Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 21, 1928, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa. September 21, 1928.
Professor A. P. Hill, British phys-
iologist, has brought science to “the
very gateway of life and death”
through his studies of the cause of
organic life, delegates to the Brus,
of |
Association for Advancement
S2ignce, at Glascow, Scotland, were
Warning his audience that the
“mystery of life remains unsolved,”
despite the sensational discoveries
made by Professor Hill, the speaker,
Professor Frederick G. Donnan, of
University College, London, opened
his long awaited discussion in an at-
mosphere of suspense.
“Life is the greatest mystery and
the greatest study of the world,” he
said. Then, basing his talk on Pro-
fessor Hill’s studies, he declared that
“it is the non-equilibrium, the free or
available energy of environment,
Which is the sole source of life activ-
“The facts of biology and psysiolo-
gy seem to show that living things,
just like inanimate things, conform to
the second law of thermodynamics.
They cannot live and act in an envi-
ronment which is in perfect physical
and chemical equilibrium,” he said.
Professor Donnan made the state-
ment clear in simple terms by point-
ing out that the steam engine moves
and works because the coal and oxy-
gen which feeds it are not in equili-
“In just the same way,” he said,
“an animal lives and acts because its
food and oxygen are not in equili-
brium. Equilibrium is death!”
Professor Donnan said Hill was “on
the eve of a discovery of astounding
importance, if indeed, he has not al-
ready made it.”
“The life machine is totally differ-
ent from our ordinary mechanical ma-
chines. Its structure and organiza-
tion is not static and the ceils are in
reality like a battery which constant-
ly is running down and requires con-
stant oxidation to keep it charged,”
he continued. “Death is the natural
irreversible breakdown of this struc-
ture always present but warded off
by the structure preserving oxidation.
I believe this discovery is of enormous
importance and for the first time in
history of science, we begin perhaps
—as yet dimly—to understand the
difference between life and death, and,
therefore, the very meaning of life
“Th chief source of life activity on
this earth arises from the fact that
the cool surface of the earth is con-
stantly bathed in a flood of high tem-
perature light,” he said. “All living
things live and act by utilizing some
form of non-equilibrium or free en-
ergy to a higher level.
“A living being is not a magical
source of free energy or spontaneous
Professor Donnan reviewed the
formation of the earth in opening his
“It probably has been a thousand
million years,” he said, “since the
earth acquired a solid crust of rock.
During that period the living beings
—plants and animals—developed by
degrees from small. lowly ancestors.
The last product of this development
is the mind of man.
“Man with all of his kith and kin,
counts for but an infinitesimal frac-
tion of the surface of the earth and
yet it is the mind of man which pene-
trated the cosmos and studied the dis-
tant stars and Nebulae.
“Truly, we may say that life is the
great mystery.”
"Women Reach High Position in Es-
Forty-five thousand spies were em-
ployed by the nations involved in the
World War, of which 20,000 were in
the field for the Allies, acording to
Richard Wilmer Rowan in “Spy and
Counter-Spy, The Development of
Modern Espionage,” published by the
Viking Press.
An amazingly small percentage of
this large number met death in the
field or = execution by trial. Rowan
says adding that a maximum of 1000
were killed or executed during the
four years of war.
“The cost of conducting an Intelli-
gence Service is infinitesimal compar-
ed to the million of dollars saved by
successful espionages and counter-es-
pionage work in war time.” Rowan
declares. Brigadier-General G. K.
Cockerill, former Director of Special
Intelligence at the British War Office,
and his staff saved Great Britain
alone a billion dollars by stopping
enemy remittances, capturing car-
goes, preventing destruction of war
plants and other activities.
According to Rowan disarmament
itself promotes espionage and service
intrigues by no means have stopped
with the cessation of hositilities. In
a period of four months, ending
March 1, 1928, seventeen persons
were convicted of espionage in Great
Britain, France, Sweden, Poland and
Among the many brilliant achieve-
ments of espionage during the war,
Rowan gives first credit to a woman;
the famous German counter-spy, Ma-
demoiselle le Docteur. He gives high
rank to another woman spy, “Alice
Dubois,” of the French service.
One of the most arresting state-
ments of espionage during the war,
Hale “was completely a failure as a
spy.” In his discussion of spies of
the past, he places Hale far below
those whose names are hardly known,
but who were far more successful in
their operations.
—————— se eept—
Gas Consumption in State Increases.
Consumption of natural gas in
Pennsylvania during 1927 totaled
118,000,421,000 cubic feet, or four
times more than the manufactured
gas consumption of 30,484,736,000,
although there were 250,000 fewer
consumers of the natural product.
—To find the capacity of a grain
bin in standard bushels, divide the
number of cubic feet contained in the
bin by 1.2445.
—The important thing in storing
"seed corn is to keep it in a dry but well
ventilated place and to prevent freez-
ing until it has dried out.
—Where corn, without soy beans
in the hill, was hugged down with
minerals as the sole supplement, the
results have not been good.
—The silo insures the corn crop
For it will save all that can be grown.
It protects the farmer against loss
from frost, drought, or hail.
—Strange as it may seem, most of
our machines do not wear out; they
either rust or rot out. This is an ex-
pense item which we can stop.
—Sweet clover must be kept out of
alfalfa seed-producing fields. Alfal-
fa growers who make seed production
a regular practice should not produce
sweet clover seed.
—The ordinary rotation of corn,
oats, wheat and clover will go a long
ways in controlling corn smut since
this disease does not attack the other
crops in this rotation.
—Feed and protection aid in keepn-
ing turkeys fit. Vitamin A, supplied
in yellow corn, cabbage, alfalfa, clov-
er, and most greens, increases resist-
ance to colds. Cod liver oil also is
beneficial. Late hatched, immature,
and thin birds should have shelter at
night from the cold.
—When the lambs are weaned is
the best time to drench members of
the farm flock. A recent survey of
the territory where drenching demon-
strations have been conducted show
that 60,000 sheep are being drenched
this year in Pennsylvania. Accord-
ing toW. B. Connell, sheep and wool
extension specialist of State College,
drenching is one of the most impor-
tant operations in the successful man-
agement of the farm flock. He says
that sheep running on infested pas-
tures should be drenched during the
summer at intervals of not more than
six weeks.
—Cows that go into winter quar-
ters in a thin condition cannot be ex-
pected to do full duty at the milk
pail. It will also cost more to bring
them back into flesh than if they had
received grain during the pasture sea-
son, says county agent, R. C. Blaney.
Dairy cows that have not been get-
ting grain this summer will do better
if they are fed extra at this time.
This is especially true of cows that do
not freshen until winter or next
spring. When cows become reduced
in flesh it is practically impossible to
bring them back into production.
Supplementing short pasture with ex-
tra feed is profitable to the dairyman.
—Now is the time of the year to be
planning new hog lots and getting
them fenced for use next year. There
will be no time when the spring rush
of work comes on, and the spring crop
should have good, clean ground to
run next year. On many farms the
same lots have been used so long for
hogs that they are badly infected with
parasitic diseases which make it ab-
solutely impossible to get the maxi-
mum growth on hogs that continue to
run over them. In some instances
they are in such a bad state that the
death loss is quite heavy, especially
among the young pigs, and in some
cases quite so among even the older
—Marquillo wheat, the new highly
rust-resistant variety developed by
the Minnesota agricultural station,
wil Inot be distributed before 1929.
This announcement was made by
the Minnesota station to correct an
impression that has gone abroad in
some quarters that the seed is already
being distributed.
There was available for seed next
year only 125 bushels of this new va-
riety, and the experiment station staff
believed that the best results would
be obtained if the seed was reserved
and again grown on the experiment
station farms in 1928, in order to
make sure of the preservation of the
seed stock and of the production of a
sufficient quality of genuine Marquil-
lo wheat to insure wide distribution
in the spring of 1929. There is in the
State no genuine stock of this variety,
recognized by experiment station of-
ficials, except that in possession of
the experiment station.
The variety is the result of a cross,
made at University farm, between
Marquis, the standard bread wheat
of the Northwest, and Iumillo, a dur-
um wheat. It is highly rust-resistant
and of good milling quality. The aim
is to get it into the hands of careful
farmers in 1929 to be increased for
seed purposes so that the seed may
be certified and given wide distribu-
—The farmer who struggles along
a ——— SR
When the -eorreat letters are pinesd
spell words both vertically and horisontally,
indicated by a number, which refers to the definition listed below the
Thus No. 1 under the oolurun headed “horiscutal” defines a word which will all
the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number under
“vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squnres to the mext black one
below. No letters go in the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words,
except proper names. Abbreviations, slang, Initials, technical terms and obso=
lete forms are indicated im the definitioms.
1—Jight wind
6—Heavy breezes
10-—Tossed by wind
13—Established price
14—To frighten
15—Note of scale
17—Man-eating fish
18—In Spanish literature, a Seven-
teenth century champion of
19—You and 1
21—At liberty
#22—-Mammoth fish
23--To stab
24—Singer’'s rolling note
25—Hard center of fruit (pl.)
26—@Grinds the teeth together
27—Gold measure
30—To wed
81—This person
33—Golf club carrier
34—Head covering
35—Personal pronoun
36—Foundations 37—To disclose
38—TIlumination 39—Pastries
40—To avoid 4i—Rages
In the white spaces. this pussle will
The first letter in each word is
(©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
1—Cutting part of a knife or sword
2—Mere routine
3—Young sheep
4—Half an em
6—To get away
8—Eastern state (abbr.)
9—Dug up with a shovel
10—Secondary color
14—OQuter covering, as of a nut
17—Fur-bearing marine animals
18—Table accessory to hold vinegar
20—Opposite of black
21—A raid
22—To inscribe
23—To be uneasy mentally
24—Hackneyed 26—Pasteboards
26—Unit of weight
28—Measures out
30—To crush
31—Market places
33—Barred enclosure
34—To hurt
87—To prohibit
38—Note of scale
36—To invite
Solution will appear in next issue.
Application of a “Parking Rule”
established in 1871 by a court deci-
sion rendered in )
county courts of Pennsylvania, is be-
this opinion was given in the days of
horses and carriage, rather than
“horseless” arriages” it is believed
the latter comes within its scope.
“The public possesses, in a public
highway, the right to transit and of
transit only. The use, by every cit-
izen of public ways, must be a use
appropriate to the purposes for which
they are intended, that is of transit;
with such stoppages as business ne-
cessity, accident, or ordinary exigen-
cies of travel, either in vehicles or
on foot, may require.
“I will illustrate: If one of you, for
the purposes of a social visit place
your carriage before a door where
it remained in the way while you en-
joyed your social intercourse within,
this not being such a stoppage as is
required by the necessities of busi-
ness, accident or the exigencies of
travel, such occupation of the high-
way by the carriage would be an ob-
struction of it, thit is, would consti-
tute a nuisance. If, however, you
drove to a store and left your wagon
in the highway before it, for the time
necessary to unload the freight you
hauled for the store, or to load the
purchases you had there made, such
occupation of the public highway
growing out of the business necessi-
ties of the occasion, and continued
{only so long as was reasonably nec-
essary would be lawful.
“It is upon this general principle
that the infamous habit of corner
i lounging, when not prohibited by
| special local legislation is illegal.
| The loungers who occupy the public
{ highway are, while lounging, not us-
ing it for the purpose of passage, and
{are therefore obstructions of the pub-
the Montgomery |
ing considered by the Pennsylvania
Department of Highways, Although’
with poor seed, poor ground and poor | lic right of way—that is, nuisances. |
equipment is paying for good seed, These are the general principles of |
fertilizer, and good equipment wheth- | the law. : ;
er he owns them or not. He pays be- | After quoting the foregoing from |
cause he cannot compete on even the charge of the trial judge to the !
ground with the progressive farmer |Jury, the Supreme Court commented
PAR rad ee
Making Your Will
T is always better to consult a competent
lawyer in the important business of dis-
posing of your estate. And you will do well
to name this Bank as your Executor, thus
insuring prompt and competent settlement.
Drawing wills and settling estates is
not work for Amateurs.
The First. National Bank
to Success
OU areon the highway to
success when you have an
account with this bank to
which you are regularly adding. If
you have not made your first deposit
— start today.
3 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
stump, six to eight inches in depth,
and pour the solution into the holes
and around the base of the stump.
This will invariably destroy the entire
root growth.
Where it is desired to remove the
entire stump when on a lawn or near
a pavement so as to cause as little
damage as possible, an effective
method is to bore a hole in the center
of the stump about 18 inches deep and
1 1-2 inches in diameter, in the fall.
Pour in about 2 ounces of salt petre
and fill the hole with water; then plug
it up tight. In the spring take out
the plug and pour in 8 to 10 ounces of
petroleum, ignite, and the stump will
smoulder, not blaze, to the extremity
of the roots.
Vegetable Use.
Vegetable dinners once or twice a
week offer a pleasant change from
the usual meals with meat.
The State foods specialist of the
College of Agriculture at Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, is sug-
gesting for this purpose the selection
| of vegetables that have a contrast of
texture, that harmonize in color, and
that blend well in flavor. Buttered
peas and carrots cooked together or
separately, beets with sour sauce,
scalloped potatoes, and cheese and
cabbage salad with cherry pie for the
older members of the family and
State Specialist Pleads for Wide |
who uses all the means at his com- | as follows:
mand for increasing his yield and
lowering his labor costs by using me-
chanical helpers. The price he pays
is a smaller income and denial of ihe
things an increased income would
Better farm life is the goal of all
who are engaged in or truly interest-
ed in agriculture. This goal has
been reached by man, others are rap-
idly achieving it, while far too many
think that the future holds nothing in
store for them, and use the means
within their grasp. Every one will
agree that the progress in the devel-
opment and use of agriculture has
been due in large measure to the de-
velopment and use of machinery. The
very fact that man has become a di-
rector of power instead of a source of
power has an uplifting effect on his
A real desire for better living is the
first esesntial in securing it. Having
this desire, the next thing is to ob-
tain an income large enough to pro-
vide it. It is here that proper equip-
ment plays its part by reducing the
cost of producing farm products and
dividual worker produces.
by increasing the amount that the in- -
| “The general charge of the learn-
| ed judge was so lucid in its presenta-
‘tion of the law and facts to the jury
1in the case that it needs no discussion
{—and we affirm this case upon the
| charge, with a single qualification of
‘a matter introduced by way of illus-
tration, viz, that the carriage of a vis-
(itor to the house of a friend left
‘standing on the street is a nuisance. |
| It may become, but is not a nuisance
; per se, and this we presume is what
i the learned judge meant, but his
language might be misconstrued.”
| Tells How to Kill Hardy Tree Stumps.
| “How can I prevent Carolina pop-
lar stumps from sprouting ?” is a
question frequently asked the Penn-
Sylvania department of forests and
| Experiments have proven that the
{ following formula is effective: Arsen-
iic, 1 Ib., washing soda 1 lb., water 4
gallons. To prepare this solution,
dissolve the soda in a convenient
amount of water. Then add the ar-
senic previously made : into a thin
paste, with the remainder of the wa-
ter. Bore several holes into the
| cherry gelatine for the children are
| proposed as desirable for one dinner.
| For another day the specialist rec-
| ommends buttered string beans, cau-
. liflower with cheese sauce, spinach,
| lettuce and tomato salad, and ‘baked
According to the specialist, much
the dislike for vegetables is be-
‘cause of poor preparation. She says,
| “Steam as many vegetables as pos-
; sible to prevent the loss of raineral
i elements. Cook vegetables in a small
amount of water and only until ten-
i der. The longer the cooking is con-
| tinued the greater the loss in flavor
and in vitamins. Most vegetables re-
tain more of their characteristic fia-
vor if they are served with butter
rather than white sauce, but for va-
riety now and then a white sauce or
cheese sauce may be enjoyed.
“Vegetables supply bulk and there-
by satisfy the appetite without bur-
dening the body with food rich in
starch and fat which produce heat.
Hot weather demands a generous use
of vegetables and fruits in planning
i of
————————— et ——
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Solution of Last Week’s Puzzle. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
oc ruil 8 ¥
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YOUNG men who ap-
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