| REE! wr FREE! Beautiful New Gas Refriperato IS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW ROOMS Chances on this Refrigerator will be GIVEN FREE with each Gas Appliance Purchased from Us during the Next T! hirty Days With the Humphrey Radiant Fire Cd O20 A Hl zoo Al i 1 EXD: zoo dl Ooze i ©; a >, 2S S, a 2 01010100 or vor 20a You become an absolute master of temperature in your home. When cold “snaps” come you need only apply a match and healthful Radi- ant heat will pour forth to comfort you. Colors that reflect the beauty of your room with the sheen and glow of firelight—even though there be no fire! All the original beauty and grace of line (which Radiant fire users the world over are enoying) enhanced and given added CHAR- ACTER through color. Of course you want a Radiant fire in the fireplace! No bother with fuel or ashes in cold weather! No gaping blankness in the wall all summer! Radiant fire gives bright- ness and beauty the year ’round. Odorless, smokeless, clean, health- ful heat—at the touch of a match. An Opportunity Not To Be Neglected This is YOUR CHANCE to have a lovely RED WHEEL Direct Action Range with the most sanitary methods of cooking rT HE FIRST delicate instinct of woman is to have things clean when food is being prepared, and nothing proves this more than the pride E50 women have always shown in their kitchens—the rows of shining pans, the clean floors. Pans and dishes are always scoured and thoroughly cleaned before using. Foodstuffs are carefully protected to prevent con- tamination. Vegetables are scraped and washed. Knives, forks, spoons and other cooking “tools” are scoured and shined. No one remarks about this. It is just a natural, instinctive act. Wo- men know that dirt and food should not be mixed, and people generally refuse to eat foods that are not prepared cleanly. We would rather eat foods not so nicely cooked, not so savory and delightful to the taste and know they are clean, than far more delicious things of whose purity and cleanli- ness we are in doubt. No, there is no doubt whatsoever—*“Cleanliness Comes First in Cook- ing,” and that cleanliness refers not to pots, tools, foods and hands only. It refers to everything in the kitchen. It refers to the floors, the walls, the At Last! An Automatic Water Heater Service at a price so low that it is instantly appealing, —the lowest at which a heater of this class has ever sold! Now this wonderful service can be yours—hot water . . . instant- ly. . . automatical- lv... and at a price that is more than reasonable. All the latest improvements in hot water heating equipment are embodied in this new Pittsburgh Lion Heater. It is automatic, just open the faucet and in a few sec- onds. . . hot water! All you want— for laundry, kitchen and bath! AUTOMATIC—the new ther- mostatic control device prevents. overheating, and maintains a con- stant supply of hot water at all times. No trips to cellar—no care at all. Economical too, for gas is used only when water is actually heated. woodwork and last but by no means least, the range used for cooking. PUPP PAA A AAPA A AAS AIA SSS AAAS NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Yet many women are cooking today on ranges that are grimy and greasy. Not on the surface, but in the corners of grates, underneath burners, as well as the burners. Not because they do not care. They do, very much. But because it is impossible to keep them clean. That is why the Direct Action Range has been built with its oven and other features, “THE RED WHEEL,” to make it easy for the housewife. The basis of cooking is heat. It should be clean, snappy heat—easily controlled. In a gas range that calls for two things: 1. Proper combustion of gas and air. Only when these two are properly mixed can good heat be secured. 2. Uniform distribution of heat. A burner that gives uneven heat obviously cannot cook evenly or thoroughly. It is also a rather costly proposition to use a stove in this condition. The Red Wheel Takes the Guess-Work Out of Cooking No need now to guess. Women now must know with scientific exactness the temperature required for all kinds of baking and cooking. Set the pointer of the “Red Wheel” at 400 degrees. As long as the gas supply holds out it will stay there. This is modern, scientific cooking, mechanically perfect, much safer, better and less: worrisome than the old-fashioned “feel” system, used by our grandmothers. One easy turn of the Lorian Red Wheel gives you a choice of any measured and con- trolled oven heat for any kir.d of oven cooking or baking. It is not. a Lorain unless it. has the Red Wheel Oven Regulator All those who have purchased Appliances and have not received their chance on our beautiful Gas Refrigerator will receive their ticket by calling at, the Display Room on West High Street. CENTRAL PENNA. GAS COMPANY