Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 22, 1928, Image 1

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—A Pottstown tax collector levied
on a delinquent’s goose. Possibly he
thought it might lay a golden egg.
" —1In many instances the sweet girl
graduate and the June bride are in
‘the same boat.
looking for work. :
—The announcement of the death
«of William H. Berry was a very great
surprise to us. Surprise, because we
thought he had died years ago.
—Mr. Hoover is a very able man in
"his line, but his line is not being
President of a country he has lived in
;scarcely long enough to gain a voting
—Wouldn’t it be funny if the Dem-
wocrats at Houston should do to Jim
Reed what the Republicans did to
Curtis at Kansas City. Al and Jim
would make a whale of a campaign
—Having absolutely nothing of pis-
catorial achievement to brag about
we satisfy the old urge to blow by
announcing that observations taken
in our garden recently indicate that
we: will have new peas before July
—According to radio messages
from the Nobile party lost in the
Arctic regions the aeroplanes search-
ing for them seemed to be playing
blind man’s bluff with the Italian ex-
plorer up until Wednesday, when they
finally located him.
Pity poor Jimmy Walker and Grov-
er Whalen. When this Earhart girl
and her companion fliers come back
from the other side Jimmy and Grov-
er will have to pull another reception.
Being mayor of New York and chair-
man of his entertainment committee
will become very boresome if these
trans-Atlantic flights keep on.
A lot of them are
i “Engineers and scientists are dig-
ging themselves in on Chilhowee
mountain, Tennessee, where they have
twenty thunder storms a month, in
order to develop a means of stopping
lightning. The results of their work
will be very interesting, of course,
but not half so much so as will be
that of watching the Mellons, the But-
lers and the Vares trying to stop
—The Bellefonte mother who re-
cently entertained her son and four of
his college chums must have come to
‘the conclusion that gastronomics is
highly specialized in at State. When
five boys. will- eat eight quarts of
strawberries, two quarts of cream
and enough short cake to ride them
gracefully, at one sitting, we opine
that tape cultures must be ram-
pant up at the big College township
school. : 1
“““Zith the event that Goyernor Smith,
of New York, is nominated for Presi-
dent at Houston, next week, we will
be in for a campaign that is going to
" prove the most beneficial one in the
history of American politics. While
it will doubtless engender much bit-
terness begotten of bigotry we fore-
see a great and lasting good in the
certain bringing out into frank and
open discussion the heretofore whis-
pered matters of Protestantism and
Catholocism. Neither should have
anything to do with government of a
free country, further than to insist
that it shall be a Christian govern-
ment. And both can be counted on
to do that. We're all striving for the
same Heaven so why quarrel about
our routes? With Al Smith, a Roman
Catholic, as the Democratic standard
bearer, religion more than anything
else will be the sneaking, poisoned ar-
row that will be injected into the cam-
paign, by those who care for nothing
but the jobs that follow success of
‘the Republican party. Whether Smith
“is nominated or not we want to tell
you this. Vision today is deeper and
broader than it ever was before and
if the nomination of Smith amounts
to nothing more than the further
‘broadening of that vision it will not
have been a vain service the Demo-
cratic party has rendered the coun-
try. We say vision is broader today
than it ever has been. We know it is.
Protestants are discovering that
Catholics really don’t “have horns nor
tails,” and Catholics are more and
more realizing that Protestants are
not bigots and heretics. The under-
standings are becoming more and
more mutual and that augurs well.
Last Saturday night we fell in with
three men whom we had never met be-
fore. All of them were Democrats. All
were Lutherans. Born and raised in
an isolated little valley where there
“is only occasional contact with the
outside world we thought to gain a
slant on the reaction to Smith’s nomi-
nation in such a locality. Imagine
. our surprise when all three of them,
almost in one voice, answered our
question: “Who are you fellows for?
with “We're for Smith!” Those men
know that Smith is a Catholic. They
said they did. “That makes no dif-
ference with us,” one of them said,
“a Catholic, if he is a good man, has
- as much right to be President as a
Lutheran and Al Smith must be a
darned good man or he couldn’t have
been elected Governor of New York
four times.” There's the philosophy
of very plain country folks from
whom we had expected no such tem-
perate declaration. It's spreading
and, as we have said before, if the
nomination of Smith should amount
to nothing more than taking the dan-
gerous question of religion forever
out of politics the convention at Hous-
ton will have done a great service if
: it names him as our standard bearer.
VOL. 73.
The withdrawal of Governor Al-
bert C. Ritchie, of Maryland, from the
contest for the Democratic nomina-
tion for President is an expression of
self-abnegation worthy of high
praise. Governor Ritchie is a man of
Presidential proportions. In 1924 the
Democrats of Maryland presented
him as their choice for President and
he developed considerable strength.
This year he was honored in the same
manner. But like Senator Walsh, of
Montana, Governor Ritchie realizes
that a majority of the voters of that
political faith favor the nomination of
another candidate, and in obedience
to the fundamental Democratic prin-
ciple of “majority rule,” he has un-
selfishly taken himself out of the con-
test. .
There is an organized conspiracy,
inspired by the Ku Klux Klan and
supported by a group of religious
bigots and prohibition fanatics, the
purpose of which is to dead-lock the
Houston convention, pervert it into a
rabble of selfish and quarreling mis-
chief makers and thus destroy all
hope of victory at the polls in Novem-
ber. . Senator Walsh discerned this
danger: after the primary vote in Cal-
ifornia and promptly separated him-
self from affiliation with it. Govern-
or Ritchie has now followed his wise
example and it may be expected that
former Senator Pomerene, of Ohib,
and such other so-called favorite sons
as sincerely believe in the political
philosophy of Jefferson will join the
The Democratic party is the minor-
ity element in the government at
Washington now because of fissures
in the ranks and factions which pre-
vent unity of action. The principal
reason given by those opposed to the
nomination of Governor Smith, of
New York, is that he is believed to
favor some amendment to, or altera-
tion of, the Volstead law. Presideat
Wilson vetoed the Volstead law so
that he must have been of the same
opinion as to the merits of that mea-
sure. That is not the reason, how-
ever, why Governor Smith should be
nominated or defeated. It seems that
he is tHe choice of a vast majority of
the De -the-country and that
entitles him to fair consideration at
—Governor. Smith, of New York,
supplied police protection to Senator
Heflin during his tour of defamation.
Governor Smith has a correct esti-
mate of the influence of a blather-
skite. :
Vare Tries to Usurp Glory.
from his chief at Kansas City, the
other day, would have been amusing
if it hadn’t been utterly contemptible.
After it had been determined by the
Pennsylvania delegation to vote for
Hoover on the first ballot it wae
agreed that the announcement would
be made by Mr. Mellon next morning.
It was; the event of the convention,
waiting for. It meant the end of the
contest, the culmination of the hopes
of a majority of the delegates. In-
stead of waiting for the official an-
nouncement by Mr. Mellon, Vare
that it was the fruit of his influence.
Mr. Vare is always “on his toes”
ready to grab any passing personal
advantage. When at the delegate con-
ference in Philadelphia, a month ago,
Mr. Mellon spoke of Mr. Hoover as
the man “most nearly approaching
the standard” he had set for the can-
didate,. Mr. Vare immediately issued
a “statement” expressing his partial-
ity for: the Secretary of Commerce.
His purpose to usurp the role of lead-
er was so obvious that it deceived no-
body and only provoked ridicule. But
the convention incident expressed a
more flagrant purpose to commit lar-
ceny. It revealed to plain view the
sinister ambitions of a petty boss to
pose as a party leader of dominant
Of course those who know Vare and
and have correctly measured the re-
cent maneuvers of the Republican
managers of Pennsylvania were not
deceived by his absurd gesture. But
there were a lot of people in Kansas
City, last week, who are familiar on-
ly with Vare’s operations as the head
of a corrupt conspiracy and may have
accepted his statements at the value
he puts upon them. But he is “riding
for a fall.” Andy Mellon had his
measure and he is as vindictive
against those who harm him as he is
taciturn in public. It is safe to pre-
dict that in the end Vare rather than
Mellon will get the worst of the lit-
tle trick that gave him a momentary
place in the sun.
—Senator McNary’s interest in the
farm relief bill wasn’t very deep
rooted. He is already reconciled to
the Coolidge and Hoover estimate of
that measure.
Mr. Vare’s attempt to steal glory
the news everybody was anxiously,
clandestinely issued a statement not
only containing the news but claiming
Governor Ritchie's Unselfish Act. |The Republican Candidate for Viee
President. :
It may be assumed that the Kansas
with the view of reconciling the corn
belt to the head of the ticket previ-
ously chosen, notwithstanding the
Having served in the Senate for sev-
eral years Mr. Curtis is fully capa-
ble of presiding over its deliberations
as either of the other aspirants, and
if his nomination will serve the pur-
pose in mind it was a wise action.
The corn belt is disgruntled and it
has reason to be. The party leadevs
jin control of the party policies have
deliberately and somewhat malevo-
'lently discriminated against agricul-
ture and in favor of manufactures
many years.
Senator Curtis was born and has
spent his whole life in the center of
the corn belt. It may be justly sai
that Kansas is the heart of the corn
belt and it might be expected that his
sympathies would be with the inter-
ests and aspirations of the people
there. But the records do not support
that assumption in full measure. For
many years a contest has been pend-
ing in Congress to give the farmers
. equality of opportunity with the man-
i ufacturers, and though Mr. Curtis has
been in position to help vastly he has
done little in that direction. He vot-
‘ed for the McNary-Haugen bill, but
! never spoke in its behalf, and when
| the President vetoed it he voted fo
sustain the veto and kill the measure.
Senator Curtis is a partisan of the
most confirmed type. He realized
| that passing the farm relief bill over
the veto in which the President had
condemned it in the bitterest terms
would impair the party interests and
| he sacrificed the interests of the corn
belt in order to conserve those of the
party. In rewarding him for this per.
fidy to his neighbors the Republican
leaders showed scant respect for the
intelligence of the people of the Mid-
dle West. They assumed that the dis-
soning from cause to effect, and that
they will endure suffering indefinite-
ly in order to bestow honors upon
i mies.
—It is encouraging to learn that
Henry Blackmer, one of the oil scan-
dal’ conspirators, is to be tried in Den-
(ver. Washington jurors will have no
chance to buy block-long automobiles
out of the proceedings.
Kansas City Made a Botched Job.
In nominating Herbert Hoover for
President the Kansas City convention
probably selected the fittest of the
‘group of candidates who set up claim
| for the favor, measured by the stand-
ard of the Mellons, the Butlers and
the Vares, now the dominant figures
of the Republican party. He is es-
sentially a corporation product. His
entire mature life has been devoted to
organizing corporations and syndi-
i cates for European capitalists and ex-
i ploiting the public where they were
: operated. He is a capable engineer,
‘an expert manager and so far as the
available records show, a keen and
clean business man. His experience
in public life is limited to two terms
‘as Secretary of Commerce.
Senator Norris, of Nebraska, would
be an ideal candidate for President if
the purpose were to secure honest,
unselfish and efficient service for the
people. But he never had a “look in”
at the Kansas City convention, and
fully realized that fact. Former Gov-
ernor Lowden, of Illinois, has a repu-
tation for intelligence and ‘integrity
and has had considerable experience
in official life, having served some
time in Congress and a term as Gov-
ernor. The ambition of “Jim” Wat-
son, of Indiana, to aspire to the Pres-
idency was absurd and that of Guy
Goff, of West Virginia, a joke. So
“taking one consideration with an-
other,” as a comic opera writer put
it, the convention did the best it could.
The platform is a long drawn out
collection of vain boasts and “ponder-
ous platitudes.” It claims that every
good that has come to the people of
the country within the last half cen-
tury is ascribable to the wisdom, pa-
triotism and integrity of the Republi-
can office-holders. It eulogizes Pres-
ident Coolidge fulsomely but passes
over the iniquities of the Harding ad-
ministration, the oil scandals and the
corrupt elections. It straddles the
prohibition issue and renews the prom-
ise made four years ago, which is still
unfulfilled, for farm relief. Altogeth-
er the work of the Kansas City con-
vention is a botched job which will
fool nobody except those who were
born that way.
—If Hoover should be elected and
the Republican pledge on prohibition
enforcement be fulfilled the bootleg-
gers will enjoy a renewed license to
operate for “four years more.”
City convention nominated Senator’
Curtis, of Kansas, for Vice-President:
vigorous opposition of that section.
tressed farmers are incapable of rea-:
ho las betrayed them to. thelr ene. {roe-of tariff -
Tariff Taxation. Impairs Prosperity.
der the inspiration of its new nation-
al leader, William S. Vare, ably sup-
ported by that equally distinguished
economist, Joseph R. Grundy, has re-
add a schedule on agricultural pro-
ducts so that the levy on turnips will
equal that on products of the Alumi-
num trust, it might be worth while
for the farmers to analyze the sub-
| ject with a view to ascertaining the
effect. In a letter to the New York
Times Mr. Henry T. Scudder, of Wis-
consin, has presented some data upon
which such an investigation might be
‘based. He, at least, is not deceived
by the pretense that lowering tariff
rates would “submerge our industry.”
As an illustration of his point of
view Mr. Scudder cites the effect of
placing wool on the free list, as was
done by the Underwood tariff law
| which was in force during the years
| 1895, 1896 and 1897. He makes com-
| parison with the wool taxed periods
of 1894, 1898 and 1899. In 1894 the
domestic wool clip was 298,000,000
pounds, the importation 58,000,000
pounds and the consumption 364,654,-
904 pounds. In 1898 the clip was
266,720,684 pounds, the importation
130,795,302 and the consumption 396,-
891,015. In 1899 the clip was 272,-/
191,330, the importation 76,736,209
pounds and the consumption 334,632,-
204 pounds. If the clip, importation
and consumption had receded from
these figures during the tax-free per-
‘iod there would be some reason for
favoring the tax.
But as a matter of fact the op-
posite result obtained. In 1895 the
clip was 310,000,000, the importation |
206,033,906 and the consumption 509,-
| 411,716 pounds. In 1896 the clip was
273,000,000, the importation 230,941,-
473 and the consumption 490,939,256
pounds. In 1897 the clip was 259,-
153,251, the importation 350,852,026
and the consumption 601,304,679
pounds. In other words, during the
three years that wool was admitted
free the country consumed 582,477,-
.528 pounds more than during the same
three years that wool was admitted
' people were benefitted by better cloth-
.ing and industry improved by the la-
| bor. involved in converting raw ma-
terials into finished products.
—It seems that Mr. Vare was act-
ing under the instructions of Francis
Shunk Brown when he scooped Uncle
| Andy at Kansas City. Francis
‘Shunk is an expert in tricks other
than politics.
League of Women Voters Enjoyed
Annual Picnic.
The annual picnic of the Centre
county branch League of Women vot-
| ers, held at the home of Mrs. W. A.
i Ferree, at Oak Hall, last Friday,
proved an enjoyable outing and was
deemed a splendid success by those
‘in attendance—the number being con-
sidered very good, Bellefonte, State
| College, Boalsburg and Linden Hall
having good representations.
The weather for the day was ideal
and luncheon was served under the
stately trees on the Ferree lawn. Af-
ter luncheon Miss Lucille Buchanan,
a State organizer, gave a splendid
| talk on “When Will Women be Polit-
ically Wise?” This was followed by
ia general discussion which ran the
‘gamut of all the important political
issues of the day—voting machines,
bond issues, farm relief, the marines
in Nicaragua and the Republican con-
| vention at Kansas City.
. All those present had no hesitancy
in declaring that the pleasure of the
day was largely due to Mrs. Ferree
and her family, to whom the League
is greatly indebted.
—The Republican bosses are not
going to fool the farmers with Curtis
ias a vice presidential candidate. A
Vice President can’t do anything but
preside over the Senate. If you don’t
| believe that ask yourself what Dawes
has done by way of promoting legis-
lation during the past four years.
‘Hoover is not for the farmers, never
|was and never will be. He is the
progeny of the great corporations,
His mind is mechanical, not agricul-
tural. That was shown during the
war, when the product of every in-
dustry except that of agriculture sold
at the highest figure known. Coal,
for instance, sold for four times its
customary price, but Hoover saw to
it that the farmers who had to pay
the big prices got less than double the
usual price of their grain.
—Now that Mr. Coolidge’s “do not
choose to run” has been taken at face
value it may be said that he is per-
manently out of the picture.
S—— A —————
—Those who are trying to dead-
lock the Houston convention are
Now that the Republican party un-
affirmed its devotion to the policy of
high tariff taxation and promised to
- NO. 25.
. Amelia Earhart Makes Successful
Flight Across the Atlantic.
Atlantic ocean in an airplane, and the
two men who aided her in the cross-
| ing, reached Burry Port, Wales, Mon-
‘day afternoon. Shortly after noon
. Miss Amelia Earheart, of ‘Boston,
with Wilmer Stultz, of Williamsburg,
Pa., and Louis Gordon, mechanic,
landed their tri-motored monoplane
“Friendship” in Burry . Estuary,
completing in 20 hours and 49 min-
utes the flight from Trepassey bay,
New Foundland.
It was shortly after the dinner hour
that watchers on the Welsh coast saw
an airplane approaching from the
southwest, but it was not until the big
ship flew over Llanelly railway sta-
tion (four miles from Burry Port)
that it dawned on the curious crowds
that this was the Friendship and that
aboard it was the first cross
the Atlantic in an airplane. -
Then the Stars and Stripes painted
on the fuselage and the printed let-
ters of its name could be seen. Once
Burry Port had seen this insignia it
was a town transformed by excite-
ment. fhe
After circling gracefully over the
town the plane continued at a low al-
titude along the river to the coast.
There it narrowly escaped disaster
when it passed only a few yards to
the side of the Burry Port copper
works chimney stack. Observers held
their breath, but the plane slipped by
to make a graceful landing a few
minutes later in the Estuary, taxiing
up to a buoy where the fliers made
fast while launches and boats scurried
out to greet them. ;
The entire population of the little
town soon had rushed to greet the
fliers, and the entire district was soon
in a ferment of excitément. Not in
years had the vicinity been so awak-
ened. or
Boatmen ‘rowing out to the plane
saw first Miss Earhart, :bobbed ' hair
swathed in colored bandeau, and face
wreathed in a tired, happy smile.
They stretched their hands up from
their skiffs te the cabin of the plane
and grasped her hand, congratulating
| her with almost their first words.
She thanked them ‘simply, one of
them said upon returning, adding:
“I’m the proudest woman in the
world.” =
The ‘greater part of ‘the trip across
the Atlantic it was well ~impos-
‘sible to see anything at :
of heavy cloudbanks and driving rain,
world by means of the radio and the
occasional greetings from passing
“We were quite cheerful,” he add-
ed. “Our only anxiety was that our
fuel would not last. It was beginning
to run low when finally we sighted
Two other women who attempted
flights across the Atlantic were lost
at sea while one got as far as the
Labor’s Activity in Politics.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Even among the most insurgent el-
ements represented at Kansas City
there is little serious talk of a third
party movement. Bitter as the Re-
publicans of the corn belt feel over
the rejection of their demands, they
perceive no promise in repeating the
futile effort of 1924. In the other
field where such a tendency might be
important its absence is still more
pronounced. Organized labor is less
than ever inclined at this time to
adopt the European method of enter-
ing politics as a separate force.
Its decision is unreservedly an-
nounced in the appearance at the Re-
publican convention of the Nonparti-
san Political Campaign Committee of
the American Federation of Labor.
Having presented its demands there,
it will present them in precisely the
same form at Houston. us the
principal labor organization will as
such leave the contest to the two es-
tablished parties. It will neither take
the field itself nor seek an alliance
with one or the other. Moreover, la-
bor’s strategy will be directed to in-
fluencing not the parties, but their in-
dividual representatives. Despite the
formidable array of planks it urges,
it is less concerned to have them
adopted in the Republican and Dem-
ocratic platforms than it is to pro-
cure the election of Congressmen fa-
vorable to its cause.
This was the policy of Samuel Gom-
pers, and it is the policy of his sue-
cessors. The A. F. L. indorsement of
the La Follette ticket in 1924 was
given by the slender margin of a six-
to-five vote in the council, and was, in
fact, a formal expression of sym-
pathy rather than an active alliance,
for it laid no obligation upon any af-
filiated union or individual member.
This year it is unlikely that such a
venture would receive a vote.
Another Mystery Solved.
From The Springfield Republican.
Russia has solved the mystery of
the disappearance of its grain sur-
plus, the very simple explanation be-
ing that the poorer peasants, who con-
stitute two-thirds of the population,
are now consuming about 75 per cent
of the crop instead of 40 per cent as
formerly. Substantially it means that
for the first time they are getting
enough to eat, which is all to the
good, but they may also be getting
working for the election of Hoover.
more to drink than is good for them.
The first woman ever to cross the
Stultz said in describing the flight. |
They kept in touch with the outside |.
—Five weeks ago, Mrs. Martha Kirby,
40, of Harrisburg, fell and broke her left
leg. She was just recovering from this
injury when she fell down the basement
stairs last Friday and broke the same leg
“sl ilior a second time.
—Shamokin borough has a $25,000 bond
issue bearing four per cent interest which
it is willing to sell. Thus far no pur-
chasers have appeared and the borough
officials are considering raising the In-
terest rate as the money is badly needed.
—Joseph Chevenski, 20, escaped, on Sun-
he had been placed in default of $2000
bail on a charge of stealing automobiles.
‘When he vanished, so did the car of An-
thony Crokamo, parked in a nearby street,
—While serving as a federal juror, in
Pittsburgh, last week, the Rev. T. W. Ev-
ans, of Nant-Y-Glo, Cambria county, was
held up and robbed of $25 while walking
along an East Liberty street a: night.
The hoid-up men returned his empty
pocketbcok, the minister told his fellow
—Twelve miles of new highway were
constructed by contractors for the State
Highway Department last week, the de-
partment anounced on Monday. There
were 196 contracts under way and T7217
men employed by contractors during the
week. The highway department’s main-
tenance force numbered 7756 men.
—Part of half a million dollars loot
from a train robery in the middle west in
hidden in a barn somewhere near Harris-
burg, according to a story told detectives
by John P. Carroll, escaped convict. Car-
roll is under arrest in Philadelphia and
previously told where $50,000 of the loot
was hidden in New Jersey and Delaware.
—A thirty-twe-inch carp, weighing
twenty-six pounds, was the record of
Daniel Carstetter, 71-year-old fisherman of
Pine Top, Burnham, Thursday morning.
Landing the huge fish, while in the mid-
dle of the Juniata river, a mile west of
Lewistown, Carstetter proceeded to tell
envious fishermen about his luck. Two
full quarts of eggs were taken from the
—Miss Hazel McGuire, of Renovo, while
attending the Republican convention, at
Kansas City, as an alternate delegate from
her congressional district, stated that she
attorney general of Pennsylvania, twenty.
feet from a car from which six masked
bandits sprang and held up a Kansas City
bank, shooting two policemen and a by-
stander in making their getaway.
—Walter E. Hess, 17, a messenger for
the Western Union Telegraph company, at
Lewistown, has beein arrested by M. A.
Davis, lieutenant of Pennsylvania Rail-
road police, charged with systematically
robbing the cash drawer of the Dughi
ice cream and confectionery store. Adam
Dughi, proprietor, says he has lost ap-
proximately $100 in the last four weeks.
Marked bills in his possession led to the
arrest. :
-—Four new buildings will be added to
the equipment of the Lewistown fair
grounds, this summer, Samuel B. Russell,
secretary of the association, has an-
rounced.: These will include a building
of fifteen stalls to take care of the extra
horses that constiiute the overflow of rac-
ing stock ‘each year, and new -cxhibit
buildings for horticulture and agricultural
exhibits. : 2
—Stanley Martin, a 17-year-old Negro
youth, known as the “Terror,” was sen-
tenced to from 17% years to 35 years In
the Western Penitentiary, at Pittsburgh,
Tuesday, after he had pleaded no defense
to several charges of attacking women,
robbery and felonious assault. “I am sor-
ry that I have to be so lenient,” the Judge
remarked. A detective testified that the
vouth had confessed to more attacks than
were on the police records.
—Margaret Smith, 20, arraigned before
Mayor Joseph Cauffiel, in Johnstown,
charged with taking jewelry, clothing and
shoes from a home and shoemaker’s shop
in her neighborhood, was paroled on Mon-
day on condition that she attend church
once each week, read one chapter of the
Bible daily and report to the mayor every
three months for a period of two and one
half years. The city executive ordered
that the girl’s parents be charged with the
responsibility of seeing that she carried
out the conditions of the decree.
—Theodore O’Dell, 19, of Munson, was
cut in half by engine No. 3088 on the
New York Central railroad, near Young-
dale, last Thursday. With his father,
George O'Dell, he was working on the
track about a mile and half below Young-
dale, and was told to go a mile east of
the Shoemaker crossing to flag a train.
When the engine approached the crew saw
the man sitting on the track with his head
in his hands, apparently asleep, and blew
the whistle loudly. Dr. W. J. Shoemaker,
of Lock Haven, Clinton county coroner,
investigated the case and decided that an
inquest was unnecessary.
—Although falling 1500 feet, when an
engine and plane parted company in the
midst of a loop the loop and landing on
Lehigh street, a busy South End thor-
oughfare, in Allentown, on Monday, nei-
ther William Brooks, pilot, nor Walter
Harleman, a passenger, were injured.
Harleman’s only hurt was a scratch of the
little finger. The plane was being ope-
rated by the Gates flying circus in a field
west of Allentown for the past few days.
Harleman, an oil salesman from Potts-
ville, had gone up with Brooks for a ride
and they had just entered the loop when
the engine fell clear of the plane. Brooks
guided his craft so that it volplaned a dis-
tance of almost half a mile, coming io
earth on the busy street. The place where
the engine fell is almost half a mile away,
the impact driving it into the earth.
—Leon Chubb, 27, was instantly killed
on Friday afternoon when struck by train
No. 8, a fast express on the Pennsylvania
railroad at Vandyke, near Lewistown.
Chubb was a single man, lived with his
parents and was employed as a section
laborer. He was engaged in tearing up
crossties with an automatic trip hammer
and had just completed his last tie and
stepped into the guage of the rails to talk
to his companions when train No. 25 west-
bound went by on an adjacent track, it
and other trip hammers drowning the
sound of the approaching eastbound ex-
press. His body was thrown high in the
air, both shoes knocked from his feet, and
virtually every bone in his body crushed.
The two companions saw the approaching
train in time to get away, because they
were working on the outside of the rail,
but Chubb standing between the rails was
just a second too late.
day, from the lockup, at McAdoo, where
was standing with Miss O'Hara, depuly’
for poultry and dogs, cattle shed, a barn