INK SLINGS. —O0l4d Senator Moses, the eastern pilot of the Republican ark, evident- ly doesn’t view Massachusetts as a land of promise. His concern as to what might happen to Hoover in the “Bay State” is admission that Her- bert’s got to do a lot of whistling to keep up his courage. —We’ll never believe that the blight killed all the chestnuts in Penn- sylvania until the publicity depart- ment of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege stops sending out stories of the rattlesnake dinners that forestry students and nature study clubs of that institution indulge in. —We note that Dr. Wm. R. Ham is in Evanston, Ill., this week for the opening of the second annual session of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Ham, you will recall, is the gen- tleman who thought Jim Heverly and the Hon. Holmes hadn’t a chance for the Republican nomination for the Legislature last Spring. He knows more now, however, and how happy he must be hob-nobbing with the crowd he belongs to instead of build- ing political fences in Centre county. —We like the way George W. Nor- ris, governor of the federal reserve bank in Philadeiphia and comptroller of the currency under President Wil- son, put it. When asked as to his opinion of Smith he said. “I think Governor Smith’s record as Governor of New York is the best posible guar- antee that he will make a good Presi- dent.” You will note that Mr. Nor- ris expressed no doubt as to who will win in the coming campaign when he said “he WILL make a good Presi- dent.” —The East Manchester, N. H., ten- nis club held a lawn fete last week and instead of advertising ice cream and cake as the usual inducement placarded the town with announce- ments that root beer would be on sale. Everybody went to investigate the root beer; among them a young wo- man worker of the W. C. T. U. and she made the startling discovery that the yeast cake usually put into this concoction had rooted all the root out and left nothing but a two or three per cent. beverage that would have been dumped in the sewer by her pro- hibition agents had it not all been sold before she had time to have an an- alysis made. ——On Tuesday an eminently good woman called our attention to an in- cident that we noted at the time but attached no significance to. She re- ferred to the prayer meetings that were held all over the country while the Houston convention was in ses- sion. The gatherings of the sincere but_benighted souls was for the pur- pose of prayer that Smith would not be nominated. If those who attended these metings are real Christians and have genuine faith in the efficacy of prayer they know that had the good Lord believed that Al Smith should not have been nominated for Presi- dent by the Democratic party his as- piration would have failed.—we be- lieve that. He was named, however, in spite of their prayers. And what is the inference? —We haven’t heard that there was anything special going on in Belle- fonte last Saturday night. As we walked down town Sunday morning the pavements at three important street intersections gave repulsive evidence, however, that a lot of peo- ple must have been celebrating some- thing the night before. We say a lot of people, because we can’t conceive that it was done by one or two, un- less they happen to be the champion long distance regurgitators of all time. Stretched out and dead to the world was one of the celebrants, prob- ably, on the platform in front of the Pennsylvania railroad station. We refer to these nasty things because they are becoming so frequent that we think it time that those who hoped that the Volstead law would end drinking tear the scales from their eyes and view the situation as it ex- ists. It hasn’t dont it, so the natural inference is that there must be something wrong with the applica- tion of the law. We have lived in Bellefonte over half a century. We went about a bit and knew a few things long before we were twenty- one years of age. Our associates were from every station in life and includ- ed particularly “Brack” and Jim Pow- ell, the former a most notorious col- ored character. And we want to go on record right here with the asser- tion that while anyone of this motley ‘mob could have had good liquor for the asking we don’t believe that more than five of all the pals of our young manhood ever thought of such a thing or had taken a drink. Today, if what we see and hear indicates anything, we would be surprised if in any simi- lar group five young people—and you can include the girls—can be found who are not continually planning In terms of what someone might have on the hip. We are not advocating ‘the open saloon. We are not spread- ing propaganda for light wines and ‘beer. We have stated facts, only, and are trying to show that it is our hon- est conviction that something is wrong. We think it a far deeper question than one as to whether a man is “wet” or “dry,” yet so many are obsessed with that idea that they just can’t give it the unprejudiced thought that might lead to its ulti- mate solution. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 73. BELLEFONTE. PA.. J U Pennsylvania a Doubtful State. When Mayor Mackey warned the Republicans, of Philadelphia, that in the event that Governor Smith, »f New York, were nominated for Presi- dent by the Democratic party Penn- sylvania would be a doubtful State, he was not drawing upon his imagi- nation. Mr. Mackey expressed his opinion before either party had chos- en its candidate and his purpose was to harm rather than help Mr. Smith’s aspirations. Developments since the nominations, however, invest Mr. Mackey’s prediction with the value of an inspired prophesy. In every sec- tion of the State there are signs of aroused interest and increased activ- ity among the Democratic voters and anxiety on the part of the Republi- can leaders. The new chairman of the Dems cratic State committee, John R. Col- lins, of Potter county, has already begun to lay lines for an effective and efficient Democratic organization. Headquarters have been opened at Harrisburg and fully equipped for service, and other preliminary work is in progress. Absolutely free from factionalism and enjoying in full measure the confidence of all party leaders as well as the rank and file of the party, he is first and foremost directing his efforts to harmonizing as well as mobilizing the forces. It is realized that bigotry and fanati- cism will cost the party a few votes here and there but the spirit of tol- erance which is spreading with mar- velous speed will recompense for such losses by a hundred fold. There will be no “usual” Republi- can majority in Philadelphia this year and Pittsburgh will not stuft ballot boxes and expand returns after the old “strip district” fashion. The Democrats will be alert and militant in those cities and in the coal re- gions, where the art of cheating in elections has been reduced to a science. It is up to Democrats of Centre and other counties, where elections are comparatively honest, to do their full duty and if this obliga- tion is met the prediction of Mayor Mackey will be literally fulfilled. Chairman Collins is not leaving to future convenience his part in the work. He" is doing’ it now and doing it well. Let us all follow his exam- ple. ——1It is true that W. P. Gallagher, of Wilkes-Barre, has been badiy treated by the Mellon machine and probably feels resentful. But he is not likely to assume leadership of the Pennsylvania Democrats at once. Tariff Tax Under a New Name. Dr. Hubert Work, chairman of the Republican National committee, is determined to wage the campaign of this year on the tariff issue. But it is not the moth-eaten tariff issue which has served the purpose of fool- ing some of the people for half a century. The tariff he has in mind is one to protect “the great American pay-roll.” The present tariff has fail- ed to accomplish that result. With four million unemployed but willing- to-work wage earners in the country it would be absurd to reaffirm a tar- iff “for the protection of labor.” It doesn’t measure up to the standard. It has lost its potency. Having fail- ed completely to benefit working men and women it will assume a new dis- guise. As a matter of fact the present tariff law has afforded protection to the “great American pay-roll’ in re- cent years but at the expense of the great American pay-envelope. The four million idle wage earners will bear evidence that the pay-roll has been protected in the hands of the employers. In the textile mills of New England and the coal fields of Pennsylvania the pay-roll has been practically sequestered ever since the present tariff law was enacted, in the hands of the operators of the mills and mines. Workers in many other fields of endeavor have suffered from the operations of tariff of the old type. Dr. Work probably imagines that he can fool the people by giv- ing it a new name. The Democratic platform pledges the incoming Democratic administra- tion to favor a tariff law that “will permit effective competition, insure against monopoly and at the same time produce a fair revenue for the support of the government.” The present law, whether it be called by the old name or the new, fails in all these respects. It prevents fair competition, creates monopoly and robs the people of four billion dollars annually in order to secure for the government less than a million dol- lars in revenue. We realize that there are more important questions to be determined by the voters this year. But the Democrats have nothing to fear from a full consideration of tar- iff as an issue. An Unsolvable Problem. It is not easy to reason out why even prohibition fanatics should pre- fer the attitude in which his party has placed Herbert Hoover to that which Governor Smith has assumed on the question of prohibition en- forcement. The Republican platform pledges the party to continued effort to enforce the Volstead law. Past effort in that direction, under the supervision of an administration pro- fessing sympathy with the law, has proved futile, if not an absolute fail- ure. Continued efforts under pre- cisely similar conditions can hardly be expected to do better. But that is all Mr. Hoover can be expected to do, for it is all his party has promised for him or for those he represents. On the other hand Governor Smith gives positive assurance that he will support the Eighteenth amendment, in the event of his election, and en- force the Volstead law so long as it remains a law. He realizes that the - Eighteenth amendment cannot be re- ‘paramount. pealed but believes it can be enforced. He is persuaded that legislation can be devised and enacted which will fulfill the purpose of the amendment and suppress the bootleggers without restoring the saloons. If this result is possible, and Albert E. Smith is a marvelously successful executive, .it will do more for the cause of temper- ance than the Volstead act has ever done, with mone of the harm that law is responsible for. As a matter of fact it may be said that opposing Governor Smith on ac- count of his attitude on prohibition enforcement is a false pretense ad- vanced to conceal a more detestable sin, religious bigotry. No sincere follower of Thomas Jefferson can con- sistently share in such a prejudice. It was he who procured the adoption of the First amendment to the con- stitution. His purpose was to pre- vent for all time the injection of re- ligious bigotry into the politics of the country. He anticipated .the danger and sensed the harm of such an evil and - those who are now trying to make religious faith a test of fitness for any office, under the false pre- tense of prohibition, are not and nev- er were Democrats. ——George Bernard Shaw has de- cided to visit this country nothwith- standing his repeated declarations that he never would do so. The lure of Hollywood has finally intrigued the foxy old Irishman. The Kellogg Peace Movement. Practically all the governments in- vited to subscribe to Secretary Kel- logg’s proposition to “renounce war,” have accepted. Some of them have set up conditions that indicate re- luctance. For example, Mr. Cham- berlain, speaking for Great Britain, made it clear that her obligation un- der the covenant of the League of Nations and the Locarno treaty were In other words, if the proposed Kellogg treaty should in any respect conflict with the provisions of the League covenant or the Locarno treaty, in that particular the Kellogg treaty would not bind the government of Great Britain. Germany made a similar statement in its note of ac- ceptance. Canada alone “cordially” accepts. We have previously expressed the opinion that the main purpose of the present administration’s activity in the direction of the Kellogg treaty was to embarrass the operations of the League of Nations. The cove- nant of the League provides every in- strument and method for outlawing war that is contained or can be in- jected into the Kellogg treaty. It is an active and growing concern and enjoys the cooperation of all the big and little nations of the world ex- cept the United States, and this country was kept out by the maliz- nity of a few partisans in Washington who were envious of the increasing fame of Woodrow Wilson, who was largely responsible for its creation. With the acceptance of practical- ly all governments invited the Kel- logg enterprise may be regarded as accomplished. What good will come of it remains to be seen. But the ex- pectation that it will alienate mem- bers of the League of Nations will be disappointed. Nearly all who ac- cepted Mr. Kellogg’s invitation have affirmed their fidelity to the older and more comprehensive organization. Harry Sinclair made Secretary Fall pretend to believe that minor opera- tions adjacent to Teapot Dome would “drain” the oil from that government reserve. Some malicious men may have convinced Coolidge and Kellogg that the League of Nations could be crippled in the same way, but they are sadly mistaken. ——Jules Verne may have been all right in his time but as a world gird- ler he was a rank piker. Mr. McSparran’s Absurd Suggestion. Mr. John A. McSparran, of Lan- caster county, who was one of five out of seventy-six and one of about 100 out of a total of 1100 delegates in the Houston convention who voted against the nomination of Governor mith, for President, has availed him- If of the first opportunity to advise e chairman of the Democratic Na- fional committee on the conduct of the campaign. It is hardly necessary to state that his recommendations were entirely ignored and yet it may be assumed that they fulfilled the purpose Mr. McSparran had in mind. His letter to chairman Raskob got his name on the front page of nearly every Republican newspaper in Penn- sylvania. Mr. McSparran is a glutton for publicity and a form letter sent by chairman Raskob to every delegate in the Houston convention gave him a chance to parade his abnormal egn- ism. His recommendation was that Mr. Raskob resign the chairmanship of the National committee and that Governor Smith withdraw as candi- date for President. Considering that Mr. Smith was chosen as the candi- jdate by an overwhelming majority ‘of the delegates in the convention on the first ballot and that Mr. Raskob was elected by the unanimous voice ,of the members of the National com- mittee, that suggestion, coming from ,a minority so small that it could be seen only through a microscope, was ‘at least surprising. Every member of the Houston con- vention knew in advance of the bal- loting Governor Smith’s attitude on ,the Volstead law. He had frankly declared it in answer to a question | brought out by a statement of Na- ‘tional committeeman Mack, of New York. Partly because of his atti- tude on that subject and partly be- “cause of a less worthy reason, Mr. | McSparran voted against him, which he had a right to do. But in the ratio of nearly one hundred to one the convention voted for him in the full ‘light of knowledge, and a request that he withdraw coming from a self- , appointed representative of a meager ' minority appears very much like an exibition. of impudent assurance. ——Bellefonte can make up its mind that the streets that are now being dug up by the Central Pennsyl- vania Gas Co. will not be back to their regular, normal surface in less than three years. No matter how carefully the filling is done, even if it is watered and tamped with che greatest care depressions will come along the pipe line for several years. We call attention to this now so that when some one starts “crabbing” next spring or the next you can say: Yes, I knew that would be the result as soon as I heard that the franchise had been given. We want to add, too, that we have rarely seen .that kind of street work done with greater dis- of those who might be inconvenienced by it. We don’t know who is in charge of the work, but whoever he is he knows his business and is doing a job that any supervisor might be proud of. Another compensating feature of the enterprise beside securing a most desirable public utility is that it is giving employment to a small army of men who would otherwise probably be out of employment. Labor, no matter what kind it is, produces wealth and the community that is for- tunate enough to have its labor pro- ductive, especially when times are not so good, should congratulate itself rather than view temporary .incon- venience as something to give: every- body h about. ——When the five gentleman of council who voted to permit a filling station at the corner of Allegheny and Howard streets can convince the home owners in that section that they would have voted to grant such a per- mit in front of their own homes they will probably redeem themselves in the minds of those for whom they seem to have had little consideration. ——Henry Clay Hansbrough, form- er United States Senator from North Dakota, is organizing a Smith club. Though a Republican he declares the election of Governor Smith “is im- perative if agriculture is to be sav- ed from a state of peasantry.” ——Postmaster General New says he will dismiss any postmasters in the South who paid politicians for their commissions. The politicians who forced the payments will go unpun- ished. This is the Indiana idea of justice. ; ——There is some comfort in the thought that Herbert Hoover’s pussy- footing days are drawing to a close. After his notification he will have to express some kind of an opinion on current questions. LY 27. 1928. patch or more courteous consideration i NO. 29. Profitable Swindles In and Out of Politics. From the Philadelphia Record. When we read in the newspapers that an American has received a let- ter from a Spanish prison inmate who has secretly buried a treasure which he will divide with his correspondent in the United States if the latter will finance its recovery, and that our fel- low-citizen has swallowed the bait and lost his money, we marvel that any one could believe the Spanish prisoner’s preposterous tale. Yet the so-called “Spanish prisoner swindle” has been successfully worked in this country every year for over 40 years. When we hear that two men, find- ing a pocketbook filled with a large sum of money, have accosted a third and offered to divide their find with him, and have proposed to leave the whole of it in his keeping temporar- ily if he will put up a few hundred dollars as security, and that, having put up the security, the holder of the pocketbook discovers it to be filled not with the money he saw there, but with waste paper, we smile. For this trick is as old as the hills, but its new victims are annually numbered by hundreds. When we learn that the inventor of a machine which will convert plain, white paper into $20 bills has demon- strated its operation to a prospective purchaser and sold it to him at a high price we wonder how the dupe, who must be utterly devoid of brains, ever managed to accumulate the sum of which he has been deprived by a particularly transparent bit of ho- kum. Yet there is a constant market for these money-making machines. After all, there is no great differ- ence between the victims of the Span- ish prisoner, pocketbook, money-mak- ing machine and other oft-exposed swindles and the estimable but too- confiding citizens who allow them- selves to be persuaded every four years that the installation of a Demo- cratic President in the White House would be ruinous to business. The object of the persuaders in both cases is personal financial ad- vantage. In the political case this advantage consists of the privilege of making laws from which the per- suaders will profit at the expense of the persuaded. We believe that Republican calam- ity howling will not be as successful this year as in Sommer jb esidential years, even thoug crop of victims - of other swindles shows no Sigfis of | decrease. For the next three months will witness an unprecedented cam- paign of political education, in which the Democratic party will make it clear to every voter that the appli- cation of its principles will advance the material as well as the normal welfare of the country. The illusion that the Republicans monopolize the patriotism, business sagacity and governmental capacity of the United States is going to be brought out of the spirit cabinet and examined in the clear light of day. | A Change of View. From the Harrisburg Telegraph. | Before Mexico, blood-drenched and war-devastated, can hope for material- ly better conditions the whole view- point of the public must be changed. When Roosevelt was running for the Presidency after having been ele- vated to the White House by the . death of McKinley, a friend of the writer and an ardent admirer of the Rough Rider was engaged in mining work in Mexico. Daily he discussed with his wealthy employer the merits of the campaign. Finally the Mexi- can said: “But why worry? Your friend Roosevelt is in office, he con- trols the army and that makes his re-election certain, doesn’t it?” He couldn’t understand that one holding - power he desired to retain would will- tingly relinquish it without a show of force. A lot of water has run down the | Rio Grande since then, but the Mexi- | can has not yet got a true vision of popular government. Indeed, Mexi- | €0 never has had popular govern- iment as we know it. Conditions are such that it may be many, many years before that happens. Mean- while, if there is such an animal, the country may prosper more under a beneficient despot than under present conditions. But fundamental to a fin- al settlement of Mexico’s internal troubles is freedom of thought nur- tured in well-equipped public schools and a patriotism that puts public in- terest before personal aggrandize- | ment. The assassination of Obregon | probably has set Mexico back five or more years in its program of prog- | Tess. A Delegate of 28 Years Ago. From the Kansas City Star. He would never have heard of the radio, or the movie, or the airplane, or the disk phonograph, or the tract- or, or the Federal Reserve system, or insulin, or 606, or relativity, or elec- trons, or the Volstead act, or the Nineteenth amendment, or bobbed hair. Even the word “automobile” would have been unfamiliar to him. He would have known of Theodore Roosevelt only as a promising young New York politician; of Woodrdw Wilson only as a professor in Prince- ton College. He would have heard of Lloyd George, but not of Foch, cr Pershing, or Ludendorff, or Mussolini, or Lenin, or Al Smith, or Herbert Hoover. ‘{ found it open and empty. ee SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —"“This safe is open. Don’t crack it.” Burglars found this message posted on | the safe when they broke into the office of the Texas Oil company, in Lancaster. Apparently they believed in signs, for they { turned the handle of the strong box and A small wood- ‘en box in the safe was smashed. —James Thompson, 55, sat on the porch roof of his home at Lost Creek, near Pottsville, on Sunday, watching a base- ball game across the road. The home team | was behind when it entered the seventh inning and scored two runs. Thompson became excited, cheered and fell off the roof. He was taken to the Ashland hos- pital where he died a few hours later from a fractured skull. —William Albright and J. P. Lynch, tinsmiths in the Pennsylvania railroad shops, at Renovo, have been presented with fifty-year buttons by H. H. Russell, division superintendent. Mr. Albright be- gan to work for the railroad company at the age of 13 years, and has served fifty- one years consecutively in its employ, and Mr. Lynch, who began work for the com- pany when 16 years of age, has been for fifty years an employee of the company. —Four hours and 25 minutes was re- quired to convert standing wheat into chocolate cake in the so-called Lancaster county pastry derby. The wheat was cut and threshed in a field near Lancaster. Carried by trucks to a nearby mill, ground into flour and carried by automobile to a bakery where the bakers prepared the batter in 15 minutes. Fourteen minutes after the batter was completed four cakes, each three feet square, were ready for chocolate icing. —Police are investigating the recent hold-up of a truck laden with silk from the Schwarzenbach-Huber silk mills, at Columbia, Pa. The cargo was on its way to the main mills of the company at Union City, N. J., when it was held up by eight men at Malvern and stolen. Later the en- tire load of silk and the truck were recov- ered at Wayne, where it had evidently been abandoned by the holdup men. It is presumed that the yeggmen were hi- jackers who believed the truck was laden with beer. —A lone masked bandit, flourishing an automatic pistol, held up a crew and pas- sengers of a Nanticoke trolley car early on Sunday, at a lonely point in Hanover township, Luzerne county. Conductor David Daniels, motorman Harry Cool- baugh and five passengers were held at bay by the robber, who fled after getting $70, the day's receipts, turned over by conductor Daniels. The bandit boarded the car at an isolated spot and did not put on a mask until after he had taken a seat in the rear. —Honor is its own reward, according to Motorcycle Policeman Carter, of Phila- delphia, who found a bag containing’ $5,000 in cash. He returned it to the owner and refused a reward. Miss Reta Lewis, of Merchantville, N. J., after visiting friends, placed the money satchel on the running board of her automobile while saying good-bye, forgot it, drove away and lost the bag. While she was in a police sta- tion reporting the loss, the patrolman ap- peared with the missing bag and the sub- sequent reward was refused. —Although most persons have submit- ted to vaccination and the situation is described as well in hand, the danger from the spread of the smallpox epidemic df%- covered in the vicinity of the State Line in Franklin county is not past, Dr. F. E. Coughlin of the State Health Department said this week. Dr. Coughlin, who has been directing the control work which the Pennsylvania authorities have been carry- ing on in co-operation with Maryland health authorities, asserted several hun- dred residents of Antrim township have been vaccinated thus far. —John Wert, 22 years old, of Lewis- town, is recovering from an attempt at suicide in the Mifflin county jail when he punctured his right lower abdomen with a table knife. Guards will be placed about Wert in the Lewistown hospital to prevent further attempts at self destruc- tion. Wert attempted suicide by shoot- ing himself in the chest with a revolver of twenty-two caliber some time ago when he said he was in love and the woman of his choice had turned him down. Sheriff William H. Printz said he believes both attempts were merely made to obtain sympathy. —Farm labor in Pennsylvania on July 1 was being paid the lowest wage with board since 1923. Average figures furnish- ed by the Federal-State Crop Reporting Service were: Per month with board, $39.25; per month without board, $58.75; per day with board, $2.45; per day with- out board, $3.25. The supply of farm labor on July 1 is given as 91 per cent. of normal, which is an increase of eight points over the same date a year ago. The demand, on the other hand, is only 85 per cent. of normal, a decrease of four points from a year ago. Farm wages are re- ported as the lowest in Pennsylvania of any of the States in the northeastern sec- tion of the country. —Jesse Hassinger, of Milroy, one of the trappers for the State Game Commission, went to Lewistown after capturing the last of the three beavers which were re- sponsible for the flooding of 1000 acres of forest lands, in the Seven Mountains, near the Bear Meadows, a section of pub- lic road that was running two feet under water, and wrought general havoc to that section. The beavers dammed a small mountain stream, which overflowed into the meadows. Two of the animals were taken last week. The third, a last year's male pup, was captured later. After be- ing exhibited at fairs this summer and fall, the three animals will be placed in some other section of the Seven Mountains for breeding purposes. —If Clinton Fritz, of Pottstown, is to be believed, the snake he saw while helping to make hay on the farm of Frank David- heiser, at Glasgow, is the largest that has ever been seen in those parts, and is sim- ilar in size only to those seen in the Phila- delphia Zoo. He claims that he saw a snake that in size resembled a python, and said it was a blacksnake. “If it was a foot long,” says Fritz, “it was 15 feet in length, with a head as big as a man’s two fists. Its body was as thick as a stove- pipe. Some snake!” There were four men working in the hay field, and, although armed with pitchforks, the snake was of such size that they feared to attack it. Persons acquainted with snake lore say that they usually travel in pairs, so ac- cording to that there must be two of that gize. Farmers in that vicinity are keep- ing close watch om their young shoafs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers