Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 20, 1928, Image 1

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' —The days are lengthening. One
notices that at seven in the morning
and at five in the evening. : :
—Instead of getting after the buss-
es the railroads might do better if
they got there before the busses.
¢ —We had a mean sling, rather well
slung right in this space, but because
we are inclined to be amiable this
week it got the delete.
—If brooding over the “Hickman
atrocity” caused elder Hotelling to
commit that horrible crime are not
newspapers that exploit such actions
accessories before the fact?
* —Monday was the eighth anniver-
sary of the Eighteenth Amendment.
There are doubtless many who wished
it “many happy returns of the day.”
Then, again, it is quite possible there
were others.
—Well, the President has gotten
home from Cuba and just as soon as
we get the marines home from Nica-
ragua, our neighbors to the south will
begin to more seriously consider our
professions of friendliness.
—The local Red Cross war is over,
so ’tis said. What started it we have
been utterly unable to ascertain.
Very likely, however, it is another of
those mole hills that are given the
appearance of a mountain.
—The expenditure of nearly two
million dollars in a building program
at the Pennsylvania State College,
during the next year and a half,
vught to have a very satisfactory re-
flection on the general business in the
metropolis of College township.
—Going to Texas to hold the next
Democratic national convention is
nearly as needless from the point of
necessity as “hauling coals to New-
castle.” It might be that the wise
ones might have wanted to get some-
where where they don’t know “The
Side-walks of New York,” so well.
—The report of the government ex-
perts to the effect that there is
enough recoverable oil in the shales
and coal of the country to last for
three hundred years is reassuring. 1f
the old “fish wagon” hangs together
and we do the same there seems to
‘be no reason why we shouldn’t be
{imping around on at least one cyl-
inder in 2228.
—Former Governor Pinchot has let
it be known that he will enter the
lists against Senator David Reed if
his friends demand it. Mr. Pinchot
has lost nothing of his militancy, but
we are inclined to the belief that he
bas lost some of the hold he has on
Pennsylvania. However that may be,
‘he is'still a potential figure: in Penn
sylvania politics, one who by reason
of his money and will to do things is
a threat whom the bosses have con-
‘tinually in mind.
—The very interesting report to
.council made by retiring fire marshall
Robert Kline was a meretorious com-
pliment to the town’s fire department.
It was not flattery for Mr. Kline is
neither a pussy-footer, nor a soft-
soap peddler. He raised a very rel-
evant question when he expressed
wonderment that nothing has been
.done by way of reducing insurance
rates in consequence of the high state
«of efficiency and equipment of the
two fire companies.
—The passing of Mr. Beck is an-
other link broken in the chain of
friendship that has bound us since
young manhood to many men much
cour seniors. So few of them are left
that we were startled and felt
strangely lonely when we caste about,
con Tuesday, to think of some of his
.contemporaries, who might possibly
have liked to drive down to the funer-
al with us. It seems but yesterday
‘that Bellefonte was full of men who
knew John Beck far better than we
‘did. Most of them are gone.
hope to the port that we know his
‘barque was destined for when he put
«out to sea.
—The last of three old men with
whom most every graduate of the
Pennsylvania State College, in their
day, had some kindly tie that will be
cherished, is gone. With the passing
of Andy Lytle there is ended an unex-
‘plained and undeniably wholesome af-
finity between youth on the campus
and old age in the town of State Col-
lege. It began in the early years of
the institution when John Sauers,
the village cobbler, seemed to sew
the hearts of the boys into his own
with each sweep of his wax-ends
through the soles of their shoes. No
game of any sort started, in those
days, until the quaint little old man
-had taken his accustomed place on the
‘bench with the players. Then came
Johnny Corrigan, he of the Union ho-
tel, and the eye for grading that
made surveying instruments turn
back to learn their stuff better. For
many years it was do or die for one
. another between Johnny and the boys
at State. Andy Lytle took up the
torch and fanned the flickering flame
.of kindredship into an effulgent blaze
of devotion. Unusual men these
three. Only one of them identified
with the College at all and that one
“in a very humble capacity, yet their
names will stand out in tradition and
memory at State quite as eminently
“as those of the great builders of the
institution. Strange, isn’t it? Yet,
not so. ror the heart of youth has
been and ever will be responsive to
the throbbings of kindliness in the
hearts of their elders.
VOL. 73.
Mr. Wilson Submits Particulars.
In an amended petition presented
to the Senate, on Monday, William
B. Wilson expressed in full the
grounds upon which he claims a seat
in that body as representative of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mr.
Wilson declares, upon “information
and belief,” that thousands of fraud-
ulent votes were cast and counted for
his opponent in Philadelphia, Pitts-
burgh, and in Chester, Lackawanna,
Luzerne and Schuylkill counties, and
that if the fraudulent votes are elim-
inated he will have a considerable
majority. That opinion is concurred
in by a vast number of the people
Governor Pinchot following the an-
nouncement of the result.
The opposition to Mr. Wilson as-
sumed the form of a conspiracy, ac-
cording to the petition, between the
election officers and city officials in
Philadelphia “whereby dead persons
were voted, persons were allowed to
vote twice and many cast their bal-
lots who were not of age and not
residents of the district in which they
voted.” He charges that similar con-
ditions existed in Pittsburgh, Chester,
Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Hazleton,
Pittston and Pottsville, and asks the
Senate to “examine carefully into bal-
lots, registration books, and other
documents used in those cities and in
the six counties in the State which he
named in his petition, The petition
was referred to the committee on
This will impose a difficult task up-
on the committee on elections but one
that is possible of fulfillment, The
records of the courts of Philadelphia
will help amazingly and a comparison
of the registration lists with the vot-
ing lists and the lists of taxables in
the several districts will yield valu-
able information. It may be that the
ballot boxes in some of the districts
have been tampered with during the
interval since the original petition
was filed, but close scrutiny will re-
veal the frauds. The committee is
not in sympathy with the purpose to
expose the facts, but the minority
members are keen and capable and the programme but will acquiesce, |
the Senate” erate no humbug: | and it may be’ safely predicted that
gery in the matter.
—Those who expected trouble at
the Jackson day dinner at Washing-
ton were disappointed. All the wings
of the party flopped together.
Mr. Beck’s Congressional Status.
The inquiry as to the qualifications
Jersey, and Washington, D.
sit in Congress as a Representative of
the First district of Pennsylvania is
alike important, interesting and amus-
ing. The investigation is being con-
ducted by the Elections committee
No. 2 of the House of Representa-
tives under the direction of Repre-
sentative Everett Kent, of Northamp-
ton county, a keen and capable law-
yer. Mr. Beck is a somewhat distin-
guished lawyer, himself, and during a
five-hour session of the committee last
week in Washington, the trained
minds of these two legal gladiators
maintained a duel of wits during
which Mr. Vare’s men got “the worst
of it.”
The question at issue is the inter-
pretation of the word “inhabitant” as
used in Article 1, Section 2 of the con-
stitution of the United States. The
objection to ‘Mr. Beck’s service is
that at the time of his election he
was not an inhabitant of Pennsylva-
nia. It has been shown that in re-
cent years he has lived at intervals
in New York, New Jersey and Wash-
ington, and that as late as 1926 he
was a registered voter in New Jersey,
but a resident of Washington. His
defence is that his residene in Wash-
ington was in pursuance of his em-
ployment in the service of the gov-
ernment and under the law he is en-
titled to vote elsewhere. But he has
not been in the employ of the govern-
ment for several years and whilst he
was so employed he voted in New
Furthermore Mr. Beck admitted
that he registered in Philadelphia in
1927 solely for the purpose of run-
ning for Congress under an agree-
ment with Mr. Vare and Mr. Hazlett,
and that though he rented an apart-
ment within the First district he sel-
dom visited it and never took a meal
or slept in it. When visiting Phila-
delphia he registered at hotels as a
citizen of Washington and apparently
had nothing to do with the Spruce
street apartment except to pay the
rent. He also admitted that he knows
very few people in the district he
claims to represent in Congress. He
was nominated at a meeting of seven
men and elected by a large majority
of servile voters under orders from
Mr. Vare.
—1If Governor Lowden isn’t careful
the public will forget that he is a
of the State and was expressed in the
“certificate of doubt” submitted by
of James M. Beck, of Seabright, New '
C., to
Hoover “Forging to the Front.” |
That Herbert Hoover, Secretary of
Commerce in the administration of
President Coolidge, will be the Re-
publican candidate for President is so
obvious that it can escape the atten-
tion of no observer of current events.
Only eight years ago he didn’t know
which party he belonged to and was
freely considered as a probable can-
didate of either party. He had been
living abroad for years and in pursu-
ance of his chosen profession attract-
ed little attention to the circle of his
activities. He had attracted the at-
tention of Woodrow Wilson, however,
'and when a man was needed to ad-
minister the beneficence of the people |
of this country to the sufferers in|
the war zone Mr. Wilson selected him. :
This was the beginning of his pub- |
'lic life, and in candor and justice it
must be added that he performed his
work well. Immediately after the
close of the war he came back to his
native land and in so far as he was
able to influence public sentiment
supported the policies of Mr. Wilson.
But his professional activities had al-
ways been in the service of big busi-
ness and before many months had
elapsed his sympathies toward the
projects of corporations and capital
revealed themselves. In this way he
became affiliated with Republican pol-
iticians and interests. In the cam-
paign of 1920 he supported Harding,
for President, and was rewarded by
appointment to the Cabinet, the first
office he ever held in the United
Four years ago his name was fre-
quently mentioned as a probable can-
didate for the Republican nomination.
Coolidge was not popular with the
politicians but was entirely satisfac-
tory to big business and big business
drove all other candidates out of the
running. Mr. Coolidge is not now
popular with the politicians, as is
shown by the fact that Congress
treats most of his recommendations
with contempt. But big business
could and would nominate him if he
would indicate a desire for the favor,
and Mr. Hoover is its second choice.
The politicians are not pleased with
at the psychological moment Andy
Mellon will “point the way.” .
—A great many people were sur-
prised when Mr. Morrow gave up his
place in the Morgan bank to become
: Ambassador to Mexico. If it proves
to be a stepping stone to the Presi-
{dency the cause for surprise will be
‘ removed.
Democratic Convention at Houston.
Nobody knows why the Democratic
National committee voted to hold the
national convention in Houston, Tex-
as. The guarantee of a contribution
of $200,000 was an alluring bait but
hardly the influencing cause for San
Francsico offered a considerably larg-
er sum. It was not intended as a me-
dium to hold southern States to their
Democratic moorings for the South
is as “solid” as ever in its fealty to
the party. It was not in the interest
of any particular candidate for the
favor of the convention, for none of
the probable candidates is contiguous
to that enterprising city and there is
no likelihood of the momination of a
southern man anyway.
But there must be a reason. It has
been ‘suggested that the eloquent
tongue of Dan Moody, the young and
vigorous Governor of Texas, may be
it. The plea of “comparatively cen-
tral location” will hardly deceive even
credulous observers, for no part of
that State is comparatively central
whatever point the measurement is
made from and San Francisco lies on
the fringe. The gossip goes that
Governor Moody has aspirations to
occupy “the tail” of the coming tick-
et and considering what he has ac-
complished in Texas, first as Attorney
General and subsequently as Govern-
or, it wouldn’t be a bad choice for
the convention to make. There has
been a “weeding out” of rubbish down
there. :
It may have been a wise choice
nevertheless. Houston is a fine, pro-
gressive and rapidly growing city.
Its estimated population is 300,000,
its hotel facilities capable of enter-
taining 15,000 guests and its largest
auditorium has a capacity of six or
seven thousand. It is surrounded by
wide, open spaces of large dimensions
and its climate is always salubrious.
Besides holding the convention there
will enable a great number of the
people of the North to get acquainted
with the habits and methods of the
South and good is likely to come from
such a contact. If the candidates are
wisely chosen there will be no cause
to regret that the convention was
held at Houston.
—Somebody, sooner or later, will
have to show Will Rogers that there
is a wide chasm between a humorist
The Pan-American Congress.
The Pan-American Congress, now
in session at Havana, opened auspi-
ciously so far as the expectations of
the authorities at Washington are
concerned. The generous reception
tendered to the President of the
United States and the distinguished
gentlemen who are representing this
country in the Congress, indicates the
fulfillment of their hopes with respect
to the purpose of the meeting. The
spirit of good will permeated the air
and the expressions of cordiality re-
vealed, not only by the high officials
of Cuba but of the whole people of
tHat Republic, inspires confidence that
out of the Congress will come a bet-
ter understanding of the relations be-
tween the peoples on this hemisphere.
The real purpose of the Congress
has not been clearly defined but may |
be presumed to be to establish more
friendly relations between the inhab-
itants of North America and Central
and South America. Of late years
the authorities at Washington have
been assuming that the preservation
of the Monroe Doctrine requires us
to exercise police power over all the
Latin-American States and in purpu-
ance of this policy the friendship and
confidence which previously existed
has been alienated. If the Panama
Congress is able to remove this mis-
chief-making impression it will
achieve a splendid result. But such
achievement will tax the mental re-
sources of our representatives to the
The recent meddling in Nicaragua
and Mexico will not only have to be
explained but abandoned to accom-
plish the desired result. Since the in-
duction of Mr. Morrow, into the office
of Ambassador in Mexico, and the
good will visit of Colonel Lindbergh
vast improvement has been noted.
But the bungling of Secretary Kel-
logg in Nicaragua, is still a festering
sore that must be salved in one way
! or another before complete confidence
lin the integrity of our purposes can
be established. To this we must
prove that our interpretation of the
Monroe Doctrine is that it invests us
with authority to protect the weaker
pations from European intervention
ather than “create” a “Pan-American
police department.
—The Jackson day c«‘aner at Wash-
ington may not have 1 vealed a can-
didate for the President ut it devel-
oped a fine orator in th. person of
Claude G. Bowsars, of New York, the
keynoter of the oceasion.
Two Nice Bucks Brought to Belle-
fonte on Wednesday.
While the deer hunting season is
long past due two nice bucks were
brought into Bellefonte on Wednes-
day afternoon, but they were not
killed by illegal hunters. Just at
noontime, Wednesday, a flock of six
deer were pasturing on the farms in
Brush valley and wandered close to
the school house, about two miles
west of Madisonburg. The school
children made chase after the deer
just to see them run and the deer
turned tail in good shape.
Up near the mountain there was a
patch of tall underbrush and the lead-
er of the flock made for this to get
under cover. Unfortunately, howev-
er, it was merely a fringe of under-
brush at the top of a forty-foot cliff
and a three-foot barbed wire fence
was strung at the top of the cliff to
keep farm stock from going over.
Four of the deer ran over the cliff,
three of them being killed outright,
and peculiar as it may seem, the
three killed were all bucks. The man
who owned the farm gathered up the
carcasses and dressed the deer, noti-
fying game protector Thomas Mosier.
That gentleman went down to Brush
valley, gave the farmer one of the
deer for his trouble and brought the
other two to Bellefonte and turned
them over to the hospital.
One of the deer had already lost
its horns, while the largest of the
three was an eight-point and the oth-
er a four-point.
—The best wishes of the entire
Democratic party of Pennsylvania
and a good many others, will follow
Miss Agnes H. Wilson, of Blossburg,
into her campaign for Congress in
the Sixteenth district.
—Mr. DeValera is the champion
optimist. He imagines Irishmen in the
United States will give a couple of
million dollars to establish a news-
paper in Dublin to make trouble for
Irishmen in Ireland.
—The appointment . of Samuel H.
Wigton, as postmaster at Philipsburg,
was confirmed by the Senate, last
Friday, and now Sam will be “sitting
pretty” for the next four years.
A — A ——————_—
~The | spirit. of “self-determina-
tion,” properly expressed, might help
some in solving the problems of the
and a clown.
Pan-American Congress.
NO. 3.
Governor Smith’s Jackson Day Letter
to Democrats.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Notwithstanding the presence at
the Jackson day dinner in Washing-
ton of Democratic leaders and spokes-
imen from all parts of the country,
| some of whom had significant mess-
{ages to deliver, that notable gather-
' ing was easily dominated by the shad-
low of an absentee. Governor Alfred
| E. Smith, of New York, unable by rea-
son of the pressure of official , duties
'to attend, had arranged to communi-
‘cate his views by letter. Without
derogation to the eloquence of the
other national figures who were there
to speak in person, it may justly be
said that the attention of the ban-
| queters and of those who followed
the course of the dinner in print was
{ focussed principally upon the expect-
. ed utterance from Governor Smith.
The Smith message was brief, sen-
i sible and to the point. The advice it
| communicated was sound and whole-
' some.
| - First, said the Governor, the Demo-
! cratic party must realize that it can-
! not attain success by relying upon the
mistakes of its opponents. It must
offer a constructive program embody-
ing plans for the material betterment
of the Nation. We take it that Gov-
‘ernor Smith rates the customary ‘“de-
| nouncing” and “deploring” of politi-
{ cal platforms below par and puts a
premium on concrete proposals.
Second, Governor Smith advises the
early preparation of a declaration of
party principles. The deplorable re-
' sults of leaving this task to the hurly-
burly of the national convention per-
iod are known of all men. A few
\ leaders gathered in a committee
room, subject to the influence of di-
harmonized and antagonizing placat-
ed, draft platforms which often false-
ly purport to be the predominant
The Governor would abandon this
pernicious custom in favor of pre-
paring and promulgating a tentative
platform long enough in advance of
the convention to permit the rank
and file to be heard from.
Third, Governor Smith vigorously
opposes compromises on fundamental
principles. He is right in pointing
out that his party cannot carry wat-
er on both shoulders. He says it
“must talk out to the American peo-
ple in ne uncertain Ermey pi
“Fourth, he advdca “applica-
tion of Jeffersonian wllind | “to
each specific problem of the day,”
and he attributes the success of the
Democratic party in New York to
pursuance of the policy of making
definite pledges based on these prin-
ciples and faithfully redeeming them.
These suggestions would be entitled
to respectful consideration what ever
their source. But there is no neces-
sity for disguising the fact that Gov-
ernor Smith’s rating as a candidate
for the Democratic Presidential nom-
ination vastly enhances their interest
and importance. His principal op-
ponents within the party will hardly
quarrel with his advice; but each of
them wili have his own views as to
what shall be the uncompromising at-
titude on various party questions—
which is the best of all reasons for
drafting a platform in the rough and
doing the fighting attendant upon
that process outside of the convention
Wars of Aggression.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Widespread interest is felt all over
Europe in the negotiations between
Washington and Paris regarding the
treaty to outlaw war or, more strictly
speaking, to arbitrate all disputes. M.
Briand has somewhat unexpectedly
accepted the American suggestion
that the agreement be extended to in-
clude the other chief powers. Mr.
Kellogg proposed this, knowing that
it would be difficult to convert the
Senate to anything that looked at all
like a left-handed alliance.” The
French Foreign Minister now escapes
the embarrassment of seeming to set
up a rivalry to the League of Na-
tions by confirming the pact to ag-
gressive wars, thus escaping an ob-
ligation which would proscribe a de-
fensive war which the League might
sanction. Evidently he is ready to
content himself with an extension of
the principle laid down in the Root
treaty, which expires next month.
The main thing, after all, is to give
new strength to the policy of arbi-
trating national differences. An im-
porians feature of the draft put forth
y the State Department is the omis-
sion of the traditional phrase except-
ing points of “national honor” from
the agreement. It too often provides
a convenient blind for opposition to
arbitration, though as a matter of
fact there may be no question of hon-
or involved. How the Senate will re-
gard this omission remains to be
seen. M. Briand’s prompt acceptance
of the idea of a general treaty rather
than a special one may well remove
Senatorial suspicions. As for the
League of Nations, there is nothing
in the agreement as now outlined
threatening its security or prestige.
These negotiations should go through
with no undue raising of merely
technical issues.
—The more or less famous “farm
bloc” in Congress has a curious no-
tion of a tariff. It is perfectly will-
ing to let the looting go on if the
swag is divided between the farmers
and. manufacturers.
vergent groups whose aim must be,
views of the Democrats of the nation.
—Edward Wise, 40 years old, of Lan-
caster, was drowned in two feet of water
on Tuesday when a truck he was driving
struck the side of a bridge over a ‘mill
race near Honeybzook and fell into the
stream. He was caught under the ma-
chine and it was 10 minutes before it
was liffed from his body.
—With $61,356 of the $650,000 Cook For-
est purchase price remaining to be col-
lected and $28,000 of the sum already
pledged, the Cook Forest association has
announced that the owners had granted
the organization until February 1, in
which to raise the balance of the sum
to make the woodland a state preserve.
—Pennsylvania came to the front in
1926 as a manufacturer of false teeth,
when a sufficient quantity was produced
to give every man and woman who voted
in the primary of that year two com-
plete sets. James F. Woodward, secretary
of internal affairs, is authority for the
statement that industries engaged in the
manufacture of false teeth made 109,383,-
367 that year.
—Supplements to the regular time ta-
ble on the Milroy branch of the Pennsyl-
vania railroad, effective January 20, show
the six-mile stretch between Reedsville
and Milroy has been abandoned so far
as passenger service is concerned. The
freight service will continue on account
of the heavy traffic originating at the
limestone quarries at Naginey and the
steel plants at Burnham.
—The Pennsylvania railroad recently
established a bureau of new ideas to en-
courage new ideas and suggestions from
employees for improving its service to
the public and increasing the efficiency of
its operations. In the first six weeks
during which the bureau of new ideas
was in existence, approximately 650 in-
dividual suggestions were submitted by
employees from all parts of the railroad,
and a number of them have been adopted
and are now in effect.
—Farmers in Southern. Lancaster coun-
ty believe chicken thieves are using
“knockout” drops on fowls so they can
carry on their raiding expeditions with a
maximum of safety. Many roosts have
been cleaned of chickens during several
months, and the thefts continue despite
vigilant guards. The quiet with which
the chickens are carried off leads farm-
ers to express the belief that the thieves
administer in some manner “drops” which
keep the chickens quiet.
—The prompt work of Mount Union
firemen saved the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Crosby, Negroes, in North Mount
Union, on Monday, when a bed in the
room occupied by Ishem Dudley, Negro,
took fire and was burned. Dudley is said
to have fallen asleep while smoking a
cigarette in bed. He was arrested on a
drunk and disorderly charge and gave
bail for a hearing later in the week. The
Crosby's loss is all the bedding, ineclud-
ing a new pair of blankets. Dudley had
boarded with them for some time.
—The formal dedication of the new
boys’ dormitory at the United Brethren
Orphanage at Quincy, two miles north of
Waynesboro, which was completed this
month at a cost of $20,000 and which is
now occupied by 27 boys, has been set for
the annual meeting there June 7. The
building has accomodations for 40 boys.
The quarters formerly occupied by them
were in the original farm house on the
grounds, which is soon te be converted
into a hospital and an infirmary. The
dormitory cornerstone was laid at the an-
nual meeting last June.
—Richard Vaugh, aged 38, of Wilkes-
Barre, who spent the last 15 years in
the Eastern Penitentiary and at Rockview
and was paroled from the latter institu-
tion last week, pleaded guilty before
Judge Fine, in Luzerne county court on
Saturday, to a charge of breaking the
plate glass window of a store at Miners
Mills, with the intention of robbing the
‘place. He was sentenced to serve seven
vears more in the eastern penitentiary.
It. was the same store that he tried to
rob in 1913 and was sentenced to 15 years
by Judge Peter Obert, since deceased.
—A committee of five lawyers has been
named by Judge Johnson to revise, com-
pile and promulgate the general rules of
practice at law and in bankruptcy for
the Federal court in the Middle district
of Pennsylvania. John P. Kelly, a lead-
ing member of the Lackawanna county
bar, was named chairman. the other mem-
vers being Walter L. Hill, Scranton; John
T, Olmstead, Harrisburg; A. B. Duns-
more, Wellshoro, and George C. Scheuer,
Scranton. The rules were last revised in
1912 and now conflict with Federal and
State statutes in other districts and
—J. Irving Quigley, president of the
Lewistown and Reedsville Electric Rail-
way company, has announced that the
company will adopt the one man cars
just as rapidly as they can be equipped
to meet the requirements of the Public
Service Commission. The line is seven
miles long, between Lewistown passenger
station of the Pennsylvania railroad and
Reedsville and about a score of men will
be affected, including work trips. Great
inroads on their traffic due to the in-
creased number of automobiles and the
necessity’ of economy is given as the
cause of the change.
—After writing a note to the effect that
“I was crazy,” George Kelly, husband and
father residing near Shippensburg, com-
mitted suicide Saturday afternoon by blow-
ing off the top of his head with a re-
volver. Kelly went to an upstairs room
and called to his wife who was on the
first floor. Before shc was able to answer
her husband pulled the trigger. Their
two children, Elizabeth and Anna Mary,
were at the moving picture show at the
time. The note he had left asked for for-
giveness and was addressed to his wife
and mother. Kelly was an employee of
Beistle’s Novelty Factory. No motive for
his act other than minor family quarrels
could be given.
—On receipt of authorization from the
Postoffice department, Edward T. Brent,
postmaster, put the new Lewistown post:
office into service, Monday, at 7:30 a. m.
Postmaster Brent and his forces moved
from their former headquarters in the
Headings building to their new home over
Sunday. The new public building is of
red brick, reinforced concrete, interior
finished with Alabama gum, which makes
a finish like walnut, maple floors. The
equipment is the most modern known to
the. United States government and the
building and equipment cost, $150,000, the
appropriations being obtained through the
efforts of Edward M. Beers, member of
Congress, Eighteenth district.