Bewoali ads Bellefonte, Pa., January 6. 1928 “NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. —The week of prayer is being ob- served in the various churches of ‘Bellefonte this week. a —Furman Beyers was last wel transferred from Tyrone to Belle- fonte as baggage master and express messenger on the Snow Shoe branch .of the Pennsylvania railroad and moved his family of a wife and small son into the George Weaver home. —Harry Mauck, who has charge of the meat department in the Oriole store in the Harter building, recently purchased the J. I. Young property, on north Thomas street, and moved there from the Louis Hill property, cn east Bishop street, on Wednesday of last week. The Hill property has ‘been taken by John S. Fretz and fam- ily, the new proprietor of the Scenic theatre. —The receipts at the Bellefonte ‘postoffice during 1927 were sufficient to place it in the rank as a first-class «office, and it is quite possible that when the next rating is made it will ‘be so classified. This will automatic- :ally increase some of the salaries. In this connection it might be stated that both W. S. Chambers and John W. Bair’s terms of service in the post-office will expire during the year and they will be retired on a pension. —On Christmas day an innovation -was made in the schedule of the local freight on the Lewisburg division of ‘the Pennsylvania railroad, it being run. on Sunday instead of Monday. “The change was made to take care .of .the milk cars at Centre Hall and Coburn, During week days these cars are picked up by the passenger train and it was necessary to make pro- -vision for hauling them on Sunday, so until further notice local freight will be run on Sundays and the crew will have Mondays off. —The Penn-Centre chapter Order of DeMolay held a very interesting meeting, on Friday night, in the asy- Jum of Constans Commandery. Fif- ty or ‘more members of the order and visiting Masons were in attendance and the initiatory and DeMolay de- grees were conferred on a class of nine ‘candidates, principally from Philipsburg, Osceola Mills and State College. The work was put on by the chapter degree team and performed in a very creditable manner. Follow- ing the .ceremony a banquet was served by caterer John Marks. —On Tuesday morning of last week, Isaac F. Heaton, who lives at. State College and is engaged in haul- | ing coal from Snow Shoe for indiv- idual consumers, started on a trip to ‘Snow Shoe and at the Weaver cross- ing beyond Milesburg he almost ran ‘headon into 'a moving freight train. “To avoid hitting the train he swung #o the left and his truck went over ‘the bank into Bald Eagle creek, land- ing on its side. Mr. Heaton was able to crawl out of the truck and make his way. out of the creek and al- ithough he suffered minor injuries was riot. seriously hurt. The truck was not greatly damaged. "=A correspondent at State College writes that the “Christmas services at State College chapel, “Our Lady of Victory,” was the most impressive ceremony ever witnessed there. Mid- night mass and Christmas carol, the altar a brilliant glow of candles and evergreens. The climax was the elo- quent sermon delivered by the es- teemed pastor on “The Birth of Christ.” May he be with us many, | Jnany years to come. His efforts for twenty years have met with much suecess, both spiritually and tempor- ally. The chapel was filled to over- flowing, both Catholics and non-Cath- clics being in attendance.” —Parofessor J. O. Keller, head of the engineering extension department :at the Pennsylvania State College, will be one of three members of a fac- -aulty chosen to take charge of an en- gineering tour to the industrial coun- tries of Europe next summer. Public utility, industrial executives, engin- eering students and instructors will make the trip to England, Germany, Belgium and France for the purpose of studying industrial and commercial conditions there. Professor Keller is to give a series of lectures during the tour. N. C. Miller, former head of the Penn State engineering extension division department, and now direct- or at Rutgers University, will have charge of the tour. —Among the 300 teachers who en- joyed the annual State education con- ‘vention at Lancaster on December 28 -and 29 were the following from Belle- fomnte: County superintendent F. Glenn Rogers, assistant county su- - perintendent H. C. Rothrock, super- ‘~.vising principal Arthur H. Sloop, principal Earl K. Stock, Mrs. D. B. ‘Henderson and Mrs. Krader. The list of speakers included some of the -most forward-looking of educators. Centre county was not without its share of honor in the affairs of the convention. Pres. Hetzel, of State College, was one of the principal speakers. The retiring president, Dr. George D. Robb, of Altoona, is a na- tive of this county. County Supt. Rogers was selected as one of the 23 elective representatives from the house of delegates to the National Educational convention, at Minneap- olis next July. This honor is a high- y coveted one and no less than 135 candidates made earnest endeavors to secure election. Reading was select- ed as the meeting place of the 1928 NEW COUNTY OFFICIALS SWORN INTO OFFICE. Oaths Administered in Open Court Before Justice John W. Kephart of the Supreme Court. The induction into office of Judge M. Ward Fleming and the new coun- ty officials, on Monday, was made an occasion of more than the usual cer- emony incident thereto. Heretofore incoming judges and officials had al- most invariably been sworn in at noon by the Recorder but Supreme court justice John W. Kephart was persuaded to come to Bellefonte to administer the oath of office to Judge Fleming and all the other officials took advantage of his presence to be sworn in in front of him in open court, hence the event did not take place until after one o’clock. The court house looked as if be- decked for a festive occasion instead of one of considerable solemnity. Ten huge baskets of flowers adorned the rostrum and the auditorium was crowded to the doors. The incoming officials, just an even dozen of them, occupied the seats in the jury box while the attorneys were lined up on chairs inside the railing. Seats inside the enclosure were also reserved for Mr. Fleming's family and friends. In- cluded in the audience were Congress- man J. Mitchell Chase, Senator Har- ry B. Scott, Judge Roy Chase and former Judge Singleton Bell, of Clearfield, while former judges Ellis L. Orvis and Arthur C. Dale, of Belle- fonte were present. Seated on the rostrum beside Jus- tice Kephart were Judge Furst, on the right and Judge Chase, on the left. Court was opened by crier Thomas Fleming after which Justice Kephart requested prothonotary Wil- kinson to administer the oath to the county officials, which he did in the following order, each one coming be- fore the bar to take the oath: Sheriff Harry E. Dunlap, Treasurer Lyman L. Smith, Register Harry A. | Rossman, Recorder Lloyd A. Stover, County Commissioners H. M. Miles, Newton I. Wilson and John S. Spear- ly, Coroner W. R. Heaton, County Auditors R. B. Musser, Samuel Holt- er and O. J. Stover, County Survey- or H. B. Shattuck and Prothonotary S. Claude Herr. Mr. Wilkinson promptly offered his seat to Mr. Herr but Justice Kephart said “not yet; he hasn’t signed the oath.” He then re- marked to all the officials that they would have to sign the oath or they couldn’t draw their salaries. - = _ At the request of N. B. Spangler _Esq., Justice Kephart granted W. L | Fleming permission to appear before the bar and read the commission is- sued to his son by Governor Fisher and immediately thereafter the Judge-elect was escorted before the bar by former Judge Ellis L. Orvis and John Blanchard Esq. and the solenin oath was administered by Jus- tice Kephart. The new Judge was then escorted to the rostrum and took a seat behind the bar. Judgé Furst welcomed Judge Flem- ing to the bench in a brief speech, in which he said: : Judge Fleming, I extend t: you my most, hearty and sincer: congratuia- tions: upon your elevation to the Bench. It has been my privilege and my pleasure to know you intimately from childhood. During the past fifteen or twenty years we have transacted many items of professional business and it seems to me that I am in as good a position as any one to say that I know your charactér and makeup as it. truly is. You are a man en- dowed with an amiable disposition; you are a man well qualified in the iaw; you possess a tolerant mind and an even temperament and are in every way qualified to fill this high and important position with honor to the Commonwealth and credit to yourself. I wish to say at this time that you can always count on me to support the Court in all things and to ful- fill my duties to the Court, as I am obligated to do as an officer of the Court, but in the performance of this duty I want you to know that I will look on this performance of duty as a distinct pleasure with you as the Judge on the Bench. You will find the duties of this high and honorable position difficult. Some of the work you will enjoy very much but some of the duties will be trying and extreme- ly burdensome. The members of this Bar also know you well and I am sure that they feel the same confidence in you that I do and that they know they can come before this Bar of Justice and that you will dispose of the business pre- sented by them in an absolutely im- partial and just manner. That you will be independent of any outside in- fluence of any kind and that you will dispense justice contemperate with mercy. There is one thing about this in- stallation ceremony to which I wish to call your particular attention and that is the presence of the Honorable Mr. Justice Kephart, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who has just ad- ministered the oath of office to you in his beautiful and impressive man- ner. This is the first time in the his- tory of Centre county that a new Judge has been installed by a mem- ber of the Supreme court and we feel that his presence and service is a distinct honor to Centre county and adds dignity to this occasion. This fact will be written on the pages of history of this county for all time. Judge Fleming spoke at some length in reply to Judge Furst’s re- marks and his address in full will be found on the 6th page of the Watch- man. At the conclusion of his remarks Judge Fleming asked if any of the attorneys had anything to present to convention, the court and no one responding court adjourned and the new Judge was kept busy for some time receiving the congratulations of his friends. Later he and Justice Kephart were guests at the Brockerhoff house at a dinner given by Senator Scott, at which six- ty-five guests were present. In retiring from the bench after a brief period of nine months Judge Furst carries with him the compli- ments of his friends for a work well dond. He was always prompt and courteous and kept the work of the courts as near up to date as possible, but at that Judge Fleming will soon find plenty to do. As to the other officers, sheriff Taylor turned over to sheriff Dunlap 2 family of ten prisoners to start in with. The retiring county treasurer turned over to his successor less than thirty thousand dollars in cash. 8S. Claude Herr, retiring clerk to the county commissioners, turned over to his successor a set of books up to date with no unfinished business. Pro- thonotary Roy Wilkinson will be busy the next two or three weeks cleaning up his unfinished work. The new board of county auditors organized on Monday soon after be- ing sworn in and began their work of auditing the county accounts. Jury commissioners James S. Con- do and H. W. Frantz are at work filling the jury wheel for 1928, and in a few days all the county offices will be tunctioning about as usual. COURT APPOINTMENTS On Tuesday Judge Fleming an- nounced court appointments as fol- lows: Court crier, Thomas Fleming. Court messenger, George J. Weav er. ; Tipstaves, Harry W. Flack, Thom- as Shaughnessy, G. W. Rees and James H. Rine, Bellefonte, and Cy- rus Hunter, Stormstown. Juvenile court officer, C. C. Shuey. On Wednesday the court appoint- ed Miss Rowena Crawshaw, stenog- rapher and assistant court reporter at a salary of $125 a month. No, ap- pointment has so far been madé of officiai court reporter but a rumor is current that it will be Mr. Baines, of Clearfield. The county commissioners have ap- pointed Dr. Melvin Locke jail physi- cian at a salary of $200 per year. Mail Fiier Forced Down by Storm; Found by Trappers. Airmail pilot Harry G. Smith had a rather terrifying experience on Sunday night and Monday morning and probably owes his life to two wrappers, who found him in an aban- doned cabin suffering acutely from the cold weather. Smith left Cleveland at 5:29 o’clock on Sunday evening, bound for New York. Eastbound he encountered a strong gale but was able to hold his course to Clarion. He was also re- ported as having passed over Brévk- ville, but the storm forced him doivn and he landed in the woods near Me- | dix Run, on the Clearfield-Elk coun- ty line. Fortunately he was uninjured but it was at night and he could not find his way out of the woods, but he came onto a deserted cabin and spent the night there. On Monday niorn- ing about ten. o’clock he was Zou in the cabin by Walter Cable and James Fox, trappers, who were looking their trap lines. Smith was half-frozen and building a fire in the cabin he was thawed out then taken to DuBois. A relief pilot and plane waiting there secured the mail and took it through to New York. Smith’s plane was damaged when he was forced down and was later removed from the woods. Smith reached Bellefonte on his western trip on Saturday night and was compelled to come down at the Bellefonte field on account of the storm. He left here Sunday morning and flew to Cleveland and it was on his return trip that he was foreed down at Medix Run. aver Public Health Nursing Service. The public health nursing service conducted by the Red Cross chapter offers the report for November and December as follows: : Visits to or in behalf of cases num- bered 109 and were made in the inter- est of the prenatal, the infant, the pre-school, the school child, communi- cable disease prevention, and the care of the sick. In addition to the routine activities one mental clinic was conducted in the Red Cross office under the direc- tion of the bureau of mental health. One patient was accompanied to a sanatorium. Assistance was also given Dr. Bar- lett, medical inspector of schools, with the examination of the children of the town schools. . The chapter was visited during the month by Miss Helen Erskine, field representative from national head- quarters, who came in an advisory capacity to Miss McCauley, and the local work. The local committee wishes to thank Mrs. W. J. Emerick and Mus. Forrest Tanner for substantial don- ations of clothing to the loan closet. Expenses for the two months were $12.80, and deposits $19.25, with statements to the American Lime and Stone company and the Metropolitan Life amounting to $30.50. State College Bakeries Merge. A merger of the two bakeries at State College, the Harvey Bros. and the State College bakery, took place on January 1st, and in the future will be located at the new plant of the latter. The consolidated company has applied for a charter of incorporation. OLD BOROUGH COUNCIL SHUNTS BOROUGH MANAGER. Now Up to New Council to Decide on Borough Employees. Every member of the old borough council was present at the final meet- ing held on Monday evening. There were no verbal nor written communi- cations. The Street committee reported] completing the wall and relaying of pavement on south Water street, var- ious repairs and the collection of $21.00 from the sale of old iron. The Water committee reported the collection of $10 for rent of garage, $93.58 on the 1924 water duplicate, $173.13 on the 1925 and $126.87 on the 1926. The committee also reported receipt of quotations from the Worth- ington Pump company for repairs to the pump at the Phoenix station, the cost being $421.50. The committee was instructed to get the needed parts as soon as possible. Mr. Cun- ningham also stated that the borough manager had cleaned up the 1924 water duplicate, counting out errors, corrections, etc., and asked that he be relieved of his bond on that dapli- cate, which was granted. The Finance committee requested the renewal of notes aggregating $16,700, and recommended that $2,- 000 be placed in the sinking fund, which was authorized. , None of the other committees had anything to report. It was at this juncture that retir- ing member John Fiekel, of the West ward, submitted an ordinance pro- viding for the repeal of an ordinance passed in June, 1919; creating the po- sition of borough manager. Mr. Brouse asked for an explanation as to why repeal was desired and Mr. Emerick stated that a number of councilmen were opposed to a contin- uance of the borouga manager sys- {ei as they believed it expensive and not for the best interests of the bor- ough. That they favored a return to the system of a street commissioner. Mr. Cunningham took exception to Mr. Emerick’s explanation and was emphatic in his defense of the bor- ough manager system as well as the borough manager personally. He also maintained thet a reversion to the old system will increase the expenses of the borough, and they are now up to the limit. The borough manager also spoke in defense of himself and the work he has done for the borough. The discussion was quite warm, bor- dering on the personal and continued for more than half an hour before a vote was finally demanded. On roll call members Badger, Garbrick, Fck- el, Emerick and Reynolds voted in favor of passing ‘the ordinance and Messrs. Brouse, Cunningham and Flack against it, and the ordinance was declared passed. Bills amounting to $3880.56 were approved for. payment, the minutes were read and approved and the old council adjourned sine die. = Burgess Hard P. Harris was, pres- ent and administered the: oath: of of- fice to councilmen John S. Walker, of the North ward; Harry Badger, Rob- ert T. Kline and John Mignot, of the South ward, and Myron M. Cobb, of the West ward, as well as overseers of the poor Alexander Morrison and Thomas Fleming and borough audi- | tor, D. A. Barlett. NEW COUNCIL ORGANIZES Burgess Harris then called the new council in session and asked for nom- inations for President. Mr. Cunning- ham nominated John S. Walker and there being no other nominations he was elected. Mr. Walker took the chair and W. T. Kelly was elected sec- retary without any opposition and N. B. Spangler solicitor. Nominations were then asked for borough treasurer and Mr. Badger nominated E. J. Gehret and Mr. Rey- nolds, George Carpeneto. On roll call Mr. Carpeneto received six votes and Mr. Gehret two, the former being de- clared elected. The bonds of Alexander Morrison and Thomas Fleming, overseers of the poor, in the sum of $2,000 each, were submitted for approval and re- ferred to the Finance committee. An application was received from Harry Dukeman for election as chief of police and one from Thomas How- ley ‘as policeman, and were referred to the Fire and Police committee. An’ application was received from W. E. Hurley for appointment as street commissioner, but inasmuch as there were no applications for the ap- pointment as water superintendent that of Mr. Hurley was referred to the Street committee and the Water committee was instructed to secure applications for the appointment as water superintendent by next meet- ing night. President Walker stated that until he had time to make up the standing committees for the ensuing two years the old committees will continue to function. Arthur B. Lee Barn Burned. The large barn on the farm of former sheriff Arthur B. Lee, below Spring Mills, was totally destroyed by fire, on Monday morning of last week, the second barn to be burned within three years. The farm is oc- cupied by Clayton Poorman and ke has no idea how the fire originated. It started before daylight and the crackling of the flames awakened Mrs. Poorman. Three head of horses, a calf and all the year’s crops were burned but Mr. and Mrs. Poorman managed to save ore horse and twelve head of cattle. The barn and contents were mostly covered by in- surance. ES - NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. Miss Margaret Cooney has been in New York this week, having gone over Monday for a short visit. —Paul Miller was in Altoona for a part of the winter vacation week, having gone over to spend several days with Raymond Miller. —Miss Margaret Brockerhoff returned to Philadelphia on the twentieth of the month, expecting to leave from there on the thirty-first for the Pacific coast. —Miss Anne Keichline accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth, on their drive back to Wilkinsburg, the day af- ter Christmas, intending to spend several weeks in Pittsburgh. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Badger, with their daughter and son, Miss Anna and Wilbur, drove to Apollo for the New Year's day, spending it there as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Badger. —Miss Helen Monsel, a registered nurse, of Bryn Mawr, was in Bellefonte for her winter vacation, being a guest during her stay, of the Samuel Monsel family, on east High street. —Mrs. George Griffith and her small son, George Jr., returned to their home at Ebensburg, Tuesday, after a visit of several days with the child's grandmoth- er, Mrs. Stella Williams, at Howard. —Miss Ruth Xulton, of Milesburg, who was discharged from the Centre County hospital the day after Christmas, recover- ing from an appendicitis operation, re- turned to the hospital Monday, for fur- ther treatment. E —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godshall returned Monday to their home in Camden, N. J. after spending Christmas and the Holi- day week here with Mrs. Godshall's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Baney. —Mrs. Ebon Bower will go to New York this week, for a ten days’ visit with Mrs. Herbert Kerlin. Her sistér, Mrs. Lenore Burd, of Millheim, who is spend- ing the winter in Bellefonte with Mrs. Bower, is arranging te visit with rela- tives in Johnstown during Mrs. Bower's absence. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houck were week- end business visitors to Warriors Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Houck's Christmas visitors included Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nearhoff and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archey, of War- riors Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Near- hoff with their son, and Mr. and Mrs. Blair Nearhoff, of Altoona. —William Stewart, who is here from Seattle, spending several months at the Stewart home on Linn street left, Tuesday, with his sister, Miss Margaret, to go to Wilkes-Barre, where they will visit for a week or more with their brother Dr. Walter Stewart. Dr. Stewart expects to sail, January 15, on a south African trip to be gone until spring. —Mr. and Mrs. John Porter Lyon drove to Clearfield, Tuesday, taking with them their two grandchildren, John and Il- eanor Dobelbower. Eleanor will be there with her parents, who are among the highway people obliged to leave Belle- fonte, on account of the department hav- ing moved their offices to Clearfield, while John will remain here for the present, with Mr. and Mrs. Lyon. —Miss Rebecca Rhoads spent Tuesday in Bellefonte with a few of her friends, having come here from State College, where she spent a part of the week with Mrs. Irving IL. Foster. MiSs Rhoads had been to the western part of the State for a Christmas visit with her brother, Jo- seph J. Rhoads and his family, and with Mrs. Weston and her daughter, Mrs. Hal- ter, stopping in Centre county on hor way back to Washington. —Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGinnis,” who came here from Pottsville for a Christmas visit with Mrs. McGinnis’ mother, Mrs. James Schofield are considering remain- ing indefinitely in Bellefonte, to be with Mrs. Schofield, she having opened her Thomas street home shortly before the Holidays, with the c¢xpectation of not closing it again during the season. Mrs. Schofield had been with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larimer during the fall. —County farm agent R. C. Blaney was in Washington,” last week, attending a farm agents’ meeting and also the annual convention of the Sigma Nu fraternity, of which he is a member. During his stay in the natienal capital he was a guest at The Mayflower hotel. While Mr. Blaney was in Washington Mrs. Blaney visited her mother in Philadelphia where her husband joined her in time to see the big Mummers’ parade, both returning home Monday evening. —Among the ninety-four persons who went to Philadelphia Sunday night, to see the New Year's day big mummers’ parade were Mr. and Mrs. John L. Night- hart, Mrs. George Waite and her daugh- ter, Miss Emma; Mrs. Willis M. Bottorf with her two younger children, Mary Katherine and Robert and George Meek Jr., the Misses Louise and Rose Carpen- eto, the Misses Lide and May Toner; Mrs. John ¥. Marks and James Halderman, W. W. Bicketts, Clarence McCafferty, Mr. and Mrs. John Gehret, —Included in these who anticipate mak- ing a change, owing to the moving of the highway department offices from Belle- fonte to Clearfield, are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse, ‘who go from an apartment in Miss Jennie Morgan's house; Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll, moving from How- ard street; the Curtiss family, vacating the Philip Beezer house in the spring to move over; J. W. Hogentogler, of Wil- lowbank street; and Paul Fortney, of Bishop street, will commute for the pres- ent. No definite plans as to their moving over will be made until spring. —Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bowersox, of State College, were Bellefonte visitors, last Saturday, having motored down to look after g little business here. They called at this office and we were much chagrined at not being able to invite them in because we were just in the midst of having a new ceiling put on and there was room for no one to sit or stand. —On the Friday before Christmas we heard from our old friend, Calvin Riley, of Boalsburg. His nephew was in town that day and showed us a lot of inter- esting pictures of the Riley Hunting camp. We have forgotten how many deer they had strung up, but there were plen- ty, probably the limit, of fine specimens. The most interesting feature to us, how- ever, was the picture of Calvin standing in the group holding his trusty rifle. Eighty-four years young. he was on the trail every day with the hunters and en- joyed it just as much as the youngest of the party. My, what a fund of hunting stories he must have for those who gath- er around the camp fire at night with him, rt. —Frank P. Blair is back home from a visit with his son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Blair, of Curwensville. —Miss May Toner went east, Sunday night with the excursionists and has been a guest of friends in Philadelphia for the week. —Bruce Homan, of State College went to Philadelphia Sunday night on the ex- cursion expecting to locate there per- manently. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abt have had as a Holiday guest, their son, Joseph Jr., who has been here from Punxsutawney this week. —The John Derstine family moved from the Haupt house on north Thomas street Monday, into the Vincent Bauer property on Bishop street. —Mrs. Amy Prince Potter was in from Pittsburgh during the Holidays, for one of her frequent short visits with her sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas Beaver and her family. —Mrs. J. Will Conley is expected home this week from Atlantic City where she had been with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wallis, for the Christmas holidays. —Henry Curtin son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Curtin, of Pittsburgh, returned home, Wednesday, after a week's visit here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin, of Linn street. —Miss Betty Lockington, who had been home for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockington, of east High street, returned to her work in the schools of Mauch Chunk, on Monday. *—Mr. and Mrs. John Leepard, of Ak- ron, Ohio, former residents, of Bellefonte, with their son, Edmund and his wife of Youngstown, Ohio, were all guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cunningham for a short time during the Holiday week. —-Miss Anne Shaughnessey, who had been home spending her Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shaughnessy on Howard street, left Wednesday to resume her work at St. Agnes hospital, White Plains, N. Y. —Mrs. Frank W. Hess, of Los Angeles, Cal, who has been east since early fall because of the illness of her mother, a resident of Osceola Mills, spent a few days here last week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Schaeffer, of east High street. She returned to Osceola Mills on Tuesday. —Miss Hazel Hurley, a graduate nurse of the Fifth Avenue hospital, New York city, left last week to accept a position in the St. Agnes hospital, of White Plains, N. XY. Miss Hurley had beeu home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, of Howard street, for several months resting before locating permanently. —Samuel M. Hess with Mrs. Hess and their children, were . among the recent motor visitors to Bellefonte, having come over to finish their shopping for the year. Mr. Hess is one of the most enthusiastic and successful hunters in the western part of the county, but his luck failed him this season, as he did not make his usual kill. —Dr. William 8S. Glenn and his wife, Dr. Nannie Glenn, of State College, left Wednesday morning on their annual win- ter visit to West Palm Beach, Florida, expecting to remain there until April, as has been their custom for a number of years. The party the Glenn's accom- panied to Florida, included Mrs. James Holmes, Andrew Struble and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Diehl, of State College, and Miss Mary Struble and her brother, How- ard, of Zion. State Highway Offices Are Partially Moved to Clearfield. While it has been known for some weeks that Bellefonte would lose the State highway offices the real loss in people and prestige was more fully realized when ghe force began to move last week. Three big moving van loads of furniture and equipment were sent over to Clearfield, the new headquarters, on Friday and Satur- day, and that included the material from the drafting department only. The office force and furniture are still in Bellefonte and will not be moved until the last of this week or beginning of next, because the office space over there is not yet in shape. In Clearfield the highway head- quarters will be in the knitting mill building, occupying both the second and third floors. The drafting de- partment has already been put in shape on the third floor but the paint- ers are still at work on the office rooms on the second floor, which has held up the removal of the office force. The building is not as conven- iently located as were the offices in Bellefonte. It is on the opposite side of the river from the town and will mean a walk of from one-half to three-quarters of a mile for all the employees. ; In Society. Miss Anna McCoy entertained with a tea Saturday afternoon from three until five, at the Frank McCoy home on west Linn street. Miss Mec- Coy’s aids were Miss Grace McCurdy, Miss Mary H. Linn, Miss Margaret A. Stewart and Miss Katherine Al- lison. Mr. and Mrs. Hassel Montgom- ery were among those who celebrated New Year’s day with friends, a party of whom were their guests at the Nit- tany country club. . The young school set were guests of Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz, at a dance given Wednesday night of last week, at the Brockerhoff house, for her two children, Lois and Frederic. A surprise farewell party was giv- en Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hogentogler, Thursday evening of last week, at their home on Willowbank street, in anticipation of the probable change they might make by moving to Clear- field. Cards were the entertainment of the evening. Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by O. X. Wagner & Co. Wheat RED) - - i Rye - - =. « «a ‘''«83.600 Corn - - - - - 1.00 Oate - wn owlitie wie de Hei ey miele wel eS Buckwheat . - - - - SO