Built INK SLINGS. 1 —Centre county Democrats prop- erly saw to it that the Hon. Robert M. Foster ran well ahead of the field for delegate-at-large to the national convention. —Somebody seems to have taken a pretty good wallop at the Scott- Fleming forces in the North ward of Bellefonte on Tuesday. Both Ham and Foster carried it. —Mr. Gene Tunney’s recent lecture ‘on Shakespeare to the students at Yale will cause some to wonder whether Eli is slipping back or Fis- ‘tiana is creeping up. —Isn’t it nice that the D. A. R. congress adjourned without declaring war on anybody. The ladies were most skillful in evading several more or less difficult issues. —We take it that Dr. Ham is not feeling so badly at having ran third in the local Republican legislative race. We spotted the Doctor as an optimist at our first meeting; one of the kind so constantly looking for- ward that they don’t have time to ‘grow morbid over post-mortcms. —My, how Philipsburg does upset ‘the dope. Really, it’s getting on cur nerves how they blast our political prophecies over there. Just when we had grown so cock-sure that Heverly was it in Philipsburg they give us the laugh by turning in for Holmes. ‘What was the big idea, any way? —Why not investigate this idea that radio waves are disturbing the elements so that they can’t function normally. All the broadcasting sta- tions in the country might be closed for a month and if the weather should become more normal then there might be sufficient color to the suggestion to justify further investigation. —One of the interesing results of ‘the primary on Tuesday was the way the Democrats voted for delegates-at- large to the national convention. If ‘there was a drive for any particular -set of delegates we knew nothing of it. If there wasn’t the result shows the advantage of position on the bal- lot. The four first men received more than twice as many votes as those whose names appeared lower down on the ticket. As four men and four women had to be voted for it looks as though most people just marked opposite the first four men and then started to hunt for the women’s ‘names. “While a lot of us, imbued with the “idea that we are “The Compleat An- -gler,” are whirling around in swivel Eo ‘or basking in rockers waiting" for the waters to clear and fall and the weather to warm up the fellow who is smart enough to know that if ‘one wants fish he must go out and fish, is gettin’ em. Last Saturday afternoon Ben Brad- “ley dug a few garden worms. He didn’t feed them brick dust for a week, nor did he imbed them in cof- ‘fee grounds. He didn’t put a lump of -asafoetida in the can with them nor did he resort to magic “spit.” Ben ‘just picked up his worms and walked ‘down below town, less than a quarter of a mile, and after a thrilling two “hours away from the worries of get- ting houses completed for impatient “home builders, walked back up the railroad track with eight beautiful ‘trout. The largest was sixteen inch- es long, none of the others were less “than a foot in length. . After he had cleaned up and had “his dinner, Ben-like he walked up town and presented the catch to a friend who probably couldnt get a ‘mackerel out of a kit with a meat hook. That was Saturday afternoon. On Monday morning it was still ‘raining, cold and entirely too dis- “agreeable for The Compleat Anglers “to think of venturing away from the swivels and the cozy fireside chairs. We happened to be coming down High _street about ten. At the corner of High and Water we spied Will Gar- man coming up the stream. In one “hand he had a rod. In the other he carried an old fashioned “wooden” stringer. On it were five trout that averaged twelve inches and weighed ‘four pounds and a quarter. He had been gone less than two hours and _he hadn’t beeen further than a hun- ~dred yards below the Lamb street - bridge. What’s this all about you ask? Let’s tell you. Ben Bradley works just as hard as -any man anywhere, has quite as much to worry about as the rest of us. We know when he came back up that line - of steel Saturday afternoon there was no such word as “tired” in his lexicon. Worry? He was thinking that that was something he knew nothing about. “Bill” Garman’s hand that held the “wooden stringer” on Monday morn- ing was red as vermillion. Water was dripping from his shoulders, yet “Bill” didn’t know he was either cold or wet. He’d had two hours that had carried him completely out of wor- ries that at times seem wholly over- whelming and yet are only the mir- , ages that delude those who haven’t the will to go out and puncture them. Fishing is like everything else in “life. There is no magic about it. If one wants fish he must go after them, not only when he wants them to bite, . but when they are feeling the urge to dine on angle worms or flies. emacratic a STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 73. Mrs. Pinchot’s Surprising Mistake. Mrs. Cornelia Pinchot rather im- pairs her record as a game sport and sagacious politician in her complaint, addressed to Governor Fisher, that the ‘Governor allows “State employees to use State time and State automo- biles to campaign against her.” Mrs. Pinchot was a candidate for the Re- publican nomination for Congress in the Fifteenth district against a prime favorite of the Mellon machine while she is the “pet aversion,” of that or- ganization. The defeat of Congress- man McFadden under existing -cir- cumstances would have been nothing less than a calamity to the Republican machine of Pennsylvania and a per- sonal bereavement to the supreme boss of the party, Secretary of the Treas- ury, Andrew W. Mellon. Mrs. Pinchot might have, with per- fect reason and complete propriety, protested to the voters of the District that such a perversion of public prop- erty is immoral and appealed to the sense of fairness of those concerned to resent it. In fact she did declare in a public speech that she believed the “voters of this district are inde- pendent enough to resent this inter- ference from Harrisburg and Pitts- burg.” But in addressing her protest to Governor Fisher she revealed the meager intelligence of a rank amateur in the game as it is played in Penn- sylvania by the Mellon machine in which the Governor is a rather un- important cog without influence in the policies or management. When Mrs. Cornelia’s distinguished and somewhat ambitious husband oc- cupied the Executive Mansion at Har- risburg a rule was promulgated and to an extent practiced, that State offi- cials could play politics only “on their own time,” that is while off duty. But that is an ideal interpre- tation of the matter which has never penetrated the practical brain of An- dy Mellon. His idea of conducting campaigns is “to get what you want when you want it,” without much consideration of the methods of achievement. Mrs. Pinchot has had enough experience in politics and sufficient time to aualyze the Mellon methods .and realize that a protest to the Governor was useless and waste foolish. —Now buckle up for the general election and if some Democrats work as earnestly for the ticket as they did against a certain candidate they will be forgiven for past follies. ree — ese. seeeeeste—— The Acquittal of Sinclair. The moral sentiment of the country was plainly shocked when the an- nouncement came from Washington last Saturday that Harry F. Sinclair had been acquitted by a jury of the charge of conspiracy to swindle the goverment in the Teapot Dome oil lease. Upon much less complete evi- dence the Federal Court of Appeals in St. Louis had previously declared that “the entire transaction is tainted with favoritism, collusion and cor- ruption,” and in affirming that opin- ion the Supreme court of the United States unanimously denounced the transaction as “the culmination of a conspiracy to circumvent the law and defeat public policy” and ordered the cancellation of the lease and the res- titution of the profits. In a previous investigation by a Committee of the Senate Secretary Fall’s son-in-law, who received the bribe from Sinclair and conveyed it to Fall, refused to testify on the ground that his evidence might incriminate him. Subsequently by legislation Con- gress removed this cloak and the son- in-law acknowledged the facts, re- moving all doubts in the minds of reasoning men and women as to the guilt of the accused. The “favorit- ism, collusion and corruption” having been established and the payment of the bribe by Sinclair and Fall, clear- ly shown, it was universally expected that just punishment of the culprits would be meted out. But for some inscrutible reason the jury decided otherwise. For years the courts of Washington have been little less than legalized shelters for criminals. When Harry F. Sinclair was convicted of contempt of the Senate a few months ago, though the mildness of sentence indi- cated sympathy for the accused, a hope was aroused that better things might be expected in the future. But the preposterous verdict in the Sin- clair case on Saturday completely dis- sipates this hope and forces the con- clusion that the people of the District of Columbia are not fit for self-gov- ernment. The fault does not appear to be on the bench. The judge who tried the case seems to be both capable and just. But the jurors are simply stu- pid and criminally inclined. —President Coolidge may be able to control Republican conventions but he hasn’t even a slip-knot hold on the Republican Congress. BELLEFONTE, PA.. APRIL 2 Tell the Truth or Go to Jail. Big Tom Cunningham, the debonair Philadelphia sub-boss, is marching to slow music but heading for the Dis- trict of Columbia jail. Last week Judge Dickinson, of the Federal Dis- trict court in Philadelphia, summar- ily dismissed his petition for release on a writ of habeas corpus and on the same day he was indicted for con- tempt of the Senate in the Supreme court of the District of Columbia. Like Hamlet he may weil complain that “one woe may tread upon an- other’s heel, so fast they follow.” When he ventured outside of the dirty pool of Philadelphia politics he got into deep water. The Vare cloak doesn’t cover the whole world and Big | Tom finds himself submerged in ad- verse currents. Slush Fund committee of the United States Senate and defied it. He had collected a large sum of money from one sourc: oi another and contributed to the Vare corruption fund. If it was obtained from the public officials of Philadelphia the laws of the State were violated. If it came from the criminals of the city the laws of mor- ality were outraged, and it is com- monly believed that both these foun- tains were tapped. For the purpose of concealing the facts he refused the information demanded and foolishly imagined he “had turned a smart trick.” The decision of Judge Dick- inson, in Philadelphia, and the action of the court in Washington might change his mind. With the assurarce that influenced him to defy the Senate committee he attempted to bluff the Federal Dis- trict court by offering to answer the questions if the Senate would ‘agree to give Vare the purchased victory he covets. If he expected to succeed in that enterprise he has been disap- pointed. The Senate wants the in- formation which Big Tom can give but it is not essential. The decision in Vare’s case will be against Vare in any event. It may not be possible to compel Big Bill to tell the truth but it is possible to punish him for con- tempt, and though the process may movements are not only futile but! be tardy and the movement slow the swer the questions or go to jail. —~Sandina, the Nicaragua revolu- tionist, will make the public believe | he is a bandit if he continues to ar- ! rest and detain American civilians in business there. | Borah’s Queer Foreign Policy. | Senator Borah centinues to make thoughtful people tired by preaching one doctrine and practicing another. The other day, while the Senate had under consideration Senator King’s - motion to cut out of the naval appro- | priation bill the provision for paying the expenses of maintaining a force of marines in Nicaragua, Senator , Borah szaid, “I have no doubt in my ‘own mind but that we are waging war in Nicaragua at this moment. I accept the sound rule laid down by | Andrew Jackson that the President of the United States has no right to . take aggressive action or steps of any | kind toward any foreign country with- out first coming to Congress for its I consent.” That rule is laid down in the constitution. 4 Then if that rule is sound why does Senator Borah not only assent to, but encourge, the violation of it? Sec- tion 8, paragraph 11, of the constitu- tion, vests in Congress the right to declare war and bestows on no other agency that power. There can be no war without a declaration and Con- gress has made no declaration of war against Nicaragua. Yet in one breath Senator Borah says war exists there and in another that “the President should be empowered to use all the troops necessary to conduct a free and honest election.” onets as instruments in procuring “free and honest elections” is a novel idea to say the least. It must have been imported from Mexico. Senator Borah is chairman of the of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and shares with the Presi- dent responsibility for the misuse of power, military or civil, in foreign countries. “We should never have gotten ourselves into the mess in that country,” referring to Nicaragua, he adds, “but having gotten in and hav- ing made a formal agreement to stay till elections are over, we cannot pre- maturely pull out and precipitate cha- os afresh.” But when the elections, controlled by foreign bayonets, are over the defeated party, with much show of reason, will dispute the re- sult, organize a rebellion and commit the United States to perpetual mili- tary occupancy. sh emi A —There ought to be a greater re- ward for achievement in aviation than a big reception at the landing field. —1It is a wise provision of the law that denies residents of Washington | the right to vote. With absurd confidence he faced the result is inevitable. Big Bill will an- Interpreting bay-. 7. 1928S. NO. 17. Harry Sinclair “Gives a Party.” The evidence for the defendant in the Teapot Dome oil lease conspiracy on trial in the Supreme court of methods of transacting business. The other day Captain J. K. Robinson, re- tired, of the Navy, who seems to have had a good deal to do with the nego- tiations leading up to the lease, was the principal witness. He stated that on the day the lease was signed Mr. Sinclair entertained Admirals Latti- mer, Gregory and himself at a din- ‘ner, presumably after the signing. | After the dinner the party engaged in a poker game and that during the play he had learned from Mr. Sinclair “how to lose at poker.” | As Captain Robinson had won only eight dollars in the game the informa- tion was probably of little concern to him, personally, but it may be inter- esting to others who may be curious on the subject that Mr. Sinclair “had laid down a winning hand to his broth- er'Barl.” As the money remained in the family, anyway, the. sacrifice was trifling, and as Mr. Sinclair estimated the value of the lease he had just ac- quired at approximately $100,000,000, he may have been in a generous frame of mind, just as he seems to have been when he gave elder Will Hays $160,000 for the use of the Re- publican National committee. The amount of the “puot” thue magnani- mously relinquished was not revealed and may have been much or little | Whether or not Mr. Sinclair was equaily generous to the other partici- pants in the game is left to conjec- ture, but the incident proves that Mr. Sinclair is “a game sport” and plays poker not for gain as a gambler but for his own diversion and the pleasure of those who “sit in” with him. If, on the other hand, Mr. Sinclair dis- criminated in favor of his brother Earl, in dispensing his generosity, he was unfair to the distinguished gen- tlemen who comprised his party. Ac-' cording to the evidence brought out in the trial the high officials of the Navy were eagerly helpful to the lessee and if, he was “laying down winning s” to anybody he ought to have given them preference. bo —On Thursday of last week the Centre and Clearfield county commis- | sioners met at Philipsburg and in- spected the recently condemned Presqueisle street bridge over Mo - shannon creek. The Clearfield coun- ty officials decided to place a barri- cade at their end of the bridge to prevent any one from being injured while attempting to cross it. Whether the bridge will be repaired or a new one built has not yet been determined. —There is a possibility that he | doesn’t even know it yet, so we rise! to inform Dr. White, of Philipsburg, that he has been chosen by the Dem- ocrats of Centre county as their mem- ber of the State committee. He was not an aspirant for the office, his name wasn’t printed on the ballot and he might not have known that he was running, but he got more votes than several candidates who thought they were. rr ————— i —Twenty-four forest fires have oc- curred in the Sproul district so far this spring, burning over a total of 506 acres. Six of the fires were caused by brush burning, eight are ascribed to railroads, one to transients, two incendiary, one unknown and six miscellaneous. © The cost of extin- guishing the fires was $452.10. —Mr. Wilson’s reply to Vare’s de- mand for recount where there was no suspicion of fraud is what you might call a “solar plexus.” That is it is a complete “knock out.” —The oil magnates are not as “cockey” as they used to be. Both Sinclair and Colonel Stewart say they are willing to “tell everything” now. —Gene Tunney thinks Shakespeare would be a boxing fan if he were liv- ing now. The old man did put a good deal of punch in his poetry. —The Pittsburgh election crooks are being convicted as rapidly as the processes of the law will aliow and that is all justice asks. —The new motor code has been in operation four months but the list of automobile casualties has not per- ceptibly diminished. —Hoover certainly “has the edge” on the Kansas City convention but the people still hold the axe. —Congressman McFadden ought to have known that “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” ——The “Watchman” is the most readable paper published. Try it. the District of Columbia, reveals some ! of Harry Sinclair's free and easy’ Holmes and Fleming the Victors. Win over Ham and Heverly by Safe Margin. Fleming Gets County | Chairmanship. Centre county Republicans have broken the third term hoodoo, so far as nominations are concerned, by re- nominating the Hon. John Laird Holmes, of State College, at the pri- maries on Tuesday, for a third term as member of the Legislature from Centre county; and also electing Wil- son I. Fleming for a third term as the party’s county chairman. J The landing of Mr. Holmes was ac- complished through a system of thor- oughly organized political mathemat- ics. He could not have been nomi- nated with only one candidate to con- tend against, but with two in the field all that was necessary was to divide the opposition pretty evenly between the two and the result would bring Holmes under the wire in the lead. The support given Holmes in his home town, State College, and ov- er in Philipsburg, where Heverly was thought to be the favorite, is what turned the trick. Fleming’s re-election for a third term as county chairman was accom- plished through his own organization, but it was a hard and close fight, as | he won out over Philip D. Foster, the harmony candidate, by only 210 votes. Those two contests were the only ones of interest in the Republican party, | but they were sufficient to bring out a vote of close to five thousand. | In the Democratic ranks there was j only one contest, and that for dele- ! gates-at-large to the national conven- | j tion. There were thirteen candidates, | with eight to elect, but as none of them were pledged to any particular man for President the rank and file of the party felt little interest in the outcome, and the result was only a few over a thousand Democrats went to the polls to vote. Democratic nominees are T. E. Cos- tello, for Congress, and Andrew Cur- tin Thompson, of Philipsburg, for the Legislature. Though not a candidate on the ticket Dr. F. K. White, of Phil- ipsburg, was elected as coun- ty’s member ‘of the Democtrati¢ State | committee, and John J. Bower was re-elected county chairman. Eliminating the Republican Legis- lative and county chairmanship con- tests the primaries were the most un- interesting ever held in a presidential year in Centre county. In North Ben- ner precinct only 15 votes was the total cast, and the cost to the county was about three dollars a vote. A number of other districts did not make a much better showing. " Detailed returns of the vote will be found in the tables published on .4th page. : THE PRIMARIES IN PENNSYLVANIA. ‘There was but one particularly ex- citing contest in the recent primaries in Pennsylvania. That was the at- tempt of Mrs. Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, wife of the former Governor, to get the Republican nomination for Con- gress in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania district away from Louis T. McFad- den, the sitting Congressman and fa- vorite of the machine. They conduct- ed a very acrimonious campaign which has wound up in the apparent defeat of Mrs. Pinchot by something over 2000 votes. Six of the eight Democratic dele- gates-at-large to the Democratic na- tional convention are known to favor Gov. Smith, of New York, for Presi- dent. Sufficient returns from the congressional districts in the State had not come in at the time of our going to press to indicate what the complexion of the entire delegation to Houston will be. Our local aspirant, Hon. Robert M. Foster, is apparently ninth in point of votes in the State, so has probably missed going to Houston by a very narrow margin. In the Republican primaries in the State Mellon candidates were the only ones running for national delegate and they are all favorably, though not committed, to Hoover. —T.ee Francis Lybarger, of Lewis- burg, acting referee in bankruptcy, who has charge of the disposal of the Harris block, Bellefonte, for the bene- fit of the creditors of the Centre County Banking company, has sent out notices that unless exceptions are filed before him, at the office of W. Harrison Walker Esq., in Bellefonte, on or before May 4th the sale will be ordered. As the sale will have to be advertised four weeks, any sale that may be decided upon cannot be held before some time in June, as the very earliest date possible. —Because so few were out to the primaries in Centre county on Tues- day and because preparations for a full vote have always to be made, whether ®t is cast or not, each vote cost the county one dollar. It was the highest average of cost on record here. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —John Welsh, of York, Pa., had been suffering from severe pains in his jaw and consulted .a dentist. An X-ray was taken and Welsh discovered that a new sef of teeth—his + third—were growing in. He hopes soon to ve able to show a complete set of new canines, incisors and molars. —The State Aeronautics Comimssion is preparing a new type of map of Pennsyl- vania. It will show the airports as they are located throughout the State. There are about sixty of them that have been recognized by the commission and they will be designated by a white circle, with the name of the landing field in large type. —Charged with indirectly causing the death of Mrs. Julia Forcash, Mt. Carmel, Stephen Troop is being held there until authorities have decided what measure of action to take. It is claimed that at an aldermanic hearing he slandered the wom- an to such a point that she fainted and died a short time later. Her husband and relatives are demanding restitution. —The Department of Forests and Wat- ers has issued a permit for the construec- tion of a 180-foot steel bridge over Bald Eagle creek, near Mill Hall, on the State Highway, between Mill Hall and Beech Creek. With the dredging and relocating necessary in order to get the road leading to and from the bridge out of the high water, the project will cost approximate- ly $100,000. —Mrs. 8. Weis, 75, is recovering from the effects of having been imprisoned in her home at Selinsgrove twelve hours under a heavy chest of drawers that fell upon her while she was cleaning house, Mrs. Weis lives alone in a large home- stead. Her screams were heard by a Susquehanna University student who went in a window by means of a ladder and rescued her. —During the terriffic windstorm, last Thursday, the Rev. Milton K. Foster, aged 91 years, nestor of the Central 1'ennsyl- vania Conefrence of the Methodist church, was blown by a gale from the sidewalk into the street near his home in Williams- port. He suffered a fracture of the hip, and his condition is serious. Rev. Foster at one time filled the pulpit of the Belle- fonte Methodist church. —Mrs. Thomas White, Bloomsburg, has been given separation papers, thus ending an argument with her husband that started im church and ended on the street when her husband grabbed her and threw her dewn. White admits it, but he said he grabbed her only after she threw a stone at him. Then, he says, his wife sprang to her feet and threw a brick at him and tore his coat. —The Berwick Lumber and Supply com- pany has beeen awarded the contract for additional buildings at the Laurelton fHlome for Women. The State Welfare Board has approved the contracts. The bid was $180,000. W. F. Sutter, manager of the company, was at Laureiton recent- . ly making arrangements to break ground this week. The new gasoline shovel of William Yorks will be employed in the excavating. colored, of —A honeymoon broken when parental objections separated them shortly after their marriage 40 years ago, has been re- sumed by E. J. Burch, 65, and his wife, Anna, 61, in the county home, at Greens- burg. The couple lost trace of each ether following their separation. Recently Burch, almost blind, was sent to the coun- ty home from Vandergrift, Pa. In the dining room of the institution, he recog- nized his wife’s voice and the reunion followed. —A motion picture reeord of the ac- tivities of the Pennsylvania National Guard will be made this year. Plans were completed today to have a trained man spend four weeks at the various infantry. cavalry, field artillery, anti-aireraft, air service, tank eompany and other training camps at Mt. Gretna and Tebyhanna with a view to making a picture that will por- tray in permanent form the life of the National Guardsmen in all its ramifica- tions. When the picture is completed it will be made available to various local units for showing in their communities. —Amelia Bleecher, 17, who, with two other girls, escaped from the Shelter Home, at Lancaster, two weeks ago, as- serts there is no honor among runaway girls. She was arrested in Washington, and on her way back to Lancaster, after she had beeen robbed of all her clothing, except one old dress, by one of the girls with whom she escaped. The other girls, El- mira Brown, 16, of Lancaster, and Verna Burchett, 16, of Virginia, are still at large. The three made their way from Lancaster into Virginia, to a point near Washing- ton, by obtaining “lifts” from tourists. —Herman Goldberg owns a property at 402 Wyoming avenue, Kingston. Simeon Lewis owns the property adjoining, an alley nine feet wide separating the prop- erties. Saturday Mr, Goldberg started three men at work to pave the alley. Mr. Lewis at once put three men at work digging a ditch. Then Mr. Goldberg's men were taken off the paving job and set to work refilling the ditch. All Sat- urday three men were busy tossing dirt out of the ditch and three were busy tossing it back in. At quitting time it was about an even break—no ditch or no pavement. —REight federal prisoners left Pitts- burgh, on Wednesday, in the custody of a United States marshal for Atlanta peni- tentiary where they will serve sentences ranging from one year and one day to two years and six months. Frank Baldine, of Sharon, will serve the longest sentence —30 months—for alleged violation of the motor theft laws. Frank Locke, of Far- rell, an alleged accomplice, will accom- pany him, having been sentenced to a term of one year and one day. William A. Baker, of Altoona, and Charles C. Curtin, former postmaster at Muse, Washington county, have been sentenced to serve a year and a day each for embezzlement. —Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lines were burned to death when the barn in which they were playing at the Lines home, near DuBois, was razed on Thursday morning by a fire that broke out about 11:00 o'clock. Fire also com- municated to the house, which was an en- tire loss, very little furniture being saved. The dead boys were Arthur Lines, aged 3 years, and John Lines, aged 4% years. They had gone to the barn to play. When their mother first noticed the fire it was raging so fiercely that she was unable to go to their aid. From the barn the flames communicated to the house, burn- ing it to the ground. Only a small part of the furniture was saved by the neigh- bors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers