Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 15, 1928, Image 8

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    Prorat atc
Bellefonte, Pa., June 15, 1928.
—The Woman’s Missionary society
of the Presbyterian church will meet
this (Friday) afternoon, at 38 o'clock,
at the home of Mrs. James H. Pot-
ter, on west Linn street.
—Officials and employees of the
‘West Penn Power company, with their
families and a few guests, motored to
the top of Nittany mountain, on Mon-
day evening, where they partook of a
picnic supper. Fl
—The New York Central picnic, in-
cluding the forces at Clearfield and
Jersey Shore, will be held at the
Clearfield driving park tomorrow. A
special train will be run from Jersey
Shore to Clearfield to carry the em-
—While on a business trip to Belle-
fonte William Motter, a traveling
salesman, suffered a stroke of par-
alysis, at the Brockerhoff house, on
Wednesday night. * The stroke was
not a severe one and he was taken
home yesterday morning.
—Commandant and Mrs. J. Ban-
ford, members of the Williamsport
unit of the Salvation Army, will be
in Bellefonte on Monday, June 18th,
and will conduct the open air meet-
ing at the Diamond as well as the in-
side meeting in the Army hall in the
Schlow block. The public is invited
to turn out and hear them.
—Harry McTigue, 12 years of ag=;
Arthur Matterer, 13; Thomas Lopen-
sky, 15, and James Wilson, 15, four
boys from Philipsburg and vicinity,
are under arrest awaiting action in
the juvenile court on the charge of
robbing the Haggerty Baking com-
pany’s plant and the James Haworth
candy factory, in Philipsburg, on
Monday night of last week.
—Some weeks ago Bishop John J.
McCort, of the Altoona diocese, ap-
pointed Rev. Francis A. McNelis, of
Gallitzin, as Catholic chaplain at
Rockview penitentiary. Before he
could begin work in his new appoint-
ment ‘he became ill, and because of
his continued illness Bishop McCort
has appointed Rev. Francis P. Mec-
Gresh, of Dudley, as chaplain.
—The various bands of Centre
county are taking turns in giving
concerts at Hecla park Sunday after-
noons. Last Sunday the Aaronsburg
band dispensed music to the gratifi-
cation of a crowd of several hundred.
The coming Sunday the Spring Mills
band will be on hand and on June
24th Wetzler’s Junior band, of Miles-
burg, will be there eighty-four strong
to entertain the crowd. :
—The Bellefonte curb market op-
ened, last Saturday morning, with
three cars in attendance. New onions,
rhubarb, dressed chickens, canned
fruit, jellies, etc., were offered for
sale. Home grown strawberries will
be coming into market pretty soon
and early cherries are beginning to
turn, so. that the market will offer a
more diversified line of produce a
week or ten days from now.
—Because the wheat crop is not
giving promise of a bountiful yield
this year many Centre county farm-
ers are going long on potatoes in the
hope of making up for what they will
lose on wheat. Over on the Colyer
farm, east of the Old Fort, H. H.
Decker has planted twenty acres to
potatoes, using 260 bushels of seed,
while W, F. Colyer has planted a fif-
teen acre field on the same farm.
Down in Liberty township Harry L.
McCloskey has put out twenty acres
on which he used 450 bushels of seed,
—Captain Edward Steidle, who for
the past nine years hus been in charge
of mining instruction at the Carnegie
Institute, Pittsburgh, has been ap-
pointed dean of the school of mines
and metallurgy, at State College, to
take the place of Dean E. A. Hol-
brook, who resigned some time ago to
become head of the department of en-
gineering and mines at the University
of Pittsburgh. The new dean is a
graduate of State College, class of
1911, and served with distinction dur-
ing the World war, having been
awarded the distinguished service
cross and medal.
—While at work on the penitenti-
ary lands on Nittany mountain, on
Tuesday morning, one of the inmates
at Rockview found a young faun that
had evidently been deserted by its
mother. The little animal, which did
not stand over eighteen inches in
height, had the appearance of being
quite young and was quite weak from
lack of nourishment. Game protec-
tor Thomas G. Mosier was notified and
went out to the penitentiary and
brought the faun to his home here.
He will keep it, if it lives, until it is
large and strong enough to take care
of itself when he will liberate it in
the mountains.
—As a result of the sale of the
Beatty Motor company Ford agency,
at State College to Russell Stein, who
will conduct the garage in the future,
Fred Perret, who had been service
man for the Beatty company at the
College, will move to Bellefonte and
look after the service work in the lo-
cal plant. He has rented the Emer-
ick house, on Spring street, recently
vacated by John J. Reginold and fam-
ily, and will move there within a few
days. J. T. Storch, former manager
of the Emerick Motor bus line, will
become service man for the Russell
Stein company, at State College. He
is in Pittsburgh this week making a
thorough study of the new Ford ‘cars.
Many Centre Countians Included on
List of Diploma Winners.
Centre county was well represented
in the class of six hundred students
graduated at State College this week.
Every county in the State was repre-
sented and many from other States
were on the sheepskin roll. '
The commencement program began
last Friday, and the first two days
were devoted mostly to the social
side of commencement, with house
parties, dances, etc.
At a meeting of the board of irus-
tees, on Saturday, the building pro-
gram for the year was the leading
topic under discussion. Special at-
tention was given to the plans for the
new engineering administration build-
ing, which will be started this sum-
cided upon for the $250,000 dormitory
for girls, which the Pennsylvania
State Grange is erecting as a memor-
ial. :
Prominent Grangers will be at the
College today, farmers’ field day, for
the breaking of ground for -his struc-
Preliminary plans for this building
have been approved and trustees
asked the architects to proceed with
plans for a new botany building for
the school of agriculture.
More than 100 delegates from agri-
cultural and engineering societies as-
sembled on Saturday for the pur-
pose of electing four members of the
board of trustees. Alumni ballots
were cast for three trustees, there be-
ing no opposition to the re-election of
Colonel J. H. M. Andrews, Philadel-
phia; Ambrose N. Diehl, Pittsburgh
and George H. Deike, Pittsburgh.
After the rendition of several num-
bers on the program, at the band con-
cert on Sunday afternoon, director
Thompson announced as the next
number the “Musser March,” written
and dedicated to a former graduate
and staunch friend of the College,
Past Grand Master Boyd A. Musser,
of Scranton. The march was a beau-
tiful medley of old-time and popular
At the annual meeting of the Al-
umni Association, on Monday, E. N.
Sullivan, ’14, announced his resigna-
tion as resident secretary to become
effective not later than the last of
October. Mr. Sullivan has been sec-
retary for nine years and will leave
the College to go into the insurance
business in Philadelphia.
At the class day exercises, on Mon-
day, the class memorial was presented
to the board of trustees. It was a
fund of approximately $3000 to be
used on the construction of the arti-
ficial lake started by the class of 1927.
The regular graduating exercises
were held on Tuesday morning when
diplomas were awarded and announce-
ment of prizes made. Centre county’s
Is among the graduates was as fol-
Edith Armstrong, Maude H. Behrer,
Frances R. Bottorf, Kenneth ¥ Bottort,
Beatrice A. Decker, John W. Felton, Rob-
ert H. Fletcher, Winifred M. Forbes, Na-
omi R. Foust, Robert A. Graham, Maude
L. Glenn. Sheldon A. Hoffman, Katherine
Holbrook, ‘Sherwood 8S. Hollobaugh, Mary
M. Houser, William H. Jones, Claude R.
Koch, Sara J. Light, Edgar A. Lonberger,
Jumes F. Markle, Max Y. Muckle, Gerald-
ine E. Moore, Charles L. Packard, Ada
J. Romig, Mrs. Nora i. Shrope, W. Lewis
Shetler, Natalie Smith, Mary E. Strachen,
Winifred 8. Wieland snd Mildred E. Zer-
by, all of State College.
Mary E. Burkholder, Centre Hall,
James H. Carpeneto, Elizabeth T. Hazel
and William 8. Nichols, Beliefonte.
George B. Goheen, Boalsburg.
Kenneth G. Haines, Kebersburg.
Dorothy G. Lowden, Oak Hall.
James G. Mitchell, Lemont.
Ralph R. Peters, Philipsburg.
Lorraine E. Way, Port Matilda.
In justice to the young graduates
it might be said that the Centre coun-
ty contingent were among the most
prominent students in campus affairs
during their four years at the Col-
lege. !
Miss Mary Burkholder, who was
graduated in the curriculum in edu-
cation, led the girls with grst honors
as “bow girl” in the class day exer-
cises on Monday. She is the retiring
president of the Senior class, was
women's editor of the college annual
last year, a member of the editorial
staff of the women’s handbook, pres-
ident of the freshman Y. W. C. A,
cabinet, and a member of the campus
clubs council. She is a member of La
Camaraderie, girls social club.
Robert H. Fletcher, who was
awarded a degree in mechanical en-
gineering, is a member of the Penn
State Players, dramatic organization,
Thespian club orchestra, college band,
college orchestra, and was on the Var-
sity football squad for two years. He
is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho
Miss Winifred Forbes, who gradu-
ated in arts and letters, was a mem-
ber of the staff of LaVie, the college
annual, rifle team, Phi Sigma Iota,
Beta Chi Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, honor-
ary societies. She was third honor
girl in the class day exercises.
Sheldon A. Hoffman, who received
a degree in commerce and finance,
served on the Sophomore hop and
Junior prom committees. He was al-
so on the soccer squad. He is a mem-
ber of Delta Pi fraternity.
Katherine Holbrook, a graduate in
arts and letters, is the retiring editor
of the Penn State Collegian, student
newspaper. She is a member of the
women’s senate, the rifle team, and
the French club. She is a member of
La Camaraderie, women’s social club.
W. Lewis Shetler, who was gradu-
An east campus location was de-
a member of the glee club, forensic
council, and Sigma Pi Sigma, honor-
ary physics fraternity.
Miss Ada Romig, who was graduat-
ed in arts and science education, has
four years. She is also a member of
the Louise Homer club, musical soci-
ety, and of the women’s quartet.
Sherwood S. Hollobaugh, received
his degree in education. He was a
member of the varsity wrestling team
for three years and is a member. of
Phi Kappa Tau fraternity.
Miss Mildred E. Zerby, who re-
ceived a degree in arts and science
education, is a member of the Y. W.
C. A. cabinet and Oread society. She
is also a member of Beta Chi Phi,
social organization.
Miss Sara J. Light, who was grad-
uated in arts and science education,
was a member of the Y. W. C. A,,
Nita-Nee, girls’s social club, and of
her class hockey and track teams.
Miss Dorothy Grace Lowder, who
was graduated in arts and science ed-
ucation, is a member of the college
choir, and of her class and varsity
- hockey teams.
Kenneth G. Haines, graduated in
i arts and letters, was a pitcher on the
and Blue Key, honor societies, and Al-
pha Sigma Phi fraternity.
Miss Mary Foust, graduated in ed-
ucation, is a member of Le Cercle
Francais, Frencl. club, and Arete,
women’s social club.
Charles L. Packard, who was grad-
uated in agricultural engineering, was
a member of the varsity wrestling
team for three years. He is a mem-
ber of Druids, Skull and Bones, hon-
or societies, and of Alpha Gamma
Rho fraternity.
Ralph R. Peters was graduated in
the course in dairy husbandry. He is
a member of the Dairy Science Club
and was on the college dairy judging
{ team. :
Miss Elizabeth T. Hazel, who was
graduted in education, was secretary
of her class in her Sophomore year
and this year was honored with the
election of May Queen.
Miss Winifred S. Wieland, who was
graduated in arts and letters, served
on the Sophomore hop committee, and
on the campus clubs council as a
member of Sychor, her social club.
Lorraine E. Way, who was graduat-
ed in arts and science education, is a
member of the Penn State Grange.
Maude H. Behrer, who was gradu-
ated in the curricullum in education,
is a member of Le Cercle Francais,
and La Camaraderie, social club for
George B. Goheen, Pennsylvania
Furnace, received a degree in arts and
letters. He was a member of the rifle
team for two years. :
Miss Maude L. Glenn, who was
graduated in the curriculum in educa-
tion, sang in the college choir, and
played on her class hockey team. She
also was a member of her class track
- Miss Naomi R. Foust, who was
graduated in the curriculum in educa-
tion, is a member of Arete, women’s
social club.
James H. Carpeneto was graduated
in commerce and finance,
Bellefonte Academy Closed On Friday
After Successful Year.
The Bellefonte Academy closed,
last Friday, after one of the most
successful years in the history of the
the entire school year and at the com-
pletion of the examinations, last
week, thirty young men completed
their course and are eligible to enter
the college of their choice next Sep-
tember. The prize winners for the
school year, as announced by head-
‘| master James R. Hughes, on Friday,
are as follows:
James Potter Hughes mathematical
prize, $10.00, divided between Theodore
Eithborn, of Erie, and Leonard Brett, of
Classical prize of $10.00, G. Carrell, Far-
rell, Pa.
Oratorical prizes, George Solomon, of
Wilkes-Barre, and Felix Reber, Marion,
Copeland prize in American history, $10,-
00 each to George Carrell, of Farrell, and
Louis Stewart, of Yohoghany.
Copeland $20.00 gold medal to the most
helpful athlete during year, Egbert Sam-
ple, of Middletown, Ohio.
Harrison Rick prize of $10.00 to stn-
dent having highest marks during Senior
year, Donald Yeager, Wilkes-Barre.
A beautiful Bellefonte Academy pin,
worth $15.00, by F. P. Blair & Son, to
most useful football player during sea-
son, Paul Smith, Monaca.
Walter Schatzman prizes, $10.00 each to
V. Spangler, Bellefonte, and Richard
Schlaudecker, of Erie.
Chemistry prize, Neal Magee, Warren,
Senior English prize, $10.00, Ellsworth
Houston, Pittsburgh. .
Sophomore English prize, $10.00, D.
Hughes, Bellefonte.
Modern language prize, $10.00, Willard
Bland, Bellwood.
The Workmaster prizes for the neatest
rooms, $10.00 and $5.00 respectively, Davia
Turner and Quincy Hershey, Pittsburgh;
Felix Reber, Marion, Ohio, and Thomas
Skinner, Pittsburgh.
W. C. T. U. prize, Arnold Mitchell, Bing-
hamton, N. Y. Honorable mention, For-
rest Edwards, Shamokin.
The Rennsselear gold medal for the
best student in higher mathematics and
science, William Buchannan, Philadelphia.
ss —— A A as————————
—The treasurer’s sale of seated and
unseated lands for unpaid taxes was
held at the court house on Monday
afternoon. The list was not nearly as
large as in previous years and it took
only about an hour to dispose of all
the offerings.
been the women’s glee club soloist for
college baseball team for three years. .
He is a member of Skull and Bones, '
school. A capacity attendance marked
ated in the curriculum in physics, is Judge Fleming Appoints Leo Boden
County Detective.
Judge M. Ward Fleming, who is
, holding court in Ridgway this week,
announced through his private secre-
tary, on Monday, the appointment of
Leo Boden, of Philipsburg, as county
. detective, effective June 15th. Salary,
$1500 per year. The announcement
' states that the appointment was made
with the approval of the County Com-
missioners and upon petition of John
G. Love, district attorney.
The announcement, as given to the
: press, further states that Boden was
{born in Beaver Falls. He enlisted in
the U. S. army in April, 1917, and
served eighteen months overseas with
the 18th air service. During 1919 and
1920 he worked in the steel mills of
Babcock & Wilcox, at Beaver Falls.
During 1921-23 he served as a mem-
ber of the State police and received an
honorable discharge at the expiration
of his enlistment. He served as a
sergeant of police for the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad, at
Buffalo, N. Y., 1923-25; and since
then has been employed as assistant
chief of police in Philipsburg. He
has been highly recommended for
honesty and efficiency by all his em-
New Hospital Ambulance Assured as
Result of Drive.
A new ambulance for the Centre
! County hospital is assured as a re-
jit of the drive recently made to
| raise money for that institution. At
‘a meeting of the drive committee, on
: Tuesday evening, Mr. Sommerville,
oe chairman, reported the total
amount of money raised as $7812,
| with Millheim, Howard and several
| other places to hear from. He figured
that when all 1eports are in the total
will probably reach eight thousand
dollars. Of this amount, however, a
little over $2300 was pledged for the
ambulance which leaves less than five
thousand dollars for general hospital
Three bids were submitted from
“auto dealers on furnishing an ambu-
lance. They included the Studebaker,
Nash and Peerless. As the bids were
submitted in a rather complicated
form, and the committee as a whole
were unable to decide on which mske
would be the best to purchase, a sub-
committee of three was appointed to
thoroughly examine all bids and make
a recommendation at a special meet-
ing of the general committec to be
held tomorrow evcning.
Ground Broken on Monday for New
Gas Plant,
Ground was broken, on Monday,
for the new plant of the Central
Pennsylvania Gas company near
Axe Mann, on the location of the
Clinton Markle farm as published in
last week’s Watchman. A gang of
| eighteen or twenty men were put to
work, preference being given to mar-
ried men with families who have been
out of work for some time. As ne-
cessity reuqires the force of men will
be increased until the maximum num-
ber needed has been employed.
Borough employees digging a ditch
on east Curtin street led to a report’
; that the company had also started
work in Bellefonte, but this was a
mistake. A survey is now being con-
ducted in both Bellefonte and State
College to secure a list of possible
customers. Just what headway is be-
ing made in this connection has not
been made public. When the survey
is completed those sections of Belle-
jfonte in which the most customers
have been obtained will be given the
preference when it comes to putting
down the supply pipes. The same
| condition will likely obtain in State
Samuel Baird Lands Biggest Daddy
Trout of Season.
Samuel Baird, of Lewistown, was
back at his home in Milesburg a few
days during the week and naturally
he tried his hand at fishing just to
see whether he had lost any of the
skill with which he pulled trout and
suckers from the waters of Spring
creek and the Bald Eagle in former
years. And the success that attended
his efforts, on Monday, would indicate
that he is still quite adept.
Fishing near the bridge, in Miles-
burg, at the junction of Spring creek
with Bald Eagle, he landed the big-
gest buck trout that has been caught
in Centre county this season. It
measured 29 inches in length and
weighed 73 pounds. Mr. Baird quit
right then and couldnt resist the
temptation to bring his prize beauty
to Bellefonte and display it to some
of the local fishermen ‘who pride
themselves on their skill at landing
the speckled beauties.
County Commissioners Will Not Build
Road Through Park.
Residents of Jail hill have been
considerably exercised, of late, over a
rumor that the County Commissioners
intended building a driveway in the
rear of the court house through the
park. When seen this week County
Commissioner Spearly stated that the
matter had never been considered by
the commissioners, and that all he
had heard of it was talk on the
streets. . He stated that to build such
a driveway would cost at least two
thousand dollars and would be no ma-
terial benefit, so far as he could see.
Then again, it could not help but mar
the beauty of the park between the
court house and the jail, and the com-
missioners will not do anything to
spoil the park.
—After a three weeks’ visit home with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook. of
west Linn street, James Cook will leave
this week, to return to Colorado.
—Mrs. Benjamin Bradley will leave early
in the week, to drive to her former home
in East Aurora, N. Y., where she will vis-
it for ten days or more with her sister,
Mrs. Peek.
—Mrs. J. T. Storch, who had her baby
boy in Williamsport for a fortnight re-
ceiving treatment at one of the hospitals,
returned home this week. The child is
somewhat improved.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Musser came up
from Philadelphia, Saturday, and are oc-
cupying a part of their home on Logan
street. Their plans are for being in Belle-
fonte for the remainder of June.
—Joseph Parrish, with Miss Elizabeth
Cooney as a motor guest, left Tuesday‘
morning on a drive to Philadelphia ex-
pecting to return to-morrow. Joseph went
down to finish his examinations while Miss
Cooney’s trip was on business.
—Mrs. E. Ellsworth Sager arrived here
from Philadelphia Wednesday evening,
and has been at the Bush house, while
getting her house on Thomas street ready
for occupancy. Mrs. Sager expects to spena
much of the summer in Bellefonte.
—Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz and her two
children, Lois and Frederick, left last
week for Buffalo, N, Y., intending to go
from there to their summer home on
Crystal Lake, Canada, where they have
spent their summers for several years.
—Miss Mary Shoemaker, a Senior at
Trinity College, Washington, D. C.. is
home for her vacation, intending to spend
the summer in Bellefonte with her moth-
er, Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker and the family,
at the Shoemaker home on west High
—Alter K. Ulsh and his cousin Mr. Ba-
shoar, of Millersburg, both former resi-
dents of Bellefonte, were here over night
this week, because of the sale of the May-
er mill property on west Lamb street,
which was held yesterday afternoon on the
—Harold Hoag, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank P. Hoag, and a junior at Penn
State, left this week, to spend eight weeks
in an engineering camp at Bodine, Pa.
His work during the two months he is in
camp will consist of four hundred hours
of work in surveying.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Homer and their
son, Lewis, have been house guests of
their cousins, Mrs. A. C. Mingle and Miss
Fannie Hoffer, during the week, having
come in from Greenville, Pa., for the com-
mencement exercises, Paul Homer an older
son, being a member of the class of 1928.
——Miss Margaret Brockerhoff will come
up from Philadelphia this week, for her
first visit home with her uncle and broth-
er, Dr. Joseph and Henry Brockerhoff,
since her return from the Pacific coast.
Miss Brockerhoff went west shortly after
Christmas and returned to Philadelphia
the first of June.
—Thomas King Morris Jr., expects to
come in from Pittsburgh tomorrow to
spend his two weeks’ vacation here and
at State College. King is with the Bell
Telephone company of Pittsburgh, and
was recently appointed to the position of
assistant traffic superintendent in the
South Hills distriet. :
_—Mrs. J. Will Conley was in from Pitts-
burgh to join the 400 alumni, back for
commencement at Birmingham seminary,
last week, coming on to Bellefonte for a
short visit and to look after some business
interests. On her visit here Mrs. Conley
was accompanied by a Mrs. Brown, a girl-
hood friend and her room-mate at Bir-
—Mr. and Mrs. Ebbert Hollabaugh and
their small son Richard, are here from
Corry for the summer, expecting to
spend the time with Mrs. Hollabaugh’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Johnson, of
Bellefonte, and at the Hollabaugh home
at State College. Mr. Hollabaugh drove
to Bellefonte from Buffalo to join her
—Mrs. H. L. Ludwig and her three chil-
dren, who are guests of Mrs. Ludwig's
mother, Mrs. D. I. Willard, ‘motored here
from Wilkinsburg, Saturday. Mr. Ludwig
came in to attend commencement at Penn
State, of which he is a graduate and then
returned home alone, leaving his family
here to visit in Bellefonte during the
month of ‘June.
-—Miss Barbara Lees, associate editor of
the Renovo Record and her brother, J. W.
Lees, of Altoons, with whom she was
motoring stopped in Bellefonte for several
hours, Wednesday, enroute to Jersey City,
where Miss Lees expected to spend a week
of her vacation with a sister. Miss Lees’
interest in Bellefonte, was through her
connection at one time, with this paper.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Wagner and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deitrick returned
from Allentown Saturday night, where
they had been attending comemncement at
Cedar Crest college, their daughters, Miss
Anne Wagner and Miss Ruth Deitrick be-
ing members of the graduating class. Miss
Wagner, who has been spending a week at
Hornell, N. Y., will come to Bellefonte this
—Mr. and Mrs .John Wetzel Harper
with their two children, Elizabeth an d
John, arrived here from Schenectady, N.
Y., last week, to spend Mr. Harper's vaca-
tion with his mother, Mrs. Jared Harper,
and with Mrs. Harper's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Barnhart. The visit was made
at this time so that Mr. Harper might at-
tend the commencement at Penn State, of
which he is an alumnus.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. TT. Hall have as house
guests at their home on their farm near
Unionville, their daughter-in-law, Mrs. C.
W. Hall, her daughter, Betty-Jean and
Esther Espenshade, all of Harrisburg. Mr.
Hall went to the capital to see his son,
David graduate from commercial college,
the C. W. Hall family and Miss Espen-
shade making the drive to Unionville to
bring him and David home. C. W. Hall
then returned to Harrisburg, but will
come to Centre county later for his fam-
—A party of men with the General Elec-
tric Co., of Nelson Park, Cleveland, snd
their wives, were guests at the Nittany
country club for several days the after-
part of last week. The party accompa-
nied by Mrs. Joseph Ceader, her daughter,
Mrs. Gamble and Joseph Jr., included Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Whiteside, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Patterson, Mr, and Mrs. Mendel
Abbott, Thomas Kuren and Mr. Van Curan.
The men drove in Thursday for several
days of golf, the women joining them at
Hecla, Saturday.
—Mrs. Charles R. Beatty and two of hc
children, are with relatives at Mrs. Bea
ty’s former home in Pittsburgh.
—Charles Keichline has returned
Lakeworth, Fla. following a two month
visit home with his parents, Mr. and Mr
Peter Keichline,
—Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Hever!
have been at Conneaut Lake this wee
representing the local chapter of the Ea
tern Star at the Grand Chapter meetin
—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Witmer and the
daughter, Pauline, are on a motor trip °
Jackson, Mich, where Mr. Witmer ha
been attending an international conventic
of radio dealers.
—Gray Furey, son of Mr. and Mr.
George Furey and a sophomore at Per
State, has accepted a summer position «
a dairy farm at Southboro, Mass. a1
left Tuesday, expecting to begin his wo:
at once.
—Mrs. J. M. Bricker has had as hou
guests this week, her daughter, Mrs. Lou
H. Brown, of York, with her four chi
dren and nurse and Miss Belle Lowery,
McKeesport, the latter being a niece
Mrs. Bricker,
—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Widdowson’s Ju
guests have included Mr. Widdowson
brothers and their wives, Mr. and Mi
Ralph and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Widdo
son, of Indiana, Pa., and Alfred Pinc
bach, of New York city.
—James H. Weaver, of Milesburg, w
in town last Friday. It is not unusu
for Jim to be in town, but inasmuch
he was all dressed up we opined that th
was purely a business and social trip ar
had nothing to do with his business as
building contractor.
—Virginia Cruse, who made her hon
in Bellefonte with her grandmother ar
aunt, Mrs. Cruse and Mrs. Woodring f
several years, was in from Pittsburgh f
the commencement at the Bellefonte Hig
school, of which she is a graduate. Vi
ginia is the only daughter of T. G. Crus
of Pittsburgh.
—Mrs. Charles Moerschbacher, of sou
Thomas street, is entertaining her daug
ter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Moerschbach
Jr. and her two sons, of Dayton, Ke
tucky, who arrived in Bellefonte, Sunda
Mr. Moerschbacher will join them here (
the third of July for a month’s visit ba:
home, and will then accompany them
Kentucky on or about the first of Augus
—Miss Mary Robb is home from Char
bersburg; Mary Katz, from the Unive
sity of Ohio; Evelyn Rogers, from St. J
seph’s college, Emmettsburg, Md.; Ru
Deitrick, from Cedar Crest, Allentow:
Joseph Herman, from University of Pitt
burgh; Mahlon Robb, from University
Pennsylvania; Nevin Jodon, from Phil
delphia and Meyer Musser, from Susqu
hanna University, at Selinsgrove, for the
summer vacation.
—Fred Craft droVe to Bellefonte, Satu
day, leaving Sunday with Mrs. Craft ar
their two children for Buffalo, N. 1}
where the Craft family will make the
home and where Mr. Craft has been en
ployed for some time. The Harry Ot
family, who were here from Johnstow
to see the Crafts before they deft r
turned home Sunday afternoon, accomp
nied by Edward Kern, who will sper
his vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Otto a:
the family.
—Charles A. Schreyer, of Chicago, w.
an arrival here, Wednesday evening, on ¥
annual pilgrimage to the old home tow
Mr. Schreyer is one of the three boys le
in a family of five girls and five boys a1
judging from his appearance yesterd:
morning it will be a long time before I
comes back on the final trip. From he
he will go to Gettysburg to gratify h
increasing desire for quiet survey of tl
historic battlefield. He goes there near
every year and from there he will journ«
on to Atlantic City for the annual mee
ing of the American Railway Associatio
of which he is a life member.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker le
Bellefonte at 3.08 o'clock, Monday afte
noon, for Pittsburgh, where they join¢
a special train of Kiwanians bound f
the Kiwanian International convention
be held at Seattle, Wash., next week. M
Walker, who is president of the Bell
fonte Kiwanis club, goes as its offici
representative. The route to the Nort
west will be over the Chicago, Milwa
kee and St. Paul road, and returning t
party will spend two or three days on
trip through Yellowstone park, expecti
to be home by the first of July. Durir
Mr. and Mrs. Walker's absence their tv
daughters will be with their grandmoth¢
Mrs. Alice Robb, and early in July w
become members of a camping party
Camp Cedar Pines, near Jersey Shore.
Pennsylvania Might Change Schedu
on Lewisburg Branch.
The Pennsylvania Railroad cor
pany is again considering a change :
its schedule of trains on the Lewi
burg branch which, however, will n
mean any reduction in trains. TI
plan under consideration is to hav
both trains lay over in Sunbury, or
to leave there on the present schedul
at six o’clock in the morning and a
rive at Bellefonte at the usual tim
Returning the train will leave Bell
fonte at ten o’clock, pick up the mi
cars enroute and reach Sunbury wit!
in eight hours. The other train w:
make the round trip in the afternoo
This would not materially interfe:
with the mail service in Pennsvall¢
and will give residents of the Sou
side who want to come to Bellefon
by train a longer time in the tow
If this is done, however, it will me:
the putting on of a star mail rou
between Bellefonte and State Colle;
to handle the mail that comes here «
the night train for the College a1
alse that that comes in on the Lehig
at 1.20 p. m. If such proves to |
the case Nathan Kofman might g
his contract after all.
—Mrs. Millard Hartswick had h
tonsils removed, at the Centre Cou
ty hospital, on Tuesday.
Bellefonte Grain Markets,
Oerrected Weekly by O. Y. Wagner & (
‘Wheat - - - - 1.
ORLB. sevisnversosevivsscsnsncniresnnaie ot
BAPIOY . scviorucisnvirarsisuassvassinses. 1
Buckwheat ...seivsseessinessrcenssees 1.