i PINE GROVE MENTIONS. The new arrival at the Roy Wilson home is a ten pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Brown are spend- ing some time in Michigan Mrs. A. D. Minnick is recovering from her recent serious illness. Rev. A. E. Mackie and wife spent the early part of the week in Altoona. Lem Walizer, of Boston, Mass., is a guest of George Stover and fam- ily. this is Mr. Grunan’s first visit east and as his health is not very good he anticipates spending some time here. The Junior Mission band, ranging in age from three to ten years, in charge of Miss Mary Gardner, held The cool, showery weather did not interfere with the fun the youngsters had and their sales netted fifteen dol- lars. John D. Dannley and wife and a festival on the lawn at the R. E., Musser home, on Saturday evening. LUMBER? ¥1-16-tf Oh, Yes! W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing Call Bellefonte 432 RS Mrs. Lizzie Archey is spending sev- | Charles Dannley and son Dennis mo- | Sunday school class gave a miscellan- | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. eral weeks with friends in Harris- | tored in from Medina, Ohio for a sev- |eous shower, Tuesday evening, and | burg eral weeks outing at Tussey lodge, Leighhors gave a kitchen shower Fri- | ANTED Salesman to = an ple, OR SALE—Rice brick Some on Ss : ohn D. has not been in very good |day evening. WwW Iobile accessory, Write or ca F omas St. Bellefonte. All con- Mrs. J. C. Dunlap and daughter, of Join |} of late, and hopes oy y g | 385 W. Third St., Witkiasnos 5 7.np SHlCOCEL. Inquire at property.— e Cherrytree, are visiting relatives .in invigorating breezes of old Tussey |" Pa 18-27-3¢ | 18-27-2t Mrs. HARRY PAGE town. : : : EFRIGERATOR.— Small, porcelain 4] : om : tious: mountain will prove just what he R lined Leonard Refrigerator. In HERIFF"S SALE~By virue of 8 Miss Helen Kepler is visiting her | needs to brace him up. 1 perfect condition. Mrs. Henry C writ of Levari Facias issued out of sister, Miss Katherine, in Washing- i i This week's arrivals exarily six Quigley, East Linn St., Bellefonte, Pa Court of Common Pleas of Centre ion. D C ’ A miscellaneous shower was given teen Hundred and Seventy seven : 2] 73297.3¢. | County, to me directed, will be exposed on, . % "| to public sale at the Court House in the Wonderful Bargains You will find real opportuni- goods we've traded in recently. Come 1n early---- get first choice ---easy payments A Few of These Are as Follows: Player Piano $250.00 Upright Piano $150.00 Phonographs Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor and children are away on a month’s trip to Canada. Mrs. George P. Irvin, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is now improving. T. J. Markle spent several days, last week, on a business trip through New York State. Prof. and Mrs. M. S. McDowell are spending some of the hot weather in New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little and Mrs. Mary Byran, of Tyrone, spent Friday at the Fred Fry home. Master William Sankey, of Mill- heim, is here for an outing with his aunt, Miss Edith Sankey. Mrs. John Hoy recently entertain- ed her daughter, Mrs. Alex Hunter ed. Lloyd Frank, of Williamsburg, was in town, Saturday evening, attending a lodge meeting and talking insur- ance. Thomas Wogan, wife and son Eu- gene spent the week-end on a sight- seeing trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Harry Scott and William Kline, stock buyers of Petersburg, spent last week in the valley purchasing | sheep. | D. W. Miller is having his home | brightened up with a new coat of i paint. Charles Lauck is swinging the | brush. | A hard rain and hail storm, last { Thursday, played havoc with the | grain and corn crops in the White | Hall section. : Mr. and Mrs. VanZant, of Florida, { have taken quarters at the Pine Grove | Mills hotel where they will be during i the hot weather. Miss Bettie Green, who recently , underwent an operation for appendi- | citis, at the Centre County hospital, is convalescing nicely. Samuel E. Fleming was in town, on Saturday, and was a little depress- ed over the fact that he lost one of his best horses last week. Our public schools will open the first Monday in September. The di- rectors have now decided to continue the White Hall school. ' George E. Meyers and wife and S. E. Weber and sister, enroute to Hunt- ingdon, last Saturday, made brief calls on friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilliland motored over Tos mowntelngnd Spent sey Neat OF town. | DRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR SERVICE. IT MEANS AN IMMEDIATE SAVING TO YOU neighbors, at Mooresville, Samuel Kaup, of Altoona, and | [Ic OF $24. SURELY THIS IS AN OFFER THE ACCEPTANCE OF WHICH CALLS FOR NO | W. C. Shoemaker, wife and two James Fry, of Philadelphia, were vis- | #2 HESITATION. children, and Miss Blanche Shoemak- er motored to Danville, on Tuesday, where they spent the day. E. H. Auman spent last week in Philadelphia, and returning home brought along two grandsons, who will spend the summer here. { Elmer Musser, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Musser, is spending the sum- { Harold Albright and bride, at the Al- fred Albright home, last Friday even- ing. The newlyweds received all kinds of kitchen utensils, linens and various other household furniture, as well as groceries for the larder of their own home, at State College, where the bridegroom is engaged in the insurance business. While filling a pulpit engagement in the church at Franklinville, on Sunday evening, Rev. Charles W. Rishel, pastor on the Pine Grove Mills charge of the Methodist church, became quite ill as the result of a heart attack and could not complete his sermon. By Monday he had re- covered sufficiently to be taken to his home at State College. Charles Glenn and wife, came east morning. He had to get back home as soon as possible as he has one change of climate proving beneficial. At a regular meeting of P. O. S. of A. camp, No. 137, last Friday even- ing, officers for the ensuing term were installed by district deputy grand president Alfred Albright, assisted by day, as follows: President—John Gates. Vice President—Harold C. Albright. Past President—Henry Elder. Master of Forms—Warren Homan. Corresponding Secretary— LeRoy Bloom. Inspector—Hugh C. Fry. Guard—George Musser. Trustee—Wiliiam Gummo. Financial Secretary—John Neidigh. Assistant Secretary—Earl Neidigh. Chaplain—William Gummo. Right Sentinel—L. R. Barto. Left Sentinel—F. B. Tate. Refreshments and a smoker follow: ed the business session. BOALSBURG. Rev. W. W. “Moyer recently pur- chased a new Hudson car. Levi Roan, of Williamsport, was an | over Sunday visitor about town. | spent some time.in town last week. -- Cyrus Wagner and friend, of Al- i toona, were visitors in town on Sun- , day. | Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Kidder, of State { College, were callers in town on Sun- day evening. Mr. John Musser and son Paul, of Wilkes-Barre, were visitors in town on Saturday. arations to build a family residence itors at the Kaup home last week. John Jacobs is critically ill in the Centre County hospital, where he un- derwent a surgical operation last Thursday. Prof. O. F. Smith is making prep- ! marshalls J. F. Musser and Paul Sun- | CUE EUS USeLUEUSLEnL = Ue Ue Ue) USN UT NUM SNS 2D Miss Grace Smith, of Centre Hall, Mrs. Jerre Zettle was caught in two | showers last week. The young ladies | 12 Yards SEASONABLE SUMMER DRESS GOODS at LESS THAN MARKET PRICE, GARMANS Free sik HOSE Free Mendel’s Knit Silk Hose for Wo- men, guaranteed to wear six months without runners in leg or holes in heels or toe. A mew pair FREE if they fail. Price $1.00. YEAGER'S TINY BOOT SHOP. It will doubtless pay you to give SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Al Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1928. The Following property : All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land, situate in the Borough of Milesburg, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows :— BEGINNING 100 feet East of Turnpike or State Highway and corner of lot No. 3 in the plan of szid Borough of Milesburg; thence continuing Eastward along the line of lot No. 3, 145 feet to Mill Street; thence South along Mill Street 49 feet and 6 inches to corner of lot now or late of S. M. Huff; thence at right angles toward the Turnpike or State Highway to corner of lot now or late owned by S. M. Huff 76 feet; thence South 2 feet 6 inches; thence at right angles in a Westerly direction 69 feet, to corner of lot more or less, as the property of H. T. Mann. Sale to commence at 1:40 o’clock p. m. Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1928 The Following property: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate, lying and being im the Township of College, County of Cen- tre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: — BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of an alley along the South West side of lot No. 9; thence along the Agricultural Col- lege and Junction Turnpike South 63 de- grees West 50 feet to a stake; thence along lot No. 11 North 27 degrees West 200 feet to an Alley; thence along said Alley North 63 degrees East 50 feet to first mention- ed Alley; thence along said Alley South 27 degrees East 200 feet to the place of beginning. And being lot No. 10 as per survey of John 8. Grandell, Civil Engi- neer, of the Christ Farm Plot. It being the same premises which Harry E. Coble and Hannah Coble, his wife, by their deed dated November 18th, 1919, and intended to be herewith recorded, granted and con- veyed the same unto John Lyle, who Miss Helen Foster, daughter : of recently to. attend the funeral of Mr. OUR LINE OF HOSIERY can heretofore sold by Sheriff E. R. Taylor to | properly signs his name John D. Lyle, . f b . Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Foster, is spending Gibboney, at Mooresville. Mr. Glenn NOT BE EXCELLED. All the lat- Alice E. Buinger, 5 parity of ihe gost part hereto. ; ve : 2 erms of sale eash. ties or argains the summer at Ocean Grove, N. J. left for his home in Texas, on Monday est shades and at lowest prices. ln ken " a rtion and to be sold Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John D. Lyle. Sale to commence at 1:45 oclock p. m. ve : : : 1n some of the and Miss Bess Hoy, of Pittsburgh. |hundred acres of cotton ready to pick. 18 a trial dARWANS of said day. BX DUNLAP, Shei.) SH a wv © DUNLAP, Sheriff. The band concert on the old Acad- | Mrs. Glenn is not in good health and Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, emy green, Sunday afternoon, drew a | Will spend some time with her moth- Pa., July 7th, 19S 78-27-3t | Pa., July 7th, 1928. 73-27-3t. good crowd and was much appreciat- | er; at Saulsburg, in the hope of the | em en se EE A AA LEE EEC EEE EE El El EU El El El El El el El ELSE UElEl Ue Ie Le =U E222 NIA Ne 2 NAN 2M 222222 N22 N= 2 2G a 2 a a ia Uf U2 Ue $1. for $25. Special Service offering $1, for $25. rm rr 0 8 rt 0 ee Fo Co ot A A = LU} GEORGE WRIGHT, Editor stock Market Reporter INCORPORATED 67 WEST 44th STREET, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $250. Yearly, $130. Half Yearly, $70. Quarterly, $25. Monthly on | rd rd | | re i 0 | ri) WHAT TO BUY! A DAILY AND WEEKLY SERVICE on the UP AND DOWN SWINGS of the STOCK MARKETS WHAT TO SELL! = Ue le Ue Ue Ne Ue 2 Te NN UN SMU VNU THIS NOTHING is more such as the “STOCK MARKET many times over. alyzing your investments. important than knowing when to buy and when to sell and a daily and weekly service PORTER” coming to you at the right time should pay for your subscription Special Service Offering--Trial Subscription $1. For 30 Days HE “STOCK MARKET REPORTER?” is a special financial service offered for the purpose of an- Your trial Subscription of $1.00 entitles you to receive our Daily and Weekly Services for thirty days, together with a report or opinion on all of your present investments. Special reports are sent out daily by us at the close of the stock markets. SPECIAL OFFER WILL NEVER BE REPEATED TC YOU. ONE DOLLAR YOU CAN HAVE A THIRTY DAY TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION TO A TWO HUN- RE- Special We know of a number FORTUNES have been made thrcugh knowing when to buy and fortunes have been saved through knowing when to sell. OUR SERVICES KEEP YOU POSTED. Market forecasting is highly scientific business. istence depends on our success in forecasting accurately for you. IT MEANS THAT FOR Our ex- IF we please you and make money for you, we shall expect you to become a regular $250.00 annual subscriber. Our thirty day “GET ACQUAINT- ED” offer for $1.00 demonstrates our confidence of satisfying. THROUGH our knowledge, coupled with intensive study of the various markets, who are able to give you opinions which we believe should re- sult in substantial profits to you. EVERY TRADER, Markef Operator, Investor, or Speculator must appreci- ate our Service. Keen intelligence in the selection of securities has become too great a task for the individual investor. The “STOCK MARKET REPORTER” relieves you of that burden. Therefore reinforce your capital by securing expert investment EE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mer days on the farm with his uncle, of high priced, medium .R. E. Musser, on the Branch. | Mrs. Mary Meyers entertained at dinner, last Friday, Mrs. Maria Reed, Mrs. William Henry and Miss Mar- _garet Reed, a jolly trio of ladies. 500 Records | John S. Dale, of State College, spent Monday evening in town on ~~ 25 and 35¢. Each $45.00 RSS] priced and low priced | t i i IDS FOR COAL. —Bids for deliver- | ing to Bellefonte Schools 300 tons | high grade Bituminous Coal will be | ! | | | i listed issues which we received until July 25. Name of mine from which coal will’ be shipped, with analysis of same, to accompany bids. R. R. waybill required with car. The school board reserves the right to reject any or ! all bids. | 73-27-2t. OTICE TO ALL CREDITORS OF N LINN T. LOVE.—You are hereby notified that the FIRST FINAL | ACCOUNT of Maurice B. Runkle, As-! signee for Linn T. Love, und a List of the | believe are headed for a OUR Daily and Weekly Service keeps you informed as to the declaration of dividends and any “MELON CUT- TING” by any of the corporations of which you may be a shareholder or in which you may desire to acquire an interest, together with expert opinions on the “HIGH and LOW SWINGS” of quick rise. business relating to the forthcoming , Grange encampment at Centre Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sager and sons, of Winburne, spent the Sab- bath day with J. W. Sunday, who had Your subscription will, in due course, bring you this information. Player Rolls 25 Cents Harter’s Music Store Bellefonte Penna. been quite ill but is now on the mend. Miss Sara Kocher, a nurse in a Cleveland hospital, is spending her vacation at the home of her uncle, John Quinn, at Pennsylvania’ Furnace. Dr. and Mrs. Wright, of Latrobe, are visiting Mrs. Wright’s mother, Mrs. Daniel Irwin, at Baileyville, cx- pecting to be there for an indefinite time. Mrs. D. H. Ewing and Mrs. Max Zinns and two children, Helen and Jane, motored to Huntingdon and spent the latter end of the week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Cronemiller, of Patton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lytle, of Juniata, spent the early part of the week with friends at Pine Hall and ; State College. ! W. K. Goss and wife motored down from Tyrone, on Saturday, bringing home the elder Mrs. Goss, who spent two weeks with her children in Ty- rone and Altoona. t John Keller and wife, Mrs. Char- lotte Koch and Miss Kate Koch, were on a motor trip to Pittsburgh, early in the week, where they visited the three Keller brothers, William, Irvin and J. Milton, and their families. | Haymakers have taken adavntage of the favorable weather, this week, {to get in as much of their crop as | possible. Considerable hay was spoil- i ed by the wet weather of the past two | weeks. Clark Grunan, of Chicago, is a , guest at the W. R. Port home. Many | years ago the men were chums in the | printing business at Fargo, N. D., and "have not met for a long time. In fart claims proven before him has been filed in ber 77, and that said Account will be al- lowed and distribution of the balance shown thereby will be made among the creditors therein named according to their respective claims, on Wednesday the 15th filed thereto or to any of said claims be- fore that time. S. CLAUDE HERR, Prothonotary of Centre County. mm 73-28-4t When you compare the cost of the material for a Garment you will only then realize WHAT ARE, A Ready- made has not =i inch of extra material, for an alteration. GARMAN'’S DUPES YOU RR A i ,_.,T IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 72-48-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry It would be folly to buy a Dress before you LOOK OUR LINE Blow your own horn was OVER. the old motto, but come and look and you will do the blowing. GARMAN'S day of August, 1928, unless objections be ! the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County as of December Term 1926, Num- | the market. for every investor. SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERING---Trial Subscription $1. for 30 Days counsel. HE “STOCK MARKET REPORTER” does net claim infallibility. However, the action of secur- ities recommended by us in the past shows, nevertheless, what specialized knowledge can accomplish Decide to build for financial independence now. for thirty days while you have the opportunity of securing expert advice for a negligible cost. The owners of this Service are often interested in securities recommended and of course are natural- ly influenced thereby, but regardless of interest the owners will at all times set forth their honest belief and the truth to the best of their ability. Try our Special Service Offering 30 days. Name LIST BELOW “STOCK MARKET REPORTER?” Enclosed please find $1, covering trial subscription to your Daily and Weekly Service for I am under no obligation to subscribe yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly. ier esieseeave Address “estes sss asses eevee Sess as seein sterner snnencesaviteianisens STOCKS YOU DESIRE OPINION ON Number of Shares NAME OF STOCK Price Bought at