Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 21, 1928, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa. September 21, 1928.
Sympathetic and Devoted Wife Has
Helped Smith to Attain Success
in Public Life.
By Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson.
No man travels alone, least of all
“Al Smith.” He was guided during
those early years by a devoted and
Christian mother, at whose knee he
learned to walk humbly with his God,
the path she herself had trod. When
their day of parting came, she died
happy in the thought that her son
was in the keeping of a pure and ten-
der wife.
Al Smith’s mother took a natural
pride in her gifted son’s high office,
but far more important than this was
the comfort she took in the knowl-
edge that her son and his wife loved
each other.
Our Governor, Alfred E. Smith, is
called “The Happy Warrior.” To be
sure he is a “Happy Warrior.” But
he was made happy long before you
could have called him a “Warrior.”
He was happy those summer evenings
when, as a very young man, he could
bicycle up from South Street to call
on Katie Dunn in the Bronx. He was
happy when she taught him that
“close harmony,” which has lasted to
this day. She made him happy on
that evening when he asked her to
marry him. She made him happy
that May morning in 1900, when she
promised to love and honor him, and
when his good friend and teacher
Father John Kean gave them his
And Alfred Smith was made happy
in that modest little home in Madison
Street. Five children were born there.
No, only two children were born
there, Alfred, Jr., and Emily. Cathe-
rine was born at No. 9 Peck Slip,
Oliver and Walter were born at 25
Oliver Street.
There were sure many anxious
and serious times, through which his
wife had to guide him. The family
income was very small. But that and
the rooms were the only small things
in that home. Hopes for the future
were big. Faith and love were on a
large scale. Finally when opportun-
ities came, they found Al Smith hap-
py and ready, made so by a devoted
and sympathetic wife.
The home life of Katie Dunn had
been a happy one too. She was
greatly beloved by her family and
friends—and I am told charmed them
all with her sweet personality, and
lovely voice. Alfred Smith was cap-
tured by her love ballads. She took
part in many entertainments and con-
certs in the Bronx. It is said, at one
of these entertaintments her lover
was in the audience to listen and ap-
plaud, but before the evening was
over he had put on a song and dance
act of his own to the delight of ail,
especially Catherine.
She certainly must delight in his
performances now. I know of no one
who plays a leading part more suc-
cessfully and she still applauds. He
has no better or fairer critic. I real-
ized the big and important part she
played in her family when I, with my
husband, visited her at St. Vincent's
Hospital, last winter. She was con-
valescing from a very serious opera-
tion and was surrounded by all of her
family—each one showing great joy
in her recovery. The Governor,
though radiating happiness then,
showed plainly the strain which he
had undergone during her illness. It
was deeply impressed upon me what
she meant to them all.
I can never forget in 1911 going
with a Committee of twelve, to che
City Hall to discuss conditions on
Randall’s Island with Mr. Smith then
Majority Leader of the Assembly. It
was in the evening and after we had
finished our discussion, he invited us
to walk over to his home nearby in
Oliver Street to meet Mrs. Smith
It was there I first knew her. We
were all charmed by her gracious
manner and tact—qualities she pos-
sessed in a marked degree. These
qualities stood out in Houston at the
time of the Democratic Convention.
It was a real pleasure to see with
what skill and tact she handled that
situation. The observed of all observ-
ers—you can well imagine, a very
conspicuous figure. The recipient of
a great deal of attention—receiving
it all with simple dignity and mod-
-esty, never seemingly fatigued by the
attention showered upon her—always
a tactful remark for each occasion.
I had the pleasure of taking Mrs.
Smith to call on Mrs. Woodrow Wil-
son while there. They had never met
before. There were two women des-
tined to play very important parts
in their husband’s lives. Mrs. Wil-
son filled all our requirements in the
role she so successfully played as The
First Lady of the Land and I am sure
that Mrs. Smith will do the same.
She unselfishly keeps herself modest-
ly in the background—finding her
greatest satisfaction in her husband’s
success. The “Unknown Warrior” al-
ways at his side, binding up his
wounds and finding her only reward
in the knowledge that he needed her
—Happy Warrior And Happy Wife
in such a partnership.
rn ——— psp
Penn State Students in Practice
Twenty-five seniors in the school
of Education at the Pennsylvania
State College are now in Johnstown
for a nine-weeks’ period of practice
teaching in which they will take com-
plete charge of certain high school
classes under the supervision of the
resident teacher and a college staff
faculty member. This is the second
year that the Johnstown,schools have
been used for this purpose. Professor
Frank A. Butler, formerly on the fac-
ulty of the University of Wisconsin
is in charge of the resident supervi-
sion. A second group will go to
Johnstown for nine weeks beginning
November 12.
Several months ago we published a
paragraph from the “Call It A Day”
column of the Harrisburg Telegraph.
It expressed the columnist’s reaction
to a sandwhich he bought at Centre
Hall, while on a motor trip through
that section. :
The prayer of the paragraph was in
substance that the writer might be
delivered from ever meeting up with
such a combination of bread and ham
We republished it, not because we
wanted to slam anybody, but because
it was really an amusing bit of writ-
W. W. Kerlin, the Centre Hall poul-
try magnate, took offense at the
article, at us and about everything
else in sight because he regarded it as
a reflection on the fair name of the
metropolis of Potter township. Of
course it wasn’t but Mr. Kerlin didn’t
see it that way. He wrote us a letter
in which he expressed in no uncertain
language his opinion of us—and we
want to tell you it wasn’t very high.
That is water under the wheel,
however. All of Centre Hall has for-
gotten the sandwich incident. The
town hasn’t been ruined by it and
now the sun has broken through the
clouds that Mr. Kerlin thought we
had helped hang over it.
The writer of “Call It a Day” was in
Centre Hall again, last week, and the
diatribe on the sandwich becomes a
paean of praise of the garage man
over there. This is what the Tele-
graph of September 13 said and we
republish it to heap a few coals of
fire on the head of brother Kerlin:
I don’t know his name . . . the man
who turns the handle on the Tydol
pump at Centre Hall . . . but he gets
a verbal gold medal from me . . . not
because the amount involved was im-
portant . . . but just because what he
did was unusual . . . I stopped at his
place near the stop-go light yesterday
afternoon . . . bought five gallons of
Tydol-ethyl, five of common Atlantic,
and two quarts of Mobile-B . .. the
bill was $3.05 . . . O, said the gentle-
man when I gave him three dollar
bills and a quarter—O never mind the
five cents; make it three dollars even.
. . it was the first time in my life such
a thing happened ... I remember
about two weeks ago I bought some
gasoline South of Carlisle . . . the bill
was $1.38 . . . I tendered a dollar and
forty cents ... the gentlemanly at-
tendants tried to “stall” me out of
that two cents... but I stayed till
they found the change . . . it was only
two cents . . . but it was mine.
Back on Centre Hall mountain, too,
I encountered an innovation . . . the
woman at Pete Coldron’s eating place
actually buttered two hamburg sand-
wiches for me and my girl-friend . . .
butter on a sandwich at a roadside
eating place is as scarce as an Al
Smith vote at W. C. T. U. headquart-
ers . . . this man Coldron has a nice
place was so clean the flies
didn’t linger... quite a change in
that mountain since I wrote about the
terrible coffee-place last spring . . .
now some one has hauled three ancient
street cars to the crest... it looks
like a street car graveyard . . . the
transcendent beauty of the scenery is
pitifully marred . . . Coldron says he
owns the entire mountaintop . . .
possession is now in the courts for
determination . . . but there ought to
be a law against beauty-marrers . . .
What we went to State College for
was the same reason that took a thou-
sand other Pops and Moms . . . Fresh-
man week begins there today...
twelve hundred future wearers of
“dinks’ arrived to learn what it is all
about . . . they call it the “green in-
vasion.” because the Froshs wear the
green dinks . . . a week from yester-
day the Freshmen will begin to live
under rules and regulations prescrib-
ed by the student governing board . .
. but until that time they are free as
birds . . . having only to spend seven
days acquiring a preliminary con-
signment of regard for Alma Mater
the youngsters made me feel a little
sorry ... not that they felt sorry;
they were alive and well . . . but the
advent of twelve hundred Freshmen
at State told me a story of hundreds
of homes just beginning to get used
to the idea that a youngster is almost
grown . .-. I think I could get a little
sobby on this subject, but what’s the
use ...I should have to follow the
boy or girl from the time of the first
feeble wail . . . past the time when the
boy’s curls were cut . . . beyond the
period when he started to school . . .
the first bicycle . . .and all that sort of
thing . . . and finally end at State
...0or Bucknell ...or Pitt .a
Freshman . .. a youth of utmost con-
fidence . . . satisfied that the world is
his oyster . .. but in reality only a
boy—or a girl--almost on the grown-
up threshold . . . facing the bitterness
of disappointment ... and now and
then a joy, or pleasure . . . so yester-
day afternoon as I drove through the
milling crowds of Froshs I wondered
how many of them thought their Pops
and Moms are “old stuff” . . . relics of
an ancient past . . . then it occurred to
me that less than ten years from now
they will have acquired—or regained
—their sense of proportion ... and
Pop and Mom will be re-pedestaled
. . . that is the way of the world.
Would That the Spirit of the Good
Doctor Could See This.
When Professor Lars Frederiksen,
of the Royal Veterinary and Agri-
cultural College, at Copenhagen, Den-
mark, visited the Pennsylvania State
College last week, he paid a high tri-
bute to the work of the late Doctor
H. P. Armsby.
While visiting the respiration cal-
orimeter installed by Doctor Armsby
in the Institute of Animal Nutrition,
Professor Frederiksen said that Doc-
tor Armsby’s book, “The Nutrition of
Farm Animals,’ had done Danish Far-
mers more good than any other book
circulated in his country. He also de-
clared that trials at the agricultural
experiment station in Denmark found
the Armsby feeding standard closer
fun any other to the Danish stand-
“The buffalo was never half as near
total extinction as is the grizzly to-
This is the startling statement
made by Will C. Barnes, assistant
United States forester, in summing
up the annual game census of the na-
tional forests as it relates to the griz-
zly bear, says a Bulletin of the Amer-
ican Game Protective association.
The census discloses that there are
only grizzly bears in the national for-
ests in the United States, outside of
Alaska, and 50 per cent. of these are
in Montana—not a single individual
grizzly is reported from any of the
national forests in California, a State
in which these animals were once
Nothing could more definitely in-
dicate the necessity for protecting
this great carnivorous species; unless
it is the intention to pursue it to ex-
The Alaska brown bear also shows
a heavy decrease in numbers since the
last census and a definite need for
curtailing hunting privileges in the
limited area where this animal is
The summary of the game census
of the national forests discloses the
following footings:
Antelope ................... 7,665
Black Bear.................. 51,017
Grizzly including Alaska brown
BAL. ise daar 3,380
Caribou ......0 0. cel 35
Deer ...cueoiiisiieiiens 709,856
Ble i nia 74,179
Moose. ................... 7,950
Mt. Goat... oe 19,334
Mi. Sheep .................. 13,248
This census is not an actual count
but is the result of close estimates
made by men who are constantly on
the ground and are keeping tab on
game conditions from to year to year.
The antelope shows a slight in-
crease, except in the few herds that
are in captivity, which do not seem
to thrive. Those on open range are
doing well and in some instances have
become a nuisance to farmers. It has
been found that young antelope can
be raised on a bottle successfully.
These youngsters become tame and
when accustomed to handling can be
shipped anywhere without danger.
Deer show a steady increase. In
the Kaibab Forest, over-population is
still acute and no effective plan has
been definitely agreed upon for con-
trolling the size of this herd. Starva-
tion takes its annual toll.
Elk herds continue to increase. The
Yellowstone herd is dangerously close
to the maximum of 20,000 head, the
annual kill of about 1,500 not being
enough to offset the natural increase.
Moose are scarce, while mountain
goat and mountain sheep show slight
It should be remembered that hunt-
ing of game under State laws is per-
mitted on most of the national forest
areas. National forest game is not
protected by sanctuary except in cer-
tain instances. The United States
has the responsibility also for care of
the game in the national parks, all of
which are sanctuaries.
Uncanny Numbers.
Here’s something interesting about
the number 9. It is from the Rock
Island Magazine.
A man with an uncanny mania for
juggling with figures placed a pad
of paper and a pencil in his friend’s
hands and said: “Put down the num-
ber of your living brothers. Multiply
it by two. Add three. Multiply the
result by five. Add the number of
your living sisters. Multiply the re-
sult by ten. Add the number of
dead brothers and sisters. Subtract
one hundred and fifty from the re-
The friend did as directed.
“Now,” said the other with a cun-
ning smile, “the right figure will be
the number of deaths, the middle fig-
ure the number of living sisters, and
the left hand figure the number of liv-
ing brothers.”
So it was!
Here is one discovered by W. Green
in the latter part of the eighteenth
century, that by multiplying 9 by any
figure the sum of the resultant fig-
ures will inevitably add up as nine.
Twice 9 is 18; add the digits to-
gether, and 2 and 7 is 9. So it goes
on up to 11 times 9, which gives 99.
Go to any extent and you cannot get
away from the figure 9. For exam-
ple, nine times 339 is 3051; add the
digits together and they make 9.
Again, 9 times 5071 is 45,639; the
sum 2 these digits is 27; and 2 and
Tis 9.
Reptile Farm is Prosperous for Four
Four youths, none more than 18
years old, comprise the members of
an unusual business partnership. The
Louisiana snake farm and its well-
filled cages, located in the back yard
of one of the firm members, prove the
success of the corncern.
The boys catch the snakes—mostly
water and cotton-mouth moccasins—
in the Louisiana swamps by the use
of crooked sticks, and bring them out
to their “farm” in bags. Some rat-
tlers and many non-poisonous species
also have been captured by the youth-
ful adventurers.
| Poison is extracted from the fangs
of the reptiles once a week and this
is sold at $10 an ounce for the treat-
ment of snake bites.
It requires but a day for the rep-
tiles to acquire a new supply of the
Many narrow escapes have been
made by members of the snake-hunt-
ing party on their weekly jaunts to
the Louisiana swamps. The most re-
cent was' a few weeks ago when the
party was attacked by a five-foot al-
ligator which they finally subdued and
tied with a rope.
The partners are Jules Richard, 17;
Ralph Richard, 14; Fred Hubert, 18,
and Adolphe Duvalle, 17.
—One-quarter of a million children
under 18 years are industrially em-
9 learning that his capacity to absorb
j tion each day
Oh, Yes!
Lumber, Sash,
W. R. Shope Lumber Co.
Call Bellefonte 432
Doors, Millwork and Roofing
How hard is it and how long does
it take to learn to fly?
These questions, doubly doubtful
because of the conflicting estimates
of aviators, are fairly simple, ac-
cording to William P. McCracken
Assistant Secretary of Commerce in
charge of aeronautics.
McCracken, himself a veteran flier,
holds that the average man should
be able to “solo” after five or six
hours of dual instruction.
“This instruction,” he said, “should
be spread over a period of from six
to fifteen days. An hour of instruc-
is enough, since the
novice concentrates so intensely on
details is soon exhausted.”
Statements that it is as easy to
learn to fly a plane as to learn au-
tomobile driving are far from cor-
rect, the aeronautics boss declared.
“Even those who have never tried
to drive an automobile have ridden in
them so much that they can judge
speed and distance and have uncon-
sciously become familiar with meth-
ods of operation. A better compari-
son is the sail boat. The average man
can learn to fly much quicker than
he can learn to handle even the single
sheet cat-boat with any degree of
proficiency,” he declared.
If a few hours of instruction and
a couple of solo flights will make a
fairly competent flier, still it does
not make a Lindbergh. Nor does it
fit a man for 500-mile cross-country
The novice will be far safer if he
wings his first 100 hours within sight
of his airdrome, McCracken assert-
ed. After learning to solo, he must
then diligently practice until he has
the “feel” of his ship and has ab-
sorbed some knowledge of adverse
flying conditions.
The department will issue a com-
mercial license to an aviator with
50 hours of flying behind him, but will
not allow him to carry passengers on
trips. After 200 hours of flying he
can get his transport license.
The eager novice, in picking a
teacher, should find an aviator who
has a commercial or transport license
and a licensed plane, especially the
latter, since the department will not
issue licenses for obsolete “crates”
which are unstable, McCracken said.
The best planes to learn in are the
low powered, stable machines which
can land at a comparatively low rate
of speed. The high-powered, speedy
planes are too sensitive for the novice.
Although it is not absolutely nec-
essary for the flier to be familiar with
motors, it is always valuable knowl-
edge, McCracken declared.
“If the flier can afford to have a
mechanic take care of his plane, he
needn’t know anything about the mo-
tor. I know expert fliers who boast
that they know nothing whatever
about mechanical things. But if your
motor goes dead. even if you land |
safely, it is not always easy to find a !
mechanic competent to repair it.”
ese Qe.
—You can make any wallpaper |
washable by going over it first with |
sizing and then using a clear shellac. |
This is advisable for the bathroom,
kitchen and children’s room. i
Don’t be. a “Road Hog.”
Keeping to the right of the high-
way is not only good manners but is
an absolute requirement under the
motor vehicle law. Motorists who
disregard this provision add unnec-
essarily to the hazards of driving,
according to the Keystone Automo-
bile Club, which calls upon all drivers
to observe the rules of fair play and
give the “other fellow” the same
chance for safety they expect of him. '
“Only a road hog,” says the Club,
“takes his half of the road out of the
middle. If a motorist should happen
to be using more than his share of
the highway and -another driver sig-
nals intention to pass, ordinary cour-
tesy should impel him to pull over
promptly to the right; yet it is a
common occurrence to see drivers de-
liberately hog the road and impede
the progress of others. Unless mo-
torists reform their driving practices,
they can have only themselves to
blame if more stringent State regu-
lations are imposed.”
101 South Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
72-48-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
Free sik HOSE Free
Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo-
men, guaranteed to wear six
months without runners in leg or
holes in heels or toe. A new pair
FREE if they fail. Price $1.00.
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
73-36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
Leave Saturday night Preceding
Bellefonte ..10.00 P.
Milesburg . M
Howard .... . M.
Eagleville M.
Beech Creek 10. M.
Mill Hall ..10.51 P. M.
URNING—Lyv. Phila. (Bd. St. Sta.) 5.55 p.m
‘“ West Philadelphia . 6.00 p.m,
Pennsylvania Railroad
Leave M.
“ !
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business em~
Offices—No. 5, East
trusteed to hiis care.
High street.
1 M. KEICHLINE.— Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-8
Bellefonte State College
Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his Tesiden®s
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg. High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-t¢
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op~
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 430 p. m. Bell Phone
Wayne’s Egg Mash $3.25 per H.
Wayne’s Calf Meal 4.25 per H.
Wayne's 32% Dairy Feed 3.10 per H.
Wayne’s 24% Dairy Feed 2.80 per H.
Wagner's 30% Dairy Feed 2.70 per H.
Wagner's 22% Dairy Feed 2.50 per H.
Wagner’s Pig Meal - 2.90 per H.
Cotton Seed Meal, 43%, 3.50 per H.
Oil Meal, 34% - - - 3.00 per H.
Gluten feed, 23% - - 2.50 per H.
Alfalfa - - - 2.25 per H.
Tankage, 60% - - 4.25 per H.
Meat Scrap, 45% - - 4.25 per H.
Wagner's Egg Mash, Wagner's
Scratch Feed, Cracked Corn, Chop,
Bran, Middlings on Hand at
All Times, at the Right
With the large crops of corn and
oats let us grind your feed and make
up your mixtures with cotton seed
meal, oil meal, gluten and bran. We
will do this at the small additional
cost of 5 cents per hundred.
If You Want Good Bread or Pastry
0. Y. Wagner & Go, Inc
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Prime in flavor, freshness and nu-
tritive value are our fine meats.
That’s why particular housewives
who take pride in their culinary ef-
forts patronize us in ever-increas-
ing numbers.
will be sure to satisfy your family’s
meat requirements when you shop
and save HERE,
P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market
It’s why you, too,
Telephone 667
Market on the Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
A Restful Night 5
Add enjoyment to your trip East or West,
giving you a delightful break in your journey.
Each Way Every Night Between
Buffalo and Cleveland
offer you unlimited facilities, including large, comfort-
om: jasures Jone mights refreshing sleep.
Luxurious ins, wide decks, excellent dining room
Courteous attendan
able staterooms that
service, a ts. A trip
Connections at Cleveland for Lake Resorts,
Detroit and Points West
Daily Service May 1st to November 14th
Leaving at 9:00 P. M.; Arriving at 7:30 A. M.
Ask your ticket agent or tourist
for tickets via C & B Line.
New Low Fare $4.50 9%
"Er $8.50
The Cleveland and
‘Wharves: So, Michigan Ave. Bridge, Buffalo, N.
will long
I nh
Company -
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Tull nt ud ll nN NAPA NNN
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. @ We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte...