NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED FOR CENTRE COUNTY.— An ambitious man to make $1,500 to $4,000 yearly supplying the de- mand for Whitmer’s Factory-to-You Pro- ducts. Experience unnecessary. Sales training FREE. We supply complete line of home necessities. Earn while you learn, drive own car, have own permanent busi- ness, be own boss, steady sales increase profits year round. Hundreds making more $$88 than ever before. Write TODAY for our new plan. THE H. C. WHITMER COMPANY Dept. SD Columbus, Indiana. Suburban Day EVERY Wedn’sday IN Altoona Booster Stores Thousands of people liv- ing throughout Centr al Pennsylvania have found that it is to their advan- tage to visit Altoona Boost- er Stores every Wednesday and take advantage of Sub- urban Day opportunities. Everything needed for home or personal use that cannot be supplied by your home merchants can be se- cured in Altoona Booster Stores Stocks of Spring Mer- chandise are now complete and regardless of what your needs may be, you are assured of entire satisfac- tion in Quality, Value and Service in every transac- tion with a Booster Store. The large asortments shown by Booster Stores, provide wide variety for choice and the special buy- ing facilities and large vol- umes of business transacted enable /Booster Merchants to sell on a close margin of profit, which means lower prices or better value for equal prices. ANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS AAA AA AA AA A A A Vee ee Altoona Booster Association 3 a AS SSRIS AAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NN PPP PPP PPP PP PP PO VV VIVO VO VIIVIVIIPIPIIIVI VV VY VV vv & AAAI Strand Theatre ALTOONA Four Days. Starting Sat. April 21 LAURA La PLANTE in “Thanks for the Buggy Ride” Coming, Thursday, April 26 Al Jolson in “The Jazz Singer” With VITAPHONE Strand Theatre Orchestra The TE Bon aAdot Goda Grille Open Under New Managemeht SODAS SUNDAES FANCY DRINKS and CANDY We sell PENN CRESS Ice Cream Take Home a Quart SE Beware of Chick Advertisements. As a result of a study of more than 1000 baby chick advertisements ap- pearing in 200 daily and weekly news- papers, farm journals and poultry magazines, the bureau of markets, Pennsylvania department of agricul- ture, has issued vigorous warning to all producers of baby chicks against the use of misleading statements in advertisements, and is urging buyers of chicks to beward. Dozens of hatchery owners who are not co-operating with the State in its accredited hatchery work are making advertising statements about their chicks such as “free from disease,” “free from bacillary white diarrhea,” and “blecod tested.” In many cases the impression is left that these baby chicks are being produced under the supervision of the State. e term “state accredited” is also used in a number of the advertise- ments. The buyer should make cer- tain of the State referred to because the requirements for “accredited” baby chicks are different in different States. All producers of such chicks in Pennsylvania are required to use the term “Pennsylvania State accred- ited” in all advertisements. Owners of flocks and hatcheries not co-operating with the Pennsyl- vania department of agriculture are prohibited from using terms such as “supervised,” “certified,” and “acecred- ited” which are specified in the State regulations. Buyers who want to make absolute- ly sure of the quality of chicks which they expect to buy should communi- cate with the bureau of markets at Harrisburg and ask for a complete list of all hatcheries and flocks operat- ing under State supervision. This is the only safe plan to follow, accord- ing to bureau officials. : Real Estate Transfers. Harvey H. Tressler, et ux, to Hen- ry W. Houser, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.; $1. } Jacob C. Thiel, et ux, to William F. Haines, et ux, tract in Marion Twp.; $4250. Helen Wood Morris to Grant E. Coalan et al, tract in State College; Charles W. White, tract in Liberty Twp.; $425. Adeline E. Garner, et bar, to James Harris, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1. Almeda Alexander, et bar, to Grant Martin, tract in Huston Twp.; $1. J. E. Ertle, et ux, to W. H. Zeigler, tract in Miles Twp.; $400. W. T. Tennis, et ux, to Leah R. Smith, tract in Harris Twp.; $2500. B. W. Wingard to Charles R. Wag- ner, et ux, tract in Penn Twp.; $1. " 'W. Scott Crain, et ux, to William Robison, tract in Taylor Twp.; $250. James F. Uzzle, et ux, to Mary Nastas, tract in Snow Shoe; $4000. Helena S. Brown, et al, to John W, Benner, tract in Bellefonte; $1200. Andrew Wenrich, et ux, to Fred E. Hartle, et ux, tract in Rush Twp.; $2500. : William J. Musser, et ux, to Cat- rie B. Eberhart, et bar, tract in Belle- fonte; $1. : Harry S. Corl to Nellie B. Corl, tract in Spring Twp.; $1. tract in Howard Twp.; $250. tract in Harris Twp.; $125 George D. Fortney, et ux, to Com- Harris Twp.; $1. H. B. Neff, et ux, to G. Hayes Kel- ler, tract in State College; $1000. William E. Vail to Noah Beach, tract in Rush Twp.; $22.50. in Rush Twp.; $200. Robert H. Stanton, et ux, to Oswalt C. Spachman, et ux, tract in Worth Twp.; $1700. Margaret E. Lingle to William Lingle, et al, tract in Liberty Twp.; $1. Anna T. H. Henszey, et bar, to A. Ray Bradley, tract in State College; $1100. Edwin D. Roan, et ux, to Harvey H. Tressler, tract in Spring Twp.; $5500. 2 amen ——— Marriage Licenses. C. Smeltzer, of State Col- LeRe y of Centre lege, and Mary S. Debrow, Hall. Burnham, and George R. Snook, of of McAlevy’s Dorothy B. Wilson, Fort. John K. Deviney, of State College, and Mary Jane Wolf, of Bellefonte. Walter W. Watkins and Adaline L. Rockey, both of Linden Hall. . ——The Watchman gives all the news while it is news. Ee —— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that N the second and partial account of Dorsey Cronister, Guardian of Ad- lai Cronister, a weak-minded person, will be presented to the Court on May 23rd, 1928 and unless exceptions thereto are filed on or before May 19th, 1928, the same will be confirmed. 8. CLAUDE HERR, Prothonotary. 74-16-4t. HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby C given that an application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the 25th of April 1928, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en- titled “An Act to Provide for the Incor- poration and Regulation of Certain Cor- porations,” approved April 26th, 1874 and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called “Central Pennsylvania Gas Company,” the character and object of which is the man- ufacturing and supplying of gas for light, heat and power to the public within the townships of Potter, Spring, Benner and College and the Boroughs of Bellefonte and State College, all in Centre County, Pennsylvania and to such persons, part- nerships and corporations residing there- in or adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and to do all things incident or cognate thereto, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements, GEORGE ROSS, Solicitor 601 Commercial Trust Bldg., 73-16-1t Philadelphia, Pa. Susan C. Mothersbaugh, et bar, to Maggie Gardner to Lillie Gardner, John Hook to George. D. Fortney, ! monwealth of Pennsylvania, tract In John Tirvey to Noah Beach, tract Special NOTICE! Owing to a vast reorganization and ex- pansion program for each of our Stores we find it absolutely necessary to sell out our present stocks in order to change over to the policy which will be announc- ed within a few weeks. The Entire Stock of our Store has been ORDERED SOLD and if Low Prices will sell it its as good as done, for the Reductions are Drastic Values Compelling, Savings Unusual. "THIS WILL POSITIVELY BE Bellefonte’s Greatest SHOESALE and It Starts at Ten O’clock Friday Morning, April 20th MEN’S COLORED COTTON LISLE 4¢ HOSE AT up to $4.00 at ) One Lot of Ladies’ Pumps C and Oxfords O8°¢ ; Worth up to $3.00 One Lot of Ladies Pumps 30¢ and Oxfords Worth 989 up to $6.00 ( About 500 Pr. $4 50 ® . a | Ladies §jlk Hose Boy’s High Cut Pr SHOES All Sizes i i 1 Offering :— One Lot of Ladies’ Pumps and Oxfords Worth 1® Offering :—One Lot of Men’s Shoes and Oxfords Worth up to $3.50 : SO One Lot of Men’s Shoes and Oxfords Worth up 106)49 6.00 at ALL STANDARD BRANDS OF SHOE POLISH LADIES’ FELT BEDROOM SLIPPERS One Lot of Mens Shoes and Oxfords Worth up to 319 $9.00 at 1000 Pair Children’s Full Length Hose All Sizes Nittany Shoe Store BUSH ARCADE HIGH STREET Bellefonte, Pa. Silk Hose FOR Men and Women DC. To the. first 100 Men or Women entering our Store, Friday and Sat- urday we will sell a pair of Silk Hose, val- ues from 65¢. to $1.00; All sizes—all colors for 5 cents only. Full Fashioned All Colors Very Special $1.89 as 7] eR