“3 “he Pennsylvania State Colleg ciation of P * hg Be gs ho TY lw SARE S ABOUT TOWN AND OUNTY. a - — ee ry } —Thursday of next week will be groundhog day. LS = —A brief session of arg bs tho was held, on Tuesday, fi k 3 pointed_¢ Haven, : » & —Howird Holzworth "io ‘week appointed a member of the Poard of ad “and bridge viewers in ‘place of John W. Eby, resigned. i —The new board of coumty ‘¢ anissioners, at a meeting on decided to increase the milla 1928 from six to eight; mills ¢ —The regular monthly mge the Woman’s club of Bellefo Fold Monday evening, Janllary “7.307 inthe High school Bui ¥ _Robert P. Campbell, of Be vania Furnagé, reachbdsthe fi ithe Sophomore oratorica Al- hough he did not 2ingthe ; rize it oe Jas a‘great honor to te 4 BEE vB ed Ps —Mr. and Mrs. William Gilliland; «of State College, on Tuesday, cele- brated their golden wedding. A big dinner was a feature and the vener- able couple. a ge ith a $50 gold purse from their nine chil- dren. $ Fo to prove that winter is still ‘with’ us the weather man gave us .several very cold and disagreeable .days, the latter part last “week, when thé mercury went down to ‘with- in ten degrees of zero afid high winds . prevailed for two days. —One State College , young man, fells H. Denny, is included - among 27, young men from civilian.life' who ave qualified as flying cadets in the J¥ S. army air-corps, according to an’ announcement made by officials of the Var: Departmesit,on Saturday.. =_. © “David Siders, a 34 year-olds Fin: lander employed in the mine of the American Lime and Stone company, was injured by a falling stone, on ‘Tuesday morning. He was taken to ‘the Centre County hospital where it “is reported that he will recove —Those who anticipate 4going . to hear Paul Whiteman's ‘the Cathaum “theatre, St next week should keep in" mind 4 act that all seats will be reserved. They can bessecured, however;.by-aj plication either. personally. or by maf —The annual mid-winter dinne; and dance of the Centre’ County. ASsos na: the oun on Thursday night, February 9: Din- ‘er will be served at 7 o’clock at $3.00 per cover. ; All Centre Countians are invited, [ci weer HE —For the success, both financially ary Labo oy iy and socially, of the recent card party | &iven by the Eastern Star in the club Xooms of .the L. 0. 0. F., credit is due the very, efficient committee, who worked with: Mrs. Schaeffer and Mrs. Earl Hoffet ‘so faithfully, to make it “the socialiBvent it proved to be. ounicement has been made by fonsell, of east High street, of the marriage of his daughter, Hel- en Sarah and Dr. Harry W. Lee, |S which took place in New York city on Saturday, December 81st. Mrs. Lee will be at homa at 213 engents Bridge Road, Barrington, £208 val te Hie ok * —An interesting program has been arranged for the Christian Endeavor at the United Brethren church Sun- day evening, 6:30 o'clock. This serv- Be will ‘be under the leadership of Mrs. R. R. Davison, and will con- Sist of ten minute song service, uke- lele selections, prayers, and discus- S ision of the topic “The Church at Work.” “Come thou with us and we | will do thee good.” i —1It is not often that a man volun- | darily gives up a’ job paying over fthree thousand dollars a’ year, but : ‘Harry A. Thompson, of Tyrone, is an ‘exception. He has sent in his resig- nation as postmaster at Tyrone be- cause the work conflicts with his oth- ‘er business interests. Mr. Thompson succeeded Allan 8. Garman in Janu- ary, 1924, and ‘could probably have had another term if he so desired. * —Some comment is being made by Bellefonte attorneys over the delay ‘in appointing a referee in bankruptcy for Centre county as successor to .Judge Fleming. « There is one case, at least, that has been held up for «almost. a month for lack of a referee. ‘The +appointment will- be made ‘by | “federal judge Albert W. Johnson, and as the available candidates are limited ‘to a very few attorneys there ought to be little trouble in making a se- Jection: i ives - “* _The very excellent programs now being shown.at the Scenic theatre for the popular price of 10 and 15 cents are: singularly. appreciated by the many patrons of that popular place -of amusement, general public ‘and’ not>because of a lower standard of - pictures. of | course all super-features will be shown at the remodeled State theatre when it is completed and open for | amusement. Manager Fretz has "mapped out a program which he feels 1e€] le fonte a class of entertainment super- ior to anything known here in the past. ; Expenses ‘Pp .| tentiary at Pitts elphia_ will be held fs -Stratford, in that city Dr. ana | E : The reduction in |. ‘price was made in the interest of the |: in. will give the.people of Belle- | ING CONVICTS. "aid by tire Counties from Which Prisoners Belong. When a convict breaks his parole of honor, escapes fr m' Rockview peni- tenced for Jardine, and then con- veyed to the vestern pentientiary, at Pittsburgh,>by, the sheriff tof Centre county, the general public natural ¢ AR sthat is the end of t | case, and itis so far. as the conviet is concerned; but it is only the be- ginning inthe matter of Hie expense connected with putting the convict through the necessary legal require- ments to land him back in the peni- ithifitgh. ; First, there are the regular court fees in Centre* ¢ounty afd then the sheriff must be paid for the man’s keep while he is in the Centre county jail and finally be paid forjconveying Sh € him back to Pittsburgh. ~*~ When the law was passed provid- * | ing for the erection of a new western penitentiary in Centre county no pro- vision was made for “covefing the ‘costs’ of escaping prisoners. But at a later session of the Legislature a bill was passed providing” that all’ ‘court costs should be paid by the counties from which prisoners had been originally sentenced, but this bill was defective inasmuch as it did not provide for the costs of trans- porting prisoners back to Pittsburgh, so that it wasgleft for the next Legis- lature to- amend the bill to include such costs, and it was not until *1919' that the full