—It’s been a hot week in Houston, Texas, but politicians prosper in high temperatures. . —Pennsylvania exported $290,497,- 974 worth of products during 1927, ‘but that isn’t an unfailing sign of Prosperity. - —Next week you’ll have surcease from this. We don’t know how you'll feel about it, but, as for us, we're mighty glad. —Hoover wants the farmer vote, but he won’t guarantee to “keep the hand of privilege out of the farmer’s pocket and off his throat.” ; —The conspiracy to dead-lock the Houston convention failed and the ef- fort to defeat the nominee of the con- vention equally futile. —The five Yale graduates who are going to cross the Atlantic in a 78- foot schooner are trying to prove that the fools are not all dead. —Four years ago the Republican party promised farm relief and now renews the note without paying any- thing on the principal or interest. —There is a widespread impression that the tail of the Republican ticket is stronger than the head, and the tail will be expected to do most of the wig-wagging. —Incidentally, you might be inter- ested to know that John C. Fremont, the very first man the Republican party ever nominated for President, was a Roman Catholic. —When the Pennsylvania prohibi- ‘tion delegates decided to vote for Senator Reed, in the Houston conven- tion, it is suspected Wayne Wheeler kicked the top off his coffin. —H. V. Dougherty seems to have sized the situation up perfectly in his appraisement of the Republican tick- et. He says it is a kangaroo: ticket —because it is stronger at the tail than it is at the head. —Elihu Root, than whom Republi- cans point to no one with more pride, is the gentleman who said that “Gov- ernor Smith was the best informed man” who sat in the constitutional convention over which Root presided. —~Charles Evans Hughes, who might have been the Republican nom- inee for President had he desired to lead the forlorn hope, said in “The Review of Reviews,” no later than its June issue, 1908, page 607,: “In oth- er lands Alfred E. Smith would have been elevated: to the peerage, and though in America. we have no titles of nobility, we have something bet- ter, an aristocracy of public service.” . —This young Mr. Bailey, of New + Yoyky-whe. is petitioning ‘the court to ‘ "have the executors of his father’s mil- lion dollar estate ousted because they ‘have “feloniously consumed” four "hundred and fifty of the six hundred and forty bottles of liquor that old ‘man Bailey had in his cellar, doesn’t :seem to have the right idea at all. What did he expect the executors to do with it? Turn it over to him and ‘be forever condemned for having led a young man to drink. —It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or what your outlook on life is we know that in the adver- tisement of a bank, that appears in this issue, is a “suggestion” that will interest you. It isn’t philosophy. It ‘isn’t financial advice. It isn’t a plea for patronage. It is just sound, com- mon sense and the only practical way we know of that presents itself as perfect fulfillment of the hope ex- pressed in that old song: “See That My Grave is Kept Green.” —Dr. Holmes is authority for the statement that every human has six ‘billion brain cells. If a lot of them “had sixty billion times six billion they still wouldn’t have enough to register the fact that a President can have ‘nothing to do with nullifying the "Eighteenth amendment. That can on- “ly be done in the tortuous manner in which it was effected. Three fourths of the States in the Union would have to vote in favor of it before the amendment could be changed either as to the dotting of an “i” or crossing a “ey —For the sake of keeping the rec- ord clear we want to remind Pennsyl- vania Republicans that no matter how rotten Tammany might have been in New York city it was always a Dem- ocratic official in Albany who uncov- ered the crimes against the public and punished them. Not so in Penn- sylvania, however. If it hadn’t been for Col. Jim Guffey and the late Sen- ator Hall, both Democrats, who put up the money to pay a young lawyer so that the late William H. Berry's suspicions might be substantiated, Pennsylvania would never have known of the rottenness in the build- ‘ing of her Capitol. —In “Talks with the Editor” col- umn this week Mr. Kerlin, of Centre Hall, expresses, in no uncertain lan- guage, his opinion of the editor of the Watchman. This being our hour for writing a column and forgetting that ‘we are also responsible for the policy of this paper and everything’ that ap- pears in it, we take the opportunity to say that Mr. Kerlin, so far as we have ever heard, is a very honorable gentleman who has been quite suc- cessful in running a poultry farm. From the manner in which he has gotten het up over what a Harrisburg writer described as a bum sandwich that he got in Centre Hall we are piqued to the suspicion that it might have been a fried egg sandwich. ernor, prociiming ‘magnates dssembl STATE RIGHTS -ASND FEDERAL UNION. OL. 73. Appropriate Form of Announcement. At a dinner in honor of a large group of utility corporation mag- nates, in the executive mansion, Har- risburg, on Monday evening, Gover- nor Fisher rather theatrically . an- nounced the reappointment of Mr. S. Ray Shelby, of Uniontown, as a mem- ber of the Public Service Commission. Mr. Shelby was first appointed to the Commission by Governor Sproul in 1919. In 1925 the Commission au- thorized the Philadelphia Rapid Tran- sit company to increase its rates in the face of vigorous protest and with- out hearing the complaints, whereup- on Governor Pinchot attempted to re- move Shelby on the ground that he, with his associates, had violated their obligations to the public, the purpose of the Commission being to conserve the interests of the people. Mr. Shelby refused to vacate the office, however, on the ground that the Governor had no legal right to dimiss him. He appealed to the courts and after a prolonged period of litigation, during which time Shelby occupied his seat in the offices of the Commission every day, and at the end of which the Supreme court affirmed his claim on the ground that “the Senate is the actual appointing power under the terms of the Act creating the Public Service Commission and the Governor merely designates names which the Senate may vote to con- firm or reject.” This was a direct contravention of the popular and pre- vious thereto legal interpretation of the law. But it scored a substantial victory for the public service corpor- ations. In view of these facts the method adopted by Governor Fisher in an- nouncing the reappointment of Mr. Shelby was peculiarly appropriate even if the appointment is a matter of doubtful propriety. The heads of most of the utility corporations were assembled around a table “groaning under the luxuries” of the earth, when there appeared on the wall of the chamber, not a mysterious inscrip- tion as in the case of Balshazzar’s feast, but an official letter of the Gov- that their faithful servant has been recommissioned and they may have expectation of carrying on for ten years more. There is no consterna- tion, as has been reported on the pre- vious parallel occasion, but all re- joiced. rr — nema sn. —The Kansas City platform mak- ers were as silent on the oil scandals as Coolidge and Hoover were on the iniquities of the Harding administra- tion. : Kellogg Proposal Not Favored. An esteemed contemporary ven- tures the opinion that the peace pro- posals of Secretary Kellogg are re- garded much more seriously in Eng- land than in this country. “They have been widely debated, both in and ‘out of Parliament, and the trend of opinion has been distinctly favorable, even in the House of Lords,” accord- ing to this very intelligent observer of events. On this side of the water, while the desire for permanent peace is practically universal, the Kellogg proposition has aroused comparative- ly little enthusiasm. Congress prac- tically ignored it altogether and the public press has given it scant con- sideration other than a fairly full measure of publicity at the time it was promulgated. ; It is not because the people of this country are indifferent on the subject. In every section of the country organ- izations are being formed for the purpose, as our contemporary ex- presses it, of “the discussion of the peace question and the growing or- ganizing of the country against the militarism which has been one of our dreadful heritages from the war.” But the Kellogg proposition has not greatly strengthened the movement or considerably inspired hope of achievement. On the contrary it has, to some extent at least, been ap- praised as a futile enterprise. The commitments of all of the great pow- ers and most of the smaller countries make the multilateral plan impossi- ble. An important reason which alien- ates public sympathy in this country from the Kellogg proposal lies in a widely diffused suspicion that it is not a sincere gesture for peace. Every- thing that could be hoped for from the Kellogg scheme could be accomplished through the medium of the League of Nations, and would have been if the United States had joined that organi- zation. For reprehensible partisan reasons Mr. Kellogg’s political asso- ciates prevented such an affiliation and there is a deep seated suspicion that his present purpose is to weaken if not destroy the League of Nations by enticing members of it to betray their obligations by offering sone- thing which seemed equally good for its purpose. to the delighted ed the glad tidings’ i The Mellon- Vare Episode. The New York Times, editorially commenting upon the work of the Kansas City convention, says that “as soon as the hand of Secretary Mellon had been forced, and it was known that the Pennsylvania delega- tion would be voted solidly for Secre- tary Hoover, the result was certain and the bloom of interest in what might have heen an exciting contest was off.” This is a surprising inter- pretation of an incident that was vari- ously construed as a bit of sharp prae- tice upon the part of Mr. Vare and an attempt to usurp the leadership of | the Republican party of this State by that tricky politician. The impres- sion in Pennsylvania was that Mellon ' was for Hoover and intended to cast the vote for him. It has long been known that Mr. Vare aspires to the leadership of the party in Pennsylvania. He feels that his ability’ to build up any majority that is needed in Philadelphia entitles him to that distinction. It is equally well known that the country leaders in various sections of the State have been growing restless under the lord- ly methods of Mr. Mellon. But few, if any, of the party workers imagined that he entertains a purpose of be- traying the popular sentiment of the party voters by employing the dele- gation to prevent the nomination of Hoover. The late Senator Quay could have done that without much com- plaint and Penrose might have been able to “pull it off.” But Mellon is too new in the game. : In view of these post-convention de- velopments it may be possible that BELLEFONTE. PA.. JUNE 29. 1928S. Another Hoover “Angel.” Claimants to the distinction of pro- curing the nomination of Mr. Hoover seem to be multiplying. The latest aspirant to the title of Hoover “an- gel” is Mr. Alfred M. Greenfield, of Philadelphia, and his “plans and spec- ifications,,” as presented by the Jew- ish Times of that city, include a claim for a seat in the Hoover cabinet, “in the event of a Republican victory,” an improbable contingency. Mr. Green- field had qualified for the service, we learn from the same source, by exper- ience as “the friend, ‘financial angel,’ and ally of Senator-elect Vare.” It is of record that he contributed $125,- 000 or more to the Vare primary slush fund in 1926, and to some ex- tent managed that corrupt campaign. Our esteemed Jewish contemporary in an interesting article entitled “A Jew Picks a Candidate for President,” gives what purports to be an inside : story of Senator-elect Vare’s decisive stand on the [Hoover candidacy—a jmove that figuratively left Secretary Mellon, leader of the Pennsylvania i delegation ‘holding the bag.” The "narrative recites that the delegate train had scarcely gone beyond the limits of Philadelphia when Mr. Greenfield and others began impor- tuning Mr. Vare to join the Hoover fans. “Speeding across Ohio the Phil- adelphia Senator-elect was won over after six hours of discussion and a statement prepared, to be issued en- route by Mr. Vare, unqualifiedly en- dorsing Hoover.” | These “inside” facts may establish ;a substantial basis for Mr. Green- i field’s claim to a seat in the Hoover ‘ Mr. Vare was really conserving the | cabinet “in the event of a Republican interests of the Republicans of Penn- sylvania in more or less surreptitious- ly declaring that the Pennsylvania votes would be cast for Hoover. Mel- lon was the chairman of the delega- tion ‘and it was his place to make the declaration. But if he was “jockey- ing” with the enemies of Hoover to cast the votes for another candidate, Mr. Vare had a moral right to cir- victory.” But they certainly play havoc with the previously and widely accepted claim that Mr. Vare was instrumental in influencing the Pennsylvania delegation to vote for Hoover on the first ballot in the convention. If he had to be urged all the way from Philadelphia to Ohio and during six hours of incessant im- portunity while passing through that cumvent the purpose of a treacher-|State to support Hoover, he has no | ous leader. Moreover there are rea-|right to pose as a pioneer in the Hobdv- sons to believe that shares the opinion ‘that happened. He has already had Vare in conference with him and thus far Mellon has not been. Mr. —Don’t worry about the South. That section will be all right in No- vember. Spend your energies in get- ting your own neighborhood to do its full share in electing the Democratic candidate for President. The Constitutional Amendments. It may be possible to meet the ex- pense of some of the projects con- | templated out of the current reve- nues, as State Treasurer Samuel L. Lewis asserts. There is a dangerous- ly large surplus in the treasury at present and so far as indications point there is no probability of a dim- inution in revenue receipts in the immediate future. In view of that fact it might be wise to delay approv- al or defeat the constitutional amend- ment providing for another loan of $50,000,000 to the Highway Depart- ment. The revenues accruing to that department are large and might be made to cover all the costs of con- struction and improvements in high- ways for some time to come. But that fact is not a valid reason for defeating all the pending amend- ments. Dr. Krusen, of Philadelphia, says “feeble-minded children in some of the State institutions are com- | pelled to sleep two in a bed by the overcrowded condition and in some instances beds are so close together that to get to its own bed a child is forced to climb over others. At an- other institution mental patients are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Figures for the last month available show that in one hospital twenty-six patients were sleeping in hallways; sixty-seven in attics; 160 in unsuitable fourth-story wards and fif- ty per cent of the total number of pa- tients in non-fireproof buildings.” These conditions require immedi- ate correction and however confident Mr. Lewis may be that the rev- enues are adequate to meet ordinary demands no chances ought to be tak- en of falling down on the obligation to provide for them. The matter of the forestry loan and that for the im- provements of State College are equally pressing for immediate con- sideration. There is neither wisdom nor economy in postponing such im- provements and unless more substan- tial evidence than Mr. Lewis has thus far advanced is given for defeating the amendments, these three, at least, should be approved. Good roads, fit asylums for the unfortunate and suit- able provisions for educational pro- gress should not be checked. —Uncle Andy Mellon hasn’t spok- en much about the Vare coup at Kan« sas City, but according to rumors he has given the subject much thought. H "er ;adventure. Whichever horn of EP Cs an he ‘elects to hang en Mr. Vare is not the real hero of the con- vention. —Effective July first the State Highway Department will take over a little more than twenty-eight miles of additional roads in Centre county. The total will include four different ‘ pieces of roadways, and will include i the road through the Narrows from Millheim to the Brush valley road; from Madisonburg to Peck’s store, in Nittany valley; from Hublersburg to Jacksonville, and from Moshannon to Karthaus. While these roads will be taken over officially by the Depart- ment nothing will be done this year toward improving them, although it will be up to the State to maintain them in condition for travel. —One more month and the trout fishing season for 1928 will be over, and so far not enough record catches have been made by any fisherman to justify bragging about. A few per- every few days and spend several hours on the streams, have fared fair- ly well in the total of their catches, but the average fisherman who goes out for an hour or two, morning cr evening, has had little trouble dispos- ing of all the trout he caught. —A dispatch from Lewistown, on Monday, stated that the members of the borough council and other bor- ough officials would make their fourth annual tour, on Tuesday, to study municipal government in other towns in neighboring counties. Bellefonte was mentioned as the first place to be visited but if they came here they must have gone right through the town as nobody has any knowledge of their stopping here to get any pointers on municipal government. —Centre county lost about forty thousand dollars of State funds for secondary road work because the county commissioners did net believe the condition of the county finances would warrant an appropriation of a like amount in order get the appro- priation. Ten other counties also lost the money originally credited to them and the amounts were allocated among fifty-four counties in the State. S———— A ears. —Colonel Stewart, of the Indiana Standard Oil company, has been in- dicted for perjury, but meantime Big Tom Cunningham is being neglected. —Mr. Shelby, having been reap- pointed Public Service Commissioner, the public service corporations may fix their own rates in the future. Cm————— ee ——————— —The summer capital seems to be attracting much less popular interest this year than last. Probably “there is a reason.” ‘as the recognized lea sistent fishermen, these who go out | Tokio, and then by way of Siberia to will be necessary at each destined Pennsylvania in Political Limelight. From the Clearfield Republican, More than natural to read of the split in the Pennsylvania Republican delegation at Kansas City this week. Andrew Mellon and William'§8. Vare are two radically different types. Mel- lon is not a politician as the term is generally applied. All the 2 litics he ows is of the brand backed } y great wealth. He has been cantrolling things in his party in Pennsylvania for two years, or since the defeat of former Lieutenant Governor Beidle- man for the gubernatorial nomination in 1926 and the subsequent defeat of Harry Baker for State Chairman. Vare was forced to go along with the Mellons then because he was a candi- date for the United States Senate, having defeated the Mellon choice, George Wharton Pepper at the pri- maries. He needed the Mellons and Grundy and Fisher and everybody - he could reach to be elected oyem- ber of that year, when “Billy Wilson, his Democratic opponent, t to Philadelphia county line with forty odd thousand majority against him. Things are different now. Vare does not need the Mellons so badly, With Grundy he forced W. L. Mel- lon out of the running for State chair- man the past April and likewise the alleged retirement of Eric Fisher Wood from the executive committee. “Bill” is still outside the United States Senate. He wants in and picked Herbert Hoover as the strongest can- didate for the nomination. Neither Curtis, Dawes, Lowden, Goff nor Wat- son were very Stong for Vare being seated. Vare’s friends even suspected Senator David A. Reed, although Sen- ator Reed did a lot of talking inside and outside the Senate in behalf of seating Vare. Si ; Last Monday evening “Bill” went to the front and declared in favor of Hoover.. He knew very well he did not stand alone ‘in’ the Pennsylvania delegation, Joe Grundy was with him; so also Governor Fisher, James Elverson, of the Philadelphia Inquir- er, and a number of others in addition to the entire Philadelphia delegation. It was pretty well" established that the Hoover element had no less than forty friends in the Keystone State delegation of 79. - : on watch From now i in the State. He will come home from Kansas City feeling pretty chesty. On the other hand the Mellon crowd had all the biggest and brightest of their tail feathers plucked out almost bru- tally. Keep your ear to the ground from now on until November and then continue until Congress again meets in December. Pennsylvania will be very much in the political limelight. Around the World in a Zeppelin. From the Fhiladelphia Inquirer. Arrival in this country of an officer of the German Institute for Aeronau- tical Development, to arrange for the landing of the new German Zeppelin LZ-127 at Lakehurst and at some point in the vicinity of Los Angeles, apparently is the prelude to a dra- matic race for the achievement of the first airship cruise around the world. The British have been rushing their gigantic new dirigible and are said to plan a flight to the United States in September which would be followed by such a cruise, possibly a continua- tion of the initial overseas venture. The Germans have made no such reservations. They are determined upon a course which wili take them to Lakehurst, the Pacific Coust, Hawaii, pe. Mooring masts or hangars stop, but many of these are already available. There are reports that, if all goes well on the transatlantic flight, the commander of the dirigible will attempt to make a non-stop flight to the Pacific Coast, with Lakehurst and other aviation fields in the Unit- ed States as emergency landings in case of trouble. Finally, it is sug- gested that the start may be made within the next month. Viewing the fine performance of the Los Angeles on her maiden flight from Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst, it seems entirely possible that the new Zeppelin, which will be twenty per cent larger and operated by more ef- ficient motors and fuel, will be able to double the best performance records to date. She is destined eventually for commercial service between Eu- rope and South America as the first of the long-visioned transatlantic air cruisers. The British dirigible will be put in service between I ondon and Egypt, and possibly later will extend her route to India and Austzalia. ne freee Fort Muncy. From the Williamsport Sun. . The Lycoming Historical Society has announced an event which will serve to impress dramatically upon the minds of West Branch valley res- idents the role which the pioneers of this valley played in the Revolution, when it dedicates a marker at the site of Fort Muncy, near Halls Station, on July 7. The occasion will com- memorate both the erection of the most important fortification in this valley and the evacuation of the val- ley in the “Big Runaway,” when the settlers fled to what is now Sunbury to escape the fate of the massacred inhabitants of Wyoming, on tha SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONR Y 3 ene. —Four people have died in Westmore- land county within two weeks from sleep- over the apparent inroads of this strange malady. . Wr —~Stricken suddenly with a heart at- tack while enroute to church in her son's automobile, Mrs. Theresa Kessler, widow of the late John C. Kessler, of Sunbury, died Sunday evening about 6 o'clock. She was aged 68 years. —Heavy lens. of goggles worn by W. L. Williams, a Pennsylvania railroad fire- man, were credited with saving the man’s life when he was struck by a bullet as his train stopped at Leetsdale, near Ro- chester, Pa., Sunday night. —Downing Webster, 12, found an old dry cell battery in the city dump, at Co- lumbia. He attempted to connect it with other. batteries and an explosion followed. Large pieces of zinc were driven into Webster’s chest and face and he is in a hospital in a critical condition. A com- panion, Henry Dinkle, 10, was slightly hurt. —Peach Yellow, a disease which has caused Pennsylvania peach growers con- siderable concern in the past, has been brought practically under control in this State, according to the report for the 1927 season which has just been completed by W. A. McCubbin of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the Pennsylvania De- partment of Agriculture. . —One of the largest estates ever pro- bated in Cambria county was entered at the eourt house, at Ebensburg, last week, in which Mrs. Ann 8. Barnes, widow of Thomas Barnes, late of Barnesbore, left a personal estate of $950,360.99 and real estate at $7,000. By her will, Mrs. Barnes left the entire estate in trust to her son, John, of Haverford, Pa., and daughter, Rachel, of Barnesboro. —G@Gerald C. Fadden, Scranton million- aire, is convinced that there is no such thing as prohibition in Scranton. He told court officials there that during the last six menths his wife had been drunk more than a hundred times. He testified on one occasion his wife returned home so drunk she broke every window in the front of their home. The couple are listed among the socially-elect of Scranton. —Arrested with 25 undersized trout at the Muleshoe reservoir Friday, James Ful- der, Michael Cheflock and Horace ‘Spade, all of Gallitzin, are in the Blair counfy jail at Hollidaysburg, in default of fines imposed by Samuel M. Irwin, Hollidays- burg justice of the peace, at a hearing Saturday. Spade was fined $250, Fuller $130. and Cheflock $120 and the costs di- vided. All were unable to furnish ihe funds. —While trying te remove a dangerous rock formation to protect his workmen, George Moul, 41, a foreman of the Thomasville Lime and Stone company, near York, Pa., was killed:last Friday. He ‘was. trying to pry loese a rock when the entire ledge gave way and he was buried under several tons of stone and earth. Mr. Moul was only recently promoted to foreman. He leaves a widow and three children. —Trapped in the kitchen of her burn- ing home, Sunday, Mrs. Rose M. Klouse, 45, Glenshaw, Allegheny county, called “a warning to other members of her. family and then perished in the blaze. Mrs. Klouse, it was believed, was preparing breakfast when the fire broke out. Aroused by her screams, Klouse, his daughter, Theresa, and his father, escaped by 2 front door. Failing to see his wife, Klouse climbed back into the burning building through a front window, but was prevent- ed by the intense heat from entering the kitchen. The origin of the fire was not known. —Because she knelt in prayer before a jury which later gave a verdict for $5723 against the American Express company, Mrs. Anna O'Neal Slicker, of Pittsburgh, must hear the case tried over again, a new trial having beer granted the com- pany by Judge Elder W. Marshall, of the Allegheny county courts. Mrs. Slicker sued the transportation concern, claiming her name was forged to a $5000 express company check in 1925 and that she never received the money. Before going on the stand to testify in her own behalf, she kneeled to pray. Two tipstaffs immedi- ately lifted her to her feet. —An eighteen-ton bus of the line run- ning. from Chicago to New York, carry- ing 20 passengers, had a narrow escape at 6.15 Sunday morning when the wheels left the concrete roadway at Arch Rock, four miles west of Mifflintown, plowed through ten panels of fence, sideswiped a score or more of posts and stopped with the body hanging over an embankment with nothing holding it except the strong wire cable along the State highway. The to the cause of the accident, and the pas- sengers were taken through on another bus summoned from Reading. They es- caped with a shaking up and fright. —Residents of Booneville, in Sugar val- ley, near Lock Haven, have filed strenuous objection to the sale of a church former- ly used by the Evangelical denomination, but unused since the Evangelical merger. The church, which is more than half a century old, is located in a cemetery, and is in good repair. The Booneville natives feel that it could be used in emergency for a place to worship, or could be used for a community hall. They claim that if the old church were to be removed, the cemetery would be neglected. A church belonging to the Evangelical Association, unused for several years, located in the east end of the valley, was sold for a hunting camp for the sum of $250 recent- ly. —Doris, Galt 11, was drowned and her father, Robert L. Galt, 35, lost his life while attempting to rescue his daughter during a swimming party at Browns Dam in the Conewago creek, near Hampton, Adams county, Sunday afternoon. The child had entered the creek accompanied by her sister, 14, and Mary Sterner, a friend, when Doris ventured into deep water. Her father, hearing her cries for help, jumped into the water, fully clothed, to save her. He sank beneath the surface of the water almost instantly. Galt was an excellent swimmer and is believed to have been seized with a heart attack. The body was recovered at once and pulmoter and ambulance called, but all efforts to resusciate him failed. The body of Doris was recovered two hours later, ten. fee: down stream from the scene of the drown- ing. The other two girls were not in danger and waded to the bank of the North Branch. creek. ing sickness, and some. alarm has been | shown in many communities of the county ¥ i driver refused to make any statement as .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers