, distinguished Address by Judge Fleming on Occasion of His Elevation to the Bench. It is a most difficult task for one to .explain the conflicting emotions ex- perienced on an occasion such as this. When we departed from this, our na- tive town, a quarter of a century ago to seek preparation for Life's battles -in the schools of higher learning and experience, there was but little thought in our minds that this day would ar- rive as it has done. When we sever- .ed the home ties that bound us to those beloved parents, whose kindly admonitions and wise directions have Smoothed Life's pathway for us, there was no thought that again we should «come to be near them and be privileg- ed to have daily contact with them. ‘When we anchored the Ship of our «career in the fair city beyond the mountains—that city of friendly ser- vice—whose citizens are so well repre- sented here today, and came to know and love these people with a spirit of deepest appreciation of their honesty .and integrity and true friendship, we failed to consider the possibility that Fate, might, some day, cause us to .cease the pleasant and friendly asso- ciation, which has so fully lightened our life for almost two decades. And so—these feelings of surprise, of joy, of regret—all of them—mingled with the sense of responsibility which is today most firmly impressed upon our mind, make this a time when emo- tions well up in our hearts stronger than ever before and cause us to struggle in our effort to reconcile them to this day and hour. \ honor which has been bestowed upon us today and here wish to publicly thank the good people of Centre Coun- ty for having given us the privilege of serving them in this high station. The .appreciation of this honor is more frmly impressed upon mus when we consider those of our predecessors whom it has been our pleasure and privilege to know and to have served. “We recall with deep appreciation the .efficient eleven years of service of the Honorable Ellis L. Orvis, under whose administration we came to the Bar .and whose words and deeds of kind- ness and encouragement made the .earlier years of our professional career brighter, better and more productive. Our mind and heart is still filled to overflowing, and will ever be so filled, «with the loving memory of that Big Brother of Mankind, whose sudden -and- untimely passing in November 1924 saddened the hearts of all and left a broken rung in the ladder of good will and understanding, which he was so rapidly and efficiently erect- ing everywhere throughout the land. “The memory of the late Honorable ‘Henry C. Quigley will never be for- gotten. We recall the administration ©of that young jurist, the Honorable Arthur C. Dade, who was so suddenly - called to succeed our beloved Judge . Quigley, and who so admirably, im- partially and so well served as Judge of our Courts for a brief space of time. And as we cast our thoughts down the calendar of the years, we «come to the nearness of the immediate past. We are still sad and sorrowful over our true friend, the Honorable Harry Keller. We knew and appre- .ciated’ his genuine worth. It seems hardly possible that less than twelve months ago this Bench was graced by that disciple of honesty, purity and integrity and that now for a period of months last past he has been enjoy- “dng that reward which comes only to those who live the life that was lived by Judge Harry Keller. And finally, today, our thoughts are closely upon the career of our immediate predeces- Sor—the distinguished jurist son of a jurist—the Honorable James C. Furst. It has been our good fortune to have known him happily and well and to have experienced his friendship since boyhood. In taking over from his hands today this post o> © ‘honor and responsibility we are again deeply, impressed with the honor you have: given us. As has many times been our declaration, the only regret . attendant upon the receiving of this honor lies in the fact that the taking + of it is depriving him of further ser- vice and we are sorry that the post . cannot, be shared by us equally and together. With such thought an im- :possibility, we shall nevertheless, more ‘fully appreciate the honor received to- «day in the thought that he was our «cqmpetent and respected predecessor. All of these illustrious men who have preceded us have served so efficiently and with such distinction as to make the gift of the people, today received by us, doubly appreciated by reason of our being permitted to be included among them. But in addition to our deep appre- «ciation of the honor, so thoroughly im- pressed by the lives and deeds of our distinguished predecessors, comes the necessity of our acceptance of the Brave responsibilities which are now upon us. The thought that vou. the good people of Centre County, have seen fit to entrust us with these grave responsibilities, again augments and deepens our appreciation of the honor «conferred. We fully realize that you have consented to place in our hands, to a large extent, the settlement and adjustment of your wrongs—both pub- lic and private—and that for the next decade, should it please God to so long spare our life, you will rightfully look to us to provide justice amng you. And we should be entirely unfitted to re- «ceive this great honor did we not ap- jpreciate what the proper administra- tion of Justice means among you and assume unreservedly the responsibili- ties of the office. We have just sworn to support and obey the Constitution and laws of the United States and or the Commonwealth in which we have always and do now continue to reside. Permit us to say that the meaning of that oath is well understood by us and that in adjusting and settling your public wrongs we shall always en- -.deavor to keep in mind the sanctity .0f the home, the illustriousness of the ..Soverign State, and the indestructibil- ity of our Federal Constitution. We fully comprehend that in us will rest . to a great extent the future of juvenile «. offenders and it shall be ever our aim . to mould environment and opinion as «to successfully reclaim and convert into good and useful citizens those «who, through the tenderness of youth .and the fraility of human nature have temporarily strayed from the paths of virtue and uprightness. We are im- pressed with the knowledge that pri- vate wrongs are many and will con- tinue until thorough good will and {understanding is established among Jnep. Let us, here, at the beginning of a New Year, resolve that. it will ever be our aim to impartially, fear- lessly and conscientiously guide the great machinery of Justice so as to ac. cord to every citizen, his or her full- . est rights and remedies, regardless of race, religion, political creed or other form of bias whatsoever. * We deeply feel the responsibility that is now ours and if we fail, in any respect, to abide by our determina- tions, may you know that our erring 1s of the head and not of the heart. But today, we have assumed a posi- tion in our professional life that may not be fully appreciated by the aver- age citizen. We have become one of that great combination, which guides the well being of society, known as the Bench and the Bar. The Bench among us is but a human, capable of error and possessing no qualities superior to that excellent group of men known as the Bar. We are but one from among them, chosen to as- sume the graver responsibilities and selected to guide the wheels of Jus- tice as is provided by our Constitu- tion. To this date we have with the greatest pleasure and sincerest appre- ciation been privileged tc be one of the most estimable Bar of Centre County. We know all of its members. We respect all of them most profound- ly and shall ever continue so to do. We have found them honest, fair, courteous, just and efficient and we, therefore, have no fear that any of these qualities will be found wanting now that the happenings of this hour have changed but slightly our re- lationship among them. We know that the Bar of this county will be considerate in the thought that we are but human and can err. We are as- sured that the attitude of the Bar toward the Court will ever be honest and courteous and it is our pleasure to pledge a similar attitude on the part of the Court at all times. This rostrum raises us but a few feet from We must desply: appreciate. the} the advocates who plead within this Court. The variance in feet and inches is indicative of that soverign respect intended by the founders of our Government to be given to the judicial branch thereof; but let us here state—fully confident that proper respect and consideration will at all times be accorded this Court as has been shown in the past—that we still are and shall ever continue to be one among you. We aim to be approach- able. We covet your confidences. We seek to be considerate and we shall ever strive to remember those happy days when we appeared upon the other side of this desk and appreciate the kindnesses and courtesies which were always extended by our pre- decessors. We have no innovations of practice or procedure to initiate. We feel that our Courts have been well and effi- ciently conducted and we shall weigh well any changes as they may come to mind. We sincerely believe in pro- gressing with the day and hour and to this end every member of the Bar 4s invited to suggest, at any time, any- thing which will expedite the business of the Court, conserve the resources of the County, or elevate the standards of the profession. We shall expect to have and receive the outward expressions of respect for the Court when in session. We propose to confer with the officers of the Court to this end within a brief per- iod. Should we, at any time, appear to be of a stern or severe state of mind and exhibit a disposition foreign to that customarily shown, it will be understood that we are seeking noth- ing for ourselves as an individual person but that we are striving to keep, at all times, that dispatch of business, system and orderly respect] for the dignity of these illustrious halls, which is so necessary for the preservation of the rights of all. We are proud to be associated with this efficient group of county officials who are today sharing the pleasure of this occasion with us. We have the utmost confidence in the fidelity and competency of each and every of them and shall strive to co-operate with them at all times to the end that the people of the county shall be well and properly served. We are deeply appreciative of these lovely floral tributes. May their frag- rance and their beauty ever inspire us to the thought that among the storms of life and the perplexities of human existence will ever be found the better things. We are wholly pleased to greet this large assemblage. The mem- ory of yoru presence here today will never be effaced. We appreciate the many kind expressions of good will and encouragement received both from within and without the county. We especially appreciate the kind felicita- tions given by our immedate predeces- sorJudge James C. Furst and we thank him for them. We want him to be, assured of the friendship of the Court and wish him and all that are near and dear to him long life and prosper- ity. We feel most highly honored in being privileged to have inductéd into office by Justice Xephart of the Supreme Court. Pennsylvania has long since come to regard him as one of its most able jurists and as a statesman of honor and ability. We thank him for his presence here and hope that the contacts between this Court and the Justice may officially be few in num- ber but that in every other respect as innumerable as the sands of the sea and we trust that he will see fit to further honor us with his presence at any time it may be possible for him to come among us. And now, in conclusion, we most thankfully accept the honor and re- sponsibility that today is ours. We receive the honor with pleasure and ‘with thanks. We accept the responsi- bilities with a deep realization of their import—and may everyone here anda all who dwell within this great land of ours experience a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year and may the Almighty God ever guide our official acts and words to the end that His will, not ours, be done. Wires Like Spider Webs Overhead telephone wires are not strung along the streets or alleys in Brussels, but from steel towers taller than the highest housetops, located at regular points, from which the wires radiate out and down in all di- rections like great spider webs. The system covers the city without rela- tionship to the street and alley pian. It is possible in Brussels where it would not be in the United States, be- cause zoning limits the height of build- ings. Some Benefit From War The Influence of war upon the prog- ress of a country is great in the na- ture of a stimulus to scientific re- search. The World war led to a number of inventions not only in ob- Jects of warfare but in industrial pursuits. There were many new de- veiopments In medicine and in hy- giene. In Germany much of the re- " search was directed to the production of substitutes for articles that could not be imported. VOLCANOLOGIST TO STUDY IN ALEUTIANS Dr. T. A. Jaggar Tells of His Previous Visit. Washington.—Nature’s battlefront of 45 active volcanoes strewn along an arc running through the Alaskan pen- insula and the Aleutian islands will be exposed to the attack of science, if plans made by Dr. T. A. Jaggar, dis- tinguished volcanologist, are realized. Doctor Jaggar, who is director of the Hawaiian volcano observatory, spent the summer in geological recon- naissance work along the outer Alas- kan peninsula and the Aleutians, and recently reported his observations and conclusions to the Department of the Interior. To Solve Volcanic Problem. “My dominant thought in going to Alaska,” he told the United Press, “was to consider methods for solving the problem of the great volcanic are and for ascertaining what it means in the economy of nature. “I believe that a permanent station should be established at Unalaska for the study of volcanic action, earth- quakes, magnetism, and other terres trial problems,” In the course of his reconnaissance trip Doctor Jaggar observed economic conditions of the Aleutian region. He visited Nushagak, chief center of the Alaska canning industry and head- quarters for the salmon fisheries fleet. He was impressed by the need for thoroughly mapping and charting the areas which he visited. Many Bays Not Yet Surveyed. “Many of the present maps are nased on old Russian charts,” he said. “One hundred and sixty bays west of Unimak, on the Pacific side, have not yet been surveyed.” Nothwithstanding his plans for Alas ka, Doctor Jaggar strongly emphasized that the center of his affections, as well as of his work in connection with volcanoes, would continue to be Ha- wail. “I have been in Hawaii 16 years, «nd shall be content to remain there the rest of my life,” he said. “The volcano Kilauea and its fa. nous firepit of Kalemaumauy, spouting fire in July and showing signs of early renewal of activity, will always be a strong attraction for visitors.” Doctor Jaggar indicated that the center of volcanological studies of the geological survey, whether at Mount Lassen, California; in’ Alaska, or in Hawaii, would continue to be at the Hawaii volcano observatory. industries Now Seek to Keep Workers Well Cincinnati.—The entire industrial world is beginning to. appreciate: the dollars and cents value of keeping em- ployees well, according to Dr. John A Turner of this city. : Speaking before the American Pub. lic Health association meeting here. Doctor Turner declared that the rec- ords of the industrial plant in which Le has been medical director for sev- eral yearss showed that there was n 50 per cent reduction in the time lost en account of injuries ang approx- imately a 50 per cent reduction in ab- senteeism on account of sickness as a result of a preventive medicine pro- gram, “Industry is a fertile field for the practice of preventive medicine,” said Doctor Turner. “The. industrial plant is like a laboratory where the indus- trial physician has a definite group of persons that can be kept under constant supervision for at least eight liours a day. During this period he also is in a position to advise in the conditions under which men work,” Production Speeded Up by Better Organization New York.—Mechanization and im- proved organization have so im- proved productivity of the manufac- turing industry in the United States since the beginning of the century that an average of 67 workers in 1925 produced as much as 100 men turned out in 1899, despite the shorter hours now prevailing, according to a study of productive efficiency made by the national industrial conference board. if the productivity of industry «iirough mechanization should continue to increase in the same manner and at the same rate for the next 23 years, it would at the end of that time re- quire but 45 men to produce what now requires a force of nearly 70, and which a little more than 25 years ago necessitated the employment of 100 men. Such calculation, however spee- ulative it may be, does not overdraw the striking advances constantly being made in the way of mechanization and more efficient co-ordination of effort in manufacturing processes, Cloth for Women’s Garb Communistic Propaganda Harbin.—The Russian woman who nad a summer dress made from a piece of pink patterned calico which she purchased in some shop at Har- bin was hardly aware that she was in- fringing the recent orders of the Chinese authorities against com- munistic propaganda, But when later on the pattern formed of -virious sized letters of the Russian alphabet was attentively ex- amined, it was discovered that they formed the legend: ‘“Proletarians of the World—Unite!” This calico formed part of a ship ment of soviet cotton goods which re cently reached Harbin, Left Lasting Records on Bricks and Stones Clay tablets, bricks and tables of stone formed the writing paper for those who made the first written records. Despite such crude equip- ment, the Assyrians and Babylonians possessed astonishing Ibraries. The library of Sargon at Agade contained thousands of volumes, including works on astronomy and astrology and many books of fables. The char- acters were impressed with a metal stylus on soft clay tablets, which were then baked in the sun or in a kiln. The prophecies of the Sibyl were written on leaves. Several copies of the Bible were written on palm leaves, and some may still be seen in museums. It is from this that the term “leaf” as applied to a sheet in a volume, is derived. In the Book of Job mention is made of writing on stone and on sheets of lead. The law of Moses was written on stone. Hesiod’s works were written on lead- en tablets and then rolled up like a cylinder. When the Greeks were merely shepherds, they put down their songs with thorns and awls on leather. Bronze tablets were used for their laws and more important records.—T. P.’S Weekly. “Angling” With Volts Is New German Idea fhe “compleat angler” that Izaak Walton once had reference to is no longer adjudged complete unless he carries the new third-rail tackle in his basket, according to a German inven- tor who proposes electrocution of ma- rine vertebrates instead of netting or hooking them. Under his plan a mild electric current would be passed through a brook, and early fish who cawe looking for worms would find volts instead. Shocked into uncon- sciousness all fish, large and small, that came in direct contact with the current, would rise to the surface and there the fisherman could sort out the sizeable ones at his leisure, permit- ting the little fellows to revive and swim away. Fish hatcheries and game wardens, however, do not view the new inven- tion with a credulous or condoning eye, arguing that even the most hardy of the fish, which were permitted to escape, would have their dispositions ruined by frequent electrocution and the process would be fatal to the del- icate nervous system of infant trout. fedefedeodededeododode forded dodo foe First-Class Jap Wedding Costs $35 Tokyo.—It costs the equiv- 3 alent of $35 gold to be married 2 in first-class style in any of the * , larger Shinto shrines in Tokyo, 3 -accerding to a scale of charges. just made public, 3 The $35 ceremony includes the attendance of high priests, 3 a clerical orchestra with flutes, * cymbals and pipes like those 3 ‘used by Pan, and all possible » trimmings. Second-class wed- ¥ dings cost $25, and so on down 3 to weddings classed as “pine,” & “bamboo” and “plum,” the plum & style pecessitating a shrine fee of $7.50. 3 In Tokyo, as elsewhere, it is 3 . Fa not the initial cost but the up- keep that counts, and the groom of a first-class wedding may spend thousands of dollars upon % the wedding reception and din- % ner and more thousands upon & the gifts to guests. 3 SR def fe ode de Be SB Be ——t a - THOSE B DBD Rl Dl delete ert — Eye Hops and Skips Along Printed Page When the eye runs along a line of print in a book, it does not travel Smoothly from left to right of the page, but jumps from time to time. taking in a whole word or, perhaps, a few words at a time, and then Jumping on to a fresh group, says My Magazine. If the eyeball Is Illuminated with a ray of light, which it reflects back again on to a moving photographie Dlate, the photograph will show ex actly, in the form of a number of lit- tle stripes, or bands, what movements the eye has made. These photographs, made with a special instrument used at the psy- chology laboratories at Stanford uni- versity, have enabled those studying the languages to make a very fasci- nating discovery. This is, that the eye finds it much more comfortable to read from the bottom of the page to the top than from the left to the right, and so we find that the ane clent Chinese, some of the earliest people t» Invent writing, had the wone derful sense to adopt the most suite able style of writing. f - they started at the bottom of the page and wrote upwards. : Another Interesting discovery from the study of these photographs is that the eye never bothers to begin rend ing a line of print from the very bes ginning, nor does it ever travel right to the end. It focuses itself on the second or third word of a new line, and takes in a little picture of the meaning, and then skips on to the next stopping place. Cabin of Naturalist Far From the Crowd John Burroughs, the poet-philoso- pher, some time in the 80's built a study of bark—a kind of pavilion— in his yard at Riverby, his home on a terrace that overlooked the Hudson river, selecting a point where he could sit at a desk and overlook the valley. There he did much of his reading and writing. He kept his books there. From year to year the number of those who recognized the power and beauty of his work Increased, and as his fame spread, his visitors becama more numerous. To be still farther removed from the interruptions of his vineyard and his household, he built with his own hands a cabin in the hills about two miles west of Riverby, and there he did some of his writing, entertaining now and again some dis. tinguished Invited guest. He did his own cooking and built his own fires in a chimney constructed with his own hands. He called this place Slabsides, Theodore Roosevelt was among the prominent men who visited him there, —Hamlin Garland in the Dearborn Independent. P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market 34-34 ee ——8 5,000,000 Emigrated Italians Live in United States. Latest statistics here show that there are 9,119,593 expatriated Ital- ians living in different parts of the world. The figure is probably even greater than this, as the consular re- turns from some countries are con- fessedly incomplete, The greatest number of emigrated Italians live in the American conti- nent. Between North and South and Central America, 7,674,583 Italians are accounted for. The United States alone has more than 5,000,000 of them, while there are 150,000 in Canada, 7,000 in Mex- ico, 87,000 in Costa Rica, 800,000 in of a family finally has been settled Brazil, 1,600,000 in the Argentine and 21,500 in Chile. In Europe, ther are 1,267,841 ex- iled Italians, more than half of whom are living in France. In Africa, there are 189,100 Italians, while Australia has 27,000 living under its flag. ———————p———————————— Uncle Sam Gives His Definition of “Head of Family.” The question as to who is the head by the Internal Revenue Bureau in- come tax regulations. Regardless of who thinks they are boss of the household, the bureau says, the head of a family is “an individual who ac- ‘| tually supports and maintains in one household one or more individuals who are closely connected with him by blood relationship, relationship by marriage or by adoption, and whose right to exercise family control and provide for these dependent individ- uals is based upon some moral or legal obligation.” The bureau found it necessary to make such a ruling, as numerous many-headed families had been re- corded on income tax returns. FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate 20% 71286m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent m—— men Fire Insurance Does yours represent the value of your property five years ago or today ? We shall be glad to help you make sure that your protection is adequate to your risks. : If a check-up on your property val- ues indicates that you are only par- tially insured—let us bring your pro- tection up to date. Hugh M. Quigley Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa. ALL FORMS OF Dependable Insurance 71-33-tf WHO IS YOUR BUTCHER? Your guests will want to ask this question when they have once tast- ed our delicious lamb; and you may be sure that steaks, veal, roasts and other items from our establish- ment are just as good and tender. Telephone 450 Market on the Diamond Bellefonte, Penna. ne LTR S00 0 HT SP. Shoe Shoppers Should you be in need of shoes for now or the near future, we urge you to take advantage of our Special January Reduction Prices Fine Footwear at, Lowest, Prices \ Bush Arcade Beiiefonte, Pa.