Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 21, 1928, Image 6

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Yo ar Health,
Bellefonte, Pa, September 21,
The First Concern.
—Years ago a good many physical
ailments were not understood. It was
not unusual to group together sever-
al ailments which are now recogniz-
ed as separate and distinct diseases.
Pneumonia, for instance, is now divid-
ed into several different “types.”
—Bacteriology, the science dealing
with germs has revealed the true na-
ture of a good many diseases. It has
proven that some of those which were
formerly counted as separate diseas-
es, are really identical.
As an example, let us consider the
old-fashioned “membranous croup,” as
it was called. This is now recogniz-
ed to be diptheria.
~—There is another disease which
used to be called “false croup.” It
wasn’t croup at all. Now it is re-
ferred to as “spasmodic laryngitis.”
The larynx is the part of the throat
between the base of the tongue and
the windpipe. It is lined with mucous
membrane and like such membrane
elsewhere, this is a tissue which is li-
able to become inflamed.
Children betwwen the ages of two
and five are most likely to be attack-
ed by croup. It is preceded for a
couple of days or less by running of
the nose, slight cough and, possibly,
a little fever. It may be thought the
child has a mild cold.
—Be pitiful, for every man is fighting
a hard battle—Woman’s Life.
—With the autumn showings of the
French couturiers completed, all the
world is eagerly waiting for the last
word in current fashions. It is not
altogether surprising to report that
while there are as always some new
tendencies, no very drastic changes
in style are set forth. As I have de-
clared so many times, fashions do not
change overnight, rather do they go
through a slow process of evolution,
and by a slight accenting of famliar
themes or a modification of those
formerly stressed, we are led gently
and without resistance to an accept-
ance of what is new in the mode.
Slim lines are still retained, with
flat hips stressed more and the waist-
line as indeterminate as ever. If
low the hips by long tight jumpers, |
or if the jumper is short the plaits
are held in below by stitching or hip |
yolks. And skirts are by unanimous
consent distinctly longer—yes, they |
actually reach two or three inches be- |
low the knee.
Not only does the feminine note, |
which has prevailed for more than a y
season, come in for a good deal of no- |
tice, but the formal afternoon rode}
which has been somewhat neglected |
in favor of sports things, seems to |
have come back very strong. In
fact this might be noted as one of the
big achievements of the recent open-
ings. This very feminine effect is
created by the continued use of flares,
achieved by godets, circular flounces,
plaits-and ruffly tiers; by bows at the
neckline and by many scarfs.
—Velvet is highlighted as a fall
fabric. Every known type of this
fabric is given first place by popular
acclaim. Although in many of the
good houses transparent velvet is still
used, there is a decided tendency to
return to the stiffer elegance of the
old-fashioned Lyons variety. And an
entirely new type of velvet has made
In other cases there may be no
warning signs. The attack may come
on with great suddenness.
In the early part of the night, us-
ually after the first sleep, the child
is aroused from a sleep which may
have been natural and undisturbed.
He awakens with a loud and barking
cough. It is a peculiar, metallic
There is very marked difficulty in
breathing. Every breath seems harsh
and whistling. The swelling of the
membrane leaves little space for the
entrance and exit of air.
The face becomes flushed. The skin
is hot and the pulse is rapid. The
child gives every evidence of fear as
well as suffering. He cries, is very
restless and wants to be carried. In
an hour or so the symptoms improve
and the breathing is less difficult.
The attack may be repeated the
next night, and perhaps for two or
three nights.
In the treatment there are two
things to be accomplished. The first
and immediate thing is to overcome
the spasmodic closure of the throat.
Then the inflammation may be treat-
If hot water can be had, fill a tub
with it, at a temperature of about
100 degrees. Keep the little patient in
this for a quarter of an hour. Be
very careful not to scald the child.
Sometimes a hot foot bath, with a
tablespoonful of mustard in the wa-
ter, will relieve the symptoms. This
Ey be enough to give complete re-
The common household treatment
is to give an emetic. For this pur-
Pose syrup of ipecac alone or with
syrup of squills is a favorite remedy.
But your doctor should advise you
about this.
—The large increase in measles
during the past twelve months is a
manifestation of the periodic return of
this disease in epidemic form which
is likely to occur every third year.
In many cities of the Commonwealth
the peak already has been reached.
On the other hand there are numerous
sections in Pennsylvania that have
not shown a definite increase in this
malady. These latter localities may
reasonably expect a decided addition
to their measles rate during the 1928
—1929 season,” said Dr. Theodore B.
Appel, Secretary of Health.
“However, all parents, whether or
not they are living in communities
already vigorously attacked by meas-
les, should at all times carefully
guard against the possibility of such
infection on the part of their chil-
dren. This can best be accomplished
by avoiding contact with this type of
“The first symptoms of this disease
are affections of the eyes and nose
similar to those usually associated
with the common cold. ‘Tt is at this
time, before the appearance of the
rash, that measles is highly communi-
cable. Therefore, parents should, as
far as possible, keep their children
away from other youngsters mani-
festing these early symptoms.
—Suggestions for the care of the
eyes prepared under the direction of
the Surgeon General of the United
States public Health Service, furnish
many useful hints:
Tc remove “something” from the
eye, dip little pieces of flannel in hot
water and apply constantly below the
lower lid. If the substance is a dif-
ficult one like a bit of steel, go to
an oculist.
For “black eye” the swelling may
be reduced by applying to the closed
lids every three or four minutes, lit-
tle squares or circles of clean, white,
absorbent cotton or linen, fourfold
which have laid on a piece of ice un-
til thoroughly cold. This treatment
should be kept up continuously for
from 2 to 24 hours, until the swelling
has subsided. The removal of discol-
oration may be hastened by applying
more or less constantly below the low-
er lid, little pieces of flannel dipped
in water as hot as can be borne.
«Blood shot” eyes are regarded as
serious and if there is a discharge
from the eye which dries on the lash-
es and causes the lids to stick togeth-
er, a campetent physician or special-
ist should be consulted,
its appearance, called “Velours Afg-
han,” a fine non-lustrous velvet with
a creepy surface effect.
The use of velvet is consistent
throughout clothes for the whole day.
It is, of course, extremely good for
evening, richly trimmed with jewels,
but it is also seen in morning ensem-
bles combined with tweed and printed
frocks, both of the sports type as well
as those of more formal mein.
The printed and faconne varieties
are good for one-piece dresses along
simple lines.
A very smart outfit of this type
was a yellow and brown checked mix-
ture, the skirt flaring, the jacket
short, the whole completed by a
charming yellow moire blouse. Vel-
vet jackets combine with satin skirts
for daytime wear and for evening this
soft flattering fabric is frequently
allied with chiffon or lame,
Crepella is excellent for day wear
and many fine novelty woolens will
make the new sports apparel. Day
dresses of flat crepe are complement-
ed by coats of velveteen or broad-
cloth, the coats cut slightly flaring at
the front. Sweaters of novelty jer-
sey are prominent in sports ensem-
blies, patterned in small designs io
resemble tweed, while plain jersey
and angora are also featured. There
is much metal, in solid lame fabric |
and a tracery of metal thread is intro-
duced into every conceivable mate-
rial, particularly in wool and jersey.
For afternoon and evening lame
broches is extremely good, especially
for coats, many of them lined, col-
lared and cuffed with duvetyn. One
a very effectual combination, is of
gold and silver lame trimmed with
pale manuve duvetyn.
Beige continues to hold first place
for sports, much black and consider-
able brown are shown in afternoon
things. The newest of the novelty
shades is a brilliant orangy red.
There is a decided carrying over of
the blues into the autumn, every tone
of this color being shown in the new
things. But even so there is a feel-
ing that when the leaves begin to turn
the browns and other autumn shades
will come into their own.
—Chinese mandarin coats, always
decorative, are expected to be very
much in evidence. They are to be
worn with a skirt as a blazer, or card-
igan might be worn with a tailored
frock of crepe or an odd skirt. A
mandarin coat heavy with embroi-
dery, with a soft one-piece frock—
one of finely pleated chiffon, or of
draped or pleated crepe, voile, ninon
or satin, pleated or wrap-around, of-
fers an ensemble that may suitably
be worn on many informal oceasions
in one’s own house.
—Indoor ferns as a rule have few
insect or disease enemies, but when
they do get into trouble no time
should be lost in taking effective re-
medial steps, a writer in House and
Garden asserts. This bit of advice,
indeed, applies to all plants, whether
growing in the house or outdoors.
Perhaps the commonest fern enemy
is scale on the stems or leaves. When
the infestation appears the plants
ought to be turned upside down (of
course, holding the soil and roots so
that they cannot fall out of the pots)
and dipped in a pail filled with a mix-
ture of one ounce of nicotine solution
and one-half ounce of soap dissolved
in water. After dipping, the plants
should be kept in the shade for 24
hours. A weekly spraying with the
same mixture is an advisable supple-
mentary procedure.
In case the scale infestation has
made much headway before discoy-
ery, it will be well to remove entirely
the most affected fronds before ad-
ministering the prescribed treatment.
One cupful Lima bean pulp, two
eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Beat
egg yolks and add to bean pulp. Sea-
son to taste with salt and pepper.
A little onion juice may be added if
desired. Fold in the stiffly beaten
egg whites, turn into a buttered bak-
ing dish and bake 20 minutes in a
moderate oven.
~——The Watchman gives all the
skirts are plaited, they are held in be-
Being Greatly Extended
By Means of Comparatively
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“Carrier” circuits permit two or
more telephone conversations to be
held simultanecusly over the same
pair of wires, according to a deserip-
tion of these circuits recently pub-
lished in The Telephone News.
This is accomplished by sending the
-onversations over the lines at differ-
ent electrical frequencies. By means
of filters the different frequencies are
“unscrambled” at the receiving end
and are transmitted to their destina-
revenue from
service in 1927, nevertheless on long-
distance open wire circuits the say-
ing is such that it goes toward keep-
z down the cost of service between
distant points. It was also partly re-
sponsible for the reduction in some
of the long-distance rates that went
into effect on December 1, 1927.
In the annual report of the Ameri-
can Telephone and Telegraph Com-
Development Several Conversations
taneously Over the Same Pair of Wires _
out-of-town telephone
The vast saving in wires is at once
While the equipment nec-
essary for the process is expensive
and complicated and the savings were
small in comparison with the total |
pany for 1927, it is noted that there
has been a marked increase in the
carrier current systems. During that
year 65,000 miles of carrier circuits
were added to the Bell System. Dur-
ing the present year it is planned to
Use of “Carrier Telephone Circuits’ is
by Bell System
re Held Simul-
aw 15d AA
te FER PE a
place in service over 100,000 miles
of carrier circuit. .
When it is noted that there were
only 70,000 miles of the circuit in
use at the beginning of 1927, it is
seen that the extensions during 1927
and those planned for 1928 will bring
the total up to 235,000 miles. This
is more than three times the amount
at the beginning of that peried.
This rapid growth, says the re-
port, would hardly be possible were it
not for the fact that carrier circuits
are a relatively new development in
the great toll plant of the Bell Sys-
tem, which has about 7,500,000 miles
of long-distance wire.
: Penn State Begins 69th Academic | ministration building for the school
“opened its 69th academic year Wed- !
A letter has just been received by
president Foster, of the Centre Coun-
ty Sabbath School Association as-
signing them a minimum of thirty-
five delegates to the great Pennsyl-
vania Sabbath School convention to
be held in Philadelphia, October 10-
Pennsylvania, this year, with the
aid of her largest city and the bal-
ance of the State, fully expects to
hold the largest Sabbath School con-
vention in the entire world.
Pennsylvania, with her 10,609 Pro-
testant Sabbath schools, and her two
and a quarter million Sabbath school
teachers, officers and pupils even at
that has only one in four of her pop-
ulation in the Sabbath school.
Yet with all that, she has one six-
teenth of the entire Sabbath school
enrollment of the entire world and one
eighth of the United States enroll-
The State organization has created
live auxiliary organizations in every
one of the sixty-seven counties of the
State, and Centre county can feel
proud of her part in such a splendid
The great auditorium in which the
convention will be held in Philade]-
phia will seat ten thousand people,
half of which is confidently expected
to come from Philadelphia, and the
other half from throughout the State.
The program for this convention
is to be better than ever before in an-
ticipation of this great throng of
Sunday school leaders, and our coun-
ty can well afford to make an organ-
ized effort right now to run away ov-
er the minimum number of delegates
assigned us.
The board of directors of the Pemm-
sylvania Sabbath School Association
are at their own expense going into
every county this week meeting the
county officers and other interested
workers in the interest of our county
work and of the coming Philadelphia
Citizens Help to Enforce Ajr Rules.
Pennsylvanians rapidly are becom-
ing “airplane fans.” A pumber in-
terested in aeronautics have consti-
tuted themselves volunteer inspectors
and have advised the bureau of airs,
of the infraction of the state’s air
Among the verified reports reach-
ing the department was one from a
western county telling of an ambi-
tious airplane builder who has under
construction in his back yard a ship
which, he announces, he not only
plans to fly when completed, but will
use to give lessons to young men who
want to become pilots.
While there is nothing in the state
air regulations that would prevent
the construction of the ship, the own-
er cannot attempt to operate it with-
out it is first inspected by a represen-
tative of the department of internal
affairs and its airworthiness deter-
mined. Futhermore, none but a
licensed pilot is permitted to fly the
plane, even should it proved airwor-
thy. No one but a transport pilot, the
highest grade among pilots, is perv-
mitted to instruct students. The
builder of the plane has been notified
of the state regulations.
The aeronautics bureau has licens-
ed a total of sixty-nine pilots, fifteen
mechanics and forty-one planes since
the new regulations became effective
July 1. Included in the list were
licenses issued to holders of depart-
ment of commerce permits and others
who made application direct and were
examined by designated inspectors of
the department of internal affairs,
a 0 —
news while it is news.
—Subscribe for the Watchman,
‘ed the student
The Pennsylvania State College
nesday morning with a general stu-
dent convocation in the Schwab aud-
itorium at which Dr. Ralph D. Het- ,
zel, president of the college, welcom- |
body. Immediately
following the convocation first class- |
es and recitations of the year were f
held, starting more than 4000 stu-
Sent off on their year of classroom
This resident enrollment of 4000
sets a new record for the college; it is
the first time that the total enroll-
ment of those in residence has ex- |
ceeded the 4000 mark at the start of
the year, Included in this total is a
class of 1200 freshmen, which is also
the largest entering class in the his- i
tory of the college. The freshmen
have been on the campus for the past
week, learning something of their
new environment before actually be-
ginning to attend classes.
of Engineering was begun last month
and will release some classroom fa-
cilities when it is completed. This
will scarcely be before the late spring
and will not aid materially in taking
care of the increased enrollment. A
dormitory for women students, an
addition to one of the chemistry
buildings, and a botany building are
expected to be under construction be-
ore winter. The new gymnasium,
and the new infirmary, which was
erected from funds supplied by potato
. growers of the State, will be ready for
use this fall.
There are few changes on the
faculty for the coming year. One
major appointment, that of Edward
Steidle as dean of the school of mines,
was made during the summer. A
new commandant for . the military
department was detailed to Penn
| State by the war department. He is
Col. Walter B. McCaskey, an army
officer for more than 30 years. Both
Dean Steidle and Colonel McCaskey
attended Penn State as undergradu-
Fine Job Printing
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There will be little relief from the | ates. Ohi-chos-tor § Dimmers Bos 1
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