Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 10, 1928, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., August 10, 1928.
Concerning Evolution.
Note well that evolution is
Not one of several theories—
Lamarck’s idea that life is bent
To suit a new environment,
Thus grew the long neck of the giraffe—
‘Which reference used to make us laugh;
Or Darwin’s “Natural Selection,”
Or the “mutations” of de Vries
Of Mendel’s laws a fine projection;
For these and other views like these
Are only efforts to explain
The modifications that pertain
To animals and plants. That grain
Does vary, every farmer knows.
By giving chosen plants a boost
Burbank varieties produced.
The history of fossils shows
The earliest horse had several toes.
And do you think that cultured man
Was shut out from the general plan?
The Trinil race, you ought to know,
Lived half a million years ago;
From such rude stock, on brutedom verg-
Our present high-brows have emerged.
We know from Embryology
Each animal, whate’er it be,
“Climbs up its own ancestral tree,”
As Huxley cleverly remarked.
When you as embryo embarked
You had a wee tail, simianish,
And unless gill-slits of the fish.
The proofs are various, multiplied,
That life-storms have been modified
Continuously, without the break
Creative fiats have to make.
That’s evolution, deathless fact
No pulpiteer can counteract.
—C. C. Ziegler
Interesting Description of Week's
Outing Written by One of
the Members.
The second 4H tri-county, includ-
ing Centre, Clearfield and Clinton
counties, leadership training camp
closed at Camp Hironimus, Weikert,
after its second year of a week’s in-
tense training. There were nineteen
representatives from the various coun-
ties, two chaperones and two super-
visors. The Centre county members
were Mary Strouse, Helen Hunter,
Pine Hall; Margaret Reese, Sarah
Odenkirk, Betty Ebright, Centre
Hall; Catherine Vonada, Elsie Hays,
Hublersburg; Mildred Aley, Sarah
Vonada, Jacksonville; Mrs. Vonada,
Hublersburg; Mrs. Melissa Wood,
Grampian, chaperones; Miss Harmony
Hutchinson and Miss Mary Reynolds,
the former in charge of Northumber-
land, Union, and Snyder counties, the
latter Clearfield, Centre and Clinton,
supervised the camp.
These girls were 4H club members
who had been outstanding in the qual-
ity of work which they had done in
their club and also outstanding in
their ability to act as a leader for
their club. The camp was for the
purpose of developing this leadership,
increasing interest in 4H clubs, in-
stilling in them a type of training
which they would not otherwise re-
ceive in regular 4H projects, and thus
help to develop each one inte a bet-
ter citizen for her club and her com-
The Centre county bankers and
Centre Hall Fair asociation showed
a deep interest in Girls 4H Club work
by sponsoring the Centre county camp
expenses. The Fullington Auto Bus
company, of !Clearefild, transported
the Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
county girls to and from camp. It
is only through the help of interested
business men that towns, communi-
ties, and rural sections can and do
benefit by such projects.
To give an idea what a girl may
receive at a 4H training camp,
following is a theme written by a
camp member. The theme was one
of the assignments given to each girl
at the close of camp and this was one
of the best, written by Elsie Hays, of
Hublersburg club:
About ten o’clock Monday morning
I left home for Bellefonte where I
met the Fullington bus which took
us to camp Hironimus, at Weikert.
At Bellefonte we met six girls from
Clearfield county, four girls from
Clinton, two girls from Centre and
our two chaperones, Mrs. Melissa
Wood, Clearfield county, and Mrs.
Frank Vonada, Centre county. We
left Bellefonte around eleven o’clock
and picked up two of our girls at
Pleasant Gap. Our last stop was Cen-
tre Hall where we added three more
to our number. We then resumed our
trip to camp, arriving there around
one o’clock.
We were met by Miss Reynolds,
Miss Hutchinson and Miss Haggy.
Miss Reynolds assigned us to our du-
ties. We then unpacked our dishes
and put them in their places. Each
girl received a card with a number.
We were divided into four groups
with five girls in a group. Each
group had one breakfast, one dinner
one supper, a house cleaning, and a
newspaper duty assigned for some
time during the week. We were then
told to go to our places, which had
the corresponding number, and un-
pack and make up our cots or beds,
whichever they were.
At 4:30 we were given a talk by
Miss Reynolds on table setting and
etiquette. The knife and spoon to be
on the right side of the plate, three
quarters of an inch from the edge of
the table with the sharp ‘edge
of the knife turned toward the
plate, the fork on the left side the
same distance from the edge as the
knife, the glass at the end of the
knife, a little to the right, the bread
and butter plate at the end of the
fork, a little to the left, the napkin
to the left of the fork and a center
piece to give an attractive appear-
ance. The center piece may be of
flowers or fruit, if it is flowers it
should not be high and the flowers
should not be crowded into small vases
and containers. : ir
The supper group, consisting of
numbers one, two, three, “our and
five, prepared the su..:gh © aich was
from six to seven¥%¥ .. k
The girls were diviled into groups
! called the greens and the whites.
These groups were distinguished by
the wearing of the green and of the
white bands, the 4H club colors.
The first camp fire was given from
7:00 to 9:00 by the greens. The camp
fire was opened by Big Chief, Betty
Ebright. Each of the greens address-
ed the Big Chief and gave a law to
be carried out through the week. Sev-
eral of these laws were, that there be
no talking during the lighting of the
camp fire, that all members addrzss
the Big Chief before giving a report,
that there be no chewing of gum dur-
ing the camp, that there be no scratch-
ing of mosquito bites, and that there
be no powder or paint used in camp.
At 9:00 we had taps and 9:15 the
lights were out.
We arose Tuesday morning at 7:00,
with the exception of the breakfast
group who arose a little earlier. We
washed and brushed our teeth then
hurried to the cabin for exercise. We
had breakfast at 8:00. After break-
fast one of the groups cleaned up
camp, each group having its turn,
another group had newspaper duties
for that day and each person in the
group had to write an article. on a cer-
tain thing to be read at the camp fire.
From 9.30 to 11:30 we had class
which consisted of talks given by Miss
Brown and Mr. Blaney. Miss Brown
spoke on Line and Color. She told
us how to distinguish colors. Red,
yellow, green, blue and purple are the
five principal colors. In speaking of
light and dark colors we speak of
value. Light in color is high in val-
ue, dark is low in value. Intensity
is speaking of dullness and bright-
ness. Colors opposite each other on
the color wheel are complements of
each other and are at their greatest
intensity. In mixing or combining
colors opposite each other they be-
come dull. Brighter color is more 1n-
tense. In putting complements to-
gether we form a complementary
harmony. In putting complements
together there is more of one color
and that is the dullest and in putting
colors together which are side by side
we form neighboring harmony.
Same color but different shades is
similar harmony. Light colors, as
yellow and red, are warm colors. Blue,
purple, and green are cool colors.
Shade means value and low value—
tint means high value.
Mr. Blaney gave a talk on extension
work and told us how the Boys 4H
clubs were organized and how exten-
sion representatives obtained their
money. The money is appropriated
by the Federal State government
funds paid in taxes. In each county
is a committee known as the Agri-
cultural Extension association which
makes arrangements to better their
community and they work out local
At 12:00 we had dinner. From 1:90
to 2:00 we had rest period and from
2:00 to 3:30 recreation which consist-
ed: of swimming. From 3:30 to 5:30
we were given a talk by Miss Hutcn-
inson on Health. There are five points
to health; first, stand tall; second,
regular exercise; third, sleep and
rest; fourth, plenty of fresh air, sun-
light, water and food; fifth, cleanli-
ness. Around 6:00 we had supper.
In the evening from 7:00 to 9.00 the
whites held campfire with initiation.
Mrs. Vonada was taken into the
club. We then had taps and the lights
were out at 9:15.
Wednesday morning we arose at
7:00, washed, brushed our teeth and
hurried to sitting up exercises. At
7:30, after breakfast, the breakfast
group did the dishes and the house
cleaning group their cleaning up.
Later we were given instructions
by Miss Cross, the Centre county
public health nurse, on how to treat
a fractured bone. We should have
three splints and bandage tightly.
For a cut artery to tie something
real tight between the wound and the
heart for thirty minutes then open
for blood circulation and tie it again.
We had dinner at 12:00, then rest
hour, after which we had swimming.
In class Miss Reynolds gave a talk
on personal hygiene. We were told
to bathe often, never use cheap, high-
ly perfumed soaps or powder, wash
the hair every two or four weeks, de-
pending upon the condition of the
scalp, whether it is dry or oily, keep
our finger nails clean but never high-
ly polished, keep the clothing clean,
mended and pressed. We were also
told ways of removing different
Around 6:00 we had supper. From
7:00 to 9:00 we had a masquerade,
the Christmas tree being the winner.
Each person dressed up and ran
around the camp fire and as her name
was guessed, if they were right, they
had to remove the mask. At 9:00 we
had taps and 9.15 lights were out.
Thursday morning we arose at the
usual hour, washed, at 7:30 had our
setting up exercises, and at 8:00 had
breakfast. In class Thursday morn-
ing Miss Hutchinson gave a few ques-
tions for discussion as: How we could
better our club, a list of qualifications
of young people in order to be lead-
ers in a 4H club. We must be re-
spected in our community, be respons-
ible, be honest and be friendly. What
type of 4H service is most worthy?
One that is cheerful, honest and help-
ful to others.
At 12:00 we had dinner, then rest
period and after rest period swim-
ming. In class we had croft and were
taught how to make parchment pa-
per lamp shades. We took our paper,
cut it in half lengthwise, measured
evry half inch and folded so as to
make pleats then the two pieces were
pasted together.
Thursday evening we had a picnic
and marshmallow toast. We were
then given a talk by Grace Snook on
National camp. We had our candles
lighted frem the candle from Wash.
fon then taps and lights were out at
:15. .
Friday morning we arose at 7:00,
washed, brushed our teeth, 7:30 set-
ting up exercises, and 8:00 breakfast.
After breakfast everyone helped to
work. The house cleaning group tore
up the cots and we packed and clean-
ed up the cabins.
dinner and all the dishes were then
packed. Around 1:30, we left for
home. It was a jolly bunch but yet
a sad one for our camping trip, which
we all enjoyed so much, was over.
- On our way home we sang all the
songs we could think of. At Aarons-
burg, Mr. Fullington treated us to ice
cream cones. When I arrived at
Bellefonte I was met by the home
folks and was soon home.
‘Health Movies at School
Cambridge, Mass.—Plans for a
complete series of health education
{films designed specifically for class-
room use in public schools have been
completed under an agreement by
which the Department of Biology and
Public Health will cooperate with the
Eastman Teaching Films, Inc., in
what is said to be the most compre-
hensive programme of its kind ever
One of the leading authorities on
child education, Dr. C. E. Turner,
Professor of Biology and Public
Health at Technology, will direct the
production of the films
The series of films, Dr. Turner said,
will be extensive and complete and
will present teaching material in the
field of health in much the same way
that recent films have contributed to
the teaching of geography, civics and
other subjects.
“The motion picture,” he said,
“has a tremendous contribution to
make to public education. Its possibil-
ities have been little realized up to the
present because very few films have
been made specifically for the class
room. The type of film adapted for
general and adult audiences has little
value as a definite tool in education.
“The nature and functions of the
body and problems in health control
of the environment, all presented with
the greatest scientific accuracy and so
produced to interest the child, are in-
included in the program of films sub-
One of the greatest opportunities
offered by this method of education,
Professor Turner pointed out, is that
films present life in motion. The child
will be shown those basic facts of
physiology and health procedures
which are now a part of the best
health educations of the country.
These will be presented within the
scope of his understanding and in a
manner which would be impossible
without the aid of motion pictures.
Every film will be prepared for a
particular grade level and will defi-
nitely recognize the extent and limita-
tion of the health knowledge already
acquired by the child. The first pro-
ductions, it is expected, will be for
the use of upper intermediate and
junior high schools. When completed
the series will prosent a complete
Aid Being
public schools.
Special equipment for miscrosco-
pic motion picture photography is
now being installed at Technology.
The new work will proceed hand in
hand with further developments in
the bio-cinema research laboratory
established in 1921 for motion picture
research and for the production of
education films dealing with the na-
ture of bacteria, the disposal of sew-
age, diptheria organism, the prepara-
tion of antitoxin and other subjects.
More Companies Making Airplanes
Than Automobiles in This
Between 140 and 150 companies in
the United States are manufacturing
airplanes. The number is increasing.
Postmaster General Harry S. New,
who encouraged the aircraft industry
by turning over to private interests
mail contracts until he took the Gov-
ernment out of the business of trans-
porting the air mails, thinks it re-
markable that there are more airplane
than automobile makers in this coun-
try. Only 85 concerns turn out mo-
tor cars.
“This new industry—the making
of aircraft—has passed the hundred
million dollar mark now,” said Mr.
New today. “Of course the automo-
bile business is far greater and em-
ploys many more people, but there
has been wonderful growth in air
traffic and our manufacturers are
keeping pace with the demand.
“There are 307 aircraft schools to
teach men and women to pilot air-
planes.” .
- Air traffic is growing so fast that
it is difficult to provide sufficient air-
ports. Manufacturers of airplanes
and accessories are well distributed
throughout the Nation. They are
scattered from Maine to California
and from Florida to Washington.
Mr. New expects to see a large in-
crease in air mail because of the re-
duction in air mail rates Aug. 1.
This, in turn, will bring new demands
for aircraft, and the industry will
benefit accordingly.
Civil War Pensioners Reduced to
Washington.— The mounting death
rate among Civil war veterans reduc-
ed the number in March to only 79,-
300 pensioners. A total of 1,283 died
recently, the pension bureau announc-
Once, in 1898, these pensioners to-
taled 745,622, which was the peak, but
it remained for increases in appro-
priations to bring the highest in the
amount of pensions in 1923, when
$141,377,615 was disbursed.
Every Civil war pensioner is now
more than eighty years old, but it is
estimated at the bureau that a few
will live 25 years more. This esti-
mate is based on the fact that five
Mexican war pensioners are still on
the roll, although it has been 80 years
since that war.
- The last survivor of the Revolution-
ary war, Daniel F. Bakerman, disd
April 5, 1869, at the age of one hun-
dred nine years, and 90 years after
the war of 1812 Hiram Cronk, the
last survivor of that war, died.
Lost—Fox terrigig rough coat;
black on head, side tail.—Ad. in a
California paper.
At 12.00 we had!
Harrisburg—Dr. J. Bruce Me-
Creary, medical director of the bureau
of child health, in a statement issued
last week calls attention to the re-
quirements of the State law in refer-
ence to the successful vaccination of
all children before they may legally
be admitted to school. Parents should
see that their children are vaccinat-
ed now so that they may be provid-
ed with the proper certificates prior
to the first day of school. It requires
at least ten days before a legal cer-
tificate may be issued and in some
cases where a second attempt is nec-
essary to secure a successful result
twenty or twenty-five days are in-
Children who have had two at-
tempts at vaccination without a suc-
cessful “take,” or those who had been
admitted to school last year on an of-
ficial temporary certificate must be
revaccinated by the authorized school
medical inspector of the district. If
his official revaccination does not pro-
duce a successful result he will grant
a new official temporary certificate
which will admit to school for the cur-
rent year. The official vaccination is
performed free of charge.
Teachers and principals of schools
particularly are cautioned not to ad-
mit any child to school unless they
present or have already presented the
legal certificate of successful vaccina-
: tion, or in the case of unsuccessful re-
i sults, the official temporary certificate
‘ of revaccination signed by the author-
,ized school medical inspector, which
; certificate must have been issued since
July 1928, when temporary certifi-
cates issued during the previous term
of school become void. .
Due to lack of appropriation for the
' complete inspection of all fourth class
school districts annually only about
half of such districts of a county are
receiving medical inspection. Howev-
er children living in districts not re-
reciving inspection, who require of-
ficial revaccination will be revaccinat-
ed by the authorized school medica!
inspector in adjoining districts or by
the county medical director.
fourth class school districts had com-
plete school medical inspection dur-
ing the last term. Therefore there
will be no medical inspection of fourth
class school districts in these counties
for the coming term. Nevertheless,
the regular school medical inspectors
will be continued as special school
physicians for the coming term auth-
| orized to perform the official revaccin-
jation whenever required. This ap-
i plies to the following eighteen coun-
| son, Juniata, Mifflin, Mnrooe, Perry,
! Pike, Snyder, Sullivan, Union, Wyom-
‘ing and also the following eight coun-
; ties in which there will be medical in-
, spection of schools in but three to five
programme of health education for fourth class districts: Carbon, Indi- |
ana, Huntingdon, Dauphin, Columbia,
{ Fayette, Clinton, Lawrence.
i Citing the law it is also explained
! that teachers may not accept certifi-
cates issued by the family physician
of the school medical inspector ex-
empting pupils from vaccination be-
cause ‘of alleged physical disability.
Cases of actual physical disability are
rare. Generally speaking, any child
that is well enough to go to school is
a fit subject for vaccination. The au-
thorized school medical inspector or
school physician will refer
county medical director any cases of
actual physicial disability for final
disposition by said official. School
medical inspectors are required by the
regulations of the department to ver-
ify the existence of the required vac-
cination scar and pass upon the valid-
ity of the vaccination certificate pre-
sented for admission to school.
Special Delivery Rate is 15 Cents for
Auto Licenses.
Motor car and truck owners re-
questing license plates by special de-
livery are advised by the Pennsyl-
vania Department of Highways to
make sure that sufficient special de-
livery postage is enclosed with their
application because of a postal regu-
lation of the Post Office Department,
made effective July 1. This new
schedule on postal rates includes a
provision that the special delivery fee
on fourth-class mail shall be 15 cents
instead of 10 cents. This will include
special handling as well as special de-
There are many cases each day
where applications are received by the
bureau of motor vehicles, accompan-
ied by a ten-cent special delivery
stamp, which, of course, is not suffi-
cient fee to send the tags special de-
livery. In those cases the tags are
and the ten-cent special
stamp is enclosed with the registra-
tion certificate.
School Superintendents Meeting at
State College This Week.
| The annual conference of county
and district school superintendents of
the State is now in session
at State College. The conference,
conducted by the State department of
public instruction and the college, is
held for the purpose of enabling sup-
erintendents to keep in touch with the
latest developments in education and
to meet outstanding leaders in the |
field of education just before they re-
sume active work with their own
schools in the fall.
Among those who have places on
the program for this year’s confer-
ence are Dr. Walter S. Monroe, direc-
tor of educational research at the
University of Illinois; William Mec-
Andrew, editor of the Educational
Review; Joseph F. Noonan, president
of the State Educational Association;
W. R. Straughn, of the Mansfield
schools; A. D. Thomas, superintend-
ent of schools at Hazleton; and R.
Shaw and C. F. Hoban of the State
department of public instruction.
Prospective guest: “Is this a quiet
room ?”
Landlady: “Sure, an’ it’s that quiet
,ve can hear thim blasting fer an
apartment house next door.”—Life.
In a number of counties all of the
ties. Adams, Cameron, Cumberland,
| Elk, Forest, Fulton, Greene, Jeffer- |
to the |
sent by the bureau in the regular mail .
delivery :
‘Reckless Automobile Drivers.
The startling week-end toll of mo- '
tor casualties in Pennsylvania and
New Jersey prompts the Keystone
Automobile Club to emphasize the
importance of care in the operation
of automobiles. There can be no de-
crease in the number of accidents, in
the opinion of the Club, “so long as
reckless, careless, hare-brained, in-
competent drivers range the high-
“A member of our staff, a careful
driver with a record of ten years’ op-
eration without an accident, was so
impressed with his experiences last
Sunday afternoon that he turned in
a report, showing how boorishness,
selfishness and downright reckless-
ness on the part of other drivers had
imperilled his life not less than five
times on a two-hour trip.
“His first experience was with a
motorist who rounded a curve at high
speed, on the left side of the road.
Watchfulness and good brakes pre-
vented a smashup in this instance.
“Twenty minutes later the Key-
stone driver took to the ditch to es-
cape collision with a car, the driver
of which was so busy pointing out
the scenery to a companion he had no -
eyes for the road and approaching
“Aware of the danger that lurks in
the old “covered bridge,” the Club
driver sounded his horn and slowed
to ten miles an hour as he approach- |
ed a bridge of this type. To his con-
sternation, a car emerged from the
covered structure, on the left side
of the roadway. Quick application of |
the brakes brought his car to a stop,
allowing the other machine to swerve
to the right, with not more than an
inch to spare.
“All these happened within the
first hour. The driver figured three
narrow escapes was a full quota for
a day, but he was to learn his error.
A youth, driving slowly on the right,
suddenly was imbued with a desire
to kiss and caress his sweetie, and
while thus engaged allowed his car
to zigzag across the road, just graz-
ing the Club driver as he attempted
to pass.
“Five minutes later the most se-
rious of the day’s experiences was
recorded. As the Keystone driver
‘neared the bottom of a sharp incline
{on one of those “toboggan” roads, he
I saw a car attempt to pass two others
in the line of oncoming traffic.
| other drivers sensed the danger and
' speeded up, while the Keystone driver
pulled to the side of the - road and
stopped, allowing the foolhardy pass-
er enough room to slide back into his
' proper lane.
| “In every instance,
lack of care
and consideration for the rights of
others was responsible. If the Key-
stone driver had not been alert in the
handling of his car, any one of the
incidents might have resulted in se-
rious injury.”
The Federal Estate Tax. .
| Emergencies have caused the fed-
eral government to turn to inherit-
ances as a source of revenue. To help
| finance the Civil war and the Spanish-
{ American war the federal government
i levied such a tax. In each case it was
' repealed soon after the war. During
| the World war this source was again
| taxed, although the entire estate was
i made the base of the tax rather than
| the share of each beneficiary.
The highest rates are not found ia
| the war revenue acts, but in the rev-
enue act of 1924. Under this act the
‘rates were progressive from 1 per
cent. to 4 per cent. on graduations
| ranging from $50,000 to $10,000,000.
This apparent intention of the feder-
al government to retain the tax
brought forth a storm of protest from
State officials. One of the principal
grievances was that the federal gov-
ernment was entering a field already
pre-empted by the States. If this
reason be considered valid, then the
federal government could tax neither
incomes nor corporations for both
were used as sources of State funds
before the federal government be-
gan to tax them.
The law was changed in 1926. The
maximum rate was reduced to 2 per
cent. on the amount of an estate in
excess of $10,000,000, while the ex-
will be allowed for State taxes up to
an amount not exceeding 80 per cent.
of the federal tax. Thus, if on an
estate the federal tax amounted to
$200, and the tax levied by the State
was $150, the federal government
would collect but $50, since it would
allow a credit of any amount up to
80 per cent. of the $200 tax.
Some State officials have been es-
pecially hostile to the 80 per cent.
credit provision. Those of Florida
feel that their State was particularly
in mind when the provision was in-
serted, since only recently Florida had
adopted a constitutional amendment
prohibiting the use of inheritance
taxes. They take the position that
Congress, by the 80 per cent. credit
provision, is attempting to force Flor-
ida to adopt an inheritance tax, for
otherwise sums would be going to the
federal treasury which might other-
wise go to that of the State.
Should the federal government give
up the estate tax, as many demand,
then the loss in receipts must be made
up from some other source. If the
States abandon this field, as some
suggest, then property, or some other
i base, must be taxed more heavily. In
the end, the justice of the entire tax
system must be considered, and there
is no good reason why the tax may not.
be used by both the federal and State
governments, nor why they should not
cooperate to make it just and uni-
lee ee
Farmers. Kill Deer Destroying Crops.
Farmers killed fifty-one deer caught
destroying crops during June, accord-
ing to a survey of reports made to the
Board of Game Commissioners. Dur-
ing the same period last year only
twenty-four were killed.
Officers of the Commission ascribe
the increased kill to the ever mounting
deer population of the State and the
ydstermingtion of farmers to end de-
struction of crops.
The °
emption was raised to $100,000. The
law provides, further, that a credit |
—Weeds allowed to grow in the
cornfield rob the crop of much mois-
ture and plant food, and make harv-
esting difficult. Shallow cultivation
will destroy most of them.
—Keep the nests clean and on rainy
days do not allow the birds to run out.
of doors until late in the afternoon.
Provide one nest for every four hens.
Marpst the eggs at least twice a
—=Sell as broilers all pullets that.
are not developing as well as the av-
erage of the flock. These small weak
birds are the first to contract disease:
and never do make profitable pro-
—See that there is a good supply
of picking baskets and ladders on
hand for the fruit harvest. When the
fruit is ready to pick it will be too
late to even think about getting the:
—Points to consider in picking out.
specimens for vegetable exhibits are
general appearance, market condi-
tions, uniformity, and trueness to
type. Remember the largest speci-
men seldom wins.
—Sow the clover crop in the culti-
vated orchard now. Crimson clover,
and oats, mammoth clover, rye and
vetch are all good. Only remember
that if rye is sown it should be turn-
ed under in the spring.
. —Conscientious and diligent spray-
ing with bordeaux mixture will save
the 1928 potato crop from the ravage
of late blight. Sufficient pressure:
should be used in the spraying opera-
tion so that 125 gallons per acre are
—The practice of higging off small
fields of corn is considered a good one:
in most sections. Where small fields
of sweet corn have been planted ear-
ly they are a big help in furnishing
feed for the hogs from one to three:
weeks before the regular plantings of
dent corn are ready for feed.
—Where early potatoes, canning
peas, or oats and Canadian field peas
for hay are harvested early enough,
an excellent seedbed can be prepar-
ed for August seeding of alfalfa.
Such crops leave the soil compara-
tively clean, loose, and fairly moist.
Use a disc or spring-tooth harrow to
work up the soil. Sow 20 pounds to
the acre.
—Now is a good time to dip all
sheep that have been neglected to
date. Lambs which do not have to
fight ticks make better use of their
feed in the finishing-out period.
There also is an enormous loss entail-
ed in the feeding of high-priced grain
and roughage to breeding ewes which
are infested with ticks. Any coal tar
preparation will kill the ticks if used’
according to directions on the pack-
—Road patrols in charge of the
federal government cooperating with.
the Pennsylvania department of agri-
culture will be stationed on all main:
traveled highways leading out of the
European corn borer infested area,
starting August 1, the bureau of
plant industry said here today in mak-
ing public the plans for the summer
and fall campaign against the corn:
borer. No permits of any kind will
be issued for transporting field or
sweet corn, broom corn, sorghum or
sudan grass from the quarantined
area. :
The present area which is known to-
be infested with the corn borer com-
prises all or portions of forty-two
counties in the northwestern two-
thirds of the Commonwealth.
The most extensive scouting ever
attempted to determine the extent and
density of corn borer infestation will
be done this year. The Federal Gov-
ernment will have scouts cover every
township outside the present known
infested area, while the State depart-
ment will survey the area of light in-
festation to ascertain the density of
infestation as a basis of future clean-
up work.
| The clean-up work which was done
by farmers during the past spring {6
destroy the over-wintering larvae of
. the borer is reported as the most sat-
isfactory ever carried out in Pennsyl-
vania. All or portions of four coun-
ties in the extreme northwestern corn-
er of the Commonwealth were in the
designated clean-up this year.
—One of the main reasons why the
people of Pennsylavnia rural districts
are likely to favor approval of the
proposed bond issue amendment for
$8,000,000 for new buildings at the
Pennsylvania State College, lies in the
fact that college aid to the farmer
and the housewife is greatly appreci-
ated in practically every community
in the State. Any movement that as-
sures increased service not only to the
agricultural groups, but to commerce
and industry as well, is bound to win
approval with progressive Pennsyl-
vanians, it is pointed out by those
who have become familiar with the:
State College situation and its needs.
Fifteen years ago most of the work
of State College was confined to the
campus. An occasional printed bul-
letin told of agricultural research
work. Then came the establishment
of the agricultural extension service,
which slowly but surely convinced
farmers that in the county agents
they had real friends and progressive
representatives of the college right
at their own front doors. There fol-
lowed visits by specialists from the
college, demontrations were started
on farms, boys and girls became in-
terested in calves, pigs and truck
crops, until today thousands of rural
communities are proud of new rec-
ords, new achievements and better
farming conditions where frequent
mention is made of State College and
its service.
| Practically all prosperous farmers
iwill say that State College should
keep going forward in all its branch-
ies, and keep pace with other large
| State colleges and universities. As
' college officials point out, the passage
{of the State College bond issue at the
| Rovere. election will relieve crowd-
| ed conditions in all departments of the
college and give agricultural research
| men, among others, added opportun-
ity to do more for the people of the
| State.
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