Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 23, 1928, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., March 23, 1928.
| —
—The girls of the U. B. church,
will hold a bake sale at the Oriole
store, on High street, tomorrow,
March 24.
—Wednesday was the first day of
spring and now let us hope that win-
ter does not persist in lingering in
the lap thereof.
—The Watchman was in error last
week in stating that the Hines fam-
ily would vacate the Louis Hill prop-
erty, on east Bishop street, as they
do not intend moving this spring.
—George Carpeneto, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Carpeneto, is
ill with a severe attack of scarlet fe-
ver, and their home on Curtin street
has been placed under quarantine.
—All days services will be held in
St. John’s Episcopal church on Sun-
day. Holy communion at 8 o’clock and
at 11 o’clock with sermon. Evensong
and sermon at 7.30 p. m. Rev. Stuart
Franklin Gast, of Mechanicsburg, will
be in charge.
-—This (Friday) evening is the date
for the public meeting of farmers to
be held in the court house in the in-
terest of the several cooperative as-
sociations in the county. The meet-
ing will be public and any one inter-
ested is invited to attend.
—Residents of Mackeyville and
Clintoendale have signed up with the
West Penin Power company for elec-
tric service and officials of the com-
pany are now engaged in securing the
right-of-way for a service line from
Salona to the two towns above named.
—The Epworth League of the local
Methodist church sponsored a recep-
tion that was tendered the pastor,
Rev. Homer Charles Knox, and his
family last night. It was an expres-
sion of the general satisfaction be-
eause of Rev. Knox’s return to the
Bellefonte charge.
—Announcements have been re-
ceived in Bellefonte of the arrival of
a 9% pound son in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald U. Gettig, at Wash-
ington, Pa., the boy having been born
on March 15th. The new arrival is
No. 4, two boys and two girls mak-
ing up the little family.
—Harvey S. Hoy, whose home near
Hublersburg was recently destroyed
by fire, received a total of $1700 from
the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance
company, of Centre county, $1200 of
which amount represented the insur-
ance on his house and $500 on the
household goods burned.
—Rosean Brachbill, little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brachbill, of
west High street, has been quite ill
with measles and chicken-pox com-
bined. For 2 few days it was thought
that pneumonia was also developing,
but yesterday her condition was re-
ported as more encouraging.
—The Philathea class of the Miles-
burg Baptist church are going to pre-
sent the comedy “The Clodhopper” in
the church there next Thursday even-
ing. It is said to have a very amus-
ing plot and if you enjoy amateur
theatricals here’s a chance for an en-
joyable eveninz. Tickets are 25 and
35 cents.
—On Tuesday Jonathan F. Sallada
and Harvey Berry, both of Fleming-
ton, were conveying coke in a boab
across the canal from the Campbell
. siding when the boat capsized and
Sallada was drowned. Berry saved
himself by clinging to the overturned
boat. Sallada was 45 years old, un-
married and made his home with Mrs.
Ida Griffith, at Flemington. The body
was recovered.
—William Lyons, who was injured
while at work at the American Lime
and Stone Co. plant several weeks ago,
has about recovered from his injuries.
He fell ‘against a pan conveyor while
taking a sample at the rotary kiln
plant. Two days later he spit so
much blood that he decided it best to
go to the hospital. There it was
found he had fractured a rib, and one
end of it had punctured his lung.
—The entire fire department was
: called out early Tuesday morning by
a fire in an upstairs closet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Musser,
on west Curtin street. Once on the
scene the firemen had no trouble ex-
tinguishing the flames with chemicals.
The fire originated on a shelf in the
closet but how is a mystery. The
flames were confined to the closet and
the damage will not exceed forty or
fifty dollars.
—At a regular meeting of the Lo-
gan Fire company, on Monday even-
ing, it was decided to purchase a new
Studebaker chassis for the company
squad ‘ruck. It will be recalled that
the present squad truck was rebuilt
out of an old White car and it has
become so worn or out of date that
the members always have consider-
able trouble getting it started. The
purpose is to purchase a new Stude-
baker chassis and use the body
and equipment on the old squad truck.
—On Tuesday it was announced
that a number of the employees at
the Bellefonte silk mill had been laid
off for what it -was then believed
would be for a few days only. The
layoff was made necessary by failure
to receive the company’s usual supply
of raw silk. On Wednesday, howev-
er, the management found it neces-
sary to close down the mill entirely.
The shutdown will be for a week or
two, and while the machinery is at a
standstill some much-needed repairs
will be made.
Head Almost Severed in Twain by
Falling Pole.
Struck on the top of the head by a
falling pole, shortly after the noon
hour, last Friday afternoon, Wilfred
I. Miller was instantly killed. His
thoughtfulness in rushing his men
out of danger may have caused the
few seconds delay which resulted in
his own death. j
The accident happened at the Miller
limestone quarries on the Knox farm,
west of Valley View, in Buffalo Run
valley. Mr. Miller, who was in charge
at the plant, was overseeing the work
of extending the tipple. They had suc-
cessfully hoisted a thirty-foot pole by
using a block and tackle fastened
around a square piece of timber at
the top of the trestle work, and with
pinch bars were prying the butt of
the pole into position. While so do-
ing the pole swung toward the trestle
enough to permit the tackle to slack-
en and slip off the timber, and thus
released, it fell to the ground.
When Mr. Miller realized that the :
pole was falling he hesitated just long
enough to call tq all the men to get
out of the way then started to run
himself. But the top of the pole
caught him on the top of his head,
cutting it open and crushing the en-'
tire left side. Fatally injured, al-
though he was, he got to his feet,
but at once collapsed to the ground
and died on the spot.
When the pole fell one of the guy
vopes used to steady it, also caught
Elmer Watkins and threw him on a
cinder pile badly cutting and bruising
the right side of his face and head. |
Had the men stood in their tracks as
the pole fell neither one would have
been hurt.
to Bellefonte in the ambulance and
taken to the Harris undertaking es-
tablishment to be prepared for burial.
Watkius was brought to a Bellefonte
physician and after his injuries were
dressed walked home. :
Mr. Miller was the eldest son of
Conrad and Mary H. Miller and was
born in Bellefonte in July, 1888, hence
wag not yet 40 years old. His entire
life was spent here and he was his
father’s able assistant in his various
limestone operations. He was a mem-
ber of the Catholic church, the 4th
degree camp Knights of Columbus, of
Altoona, and the Bellefonte Lodge of
Sixteen years ago he married Miss
Edna Williams who survives with two
children, Rachel and Anthony. He al-
so leaves his parents and one brother,
Martin J. Miller, at home. The latter
also works at the limestone quarries
and witnessed the accident which re-
sulted in his brother’s death.
Funeral services were held in St.
John’s Catholic church, at ten o’clock
cn Tuesday morning, by Rev. Father
Downes, burial being made in the
Catholic cemetery.
On Friday morning William Breon
was injured in a premature explosion
of a dynamite charge at the plant of
the Centre County Lime company, in
Buffalo Run valley. His lower jaw
was broken and he suffered a num-
ber of bad cuts on the face, head and
arms. At first it was feared that his
eyesight might have been destroyed,
but fortunately such is not the case.
Breon was taken to the Centre Coun-
ty hospital where he is getting along
very satisfactorily.
Russell Jodon Injured When Motor-
cycle Collides with Car.
On Saturday evening Russell Jodon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jodon, rode
into town on his brother Joe’s motor-
cycle. He started home about 10:30
o’clock, when the snow was falling
rapidly, and in front of the C. Y.
Wagner residence, on Willowbank
street, ran headon into the rear of an
automobile. The machine belongs to
a man named Eckley, of State Col-
lege, who, on starting home on south
Water street, discovered he had a flat
tire. In order to get out of the heavy
traffic and have the advantage of the
| arc light on the bridge he drove over
in front of the Wagner home, pulled
as far as possible to the right of the
road and changed tires. He had just
replaced the bad tire in the hanger
on the rear of his car and stepped
away when Jodon crashed into the
car. The impact threw the young
man from the motorcycle and he was
thrown head first against Mr. Eckley,
sinking to the ground unconscious.
Mr. Eckley picked him up and
managed to get him into his
car, then took him to the hospital
It was over an hour before he re-
gained consciousness. He sustained
a good-sized cut on the head and suf-
fered from shock so that it was neces-
sary to keep him in the hospital sev-
eral days. Had he not collided with
Mr. Eckley and had his head struck
the brick pavement his injuries might
have been far more serious.
Penn State to be Host to High School
With the annual state High school
basketball championship contests to
be held at the Pennsylvania State Col-
lege tomorrow, students of the college
are taking opportunity to entertain
High school athletes from all parts
of the State at the first annual “Var-
sity S Banquet” which is to be held
Saturday night. “Bill” Roper, pop-
ular Princeton football coach, Law-
rence Perry, well known sports writ-
er, president Ralph D. Hetzel and
coach Hugo Bezdek will be among the
{ speakers,
Miller’s body was brought
Bellefonte Knights Templar to Attend Brief Meeting of Borough Council on
Grand Conclave at Reading.
A special conclave of Constans
| Commandery, Knights Templar, No.
| 33, of Bellefonte, was held last Fri-
day evening, when the beautful Order
of the Temple was conferred upon
eight candidates from various parts
of the county.
| Definite plans were also completed
for attending the grand conclave to
be held in Reading May 21st, 22nd
and 23rd. As the presiding officer on
that occasion will be Right Eminent
Sir Boyd A. Musser, of Scranton, but
formerly of Bellefonte and a member
of Constans Commandery, consider-
able local interest is already manifest
in that gathering.
Commander Musser has signified
his desire to have his home Command-
ery act as his escort and also lead the
big parade, which is always a feature
of the conclave. Because of the lat-
ter fact Constans Commandery will
go to Reading some forty or fifty
strong. As planned now the mem-
bers will charter two Pullman cars
for the trip and will live in them
{while in Reading. They have en-
gaged the Penn State military band of
' seventy-five pieces to lead them in the
‘parade and will arrange to have the
band taken to Reading and back in
motor busses.
As a compliment to Commander
Musser large delegations will also
‘attend the conclave from Lewistown,
Huntingdon and Philipsburg, where
the other Commanderies in this divi-
sion are located.
The Pennsylvania conclave is the
largest in the United States, includ-
ing about 45,000 members. Because
of this fact Reading Knights are pre-
paring to entertain a large crowd on
a magnificent scale. The conclave
was held there twenty years ago and
the present generation are all set to
outdo their fathers.
Anent Constans Commandery, it
has been unusually active this year,
having taken in over thirty new mem-
bers and now having on its roll al-
most three hundred Knights. Natur-
ally it is their ambition to make an
impressive showing at the May con-
clave and thus convince their fellow
Knights from other parts of the State
that Bellefonte continues to shine in
the limelight.
Hungarian Partridges Put Out by
Philipsburg Sportsmen.
Game protector Thomas G. Mosier,
of Bellefonte, last week received a
consignment of Hungarian partridges
which he secured especially for the
State Centre Fish and Forestry as-
sociation, of Philipsburg, the mem-
bers of which are anxious to try out
the propagation of these game birds
in the mountainous sections of Rush
township. The birds came direct from
Holland and were forty-three days
making the journey. There were
forty-three in the crates but two of
them were dead.
Mr. Mosier received the birds on
Friday and on Saturday Elmer Pill-
ings, gamekeeper in Rush township,
motored to Bellefonte and took the
partridges to Philipsburg. Notwith-
standing the deep fall of snow they
were released in well covered wooded
sections on Sunday, in four coveys.
Boxes of feed sufficient to last two
or three weeks were placed with each
covey, and by the time that has been
consumed the birds ought to be able
to shift for themselves.
Deserts College to Join the Army.
A letter to one of his fraternity
brothers at State College, received
yesterday morning, revealed that
Richard Detwiler, of Smullton, this
county, has enlisted for service in
finance service of the regular army.
He enlisted at Ft. Slocum, N. Y., on
Young Detwiler was a Freshman at
State, a member of the glee club and
Inter-Collegiate two-mile Freshman
On March 15th he left College to
go home because of a bad cold. On
Monday he had sufficiently recovered
to return to his studies and started
for State, so his mother thought. He
did not turn up there and some alarm
was felt as to his non-appearance. A
hunt was instituted without results
until the letter from him came yes-
terday morning.
His mother knew nothing of his
whereabouts after leaving home and
was still in ignorance of his having
deserted a college career yesterday
Chest Clinic to be Held on April 4th
in Bellefonte.
The Pennsylvania Department of
Health appreciates the co-operation
which has been manifested by the
medical profession at large in the en-
forcement of its program of prevent-
ive medicine and is desirous of estab-
lishing a still more intimate contact
with physicians threughout the State.
To further this end it is the De-
partment’s purpose to hold an all day
chest clinic in the Red Cross rooms,
Bellefonte, on Wednesday, April 4th,
from 10 o’clock a. m. to 4 p. m. The
clinie will be conducted by Dr. Thom-
as H. A. Stites, medical director of
the free State sanitorium, at Cresson,
and Dr. A. S. Koch, of Altoona. A
number of interesting and unusual
cases will be brought to the clinic
for examination. A general invita-
tion is extended to the physicians of
Centre and neighboring counties to
attend. \
—Fisherman, Attention. Hood
{ brand hip boots, $4.85, Yeager’s, 12-1t
Monday Evening.
Just six members of borough coun-
cil were present at the regular meet-
ing, on Monday evening, the ab-
sentees being Messrs: J. M. Cunning-
ham, John Mignot and Robert E.
Kline, and with visions of that big
St. Patrick’s day banquet awaiting
them at the Undine fire company the
six members present made short shift
of the business at hand.
Secretary Kelly presented a bill
from pronthonotary S. Claude Herr
for the court costs and witness fees
in the case of Mrs. Laura E. Wright
vs. Bellefonte borough, which was ap-
proved and ordered paid.
The Street committee reported var-
ious minor repairs on several streets
and receipt of $30 for a sewer per-
mit. Regarding the request of J. C.
Jodon for the opening of an alley at
the rear of his property on east High
street, and extending east to Wilson
street, the committee reported that
the present alley in that section is a
private one, and there is no provision
on the map of the borough for a pub-
lic alley in that locality.
The Water committee reported that
repairs have been completed on the
gravity pump at the Phoenix station,
and that it is now pumping approx-
imately a million gallons daily, which
will be a great saving in the expense
of operating the electric pumps. The
cornmittee also reported the collection
of $16.00 on the 1926 water duplicate
and $1184.00 on the 1927.
The Fire and Police committee pre-
sented the estimate of R. C. Witmer
of the cost of stringing an extra wire
from the telephone exchange to the
fire alarm, which was between $90 and
$100, and the committee was authoxr-
ized to have the work done.
The Finance committee presented
the report of the borough treasurer
which showed a balance on hand of
$8000.33. The committee also asked
for the renewal of notes totalling $11,-
750, which was authorized. Report
was made that the treasurer had re-
ceived a warrant from the United
States treasurer for $212.50, six
month’s interest on a $10,000 bond
held by the borough. The committee
asked that an order be drawn for
$1651.90 as payment of six months’
interest on the borough bonds, and
the same was authorized.
President Walker appointed A.
Miles Barr an auditor for the Pruner
orphanage accounts after which bills
aggregating $2822.10 were approved
for payment and council adjourned.
P. R. R. Wants the Fairbrook Branch
Having abandoned the Fairbrook
branch and accepted the offer of the
Bellefonte Central Railroad company
for its purchase, the Pennsylvania
railroad company has evidently rued
its bargain and is anxious to get the
line back; or at least to get it out
of possession of the Bellefonte Cen-
tral, according to an announcement in
the Traffic World, this week, which
contains a notice of a hearing to be
held in the court house, Bellefonte,
on Wednesday, April 4th, at 9.30
o’clock in the morning.
The hearing will be before repre-
sentatives of both the Public Service
Commission and the Interstate Com-
merce Commission. According to the
report, after the Bellefonte Central
had made its offer of purchase and
the same had been accepted by the
Pennsylvania Railroad company, the
purpose of the Bellefonte Central to
construct a connecting link between
its present line at. State College and
the Fairbrook branch became known.
As this would give them a line from
Bellefonte to within a few miles of
Tyrone, and afford them the advan-
tage of a long haul on all freight
shipments originating on its line, as
well as incoming freight to State Col-
lege, it would naturally be in compe-
tition with the P. R. R.
To prevent this, if possible, the P.
R. R. instituted an action before the
Public Service Commission and the
Interstate Commerce Commission to
recover possession of the Fairbrook
branch, and it is in the interest of this
action that the hearing will be held.
What the P. R. R. would do with the
road, should it recover possession, has
not been intimated.
Thelma Williams’ Manager found in
Detroit, Mich.
A man who gave his name as Ros-
coe Grimm, and age thirty-five years,
surrendered to the authorities at De-
troit, Mich., last week, admitting that
he was the manager of Thelma Wil-
liams, the “Miss Pittsburgh” of 1926,
in her various beauty contests. Mr.
Grimm, however, plead not guilty to
the charge of conducting fake con-
tests. He was released under $3,500
bail while Miss Williams was released
cn her own personal bond of $1000.
Both Mr. Grimm and Miss Williams
are also wanted in Buffalo, N. Y.
—Hood brand hip. fishing boots,
$4.85, Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 12-1t |
John F. Marks Sells Restaurant, Buys
The Bon Mot.
Colonial restaurant, in the McClain
block, to J. H. Bicketts, who operates
the pool room next door to the res-
taurant, and this week closed the deal
for the purchase of the Bon Mot from
James Caldwell. Mr Marks will con-
tinue to operate The Governor, his
restaurant in Crider’s Exchange, and
after a few improvements will open
the Bon Mot as an up-to-date ice
cream parlor and confectionery store.
—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schad, of east
. Curtin street, were with friends in Punx-
sutawney for the week-end.
| Mrs. James D. Robinson, of Norris-
town, has been a guest for the week, of
Mrs. James G. Walters, of the Rogers
apartments. ]
—Miss Anna Miller has left Salona and
gone to Emporium, where she will be for
an indefinite time wilh her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lingle.
| —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mallory are home
i from Baltimore, to spend several weeks
| with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mallory.
—Paul Foreman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Foreman, went to Chicago a week
ago, expecting to locate there permanent-
ly, to be with his elder brother, Mahlon.
—George Miller has been able to re-
sume his work, following an illness of
several weeks, during which time he was
confined to his home on north Spring
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse, two of
the State highway employees at Clearfield,
motored over to Bellefonte, on ¥riday,
and were guests until Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Guldin.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larimer drive to
Rockview from Jersey Shore twice a
week, to spend a part of the day with Mr.
Larimer’s mother, who is critically ill at
the Larimer home.
—Mrs. William J. Sager is recovering
from a severe attack of indigestion suffered
Monday at her home on north Thomas
street. Her illness was such as to be con-
siderably alarming for a day or more.
—N. A. Staples, now holding the posi-
tion of assistant division engineer of the
Philadelphia district, State Highway De-
partment, motored to Bellefonte, last
Thursday, and remained until Sunday.
—Mrs. Nelson E. Robb and Mrs. John
Fisher went out to Saint Petersburg, Clar-
ion county, Monday, to attend the funcr-
al of their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Fisher
Weirbach, whose funeral was held there
—P. W. Hartsock, traffic manager of the
American Lime and Stone Co. attended
the meeting of Allegheny regional ad-
visory board of shippers, which was held
at the William Penn hotel, in Pittsburgh,
Thursday of last week.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Brouse, Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander G. Morris Jr, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith, drove to Al-
toona yesterday in the Smith car, to at-
tend the Potentate’s reception given there
at six o'clock last evening.
—Mrs. Rachel Williams has been here
from Atlantic City this week, with her
daughter, Mrs. Wilfred I. Miller, called
to Bellefonte by the death of Mr. Miller,
which occurred, Friday, at the Miller lime
operation, at Valley View.
—Mrs. M. Ward Fleming was over from
Philipsburg the early part of the week
to join Judge Fleming for ‘“Ladies’ night”
at the Kiwanis, Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Fleming's visit was also to see Mrs. W.
I. Fleming, who has been ill at her home
on Spring street for several weeks.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beach left
Monday morning for Reading, to spend
several days there as guests of Mrs,
Beach’s cousin, Mrs. J. Norman Sherer
and Mr. Sherer. Their plans are for stop-
ping enroute home, with Mrs. Sherer’s
sister, Mrs. George Green, in Lock Haven,
where they will also spend several days.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner were up
from Mackeyville, Saturday, for an all
day visit with the George Miller family
and upon their return home were accom-
panied by Mrs. Gardner's mother, Mrs.
Robert Irwin, who had been a guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Miller, for some time.
Mrs. Irwin divides the time between her
two children, Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Mil-
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yeager enter-
tained a party from New Jersey, Sunday,
which included their son and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Yeager and Lee Stern,
of Perth Amboy, and Miss Helen Cant-
field, of Metuchen. Having come up on
an excursion to Tyrone, they were able
to come on to Bellefonte in the morning
and thus spend the greater part of the
day at the Yeager home.
—Mrs. Wilson, of Halfmoon township,
wife of commissioner Newton I. Wilson,
Mrs. Robert J. P. Gray and her sister,
Mrs. Florence Truby Pittman, both of
Stormstown, were driving guests of Mr.
Wilson on his semi-weekly trip to Belle-
fonte Friday. While Mr. Wilson was oc-
cupied with his court house duties, the
women spent the time with their friends
in Bellefonte. For lunch, they were guests
of Miss Mary H. Linn and her brother,
Henry, at their home on Allegheny street.
—Andrew Curtin Thompson, of Philips-
burg, Democratic candidate for the Leg-
islature, was in Bellefonte on Friday eof
last week getting encouragement from
some of the party workers for the in-
tensive campaign he expects to carry on
later. As Mr. Thompson is the only can-
'didate for the nomination, and was only
recently bereaved in the loss of his wile,
he will not cover the county during the
primary campaign, but that should not
deter every good Democrat from voting
for him.
—Mrs. Joseph’ R. Hogentogler accom-
panied her husband to Clearfield, the lat-
ter part of the week, on a house hunting
expedition. Being so close to April first
they did not have much of a selection to
choose from but finally secured a house
which they concluded will be fairly com-
fortable, although it is not in the class
with the home they will leave in Belle-
fonte. They expect to move to Clearfield
| this week and will be accompanied by
| Mrs. Hogentogler’s father and brother,
| William and Edward Daley.
| —A Bellefonte visitor, last Friday, was
| Daniel ‘Beck, of Centre Line, who came
| here with county commissioner Newton IL
Wilson to look after a few business mat-
ters, see how his neighbor is sizing up
in the commissioner's office and visit
among his frends and acquaintances in
town. Mr. Beck is a farmer and occupies
{the old homestead purchased from the
| Amish by his grandfather three quarters
of a century ago, and he still clings to
some of the old ideas about farming,
which is probably one of the reasons why
his farm is one of the best in that valley.
While he has all the up-to-date farm
equipment—tractors, sulkey plows and
cultivators, most of his ploughing is done
with the old-fashioned handle plow, be-
cause he is confident that he can get his
ground in better condition that way. And
the crops he raises every year would
seem to justify his contention.
—John P. Fretz, lessee of the State and
Scenic theatres, returned, on Wednesday,
from a business trip to South Dakota.
—Misses Loretta Kane and Sarah Bech-
tel went down to Williamsport, on Wed-
nesday, for a several days’ visit with
—Miss Mary Katz, of the Ohio State
university, of Columbus, is spending her
senior vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Katz, of the Heverly apart-
—Mrs. Sol Auerbach, with her little
daughter, wera arrivals from New York,
yesterday, for an Easter visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen, of
Spring street.
—8. M. Campbell, head of Millheim's
big furniture house, drove over to Belle-
fonte, Wednesday, with Mrs. Campbell, to
spend the afternoon with friends and in
looking after some business interests.
—DMrs. Taylor, wife of Maj. James Tay-
.lor, of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh,
was home a week ago, having come in
for the funeral of the small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Donovan, of Axe Mann.
—Mrs. Mary Haines, who had been a
guest of her sister, Mrs. George Ingram
and Mr. Ingram at their home on east
Lamb street, for a part of last week re-
turned to her home in Clearfield, Sunday.
—Mrs. M. A. Kirk is spending several
days in Clearfield, having gone over yes-
terday to be with her sister, Mrs. Dan-
iel Rhinesmith, until Sunday, when Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Kirk will drive over for
—Dr. A. M. Schmidt, now of Philadel-
phia, made a week-end visit to Bellefonte,
spending his time while here with some
of his former parishioners and many
friends. Dr. Schmidt, during his stay,
was a house guest of Mrs. Jared Harper,
‘of Thomas street.
—NMiss Lilly Markey, of Loysburg, is a
house guest of her niece, Mrs. George F.
Reiter and Mr. Reiter, at their apartment
at the Academy. Miss Markey has been
in Bellefonte for a month or more and
will continue her visit probably until
some time in April.
—Mrs. J. Irvin Underwood stopped in
Bellefonte last week, with Mr. Under-
wood’s father and sisters, Isaac Under-
wood and the Misses Blanche and Mary,
at their home on north Spring street. The
visit was made enroute home to Erie from
Johnstown, where Mrs. Underwood had
been to visit her mother, Mrs. Kinkead.
—George Sherry, retired railroad man,
who has been ill most of the winter, made
the first trip down town in several months,
Wednesday. For part of the time he was
confined to his home on Quaker Hill he
was really very seriously ill and while he
is still far from being as strong as usual
the bright sunshine of the first day of
spring was too much of a lure for him
to resist. When we told him that he
didn’t look like an invalid he laughingly
replied: “Yes, that’s what some of my
visitors said when I was flat on my back
in bed and really didn’t know whether I'd
last more than a day longer.”
rr ——— eters.
St. Patrick’s Day Parties.
Mrs. R. C. Blaney entertained three
tables at bridge, on Saturday night,
as a St. Patrick’s day party for a few
of her intimate friends.
Mrs. M. A. Landsay gave a St.
Patrick’s day party, Saturday even-
ing, which was attended by fifteen
guests. Cards were in play.
—The J. F. Storch family moved,
cn Monday, from the Emerick house,
on Spring street, to the home of Mrs.
Storch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Kline, on Bishop street, where they
expect to be for the summer, at least.
On Tuesday a force of carpenters be-
gan work making repairs on the Em-
erick property in order to have it in
shape, by April 1st, for Glenn John-
ston, who will move here from Wool-
rich at that time to take personal
charge of the motor bus line when it
passes into control of the Johnston
Motor Bus company.
—The Federal Match company
closed one department of its Belle-
fonte plant, on Tuesday, laying off
about one hundred employees. Offi-
cials of the company stated that the
department will be closed probably
two weeks. With a hundred people
thrown idle at the match factory and
the entire force laid off at the silk
mill for two weeks or longer there
will be no pay roll with which to pur-
chase Easter finery.
eee eee.
—A salesman making the rounds
of Bellefonte, last week, visited forty
homes and at all but six of them he
was turned away with the dishearten-
ing information that the woman was
unable to buy because her husband
had no work at present. This is a
condition which prevails generally
throughout Central Pennsylvania and
the many idle men are living in the
hope that conditions will improve be-
fore many weeks.
W. C. McClintic, The $22.50 Suit Man.
Showing Richman Bros, new spring
line. Our suits and topcoats for
spring are winning new friends for us
by the thousand. Styles, woolen lux-
ury and tailoring quality you are not
likely to see matched at less than
$50.00—all top-coats are rainproefed.
You society chaps call and see the
Richman tuxedo, by all odds the best
buy in America today, including black
silk vest, $22.50. Samples on display
this, Friday, afternoon and evening
at the Bush house. 73-12-1t.
—Light and heavy weight Hood hip
boots, $4.85, Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop. 12-1t
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by OC. ¥. Wagner &