Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 23, 1928, Image 7
a SE = Bellefonte, Pa., March 23, 1928. ——————————————————————— THE HILL STREET MURDER. (Continued from Page 2, Col. 6) Benskin explained. “It was easy to discover in the first place that he was a particular friend of Lady Dent, and it was also an easy matter to find out that he was in the house with her that night.” = “Yes,” the sub-commissioner com= mented, “that’s all very well, but what about the revolver and the pock- etbook in that girl’s drawer?” ; “That's the dirty part of the busi- ness,” Benskin replied. “In leaving the house the girl made some noise which disturbed Hermyanas. As a matter of fact, she dropped her type- writer upon the pavement. He drew back the curtain in such a panic that he broke one of the rings. He looked down into the street, and he saw the girl gazing up at the house to see she had disturbed anyone. «Of course he recognized her. She occupied the apartment opposite to his in Cranford Court. There was prob- ably some further noise in the room below. Hermyanas stole down—he generally carried a revolver, it seems ~ stole into that room on the ground floor, and whether he did it in cold blood while his victim was sleeping, or to save his own skin, he certainly shot Dent. : “Then the beast took out his pock- etbook, made his escape, and after- wards planted the pocketbook and the revolver in a drawer of his neighbor’s room. He argued to himself, 1 sup- pose that her night visit to the house would certainly come out. He knew quite well that she was a typist and he could guess her errand. “He planted the revolver and the pocketbook in her room, with the sole object of fastening the crime upon her, not even knowing that there was another motive stronger still which might have made thinks look even worse for her circumstantially. The little brute no doubt thought he was safe, and perhaps he might have been if the maid had held her tongue. As it is, the case against him is com- plete.” : The sub-commissioner renewed his compliments. There was something in Benskin’s expression which puzzled im. “Getting callous, young fellow, aren’t you?” he remarked. “I never saw you bring a man to the con- demned cell and look really happy about it before.” Benksin smiled thoughtfully. There was a little picture before his eyes— the picture of Hermyanas creeping into the girl’s room with a brown pa- per parcel under his arm. __E. Phillips Oppenheim in Cosmo- politan. Pennsylvania’s People Eat Twice As Much as Its Farms Produce. According to the best available es- timates, the vast production of im- portant farm crops and livestock pro- ducts in Pennsylvania, if all consumed within the Commonwealth, would be only about half enough to supply the annual demand for these products. Figures compiled by the Pennsylva- nia Department of Agriculture show that on the average the annual farm production gs short of consumption by 4,000,000 ushels of apples, 4,000,- 000 bushels of potatoes, 22,000,000 bushels of wheat, and 50,000,000 doz- ens of eggs. If all the milk produced were con- sumed in the fluid form, the annual production would still be about 21, 000,000 gallons short. ; Furthermore, if all the increase in weight of cattle, hogs and sheep pro- duced or fattened on farms each year were consumed as meat, this amount would supply only one-third of the State’s consumption of beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork. These figures emphasize the enor- mous consuming power for farm pro- ducts in Pennsylvania and reveal one big advantage of our agriculture— nearness to the greatest markets in the world, assert officials of the de- partment. The production and consumption es- Pennsylvaania are the! timates for following: Unit Production Consumption Apples (bu) ...... 10,000,000 14,000,000 Potatoes (bu.) .... 25,000,000 29,000,000 Milk (gal) ........ 126,000,000 447,000,000 Wheat (bu) ........ 22,000,000 44,000,000 Eggs (doz) ....... 113,000,000 163,000,000 Beef (Ibs.) ........ 76,572,000 621,300,000 Veal (Ibs.) ........ 48,508,000 80,400,000 Mutton and Lamb (1bs.)8,721.00 53,900,000 | Pork (lbs) ....... 188,400,000 643,900,000 commen p— Thoughtless Drivers Cause Death of Much of State’s Wild Game. Hundreds of rabbits, many deer, and innumerable wild birds have been killed at night along Pennsylvania's highways during the past months, re- ports to the State Game Commission show. : Motorists are not in most cases, to blame for this destruction, but the commission thinks it timely to sug- gest that the driver who tries to hit 2 rabbit or bird is thoughtless and cruel, and is not co-operating in the program of wild life conservation, which is responsible in a large degree for Pennsylvania’s hunters’ paradise. Cottontails are the chief victims of speeding automobiles; mouse-eating screech owls and harmless barnowis are killed by the dozens; deer are dazed by the lights and then struck by automobiles and trains. Owls are hit when they come to the roads to feed upon mice and moles which have been killed during the day because they misjudge the speed of approaching cars. The driver cannot run the risk of killing those who ride with him by turning so as to miss a rabbit; but no driver need consider himself clever if he manages to strike some bird or animal that lingers along the high- way, members of the commission as- serted. r————————— —Subseribe for the Watchman. Winter Drivers Need More Time. Safe winter driving begins with a readjustment of one’s schedule to al- low more time for travel between the home and office, store, shop, or plant, according to Matthew F. Morse, sec- retary of the Automobile Club of Missouri. “The allowence of an ex- tra five, ten or fifteen minutes, de- pending upon the distance one has to travel, may mean a difference much more significant than that denoted merely by the time,” says Morse. “It is impossible to tell how many accidents may be traced to the in- dividual’s failure to adjust his driv- ing schedule to winter, when so many things conspire against ordinarily speedy motor travel. It is not to be doubted that the number would be impressively large were it possible to compute. “Poo fast for conditions,’ is an ac- cident cause that is most outstanding in winter, even though, on the whole, cold weather driving is slower. It is well to remember that ‘conditions’ are radically different. Streets are slip- if | pery and the weather is cold, making handling of the car more difficult, and the temptation of pedestrians is to rush ahead, regardless of traffic. These and many other factors con- spire against safety. “The remedy for these conditions, plainly is to take more time. If the motorist usually allows ten minutes for his morning run to the office, why not make it fifteen for winter? No better way to spend five minutes can be devised. If this allowance is made, there will be no driving so fast that a sudden stop may mean a fatal skid. It will provide time to let the reckless driver pass. It will be adequate for more caution in congestion, permit- ting one to drive farther behind the next car, which will make stopping possible in case an emergency arises. “Such a readjustment of one’s early morning routine is not difficult, and it will bear fruit in the form of a greater traffic safety.” Flow of Maple Sap Will Start Soun. Indications point to an early maple sugar season this year, according to reports received by the Pennsylvania the district foresters throughout the State. Last year Pennsylvania pro- duced approximately 250,000 pounds of maple sugar and 275,00 galions of maple syrup, the value of which ex- ceeds $650,000. The three stages of sugar making operations are, first, tapping the trees; secord, gathering the sap; and third, boiling it down into syrup and sugar. A hole about one-half inch in diameter and one to two inches deep bored into the tree from two to three feet from the ground. Into these holes are driven small spouts called “gpiles” from which buckets are hung to receive the sap as it drips from the holes. When sap is flowing well, about seventy drops flow into the : pail each minute. The pails are emp- tied each day and the sap taken to the sugar house or evaporating plant where it is boiled. A single tree yields from five to forty gallons of sap during a seasom Thirty gallons of sap should produce i one gallon of syrup or seven and one- (half to eight pounds of sugar. A sound maple tree can be counted upon | to give from one to seven pounds of sugar per season, and from one pint | to one gallon of syrup. | Large Trout Shipments to be Made This Spring. i Distribution of fish from the hatch- eries of Pennsylvania this spring, is i expected to reach new records, the | Fish Commission says. Reports re- i ceived by N. R. Buller, commissioner i of fisheries, from superintendents at | the hatcheries indicate shipments of | trout will be the largest in the his- tory of the commission. { With favorable weather conditions | the board also expects to have a large { distribution of pike and perch. Prac- | feally all these eggs are taken from Lake Champlain where a station is maintained and operated at Swanton, Vt., by the Pennsylvania Fish Com- | mission, the State of Vermont and {the United States Bureau of Fisher- i ies. i The first fish distributed each year i by the board is the minnow, Mr. Bul- | ler said. The board annually plants more than 1,000,000 of this species. No other fish are being sent out to applicants at this time of the year. Report Shows Status of Bituminous Mines. Secretary of mines Walter H. Glas- gow has received reports from the various bituminous districts showing that of the 2,000 mines in the region 57 per cent are working at the pres- ent time. Of those working 38 per cent are operating full time, 49 per cent half time or better and 13 per cent less than half time. Of the 43 per cent of the mines that are idle, it is es- timated that 80 per cent are idle on acocunt of business conditions and 20 per cent because of labor conditions. The secretary said that the tonnage for the month of January shows a gain of about 6 per cent over the pro- duction for December, indicating a Bole improvement in the demand for coal. Sr —————— A —— The Flapper Gone? According to a statement issuing from the Junior League, the flapper type of girl is disappearing. Inquir- ies made in 35 cities, show that the more conspicuous and undesirable traits of such young women are less in evidence, and that instead we have girls of more poise and dignity. Conditions immediately following the war tended to break down self- restraint, and produced ill regulated young people of both sexes. Those who have come up later seem to have training from their families with a little more respect for the wisdom of age. But there are still a great many weak parents who allow their chil- dren to do as they please, and such families will no doubt always pro- ! duce the flapper type in both sexes. department of forest and waters from be Ready to Start Fest of Water. Harrisburg, —Present plans of the bureau of engineering of the State Department of Health call for an expansion of the water supply ex- amination service which it has given every seaseon since 1924. Two motorized laboratories will start following the main highways of the State in the near future. ists will examine all public water supplies as well as those of private families who request the service. The primary object of the work is to assure clean, uncontaminated water for the hundreds of thousands who each year travel the highways, depending on the closest water supply. Last year the “Danger—Do not Drink” placard was used in 933 cases. Officials of the department say it is impossible to estimate the saving of human lives which may result from each dangerous water supply which is discovered. The laboratories during the past year examined 2157 water supplies. In addition 2500 private water sup- plies were examined upon special re- quest in the rural districts of the Commonwealth. Character Shown by Manner of Laughing. People who laugh heartily may be trusted, said a student of psychology recently. These people laugh with the eyes and the whole body as well as the vocal cords, and they are usu- ally generous and sympathetic. Laughter is a sure indication of character. The man who laughs in his throat, with an almost straight face, for example, is generally shrewd and cautious, and not always over- scrupulous in his methods. “Inside laughter,” whose shaking shoulders express their mirth, are good-natured, and make excellent par- ents, while those who laugh without ja smile are hard-hearted and cruel. | People with little jerky laughs are of- | ten of shallow character, and are un- able to withstand temptation. They are, however, often mentally brilliant. | People who laugh explosively and loudly are not the hearty, bluff crea- tures they are generally believed to The large-hearted souls are those who laugh but rarely, but whose joy is reflected in eyes, lips, and face. The Origin of Wheat. knows. Efforts have been made to trace it to its ancestral plant, but they have never been certainly suc- cessful. As soon as a botanist dis- covers a wild plant closely akin to it some other scientist suggests that the “wild” plan is a degenerate escaped from cultivation. The Swiss lake dwellers had two distinct species, one ‘of which is quite different from any- thing found in the ancient Egyptian tombs. The earliest Parision writings ‘note wheat as an old-established plant, i but the usual guess is that it origin- ated in Mesopotamia. Some day, doubtless, the sands of Mesopotamia will be as carefully raked as those of Egypt and yield as rich additions to man’s knowledge of his origin; today it is safe to attribute the origin of al- most anything to Mesopotamia, be- bause we know so little about it. Estimate 18,000,000,000 Stamps Will i be Used in U. S. This Year. The United States Post Office De- Where wheat originated no man partment has estimated that approx- imately eighteen billions of adhesive postage stamps will be required dur- ing the present fiscal year, according to Robert S. Regar, third assistant postmaster general. In order to convey a better idea of what this tremendous quantity rep- resents, Mr. Reger states that ‘these stamps were placed end ‘they would extend 250,000 miles, suf- ficient to belt the globe ten times at the equator. If they were piled ver- | tically, he continued, they would make .a column 1136 miles mgh. He said | that approximately 1000 tons of pa- | per, 575 tons of gum and 500 tons of ink will be required to prepare this ‘number of stamps. i en tee pee 1 ‘ State Game Laws Govern Hunting in | season. ' the Forests. i \ | Can anyone hunt and kill game in the national forests? This question is frequently asked Department of Agriculture officials. Hunting and fishing in all national forests, says the forest service, are governed by the game laws of the State in which the national forest is located. Most forest officers are deputy State game wardens and it is their duty to en- force the State game laws at all times. . In some of the national forests, however, national game refuges have been set aside for the preservation of wild life. and fishing are not allowed, except under special circumstances and with the approval of the authorities in charge. “American Forest Week” Set Aside By President Coolidge. President Coolidge has issued 2a proclamation designating the week of April 22-28 for a nation-wide observ- ance of “American Forest Week.” The President set apart this week he said, for public discussion of our forests and of what must be done to safeguard and restore them.” He em- phasized particularly the need for suppressing the forest fire evil and pointed out the benefits to agricul- ture, industry, commerce and nation- al life that will result from making the forest lands of the United States fully productive of continuous crops. Sr —— Cookery With a Kick. Young wife: “I'm afraid. dear, my pie is not all it should be. I think I must have left something out.” Husband (with a grimace, after sampling it): “There’s nothing you could leave out that would make it taste like that. It must be something you put in.”—Boston Transcript. WORTH KNOWING s— There are, it is said, 960,000 pupils in night schools of the nation. A typewriter having 1,160 keys covering forty alphabets has been de- vised. Radio is said to have introduced 3,- 000 more words into the English lan- Chem. { E2225. Accident prevention is now offered as a regular college course at New York University. Men buried in snow can hear every word uttered by persons on the out- side, but their loudest shouts are in- audible. Eating the powdered bones of an- cestors is one of the strange customs of an Indian tribe in the wilds of Brazil. Contrary to general opinion, Amer- ican Indians are no longer a vanish- ing race. Their numbers in the United States are increasing. In 1880 about 90 per cent of the people of the United States lived on farms. Today only about 28 per cent do, P spite of the increased food de- mand. “Cooks with college education” are being demanded by modern restau- rants according to William Lowen- stein, toastmaster at the annual ball of the United Restaurant Owners As- sociation of New York. Of the students at New York Uni- versity 17,5670 have full-time positions at which they earn from $1500 a year up. Another 35,045 are employed at part-time work, so that 70 per cent of the students are earning some share of their expenses. German chemists have discovered a means of liquefying coal. By adding hydrogen, it is converted into a liquid motor fuel comparable to gasoline. The significance of this achievement is that when the world’s supply of petroleum has been vonsumed we may turn to soft coal, which will supply us for four thousand years. mrss ee, ANNIVERSARIES OF THE WEEK March 21—“Spring, ah Spring!” Jo- hann Sebastian Bach, a composer whose compositions have quaintness and the charm of involved simplic- ity, born 1865. Robert Southey, Poet Laureate of England, died, 1843. March 22—Jonathan Edwards, the New England preacher, died, 1758. Rosa Bonheur, the famous artist, born, 1822. The great poet of Germany, Goethe, died, 1832. March 23—Patrick Henry delivers his famous oration, 1775. March 24—“Good Queen Bess” ends her rule, 1603. Steamship “Sussex” torpedoed, in 1916. March 25—Slave trade abolished by the British Parliament, 1807. March 26—Embargo Act passed 1794. March 27—Florida discovered, 1513. March 28—Marshall Foch made Gen- eralissimo of the Allies, 1918. DO YOU KNOW? That Pennsylvania is producing 12 times as much tobacco as 60 years ago? That over 30,000 Pennsylvania farms are on concrete, brick or mac- adam road? That a market house is still operat- ing in Philadelphia at which George - Washington and his wife were regu- ! if | to end , 350 Road Projects Scheduled in Year. | 1 | | 1 1 ular customers? That Pennsylvania produced the second most valuable potato crop in the Union last year? More than 350 highway projects will be under supervision of the State Department of Highways during the coming year, Samuel Eckles, chief engineer said recently. Present plans of the department call for opening of bids on at least 250 projects, involving work on 575 miles. Winter weather stopped work on 105 projects let during the 1927 When completed ; these pro- jects will increase the improved mile- age of the highway system by a least 230 miles. 17-Year Locust to Appear This Year. Brood II of the periodical cicada, or 17-year-old locusts will appear in Berks, Bucks, Chester, Dauphin, Del- aware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadel- phia, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, and Wyoming counties this year, accord- ing to entomologists of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Agriculture. Brood I of this insect appeared in certain sections of In these refuges hunting | the Commonwealth last year. WORTH KNOWING German chemists are trying to pro- duce sugar from the air. At Iowa State College, chemists have found a method for converting the stalks as well as the cobs of corn into paper, chemicals, sugar, and ray- on. When you talk about there being a better country than the United States, says a Western farmer, every potato winks its eye, every cabbage shakes its head, every beet turns red in the face, every onion gets stronger, every oat field is shocked, rye strokes its beard, corn sticks up its ears, and every foot of ground kicks.—Sun- shine Magazine. Was It Worth It. Father: “The man who marries my daughter will get a prize.” Ardent suitor: “May I see please ?”—Boston Herald. it, Teacher: “Johnny, use ‘pasteurize’ in a sentence.” Johnny: “A paper wad just sailed ‘past your eyes.’ Corporate Settlement the Best OPLE are just beginning to realize the superior qualification of the Corporate Executor or Trustee over the Individual. Four and one half times as many banks were made Trustees in 1927 as in 1923. This Bank has full Trust powers and can act in any Trust capacity. Consult us about your Will. The First. National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. on em— wes — - wo cmem——— A oro Ee A I Rn . =i}! i =i a Ef LJ i A LG |] i= 1 Uc = ; i Ji 31 i of oh Lu : LE iL ! = 1 r= Ls i LE Ue ic ie il ol Sh : i ‘ te Uc i 7 =] | 1 Constructive RESIDENT COOLIDGE said: “Without constructive economy in Government expenditures, we should not now be enjoying these results or these prospects.” This bank always adheres to principles that are sound and constructive. THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK |; STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ANE &/ 20 . i : a IT's AT FAUBLE'S I I E KNOW you will say you never saw such Ug oh Beautiful Suits for so little money as we are I showing now. i) oh We know our showing of Nottingham Suits for = 1 young men has never been equaled at the price el 2 and there are no better clothes at any price. it LIC ant: fc Let us show you how little money it will take 7 iy at Fauble’s to dress as good as the best. i Lh 2 i Stetson and Mallory Hats, Emery Shirts, Walk- i of over Shoes and La Mar Neckwear are now ready for fc bs your Easter selection. i : 2 oN The pleasure of showing you is all we ask. May = i we have it? is i 2; : auple ¢ Ue ® ie LL Et Bee Ee EE CE A AE RAE