.
— et
Bellefonters Prominent in Activities
at State College. |
the opening of Freshmen |
week, at State College last Thursday, |
John G. Shope, of Bellefonte, began
his activities as one of the four jun-
cheer leading staff were to lead the |
Freshmen in cheer and song practice,
the latter being required to memorize |
the entire list of college cheers and !
songs. Shope is a member of the |
Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity and js!
taking a course in architectural on
Among others who returned to col- |
lege, last week, was Miss Mary
Woodring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Kline Woodring. She is now a
Junior at Penn State and will be so-
cial chairman of her class this year.
She. is also chairman of the Finance
committee of the student Y. W. C. A.
ana takes an active interest in the
cabinet proceedings. She is enrolled
in the arts and letters curriculum.
——Word has been received in
Bellefonte that Richard Mabus, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Mabus, and Miss
Katherine J. Shaffer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Shaffer, who left
Bellefonte on August 19th, were
quietly married that day, but just
where is not known. They are now
living at Tarentum, Pa., where Mr.
Mabus is reported as having a good
| hoff hotel
Grand Jury for September Court in
Session This Week.
The grand jury for the September
term of court convened nn Monday
morning, Ray Bragonier, of Philips-
burg, being appointed foreman. On
the docket is a list of sixty cases, but
bills of indictment will not be pre-
sented in all of them. It is probable,
however, that thirty or more cases
will be ready to be heard.
In fact the Centre county jail was
crowded over Sunday, there being
thirty-one prisoners. The court re-
lieved the situation, on Monday, by
imposing sentence upon five escaped
convicts, but their removal to Pitts-
burgh still left the sheriff with a
family of twenty-six to lcok after.
One of those is a woman, Mrs. L.
B. Perkins, of Washington, D. C., ar-
rested several weeks ago on com-
plaint of Mrs. Wagner, of Howard,
for failure to pay a $28 board bill.
While that was the only action
brought against the woman it is un-
derstood that she also owes board
bills in Bellefonte and other places in
the county. These she incurred while
working in the capacity of a book
agent, in which she was not very suc-
The grand jury completed its work
on Wednesday afternoon. Out of 63
bills of indictment prepared by the
district attorney 38 true bills were
found, ten were ignored and 15 with-
The jury, in its report, condemned
the Centre county jail as antiquated
and recommended the building of a
new and modarn jail. If this cannot
be done numerous repairs and alter-
ations were suggested. Conditions
in and about the court house were al-
So condemned as unsanitary and re-
pairs and a general cleaning up
should be done at once.
Annual Drive for Y. M. C. A. Will
Soon Be On.
The plans for the annual drive of
the local Y. M. C. A. for membership
are now complete, and under the
leadership of the able chairman, Mr.
W. R. Cliffe, are being pushed ahead
There will be a parade of the boys
and girls of the town, who are users
of the Y, together with the various
‘clubs and organizations which use the
Y for their meeting place, on Friday
; evening, September 21,
The parade will be led by the Wet-
zler’s Junior band, and at the con-
clusion of the parade a giant mass
meeting will be held on the court
house lawn, at which time the Hon.
M. Ward Fleming will deliver an ad-
dress. You cannot afford to miss this
meeting as Judge Fleming has a
message that will be of interest to all.
On Monday, September 24th, there
will be a dinner and meeting for those
who are going to help in the member-
ship campaign. oy
This is your Y. M. C. A. and it
merits your whole hearted support,
The drive will be held on September
26, 27, 28.
Meet the solicitors with a smile and |
get your name on the honor roll. Help
to make the Y Centre County’s Com-
munity Center.
Auto Collision at Port Matilda.
About eleven o’clock on Sunday
morning a Nash tourning car bearing
license tag C81-093, containing two
men and a woman was on its way
west on the Bald Eagle State high-
way. At the cross roads in Port Ma-
tilda the driver failed to regard the °
red light signal with the result that
the left rear wheel of his car was hit
by an Oakland roadster driven by
Charles Wentzel, who had with him
three ladies. The wheel of the Nash
car was smashed and the machine al-
most upset. The bumper on the
Wentzel car was knocked off, For-
tunately no one was hurt aside from
shock. The driver of the Nash car
admitted that he was in the wrong
and volunteered to pay for all dam-
ages. The crossroads in Port Matil-
da is regarded as a dangerous point
and all drivers should approach it
with care,
ror pe tH
Spanish American War Veterans to
Revive Local Camp.
Geo. W. Jackson Camp, No. 70,
Spanish American War Veterans, is
to be made a militant organization if
ior cheer leaders. The duties of che | Plans of the Central District sonnei].
go through.
J. H. Gherrity, of DuBois, has been
in town all week arranging for a
meeting to be held in the grand jury
room in the court house next Sunday
afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. Represen-
tatives from active camps all over the
central and western part of the State
will be here to inspire the local vet-
‘erans with new ideas of the advan-
tages that may be had by keeping
their camp up and doing.
It is especially planned to organ-
ize an efficient auxiliary and because
of that aim wives and daughters of
Spanish War Veterans are urged to
attend the meeting.
Simi ppb
The Bellefonte Trust Company
will entertain the school teachers of
Bellefonte, Milesburg and Unionville
boroughs and those of the townships
of Boggs, Benner, Huston, Marion,
Patton, Spring, Union and Walker
townships at dinner at the Brocker-
tomorrow, Saturday, at
noon. The meeting has been called for
the purpose of explaining the value
of teaching thrift to pupils and to es-
tablish school banks in all schools in !
which they are not already in use.
Bellefonte Appealed to For Money,
Clothing and Supplies.
Urgent appeals from the offices of
the National Red Cross, in Washing-
ton, have been sent to burgess Hard
P. Harris, of Bellefonte, for aid to
the sufferers in Porto Rico, and else-
where, caused by the terrific West
Indian hurricane which swept over
the Islands and across Florida in the
beginning of the week, leaving a trail
of death and destruction in its wake.
At this writing upwards of three hun-
dred people are known to be dead and
it is feared the total many exceed
double this number, while property
damage is estimated at more than one
hundred million dollars. The first ap-
peal sent to Bellefonte was under
date of September 15th, and was as
Hard P. Harris, Chairman:
“West Indies hurricane destroyed
thousands of homes in Porto Rico and
other Islands, devastating crops. Im-
mediate need for food, shelter, medi-
cal supplies and emergency relief.
Red Cross taking charge at request
of President Coolidge. Need for
large fund imperative. Please give
widest possible publicity this appeal
and notify public your chapter will
receive and forward to national head-
quarters all contributions. Wire ac-
tion taken. Initial donation made $50,-
000 from national funds. Baker and
trained disaster staff now on way to
The second appeal, received on
Tuesday morning, follows:
Hard P. Harris, Chairman.
“Latest reports Porto Rico and Vir-
gin islands indicate increasing de-
mands upon Red Cross for emergency
relief and rehabilitation, with grow-
ing prospects further needs from
Florida and other southeastern States.
President Coolidge today, by proclam-
; ation, called for generous contribu-
- tions to Red Cross West Indies hurri-
cane relief fund to care for all areas
affected. Information too incomplete
to enable us to state total amount
‘needed, but clearly evident Red Cross
faces serious responsibility, and your
i present effort would be at least com-
parable to your effort at the time of
: Florida relief campaign in 1926.
There can be no question as to the
; urgent need for help, not only on the
i Island of Porto Rico, but along the
| entire path of the hurricane. Money
clothing and all kinds of non-perish-
able contributions should be given as
quick as possible. Contributions of
money should be sent to Charles M.
McCurdy, treasurer of the Bellefonte
branch of the Red Cross, while con-
tributions of clothing, ete., should be
sent to the Y. M. C. A.
Mr. John Sommerville has consent-
ed to.act as a committee to solicit aid
_ and will gladly give any information
Five Escaped Prisoners Sentenced on
i Monday Morning.
Five prisoners who escaped from
Rockview penitentiary at various
‘times entered pleas of guilty before
morning, and were given the sentence
prescribed by law. Before pronounc-
ing sentence Judge Fleming told the
men that when they were taken back
to Pittsburgh to make it known among
the prisoners there that if any of
them are transferred to Rockview
i they had better be content to stay
i there and not try to escape. The men
.on whom sentence was imposed were
‘as follows:
Harry Fenk, Philadelphia county,
one of the three who escaped Sep-
tember 10th, 5 to 15 years.
George Windemaker, of York
county, who escaped on May 20th,
1927, and was caught at Carlisle
three weeks ago, 3 to 7 years.
Robert Ruane, of Lackawanna coun-
ty, one of the four men who escaped
on July 26th, and who was caught at
Rahway, N. J., and brought back to .
Centre county on Saturday, 3 to 6
Nick Carbuck, of Allegheny county, '
who escaped Monday morning of last
2 to 4 years.
| Louis Marina, of Lawrence county,
also one of the three who escaped on
September 10th, 5 to 10 years.
i ll et——
Pennsvalley Sportsmen to Post Lands
Against Hunters.
{ Just 238 landowners and sportsmen
attended a meeting at Millheim, last
| Friday evening, to discuss the best
methods to overcome the slaughter of
!does during the two weeks of the
i deer hunting season in December. The
; Sentiment of all those present was
unanimous in opposing the game
! Commission’s ruling that only antler-
less deer may be killed during the
season. It was finally decided that
[te only way to combat the ruling is
"for landowners to post lands against
! hunting, and this it was decided to do.
Included in the membership of the
| Pennsvalley Sportsmen’s Associa-
‘tion are owners who have title to
‘more than five thousand acres of the
best hunting lands on the mountains
iin lower Pennsvalley. All these are °
to be posted. Other organizations
: throughout the county are also fall-
(ing in line on posting lands, and if
| the good work is continued the thous-
‘ands of hunters from all over the
i State who have sent to county treas-
i urer Lyman L. Smith for the special
doe license will find no place to hunt
when they come into the county on
I the first of December.
Judge M. Ward Fleming, on Monday
week and was caught the same day,
—Mrs. Harold Kirk went down to Har-
risburg, on Tuesday to spend her two
week's vacation with her sister, Mrs. Re- ;
becca C. Tuten. :
—Mr. and Mrs. William Johmstonbaugh
are entertaining Mr. Johnstonbaugh'’s
mother, Mrs. Alpheus Johnstonbaugh, of
Jersey Shore, who is with them at Axe
Mann, for the month of September.
—Miss Katherine Diefendorf, a school
mate of Miss Virginia Hughes,
from Mount Vernon, N. Y. visiting wizh
Virginia, at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hughes, on south Spring
street, :
—Miss Caroline Barnhart, who had
spent much of the summer in Bellefonte
with her sister, Mrs. William McClure and :
the family, left Wednesday morning to re- '
turn to her home in Kenilworth, New
| —The Misses
" daughters, of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller,
are both stenographers at the Titan Metal
! Co. Miss Jane was the first to go with
this company and upon her promotion,
her sister was given the place she vacated.
—Mrs. Frank McClain, who is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Spangler and
Col. Spangler, at their home on Allegheny
street, will be in Bellefonte for the great-
er part of the fall, expecting later to
close her home at Spangler and come here
for the winter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Baraclough and their
small son, recently moved from Williams-
port back to Bellefonte, and have been
occupying the Hill house on east Bishop
street vacated by the John P. Fretz fami-
oh the Bellefonte Fuel and Supply Co.,
and when leaving there, went to Williams-
port to live.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Carson, their
daughter, Mrs. John Breon and her two
children, Kenneth and Dean,
ward, drove over to Bellefonte, Saturday,
to spend the afternoon here in the shops,
Mr. Carson devoting his time to his friends
and looking after some business matters.
The Carson family were former residents
of Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bullock and
their daughter Katherine left Bellefonte
Monday, intending to make their home
elsewhere, As planned their first stop
would be made with their sons in Altoona,
from there they expect to go to Pitts-
burgh, then on west, their objective point
being Oklahoma, where in all probabilty
they will locate for the present.
—Mrs. Hiram Hiller and her two
daughters, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Norris,
arrived in Bellefonte Monday evening and
were guests at the Bush House, while
here for a visit with Mrs. J. Wesley Gep:-
hart and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth.
The condition of Mrs. Gephart, who has
been an invalid for many years, has be-
come gradually worse during the past
several weeks.
—Mrs. John A. Woodcock left Monday
morning to go to Mount Union and from
there by bus to McConnelsburg, to visit
with the Sloan family and other relatives.
Later she will go to Hagerstown and to
Chambersburg, while at the latter place,
which was her former home, she will be
a guest of her two sisters and brother.
Mrs. Woodcock had made no plans as to
the length of her stay.
—Mrs. Levy Johnston, of Chicago, was a
. house guest of Mrs. John 8. Walker and
! Miss Shortlidge from Monday until Wed-
nesday, having stopped in Bellefonte on-
route to New York, to join Mr. Johnston
and a party of friends for a motor trip to
Canada and for the return drive to Chica-
go. Mrs. Johnston is a native of Belle-
fonte and as Miss Stella Nolan was well
known both here and at Snow Shoe.
—Miss Emily Parker, accompanied by
Miss Marie Hoy, arrived home Sunday
from Philadelphia, where Miss Parker had
been a patient, under the care of Dr.
Chevalier Jackson, at the Jefferson hospi-
tal, since the fourth of September.
Having been met at Tyrone by her sister,
Miss Elizabeth Parker and Robt. Roan, she
was taken directly to the Centre county
hospital where she will be under treat-
ment for the present.
i —Mrs. Mary E. Miller, who makes her
home with her son, Arthur J., at Erie, Pa.,
came to Bellefonte from State College, on
Tuesday, and will spend some time with
her sister, Mrs. Thomas Shaughnessy, on
Howard street, before returning home.
Mrs. Miller came to Centre county with
her son Arthur, wife and two daughters,
Mary and Charlotte, who motored to State
: College for Labor day. Arthur and fami-
ly returned home the next day while Mrs.
Miller remained for a two week’s visit with
her son Francis and family, at the Col-
lege, before coming to Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Furst, their
two younger daughters and Mrs. John
, Furst, drove up from Overbrook the lat-
ter part of last week, to attend the third
reunion of the Furst family, held Satur-
day at Hecla park. Sixty in all repre-
j Sented the clan from all over the State,
‘and so much enthusiasm has already been
manifested that it promises to be one of
, the most successful family organizations
jo its time. Mr. and Mrs. Furst and Mrs.
John Furst spent the week-end here with
Mrs. A. O. Furst and the Curtin family,
! while the younger members of the party
| were guests of their cousin in Lock Hav-
jon for the greater part of their stay.
—On Thursday afternoon we were sur-
prised and delighted by a short visit from
"A. M. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover had
motored up from Landsdowne, with their
son Lawrence, for a week's visit with Dr.
and Mrs. E. J. Tibbens, at Beech Creek, and
from there had driven up for a brief look
at their former home here. While other
members of the party were viewing the
trout “Gust’ came in for a few moments
of reminisence with us. After he had
gone our thoughts slipped back to the
days when he and John C. Miller were
| running a book and stationery store in
the Humes block which stood where Cri-
der’s Exchange is now located. The school
! children bought slates, pencils and other
i needed supplies there and it was a very
popular place, especially the week before
valentine day. The valentines then were
almost entirely comics and cost a penny
each. There were not many pennies in the
pockets of the youth of that day so that
a lot of us often wondered how several
boys in the school were able to put so
‘many in the box we had as a post-office
there. Years later one of them, in recit-
ing incidents of our school days, told us
how he and so and so had pilfered hun-
dreds of valentines, while Mr. Miller and
Mr. Hoover were looking out of the win-
! dow.
is here |
Jane and Ruth Miller, |
Mr. Baraclough had been associated
all of Wood-
EE —
—Among Mr. and Mrs. John Nighthart’s
Sunday guests, were their son and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nighthart, of
—Mrs. J. E. Ward has as house guests
her son Harold and his family, who are
here from Cleveland, spending Mr. Ward’s
—Mrs. W. E. Hurley was taken again
to the Clearfield hospital, Tuesday, to
continue her treatment under Dr. Water-
worth and a possible operation.
—Mrs. Marion Lutz Coll, who has been
under the care of Dr. Waterworth, of
Clearfield, since going over to see him a
week ago, is thought to be seriously ill
at her home on east Howard street.
—The stay of Miss Bernice Crouse at
her home in Smullton, was prolonged on
account of the death of her mother, which
occurred Saturday, the funeral being held
from the Crouse home, Wednesday morn-
i ing.
! —The Misses Mary A. and Henrietta
| Butts, of Philadelphia, are expected in
| Bellefonte today to join Mr. and Mrs.
{ Robert F. Hunter on a week or ten day's
motor trip through New York State and
i Canada.
—Misses Helen Beezer, Emily Crider
{and Anne Straub motored down to Phila-
| delphia, on Sunday, the first two on busi-
‘ness while Miss Straub accompanied them
just for the trip. They returned home on
, Tuesday evening.
| —Mrs. Clyde Rosenberg is here from
i Indiana, for a month's visit with her par-
| ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jodon, and when re-
turning home will be accompanied by her
mother. Mrs. Rosenberg was formerly,
Miss Katherine Jodon.
—Mrs. E. H. B. Callaway and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Harry Garber, are expected here
from Flushing, L. I, shortly, Mrs. Calla-
| Way coming for a visit with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. George B. Thompson and her
family, while Mrs. Garber is anticipating
making her home in Bellefonte.
- —Mrs. Earle C. Tuten, with her sons
Tyrril and John, drove up from Harris-
burg, last Wednesday, to enter John as a
Freshman at State College. Tyrril went
to Lafayette college, on Monday, where
he matriculated in the theological depart-
ment to study for the ministry.
—Miss Betty Lockington was called
home from Mauch Chunk last week, by the
‘sudden development of a serious condition
in her mother, Mrs. Charles Lockington,
who has been ill at her home on east High
street, for several weeks. Mrs. Lockington,
however, rallied and is now very much
—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Butterworth drove
in from Wilkinsburg for a Sunday visit
with Mrs. Butterworth’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Knisely and were accompanied
home by Miss Anne Keichline, who ex-
pects to spend two weeks with them at
Wilkinsburg and with the Henry Lowry
family at McKeesport. rr nna
—Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Beckman with
their niece, Miss Sarah Woods Beckman,
of Oakland, Cal, as a driving guest, mo-
tored over from Altoona, Tuesday, to
spend the late afternoon and evening,
with Miss Mary and Henry 8. Linn. Miss
Beckman had stopped in Altoona enroute
to Cambridge, where she has accepted a
scholarship to do graduate work at Rad
—Miss Helen E. C. Overton and Miss
Isabella Hill, have both returned to Belle-
fonte, to resume their work as members of
the faculty of the Bellefonte Academy.
Miss Overton had spent the summer at
Atlantic City, while Miss Hill had been
to her home at Norwich, Conn., much of
her summer, however, had been spent on
a trip to Yellowstone Park and other
places of natural interest in the west.
—Mr. and Mrs. William T. Speer Jr., of
Crafton, their son William, and Mrs. Har-
ris Mann, of Lewistown, spent a part of
| Wednesday afternoon with friends in
Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Speer had driv-
en in from Pitsburgh, to enter their
youngest son at the Susquehanna Univer-
sity, and it was while making a visit with
Mrs. Mann that they drove here. From
Lewistown they intended going to Cam-
bridge Springs, for a week of golf, before
returning home.
—Miss Humes, Mrs. Charles Gilmour,
Katherine Allison and Miss Sara Cald-
well, left Tuesday morning in the Allison
car, for Philadelphia, where they have
been at the Adelphia until today. Upon
leaving there they will g0 to Atlantic
City, the party to be Miss Humes’ guests
at the Shore until the first of October.
Mr. Gilmour in the meantime, having gone
east to join his wife, will g0 up to Phila-
delphia with Mrs. Gilmour and Miss Al-
lison, the Gilmours to visit with their
daughter, Miss Margaret and Miss Alli-
son to spend sometime with Mrs. Dashiel
at George School, Pa. At the end of their
three weeks stay at Atlantic City, Miss
Humes and Miss Caldwell will join Miss
Allison for the return drive to Bellefonte.
—On Saturday an old acquaintance,
whom we hadn’t seen for years and years,
dropped in to see us. It was J. G. Packer,
of Burrows, Pa. Perhaps that doesn’t
mean much to most of you, but some
know that Packer is a very well known
name down about Howard. It was “Gib”
who came to see us and he was a great
character in his early days in Centre
county. Years have mellowed the rough
and ready woodsman and good fortune
followed his going to McKean county
where he has supervision of getting out
the wood for a great chemical mill. He
and his son George decided they would
take a little motor trip, so they just got
out the Buick, stepped on the gas and
came down to see a few friends in Centre
county. ¢
——The remodeling of the cornice
on the Heverly-Harter-Parish block,
on the northeast corner of the Dia-
mond, is going to add very material-
ly to the appearance of the structure.
It does much toward relieving its
severity and squattiness.
rp ——
——A new finish to the front of
the Mingle shoe store room, on Alle-
gheny street, is in exceedingly good
taste and very appropriate for a
store carrying a quality stock.
————g pada
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat: ......... suse es eres ivinvanees $1.35
CORI sadeesniidvainsessiaii ss civenesins 220
ORB Ni. tienreiiesvinesnionss sssssnseenss 40
RY: viviviiiiiniansavessnsanencinannss 110
BRAMEY. ..... div ican arrsionienrains 80
BUCK: WHEBL vis rurasvsrassnrivesvuee SD