Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 04, 1928, Image 6

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    County]Correspondence Ford touring car, 2 desks, 2 coal BOALSBURG. Dogs and Hydrophobia. | ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW
: y 2 sh White sewin : yh — ! S-
Wemorratic, Watcuon, i or ho AN PE el Mrs. W. J. Wagner is recovering Whi of ] $s most Yigesnreed 2 BUR Bol p BING —Atetnoy-at
re PINE GROVE MENTIONS. stand, a complete equipment of sad- [from an illness of several days. RO a tot De IN ai Ta a 1D Cria rs
Bellefonte, Pa., May 4, 1928.
Your Health,
The First Concern.
During 1924 one in five of the per-
sons who died in the United States
died as the result of one of the com-
plications of high blood pressure, ei-
ther heart failure, brain hemorrhage
or uremia.
‘Of persons after 45 years of age,
approximately one of three dies of
one of the terminal complications of
high blood pressure. Methods of re-
cording the blood pressure accurately
have been used only during the last
25 years. During that time many at-
tempts have been made to determine
the cause of high blood pressure, but
without success.
There has been much discussion as
to whether chronic inflammations of
the kidneys caused the high blood
pressure or resulted from it. Even
today there are many adherents on
both sides of this question.
However, there is a vast amount of
evidence to indicate that high blood
pressure is not always associated with
chronic inflammations of the kidneys,
and the great number of cases in
which the blood pressure is high with-
out any apparent inflammation of the
kidneys is sufficient to cancel the kid-
ney disease as the universal cause.
It is known that persons who are
considerably overweight after middle
age also tend to have high blood pres-
sure. At least a reduction of weight
in. such persons is frequently accom-
panied by a drop in the blood pres-
sure. Many cther conditions are like-
ly to be associated with the increased
blood pressure. Current views tend
to the belief that the exciting cause
1s some substance circulating in the
blood and associated with changes in
the tissue structures.
High blood pressure is one of the
things which seems to occur in fam-
ilies, so that either .the structure of
the body, the nature of the chemical
reaction, or some other hereditary
factor may be said to play some part.
. The most common method of treat-
ing the condition is by diminishing
body activities, and lowering the diet
so that less stress will be placed upon
the tissues.
High blood pressure is one of the
conditions which comes on insidiously,
but. is found frequently for the first
time during the course of a life in-
surance examination or by a periodic
physical examination.
The physician who discovers the
presence of an increased blood pres-
sure is likely to make a complete
physical examination of the patient
to determine any other defect which
may exist in the body, and his first
step will be to correct such defects.
Attention is paid particularly to in-
fections of the teeth, of the tonsils,
and of various organs in the body
which may be the source of chronic
irritations or for the dissemination of
Jueeton to other portions of the
Today the aphorism in the treat-
ment of high blood pressure is regu-
lar hours of play properly supervised,
regular hours of rest and plenty of
rest, and a low diet.
Studies of blood pressure shows
that the heart pumps 40 per cent less
blood when the person is standing
quietly than when he is in the lying
position. Here is the explanation of
why women grow faint when they
stand quietly during a dress fitting
and why soldiers at attention keel
Foods which are most apt to cause
high blood pressure are those contain-
ing purins. These are small bits which
are particularly numerous in meat
soups and extracts.
Omit such foods, therefore, as well
as meat itself, especially animal or-
gans used for foods such as liver,
kidneys and sweet breads.
The foods which are best for those
suffering from blood pressure are
starchy foods, vegetables, fruits, fats
and milk preparations.
It should be comparatively easy to
plan a diet, as it is chiefly a matter of
making up menus composed of fruits,
vegetables, starchy food and milk.
. A before-breakfast drink of fruit
juice is a good way to begin the day.
Breakfast may have raw or cooked
fruit, porridge, cereal with cream,
graham bread toast and a cup of hot
milk or cereal coffee.
For luncheon there may be a vege-
table salad with whole-wheat bread, a
dessert of ice-cream and another glass
of milk.
Dinner may begin with a cream of
vegetable soup and be followed by a
baked vegetable dish, a crisp salad
and a fruit or frozen dessert.
Other things that may help to re-
Hon. J. Will Kepler is confined to
bed with an attack of the grip.
Mrs. Sophia Reed, of Franklinville,
is visiting Centre county friends.
A. E. Martin has returned from the
Geisinger hospital much improved.
Mrs. John Haugh is an observation
patient in the Kelly hospital, Balti-
The primary school, Miss Mary
Burwell teacher, ended its term on
H. M. Walker and Samuel Fogle-
man spent Friday in Bellefonte on le-
gal business.
Melvin Barto is limping around as
the result of being kicked by a horse,
last Thursday.
Sparky Pfoust and George Wieland,
of Pennsylvania Furnace, spent Thurs-
day evening in town.
Mrs. Harry Reed went down to
Lewisburg, on Thursday, for a brief
visit with her brother.
Mrs. Guy Fishel has gone to Bai-
leyville to spend two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Weaver.
John McClain, of Mount Union,
spent the early part of the week at
the M. C. Weiland home.
Mrs. Laura Lytle spent the latter
end of the week with her brother,
Elmer C. Ross, at Lemont.
Mrs. Harry Glenn was taken to the
Geisinger hospital, Danville, on Tues-
day to undergo an operation.
Rev. C. W. Rishel will fill the pul-
pit in the Methodist church here on
Sunday evening, at 7.30 o’clock.
Fred Rossman, who is engaged in
the gas and oil business at Eldorado,
spent Sunday with his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Lytle and
daughter, Lilian, visited friends in
Philipsburg the latter end of the
Mrs. Susan Goss has closed her
home in town and has gone to the
farm to spend the summer with her
J. H. Gilliland, of Baileyville, is en-
gaged in delivering seed corn and po-
tatoes among the farmers of Fergu-
son township.
Robert Wigton, of Spruce Creek
valley, has purchased a large tractor
for use on his farm. It is capable of
pulling four plows. :
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clayton Corl and
three interesting children motored
down from Juniata for a brief visit
among the home folks.
A little daughter has arrived in the
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilliland home.
It is their firstborn and has been
christened Nannie Carolyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wogan and
son Don braved the blizzard, on Sat-
urday, and motored down from Al-
toona to see their many friends.
Louise Rossman, young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rossman, is a
patient in the Clearfield hospital, suf-
fering with an attack of spinal men-
W. F. Thompson and wife motored
to Cincinnati, last week, to visit their
son, William Jr., who recently moved
there from Chicago to accept a better
After a several weeks’ visit with
friends at Bellwood Mrs. Sarah Eveits |
has returned home and is back at her
job of wielding the yardstick behind |
the counter.
Mrs. Viola Rossman has recovered
from an operation she recently under-
went, at the Centre County hospital,
and returned to her home at Rock
Springs last Friday.
Mrs. Mary Cox, who spent most of
the winter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Frank, went to Bellefonte,
last Thursday, to join her husband
and engage in light housekeeping.
The Petersburg dramatic club will
appear in the I. O. O. ¥. hall, Satur-
day evening, in the comedy drama,
“Can’t Keep a ‘Good Man Down.” The
club carries a twelve piece orchestra.
Prices 20 and 35 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Markle and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Markle, of Al-
toona, were recent guests at the J.
Arthur Fortney home. They report
dull times in Altoona. There is little
work and two men for every job.
Measles, whooping cough and
mumps are causing many vacant seats
in the public schools. Quite a num-
ber of older people have the grip and
tonsilitis and Master Robert Reed is
suffering with an attack of pneumo-
nia. :
Mrs. Hudson was the principal
speaker at the Wednesday evening
meeting in the M. E. church, talking
in the interest of the drive for Near
East relief. As the cause is a good
one Ferguson township should do its
J. Calvin Markle, a former resi-
dent in our town, but who spent the
winter with relatives in Pittsburgh,
became seriously ill, recently, and was
taken to his home at Orchard Cross-
ing, Blair county. He is a brother of
Mrs. Charlotte Kepler and Mrs. Jo-
seph Johnson.
Davis Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Clark, of the Branch, was nine
years old on Saturday, and his par-
ents gave a party in his honor. Quite
a number of his schoolmates and
voung friends were among the guests,
dlery and shoe-making tools and many
other articles. Sale at 1 o’clock.
Miss Grace Boob was in Bellefonte
on a shopping expedition, on Satur-
The numerous rains and deep snow
fall have retarded farm work consid-
Mack Murray and bride have moved
into the James Davidson tenant house,
near the depot.
Our schools closed on Friday and
all the kiddies are enjoying the first
days of their vacation.
Lee Summers, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Summers, is quite iil with
an attack of pneumonia.
Preaching services will be held in
the Baptist church, at Milesburg, Sun-
day evening, at 7.30 o’clock, by Rev.
G. A. Herr, pastor.
Roy Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
McLaughlin and Miss Edna Irwin
were visitors at the Earl Custer home,
in Bellefonte, on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Witherite and
daughter Ruth motored over from
Osceola Mills, on Sunday afternoon,
and visited friends here and at Run-
John Walker and daughter, Cora,
with his grandson, Donald and Wil-
lard Fisher, Mrs. Irvin and daughter,
Florence, attended the meeting held at
the school house in Runville, Wed-
nesday evening.
The heavy snow on Friday night
and Saturday did considerable dam- |
age to fruit trees in this section by |
breaking off limbs, etc. Of course,
all the telephones were put out of
service by broken down poles and
wires and the electric service was al-
so out of commission on Saturday.
Mrs. Mervin Hoy spent Wednesday |
at the Harry Hoy home.
Mrs. Harry Hoy and son, Willard
attended church, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Deitz and daughter, Jo-
sephine called on Mrs. Mervin Hoy,
Friday afternoon.
Roy Korman, of Stormstown, was
a pleasant calle: at the Harry Hoy
home, Wednesday.
Mrs. Joseph Neff and children have
returned home after visiting a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hoy. They stopped in a few
minutes with Mrs. Mervin Hoy on
their way to Howard for the train.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bell, of Ohio,
are visiting friends here.
Dr. Pattee and Mr. and Mrs. John
Stetson arrived home recently, after
spending the winter in Florida.
Mrs. Austin Patrick, who has been
ill at the Geisinger hospital, at Dan-
ville, has so far recovered as to re-
turn to her home.
Mrs. Henry Sents is a patient in
the Centre County hospital, where
the stork brought her a new baby
girl, Saturday morning.
duce blood pressure are warm baths,
gentle massage, electric light baths,
restricted use of salt, automatic ex-
ercise, diathermy.
and it is needless to say they all had
an enjoyable time.
During the blinding snow storm, on
Friday night, an automobile hit A.
Stine Walker: as he was crossing the
street, knocked him down and cut
quite a gash on his head. The driver
of the machine was not running fast.
He assisted Mr. Walker to his home
and aided him in every way possible.
Last year Aaron C. Kepler planted
two acres in strawberries and now he
is putting out 1500 more plants for
next year’s crop. He has seven acres
in raspberries, cabbage and sweet
corn and will plant 20 acres with po-
tatoes. He recently recived a car-
load of seed potatoes from Michigan
which cost him $1800.
On Saturday, May 5, tomorrow,
there will be sold at the home of the
late J. H., Williams, on Main street, a
Don’t forget that the most import-
ant food elements present in any one
foodstuff are not always those exist-
ing in largest quantities.
Take potatoes, for example. Starch
makes up the principal portion of po-
tato, but starch may be had from any
number of other foods—bread, rice,
all cereals and the like. On the other
hand, the most important elements in
the potato are the mineral salts which
are found just next the skin.
Besides this, one of the chief ser-
vices rendered by the potato to the
diet lies in the fact that it is alkaline
in;its final reaction. Many would be
benefitted if they took potatoes in-
stead of bread with their meals, for
potatoes leave an alkaline residue.
Miss Jean Noll, of Bangor, is visit-
ing at her home for a few days.
The members of the local Y. P. B.
will be guests of the Centre Hall Y.
P. B. next Monday evening, May 7th,
at their dues social.
A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Kent last week.
The Lutheran Missionary society
met at the home of Mrs. George Ho-
man, on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson, of
Crafton, were guests for'a week, of
Mrs. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. M. A.
Postmaster Jacob Meyer was off
duty several days, last week, engaged
in making some improvements about
his home. Miss Murray had charge
of the postoffice.
Boalsburg was without electric
service from Saturday until Tuesday
afternoon. The telephone operators
were able to call only eight patrons
and a number of trees and barn roofs
were damaged by the weight of the
John Korman spent a few days in
the western part of the State.
Gilbert Payne, of Columbus, Ohio,
is visiting with his mother, Mrs.
Mary Payne.
Mrs. James Lytle, of State College,
was a Saturday caller at the home of
her brother, Elmer Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ishler, of Pleas-
ant Gap, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wil-
son, of Huntingdon, were Sunday
guests at the Joseph Neff home.
Pennsylvania Needs More Foodstuffs.
So rapidly is the population of the
| Commonwealth increasing that farm-
ers in Pennsylvania have not, in spite
of all the improved methods, kept
pace in the production of food pro-
ducts, records of the Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture show.
While production per farmer has in-
creased 40 per cent in the last 50
years, nevertheless population has in-
creased so fast that, if this total pro-
duction today were distributed equal-
ly among all the people, each would
have 40 per cent less home grown
produce than each had a half century
ago, studies made by the bureau of
statistics reveal.
The population has increased ap-
proximately 6,000,000 since 1870
while the production of wheat, for
example, has increased only 5,000,-
000 bushels, which means that the
per capita production has decreased
from almost five bushels to two bush-
els. The present per capita consump-
tion is estimated at more than four
bushels. The production of potatoes,
however, has almost kept pace with
consumption by an increase of 14,400,-
000 bushels.
Pennsylvania farms come nearer
meeting the demand within the Com-
monwealth for apples, potatoes, milk
and eggs than they do for wheat and
dog that bit you, or have him killed
you will not have hydrophobia. As
a matter of fact, Rydrophobia is a
specific germ disease; and if a person
is bitten by a dog suffering from that
disease, he is extremely likely tc be-
come inoculated, no matter what hap-
pened to the dog, and, unless he gets
Ye Pasteur treatment in time, will
As a rule now, when a person is
bitten by a dog suspected of having
rabies, health officers insist that the
dog be kept under observation for a
certain length of time, instead of be-
ing killed at once, in order to see if
the animal develops the suspected dis-
ease. Or, if some superstitious per-
son has already killed the dog, the
head, if possible, is at once secured and
examined for a “positive” or “nega-
tive” result, in order that it may be
ascertained if it is necessary for the
bitten person to take the “treatment.”
But so difficult is it to supplant an-
cient superstitions by modern science
that, all over the country, dogs which
have bitten persons are killed in the
firm belief that danger of hyropho-
bia is thereby eliminated and no fur-
ther regard is paid to the incident un-
til, in some cases, the bitten person
develops the dread disease and it is
too late for help. In the vast major-
ity of cases the dog probably did not
have hydrophobia at all and the pa-
tient would have been safe anyway.
In the other cases the patient dies as
a sacrifice to a superstition.
This superstition is merely an ex-
ample of the old fallacy of our primi-
tive ancestors, sympathetic magic. You
kill the dog of which the disease is a
part and you kill the disease. And,
by sympathy, that part of the disease
which has been transferred to the
human being, this transference hav-
ing been accomplished, according to
the theory of our ancestors, by “the
magic of contact.—Irving King.
——The Watchman gives all the
news while it is news.
Miserable Wit
Too Often This Warns of
Sluggish Kidney Action.
Bry day find you lame and achy
—suffering nagging backache,
headache and dizzy on 1 Are the
idney excretions too frequent, scanty
or burning in passage? These are
often si f sluggish kidneys and
Foi be ply agers
Use Doan’s Pills. Doan’s, a stimu-
lant diuretic, increase the secretion of
the kidneys and thus aid in the
elimination of waste impurities. Are
endorsed by users everywhere. + Ask
your neighbor!
Foster-Milburn Co. Mfg. Chem. Buffalo, NY.
calls to your out-of-town friends, even
though they live as far as forty or fifty
miles away, are handled by your local
She takes charge of your call and sees
your “in-town” friends.
it through. You don’t even hang up
your receiver.
Your out-of-town friends can be
reached as easily and conveniently as
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusteed to care. Offices—No. 5, Bast
High street. 07-44
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro=
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-5
Bellefonte State Coll
Crider’'s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg,
8. GLENN, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his residence.
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction = guaranteed. Frames replaced
and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg., High
St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tt
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by
the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday,
Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op-
posite the Court House, Wednesday after-
noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9
a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40
: Feeds
Wayne Chick Starter - $4.50 per H.
Wayne All Mash Starter, 4.40 Der H.
Wayne Buttermilk
Growing Mash - -
Wayne All Mash Grower,
Wayne Chick Feed - -
Wayne Egg Mash - - 3.50 per H.
Wayne 32% Dairy Feed, 3.10 per H.
Wayne 249, Dariy Feed, 2.80 per H.
3.75 per H.
3.50 per H.
3.50 per H.
Wayne Pig Meal - . 3.20 r H.
Wayne Calf Meal - - 4.25 oe H.
Wagner's 22% Dairy Feed, 2.60 per H.
Wagner’s 32% Dairy Feed, 2.80 per H.
Wagner's Pig Meal - 3.00 per H.
Good Clean Barley - -1.30 per bu.
Good Clean Seed Oats 85c. per bu.
When you want good Bread
or Pastry try
“Our Best” Flour
“GOLD COIN” Flour a high
grade of spring wheat Pat.
b. Y. Wagner & Go., Ine
86-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the
There 1s no style of work, from the
cheapes. “Podger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, ana al Prices
consistent with the class of werk.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte.