Bron atdn EE ———/—/—/—/—————— INK SLINGS. : —The tip is out in Philipsburg to “spoof” Dr. Ham, but vote for Hev- erly.” i _ —If you are beginning to feel that your shoes are too full of feet then you can rest assured that spring is really here. —Out in Iowa Herman Appel re- cently married Miss Charlotte Sass. ‘Think of the “applesauce” on that ‘honeymoon. .—With fishing and golfing both opening up why talk of the prospect of unemployment says the fellow whose only work is clipping coupons. —Speaking of “birds of a feather” iit is not surprising that Harry Sin- clair and the Philadelphia organiza- ‘tion should “pool issues” to evade a law. —DMeasured by a purely mercenary “yardstick there are thousands of fish-