Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1928, Image 8

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    Bewliy fcpn.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 3, 1928.
——The trout will now have a rest
until the fifteenth of next April.
——October 15th is the date set for
the opening of the Centre county
teachers’ institute this year.
Bellefonte firemen were not
largely represented at the district
firemen’s convention held at Clear-
field Wednesday and yesterday.
——VWilliam Garman Jr., is the
mame given to the little son born
‘Tuesday night, to Mr. and Mrs. John
‘Garman of Howard street. The lad is
their first son, but second child."
Mrs. S. D. Burris, of Centre
Hall, suffered a stroke of paralysis,
last Friday, and her condition since
has been of such a serious nature that
her children have all been summoned
Helen Tressler, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Tressler, who live out
near .the aviation field, broke the
‘bones in one of her ankles on the
sliding board at Hecla park, last
“Thursday afternoon.
The Delphian clubs, of Tyrone
and Altoona, numbering over one
‘hundred women, will be guests if
Mrs. Robert Garman at Edgefonte, to-
«day. The Robert Garman family, of
Tyrone, are occupying Edgefonte for
a part of the month of August.
At.a well attended meeting of
‘the Centre County Motor Club, last
‘Wednesday evening, a resolution was
‘passed reducing the annual dues from
‘$6.75 to $5.00. It was the opinion of
“th¢ motorists that the reduction would
result in an increased membership.
: In order to experience the de-
Tights of outdoor life without actually
camping in the mountains where the
snakes and wild animals hold forth,
Walter C. Cohen has leased the old
eating house, on Hecla park, and will
spend a fortnight there with his fam-
——The Nighthart barber shop in
‘the Odd Fellows building was cleanad
out, on Monday, and the room turned
over to the Central Pennsylvania Gas
«company. The Maytag company,
however, will retain possession of the
room they occupy until the first of
next April.
+—For several weeks past new po-
tatoes have been selling in Bellefonte
at less than a dollar a bushel, to be
exfict, at 23 cents the peck. This is
the lowest price for this time of year
in many years. If the late crop is as
prolific as the early potatoes there
will be no dearth of tubers this year.
The Zeigler family reunion will
be held at Hecla park on Tuesday of
next week, August 7th. The original
date for this gathering was Wednes-
day, the 8th, but because of a mix-
up in dates in the park schedule it
‘has been necessary to change the day
‘to the 7th. Members of the clan will
‘please note the change.
fonte, is under one thousand dollars
‘bail for his appearance before the Ly-
«coming county court to answer to the
«charge of illegal possession and
‘transportation of intoxicating liquor.
Parker was arrested near Williams-
port, last Friday, while hauling a
ruck load of supposed beer.
Wetzler’s Junior band, of
‘Milesburg, proved such a big draw-
ing card at its Sunday afternoon con-
«cert at Hecla park about a month ago
that it has been scheduled for another
concert on Sunday afternoon. If there
is anybody in Centre county who has
not heard this band they can go to
the park, on Sunday, and hear the
boys play. :
Woodring & Spotts, garage
proprietors of Port Matilda, are the
possessors of a big moving van fash-
JFoned out of one of the old trolley
cars of the abandoned Centre and
‘Clearfield Railway company, at Phil-
ipsburg. While it is large enough for
most any purpose it is somewhat un-
“wieldy and hard to navigate around
sharp curves.
—Mr. and Mrs. R. Wynn Freder-
-icks, of Lock Haven, are receiving
congratulations on the birth of their
first daughter, born Friday July 27th.
“The child, who is the sixth great-
grand child of Mrs. Samuel Sheffer,
«of Bellefonte, will be named Marion,
for its maternal grandmother, Mrs.
Fredericks being the elder daughter
of Mrs. Paul Sheffer.
Ninety-eight examinations were
made at the extension chest clinic,
held in the public building, on How-
ard street, on Wednesday, and about
fifty people had to be turned away
because of lack of time to make the
examinations. The, examining physi-
«ians were Dr. A, S*Keck, of Altoona;
Dr. H. C. Frontz, of Huntingdon, and
Dr. Cowen, of the Cresson sanitorium,
They were assisted by Miss Emma
“Cross, local state nurse, and Miss Rose
Prendegast, of Harrisburg.
——In digging the ditch for the
street mains of the Central Pennsyl-
vania Gas company, at the intersec-
tion of High and Spring streets, last
‘Thursday, workmen uncovered what
they believed on old gas pipe and al-
most cut it in two before they dis-
covered it to be the underground elec-
tric cable which supplies current to
the boulevard lights. As there was
no current in the cable at the time
‘the men escaped a shock and the dam-
age was repaired in time for turn-
ing on the lights in the evening.
William J. Parker, of Belle-
Big Plant Shaping Up and Distribu-
tion System Being Rushed to
Marked progress is daily noted in
the development of the new gas com-
pany in all its phases—construction
of the gas manufacturing plant, high
pressure transmission line, distribu-
tion system, service connection, and
of the commercial department.
To obtain a picture of the situation
as it stands today one must take a
trip through the territory covered.
The place where the gas will be man-
ufactured should be the first object of
inspection. Near the plant site at
Axe Mann workmen of the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad company can be seen
cutting the main track on the Lewis-
burg branch and placing a switch for
a siding, over which coal and oil, the
raw materials for gas manufacture,
will be delivered to the plant after be-
ing shipped in from western Pennsyl-
vania fields. A concrete retaining
wall and piers for an elevated tres-
tle is being erected by the gas com-
pany’s crew. It is already easy to
visualize how the coal will be dumped
from the cars between the piers.
Two separate building operations
attract the visitor’s attention. The
larger one, next to the trestle, will
carry the “generator building,” in
which the gas generators and also the
boilers will be housed. As a matter
of fact, and this will be surprising io
‘many, the principle raw product for
the gas to be made will be water, not
coal. It will be the main task of the
boilers to produce the necessary
steam which, in the generators, will
be decomposed into hydrogen and ox-
ygen upon coming in contact with hot
coal. On the western end of the gen-
erator building the foundation for a
high brick stack is being built, and
beyond this a flat, round cake of con-
crete excites the inquisitive mind. A
steel holder, 52 feet in diameter and
45 feet high will be placed on top .f
this cake to serve as a recipient for
the raw, hot gas as it leaves the gen-
Next in order is a smaller unit, the
“machinery building,” constructed of
steel and masonry, and which is now
in course of erection. After leavine
the above mentioned holder, which the
engineer in charge terms a “reliaf
holder,” the gas passes through a
cooler atid condenser, which will be
built close to the holder. then enters
the smaller building. There the gas
will go through a thorough washing
and cleansing process, then leaves tha
building to pass through a purifier in
which the sulphur will be removed
from the gas. This purifier will have
an unusually large capacity, to ex-
clude any possibility of odor in rooms
where gas is burning.
Then the gas will again enter che
machinery building where it will be
metered and finally go over to the
storage ‘holder. The foundation for
this holder is on the rear end of the
lot and will have a diameter of 76
feet. It might here be mentioned that
655 bags of cement were used in the
concrete for the big cake foundation
for the holder. The steel tank on this
foundation will extend 80 feet in the
air and will consist of three telescop-
ing sections. The gas in this holder
will be of little more than atmospher-
ic pressure, and the pipes which are
to convey the gas to Bellefonte and
State College would have to be more
than a foot in diameter if the gas
would be transmitted at this pressure.
So, after leaving the storage holder
the gas is returned to the machinery
building and compressed to whatever
pressure may be necessary to send it
through the six inch mains to Belle-
fonte and State College. In order to
insure absolute continuity of service
once the gas is turned on all machin-
ery and equipment at the plant will
be provided in duplicate.
From the plant one can follow the
path the gas will take along the high-
way to Bellefonte. This part of the
transmission pipe line has already
been installed and tested, and will be
connected with the Bellefonte distri<
bution system at a point near Wag-
ner’s flouring mill. There the pres-
sure will be reduced to the amount
necessary for ranges and other home
Before going into Bellefonte turn
around and follow the transmissisn
line past the plant to Pleasant Gap
and on its way to State College. At
‘Pleasant Gap a short tap extends
through the village to supply gas to
the residents there and eventually to
extend across the mountain to Cen-
tre Hall. Continuing the trip toward
State College the crew laying the
transmission line is finally overtaken
at Lemont, having completed their
work that far. The laying of this
line is in charge of the Rich Pipe Line
company, of Bradford, and the speed
with which they are doing the work
has never been known in this part of
the country. The work is being done
under the inspection of the State
Highway Department, and so far has
met all the high pressure tests con-
ducted by the gas company. The
Rich company will also have charge
of laying all the main piping system
in State College.
The gas company has secured a
display room in the Packard garage,
at State College, where a courteous
attendant is on hand to explain the
different sizes and makes of hot wa-
: where the pipes have been laid.
ter heaters, ranges and other gas ap-
The Bellefonte distribution system
is being laid by the gas company’s
own crew. Anyone driving through
the streets and alleys of Bellefonte
don’t have to detour on account of
the digging operations, as all cross-
ings are kept free, and at times of
heavy traffic an employee of the com-
pany di_ects cars with all the serious-
ness of a traffic policeman.
The opinion has been expressed that
in years to come settling will peeny
might here be mentioned that road
material has been ordered which, it
is claimed, will make a solid cover
This material will be applied after tha
ground has had reasonable natural
settling. Any eventual later settling
tin the streets will naturally be t:k-
en care of immediately. by the gas
Service lines have already been in-
stalled in houses in Bellefonte for
which applications have been filed.
The rate at which these applications
are coming in is astonishing. Three
hundred people have already signed
the red application card, and an av-
erage of thirty cards are being re-
ceived daily.
A question has been brought up as
to when charges will begin. Th=
company will commence to charge a
consumer with the day he actually
receives gas service and bills will be
rendered the following month.
A permanent sales office has final-
ly been secured in Bellefonte. The
former Nighthart barber shop, on the
Diamond, was considered the best lo-
cation obtainable. Before the re-
modeling program will be carried
through the store will serve as a dis-
play room for all kinds of gas ap--
pliances. In addition to beautiful de-
signs of gas ranges, hot water heat-
ers, hot plates, radiant heaters, whica
give the home the romance of the old |
fire place, there will be a few new
achivements of present day technic,
such as gas house heating furnaces
and gas refrigerators, which will be
on display. The public is invited to
“come in and look them over.”
There are now 150 men working «mn
the construction of this gas property
only a very few of whom are from
outside of Centre county. The bene-
fit the town will derive from this ac-
tivity, not counting the direct busi-
nes placed with local dealers, should
not be considered in figures but pri-
marily from a national standpoint.
Just as an active member of a gang,
of workmen is of value to the boss, so
is the entire company of value to the
community, and the community in
turn can consider itself as a helpful
part collaborating in the country’s
Brungard Family will Picnic at Hecla
Park August 18th.
The fifth annual reunion of the
Brungard family will be held at Hecla
park on Saturday, August 18th. This
will be one of the largest clan gather-
ings in Centre county as the “Freund-
scheft” includes more than twelve
hundred members. Arrangements for
the outing are in the hands of the ex-
ecutive committee and a very attrac-
tive program is being prepared.
The officers of teh asociation are
J. B. Brungart, of Rebersburg, presi-
dent and genealogist; Miss Vera Cath-
ine Brungard, Washington, D. C., hLis-
torian; vice president, W. Harrison
Walker, Belefonte; Dr. G. S. Frank
and J. C. Hosterman, Millheim; John
Wert, Tusseyville; Noah Kreamer, Lo-
ganton; Luther M. Brungard and
Alice McKibben, Salona; Wallace
Brungard, Glen Rock, and A. Frank
Hockman, Mingoville. Dr. Fred E.
Gutelins, of Millheim, is secretary,
and C. M. Bierly, Rebersburg, treas-
Fair and Festival Nets $650.00 for
Wetzler Junior Band.
The treasury of the Wetzler Junior
band has been enriched to the amount
of $650.00 by the big fair and festi-
val held at Milesburg last Friday and
Saturday evenings by the band aux-
iliary. The total receipts were in ex-
cess of nine hundred dollars but the
expenses were quite heavy. When all
are in and paid, however, the net will
be the sum above named.
Just at this point we want to say
that Mr. Wetzler now bids fair to
achieve his long cherished ambition,
to have the biggest and best boys and
girls band in the State. But in ac-
complishing that result he has also
outgrown the capacity of the Odd Fel-
lows hall, in Milesburg, which the |
band has used to practice in. He is
now up against the proposition of
erecting a building big enough to hold
his band, and this is the object now
in view.
Centre County Threshermen will Meet
A meeting of the Centre county
Threshermen and Farmers’ Protective
association will be held in the grand
jury room in the court house at 10
o'clock a. m., Saturday, August 4th.
Important business will be considered
at this meeting and a full attendance
is desired. The very latest rulings up-
on compensation insurance and boiler
inspection will be discussed at this
meeting by competent authorities.
——While playing at Hecla park,
on Sunday afternoon, Ronald Houck,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houck, fell
and broke his left arm hetween the
wrist and the elbow.
Bonafide Offer for Purchase of Same
Made to Referee in Bankruptcy.
Some ten days or two weeks ago
Lee Francis Lybarger, of Mifflinburg,
referee in bankruptcy in charge of
the affairs of Frank Mayer, confess-
ed bankrupt, and formerly of Belle-
fonte, sent out notices of a meeting
to be held at the offices of W. Harri-
son Walker, Bellefonte, at 10 o’clock
a. m., July 31st, when the offer of
Ulsh & Bashoar to take over the
property of Mr. Mayer at their offer
of $28,500 would be considered, and
if no objections were filed by credi-
tors the cale would be confirmed. The
property in question is what is best
known as the Gamble mill. It was
originally sold by the late George M.
Gamble to Ulsh & Bashoar, of Mil-
lersburg, who operated the plant less
than a year then sold it to Frank
Mayer. Mr. Mayer in due time be-
came financially involved and went
into bankruptcy, and the property is
naturally up for disposition for the
benefit of the creditors.
John Curtin is the trustee in bank-
ruptcy and a few weeks ago put the
property up at public sale. At that
time the best bid received was $27,-
600, and the trustee refused to let the
property go for that sum. Mrs. Gam-
ble holds a mortgage against the prop-
erty for $25,000 which with unpaid
interest, etc., now totals about $28,
500. Ulsh & Bashoar have a second
mortgage for $10,000.
When the latter made their offer
of $28,500 for the property it was
with no thought of saving their own
investment. They had a verbal offer
from John McCoy to take the land
and the water right for $22,500,
while C. Y. Wagner offered to pay $5,-
000 for the machinery in the mill and
$2,500 for the mill building.
For some years past members of
borough council have considered the
advisability of purchasing the prop-
erty, not so much for the intrinsic
value of the plant but because it will
give the town complete control of the
‘water rights through . the borough,
both the race and Spring creek. The
question of the purchase was discus-
sed from all angles at two special
meetings of council held last week,
‘with the result that borough solicitor
N. B. Spangler was empowered to go
. before Mr. Lybarger, on Tuesday, and
make a tentative offer of $38,500 for
the property. As the offer was very
i much better than the one from Ulsh
| & Bashoar, Mr. Lybarger continued
| final disposition of the matter until
‘next Tuesday. In the meantime Mr.
Spangler is engaged in solving the
question as to the borough’s legal
| Status in making the purchase.
Should the borough get the proper-
ty it is the purpose to utilize the pow-
| er there to generate electricity to op-
‘erate the pumps at the big spring,
Councilmen are of the opinion that
this can be done at a saving over the
present cost of pumping. As there
will be more power there than the
borough will be able to utilize to
pump the water another scheme is to
get the Bellefonte merchants to form
a co-operative association and use the
mill property as a cold storage plant.
The excess water power would be am-
ple to furnish constant refrigeration.
Mr. Lybarger will be in Bellefonte
again next Tuesday and by that time
berough officials hope to have in con-
crete form ways and means to back
up their offer of $38,500 for the prop-
Seventeen Dozen Trout was Joe Thal’s
Record for Season. |
~ Joe Thal, one of Bellefonte’s most
consistent trout fishermen, wound up
his season’s sport on Monday morn-
ing with a catch of seven nice trout,
which made an even seventeen dozen,
or 204 trout, he caught from April
15th to his last outing on Monday.
The smallest trout he caught during
the season measured nine inches and
the largest seventeen.
Joe is a bait fisherman, never using
the fly rod. His principal bait is the
minnow. He knows every good fish-
ing hole on Spring creek and Logan’s
branch, places where the big fellows
are the most likely to be found. His
reasons for preferring live bait to fly
are that the small trout will take the
fly and the big ones are wary about
doing so. On the other hand the lit-
tle fellows rarely go after a minnow
while the big ones just eat ’em alive.
That there is logic in Joe’s reasoning
is evidenced by his season’s catch.
——At a luncheon given by Mrs.
J. M. Curtin, of Pittsburgh, last week,
at the Harry Keller home on east
Linn street, six of her neighborhood
girl friends of High street, were the
guests. The party included Mrs. Cur-
tin and her sister. Mrs. John M.
Shugert, who were born and spent all
their earlier life in the Curtin home,
now the Elks home; Mrs. Hiram M.
Hiller, as Miss Blanche Hays, being
a member of the William P. Wilson
family, whose property was that now
occupied by the Richelieu and Ritz
theatres, while the Misses Anna and
Mary Hoy and Mrs. Reynolds, were
born and lived in the stone house
owned by Roy Witmer and used by the
Witmer Electrical supply home.
——State Treasurer Samuel S.
Lewis, on Wednesday, sent out checks
to all fourth-class schools in the State
for the last semi-annual period of the
State appropriation. The total amount
received by Centre county schools was
—Miss Catherine Houser visited for a
part of the past week at State College, a
guest of Mrs. Samuel Weaver.
—Mrs. Hayes W. Mattern Jr., of the
Hart apartments, is entertaining her moth-
er, Mrs. Rolla Patten, of Hollidaysburg.
—Miss Helen McClean, dietitian at the
Centre County hospital, is at her home in
Massachusetts, spending her vacation with
—Mrs. T. R. Williams, of Coshocton,
Ohio, is expected here this week on a visit
with her brothers and sisters, members of
the D. W. Eberhart family.
—The Misses Carrie and Harriet Beates,
of Pine Glenn, sisters of Mrs. C. Y. Wag-
ner, left Tuesday morning on a vacation
visit to Wilmington, Delaware.
—Borough councilman and Mrs. John
Mignot had as Sunday guests the Roug-
eux family, of Williamsport, Mrs. Roug-
eux being a sister of Mr. Mignot.
—Mrs. Amanda Esher and family, of
Shamokin, were Sunday visitors at (he
home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Star:-
zel and family, on east High street.
—John L. Rich, of Tyrone, a native of
Unionville, was among the visitors to
Bellefonte Monday, coming down to spend
a few hours with his many friends about
,—Miss Kate McGowan left, Wednesday
evening, to spend her ten day's vacation
in Canada, as has been her custom for a
number of years. Enroute Miss McGowan
will visit at Rochester and Niagara Falls.
—The Rev. C. E. Arnold, pastor of St.
John/s Lutheran church, of Bellefonse,
with Mrs. Arneld and their children, left,
Monday, to spend Mr. Arnold’s vacation of
three weeks with relatives in Massachu-
—Mr. and Mrs. Alter K. Ulsh, of Mid-
dleburg, were in Bellefonte, Tuesday,
for an hour or more, Mrs. Ulsh having
driven up with Mr. Ulsh, to spend the
time with friends while he was looking
after some business interests.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emerick and Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Crawford left, yesterday,
on a four week’s motor trip west, one of
the objective points being Denver, Col.,
for a visit with Rev. and Mrs. Wilson FP.
Ard, former residents of Bellefonte.
—dJean Hall, of Tyrone, spent last week
in Bellefonte, a guest of her friend, Miss
Marie Rhoads. On Saturday evening she
was taken home by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rhoads, who made the rounds of the Ty-
rone shops before returning home.
—Miss Margaret Hiller and a friend,
Miss Deemer, were up from Williamsport,
Monday, to take lunch with Miss Hiller's
mother, Mrs. Hiram Hiller, at Mrs. W. F.
Reynolds’. Mrs. Hiller left Bellefonte
Wednesday, after a visit here of several
—Mrs. W. B. Meek-Morris, her son King
and nephew, Peter Meek, drove to Pitts-
burgh, Sunday afternoon, returning, Mon-
day afternoon. Mrs. Morris: went out to
look after some business, while King was
returning to his work after one of his
frequent week-end visits to Bellefonte.
—Charles A. Donachy Jr., and a friend,
Hayden Evans, both, of Kingston, Pa:
spent last week in Bellefonte, guests of
Charles’ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Shuey. The boys returned home Suu-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Donachy, who
drove here Saturday, especially for that
purpose. nu a
—Miss Mary Linn left, Tuesday, for
Harrisburg, to join Miss Anne McCormick,
whose guest she will be on a trip to Nova
Scotia, where they will spend a part of the
month of August. Miss McCormick's ear
will go with them by boat from New
York, that they may spend much of the
time motoring.
—Bernice Finklestine, a daughter of Mrs.
Jacob Finklestine, of Norristown, and a
former resident of Bellefonte, was a guest
for the week, of her uncle David Finkle-
stine, returning home Saturday, of last
week. Bernice was born here and lived
her childhood life in Bellefonte and keeps
in touch with the friends made then by
her frequent visits back.
—Miss Sue Harlacher, who had been
making her home for several years with her
sister, Mrs. Melville, of Greenwich, Conn,
has been back home spending the summer
in Half Moon valley, Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
ville and their daughter, having been with
her for a part of the time. Miss Har-
lacher will not return to New England,
as she is now planning to locate at State
—Miss Louis E. Friedman made a short
summer visit with her brother, Harry
Holz, late in July, having returned to
New York, Tuesday of last week, after
spending ten days in Bellefonte. Mrs.
Friedman's two daughters, Irene, a
senior at Barnard College, and Hermine,
are both at a girl's camp in the Berk-
shires and will not make their usual sum-
mer visit with their uncle.
—Mr. and Mrs. Arbor Everett are ex-
pected home from their automobile trip
to the Pacific coast the latter part of this
week, as they left the Yellowstone Park
last Friday, eastward bound. It will be
seven weeks tomorrow since Mr. and Mrs.
Everett left Bellefonte on their trip. At
that time they planned to make it in five
weeks but in order to see everything of
interest they made longer stops along the
road than they had figured on.
—Mrs. Thompson, who is now in charge
of the home of her sister, Miss Annie Gray
at Benore, while Miss Gray is on a two
week’s motor trip through New Englaind
came in from Evanston, Ill, two weeks
ago and will be at the Gray farm through
the month of August. Mfr. Thompson will
motor in to join her there about the mid-
dle of the month, to stay until the first
of September. Mrs, Thompson was in
Bellefonte, Tnesday, to meet Miss Clough
of Pittsburgh, who will be her guest for
a part of August.
—Mrs. Robert Morris and her two sons,
Alexander nd Rober! Jr. left Monday
morning for Mrs. Morris’ former home st
Kennebunk Port, Maine, where they will
spend the month of August with Mrs. Mor-
ris’ two sisters. Miss Lida BE. Morris was
expected here from Searcy, Arkansas, next
week, to take charge of the Morris home
during Mrs. Morris’ absence, but her trip
east has been deferred owing to the Elliot
Lyon Morris’ being unexpectedly compell-
ed to move. Not only does Miss Lida
make her home with her nephew, but Mrs.
Elliot Morris and her two children had
expected to accompany her to Bellefonte to
spend a part of the fall with Mrs. Morris’
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Y. Wagner. They
all, however, intend coming east later in
August. :
—Miss Pearl Evy is home from New
York, for a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Evy, of Bishop street.
—Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pacini motored
over from Lewistown, Sunday, for an all
day visit with Mrs. Lydia Hampton and
other friends in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews left,
Monday, to spend a part of August at Bay-
head, one of the exclusive summer resorts
! along the New Jersey coast.
—-Dr. John Sebring returned to Belle-
fonte, Friday of last week, from the Uni-
versity post-graduate hospital in Phila-
delphia, where he had been under treat-
ment for three weeks.
—~Guests for the month of August at
the Isaac Underwood home on Spring
street, include Mrs. Irwin Underwood and
her daughter, Jean, of Erie, who came to
Bellefonte within the past week.
—Mrs. W. U. Irwin and her daughter,
Katherine, accompanied Mrs. Irwin's son,
Boyd and his wife, to New York, upon
their return home from a visit in Belle-
fonte, remaining there for a short visit.
—Miss Margaret Hutchinson, a daughter
of the late Thomas Hutchinson and Mrs.
Hutchinson, of Warren, will be a guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Hutchin-
son, next week. Miss Hutchinson will
spend a part of her vacation here en-
route for a visit in the western part of
the State.
~-Mrs. Eleanor Cook McDowell and her
daughter, Barbara, who have been with
Charles F. Cook and his daughter, Miss
Anna, since schoel closed, will remain in
Bellefonte, as Mrs. McDowell has been ap-
vointed a teacher in the Bishop street
schools. Mrs. McDowell is now attend-
ing summer school at Penn State.
—Among Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Shaughn-
essy’s week-end guests at the Shaughn-
essy home on Howard street, was their
daughter, Miss Anne, a registered nurse,
of White Plains, N. J., who was home for
a visit with her parents and to see her
sister, Mrs. Heinle, who was operated on
Monday for appendicitis, in the Clear-
field hospital
—Miss Geraldine Noonan was a visitor
in Bellefonte, Sunday, stopping here en-
route to Clearfield to resume work with
the State Highway department. At the
time the offices of the department were
moved to Clearfield, Miss Noonan went to
New York to join her sister, but has been
prevailed upon to return, preferring life
in the country to tht of the city.
—Ex-sheriff Cyrus Brungard, of Centre
Hall, an always welcome visitor to Belle-
fonte, spent a short time here yesterday
morning, accompanying his daughter,
Mrs. J. S. Getchel and her son, Ralph, to
the train, upon their leaving to return to
their home in Uniontown. Mrs. Getchel
and the boy had been at Centre Hall since
Monday, for one of their occasional visits
with the Brungard family. Mr. Brungard,
who has always been considered among
the most vigorous men of his time, is now
considering entering a hospital for treat-
ment, ill health from rheumatism being
the cause.
Crane—Jones.— Harrisburg papers
announced the marriage, on Tuesday
of last week, of Miss Ella Hale Jones,
of Bellefonte, and Richard L. Crane,
of Harrisburg, the ceremony having
taken place at St. Paul’s Episcopal
church, that city, with the rector,
Rev. A. M. Judd officiating. Mrs.
Crane was formerly matron of the
Tressler orphans’ home, at Loysville,
while Mr. Crane is connected with the
Pennsylvania railroad, in Harrisburg,
After August 5th Mr. and Mrs. Crane
will be at home at No. 1118, north
Sixth street, Harrisburg.
——~Coming to Bellefonte from
State College, last Thursday after-
noon, Amos Parks, of Tyrone, driver
of the big truck which delivers groc-
eries and fruits to the Oriole stores,
in Bellefonte, was badly injured when
one of the front wheels of the truck
came off and the big machine was
wrecked. The accident happened at
one of the sharp curves in the road
beyond Axe Mann. Parks was
thrown against the steering wheel
with such force that the wheel broke
and one of the spokes penetrated his
right side, badly splintering several
ribs. A passing motorist took him
to Tyrone and from there he was tak-
en to the Altoona hospital.
——With less than a week until the
close of the citizens’ military train-
ing encampment at Fort Monroe, Va.,
the camp commander, Major Sher-
man Miles, has announced his selec~
tion of coast artillery candidates to
serve as official candidate commis-
sioned and non-commissioned staff.
Twenty-four young men were select-
ed out of a total of 525 and one of
the candidates thus honored is Paul I.
Haines, of State College, named a
lieutenant in Battery D.
——While making repairs on one
of the Central Pennsylvania Gas com-
pany’s trucks, on Monday, the heavy
machine slid off a jack and pinned
Forrest Bullock against the wall of
his shop, on south Water street. Af-
ter being released he was taken to the
Centre County hospital where it was
discovered that he had sustained a
broken collar bone but no critical in-
——The forty shares of Whiterock
Quarries stock, property of the es-
tate of the late Mary C. Harris, sold
at public sale, last Friday, for the
benefit of the creditors of the Centre
County Banking company, were pur-
chased by A. Fauble at his bid of $80
a share. There were several bidders
for the stock but Mr. Fauble, now
vice president of the company, got the
——————— eas —————
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
QOerrected Weekly by 0. Y. Wagner & Ce.
Wheat .......... Cossasrranaee Yesea vee $1.35
COTTE vse ranrcensrnvncvsesenncnninionss 110
ORES seveiesiicsrensrnnrsrinceeriosreess i 00
RYO sasressesnrnssnrsonssnserenssenssesi 110
PATIOY. essiesersveransorivesssscrssses LlI0
P0000 0000000000000000000 000 1.00