Bellefonte, Pa., January 6, 1928 Your Health, The First Concern. PROTECT THE BABY’S EYES. “Blindness is a terrible affliction. If one is prone to doubt this state- ‘ment, that doubt will be entirely re- moved by closing the eyes and then starting to go somewhere,” said Dr. Theodore B. Appel, secretary of health, today. “Vocational training and the habitual optimism of the blind can in no wise diminish the tragedy of the utter darkness to which many thousands of men, women .and children have been consigned. “The great war has sent back to ‘all the belligerent nations large num- bers of men who will never see again — their vision laid on the altar of de- votion to their country. But there is no such excuse for the picture to be seen at any institution for blind children. They were not in the war. Many of them arrived even after the armistice. That by far the greater number of these youngsters literally have been robbed of their sight in- creases the pathos of the situation. “Germs that destroy the sight of the new-born cause a big proportion of child blindness today. And these germs are promptly destroyed when properly attacked with a nitrate of silver solution. «Under a regulation of the health . department all new-born babies must receive a preventive treatment. The regulation reads: J § ¢ shall be the duty . of physicians and midwives attending women in confinement to instill in .each eye of the new-born child, as .soon as practicable after birth a one per cent silver nitrate solution, or _other approved agent of like charac- ter, for the purpose of preventing the .disease known as ophthalmia neona- “torum.’ ; “Parents owe their children all the safeguards that modern science” can afford. When it comes to the eyes .of the new-born, this is not only a moral obligation but also a legal one. No one has any right to take any .chances by disregarding it. It is a matter of compulsory routine. Be- .cause, contrary to popular opinion, there are several types of bacteria which cause discharging eyes and con- sequent blindness. All babies, there- fore, of whatever station or condi- tion must receive this preventive treatment. ; “The duty of administering the -greatment is placed upon the doctor or the midwife, but parents should check up on-this perfectly harmless and vital procedure. : ‘Keeping babies well by taking +hem to “well baby centres” is laud- able. To surround them with the common safgeuards of vaccination and toxin-antitoxin is also most wise. And while these things, and more, are necessary if proper protection is to be raised against the onslaughts of disease, the first preventive measure “is to protect the eyes of the baby against the possibility of ophthalmia neonatorum. «Someone has said that a baby’s eyes are the most beautiful things in the world. On the other hand, just remember that a baby’s eyes that are “blind is one of the saddest of all sad things. Protect them!” CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. «Pleasant to take’ is a slogan used by publicity agents for patent medi- vine advertisements and by quack .dentists for the gas administra- “tions,” said Dr. Theodore B. Appel, secretary of health, recently. “But that alluring suggestion in no sense adds to the efficacy of the bottled remedies or to the tooth-pulling abil- ities of unethical dentists. «Pleasant to take’ can with even - greater emphasis be applied to that invisible, odorless and tasteless pro- duct which is now almost daily tak- ing victims in Pennsylvania. But this fact is indeed a weak argument In favor of that crafty and murderous criminal known as carbon monoxide. “Germs, deadly though they may “be, are amateurs when compared to “this lethal gas. When invading the ‘system, germs give the victim a «chance. Their work is comparatively slow and the physician can more “frequently than otherwise wage a :successful fight against them. Not so, «carbon monoxide. It doesn’t work ‘that way. It knocks you down. And that usually is the end of it. . “The pathetic feature of the situa- tion is that not one death in Penn- sylvania should occur from carbon monoxide poisoning. Loss of life and even illness from this vicious poison -are entirely and easily preventable. It is but necessary to supplant in- . difference with care to achieve this happy result. Like other cowards carbon monoxide will not put up . even a weak defense if confronted with the slightest bit of opposition. " However, receiving none, it kills, and “kills quickly. : : “The running automobile engine in a closed garage is a perfect situa- tion for carbon monoxide. It asks nothing else. Issuing from the ex- haust pipe it painlessly and unknow- ingly slays. “Tn this season of the year hun- . dreds of thousands of gas heaters are . also in use. These appliances, like automobiles, are perfectly harmless and entirely safe when properly handled. The point to be emphasized in this connection, however, is that a prolonged use of gas through appli- ances that have been improperly con- nected or do not conform to the standards recommended, by manu- facturers and gas companies are likely to produce a dangerous con- dition in unventilated, small rooms. It follows that reasonable care must be exercised with these heating ap- pliances; indeed with any heating appliance, whether gas or otherwise. “Here are the rules to fight carbon monoxide successfully: “1. Never start your in a closed garage. “2, Never tinker with an automo- bile with the engine running. “3, Have the local gas companies check up on your appliances before putting them into service. “4, In using gas or other heaters fresh air is always desirable and frequently necessary. Therefore, open windows slightly, even in very cold weather.” automobile Careless Mailing. One million dollars is the annual loss sustained by the business people of this country through careless mail- ing methods. Their greatest mistake is the use of back-number mailing lists or their neglect to keep their mailing lists up to date. The records of the postoffice show that during the past year 12,688,567 pieces of first- class mail matter were necessarily disposed of as waste paper, figured at five cents each to cover the print- ing, postage and other costs, this amounts to the sum of $635,428.85. This represents only 50 per cent of the dead letters handled by the de- partment. No record of the third- class postage is kept and this repre- sents a very large amount-which nev- er even gets to the dead letter office for it is destroyed by the various postmasters into whose hands it falls. This great loss could be very largely avoided by an occasional revision of the mailing list made use of and by the use of return cards printed upon the envelopes. Many business con- cerns sending out advertising mate- rial have an objection to placing their cards on the envelope arguing that it betrays the character of the contents and is not read, but the postal author- ities say that this is an error, for practically all sealed mail matter is opened and examined. The advan- tages of making use of the card far outweigh the disadvantages. The postoffice authorities are about to start on a campaign to cut down the volume of undelivered matter. Murders Grow, Suicides Decline. Murder is becoming more and more common in Pennsylvania, while sui- cide is on the decrease, records in the offices of the State department of health here show. During the first six months of last year there were 243 deaths in the State classed as homicide; in the same period of 1926 there were 236 murders, while in 1925, during the aw half of the year, there were only 1. Last year the first six months saw 532 suicides compared to 551 in the same period last year. Deaths due to alcoholism also have been on the increase during the three- year period, the records revealed. In the first six months of the year there were 297 deaths, compared to 189 in 1926 and 203 in 1925. A heavy increase in automobile fa- talities also is shown. Last year there were 784 deaths in the first half, com- pared to 651 in 1926 and 606 in 1925. Vanity Not Fault of North Carolina Man When John Cerrachi, an Italian sculptor, wrote to Hugh Williamson. one of North Carolina’s notables, in the early days of America, requesting him te sit for his bust, “not on ac- count of getting Mr. Williamson's in- fluence in favor of the Naticnal mon- ument; this is a subject too worthy to be recognized; but merely on ac- count of his distinguished character, that will produce honor to the artist,” Williamson replied: “Mr. Hugh Williamson is obliged to Mr. Cerrachi for the honor intended him, and could not possibly suppose that Mr. Cerrachi had offered such a compliment by way of a bribe, for a man in his public station who could accept a bribe or betray a trust | ought never to have his likeness made | ufacturers now merely except from a block of wood. “Mr. Williamson in the meantime, cannot. avail himself of Mr, Cerrachi’s services, as he believes that posterity will not be solicitous to know what were the features of his face.”—Kan- sas City Star, Lincoln Myth Exploded The position of the hands of a jew- eler’s clock sign is one which has been selected for the reason that it fur- nishes the greatest facility to meet the requirement for painting the long- er name above the hands and the shorter word below. The minute hand has been varied in position from 7 te 925 minutes after 8. Sometimes the longer name requires to be written in a semicircle above the hands. There have been stories connected with the death of Lincoln that the position of the hands is commemorative of the hour of the death, but this story can be shown to be false from the simple fact that the hour of the death of Lincoln was not at 8:22 o’clock. Fur- ther, the use of this position of the hands of the clock is believed to have preceded Lincoln's death, “Fossil Raindrops” In slabs of Triassic rock little de- pressions are often seen that have been called “fossil raindrops,” the idea being that they were formed by show- ers on muddy sea beaches, and pre- served by being covered with a layer of mud at the next high tide. But lately it has been suggested, in view of observations on a flood plain in the Dorn valley, that the supposed impressions of rain drops may really be due to pittings formed by bubbles in a film of mud at the bottom of shal- low water. There have been watched the formation of many pittings, and it has been found that after the mud has dried they exactly resemble “fos- sil raindrops.” FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. “Pie and hash are what you make them.” . Parisian flappers, having no oth- er need for hips, occasionally carry their flowers there. Some of the most recent evening dresses from au- thoritative houses have bouquets or roses caught at the hip, or in the folds of silk which form a bustle, or bow at the back. This back arrange- ment usually heralds a rudimentary train. The side arrangement of flow- ers is most commonly seen in rich velvets or stiff taffetas. The cardigan sweater has gradu- ated. It is now a coat. More than one house is making spring coats ex- actly like cardigans, elongated to dress length, fashioned of fine wool- ens, and lined with finely-printed silks to accompany matching silk dresses. The actual line of the cardigan re- mains unchanged. It is like the plain, collarless sweater which for the last few seasons has been made of jer- seys, silks and other fabrics to match the dress with which it is worn. The plain band which takes the place of the collar extends to the hem of the coat, and is sometimes with- out buttons or buttonholes. The shoulder flower, which seemed doomed, is again an important fash- ion. It is a new type of flower—not so much a decoration as a part of the design of the costume. Many times it is made of the fab- ric of the dress. Drooping chrysan- themums, worn at the tip of the shoulder, are new. There are also flowers of shining, transparent stuff, like those on dresses of Louisebou- langer, duplicating the colors of the printed chiffon. Blossoms of black patent leather, worn on the lapel of a tailored coat and matched by a flower on the hat, and a black patent leather belt on the dress beneath, are the latest. In a season of black, Paris is com- bining color in a subtle way of tinge- ing beige and gray with suggestions of greens and blues, by darkening deep reds until they are very near brown. Each designer is launching certain colors which he claims are his own, dyed according to his direction. Beiges particularly are adroitly colored. Some have a very slight touch of rose, and others which verge upon the gray tones of putty. Delicately pale gray-greens and creamy yellows are used for wool coats which have immense collars of light fur, such as natural lynx or beige fox. Stylists are now spending much - side, the other side being of rubber- ‘ized crepe de chine. ' the song which tells us to wear our ' silver-lined clouds “inside out.” much ‘or finish it was considered quite a | material with such attractive edges as to suggest and inspire all kinds ! of the newest English, Scotch time and skill on the creating of rainy-day ensembles for ages from tot to matron. We of this genera- tion are expected to present a chic appearance, rain or no rain. Materials that were formerly for fair days only, are now processed to stand the ravages of rain and storm. Rubberized crepe de chine, for in- stance, has entered handsomely into the scheme of things. An exceedingly new coat is a re- versible garment, either of tweed,, plaided silk or novelty woolen on one | ized cre Probably the inspiration for these coats came from At any rate, these new reversible coats are handsome in appearance, at the same time practical and protecting in case of a downpour. Leather, too, takes a smart place in raincoats. Some suedes, too, are waterproof, and are to be seen in many handsome colorings. Snakeskin effects in rubberized fabrics add their modishness to mediums for rainy-day coats and accessories. Selvages which at one time were considered waste are now very often called upon to play quite an import- ant part in the mode. When first some of the great dressmakers al- lowed a selvage to remain as a trim daring and original act. Catching at the idea with great speed, tissue man- say, “Why not?” for they present their rolls of of novel ways of using them. Especially effective are the Selvages an Irish tweeds. Often they are formed by fine colorful stripes, these same colors being later mixed in the more indefinite fashion, characteristic of tweeds. Fireplace furnishings of oxydized metal are most easily kept in order by occasional treatment with furni- ture cream. Lacquered brass must, of course, be kept free from polishes; usually a leather or duster will suffice to keep it in order. If it does get dirty, wash with a little soapy lather, dry and polish with dry whiting. When filling the sitting-room coal scuttle prepare one or two sugar bags, filling them with dampened coal dust or very small coal. A few potato parings and tea leaves will help to bind it. Close the bags securely and they will provide good fuel for an open grate, burning brightly and mak- ing no mess. When washing wool hosiery, put slipper trees inside the stockings while they are still wet, not the solid boot trees with a strip of metal con- necting heel and toe. When dried in this way stockings are worn more comfortably. Enlarging the small room.—Light walls and woodwork. Mirrors placed where the most space is reflected. Avoid the use of too much furniture and too heavy draperies. In a small living-room don’t attempt a center table, but try to arrange the furni- ture artistically around the room with wall tables rather than one in the center. If you use a great deal of cocoa and sometimes are called upon to make it in a hurry, why not make a quart of chocolate syrup and keep it on ice in a bottle? When cocoa is desired. one teaspoon of syrup to a cup of hot milk will make the cocoa in a jiffy. Horizontal. 1—Heavy mist 4—To get the better of 8—To knock 11—Regretted L3—The sun 14—Girl’'s “ame 17—State house 19—A blotch 21—Morning religious service 23—Early race occupying Iranian plateau 25—Anger 27—Cooking vessels 15—A dart 29—Was carried 31—To exist 32—Some 33—Puts teeth into 34—Feline 35—Road (abbr.) 3¢—Is carried along in a vehicle 37—Female horse 33—Small label on a package 39—Deep sea worker 41—ADbility to see 43—Pertaining to the nose 45—To add sugar to 47—Pertaining to the navy 49—Rowing implements 50—To arrest 52—Identical 58—Highways (abbr.) 54—Perfume 55-~Meshed material (©. 1926, Western awspaper Union.) days old it will tilt upwards. If stale, it will stand on end. If very old, it will float. Pour hot water over onions, allow them to remain for a few minutes, then drain and pour cold water over them. The skins can be removed eas- | | —For a New Year's remembrance | to a friend there is nothing better | than the “Watchman. ! CHICHESTER SPILLS Chi.ches-ter 8 Diamond Bran | Pills in Red and Gold metallic i boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. | i Take no other. Buy of your Draggist. Ask for OIL.OIES TER DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, Tor Re known as Best, Safsst, Always Reliable | HOW TO SOLVE A CROS8S-WORD PUZZLE When the correct letters are placed in the white spaces this puzzle will spell words both vertieally and herisomtally. indicated by a number, which reidrs to the definition listed below the pussle. Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines n word which will all the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number under “yertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the next black ome below. Neo letters go in the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words, except proper mames. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and shao- lete forms are indicated im the definitions. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 1. 8 35 Vertical. 1—Brother of a religious order 2—Belonging to us 3—European country 6—Fabled bird 7—To close violently 8—To bind again 9—At a later time 6—Bone 10—Companion 12—Those who act 14—Measure of volume system 16—Method 20—Violent 22—Plece of fire 24—Renowned 26—Automatic ment 28—Conjunction 30—Rosin 33—A corner 36—Storms 87—Small plateaus The first letter in each word is in metrie 13—Hurts registering instru- 31—To prohibit 40—Moving vehicle 41—To hit with 42—Canvas shelter 44—Crippled 46—Distress signal 46—Egg of a louse 48—To permit Solution will appear in mext issme. 34—Desert train : 33-—Rows a bat 81—Father Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle. Tal IL DIRIAWS EfloR ESS EEMEML RAJ E/S/CaP EDD cl 1|GHRS/AP[ 1 DBIE[T ERRSILET s 8/1 INIG/EJSH/A[RIK P|O[E ERR BsiP/uRr/slBRIA[1N FIEEETINAREM TEAS END FL AREMR! IP [THRE VENGEMLIA cl AUTOM EcG/SHlN inUIDIQ[E slo 1]L — The Watchman gives all the SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ' news while it is news. CLE UC — AMM 1924 Ford Coupe (two) 1925 Chevrolet Tourings 1923 Chevrolet Sedan 9124 Ford Sedan sees ses ens a wonderful Holiday present. Open Day Place an egg in a pan of water. If fresh it will lie on its side. If a few te esesesesesee esses sss ssssns ce 1923 Nash Touring ...c....esvnsnessvissie cUeia annie : (two) 1924 Chevrolet Tourings ............. suai ais 1923 Chevrolet Coupe ........seeseteccescese sail sr aateay (two) 1924 Ford Tourings ....... see aisles nate alk ie 1923 Ford Roadster with truck box 1928 International truck ...... cv ieeevuveincartaniares and Night 1926 Ford Roadster ............. Cede ah ages CAR 1925 Ford Coupe, Ruxsteel Axel ...................0. “ 1924 Ford Truck, half-ton .............. cena chitin, 1927 Oldsmobile Sedan “Sport Model” ..............ctt. 1927 Chevrolet Coach—late model ......... esa va bh 1927 Chevrolet Coupe—late model ........ eeleite on . 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, fully equipped ........... aly, . 1926 Chevrolet one-ton truck, with stake body 1927 Chevrolet one-ton truck, with 110-inch body case sesso sess sess es ses sss reset stats stenesssarere 1926 Star Touring «..c..cvsssess BLN RL INC BT 1923 Ford Roadster .....c.c:v:hvseaces ones teiaivils araineh 1924 Durant Touring ...« sinilon 1923 Oldsmobile 8-cylinder Touring .........coeeuninnens Used Car Bargains Values that will sweep you off your feet are found in these cars. Small down payment and menthly terms to suit your in- come. You may think you cannot buy a car, but you can if youn will come in and ask how. At no other time in the year have you a better chance than during the next few weeks. Uc 1927 Pontiac Coach ..... SER ERE Se Thal $490.00 i 1923 Nash Sedan, fully equipped .............cevoe.. .. 450.00 oe 1927 Ford Coupe, driven less than 200 miles............. 400.00 1925 Rickernbacker Touring, 4-wheel brakes ............ 200.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 125.00 525.00 500.00 550.00 425.00 375.00 425.00 210.00 100.00 125.00 — pd ol 8 EE8ASBES 3882388 These cars have been carefully inspected and are guaranteed to be in good running condition. Any one of these cars will make Decker Chevrolet Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. Corner of High and Spring streets. Phone 405 SS ar = = - - eg ra} a. EEE = ERENT | Le SS Raranan Eq ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney-at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’'s Exchange. 51-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at= Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate tention given all legal business en- trusteed to hiis care. Offices—No. 5; East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law, Con- sultation in English and German. Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Belle- fonte, Pa. 53-5 . PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte State College Crider’'s EX. 66-11 Holmes Bldg. S. GLENN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his residence. 35-41 D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered and licensed by the State. J Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced and leases matched. Casebeer Bldg. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-t¢ VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Bellefonte, in the Garbrick building op- posite the Court House, Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Bell Phone 68-40 Feeds We keep a full line of all kinds of feeds at the right prices. Wagners 22% Dairy Feed $50.00 Wagners 32% Dairy Feed $54.00 Made of cotton seed meal, oil meal, glut- en and bram. Wagners Mixed Scratch grains per H $2.50 Wagners Egg Mash, per H......... Wagners Pig Meal, per H.......... 2.80 We handle a full line of Wayne feeds. Wayne 329 Dairy Feed, per tom. ...$58.00 Wayne 249 Dairy Feed, per ton....$54.00 Wayne Horse Feed, per ton........ $52.00 Wayne Poultry Mash, per H....... $ 8.20 Wayne Pig Meal, per H........... $ 2.90 Wayne Calf Meal, per H............ $ 4.25 Cotton Seed Meal, 43%, per ten....$56.00 Oil Meal, 32%, per ton..... canes ...$56.00 Gluten Feed, 23%, per ton.......... $48.00 Alfalfa fine ground, per tom....... $48.00 Winter wheat bran, per ten........$38.00 Winter wheat Middlings, per ton...$44.00 Mixed chop, per ten .........e00eee . $45.00 Meat Meal, 50%, per H........cconn $ 4.25 Digescter Tankage, 60%, per H...... $425 Meat Meal 509% per Ho............. $4.28 Digester tankage 60% ............. 4.23 ‘When you want good bread or pastry Use “Our Best” Flour. We are the exclusive agents for the GOLD COIN FLOUR. A high grade eof Spring wheat. 0. Y. Wagner & 6o., Ing 66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA. “Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces AAAAAAAAI IPSS PINS Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 66-15-tf. Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- {sfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office Employers This Interests You The Workman's Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes insurance compul- sory. We specialize in placing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON. State College Bellefonte,