Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1928, Image 1

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    Penorwaiic, atc
—To the lady who wrote to inquire
as to why we haven’t “pitched in to
the Hon. Holmes yet,” we want to say
that these are “dog days” and we
don’t want to bite anybody, especial-
ly the Honorable. He might get the
rabies and bite another organization
like he did the American Legion in
that memorable Pleasant Gap speech
of his.
—On the occasion of his sixty-fifth
birthday Henry Ford said: “Men over
fifty are running the world.” We
would like to believe that Henry
knows what he was talking about, but
we can’t. We're over fifty and instead
of running anything we're being run
ragged by them that think there is as
much money in everything as Henry
has filched from Elizabeth.
—We note that our friend Vance
McCormick has bolted the ticket
again. We say again, advisedly, be-
cause Vance bolts almost as frequent-
ly as the Prince of Wales falls off his
horse. Of course the deflection of the
editor of the Harrisburg Patriot
means that Pensylvania will go for
Hoover in November. Gosh, won’t Al
wince when he gets that slap on the
—Senator Curtis, who is running
for Vice President, says he is going
to be elected. Not six weeks ago this
same Senator Curtis left Washington
for Kansas City and the last thing he
said before leaving was: “I am going
to be nominated for President.”
Prognosticating, therefore, with the
Senator’s erudition, we should say
that he is going to be elected Vice
President just like he was nominated
for President.
—Here’s where we give Mr. R. C.
Blaney, the county farm agent, a kick
in the tail. Just when the oats, and
the corn and the potatoes present
promise of keeping the farmer out of
the township poor home he comes out
with an announcement that the pota-
to blight menaces. Off hand, we pre-
sume that Mr. Blaney knows what he
is talking about, but crepe hangers
ought to be but ain’t welcome guests
at farm firesides this season.
—Having demonstrated that he is
the most skillful boxer of his day and
having shown the blood lusters that
he can be a killer as well as a boxer,
Gene Tunney has abdicated his throne
as champion heavy weight pugilist of
the world. To us, this act proves
more conclusively than his lecture on
Shakespeare to the students of Yale
that Tunney, while possessing a fight-
ing heart, is not a fighter at heart.
The abdication is likely to foment in-
teresting discussion as to how be got 2
out of it. Tt niust be téienibered that
he is under contract to Tex Rickard
for one more fight and Tex isn’t the
kind of a fellow who throws potential
possibilities away. Tex lost a quarter
of a million, however, on the Tunney-
Heeney bout and his contract for the
fight unfought might have resulted
equally disastrous. The job of find-
ing a new champion will arouse great
interest in fistic circles and the pos-
sibility that Jack Dempsey will come
back, now that Tunney is out of the
way, is not so remote. And think of
what a fight between Dempsey and
Tommy Loughran would draw after
the Philadelphian has eliminated the
other pretenders. Mr. Rickard wasn’t
being anything else than astute when
he tore up the contract that might
have delayed Tunney’s retirement for
a year, at least.
—The news columns of this issue
announce that the borough council is
considering the purchase or acquisi-
tion by other processes of the Gamble
mill property. We know of nothing
from the chambers on Howard street
that has been freighted with the pos-
sibility of as much ultimate good for
the tax-payers of Bellefonte as this
proposal. Aside from the several ap-
parently desirable results of such a
purchase that have been advocated as
justifying it we see another that
seems to have evaded the ken of
those who are looking to our future
welfare. With the water power at
the Gamble mill gone the last threat
Bellefonte has against increased light-
ing and water pumping rates disap-
pears. Everyone who reads knows
that control of electric power is grad-
ually being centralized. Bellefonte
has seen five transitions, itself, from
the days of the Edison Electric Illum-
inating Company up to the present
West Penn Power. Thus far it has
not hurt much because the successive
corporations have been more or less
local and personal contacts have been
close enough to have a heart. But
when the circle widens again, when
the West Penn is taken over by a
larger corporation, just as the West
Penn took over the Keystone Power,
then another link will be forged in
the chain of giant monopoly and
where will Bellefonte be? We. know
that this property can be bought and
fully paid for in fifteen years in in-
stallments that will not amount to as
much, annually, as we are paying for
electricity with which to pump water
today. It can be done without raising
water rates or other taxes a cent. It
would be the town’s enduring safe-
guard against exorbitant lighting and
pumping charges, against the possible
drying up of Spring creek from the
dam above this office to the round
house, against litigation over all ri-
parian rights through the borough.
VOL. 73.
Campaign Expenses to be Limited. Wilson-Vare Contest Progressing. Good Comes Out of Philadelphia.
According to gossip the party lead-
ers have entered into a “gentleman’s
agreement” to limit the expenditures
of the impending Presidential cam-
paign to $3,000,000 on each side. That
will be an ample budget for the Dem-
ocratic party which in previous cam-
paigns has been obliged to skimp
along on a smaller allowance. But
the Republican managers are likely
to have trouble in apportioning such
a small sum among the workers who
have been accustomed to much more
generous recompense for their labor.
The vast expenditures of the Repub-
lican party in the campaigns of 1920
and 1924 developed so many and such
atrocious scandals that public senti-
ment has revolted and the limit is the
Nation-wide political campaigns,
however scrupulously conducted, are
expensive, but there never was either
reason or excuse for spending ten or
twelve million dollars in support of
the candidates of one party. The Le-
gitimate expenses could not possibly
be expanded to that figure. It may
safely be said, therefore, that expen-
is equally certain that contributions |in bulk by the organization.
The subcommittee of the Senate
committee on Privileges and Elections
| The United Citizens’ club, of Phila-
delphia, is setting an example which
| has closed, but not completed, its in- | ought to be followed in every com-
vestigation of the Senatorial election
of 1926 in Philadelphia. It revealed
the fact that $119,791.78 was expend-
ed in the interest of William S. Vare
by the City Committee in the city, and
made it plain that a considerable part
of this slush fund was obtained by
levying assessments upon municipal
officials, in violation of law. In ull
the election divisions in which the
probe was pressed frauds were shown.
In one division testimony developed
that ninety per cent of the votes cast’
for Vare were fraudulent and the or-
ganization not only assented to but
encouraged the crimes.
The Philadelphia machine uses var-
ious methods of corrupting the ballot.
Thousands of fictitious names are reg-
istered and gangs are employed to
vote them. But the Senate committee
paid little attention to this form of
fraud. It directed its energies to
exposing a more convenient system
and one more prolific in results.
| Bogus tax receipts were distributed
ditures in excess of say $3,000,000 im- | by the thousands by the division lead-
ply corruption in some form, and it ers which were subsequently paid for
which aggregate more than that vote cast by men or women upon such
amount are made for sinister pur- receipts is void, and the voters who
poses. For these reasons it was both cast them and the persons who sup-
wise and expedient to agree upon a Plied them committed crimes against
limit and if the agreement is respected the law and deserve the penalty pro-
a higher standard of political moral- | vided for in the Act of Assembly.
ity in the future may be hoped for.
The subcommittee, consisting of
Senator Capper, of Kansas, a re- Senator Waterman, of Colorado, will
former all the time except when the | Sit in Pittsburgh the 15th of August |
is on, imagines a better | to investigate the election in that asy- ’ ¢
method of improvement would be to lum of political pirates. Senator Wa- | Organized it.
limit the amount of contributions to
$1,000. In the campaign of 1920 Will
Hays, then chairman of the Republi-
terman did fairly well in Philadel-
phia, though at times his sympathies
with the accused were revealed and
can National committee, ostentatious- , he may be depended upon to be rea- aa pon
ly announced that contributions mn sonably fair in Pittsburgh. But the | bY the Vare machine it is taken as a
sums greater than $1000 would ~ot Work would be more satisfying if a 'declaration of independence, an ab-
be received. Yet that was the most Democratic Senator sat with him. The solving of allegiance to a tyrannical
corrupt campaign in the history of
the country and not only the impor-
tant offices were pledged but material
resources of the government were
mortgaged to contributors of much
larger sums. The present Republican
chairman was among the beneficia-
ries of that campaign and.possibly he
is no more sincere in his engagements
than Hays.
——Mr. McSparran must have been
asleep when Governor Smith’s reply
to an inquiry as to the accuracy of
State committeeman Mack reached
Cause of thé “Crime Wave.”
Addressing the American Bar As-
sociation, in session at Seattle, the
other day, Silas H. Strawn, of Chica-
go, president of that organization,
declared that one of the principal
causes of the “crime wave” in this
country is the “organized crime,
which enables the underworld to make
liberal contributions to political cam-
paigns and to exert a powerful in-
fluence in politics.” There are other
elements to be considered, he added,
among them delay in the processes of
criminal law, indifference on the part
of “best citizens” toward their duty
as citizens, and unrestricted traffic
in firearms. Incidentally he lays some
blame on “the leniency and paltering
of political judges.”
In a recent issue of the New York
Nation a student of the University of
Chicago who, with others, had volun-
teered to act as watchers at the pells
at the recent primary gives his exper-
ience. He undertook the service at
the request of several reform organi-
zations and at the risk of his life
tried for a short time to restrain the
corruption of the Republican machine
agents who had control of the poll-
ing places. Voters came in gangs and
dumped ballots into the boxes, bad
whiskey was supplied in abundance
and the slightest protest against these
operations brought out a show of guns
and threats of murder. Finally the
bosses took possession of the boxes
and carried them away to count the
On the final day of the investiga-
tion of the Senatorial eletcion of 1926,
in Philadelphia, one of the witnesses
testified that booze, fraud, forgery
and guns were freely used in building
up the Vare majority in the fifth di-
sion of the First ward.
was computed and fixed before the
polls were closed, ballots were cast for
absentees, voters were assisted re-
gardless of their wishes and liquor
was stored in one of the voting
booths,” he said, and tax receipts were
not only handed out without payment
but the name of the tax receiver was
forged. These are the fruits of the
evil of which Mr. Strawn complained
and the product of the planting of the
Republican machine.
- Pittsburgh frauds are so rank and the | master.
Pittsburgh politicians so rotten that
a minority member of the committee
ought to be present at every session | section of the State. The people are |
held there. Senator Caraway, of Ar-
kansas, for example, would not only
enliven the proceedings but “add to
the gayety of nations.” ..
Pr pr ims
Dick Baldwin, of Delaware
county, and Bill Gallagher, of Lu-
zerne, are not potential leaders of the
Republican party but they are of the
group that “brings home the bacon,”
and their support of Smith means
Cause of Owen’s Flop.
Like a good many other party re-
creants former United States Senator
Robert L. Owen, of Oklahoma, has
given a dishonest reason for betray-
ing the party that has favored him
too generously. He stated that he
is influenced to support Mr. Hoover
for President because “he could not
approve of Tammany.” That seems
to be a favorite “alibi” of religious
bigots everywhere, and prohibition
fanatics in some places. But it
couldn’t possibly be the reason in the
case of Senator Owen. No later than
four years ago he personally solicit-
ed the support of Tammany in an ab-
surd ambition to become the Demo-
cratic nominee for President, himself.
He had no aversion to Tammany then.
Senator Owen has a perfect right
to support Hoover for President. But
he has no moral. right to give a false
reason for his action in order to de-
ceive the public. When Oklahoma be-
came a State it was overwhelmingly
Democratic and Mr. Owen was chosen
as its first Senator in Congress. Since
that time the Ku Klux Klan has in-
vaded the State, and developed
strength so rapidly, that for the past
several years it has been able to prac-
tically control its political activities.
It bowled Owen out of office and he
probably imagines that by support-
ing Hoover he may ingratiate himself
into the favor of the hooded organiza-
tion sufficiently to get back into pub-
lic life.
Mr. Owen is a half-breed Indian and
racial sympathy with the Republican
candidate for Vice President, Senator
Curtis, of Kansas, might have had
: something to do with his “flop. But
“The vote
the chances are that he is no more
faithful to his race, which contribut-
ed nothing toward his success in life,
than he is to the party which has
done much for him. But that is neith-
er here nor there in the equation. He
has left his party, which he had a
right to do, and against which there
is no just cause of complaint. But his
reason was not that he disapproves
of Tammany. It may be that he cher-
ishes enmity against Governor Smith
who refused his request to use Tam-
many in his behalf.
——Two hundred thousand Demo-
——If the Mellons aren't careful cratic votes in Philadelphia would
Joe Grundy will steal the Fisher ad- make a dent in the Republican major-
ministration from under their moses. ity in Pennsylvania.
munity in Pennsylvania. It is a new
; organization, made up of progressive
: citizens, and is sponsored by the West
| Philadelphia Boosters’ association,
i composed of active business men,
{ heretofore Republicans. The new or-
: ganization has set out to get 200,000
, votes for Governor Smith in Phila-
delphia at the November election. Its
‘ plan of operations is not exactly new
but is promising of results. It has
1 200 active workers who are sending
' out “pledge cards” to “get persons “o
promise to vote for the New York
Governor at the coming national elec-
Funds to meet the expense of this
activity are supplied by the Boosters’
association. The pledge reads: “I be-
Democracy as advocated by Alfred E.
Smith, and as proof of my fidelity to
his cause, which is the cause of the
people, I pledge myself to vote and
work for him under the banner of the
United Citizens’ club organized by the
West Philadelphia Boosters’ associa-
tion. I also authorize the same ‘to
use my name in the interest of the
campaign which goes forward with
the slogan: ‘Smith, the man for Presi-
President.” There is an auxiliary
organization, in the work of which,
on the same lines, the women are en-
| gaged.
| The efforts of this organization
have been successful beyond the ex-
pectations of those who conceived and
Hundreds of men and
| women have promptly and cheerfully
| responded to the request to sign the
pledge. Among the foreign-born cit-
izens who have been so long deluded
'with equal energy and intelligence,
would have the same result in every
| tired of the dominance of the Mellons,
| Grundys and Vares, and if a way of
' escape is provided for them they will
avail themselves of it...
——The Bellefonte school district
is in better financial shape this year
than it has been for some time. Dur-
ing the past year the board not only
paid increased salaries but cleared up
all of the floating indebtedness and
dollars in the treasury. The value
of the property in the Bellefonte
school district is now approximately
$180,000, which includes the school
house in the South ward, the High
school building, the primary building
and the old steam heat and gas prop-
erty. There is a bonded debt of $60,-
000 but there is also $5,000 in the
sinking fund and uncollected tuition
and taxes aggregating from eight to
ten thousand dollars. Unless some
unforseen contingency arises the dis-
trict will be able to cancel its bonded
debt in ten or twelve years and be
even with the world.
——Three young girls of Bellefonte
who were fast straying from the
paths of righteousness were brought
into juvenille court, last Friday, and
given a chance to reform under pa-
role in the hands of the juvenile court
——Mrs. Scranton, Republican pol-
itician of the coal region metropolis,
assured Hoover the other day that
Pennsylvania is safe. That must have
taken a great load of doubt off Hoov-
er’s mind.
——It is unnecessary to add that
the Chicago lad who gave the first
dollar he ever earned to the Al Smith
campaign fund didn’t draw political
inspiration from the Bill Thompson
——Senator Curtis, Republican can-
didate for Vice President, will open
his campaign in New York. The
Tammany braves will give him a
courteous welcome.
——President Calles, of Mexico,
announces that he will not continue
in office after the expiration of his
term. In other words, he keeps his
——Governor Smith might dispose
of Swelled-head White as the late
Ben Butler did of a pestiferous an-
noyer. He said “shoo fly, don’t bother
——Mussolini gets only $1250 a
year for governing Italy. He ought
to join some union and demand an in-
——Senator Owens appears to be-
lieve that “a lie well stuck to is as
good as the truth.”
‘lieve in and respect the principles of
dent; Joseph T. Robinson, ‘for Vice |
The same system, applied
Enough Motor Law.
From the Pittsburgh Press.
Benjamin G. Eynon, State registra-
tor of motor vehicles, told the con-
vention of Pennsylvania police chiefs
last week that there now existed suf-
ficient law to deal with every prob-
lem of traffic control and movement.
As he pointed out, the need now 1s
for enforcement rather than for fur-
ther legislation, which might only
serve to cause confusion.
In the motor code passed at the last
session of the Assembly, and which
became effective the first of this year,
the highway department, state police
officials and motor clubs co-operated
toward the drawing up of a measure
which finally received the approval of
the Legislature. It was a compre-
hensive document, and only now are
ordinary motorists becoming fully
‘aware of its provisions. In munici-
palities local authorities have care-
ully considered ordinances and rules
suitable to their special necessities.
Therefore, we have now enough
| written law for all purposes. But
written law is of no avail without en-
forcement of its provisions against
, that minority of the motoring public
| which will not of its own accord, and
{in the general interest of safety, heed
rules made for its own protection
rather than in a punitive spirit. All
the law in the world will not hammer
common sense into the heads of those
reckless drivers who race railroad
trains for grade crossings, or take
gambling chances with life.
i But for those who steal cars, either
| for commercial purposes or joy rides,
who heedlessly cut out of moving traf-
fic line, against those who ignore sig-
nal warnings, for those who pass
street cars on the left, against those
who are careless to the point of be-
coming road menaces, enforcement
| and punishment are needed. At pres-
ent they are insufficiently applied,
i particularly in the case of passing
trolleys on the left.
Undeniably the increase of traffic
has confronted the police with an
acute problem. They cannot be ex-
pected to be at all points of potential
violation at the same time. But
every one, enforcer and driver, can
' profit from the advice of Eymon, and
by making effective the present law
cut down the accident toll.
A Jolt to Heredity Theorists.
From the Kansas City Star. 4
| “The ‘theories. of - heredidy-ofl Hillery
'E. Wiggam and the other eugenists
were given quite a jolt in the Presi-
dential and Vice Presidential nomina-
tions of the two major political par-
Smith was born in the lower East
Side of New York, the son of a truck
driver. Hoover's father was a black-
has a balance of over two thousand smith, without intellectual distinc-
{ tion of record. Curtis, born on an In-
| dian reservation, is the son of humble
parents. Robinson, being the son of
a country doctor, is the only one of
the four candidates who possesses
,even a remote hereditary right to
leadership. It is doubtful that the
eugenic experts would cite him as
‘the typical fulfillment of their prin-
| ciples.
The layman not acquainted with the
ways of science is pretty likely to
conclude that forecasting human
greatness on a basis of parentage is
still to be classed as one of the great
American guessing games along with
forecasting the quality of cantaloupes
and predicting the severity of winter
by the thickness of corn husks.
Maryland Strong for Smith.
From the Philadelphia Record.
In his optimistic report on the
Democratic prospects in Maryland,
Governor Ritchie said, among other
things, “from my observation of the
state of mind of the people of Mary-
land I am convinced that the person-
ality of the candidate transcends any
of the issues in the campaign. The
sentiment for Governor Smith in the
industrial centers is surprisingly
strong. The sentiment for him in
Baltimore appears to be overwhelm-
ing, and experience has shown that
the candidate who carries Baltimore
{ usually carries the rest of the State.”
Governor Ritchie knows whereof he
speaks, for it was his own person-
al popularity that gave him in 1926
a 48,000 majority in Maryland’s chief
city, which the following year the Re-
publican candidate for Mayor -car-
ried by 17,000 majority.
Why Washington Laughs.
From the New York Nation.
It’s queer how candidates for high
office “get religion” and hit the saw-
dust trail as soon as they are nomi-
nated. Calvin Coolidge thought it nec-
essary to join a church soon after he
entered the White House. Not to be
outdone by Hoover's example in
church going, Charley Curtis, the
Vice Presidential nominee, stepped
forward in the somewhat unexpected
role of champion of the Puritan Sab-
bath. Two cameramen sought to
photograph him in the Topeka streets
the Sunday following the convention,
but he held up a protesting hand and
exclaimed solemnly. “No! No! boys, re-
member this is Sunday.” Irreverent
Washington, remembering Warren
Harding's praise of Charley as “the
best poker player in the Senate” and
Charley's own devotion to the Mary-
Sand racetracks, could not restrain its
mirth. -
—Mervin G. Filler, former dean at Dick-
inson college, Carlisle, recently elected
president of that institution, assumed his
new duties Wednesday.
—The late W. Harry Baker, former
chairman of the Republican State commit-
tee and for many years secretary of the
State Senate, left $95,995 in life insurance
it was disclosed last week when figures
were made public on insurance payments.
—Nathan Frieberg, manager of the
Triangle theatre, Pittsburgh, and an uni-
dentified Negro were killed on the Lincoln
Highway near Gettysburg, early on Mon-
day, when their car struck a telephone
pole and upset. Police, who investigated
the accident, said that apparently the Ne-
gro had been driving and had fallen asleep
at the wheel.
—Resignation of Arthur G. Logue, sher-
iff of Cameron county, effective August
15th, was announced on Monday by the
Governor. Frank G. Judd, of Emporium, a
former sheriff, was appointed to succeed
him. Sheriff Logue has accepted a posi-
tion with the State Game Commission as
a game protector. He was formerly em-
ployed in a similar capacity by the Com-
mission and is a son of C. KE. Logue, State
trapping instructor and well known in
game circles throughout the State.
—It has been estimated that it will take
from 25 to 30 years to complete stained
glass windows ordered for the Sacred
Heart Catholic church in Pittsburgh. The
long period required for the work is due
to the size and number and in the intri-
cate hand work invelved. Contract for the
windows in the sum of $250,000 has been
awarded W. Sotter, Philadelphia. The
first group of windows for the church, on
which Sotter has been working for five
years, will be installed this week.
—The manager of a carnival company
showing at Tower City, last week, was
sorely perplexed. ' First, the fat lady of the
show, who weighed 634 pounds, disappear-
ed and at the same time the mechanician
of the merry-go-round was reported miss-
ing. Simultaneously a trunkful of money
and clothes and an automobile left the
show. Next, the fat lady’s husband, own-
er of the money and the trunk, went away.
According to the manager, the fat lady
and her husband were Mr. and Mrs. Hav-
en Smith, of Clearfield, while the machani-
cian was named Wolt.
—Information charging Robert C. Hab-
erkorn, former teller of the United States
National bank at Johnstown, with em-
bezzling and misappropriating $66,600, was
filed before the United States Commission-
er at Pittsburgh last Friday. Special De-
partment of Justice agents alleged Hab-
erkorn speculated in the stock market and
had used bank funds in an attempt to re-
coup his losses. He is in the Cambria
county jaid at Ebensburg. Haberkorn’s al-
leged misappropriations included in cash
letters from the Federal Reserve Bank, of
Philadelphia, on June 23.
—Following discovery of an alleged
shortage of $25000 in the accounts of Karl
H. Bergey, treasurer of the Lewistown
Trust Co., at Lewistown, the State Bank-
ing Department om Saturday caused his
arrest. He is charged with misappropria-
tion of the bank’s funds and making false
entries. The alleged shortage was discov-
ered by bank examiner Walter 8. Hoke.
Bergey has been held for court in $20,Gu0
bail. The banking department said the
bank was fully protected by surety bonds.
The examiner is making further investi-
gation of the activities of Bergey.
—S80 badly has the patronage of the
Lewisburg, Milton and Watsontown Pass-
enger Railway company fallen off that
the company has been unable to pay a
$3,000 bill for electric power used in op-
erating its cars, witnesses for the com-
pany told the Public Service Commission
last week. The company applied for per-
mission to abandon its line and substitute
motor busses along the same route un-
der the name of the West Branch Trans-
it company, most of whose stock is held
by the electric railway company. No pro-
tests against the applications were offered.
—William Askey, 19-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Askey, jumped from a load
of hay which his uncle, Thomas Dunlap,
of Beech Creek township, Clinton county,
was loading, as the hay wagon overturn-:
ed on the side hill field, and broke his left
arm above the wrist, jammed his right
arm badly from shoulder to wrist, and
sustained numerous body bruises. His un-
cle, who was also on the wagon, jumped,
but escaped with bruises and cuts. Mr.
Dunlap is just recovering from a fractur-
ed bone of the wrist, sustained when he
was attempting to crank an automobile
several months ago.
—Misfortune which stalked C. Frank
Koons in his efforts to be the pioneer com-
mercial airman of Chambersburg, contin-
‘ues to haunt him. The most recent phase
of ill luck was the filing of a judgment
for $1000 against him and the filing of a
lease-agreement by Charles Doersom,
Gettysburg. Doersom also entered a civil
action before a magistrate against Koons
for stopping payment of a check for $200.
While it was being groomed for its firsi
flight there Koon’s plane was broken, and
the flight was delayed. After being re-
paired, it crashed, injuring Koons’ son,
David, and another passenger.
—Announcement was made last week
that the trustees of the Bloomsburg hos-
pital will open bids on August 8 for con-
struction of the new hospital building
made possible by a public subscription
of $400,000. Plans call for buildings of
brick with Indiana limestone trimmings.
The main building, providing for 100 pa-
tients, will be four stories high and 44 by
| 188 feet, with a three-story home for fifty
nurses and a combined laundry and power
house. Trustees of the State Teachers’
College at Bloomsburg, have also announc-
ed they would receive bids for thirteen
improvement projects at the institution.
—Drawn through a machine which he
was operating at the plant of the Williams-
port Wire Rope company, Leonard Bow-
man, 24, of Montoursville, was horribly
mangled and afterwards thrown again a
steel fence and instantly killed. He suf-
fered a fracture of the skull, a broken
arm and leg, bruises of the body and lac-
eration of the bead and face. The young
man had been employed by the company
for the last four years. He was engaged
in rethreading one of the machines for
another workman when his hand caught
on some wire. He had been told previous-
ly to stop any machine before attempting
to rethread it, but apparently failed to
heed the warning, authorities report. Act-
ing Coroner Rothfuss declared no inquest
was necessary.